• 2 days ago
00:00:00General Kilpatrick, when our men move to South Carolina, it will be one of the most horrible campaigns in the history of the world.
00:00:28Not even the devil could contain our men in that state.
00:00:32All right, sir.
00:00:34Then the orders he established before the campaign on the treatment of the...
00:00:40...are no longer in force?
00:00:42If they resist, the city will collapse.
00:00:44The resistance is positively intranscendent at this point. They must realize that.
00:00:50I think you know, sir.
00:00:51When my men go out for food, they usually find empty houses.
00:00:57The women and children go to the forest.
00:00:59And after leaving, they return.
00:01:02You have my permission to burn any unoccupied place you suspect has enemies.
00:01:08Of course I care about the women and children who go to the forest, whose houses are burned for being unoccupied and have nowhere to go.
00:01:15Well, this is a war, sir.
00:01:17And in war, terrible things happen.
00:01:19And if enough terrible things happen, then these people will never do it again, right?
00:01:29I need you to move your troops to Augusta.
00:01:33But I thought we would move to Augusta.
00:01:35We will. The ultimate goal is Columbia. You will be a distraction.
00:01:39At this moment, the most lethal enemy is Wheeler.
00:01:43It's Wheeler. If you manage to keep him away from my left flank, I would appreciate it very much.
00:01:50Well, if we can prevent Wheeler from consolidating all the rebel cavalry elements around Columbia ...
00:01:56The city would be ours.
00:02:00Okay, sir. What do we do?
00:02:03Some old bridges to cross the swamps.
00:02:06The resistance must be lightened.
00:02:11Yes, sir.
00:02:13Let's go.
00:02:24Rio Salcachi, 96 km south of Columbia, South Carolina.
00:02:43Lieutenant McCann, take company A, assault the bridge.
00:02:47Lieutenant Halsey, take company B, cover fire.
00:02:50Yes, sir.
00:02:53Company, weapons on the shoulder.
00:03:00Here they come.
00:03:13Let's go.
00:03:43Cover fire.
00:04:13It won't hold. They're going to cross.
00:04:16They will, Lieutenant.
00:04:18I'll let General Butler know.
00:04:43Weapons on the shoulder.
00:05:07Cover fire.
00:05:13Weapons on the shoulder.
00:05:43Weapons on the shoulder.
00:06:13Weapons on the shoulder.
00:06:24Thank you for receiving me, Mrs. Winberry.
00:06:27I understand that South Carolina still hosts some distrust of the North's institutions.
00:06:33That is not a surprise, given the circumstances.
00:06:36Please understand that this reconstruction parody has left many ...
00:06:40People with an open mind with a not-so-open mind.
00:06:44So, what did you think when you found out that the journalist from Philadelphia Inquirer
00:06:49wanted to make a story of human interest about the effects of the war on their tenth anniversary?
00:06:55My first concern was their intentions.
00:06:59It is very popular to portray the Southerners as if they were stagnant rats that live on seeds and squirrel meat.
00:07:06Well, I've eaten seeds, but I haven't found squirrel meat.
00:07:10Please understand that I did not come to repeat politics or perpetuate stereotypes.
00:07:17With my work, I want to focus on the real thing, on very personal experiences of the war.
00:07:24Stories that resonate with people from all over.
00:07:28Well, that's why I accepted the interview.
00:07:31I expected a journalist to bring a more human perspective.
00:07:35Our citizens really don't want to hear about what has been endured.
00:07:40They will be reading about you in a few months.
00:07:44Now most of the war was in Atlanta.
00:07:48What were the circumstances of your departure?
00:07:51People talk about the Atlanta fire as if it were a singular, catastrophic event.
00:07:56That was just the end.
00:07:58You see, in the fall of 1864 we were surrounded by war.
00:08:02We knew what was coming.
00:08:05Residents went to Mass daily, taking their belongings.
00:08:10Most went south or east.
00:08:13But they were replaced by thousands of wounded soldiers who arrived daily on the trains.
00:08:20I understand you were a nurse for a while.
00:08:23Well, yes.
00:08:25But please understand that every healthy woman was a nurse once.
00:08:29There were never enough doctors or nurses.
00:08:32And there were so many people who urgently needed medical attention.
00:08:37And when did you decide to leave?
00:08:40My house was completely destroyed and there was no one to help me rebuild it.
00:08:45So I became a refugee.
00:08:48My goal was to finally get to Fayetteville.
00:08:51And hopefully find someone from my family there.
00:08:54Did you get to Fayetteville?
00:08:56Well, yes, but indirectly.
00:08:59I was told it was safer for a woman who traveled alone to go further south.
00:09:04But it wasn't.
00:09:06I arrived in South Carolina and I was approached by road robbers.
00:09:10The hero of that nightmare was a captain of the cavalry named Blake Winbury.
00:09:15He fled to the men and made sure he got to Columbia safe and sound.
00:09:20Very gallant.
00:09:22He rescued a damsel in distress.
00:09:24Sounds like a good bet.
00:09:27Yes, it was.
00:09:30He asked me to marry him two days later.
00:09:34So suddenly?
00:09:36I had just ended a relationship that wasn't good for him.
00:09:40And I felt attracted to him immediately.
00:09:43It was charming, really.
00:09:45A romance in the middle of the war.
00:09:50That's right, in a couple of days.
00:09:52So soon?
00:09:54Only before my troops move to the state.
00:09:57This is sudden, unheard of.
00:10:00Hardly appropriate. People will talk.
00:10:04In other circumstances, we would have had a relationship, but...
00:10:09A commitment, all the subtleties.
00:10:12But we didn't have time for that.
00:10:14He wanted to cling to his happiness while he could.
00:10:17Indeed, it was magical for 24 hours.
00:10:21And then Blake had to return to the battlefield.
00:10:24And then the city of Columbia, South Carolina, fell to the Yankees.
00:10:30Columbia, South Carolina, ten years after the war.
00:10:35And when did you open the restaurant, Mr. Lyfod?
00:10:38About a year ago, just after returning to Columbia.
00:10:41Has it gone well?
00:10:43So-so. These things take a little time to build, you know.
00:10:47And why something like this?
00:10:49I think it's something I always wanted to do.
00:10:51Did you have a business when you were in Kansas?
00:10:52No, I never thought of the time or the place.
00:10:55So what did you do exactly there?
00:10:58Well, we could say it was security.
00:11:00Well, we could say it was security.
00:11:04Well, I was a paid gunman when I left Columbia.
00:11:07I was a wanted man. I had to work in whatever I found.
00:11:10Wanted by whom?
00:11:12When I left Texas, before the war, I was a wanted man.
00:11:16Those kinds of things don't disappear just because there's a war.
00:11:18And then, because of the American government, because I was a spy.
00:11:22And were you a spy?
00:11:24Well, I was an explorer.
00:11:26Sometimes, as an explorer, you use the enemy uniform to get information.
00:11:30So yes, I was a spy.
00:11:32Now you can talk about all that.
00:11:34You were very lucky to start those amnesty programs.
00:11:38It's too late for me here, but I guess that's life.
00:11:41Too late for what?
00:11:43Aren't they asking for a reward for you anymore?
00:11:45Well, it was too late to find Lexie.
00:11:49I'd like to know more about Lexie.
00:11:51How did you meet her?
00:11:57She was the sister of a captain of my unit, Blake Winbury.
00:12:00He was a good friend, a good soldier, but...
00:12:02Please, Mrs. Wakefield, can we talk about something else?
00:12:05I understand.
00:12:07Let's go back to the war itself.
00:12:11What are your most vivid memories of the last battles at the end of the war?
00:12:15I remember the swamps just before Colombia fell.
00:12:18When you think of swamps, you think of heat and humidity.
00:12:22Not that year.
00:12:24It was cold that year.
00:12:26I remember that sometimes in the morning I rode through the federal fields.
00:12:29There were men falling.
00:12:32They climbed the trees to get away from the cold water.
00:12:36The hypothermia caught them and the poor who survived...
00:12:41They had to go directly to the battle.
00:12:44This was the Bridge of Brookstone.
00:12:48Battle of the Bridge of Brookstone, February 1865.
00:13:14The Bridge of Brookstone, February 1865.
00:13:44The Bridge of Brookstone, February 1865.
00:14:14The Bridge of Brookstone, February 1865.
00:14:18The Bridge of Brookstone, February 1865.
00:14:22The Bridge of Brookstone, February 1865.
00:14:26The Bridge of Brookstone, February 1865.
00:14:30The Bridge of Brookstone, February 1865.
00:14:34The Bridge of Brookstone, February 1865.
00:14:38The Bridge of Brookstone, February 1865.
00:14:41The Bridge of Brookstone, February 1865.
00:14:45Don't shoot until I say. And aim down!
00:14:49Over here!
00:14:51In the trees!
00:15:03Choose your target. And inform me when.
00:15:08I'm ready!
00:15:11lo tengo listo son ellos estoy listo tengo uno capitán fuego
00:15:41salgan adonde podamos ver los yankees
00:16:07deberían haberse quedado en el norte yankees
00:16:47no pretendo alarmar a nadie pero creo que estamos rodeados
00:18:10estoy perdiendo mi tiempo
00:18:26ah no se llevaron todo
00:19:26no hablas español mujer suela sal de ese armario
00:19:38por favor no lastime a mi bebé por favor no lo lastime no voy a lastimar a
00:19:45tu bebé siempre y cuando obtenga lo que quiero
00:19:52que es esto harry esta basura y su mocosa
00:19:58sal de aquí no te lastimaremos
00:20:13te he estado notando harry cada que hay una oportunidad de pelear parece que
00:20:21donde robaste las joyas hasta donde sé cualquier cosa que haya en estructuras
00:20:26abandonadas se puede tomar se puede tomar esto no estaba exactamente en el
00:20:32desierto verdad que esa basura y su mocosa no es dueña del lugar no cuenta
00:20:39largo de aquí vete al infierno me gustaría que lo intentaras
00:20:46me gustaría que lo intentaras no vales nada espero que esos rebeldes te corten
00:20:52el cuello
00:20:56cuídate las espaldas bastardo la próxima vez que pueda matarte estoy seguro de que
00:21:03lo haré
00:21:14sabes que esto sólo los de tendrá un tiempo si
00:21:19qué tan lejos estamos de colombia a 16 kilómetros más o menos
00:21:56lo de colombia fue desgarrador sabíamos que todos los puentes hacia la ciudad
00:22:01fueron quemados sabíamos que había batallas en las que los federales eran
00:22:06obligados a retroceder pero los abrigos azules siguieron avanzando y carecía de
00:22:11acceso a una fuente de noticias confiable exacto todo sólo eran rumores
00:22:16espere absolutamente todo el tiempo que pude antes de tener que evacuar me
00:22:21repetía a mí misma me repetía a mí misma si espera cinco minutos más blake
00:22:26aparecerá estará aquí me dije
00:22:31pero supongo que ser una refugiada era lo que me tocaba en ese tiempo
00:22:38los lobos estaban en la puerta tenía que irme
00:24:42The flames on the horizon are huge.
00:24:46Yes, sir.
00:24:47The whole district of El Macines is on fire.
00:24:54Colombia, in fact, may cease to exist tonight.
00:24:58It really is a historical event.
00:25:02That's how the history books will remind us, Pivody.
00:25:05Of that, I'm sure.
00:25:20Well, it seems that we have already burned all the bridges of the state.
00:25:24It doesn't seem very productive.
00:25:28Come, see if you have any left.
00:25:36Captain, it looks good enough to hang it.
00:25:39It seems that I have some left, but what is this about?
00:25:42We will cross the lines.
00:25:44From Colombia?
00:25:46When are we leaving?
00:25:48At dawn, General Butler emphasized that he wants you to know the city.
00:25:52There are papers signed by Kilpatrick that put you in the Kentucky Union Regiment.
00:26:01But you should know this, we do not give up.
00:26:05If this goes wrong, we will fight to get out.
00:26:08If we die, we die and period.
00:26:12And what could you tell me about Blake Winberry?
00:26:15He was a good friend and a great soldier, but with the espionage he never really felt comfortable.
00:26:22Does he feel comfortable to talk about Lexie now?
00:26:27Two days after the fall of Columbia, he and Blake put on blue coats and returned.
00:26:32You know, his father was a great doctor.
00:26:34In fact, he went to school in Philadelphia.
00:26:36I like it.
00:26:38Well, he was busy healing federals.
00:26:41I guess he had no choice.
00:26:44What Blake and I were doing was incredibly dangerous.
00:26:47But all I could think was that Lexie could be there.
00:27:14Here's to summer.
00:27:44Lexie, it's me.
00:27:59You're back.
00:28:01Thank God.
00:28:04Are you okay?
00:28:08Where are Mom and Dad?
00:28:11They must be walking around.
00:28:16I'm back.
00:28:20Where are Mom and Dad?
00:28:23They must be walking around.
00:28:31Did you come back for me?
00:28:33The Yankees couldn't keep me away.
00:29:03Hijo, con ese uniforme podría ser ejecutado como espía.
00:29:17Primero tienen que atraparme.
00:29:19Dios no lo quiera.
00:29:21¿Qué te hizo cruzar las líneas así?
00:29:23Para ser inventario.
00:29:25Podemos ahorrar tiempo en Power.
00:29:27Solo contamos lo que sigue de pie.
00:29:29Voy contigo.
00:29:31Voy a montar la silla.
00:29:38Al menos tenemos un techo sobre nuestras cabezas temporalmente.
00:29:42Me temo que la mayoría de los Yankees se comportan bastante mal.
00:29:45Es decepcionante.
00:29:54Llévame lejos, cazador.
00:29:56Déjame ir contigo esta vez.
00:30:00No, será difícil atravesar las líneas así como están.
00:30:05Tu hermano nunca te dejará ir.
00:30:09Estaré atrapada en esta ciudad quemada para siempre si los hombres se salen con la suya.
00:30:15Lexi, si supieras cómo es ahí afuera, elegirías esta ciudad quemada.
00:30:22La línea no es lugar para una mujer.
00:30:25Todo el mundo se la pasa diciéndome cuál es mi lugar.
00:30:33Tengo una habitación para mí sola aquí.
00:30:38Sería bueno estar a solas más tarde.
00:30:41Sí, lo sería.
00:30:43Lexi y yo estuvimos juntos un par de días antes de que Blake se enterara.
00:30:49Para evitar morir joven en manos de Blake Winberry, me casé con su hermana antes de salir de la ciudad.
00:30:55Eso no fue un gran cortejo.
00:30:57Sí, pero siempre le tuve cariño a Lexi.
00:31:00Su padre siempre me invitaba a cenar cada que estábamos en Colombia.
00:31:04Era casi imposible para mí quitarle los ojos de encima.
00:31:09Estoy seguro de que Blake se dio cuenta.
00:31:11Después de lo que pasó en el hospital, estaba bastante seguro de que Lexi también me quería.
00:31:19¿Pero qué?
00:31:22Pero eso fue lo último que vi de Lexi Winberry Lightfoot.
00:31:26Pero entienda, esta era una mujer muy testaruda, muy independiente.
00:31:31Después de que Blake y yo salimos, ella también se unió.
00:31:34¿Se convirtió en enfermera?
00:31:36No, se unió al ejército de la confederación como soldado.
00:31:40No fue la única mujer que hizo eso.
00:31:43Así que se cambió el nombre y no sabe qué fue de ella.
00:31:47No lo sé.
00:31:57¡Sally! ¡Aléjate de ahí, te verán!
00:32:02No sé qué vamos a hacer.
00:32:04Los yankees saquean, roban y queman casas.
00:32:08No olvides que violan.
00:32:10Lo más probable es que nos violen a las dos.
00:32:13Jovencita, no debes saber esas cosas.
00:32:16Oh, vuelve a la cama, mamá.
00:32:19No me atrevo a dejar que me encuentren en cama.
00:32:24¿Sabes qué? Estoy segura de que algunos son caballeros.
00:32:27Son yankees. Ningún yankee es un caballero.
00:32:31Encontraremos a los mejores oficiales.
00:32:35Los haremos sentir bien y cómodos en nuestra casa.
00:32:38¡Los yankees en mi casa!
00:32:42Así es, mamá. Y serás tan dulce como un pastel.
00:33:09¡Sally! ¡Sally!
00:33:12¡Sally! ¡Sally!
00:33:37Ser refugiada debe haber sido devastador para usted.
00:33:41¿Puede decirme cómo fue? ¿Cómo viajó?
00:33:44A pie. Todos nuestros caballos estaban con nuestra caballería o con los yankees.
00:33:49Caminábamos en grupos de cualquiera que se dirigiera en la misma dirección.
00:33:53Nos llamaban trenes. Trenes de refugiados.
00:33:56Fue una broma horrible para mí.
00:33:58Habría dado cualquier cosa por poder viajar en tren.
00:34:02A veces había grupos de quince o veinte y otras veces de doscientos a trescientos.
00:34:10¿Y viajaban soldados con ustedes?
00:34:12La seguridad era completamente inadecuada.
00:34:15Viajé en grupos pequeños la mayor parte del tiempo.
00:34:18Si teníamos suerte, teníamos un soldado con nosotros.
00:34:22Eso no fue un impedimento para los yankees.
00:34:25Pero al menos la seguridad mantuvo a raya a los bandidos.
00:34:29¿Había algún tipo de refugio en esos trenes de refugiados?
00:34:33Cielos no. Era suelo y almohada.
00:34:36Si tenías la suerte de tener almohada.
00:34:39¿Cómo sobrevivió a esa terrible experiencia?
00:34:42¿Qué amigo?
00:34:43¿La verdad?
00:34:45Ya veremos.
00:34:47Por el recuerdo de mi boda.
00:34:49Y por mis esperanzas de reunirme con Blake.
00:34:53¿Tienes amigos en lugares altos?
00:35:07¿El general Wheeler?
00:35:09¿Dónde está el viejo peleador Joe?
00:35:14No mientas. Acabas de ir a verlo.
00:35:19Está de este lado del río, ¿no?
00:35:22¿Cuántos hombres?
00:35:28Toda una división, mi culo.
00:35:35No, incluso si está mintiendo sigue siendo un guardián.
00:35:38Y el Patrick lo querrá.
00:35:52¿Escuchas algo, Matt?
00:35:56Un caballo que viene rápido.
00:36:01No me gusta su aspecto.
00:36:03Es solo un explorador. Estamos en problemas.
00:36:06Matt, llévate a Rawlings.
00:36:08Vayan a buscar a Jimmy. Nos separaremos.
00:36:10Nos reuniremos en el campamento.
00:37:23Tenemos permiso para visitar a un amigo.
00:37:28Eso es asunto mío.
00:37:52Lejos de mí.
00:38:04Toda una maldita división.
00:38:06Cinco mil, supongo.
00:38:11Solo disparale y vámonos de aquí.
00:38:46Vamos, Rev. Solo un paso en falso.
00:38:48Me encantaría acabar con tu triste vida ahora mismo...
00:38:51...con un solo movimiento en falso.
00:39:10Así que tú eres el Capitán Wimbery de... quinta caballería de Carolina del Sur, ¿eh?
00:39:15Sí, señor.
00:39:17Bueno, entonces puedes decirme...
00:39:19...¿dónde está la división de Butler?
00:39:21No lo sé. La dejé hace dos días.
00:39:23Bueno, ¿dónde estaba entonces?
00:39:25En el campamento.
00:39:27¿Cuántos desertores tiene Butler?
00:39:29Bastantes, supongo.
00:39:31¡Maldito sea! ¡Sé específico!
00:39:33Nunca los conté.
00:39:35Deben ser tres.
00:39:37Los rebeldes no pueden contar más allá de eso.
00:39:39¿Qué había en el despacho?
00:39:43El sobre estaba sellado.
00:39:45No estuve al tanto.
00:39:47Ah, tonterías. Eres del personal de Butler y sabes mucho.
00:39:49Solo soy un oficial de línea.
00:39:51Un guerrillero.
00:39:53¿Sabes lo que hacemos con los guerrilleros, Rev?
00:39:55¿A quién llamas guerrillero?
00:39:59¡No! ¡Jed! ¡No dejes que lo haga!
00:40:03Aquí no.
00:40:05No permitiré que asustes a la señora Dubois.
00:40:09Soy oficial del Ejército Provisional de los...
00:40:11...Estados Confederados de América.
00:40:13Estoy completamente uniformado...
00:40:15...y tiene mi comisión en las manos.
00:40:17Está obligado a tratarme como un prisionero de guerra.
00:40:23Podría ser que te maten por las atrocidades que han cometido en esta guerra.
00:40:27Pero el Capitán Wimbery y yo...
00:40:29...solíamos ser vecinos.
00:40:35Su madre y la mía eran mejores amigas.
00:40:37Fuimos a la misma iglesia.
00:40:39Él es exactamente quien dice ser.
00:40:41Realmente te detestaría por haberlo matado.
00:40:49Te diré algo, Rev.
00:40:51Tú cooperas...
00:40:53...y seré indulgente.
00:40:55¿Qué quieres?
00:40:57¿Dónde está Wheeler?
00:40:59¿Y cuántos hombres tiene?
00:41:01Su división está al norte de aquí.
00:41:03¿Toda su división?
00:41:05Hasta donde sé.
00:41:09Al norte.
00:41:11Es imposible que no lo vea.
00:41:13Solo cabalga hacia el norte.
00:41:17Por el bien de la dama, te daré un par de horas.
00:41:21Hampton dice que dos por uno.
00:41:25Hampton dice que dos por uno.
00:41:27Empezando por los oficiales.
00:41:31Sácalos de aquí.
00:41:35Sácalos de mi vista hasta que sea momento de matarlo.
00:41:37Lo siento, Sr. Dubois.
00:41:39No puedo mimar a nuestros enemigos.
00:41:49¿Pasa algo, Teniente?
00:41:51Matt y Blake.
00:41:53Tuvimos que separarnos. Esperaba que estuviera aquí.
00:41:55Necesito que me muestres dónde fue.
00:41:57Está bien, pero por ahí hay un montón de federales
00:41:59viniendo por nosotros.
00:42:01¿Qué más me he perdido?
00:42:03Foyetteville está a punto de caer.
00:42:05¿Cuánto tiempo?
00:42:07Es difícil saber. Podría ser mañana.
00:42:09La esposa de Wimbery está ahí.
00:42:11Espero que lo sepa para que se largue de ahí.
00:42:13Debo encontrar a JC.
00:42:31¿De dónde sacaste esos anillos, JC?
00:42:33Son reliquias familiares, Teniente.
00:42:37¿En serio? ¿Dónde los conseguiste?
00:42:39Tuve que cortarle el dedo al niño
00:42:41para conseguir este.
00:42:43Bueno, tengo un trabajo para ti.
00:42:45¿Jugo está a tiempo?
00:42:47¿A dónde vamos?
00:42:49Es un trato para ti solo.
00:42:51Necesito que me busques a Lexi.
00:42:53¿A quién?
00:42:55Mi esposa.
00:42:57Me gusta oírte decir eso. Es divertidísimo.
00:42:59Creo que fue y se unió.
00:43:01Debo encontrarla antes de que
00:43:03se metan muchos problemas.
00:43:05¿Y qué gano yo?
00:43:07Mi eterna gratitud.
00:43:09¿Qué más?
00:43:11Siempre hago que valga la pena.
00:43:13Y recuerda, es mi señora.
00:43:15Yo iré al norte.
00:43:17Nos veremos en dos o tres días al este de Canbin.
00:43:29¿Qué tal está disfrutando de nuestra hospitalidad, Capitán?
00:43:33Encontramos a Wheeler
00:43:35sin su ayuda.
00:43:37Estoy seguro que quisiste decir
00:43:39que él los encontró.
00:43:41Espero también que te haya dado
00:43:43una verdadera paliza.
00:43:45No es muy probable.
00:43:57No es muy probable.
00:43:59¿Tienes hambre?
00:44:05Tal vez seamos generosos
00:44:07y te aventemos algunas obras en la mañana.
00:44:09Señora Ames, ¿ha visto a alguien atrás cerca del granero?
00:44:11No, ¿por qué?
00:44:13Bueno, al parecer alguien se robó
00:44:15mi caballo y mi carreta.
00:44:17¿Cuándo lo viste por última vez?
00:44:19Esta mañana.
00:44:21¿Y qué tal está?
00:44:23Muy bien.
00:44:25¿Qué tal está?
00:44:27Muy bien.
00:44:29¿Qué tal está?
00:44:31Muy bien.
00:44:33¿Qué tal está?
00:44:35Muy bien.
00:44:37¿Cuándo lo viste por última vez?
00:44:39Esta mañana.
00:44:41¿Lo conoce?
00:44:45Teniente Lightfoot.
00:44:49¿Por qué estás aquí en lugar de...?
00:44:51¿Él está bien?
00:44:53Señora Wimbery,
00:44:55no sé dónde está su marido.
00:44:57Conocí a Fayetteville.
00:44:59Estaba a punto de caer.
00:45:01Pensé en que debía advertirle.
00:45:03Oh, no.
00:45:05¿Está tranquila?
00:45:07Sí, señora.
00:45:09Puede quedarse si quiere.
00:45:11Pero habrá peleas.
00:45:13Creo que debería irse.
00:45:17Dentro de poco.
00:45:19Lo siento, teniente.
00:45:21Gracias por pasar a decírmelo.
00:45:23¿Cómo están el doctor y la señora Wimbery?
00:45:27Siguen en Columbia,
00:45:29viviendo en el hospital.
00:45:31Quemaron su casa.
00:45:33Parece que la mitad de Columbia se quemó.
00:45:37Por cierto, ahora son mis suegros.
00:45:41¿qué quiere decir?
00:45:43Lexi y yo nos casamos.
00:45:45Bueno, ciertamente
00:45:47es una sorpresa y algo repentino.
00:45:49Sí, lo fue.
00:45:51Creo que usted y Blake
00:45:53comenzaron una tendencia.
00:45:55¿Cómo está ella, Lexi?
00:45:57Ella está...
00:45:59Está bien.
00:46:03¿Nunca se asustó al usar ese azul?
00:46:07Es bueno tenerlo azul.
00:46:09Los confederados saben la diferencia
00:46:11y hace que los yankees se detengan
00:46:13aunque sea un segundo,
00:46:15y eso es todo lo que necesito.
00:46:17Tengo que irme, señora.
00:46:21si ve a Blake, ¿podría decirle que lo extraño terriblemente?
00:46:23Lo haré.
00:46:25Y dígale que me dirijo a Raleigh.
00:46:29Tenga, llévese esto.
00:46:33Esta cargada.
00:46:35Pero lo necesitará.
00:46:37Conseguiré otra de un yankee muerto.
00:46:39No dispara mucha distancia,
00:46:41pero de cerca cortará un hombre por la mitad.
00:46:49¿Alguno más en casa como él?
00:47:03Uno, si.
00:47:27Escucha, hay una casa
00:47:29kilómetro y medio de aquí
00:47:31Patrick stayed there until last night. We must infiltrate the Yankees and find out if anyone knows where Wimbery is.
00:47:37Well, I'm not going to undress. I won't do it.
00:47:40Okay, Matt. I'll infiltrate. Keep the Yankees busy.
00:47:43And you keep the Yankees busy.
00:47:46No wonder we lost this damn war.
00:47:51I have some bacon, Reb. You must be very hungry.
00:47:58Here you go.
00:48:02Wait a minute. What am I doing?
00:48:06This is too good for a piece of trash like you.
00:48:11You see, the problem is, Captain, that I have the power of life and death over you.
00:48:18And I have no reason to leave you alive.
00:48:32Sir, when will I have relief? I've been with this Reb for two days.
00:48:44What the hell is all this about?
00:49:21Well, look at what the wind brought.
00:49:25We had already given up on you, Captain.
00:49:28You gave up too soon.
00:49:32General Johnson is gathering an army. Make a stop north of here.
00:49:39I guess I missed my chance to see Judith.
00:49:42I saw her yesterday in Fayetteville.
00:49:44How is she?
00:49:47She's probably heading in the same direction as you.
00:49:51I miss her.
00:49:53She said the same thing about you. Isn't she sweet?
00:49:56Excuse me.
00:49:58Is this your place?
00:50:02I was wondering if you had anything to do with this.
00:50:05No, I don't have anything to do with this.
00:50:08Then why are you here?
00:50:10I'm here to help you.
00:50:12Help me?
00:50:16I'm here to help you.
00:50:18Help me?
00:50:22I'm here to help you.
00:50:24Help me?
00:50:26I have a room that I can rent at night.
00:50:29I can pay for it.
00:50:33Have you had any experience in hospitals?
00:50:36Yes, quite a bit in Atlanta, a bit in Columbia.
00:50:42Excuse me, Miss Modales. I'm Dr. Thompson.
00:50:46Judith Winbury. Mrs. Judith Winbury.
00:50:50Do you have a husband in the fight?
00:50:52In the cavalry.
00:50:54My nurses have run away. I suppose you're afraid of the Yankees.
00:50:58Aren't you?
00:51:00Someone has to cure them. They're going to need me.
00:51:03There's a room for you up the stairs. I won't charge you as long as I can help the wounded.
00:51:09Well, it's a very kind offer. I'll take it.
00:51:12Most of the gray coats that could move have already moved.
00:51:24Let's go.
00:51:48It's me.
00:51:50How did you find me?
00:51:51You have your forms. I have mine.
00:51:54What did you find out about Lexi?
00:51:57The day he disappeared, they had six registrations.
00:52:00They all went to the same company.
00:52:02Where did they put them?
00:52:04Just south of us.
00:52:06The units are trying to get together, but they're scattered.
00:52:09Any casualties in that unit?
00:52:11I haven't had the chance to dig so deep yet.
00:52:14I'll go out at dawn.
00:52:17It's very dangerous here. There are federal agents.
00:52:20It's Dr. Thompson.
00:52:22That's right.
00:52:24Well, I understand.
00:52:26He's been treating our guys like his own.
00:52:29That's right.
00:52:32In the next few days, there will be many more blue coats around here.
00:52:37And not all of them are going to be amnesiacs.
00:52:40I don't know.
00:52:42I don't know.
00:52:44I don't know.
00:52:46I don't know.
00:52:48I don't know.
00:52:50I don't know.
00:52:52What do you suggest I do?
00:52:54Don't reject any wounded federal agent.
00:52:57That will only harm him.
00:53:02Good day.
00:53:19I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry
00:53:49I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I
00:54:19, I'm sorry.
00:54:41What's happening doktor Thompson?
00:54:44This kid's going to lose an arm
00:54:46and I have nothing to fear
00:54:47Absolutely nothing.
00:54:49Don't let him rip my arm off.
00:54:52Please don't let him rip my arm off!
00:55:17Snow! Snow!
00:55:48Don't let him rip my arm off!
00:55:49Don't let him rip my arm off!
00:55:50Don't let him rip my arm off!
00:56:16You're going to have to help me hold your friend.
00:56:19Morirá de lo contrario, ahora ayúdame.
00:56:49Morirá de lo contrario, ahora ayúdame.
00:57:19¿Señora Winbury?
00:57:28¿Le importaría deshacerse del miembro antes de que lo vea?
00:58:19¿Señora Winbury?
00:58:49¿Señora Winbury?
00:59:19¿Señora Winbury?
00:59:49¿Señora Winbury?
01:00:19¿Señora Winbury?
01:00:49¿Señora Winbury?
01:01:04Aquí nos perdimos, Capitán.
01:01:05A Winbury y a ese chico Cadwell.
01:01:08¿Cuándo los viste por última vez?
01:01:09Hace un rato.
01:01:11Dos horas, tal vez.
01:01:19¿Dónde diablos estás?
01:01:44Estoy por aquí.
01:01:45¿Qué diablos haces?
01:01:46¿Por qué no estás ahí cavando?
01:01:47¿Por qué no sales y trabajas un poco?
01:01:49¿Cómo puedo cavar sin pala?
01:01:51Agarra una del vagón.
01:01:53Si te atrapo lanzándome una vez más, haré que te cuelguen.
01:01:58Espero que lo entiendas.
01:03:17¿Quién eres?
01:03:43¿Quién eres?
01:03:50Esa pesadilla fue como un cañón.
01:03:52Me levantó de la cama y me aventó por la puerta.
01:03:56No había forma en la tierra de que me quedara en ese punto.
01:04:00Mi propósito era encontrar a Blake.
01:04:02Sabía que me necesitaba.
01:04:04No importaba dónde tenía que ir o por quién tendría que pasar.
01:04:08Este era mi propósito.
01:04:22Buenos días.
01:04:24He andado buscando a alguien. ¿Crees poder ayudarme?
01:04:55¿Quién eres?
01:04:56¿Quién eres?
01:04:57¿Quién eres?
01:04:58¿Quién eres?
01:04:59¿Quién eres?
01:05:00¿Quién eres?
01:05:01¿Quién eres?
01:05:02¿Quién eres?
01:05:03¿Quién eres?
01:05:04¿Quién eres?
01:05:05¿Quién eres?
01:05:06¿Quién eres?
01:05:07¿Quién eres?
01:05:08¿Quién eres?
01:05:09¿Quién eres?
01:05:10¿Quién eres?
01:05:11¿Quién eres?
01:05:12¿Quién eres?
01:05:13¿Quién eres?
01:05:14¿Quién eres?
01:05:15¿Quién eres?
01:05:16¿Quién eres?
01:05:17¿Quién eres?
01:05:18¿Quién eres?
01:05:19¿Quién eres?
01:05:20¿Quién eres?
01:05:21¿Quién eres?
01:05:22¿Quién eres?
01:05:23¿Quién eres?
01:05:24¿Quién eres?
01:05:25¿Quién eres?
01:05:26¿Quién eres?
01:05:27¿Quién eres?
01:05:28¿Quién eres?
01:05:29¿Quién eres?
01:05:30¿Quién eres?
01:05:31¿Quién eres?
01:05:32¿Quién eres?
01:05:33¿Quién eres?
01:05:34¿Quién eres?
01:05:35¿Quién eres?
01:05:36¿Quién eres?
01:05:37¿Quién eres?
01:05:38¿Quién eres?
01:05:39¿Quién eres?
01:05:40¿Quién eres?
01:05:41¿Quién eres?
01:05:42¿Quién eres?
01:05:43¿Quién eres?
01:05:44¿Quién eres?
01:05:45¿Quién eres?
01:05:46¿Quién eres?
01:05:47¿Quién eres?
01:05:48¿Quién eres?
01:06:10Lady, what you have to understand is that we have very, few resources to carry on this kind of thing.
01:06:17If I wore blue, it would be different, but just as my hands are tied, I'm sorry.
01:06:26Hey, if you're going to keep looking, you'll need a military passport. I'll get you one.
01:06:35If you find it, and it's alive, bring it back to me. I'll try to help you.
01:06:47I'll try to help you.
01:07:17I'll try to help you.
01:07:47I'll try to help you.
01:07:51I'll try to help you.
01:07:55I'll try to help you.
01:07:59I'll try to help you.
01:08:03I'll try to help you.
01:08:07I'll try to help you.
01:08:11I'll try to help you.
01:08:14I'll try to help you.
01:08:44I'll try to help you.
01:09:51No, don't do this.
01:10:02Better, now you try.
01:10:14Better, now you try.
01:10:30Blake, I'll go get help.
01:10:44Blake, I'll go get help.
01:10:56Did you find it?
01:11:04Good for you.
01:11:06Smith, call Reynolds. I need help here.
01:11:14I need help here.
01:11:21You're awake.
01:11:24I made you dinner. Do you think you can eat something?
01:11:31Let me bring Captain Tucker.
01:11:34It was nice to be a Yankee.
01:11:50All the time I was lying in the woods...
01:11:56...the only thing I could think about was you.
01:12:02No one else but you.
01:12:10I love you, Judith.
01:12:14I love you, too.
01:12:24I heard the doctor cured Winberry. He's going to make it.
01:12:29Yeah, now he's with the Yankees. God help him.
01:12:35Has anyone seen Hunter? I want to hear what I have to say.
01:12:39Jaycee, have you seen Hunter?
01:12:41But I found out something about him that he doesn't want you to know.
01:12:45You'll see, when this is all over, they'll offer a reward for his head.
01:12:50He's your partner, kid. Would you give it to him?
01:12:54I'm sure I'd like to get that reward.
01:12:58For what?
01:13:00So what do you have to tell us, Major?
01:13:07Mrs. Whitfield, may I ask you a question?
01:13:11Who else are you interviewing as part of your story?
01:13:15I have an appointment with Hunter Lightfoot.
01:13:18Hunter Lightfoot? Really?
01:13:20Yes, he's back in Columbia. He opened something like a tavern.
01:13:24He was always a great character. He disappeared after the war.
01:13:28His head was priceless.
01:13:30He broke the heart of his young wife, of Lexi, my sister-in-law.
01:13:34He waited for Hunter for years.
01:13:37I thought he was waiting for some kind of letter, but he finally trusted me.
01:13:42He had been waiting for me to send for her.
01:13:45I would have gone with him, wherever he was.
01:13:48That invitation never arrived.
01:13:51She's still in Columbia.
01:13:54Yes, it was finally established.
01:13:58Would you allow me to contact her?
01:14:01If she approves, of course.
01:14:07You know, Mr. Lightfoot, I was in Charleston a few days ago.
01:14:12I had a conversation with Judith Winberry.
01:14:17She knew where Lexi was.
01:14:20And I found her.
01:14:23She wants to see him.
01:14:28I'll tell her to come in.
01:14:30You mean she's here?
01:14:32That's right.
01:14:56Oh, Lexi.
01:14:58Lexis, right?
01:15:02Yes, Lexi.
01:15:06How are you?
01:15:08I'm fine. I got married and have a son.
01:15:11How are you?
01:15:13Fine. I opened a restaurant. It's going well.
01:15:16Are you married?
01:15:18No, you know me.
01:15:20Yes, I know you.
01:15:22Well, it's nice to see you.
01:15:24Take care.
01:15:26You too.
01:15:35Why didn't you look for me?
01:15:39Well, I did.
01:15:41You don't understand.
01:15:43When I left Columbia, everyone was after me.
01:15:45It was a wanted man.
01:15:47Even Jaycee tried to kill me.
01:15:49If I took you with me...
01:15:52Look, Lexi, that wasn't life for you.
01:15:54We would have heard constantly.
01:15:56I knew that if you stayed here,
01:15:58you would find a good man.
01:16:00You would settle down.
01:16:02That's the life you deserve.
01:16:04Not the one I could have given you.
01:16:12At least she found her husband at the end of the night.
01:16:15I don't know.
01:16:17At least she found her husband at the end of the night.
01:16:20Mrs. Whitfield.
01:16:22After the war, Blake and I spent eight wonderful years together.
01:16:30The bullet that pierced him passed two centimeters from his heart.
01:16:34But it left a lot of damage.
01:16:37It left us two years ago.
01:16:41He didn't even survive that first night.
01:16:44The night he was hurt.
01:16:47I tell myself that he did it so that we could be together again.
01:16:52He stayed alive for me and I found him for us.
01:16:58We loved each other.
01:17:17I love you.
01:17:47I love you.
01:18:17I love you.
01:18:47I love you.
01:19:01Now why did you want to do that?
01:19:07All I wanted was a good time.
01:19:17All I wanted was a good time.
01:19:40What happened?
01:19:42It's okay, honey.
01:19:44It's okay.
01:19:47The devil was here, but I made him leave.
01:19:51He's gone.
01:19:53I'll never leave you again.
01:20:17I'll never leave you again.
01:20:47I'll never leave you again.
01:21:17I'll never leave you again.
01:21:20I'll never leave you again.
01:21:23I'll never leave you again.
01:21:26I'll never leave you again.
01:21:29I'll never leave you again.
01:21:32I'll never leave you again.
01:21:35I'll never leave you again.
01:21:38I'll never leave you again.
01:21:41I'll never leave you again.
01:21:44I'll never leave you again.
01:22:14I'll never leave you again.
01:22:17I'll never leave you again.
01:22:20I'll never leave you again.
01:22:23I'll never leave you again.
01:22:26I'll never leave you again.
01:22:29I'll never leave you again.
01:22:32I'll never leave you again.
01:22:35I'll never leave you again.
01:22:38I'll never leave you again.
01:22:41I'll never leave you again.
01:22:44I'll never leave you again.
01:22:47I'll never leave you again.
01:22:50I'll never leave you again.
01:22:53I'll never leave you again.
01:22:56I'll never leave you again.
01:22:59I'll never leave you again.
01:23:02I'll never leave you again.
01:23:05I'll never leave you again.
01:23:08I'll never leave you again.
01:23:11I'll never leave you again.
01:23:14I'll never leave you again.
01:23:17I'll never leave you again.
01:23:20I'll never leave you again.
01:23:23I'll never leave you again.
01:23:26I'll never leave you again.
01:23:29I'll never leave you again.
01:23:32I'll never leave you again.
01:23:35© BF-WATCH TV 2021
