Most Haunted Paranormal T.V Series 1 - Episode 3 - Avebury stones and The Red Lion Pub

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The Most Haunted team visits Avebury, Wiltshire. Considered by some to be one of the most paranormal places in Britain. The town sits within a prehistoric stone circle. The team investigate The Red Lion Inn, haunted by four ghosts.


00:00I didn't know that spirits could physically harm you.
00:07It's a well.
00:08I've got to make it to the door.
00:10Stone circles, poltergeists and fear.
00:12Avebury, is it haunted?
00:14I believe in ghosts.
00:30Hello and welcome to Most Haunted.
00:41Now, the village in Avebury is one of the most paranormal places in Great Britain.
00:46It's surrounded by these amazing stones,
00:49and it's said that it's haunted by an old druid priest.
00:56These stones are over 4,000 years old.
00:59They weigh over 40 tonnes, and similar to other stone circles,
01:03no one really knows what they were put there for.
01:06The village of Avebury itself sits inside the centre of the circles.
01:11Now, one of the buildings here, the Red Line Pub,
01:14is supposed to be terribly haunted.
01:18The Red Line Pub dates back to 1802,
01:21but the actual building goes as far back as the 1600s.
01:25There are supposed to be four ghosts here,
01:27one of which is Flory, who was killed during the Civil War,
01:30supposedly by her jealous husband.
01:35One presenter, a psychic, a parapsychologist,
01:38and a very brave film crew are spending 24 hours
01:41to uncover the mysteries of Avebury.
01:48Now, to help us get through the night,
01:50we've got our usual fearless, faithful crew.
01:53We've got the very handsome Mark on camera,
01:55and we've got the very gorgeous, sexy Martin on sound.
01:58Rest of the crew, give us a wave!
02:00Ooh, they're very quiet today, aren't they?
02:03Now, we've also enlisted our usual experts
02:06to get us through the night also.
02:10Jason, we're covering two locations,
02:12the stones themselves and also the Red Line Pub.
02:15So, how are you going to try and catch any paranormal activity here?
02:19We're going to use a couple of different things, as we always do.
02:22Today, in particular, one of the things I'd like to do,
02:24because the circle of stones is sort of very important paranormally
02:27to a lot of people, to sort of join in with that theme, if you like.
02:31We're going to do an experiment of movement of objects,
02:33because there's been some poltergeist activity reported in the pub.
02:36So, I'm going to place coins around the well in the pub and see if they move.
02:39I'm also going to use, both inside and outside,
02:42one of the EMF detectors that we've used in the past.
02:44This one is particularly calibrated for use outside,
02:47so if we pick anything up at all on this,
02:49we'll know straight away it's not due to any natural electricity lines
02:53or any plugs, etc., that we sometimes get inside.
02:55So, we'll be using that.
02:57Perhaps not quite so scientific on the end as well.
02:59We're going to use...
03:00Cooking, are we?
03:01Some cooking flour, yeah.
03:02Now, in the past, what we've done is sprinkle this,
03:04a very light dusting over sort of surfaces of tables, chairs, etc.,
03:08where paranormal events have happened,
03:10leave the room for a while or the area, come back,
03:12and sometimes you find that there are markings in the flour
03:14which can't be made naturally.
03:16We've caught handprints, etc., with this in the past.
03:18So, we're going to do that in the restaurant area of the Red Line Pub,
03:21where a lot of poltergeist activity with movements of chandeliers
03:24has been experienced.
03:28In the three years that I've been manager here,
03:31there's been some very bizarre goings-on.
03:34Starting from the day that we moved in,
03:36I thought, what have we done?
03:39Well, apparently, during the Civil War of about 1643,
03:45Flory's husband went away to the wars,
03:48and while he was away, she became unfaithful to him.
03:52And when he came home, he found out,
03:56and in a fit of rage, he strangled her,
03:59and the story has it that he deposited her body down the well,
04:04which, of course, wasn't in the pub then, it was outside.
04:08It was the village well.
04:10And that's the story.
04:14When we put a diver down,
04:16we fixed up a gantry over the well and put a diver down.
04:21When he got down to the bottom into the water,
04:24which was about 85 to 90 feet,
04:27there was a great big boulder down there and he couldn't get past it.
04:31So, we still don't know whether poor old Flory is down there or not.
04:34Flory doesn't like men with beards, allegedly.
04:38And we had a guy in the restaurant who was slating,
04:42you know, it's all rubbish, it's all rubbish,
04:45and the chandelier just started spinning over the top of him.
04:49And then he left hastily after that.
04:52There was, for instance, a hunting horn
04:55used to be up over the top of the bar there.
04:58That flew off and it came hurtling into a bar.
05:03One of the barmen here, he used to shave just round here,
05:10cos he got a beard, you see,
05:12and the glass flew off the wall and hit him straight in the face.
05:16I heard all the stories, you know, about the ghost called Flory,
05:20but I kept on getting her name wrong one night.
05:23I kept on calling her Flory.
05:26So, all the restaurant lights just tripped out
05:29and there's three trip switches that do the restaurant.
05:32All of them had gone apart from the one bulb that was still left on
05:36and we just couldn't understand how this one bulb was on
05:40Oh, yes, this place is definitely haunted inasmuch
05:44that the number of people have come in here and know there's something.
05:48I took one lady up to...
05:50She said, it's upstairs, I think.
05:53Took her up and we went round the different rooms.
05:56She walked into one room and she said,
05:59this is it, she said, the feeling is there straight away.
06:03She said, there's something or somebody in here now.
06:07I said, well, I can't see.
06:09So she said, no, you won't.
06:11The stereo in the mornings, the last thing I do is turn it off at night,
06:16come down to where we're sitting now
06:19and it just started playing automatically
06:22and it's a CD player so it can't just trigger itself off.
06:26I'm sure Flory's haunting the red light because...
06:31I don't know, it's one of those things that you've got a feeling for.
06:36And in a way, I love her.
06:39The most haunted room is definitely the private room.
06:43People tend not to try and stay in there if possible,
06:46if they've stayed here before.
06:48And if people do stay there, it's icy cold, even though there's heating.
06:53I dare any member of your crew to stay in the private room alone.
06:57You'd be surprised the number of people that come in here,
07:01and this is perfectly true, I'm not pulling your leg,
07:04and say, is there something about this place?
07:07And I say, spiritually, or, you know, yeah, there's a feeling about it.
07:17Well, tonight, I think possibly quite a few things will happen.
07:20We're obviously surrounded with spirits here
07:22and the ghost of Flory is somewhat a local phantom celebrity, if you like.
07:26With there being so much alcohol around, I'm a little bit dubious
07:30as to whether that will perhaps interact with some of the experiences here.
07:33We're trying to keep that not the case, but who knows, we'll see later on.
07:37Well, the three circles of stone at Avebury
07:39do have an enormous sort of paranormal significance to a lot of people here.
07:42That does mean that people have sort of auto-expectation
07:45or auto-suggestion of what may happen to them.
07:48The ghost stories associated with the stones
07:50aren't perhaps what you would expect.
07:52You'd probably expect things like pagan rituals
07:54and ceremonies sort of re-enacting themselves.
07:56That isn't quite the case.
07:58I'll be interested to see if people do pick up
08:00on some of the ghost stories associated with the stones themselves.
08:14Well, this is the main dining room area
08:16where apparently a lot of poltergeist activity occurs.
08:20Bangs upstairs, things moving are often heard
08:23and things down here, objects, are moved around mysteriously.
08:27Perhaps the main bit of activity here would be in this bay area
08:32and the chandelier likes to move on its own.
08:39Up these stairs are two of the most haunted rooms
08:42in the whole of the Red Lion pub.
08:49Well, this room is what's known as the private room
08:52and there are supposed to be three ghosts here.
08:54There is a lady called Beth who sits and writes a letter
08:57on the table in the corner
08:59and then there are two children that are supposed to be
09:02cowering in the corner.
09:04The general feel of this room by many of the guests
09:07is a feeling of horrible oppression,
09:11not very nice, quite a sad feeling, really,
09:13and many people have asked to leave.
09:16It just feels very cold to me, that's all.
09:19Oh, well, I'll see you later.
09:25This is known as the Avenue Room.
09:27There are supposed to be two ghosts in here,
09:29one male and one female,
09:31though nobody knows who they are.
09:38With everything set up for the night shoot
09:40and Derek Okora's prompt arrival,
09:42we could afford a little time to relax
09:44and enjoy our dinner before the long night ahead.
09:53Jason, is it at all possible that buildings or places like this,
09:56Averyville, stone stuff, actually hold memories?
09:59Well, it's one of the standard theories
10:01that's put forward to explain ghosts,
10:03and that is where, if you can imagine a recording tape
10:05that records sound magnetically,
10:07stones that buildings are made of have magnetic properties in them
10:10and it's believed that the stones themselves act as a recording device
10:13and actually play back things that have happened in them,
10:15sort of events, emotions and maybe even scenes from the past.
10:18Derek, why is it that some ghosts seem to hang around,
10:22that they've obviously been here for thousands of years?
10:26Why do we still see them?
10:28Don't they want to sort of disappear and go off into heaven, as it were?
10:31Well, to a larger degree, Yvette, it is exactly that.
10:35I mean, they have got their opportunities and choices, OK,
10:40to seek a way to leave the atmosphere.
10:43However, a lot of them, as I understand it,
10:46do stay around for a long time,
10:49but it's the residual energy that's still left,
10:52i.e., you know, the property, the fabric, what have you,
10:56that they once dwelt and experienced life and their life's experiences.
11:03OK, now, this is the dining room, as we know.
11:07Are you picking anything up here at all, Derek?
11:11Yes, I'm very aware of quite a strong presence of a lady.
11:16My mind, my attention was drawn to the lady
11:19and for some reason, on the psychic levels,
11:22would you believe it, Yvette, I'm drawn to the manager.
11:26Our manager? Yeah.
11:28Richard, it's very interesting because in no way is it meant to alarm you,
11:34but this lady really isn't, to be honest.
11:38This lady seems to be following you around at times
11:42and I feel, psychically, that she's trying to make me aware
11:47that you are, at times, aware of movement
11:51and she is so strong and, you know, she draws,
11:54and there's no harm to it, she draws off your energy.
11:57She likes you, it's like attracting light.
12:00Is that the name, Sam?
12:07Florence. OK, thank you.
12:10I'm just trying to, as it's coming through...
12:13I've got something to link,
12:16and a man's voice says,
12:18to the great name of Arthur.
12:21I got this three times, three times earlier,
12:25and there's great links with something to do with great Arthur.
12:32King, thank you, King Edgar.
12:35The woman's voice says to me,
12:37I'm King Edgar's wife.
12:40I belonged originally here.
12:43Blimey, that's... This belongs to me.
12:47Where is my husband?
12:49Where is King Edgar?
12:51She says, bless you.
12:53She walks around still looking for this soul.
12:56What? Jason...
12:58So this is the King Edgar, the connection with the woman's King Edgar
13:01in the 9 or 10 hundreds is Florence.
13:03I take it must be Florence.
13:05And that was King Edgar's wife.
13:07Well, this is what I've just been given.
13:11I'm just trying to, as it's coming through...
13:13Do you want to have a walk through and see where we go?
13:16Yeah. Also, a little boy.
13:18Are you aware of a little boy here?
13:20Are you?
13:22Wow, he runs round, and he's so excited at times,
13:25he's like a whirling dervish.
13:29And he goes through at speed.
13:31And if he goes so fast, he goes past and people go,
13:34oh, what was that?
13:36Does that happen?
13:38It's true, yeah.
13:40He's lovely. He's a cute boy.
13:42He had his life taken from him.
13:44Here? Taken away, yes, here.
13:46Really? Yes.
13:48There was ritual...
13:50I've got this before.
13:52There was ritual killings on this site.
13:58What kind of ritual killings?
14:00Sacrifice. Of people?
14:02Yep. For what purpose?
14:04Children. Children?
14:06Children were sacrificed? Yes.
14:08Oh, dear. Why? Maids as well, young maids.
14:11Young maids who had children.
14:13Who was sacrificing them and for what purpose?
14:17People that were...
14:20A woman's voice said,
14:22this was before the smugglers.
14:27It's the tunnels with the smugglers.
14:29OK. There's tunnels at this property.
14:32Do you know of tunnels? I know of one, yeah.
14:35Is it connected to smuggling?
14:37I honestly couldn't tell you.
14:39I know it's all been blocked up now.
14:41It's broken. The tunnel's broken.
14:45There's been two foundations,
14:47originally from the tunneling.
14:49One's something that's quite close,
14:51that can be seen by the eye.
14:55And before that...
14:58..a redirection of tunnel
15:00to something that's six or seven miles away.
15:03Let's move on. OK. OK. Thank you.
15:05All right. Yeah. Yeah.
15:10You see, someone from spirit hasn't come into this room.
15:13They have? Once... Yeah.
15:15When I come into this room here now,
15:17someone wants to wave.
15:19That seems to be, like, the symbol to me
15:22of a person that was either practising
15:26in his time, practising as a magician,
15:30because I get all the symbols
15:33of the thought patterns coming in,
15:36similar to what a magician...
15:39How far back is this?
15:41I feel this is, you know,
15:43this is probably going back to
15:46between 10 and 11...
15:49..of the hundreds.
15:51And he was something to be reckoned with
15:55in the essence that he had control over people's...
16:00Or he gave the impression that he controlled people's thoughts.
16:06And he goes back very strongly
16:10to the basis of Avebury.
16:12Very strong.
16:18There's wind blowing down the chimney.
16:20I suddenly thought... It's not a ghost.
16:22Someone's just said to me,
16:24there's a so-called legend...
16:26Sam's laughing about this.
16:28I hope I can share this with you.
16:30Sam says, there is a so-called legend,
16:33has it been written and been passed through and down
16:38to say that, erm...
16:41Is it Merlin? Merlin, thank you.
16:44That Merlin is close by.
16:46That is not so.
16:48That is not so.
16:50Is that true, is there a legend to say that...
16:52Merlin's quite close by.
16:54Merlin is... The legend of Merlin is connected to Glastonbury,
16:57which isn't far away.
17:01Sam says, he is not in any way
17:06buried behind that stone.
17:09Here? No, not here.
17:11But something... It's a structure.
17:14And he's not there.
17:16Legend has it that he's there.
17:18Legend also has it that he's in...
17:20Legend also has it that he didn't exist at all.
17:22Yes. He's a legend in himself.
17:24Can I just say what the spirit said?
17:27There was no existence of the soul.
17:32He's not on any spiritual log or agenda,
17:35so he didn't exist.
17:37He's not on the spiritual register.
17:39Let's move on.
17:41Oh, God.
17:43Now I know all about Merlin.
17:45Come on.
17:48Do you want to go in there?
17:54Just wait there.
17:56These bedrooms are active, you see.
18:10Now, coming in here now,
18:15I get this very young...
18:20Not as young as the little boy,
18:23but a very young girl,
18:25a young girl, her essence comes here.
18:29I feel with her as well, you know,
18:32because of the view and her age,
18:34the word virgin comes to mind with me,
18:38of the, you know, virginal child,
18:42which was like, to them, I feel,
18:44must have been a supreme thing.
18:47Now, where the boy's concerned,
18:49it's a different matter altogether
18:52why he would be sacrificed.
18:59Maybe the feelings that come through
19:02is that he couldn't be of much use
19:05because he wasn't strong or whatever
19:08and he was no use to at that time.
19:12A totally different reflection to the girl.
19:15And also I feel also that they would have come
19:19from families that would not have,
19:23if I may use that word,
19:25battered an eyelid if a child was to be lost.
19:29So it wasn't as if they were just
19:33taken away from a noble family
19:37who would miss the children and what have you,
19:41as if it was, I suppose, the feeling I get
19:44in saying is like two a penny, you know,
19:47you just, it's nothing.
19:49Do you want to move from here?
19:52You've got horrible parents.
19:54Yeah, well, that's what I get.
20:01This place here is, at times, very active,
20:05but I feel that these souls here can be,
20:09there's more kindredness to them.
20:11Also, can I just say, because I was very aware
20:15and I'm drawn now out to the front because,
20:18you see, I saw firstly a carriage with four horses
20:23and I heard the clipping of the hooves
20:27and the carriage being drawn up and what have you
20:30and then another carriage,
20:33there seems to be two carriages,
20:35but outside I feel that these carriages
20:39at some time or other have been heard, experienced.
20:43Well, we'll go outside and wrap up warm.
20:47Shall we go downstairs? Yes.
20:51Before we ventured outside, Jason set up the flower experiment.
20:55It was pitch black, freezing cold and very windy.
20:59We were determined to walk around the stones
21:02and maybe find out from Derek their purpose.
21:05Oh, it's so eerie. Look at those stones.
21:09It seems as if, as we're coming in to this,
21:13the middle of this group of stones,
21:16as if I'm hearing repeatedly a chanting.
21:20It seems as if I've got a circle of women
21:23and I've got a circle of men that are separate
21:28and the men seem to be...
21:33To me, it's like in our work when a person chants a mantra.
21:37What's the purpose of the chant, do you think?
21:40Why are you hearing this?
21:42I feel, as a matter of fact, as we've got the conditions now,
21:45which are dreadful, aren't they? Yep.
21:47You know, early hours of the morning.
21:49It seems as if they're chanting
21:51and it seems to be an encouragement of the elements,
21:56you know, it's like as if the ladies are looking up
22:00and are so happy to see the sun
22:03because, you know, it changes here to complete clear blue skies
22:08and I feel it's the elements, yeah.
22:11Some form of nature worship of the sun god?
22:14Yeah, of nature, yeah. OK.
22:16And it seems very, very, very strong
22:19and, again, this is residual, this is not active.
22:22It's residual, going back in feeling.
22:26I'm not in any way at this point aware...
22:30I don't know if anyone else feels this way,
22:33but I'm not aware of an individual spirit active in this section.
22:38At all.
22:40What the hell is that?
22:44What is that? Oh, my God!
22:46Are you OK? That's all right.
22:48They're two people. Two people.
22:50They're not spirits.
22:52Oh, God!
22:54He did look for a moment.
22:56Well, I'd had a hood on and I thought, oh, my God!
22:59It's the Druid priests, come to haunt us.
23:02There's some really large megaliths over in that way, Derek,
23:05so we move over there and see if you can pick anything up there.
23:08Do very slowly, everybody.
23:11This wind is fierce, isn't it?
23:15These stones...
23:18My psychic feelings, leading as I come very close to them,
23:22seems to me to be, like, symbolising a gateway of thought.
23:29A gateway.
23:31And even though there's three,
23:33this being virtually to the middle of the two outer stones
23:37seems to be the lead stone.
23:40Well, it's actually part of an enormous ring.
23:43There's 98 of the stones.
23:45But this is the gateway, the three,
23:48and it's got something to do with a belief,
23:52something to do with a trilogy.
23:57That might make sense, actually,
23:59with one of the theories of why the stones are here,
24:02because pagan beliefs dictate that part of their faith is the goddess,
24:08it's a triple goddess, maiden, mother and crony,
24:11which sort of links in with what you were saying about trilogies.
24:14Yes, the trilogy is very strong here, Jason.
24:18Let's see if we can get anything on the stone.
24:24See, they're not playing up for us, are they?
24:26Well, there should be absolutely no electromagnetic energy at all here,
24:29so even a tiny fluctuation would indicate something unusual.
24:34I feel that a particular man chanted his own physical mantra
24:39before these all joined in, all the followers.
24:43He would do this on three different occasions within a given 24 hours.
24:49There were set times.
24:51That's it. Thank you, Sam.
24:53The trilogy of three.
24:55We set our clock from the three.
24:58What you're sort of saying there is that this is some kind of timepiece,
25:02and that's the theory with Stonehenge, which is near here,
25:05isn't far away, another stone circle.
25:07But there are actually three stone circles in Aylesbury.
25:10I mean, this gives you the impression there's one, but there are three.
25:13We are in one of the three stone circles.
25:16OK, fine, that's good.
25:18Now, that would also help me with this, where I've just been...
25:22If there are three, and it links in with the trilogy of three,
25:26you're going to have, again with the three, the main stone.
25:30So there would be three, as you've said, three stone circles,
25:35so there would be three of the likes of the level of this man
25:39heading the three circles of stones.
25:42At exactly the same time.
25:44At exactly the same time, to bring in the power and what have you.
25:47Ah, I see.
25:49And you know the... Thank you. Sorry, Evie.
25:51The moon. The moon has got a lot to play. Not the sun.
25:54The moon has got a lot to do with the three.
25:57Well, it has, because in pagan belief, the sun and the moon are like opposites.
26:01The moon represents the feminine, the sun represents the masculine.
26:04And the two together, the duality of the two,
26:07is very much part of pagan belief,
26:09which is intrinsically linked with sites like Avery and Stonehenge.
26:13So it does link in that they would have been perhaps worshipping the moon,
26:17if you like, or worshipping the sun, or an amalgamation of the pair.
26:20So was Derek's theory of the stones being a timepiece correct?
26:24It's unlikely the truth will ever be fully uncovered.
26:27But the weather was getting worse,
26:29so it was back to the Red Lion to continue our investigation.
26:33At first, Jason, Sam was saying to me a little bit earlier on
26:37to readdress something, because it's most important.
26:40And I said, of course, Sam, of course.
26:42And he said, you talked about Florence.
26:44And I said, yes.
26:46And then suddenly he takes me and, you know,
26:48I seem to have just been taken backwards,
26:51and falling and falling and falling and falling.
26:54And I seem to be at the bottom of something, and I can't get out.
26:58And I feel here. Is it this area?
27:01It's a well.
27:03So Florence is linked with the well, or something to do with the well.
27:08Can you find out about something to do with the well?
27:11There is a story connected to somebody being thrown down a well,
27:17but it's not in this area.
27:19Right. Can I say to you, the link's up here with a well,
27:23and you'll find the connection and the link with Florence.
27:27Florence is not the wife, OK, as we talked about earlier, of Edgar.
27:35Florence is in the well.
27:37Florence went down the well.
27:39Why did she go down the well?
27:41She was killed.
27:44She certainly didn't fall down.
27:47She was thrown down.
27:49With three men?
27:51I get the impression of three men.
27:54Three men.
27:56Derek's spirit guide, Sam,
27:58did not give us any further information about Florey and the well.
28:02We moved to the upper story of the inn,
28:04where the crew voted for me to spend time in the heavily haunted private room.
28:09I had to face whatever terrors it might hold, alone.
28:16I'm getting very brave. I'm flipping stupid.
28:20Right, now, just as a little tip, a helpful tip,
28:24even when you go into the bedroom and you sit there in the quiet,
28:29OK, which you will, like we all will,
28:32if you start to feel any little sensations
28:36coming across your forehead, down underneath,
28:39like tingling sensation under your eyes,
28:41or even to the top of your head, or even to the base of your neck,
28:47all you have to do, don't panic or anything like that.
28:51It's easy for you to say.
28:53No, but honestly, they're not here to hurt or anything,
28:57but I just feel that may happen, it may happen in other places,
29:00but if it does, just say, bless you, you're most welcome.
29:04And that gives that individual that reassurance, OK,
29:08that, you know, you're not going to be scared.
29:11They don't want you to be scared.
29:13Honestly, you know, however, if, you know,
29:18I think, you know, it's quite lovely, actually,
29:20if you've got your hands out like that
29:22and you feel anything of warm sensation or tingle in your hand,
29:25the person's actually holding your hand.
29:27I think that's lovely.
29:29Right, don't tell me more, don't tell me more, don't tell me more.
29:32I don't want to know. I don't want to know.
29:34OK. Right, then, shall we go?
29:38I can't feel it. It's OK.
29:40I can't feel it. It's OK.
29:43I am petrified.
29:46I just want to keep looking at the camera
29:48because I don't want to look around anywhere else in case I see something.
29:53I cannot last an hour like this.
29:59What the hell was that noise?
30:05The wind outside is blowing
30:07and it's casting shadows over everywhere.
30:12Oh, God.
30:22Oh, God.
30:26Please don't let anything happen to me.
30:29Please don't let anything happen to me.
30:36If there's anything in here, please go away.
30:39I know it would be nice to capture something on camera
30:41but I really don't want to do this
30:43and I'm not happy about doing it.
30:46One bit.
30:49OK, I'm feeling a little bit of tickling on the top of my head.
30:54Oh, God.
31:02OK, it's gone now.
31:03I can't stand it anymore.
31:17Oh, God, that wind outside.
31:24It's still tickling on the top of my head.
31:32I know you all think,
31:33oh, God, there it is again on top of my head.
31:40I can't stand it anymore.
31:42I'm sorry, I've got to go.
31:43I can't.
31:44I know I'm being a complete wuss.
31:47I'm just too scared to look now.
31:49I've got to make it to the door.
31:53Oh, Jesus.
31:55Get me out.
31:57Carl, Carl.
32:04While I was alone and terrified in the private room,
32:07next door, Jason had embarked on an experience
32:10that even he had not bargained for.
32:14Right, that's me alone in the Avenue room,
32:17which is supposed to be haunted.
32:18I wish I was scared, but I'm not.
32:21So we'll see if anything happens.
32:24That's the room.
32:27It's now nearly six o'clock in the morning.
32:32And I have once again failed to be scared so far.
32:37Luckily, I've got a room with a bed, which is nice.
32:39Bit of luxury.
32:50I can hear footsteps outside here,
32:53but I think that's Yvette going into the room next door.
32:57She's just through here.
33:02I don't think she'll last very long.
33:04She'll kill me for saying that.
33:10Come on, orbs.
33:12Let's have an orb go past my face.
33:15Actually, I'm going to take some DVRs to the room,
33:18because you never know.
33:20We might catch something.
33:26If there's anything here...
33:32Oh, that's just reflection.
33:34I thought I had one for a sec there.
33:36If there's anything here that wishes to make its presence felt to me,
33:40as a complete sceptic at the moment,
33:43then if you can create some phenomena on the screen,
33:46or move across the room,
33:48such as what is termed an orb...
33:52Thank you very much.
33:54There was one straight away, I think.
33:56Could you show me that again, if you're in the room?
34:01Where did you go?
34:10Yes, are you around me? Yes.
34:12I could see you.
34:14Where are you?
34:21Yes, I just saw you go up the bed.
34:23Wow, straight at me.
34:26And across the back to the bed.
34:31Oh, my God, guys.
34:33It's like a scene out of The Exorcist.
34:36Actually, my heart...
34:38Oh, my God.
34:43I'm starting to get heartburn, actually, which isn't like me.
34:47It's not down to Max's cooking.
34:50It's probably down to the fact that
34:52this is a slightly unusual occurrence happening.
34:55It's certainly something I can't explain with these orbs across the bed.
34:59If you're here and you want to communicate with me,
35:02can I see you across the bed again?
35:04Are you still around me?
35:06Who are you?
35:11Now, what these orbs are, we don't really know,
35:13but we do know that you only catch them at haunted places.
35:16You can't see them by the human eye very often.
35:18It has happened, but it's rare.
35:20They do appear on camera pictures,
35:22such as digital pictures or single-lens reflex pictures,
35:25and they also appear on video,
35:27so there's no way of catching them.
35:29No-one knows what they are, but they're unexplainable.
35:32Whether they're connected to ghosts or not, we don't know,
35:35but they do appear in haunted places,
35:37so it's logical to perhaps make that association at the moment.
35:50I have to say,
35:52despite my hard outer shell,
35:55I'm slightly spooked.
36:04It was just on the bed there. I saw it.
36:10This is weird.
36:16Oh, my God!
36:20Shit! Fuck! It's coming towards me!
36:29So even Jason, the most sceptical member of our crew,
36:32had given in and fled the room.
36:36This was the strange moving object that sent him running.
36:39Is this an orb or simply a speck of dust?
36:43When our producer, Carl, went back into the room to retrieve a camera,
36:46two scratch marks appeared on the back of his neck for no reason.
36:50I just went into the room where we were,
36:54the private room.
36:56I went to take the camera down, and I thought,
36:58no, I'll actually take the plug out first.
37:01And I leant down to pull the plug,
37:03and literally just as I pulled the plug out,
37:05I had just this sharp pain in the back of my neck.
37:08Right from the word go.
37:10I mean, that area up there,
37:12the hallway, the two bedrooms and what have you,
37:15they were, at the beginning, when we first walked in, very active.
37:20I think it's important to remember that there's very little evidence
37:23of ghosts hurting people physically, but it isn't unknown.
37:26What this feels like to me
37:29is that there's been a little bit of diva activity.
37:32Well, divas, as you call them, is elemental ghosts,
37:34which is a ghost that's never allegedly lived as a human being.
37:37It's created by negative situations, murders, unpleasant thoughts,
37:41and it sort of creates a feeling of negativity,
37:43and that takes on an intelligence. That's the theory.
37:46We couldn't let this go.
37:48We had to go back into the room to find out
37:50who or what had caused the scratches on Carl's neck.
37:58It was just here.
38:00The locked-off camera was up here,
38:03and I leant down to this plug here
38:07to unplug it,
38:09and that's when it scratched.
38:21God, it's cold in here, isn't it? Yeah.
38:25Come on, you son of a gun.
38:27Let's show yourself.
38:30Come on.
38:32Let's see how much spine you've got.
38:35Very well, it's scratching.
38:38Come on. Prove your ability.
38:42Show your strengths.
38:45I feel you're weak.
38:47Come on.
38:51If I hold my hands out, scratch my hands,
38:55you're most welcome.
38:57Let's see you do it.
39:09I didn't know that spirits could physically harm you.
39:12I mean, to show marks on you.
39:14I couldn't say whether they gain any...
39:17I couldn't say whether they gain any satisfaction, pleasure, whatever,
39:22because I don't understand them enough.
39:27But many years ago, there was a lady come to see me
39:30when I was doing private sessions and whatever, private readings,
39:33and that poor woman, over a period of time,
39:36she was getting scratched, doing healing and getting scratched,
39:39and she said she woke up one evening
39:42and she said she swore at that moment in time
39:45when she got scratched and what have you,
39:47she said it felt like hair, as if there was a cat going...
39:51What was that?
39:53Who just did that with the coin?
39:55I heard it. I heard it.
39:57Was that not you?
39:59My hands were in my pockets.
40:01My hands were in my pockets as well.
40:03I heard something.
40:05It was like...
40:07It was like this.
40:09Yeah, it was like chink.
40:11I didn't feel anything. I thought it was behind me.
40:13And then I thought it was you.
40:15What we can definitely say is that there are lots of
40:18unexplained things that are happening around us here.
40:22And they're not due to us being tired.
40:24So that would be paranormal.
40:26It would be unexplainable.
40:30I'm scared.
40:32I don't happen often.
40:34I'm just keeping very quiet, which is unusual for me.
40:39What? Something just came up.
40:41I don't know if that's what it was.
40:43So had we caught one of the first stages of a ghost manifestation
40:47on camera, was this odd moving light another encounter with an orb?
40:51After close inspection of the tape,
40:53we cannot offer any other explanation.
40:56So it had been a long and eventful night,
40:59and even though Jason's two experiments involving the flower
41:02and the coin showed no result,
41:04the scratches on Carl and the strange object moving on its own
41:07were enough evidence to suggest
41:09that the red line in Avebury could very well be haunted.
41:29That was one of the best experiences that I've had to date,
41:33purely and simply because of the activity
41:35in the different areas of the building,
41:38both higher level and lower level,
41:40at different times during the investigation.
41:43Well, this has certainly been one of the most unusual investigations
41:46that I've ever taken part in.
41:48There was the orbs that seemed to be linking
41:51with different members of the team.
41:54Yvette's reactions to the experiences of the evening
41:57were, I think, due to mass hysteria.
41:59We've had that before, and she gets scared very, very easily.
42:02Yvette, yes, naturally she was a little bit, to say the least,
42:05petrified over certain incidents that actually did take place.
42:10My heart went out a lot to Yvette.
42:13But what I think is the most memorable part of the evening
42:17was when Carl came down from taking off a secured camera
42:21and two scratches appeared on his neck.
42:23Now, these were fresh scratches, you could see, they were red,
42:26they were like open wounds almost,
42:28they were pretty horrific to look at and quite scary,
42:31and that made me think about the whole thing in a different light
42:34and suddenly becomes something not so much as a game and fun
42:37but something that's perhaps potentially dangerous in some way,
42:40and that did concern me.
42:44Well, we've come to the end of our 24 hours
42:46and I have to say Derek was very accurate on quite a lot of things.
42:49Jason, our parapsychologist, was spooked.
42:52And me spending that time alone in that room, I will never, ever forget.
42:57I've never been so frightened in all my life.
42:59And I think, well, will we ever understand what went on here in Avebury?
43:03I don't know.
43:04Anyway, we shall see you at our next location.
43:07Until then, sleep tight.
43:14Well, literally, we were just stood there working
43:16and then the boat kind of looked up and the thing just shook.
43:20That's exactly what happened.
43:27OK, a bit of an overreaction, maybe.
43:31When did you notice it was doing that?
43:33I sat here and looked over the platform. It's moving.
43:35So there's no-one else in this area?
