Most Haunted Paranormal T.V Series 1 - Episode 4 - The Theatre Royal, Drury Lane

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The Theatre Royal in Covent Garden is the oldest theatre site still in use in London and reputed to be the most haunted theatre in the world. Will the Most Haunted team encounter the theatre's most famous ghost - the Man In Grey?


00:00The most haunted theatre in the world, lost and alone at Drury Lane.
00:12This is feeling very weird.
00:37Hello and welcome to Most Haunted.
00:38Now, according to theatrical folklore, it's incredibly lucky to have a resident ghost
00:43in a theatre, which must make this week's location one of the luckiest theatres in the
00:48world, because it has at least five ghosts.
00:51We're in London at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane, and we're going to be spending 24 hours
00:56hoping that the resident ghosts are going to put on one big performance.
01:05There's been a theatre on this site since 1661, and the present building dates from
01:101812, which makes it the oldest theatre in London.
01:14It's reputedly the most haunted theatre in the world, and Drury Lane is now almost as
01:18famous for its ghosts as for its long-running musicals.
01:25Now, Jason, this is supposed to be the most haunted theatre in the world.
01:36Is that true?
01:37Allegedly, yes.
01:39What sort of ghosts are here?
01:40We've got an interesting mixture of different hauntings supposed to be in this building.
01:44The main one is probably London's most famous ghost, and that's the Man in Grey, who's supposed
01:48to be an actor from the 1700s.
01:50One of the strange things about the Man in Grey ghost is that 70 people saw him at the
01:54same time.
01:55Now, this took place during a photo session on stage.
01:58The actors were staring into the darkness and saw a movement here where we're seated,
02:01and 70 people watched the little Man in Grey walk across this very area.
02:05Now, because of its reputation, a lot of people actually come and try to find ghosts here,
02:09don't they?
02:11We are actually following in the footsteps of the greats, and that is James Wentworth
02:13Day, who's a very famous ghost writer, and also Harry Price, who came here.
02:17They both held an investigation actually in the upper circle where we're sat here.
02:20James Wentworth Day believes that he actually saw the Man in Grey, but not as a figure,
02:25as most people have reported it, more as a sort of blue haze that moved across the area
02:29and into the wall.
02:30What do you think might happen to us tonight?
02:35Theatres are eerie places when there's nobody in them.
02:37We're used to them being full of people and quite noisy places with music and laughter.
02:41When we're here this evening, it's going to be dead silent.
02:44There's no windows to the outside, so it's very much sort of like being in a shell.
02:48So it's going to be a very peculiar kind of environment for us to investigate.
02:52I think that will put us on edge.
02:54We may see something, we may not, but we've got to remember noises in here are going to
02:58be massively echoed because of the shape of the building, so any small, tiny, probably
03:03insignificant sound will be blown into probably an unnatural proportion, and we need to keep
03:08our feet on the ground.
03:15As usual, joining Jason and myself with a fearless crew, constantly working to try to
03:20catch something paranormal on camera.
03:22And Derek Okora, our spiritualist medium, would arrive later, with no prior knowledge
03:27as to the whereabouts of the location.
03:32Theatre Audrey Lane is supposedly the most haunted theatre in London.
03:36The best-known story is the story of the man in grey, who is a chap who, dressed in 18th
03:43century clothing, walks along the back of the upper circle in the building.
03:49He's been sighted on lots of occasions, so people have reported seeing him following
03:54the same route across the back of the upper circle and disappearing through a wall.
03:58In 1939, over half the cast of The Dancing Years were on stage for a photo call, and
04:05they reported seeing this character walking across the back.
04:12Dan Lino was a very famous pantomime dame who performed here at the end of his career.
04:18He died in 1904, and he did about 20 pantomimes here as a dame, and he's reported to haunt
04:26the backstage areas.
04:28When you know about these ghosts that are supposed to be here, you sort of think, oh,
04:31will I see one?
04:32I don't know.
04:33And I'm not the one to necessarily believe that they're all around, but when I get out
04:37at night, I mean, we cross the stage to the stage door, and one night I heard, like, footsteps
04:45as I'm going from the stage to the stage door, and I looked and could see nothing, but I
04:51did hear footsteps, and I thought, now, it could be anything.
04:57There's a ghost that people call the Lavender Lady, because the apparition is noticed because
05:02you can smell lavender in backstage areas.
05:05Also, going back further in time, Joseph Grimaldi, the famous clown, gave the name Joey to clowns.
05:13He used to work between here and Sadler's Wells, and he used to perform here, then run
05:18all the way up to Islington to do his next performance at Sadler's Wells, and then run
05:23back again.
05:24He was incredibly physically fit.
05:26He did tumbles and jumps and leaps, and he actually got old far before his time, had
05:32his farewell benefit performance here, when he could hardly walk on stage, and he was
05:38in his 40s at that stage, but he had crippled himself with the work that he did, and it's
05:43rumoured that he haunts the stage area, and if there's any actor that isn't actually giving
05:47their best performance, then Grimaldi will come up behind him and give him a kick up the bottom.
05:52I know someone who said he was given a kick at the bum to say, get on with it, because
05:57he thought, oh, I can't tonight, oh, I can't do it tonight, and he said, he didn't know
06:01where it came from, but there was a kick up the bum.
06:05Theatre's a very insecure profession, always has been, always will be.
06:10Most people's jobs are related to shows, so they can last anything from weeks to years
06:15these days, but because of the insecurity, most people in the business tend to be very
06:22superstitious, and that's one of the reasons why people like to cling to stories about
06:28ghosts and the traditions of the buildings, and that's another thing about superstitions.
06:34Superstitions are really traditions, so people like to carry them on, because it makes them
06:38feel a bit more secure, so, for example, the Scottish play, Shakespeare's play, you would
06:44never actually name it unless you were appearing in it or rehearsing in it, that goes back
06:49to the original production, which was supposedly fraught with disaster, so people never mention
06:56it, it contains real curses, Shakespeare lifted curses that he had heard and included
07:02them in there, the witches and the evil, the blood, the killings, so people don't do it.
07:08If they do say it, then they have to leave the room they're in, turn around three times,
07:13spit, and ask for somebody to bring them back into the room, or at least give them permission
07:19to come back into the room, or they can actually do a quote from Hamlet, which is, angels of
07:25grace defend us, and that will cover them if there's nobody else around as well.
07:29Well, I think you're very bright, well, I mean, as long as we're all together, it should
07:32be quite fun, in a way, I don't know, having said that, I hope they're not in here, I don't
07:39know, it'd be great.
07:43The auditorium is so beautiful, it's lovely, you know, and I think it's got such history
07:51that I love it, really, I do love it, because it's a real, what I call a real theatre, it's
07:58really, I like old-fashioned theatres, and this certainly is that.
08:02Well, I'm as sceptical as anybody about any of these things, there must be a lot of auto-suggestion
08:07in it, but when you do hear stories about the man in grey where more than one person
08:12has seen him at any one time, and also there was a cleaner who reported seeing him sitting
08:17in a seat who actually described him perfectly well, but it was her first day at work, so
08:23she couldn't have spoken to anybody to give her the idea to report it, it does make you
08:29wonder, so I'm sceptical, but I'm prepared to believe that there's something to it.
08:40It's easy to understand why people fall in love with a theatre, and especially in a building
08:44as beautiful as this. Maybe that's why some people refuse to leave, even when they're dead.
08:57In the late 1700s, a fight broke out between two of the actors. One lunged at the other
09:02with his cane, piercing his eye and instantly killing him. But curiously enough, it's not
09:07the dead man that haunts Drury Lane, but his murderer, and he's often seen early evening
09:12at the time when the fight broke out.
09:19One of the most famous characters here is Joseph Grimaldi, who is known as the father
09:23of the clowns. Now, the clown make-up that he created has been copied by British clowns
09:28ever since.
09:33With Derek's arrival in the theatre well into its evening's performance, what better time
09:38to relax and prepare for the night's events?
09:42When we're at the theatre tonight, I really don't know at this point what to expect. And
09:48generally, wherever you find expression, as with actors and theatres, what is charged
09:55in the atmosphere, I find, is this gentleness, this sensitivity.
10:00Most ghost stories are sort of frightening or eerie or unnerving. The ones here aren't.
10:04They're funny. The man in grey, when it's seen, it's taken as an omen of good fortune.
10:08It's always reportedly seen before successful productions. There's a nice story about the
10:13helping hands, which usher people around the stage during rehearsals and give them a friendly
10:18pat when they're in the right place.
10:21As the evening was drawing to a close for the theatre-goers, it was time for our evening
10:25to begin. As usual, we wanted our spiritualist medium, Derek Okora, to see if he could contact
10:31any ghosts waiting in the wings.
10:34Well, Yvette, Jason, I'm picking up exactly zilch. Nothing.
10:40You're not picking anything up.
10:42Nothing whatsoever. This is quite alarming. If there's no spirits about, I can't do my job.
10:50And it's the only thing that frightens me.
10:53Shall we just have a walk round and see, go into some of the major parts of the theatre?
10:58I'd like to do that.
10:59Which way do you fancy going?
11:01I think we should go up into the circle, actually, which I think is up this main staircase.
11:06OK, let's do that.
11:07Shall we go up there?
11:09So Derek was picking up nothing. This was very unusual and a little disconcerting for us.
11:14However, as we entered the auditorium, we were all relieved as Derek felt the presence of a man.
11:19Now, since I've come into, just through that door, I've become very, very aware.
11:26Not so much the presence of the man.
11:28He walks, oh, often, up across the back here.
11:34He comes down and he has a look over from this level, then goes, retraces his steps and goes back again.
11:41And he's up and down on a regular basis.
11:44This man is like a troubled soul.
11:47And if we can, I'd like to walk up to that particular space and see, when I get closer to that energy,
11:57whether I can then extend on the feelings that are coming here.
12:02Yeah, it's here.
12:04Just at this section here.
12:08And he often, often comes through those doors and does this, you see, and views down.
12:16Why is he here and what's...?
12:18Right, he's troubled.
12:22He's troubled because of an act that he did and he's remorseful.
12:29And it's like he roams up and down here, constantly playing back what he actually did.
12:37But he's remorseful for it.
12:39Do you know what he did?
12:41Yes, I got a dagger in my side and it ran between my ribs.
12:49And I feel this man did exactly that.
12:55Charles! Charles...
13:00Charles Macklin!
13:04This person whose life he took away is also in the essence here.
13:09But this other soul will not forgive him.
13:11Who's the other soul?
13:13Arnold. Arnold. Arnold.
13:21He's coming into my energy. He's coming into my energy.
13:31You'll never forgive him.
13:33I'll never forgive him.
13:35I will never forgive him.
13:38Jealous of my talent. He always was and he always will be.
13:42How dare he? How dare he?
13:46He is the lesser.
13:50Even Hallam agrees with me.
13:52Hallam warned me. He warned me.
13:56But I didn't listen.
13:58Oh, what a folly. Oh, what a folly.
14:02What year is it?
14:10He took my life.
14:12For jealousy? Yes.
14:14What was he jealous of? Of my acting.
14:18So you were an actor? I'm the principal.
14:20You were an actor? I'm a principal.
14:24Without me, without me, it couldn't go on.
14:30I can't leave. Why?
14:33This wretch keeps me here.
14:37He's a wretch, a wretch.
14:50Derek, Derek, come forward. Derek, Derek, Derek.
14:53Derek, Derek, Derek, Derek, Derek.
14:56Derek, Derek, come forward.
14:59Come here.
15:03Carl, Carl. I'm here, Derek. Come forward, Derek.
15:06It's a wretch. Come forward.
15:11Are you OK? Yeah. What just happened?
15:13The one who murdered him won't let him out of the atmosphere
15:16and he won't forgive him.
15:18So he keeps him here and there's torment.
15:20It's keeping him into the atmosphere
15:23because they're both in equal levels.
15:26No. Derek, where were we when you didn't feel anything?
15:29Just come with me. Come with me.
15:32Can we take you downstairs where you didn't feel anything earlier
15:36so you should be clear.
15:38That's frightening. Sit down.
15:40That was very interesting. Just to try and clear him.
15:43That's when we feel sick, that, to look at that.
15:46I don't like it at all.
15:48It freaks you out a bit.
15:50I've seen mediums go into alleged transfiguration.
15:55Where a spirit is alleged to take on
15:58temporal possession of the body and control.
16:01I've seen Derek do it before.
16:04He was just sweating and just so upset.
16:08And to actually call for Carl,
16:10because he actually has said to Carl in the past,
16:13if you see me in trouble, you must say to me,
16:16grab hold of me and say, come forward, come forward.
16:19It's not nice to say at all. It's frightening.
16:23It's interesting.
16:25That's the way I felt, as if he was trapped in me,
16:28he wouldn't let me go either.
16:30And, erm...
16:31Oh, wow.
16:33For how long, I don't know what it was, but...
16:36It seemed to me like about an hour.
16:40And he was showing me the room where, you know,
16:44his thoughts were, he killed this man
16:48with, like, a sword, knife type thing.
16:51And, erm, when he killed him,
16:54and he looked down, erm...
16:59..his bones are here.
17:03Well, this is the backstage area.
17:05Isn't it amazing? It is, yeah.
17:09Now, the stage there, do you want to walk onto the stage, yeah?
17:13Yes. Sure.
17:22Oh, yeah.
17:31He would come to these physical people as they were performing
17:36and he'd gently, and I mean gently, do this, you see.
17:42Oh, gosh.
17:43And manoeuvre these people to better angles.
17:49I need to take pride in this.
17:51Very proud man.
17:53Who would do this?
17:56Is this the same Arnold as before?
17:58Woodrow, yes.
17:59Arnold Woodrow? Woodrow, it sounds like.
18:04And he...
18:11Thank you, Sam, I can hear him talking.
18:13OK, he wants to clear this up once and for all.
18:17Once and for all.
18:19What does he want to clear up?
18:21He wants me to do that with the two fingers.
18:25The two fingers, like this, you see.
18:27He wants to clear it up, he wants to clear it up.
18:33Now, this man... his proud presence, because he just fills my chest here,
18:40I'm much taller here, in his essence.
18:50He's there.
18:51Where? He's now showing himself. Where? Where?
18:53This middle box. The one with the seats in?
18:55You've got one, two, three, four, five, six chairs.
18:58Go from the end and go to the second chair.
19:01He is standing now.
19:02I'll describe him to you.
19:04This man, he's...
19:07Because of the light, it's either grey, grey-blue,
19:13long, like a cape-type thing, a cape coat,
19:19and he is...
19:23This is the one that was murdered.
19:25This is the man that was murdered? Yeah.
19:27Is this Woodrow? This is Woodrow.
19:30And he is...
19:33It's like as if he's beckoning, like this,
19:36and he's in total approval,
19:38total approval of what I'm trying to say.
19:44OK? And he's...
19:47He will not, this man will not forgive
19:51the way in which his life was taken away from him.
19:58And it was in a room.
20:00And also, he states this, he wants this to be cleared up.
20:05He wants this to be cleared up.
20:07It is him whose life was taken.
20:11It was him.
20:13And also, he shows me a wall.
20:17And his memory, out of the physical body,
20:21looking at his remains,
20:24almost skeletal,
20:26behind that rigged wall.
20:29Is this the same man that sort of took over you?
20:34This is him. Right.
20:36You can see him there, he's still there. Yes, he's still there.
20:39So if I was to shout something out now,
20:41would there likely to be a reaction on his face that you could see?
20:44Yes, whatever. Shall I try it?
20:46Yeah, try it.
20:48Why can't you leave?
20:50He's smiling.
20:54Smiling, I feel, psychically, I pick up the...
20:58It's like, do we understand?
21:01Do we understand?
21:03His presence of, even in spirit body,
21:06his presence of his talent and his, I suppose, ego,
21:11is still retained there.
21:17Derek was suddenly distracted by the distinct sound of a voice.
21:22I just heard a man say,
21:24My name's Joe. My name's Joe.
21:28It sounded like Joe Crabaldi.
21:32He's a nice man, him.
21:34He's a cheeky... Look, the smile.
21:37Is he there? He's elegant, yes.
21:39Whereabout, where is he? He's here to the side of this stanchion here.
21:43Just there.
21:45So if I was to walk in... Walk over, just see what you can feel.
21:48Let's see what he does.
21:52It's cold.
21:54Ooh, can you feel that?
21:57Can you feel that? What can you feel?
21:59A draft? No. You can't feel that? No.
22:03He's there. You can't feel where I'm...
22:06Can somebody please come and stand here?
22:09I cannot feel anything. Can you not feel...
22:11Oh, it is drafty, eh? Very drafty, eh?
22:13He just said, I was the best.
22:15I was the best. Not them two, me.
22:18But I'm not as egotistical as those two.
22:21I used to do it. I was outperforming.
22:24And of course they could hear me...
22:27..from the chest down here.
22:30The applause.
22:35I just got this very pronounced way,
22:39as he's influenced me in my walking with this man.
22:42It's like as if Joe... his expressions, in acting,
22:49was like he would take on many, many parts
22:54and would have no hesitation, no qualms.
22:59It's like, whatever is given to me,
23:02whatever part I will express from here,
23:06I'm going to let those people decide who is.
23:11And they'd walk.
23:14Like this, you see, with his back.
23:17What a lovely soul.
23:20Was this amusing spirit the ghost of Joe Grimaldi, the clown?
23:24Next, Derek was drawn to a tunnel down behind the stage.
23:41He lay here.
23:43Who lay there?
23:49Why did he break him up behind the wall?
23:54Who broke him up?
24:00He's sorry, Macklin.
24:02If he could turn the clock back, he's very sorry.
24:08In a fit of rage...
24:11..he's just absolutely continually...
24:14..continually, bless him,
24:17cursing himself for what he did towards Roe.
24:24And he said, just in blind fury and non-understanding,
24:29he had to hide his body.
24:32Some thought it was Hallam.
24:36It was Arnold.
24:39That is...
24:41I wish...
24:43It comes, it comes, it comes.
24:45You're saying he was bricked up behind this wall?
24:48I feel there's a bricking up here, yes.
24:54Keen comes down to have a look.
25:01Keen, a natural fact, helped expose this.
25:07Helped expose it.
25:09That wanted Roe to be found.
25:15And to get the people to knock the wall down.
25:19Was the wall not...
25:21..that was part of changes...
25:25..and renovation?
25:29I know he's done a terrible act by taking the other man's life,
25:33but I feel, other than that...
25:36..he had goodness in him anyway.
25:38He just had one of these faults that we all have,
25:41that, you know, a pent-up anger,
25:44that we can let fly.
25:46And, unfortunately, he let it fly and then took it too far.
25:50It doesn't seem right, though, that a murderer
25:53and the person he murdered are still together in the same atmosphere.
25:57Exactly. It doesn't seem right.
26:00But, you know, this is...
26:03..and has happened in many places.
26:07Many sites all over the world
26:09where the killer and also the person who's lost their life
26:14have found themselves stuck in the same energy,
26:20level of atmosphere.
26:22One, not screaming to get out of it,
26:25but voicing an opinion and then shouting back.
26:30And, you know, after all this time,
26:33they're still going through,
26:35when they cross each other's pathways,
26:39they're still going through...
26:41It's like a re-enactment of the time of the death.
26:47What hit him, I feel, more
26:50is to be placed behind a wall, his physical remains,
26:55more so than the actual act of killing him.
27:01The barbaric way to conceal him
27:05has more affected him for not wanting to give the forgiveness.
27:09Was he concealed alive, then, or were you saying
27:11he was aware he was concealed once he was dead,
27:13so you're saying his spirit was aware of that?
27:15His spirit was aware.
27:16So it wasn't concealed alive?
27:18No, no.
27:19He physically actually left the body
27:22and I feel actually watched this man
27:27breaking him up.
27:29Putting him down.
27:30Was the body being immured? Yes.
27:32Oh, that's horrible, isn't it?
27:34Yeah, very much so.
27:35So, of course, that adds to the negative spice of things, doesn't it?
27:40And on that note, shall we be brave and turn all the lights off?
27:45Let's do that. Let's do it.
27:47Let's go and get the night-vision cameras and let's go do that.
27:51The actors and audience had gone home long ago,
27:54leaving the theatre dark and empty.
27:57Was this the cue for ghostly feet to tread the boards?
28:00And would we be their audience?
28:02We decided now was a good time to switch to our night-vision cameras
28:06and split into two groups.
28:08Mark, Martin and Ian were in one group.
28:12Jason, Rick, Karl and myself were in another.
28:24That's a man with chains.
28:26It's a man with chains.
28:37We all had seen a man with chains walk behind Karl.
28:40We also heard the sound of the chains and caught it on tape.
28:43And, oddly enough, the sound doesn't fade away.
28:46It abruptly stops.
28:48Did you see someone in there?
28:50I saw a man with chains.
28:52No, he walked up the stairs.
28:54Yes, he did.
28:59I must go upstairs.
29:10He's nowhere around.
29:12He could not have made it up these stairs at that speed.
29:17You were standing with your camera pointing at the three of us.
29:21We looked behind you and there was a man walking from the left to the right.
29:26Side on.
29:28Carrying a load of chains.
29:35That's a man with chains.
29:41A massive bunch of chains.
29:44In black.
29:46Dark hair, a little fat guy.
29:48A little stout man.
29:50A little bit of a Tommy.
29:52Probably about 5'8", 5'9".
29:54But we can't find him.
29:56There's no way he could have got up here and just disappeared.
29:58There's nobody else here apart from us.
30:02We never did find out who the man with the chains was.
30:05Was it a ghost we had seen or someone else in the building who we didn't know about?
30:09Whoever or whatever it was, they disappeared without a trace.
30:16We don't know if we're supposed to be up here, do we?
30:18How did we find this, by the way?
30:22The boys continued their night walkabout up in the flies,
30:25situated high above the stage where scenery is flown onto the set.
30:29It is a notoriously dangerous area and the site of many accidents.
30:34Here it goes.
30:36Go on.
30:47Go on.
30:55It's quite a view.
30:57It does.
30:59This is absolutely fantastic up here.
31:07You can basically see...
31:09Well, nothing, because it's so dark.
31:14But you are just... We're just right on top of the stage.
31:19It's incredible.
31:26It's all the stage weights that are...
31:30What was that? What was that? What was that?
31:32Something touched my... Oh, right.
31:37I don't know.
31:43In there, something moved.
31:47There's not a door or anything, is there?
31:49There's no door, no.
32:00I am so scared.
32:02Jason and I were keeping a vigil in the empty theatre auditorium.
32:09I wasn't 100% happy about what Jason did next.
32:13If there's anybody here who wishes to communicate with Yvette or Jason,
32:17please give us a sign that you can hear us and understand us.
32:22We're here as your friends. We're here to prove you exist.
32:27If you wish to talk to us or communicate with us
32:31please give us a sign by sight, sound or smell,
32:35either to myself or to Yvette or to both of us.
32:41Is there anybody here who wishes to communicate with us?
32:48It's very cold here, isn't it? Yeah.
32:53I am getting a draft as we speak.
32:55I am actually now, but, you know, it's cold, so...
33:01I didn't like that at all. Something just blew right across my legs.
33:07Something just blew in my ear.
33:11Something did just blow in my ear and it wasn't Jason.
33:14That's it.
33:21That was freaky, that was.
33:23That was freaky, Jason.
33:28What just happened?
33:30Well, um... Did you feel...?
33:32No, it was like... Like quite harsh?
33:35Yes. On this ear, not...
33:37On this one. And I thought it was you. I didn't.
33:41This is one experience I will never forget.
33:45You're sitting in... The world's most haunted theatre.
33:51I'll just tell you what we've encountered so far.
33:56I had a cold breath on my right ear.
33:59It wasn't Jason, cos his head wasn't in...
34:02He was looking away.
34:06I had a cold, again, like a... on my legs.
34:11I think I'll have to look back at the tape.
34:13Dark shadow just over to my right here, over the back wall.
34:21And I've just felt, as we were talking...
34:24We've noticed the temperature drops,
34:26but we'll probably answer them away with at least air circulation
34:30via the air conditioning.
34:32Did you hear that whisper?
34:34Yes, I did.
34:35Did you hear that whisper?
34:36Yes, I did.
34:37Yes, I did.
34:38Did you?
34:43Did you hear that?
34:44Yes, I did.
34:45It sounded to me like...
34:49Just like...
34:52But like I said earlier on, we have to bear in mind
34:55that the sounds in here are massively exaggerated,
34:59because that's what the building was designed for.
35:02Can you feel that again? Put your hand here.
35:07Can you feel that?
35:08Yes, I can.
35:10That's not natural.
35:11Keep still.
35:20There is a really strong cold wind coming from my right.
35:29I can feel it.
35:34Did you feel that cold, Jason?
35:36Did you?
35:37Yes, I did.
35:38Did you start to shake with the cold?
35:40Yeah, I know, I am doing it.
35:42It felt freezing.
35:44What was that?
35:47It must have been your gown.
35:53Did you feel that?
35:57That was like something blew across my hand.
35:59Oh my God, it's so cold here.
36:03I had my hand just like that, and it blew across.
36:08I am getting very freaked out now, Jason.
36:12Mark, Martin and Ian seem to be having trouble finding their way around.
36:16Slowly, they were beginning to get a little spooked.
36:21Oh, I see what it is.
36:22Boardroom stuff.
36:24Are you sure it's a boardroom? There's someone down there.
36:28Should we do that door?
36:29Can't hang around, isn't it?
36:32Go and open that door, Ian.
36:35God, something like this is getting really freaky, isn't it?
36:42Oh, Jesus Christ!
36:46Wow, there's something back there.
36:47That was huge.
36:48I know.
36:50Is that right?
36:52Oh, there it is.
36:55Yeah, it is.
36:57I think I am that bit.
36:59We went down those stairs and then we went down a corridor.
37:02So how can we go downstairs along the corridor and up the same set of stairs?
37:08We've just gone a massive circle around in that room.
37:13While the smaller crew tried to find their way out,
37:15we decided to set up a shot of us walking along a corridor.
37:19Little did we know that there was something at the end of it.
37:24Go, go, go, go!
37:26Go, go, go, go!
37:33There were two legs just there.
37:36Just here.
37:37Just right across there.
37:38Just there.
37:39They were moving on their own.
37:40I saw them.
37:41I saw them.
37:42We all bloody saw them.
37:45Basically, that's where it is.
37:46That's it.
37:47I was just doing that.
37:48I only saw the legs.
37:50What was it doing?
37:51It was just like that.
37:52Just moving like that.
37:53Two legs.
37:54They were just flat.
37:55Just flat, yes.
37:56And I saw them as well.
37:57God, that's why we all ran.
37:58I did see them.
37:59Why is it whenever we have lock-offs, we always put them in the wrong place?
38:04This was the first location where some of us had seen what we consider to be a ghost.
38:09Who did the pair of legs belong to?
38:11Recently, a photographer was taking shots of the interior of the theatre.
38:15He swears nobody was on the stairs at the time this photograph was taken.
38:20Look closely on the right-hand side.
38:22Maybe this is the ghost who likes to walk the staircases,
38:25and maybe it was his legs that we saw.
38:33Carl, Stuart and Rick return to the dark, empty auditorium,
38:36determined to have one last go at catching sight of the man in grey.
38:47Sorry, I just thought I heard some...
38:49Then again, we are in an old building.
38:53It's freezing.
38:56It feels crazy, doesn't it?
38:59Rick began to experience some seriously weird sensations.
39:02We are in the back.
39:05Sorry, Rick, you just said it feels like you're being followed.
39:10Where from, the seat or...?
39:15Are you all right?
39:17Are you all right?
39:27Are you all right?
39:30What's the matter?
39:35It really hit me on the back of the neck or something.
39:40I thought someone's hit you on the back of the neck.
39:42Yeah, you know, it's almost just like a really hard mass.
39:51There are reports of the man in grey being seen in a specific seat.
39:57This is where he sits, in this chair here.
40:00D, why don't you go and sit in there, Rick,
40:03and I'll come up the top.
40:04In his chair? His chair.
40:13There's Stuart joining me. I'll spin the camera around for a bit.
40:18So this is the chair that I'm actually sat in.
40:21Which there's ghosts as well.
40:23With Rick and Stuart waiting for something paranormal to happen in the ghost chair,
40:27Carl was filming in the area where the man in grey has been seen walking.
40:32This is feeling very weird.
40:36I'm pretty sure something just shot across the screen.
40:39Carl had seen something.
40:41It was an orb, which is one of the first stages of a ghost manifestation.
40:46It seemed odd that it was caught on camera in the same place
40:50where Derek had made contact with the man in grey.
40:54Let's go up the top and see, BT.
40:58Flash the light, mate, so I can see where I'm walking.
41:01Got it.
41:02Got it.
41:04Carl, where I was sat before,
41:07the actual, you know, the bit that pulls down to sit on?
41:10It's come down.
41:11It's come down?
41:13It was up, because I just had the camera on it.
41:16God, it is as well.
41:18It's down?
41:19It's down.
41:20All the other chairs are up.
41:21This is where I was sat in that chair there.
41:24Stuart was sat here in the chair spring back.
41:27See, the chairs do that, look.
41:30Every chair.
41:33So why is that like that?
41:35When I got up from that, that chair was up, so I just filmed it.
41:39It's come down on its own.
41:41Well, I think it's very strange that that is the actual chair
41:44that he's been seen in.
41:45Was there somebody in the auditorium with them?
41:49The chair coming down and the orb Carl had seen.
41:52Were they related to the ghost of the man in grey?
42:06I was most taken back and enjoyed the idea
42:11of one particular spirit who took the time out
42:17to explain to me how individually,
42:20and he was the only one in the theatre, out of all these spirits,
42:24how did he take the time out to help modern-day actors and performers
42:30still to this moment in this theatre?
42:32Like when the cameraman says,
42:34step aside to the right or the left,
42:36he's still taking the time out.
42:38And that's not jealousy, I think.
42:40He wants that performer to get the best from themselves
42:43to give the audience.
42:45That was most, most touching to me.
42:47Most touching.
42:49Well, I can say categorically that I saw something very odd.
42:54Two other people saw it, Yvette and Rick as well.
42:56We all saw the same thing at the same time, and that's the key.
42:59Because with so many ghost sightings,
43:01you get single, uncorroborated evidence
43:03where one person has had some sort of experience
43:05and you hear it second-hand as an anecdotal account.
43:08This is not that.
43:09This is three people seeing the same thing
43:12who have seen something they can't explain.
43:15When I was first told about it,
43:17my psychic inclinations were telling me,
43:20yes, definitely, I've experienced this,
43:23and it wasn't in any way imagination.
43:26That was real.
43:27As a possible explanation, I could say the usual things.
43:30We were very tired, it was very dark.
43:32Perhaps we imagined it.
43:34But it would be very unusual if three people imagined the same thing
43:37at the same time in the same place.
43:39I did see the pair of legs.
43:41They were just there.
43:42Now, naturally, I've got a guide who I rely upon.
43:45His name's Sam.
43:47Really, my work wouldn't be as protected without his presence.
43:52He's always there for me
43:54and will not allow me to go too far and get too distressed,
43:59taking on those conditions of maybe what that spirit actually experienced.
44:04The investigation last night here at Theatre Royal,
44:06the most haunted theatre in the world, is extremely special for me
44:09because I followed in the footsteps of some of the great ghost hunters,
44:12Harry Price and James Wentworth Day, and I will always remember it.
44:18Well, last night was a revelation for quite a few of us,
44:20and I definitely saw a pair of legs on the stairs.
44:23Whether they belonged to a ghost, who knows?
44:25Until the next location, sleep tight.
44:55What was that?
