I Robbed My BF’s Family

  • 2 days ago
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MSA, formerly known as "My Story Animated," is a dynamic YouTube channel that brings real-life stories to life through engaging and visually captivating animations. Specializing in personal drama, emotional journeys, and life-changing experiences, MSA transforms viewers' submissions into powerful animated narratives that resonate deeply with its audience. Each video tackles a wide range of topics, including relationship struggles, overcoming adversity, and self-discovery, making it a platform where real-life events are depicted with creativity and authenticity.

The channel's content is crafted to be relatable and inspirational, offering viewers a blend of entertainment and life lessons. Through animated storytelling, MSA explores complex social dynamics, personal growth, and the challenges of everyday life, providing viewers with stories that are not only entertaining but also thought-provoking and emotionally engaging.

**Disclaimer:** The stories presented on this channel are based on personal submissions and are animated for entertainment purposes. While the narratives are inspired by real events, the characters and specific details may be fictionalized to protect the privacy of the individuals involved. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The opinions and experiences expressed in the videos are those of the individuals submitting the stories and do not necessarily reflect the views of MSA. Viewer discretion is advised.
00:00Sadie and I sat down quietly among Mrs. Lancaster's relatives, who were glaring at us.
00:05Why are we here exactly? Just wait for it, it's going to be fun.
00:09Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today for the reading of the late Mrs. Lancaster's will,
00:15who was a woman of remarkable character and…
00:17Blah blah blah, snooze fest, get to the good part, man.
00:21Upon careful examination of the will, it is clear that Mrs. Lancaster has left her entire fortune
00:27worth $10 million to one individual, Miss Sadie.
00:32There was a stunned silence, then Sadie burst into tears.
00:36Oh my god, I'm shocked. What have I done to deserve this?
00:40Other than being her only friend for the last two years, still, you can't put a price on love.
00:45Not even $10 million. But I'm so touched.
00:50Suddenly, Mrs. Lancaster's relatives ran towards the lawyer,
00:54yelling at him, tearing his shirt, and throwing his files across the room,
00:58while Sadie turned to me and grinned.
01:00Hi, I'm Chloe, and before I explain what happened here, please like and subscribe.
01:05My older sister and I were two years apart, and nothing alike.
01:09Sadie was beautiful with her blonde hair and blue eyes,
01:12while I had dark, messy hair, and my eyes were the color of poop.
01:16I was shy and introverted, but Sadie craved attention, and she knew how to get it.
01:21Like once when we were attending a friend's birthday party,
01:24Sadie started to cry right before the cake cutting.
01:27What's wrong, sweetie?
01:29Oh, I'm sorry. It's just that I haven't had a birthday party since my mom fell sick,
01:36and there's no cure.
01:38What's wrong with my- ow!
01:40Oh, you poor darling. Why don't you cut this cake? Go on, make a wish.
01:46Or the time she knew she was about to lose the art competition to a more talented kid,
01:51so she threw herself on the ground and started having a pretend seizure,
01:55from which she recovered fully after a minute.
01:58Oh, this happens when I haven't slept or eaten for days.
02:02I've just been working so hard on this art piece.
02:05And the judges gave her the award instead.
02:08Growing up, it felt like the spotlight always followed my popular sister
02:12while I lived in the shadows, which I really didn't mind.
02:15I loved taking pictures, and was the happiest behind my camera lens
02:18with Sadie as my favorite muse.
02:20And even though Sadie loved herself the most, I was a close second.
02:24What do you mean my sister's project isn't good enough?
02:27This isn't Harvard. It's just your dumb class.
02:29You don't have space on your party guest list for Chloe?
02:32Well, you could get a life and uninvite your mom.
02:35Sadie's friend had invited a great band to her party, and I had a blast.
02:40Thanks for bringing me, sis. This party's the coolest.
02:43This party's a dump, and so is this town.
02:45I'll take you to A-list parties when I'm a Hollywood star, Chloe.
02:49Which is inevitable. I mean, look at this face. It's a money maker.
02:53My parents owned a small grocery store, and while we weren't rich, we were comfortable.
02:57They promised to send Sadie to an acting academy in LA after high school,
03:01to make some extra money.
03:02Sadie started working as a companion to Mrs. Lancaster, a rich old lady in our town.
03:07Sadie would often sneak me into her mansion, and I'd spend hours in her library.
03:12Life was good, but soon after I turned 16, we woke up to the horrible news one morning
03:17that an electrical fire had burned our grocery store to the ground.
03:21Your mother and I will have to start looking for jobs.
03:23Sadie, we are so sorry, but we can't send you to LA.
03:27Surprisingly, Sadie took the news really well. She kept working at Mrs. Lancaster's place for
03:32the next few months, till one day, she came home with the news that the old lady had passed.
03:37Which brings us to the day after, where the lawyer announced that Mrs. Lancaster had
03:41left everything to Sadie, and her family started a riot.
03:44But she was perfectly calm as we walked out of there.
03:47I'll finalize the paperwork with the lawyer later.
03:50Hold on, Sadie. You already knew Mrs. Lancaster was leaving you everything, didn't you?
03:54It wasn't a hard guess. She didn't love our family very much.
03:57I don't think she loved you that much either. I know you did something.
04:01Fine. I just encouraged her to make a new will some time ago.
04:05But she decided everything herself.
04:07She was like 90 and half crazy, Sadie. The last time I saw her,
04:11she accused me of stealing apples from her mother's farm.
04:14Can you focus on what's important here? I'm a freaking millionaire now, Chloe.
04:18We can't take this money. It's not ours.
04:21You're right. It's mine. Just think of how much easier I can make things for mom and dad.
04:25Don't go telling them your stupid theories and let me help them.
04:29After that day, our lives just flipped upside down.
04:32We moved into Mrs. Lancaster's mansion, my parents started rebuilding their store,
04:36and Sadie hired herself an expensive acting coach.
04:39Suddenly, we were eating off silver platters and had maids and butlers.
04:43And Sadie was ordering dresses from Paris, shoes from Milan, and perfumes from London.
04:48I could send you to an amazing private school, Chloe.
04:52No thanks. Could you at least let me upgrade your wardrobe?
04:55Not interested.
04:56Okay, look, a brand new camera. You should start your photography channel.
05:00I'll buy you followers to give you a head start.
05:02Can you just stop?
05:03Sadie, you made an old lady sign over her fortune to you and robbed her family.
05:08How do you even sleep at night?
05:10Extremely well on my feather bed and Egyptian cotton sheets.
05:13And sometimes if I can't sleep, I count sheep.
05:16But instead of wool, my sheep have dollar bills on them.
05:19And instead of jumping on grass, they're jumping on more dollar bills.
05:23That helps me sleep like a baby.
05:25But I just couldn't accept what Sadie had done.
05:28And this created a rift between us.
05:30Things really came to a head when Sadie hosted a party one evening
05:33where she was showing off a Taylor Swift shoe she'd bought at an auction for $75,000.
05:39You need to return that.
05:41Sweetie, you sound hysterical.
05:43Why don't you take your medication and lie down?
05:45No, you need to sell it and return the money to its rightful owners.
05:49In fact, we need to return everything.
05:51Don't even think about touching the shoe.
05:53I'm warning you.
05:55Sadie leapt at me and we ended up in a huge fight till her parents broke us apart.
06:00When we were alone, I ended up telling them everything.
06:03My parents were horrified.
06:04I don't care what any of you think.
06:06I'm over 18 and I'm the legal rightful owner of this fortune.
06:10You want to go back to the life you had?
06:11Then go.
06:12My parents returned the money Sadie had given them for the store
06:16and we left for our old house that night.
06:18The next day, we found out that Sadie had put the mansion up for sale and moved to LA.
06:22It broke my heart that things had turned out this way between us.
06:25Mom and dad returned to their jobs and I wanted to help.
06:28I made a website offering my photography services
06:31and also started a YouTube channel sharing tutorials.
06:34By the time I graduated high school, I was making decent money from both.
06:37Soon after, I had my first ever solo exhibition.
06:40And for my showstopper, I went to the lake at dawn to capture the sunrise.
06:44I was about to take my best photo yet when a loud noise startled me.
06:48A boy was kneeling a few feet away, crying loudly.
06:52Eyes, look your last.
06:54Arms, take your last embrace.
06:57And lips, oh, lips, do something too.
07:01Would you mind going somewhere else, Romeo?
07:03I'm trying to work here.
07:04The boy turned to me in surprise and wow, was he a looker.
07:08I'm working here too, babe.
07:09I'm an actor and-
07:11I thought you were a madman.
07:12I have an important audition and this is my usual practice spot.
07:17I just need 20 minutes here and I'd appreciate some peace.
07:20I turned away to my camera and found the boy posing in front of me.
07:24Um, do you mind?
07:26Not at all, babe.
07:27Take as many photos as you want.
07:28I meant, could you move?
07:30An action shot, I like it.
07:32What should I do?
07:32Maybe a headstand or flex my biceps?
07:35Was he dumb or what?
07:37Okay, how about one of you gazing out at the water dramatically?
07:41The boy looked out at the water and immediately started crying.
07:44Was that good?
07:45How about one without the ugly crying?
07:48Yep, that's perfect.
07:49I'm Blake, by the way.
07:50Follow me on Insta at BlakeIsAGreekGod.
07:52Not gonna happen.
07:53Good luck and goodbye.
07:54The picture with Blake actually turned out amazing
07:57and I was shocked when some art collector at the exhibition offered to purchase it for $5,000.
08:03Later that night, I did end up finding BlakeTheGreekGod on Instagram
08:07and sent him a message asking if he'd meet me at a cafe.
08:10I thought it was only fair that he got a cut from the money.
08:13I just knew you'd reach out to me.
08:14I could feel this instant electrical connection between us.
08:18Wow, I feel nothing but regret.
08:21Here's the check I promised.
08:22See you never.
08:23Oh, come on.
08:24A cup of coffee won't hurt.
08:25I actually want to hire you for some headshots to send along with my audition tapes to Hollywood.
08:29You want to go to Hollywood?
08:30Of course.
08:31I mean, look at this face.
08:32It's a work of art.
08:34I guess a cup of coffee won't hurt.
08:36Has anyone ever told you your eyes are the most beautiful brown?
08:39They remind me of autumn leaves and hot chocolate.
08:42My eyes are the color of poop.
08:44You really need someone to talk you up, babe.
08:46I'm new in town and I have no friends, so I'm happy to stick around and do the job.
08:51He really meant that.
08:52He came off vain and silly at first, but he was actually sweet and funny.
08:56He'd often accompany me on my shoots and carry around my bags.
09:00And his idea of a good time was watching movies at home, eating pizza, and wearing face masks.
09:05I should take a picture of that and post it.
09:08You look so manly.
09:09Yeah, babe.
09:10Real men exfoliate their skin and talk about their feelings.
09:14He felt like the first real friend after Sadie, yet it was so different.
09:18Sadie had always overshadowed me, and I'd been fine being my sister's sidekick.
09:22But Blake always made me feel like the main character.
09:25And slowly, I found myself falling for him.
09:28One day, as I was editing some photos in my studio, Blake burst in and spun my chair around.
09:34You're going to Hollywood, babe.
09:36A big producer loved my audition tape, and he's casting me in his new movie.
09:40Turns out, he was also looking for a photographer for the promo stuff, and I recommended you.
09:45That's amazing!
09:47I'm so happy for you!
09:48For us.
09:49And suddenly, his face turned serious.
09:52You already know that I'm not well off and Dad's in a wheelchair.
09:55His mom used to live in this town, but Dad was in the army and he was posted abroad,
09:59so we haven't been able to visit in years.
10:01She died two years ago, and my family was going to inherit her wealth,
10:05which could have really helped us after Dad's injury.
10:07But apparently, Grandma's caregiver tricked her into giving her all her fortune.
10:11My life ran cold at his words.
10:14It's been tough, and sometimes I've thought about just giving up the Hollywood dream.
10:18But it looks like things are finally turning around, and you're my lucky charm, Chloe.
10:23I think I'm in love with you.
10:24He pulled me close and kissed me, but it felt terrible.
10:28I know, right?
10:29Me too.
10:30Uh, what's your grandma's name?
10:32Mrs. Lancaster, you okay, babe?
10:34Did my kiss take your breath away?
10:36It sure did!
10:37I tossed and turned all night.
10:40How could I tell Blake that my sister scammed his grandma?
10:43But how could I take this job without telling him?
10:45But the job was such an amazing opportunity, I couldn't let it slip away.
10:49Finally, I decided the only thing to do was to go to Hollywood,
10:52meet Sadie, and talk her into giving Blake's family the money.
10:55Before I knew it, Blake and I were in Hollywood and starting our first day on set.
10:59He got dragged away for hair and makeup, so I wandered around and started taking some pictures.
11:04When a familiar face appeared in front of my lens.
11:09What are you doing here?
11:10What are you doing here?
11:12I work here.
11:13Also, my Hollywood name is Sunday.
11:15I work here too.
11:16I'm the official photographer.
11:18Just then, Blake walked over.
11:20Hey, babe.
11:21I see you've met the heroine.
11:22She's a rising star in Hollywood, and I'm really excited about working together.
11:26But don't get any ideas, Sunday.
11:28The movie romance is fake because this heart is taken.
11:31This was getting so much worse.
11:33Of course I'd meant to meet Sadie, but I hadn't planned on Blake meeting her,
11:37let alone working on the same movie.
11:39The next few weeks were so difficult.
11:42I had to watch my sister doing romantic scenes with my boyfriend,
11:45after which they would be whisked off for interviews.
11:48And any time I tried catching Sadie alone, she managed to slip away.
11:52So one day, I hid in the trunk of Sadie's car and followed her right to her apartment.
11:56I need to talk to you.
11:57Unless it's an apology, I don't want to hear it.
12:00It's an apology.
12:02Once I was in, I turned to her furiously.
12:05Of course it's not an apology.
12:06Sadie, you have to give back Mrs. Lancaster's money to her family.
12:10Oh my god, that again?
12:11You're worse than their family lawyer.
12:13Do you know who Blake is?
12:15He's Mrs. Lancaster's grandson.
12:18What does he know?
12:18That his grandma's caregiver tricked her and took all the money.
12:22But he doesn't know that's you, my sister, his lovely co-star, Sunday.
12:26Just then, there was a knock on the door.
12:28My yoga instructor's here.
12:30You need to leave.
12:31I had no choice, but this conversation wasn't over.
12:34When I returned to my hotel room, I found Blake sitting on the bed with his bags packed.
12:39Hey, what's going on?
12:41I think you butt-dialed me by mistake when you were meeting your sister, Sunday.
12:45No, Sadie, right?
12:46The person who took grandma's money?
12:48Blake, listen, how could you not tell me?
12:51I really wanted to, but then I thought…
12:53You thought you'd keep quiet, use me, and take this job?
12:56No, of course not.
12:58I came here to talk to my sister, to make her return your money.
13:01You have to believe me.
13:03No, I don't.
13:04I wish I'd had the sense to record the conversation.
13:06But I'm not a schemer like you two.
13:08I won't work with her now, so I'm going home.
13:10You can't do that.
13:12This is an opportunity of a lifetime.
13:14And some things are more important than money.
13:16You wouldn't understand that.
13:18Blake left, and I was devastated.
13:20I tried to calm down, but I felt panic rising in my chest.
13:24First, my sister left me, and now the guy I loved.
13:27I couldn't stop crying, and I was struggling to breathe.
13:30Suddenly, I felt dizzy, and I blacked out.
13:33When I opened my eyes, I was in a hospital bed with Sadie beside me.
13:37Oh, thank God you're awake.
13:39What happened?
13:39I came to talk to you and found you unconscious.
13:42Blake found out everything and left.
13:44I think I just had a bad panic attack.
13:47Suddenly, Sadie started crying.
13:49Chloe, I would never intentionally hurt you, and I've missed you terribly.
13:54What hurt the most was knowing you thought I was evil.
13:58Yes, I pushed Mrs. Lancaster to make a new will,
14:01but she always said her only son hadn't visited in years,
14:04and the rest of her family were vultures.
14:06Those people didn't deserve the money either.
14:09Trust me.
14:10You're still justifying what you did?
14:12I'm telling you now, Blake's family needs the money.
14:15How can you be sure he isn't lying?
14:17Are you sure he's even Mrs. Lancaster's grandson?
14:20I can't talk to you anymore.
14:22Just leave, Sadie.
14:23Listen, Chloe, no!
14:25Go away!
14:26The next day on set was a mess.
14:28The producer was frantically trying to get in touch with Blake,
14:31but he wouldn't answer anyone's phone calls.
14:33I was sitting miserably in a corner when suddenly I got a phone call from Dad.
14:38Chloe, I know this is a lot to ask, but can you come home?
14:41A friend of mine has offered me an amazing opportunity to manage a huge grocery store,
14:45but it's in Texas, and I need all the help I can get.
14:48I know this is your dream job, but...
14:50That sounds amazing, Dad, and of course I'll help.
14:53I'll take the next flight home.
14:55As I hung up, I turned around to see Sadie behind me.
14:58You're leaving?
14:59Yeah, Dad needs my help with work.
15:01Listen, if Blake doesn't come back, they'll find a replacement soon,
15:04and this movie will be up and running in no time.
15:07You can't give up this job.
15:08It'll be so great for your career.
15:11You know what, Sadie?
15:12I can't believe I ever looked up to you or thought you cared about me.
15:15I hope your successful career keeps you warm at night,
15:18but I'd rather stay close to the people I love.
15:21And with that, I went back home.
15:22I helped my parents pack up to move, and one evening,
15:25I was carrying a box to our car when I bumped into someone.
15:28I looked up to see that it was...
15:30I wasn't expecting to see you here.
15:32You haven't answered any of my calls.
15:35Yeah, I was really angry, but then Sadie reached out to me.
15:39In fact, she's inside your house right now talking to your parents.
15:43Sadie is here?
15:44What did she say to you?
15:45She apologized for everything and was giving me a check for 10 million dollars,
15:49but I told her to keep half.
15:51She did take care of Grandma.
15:52Then she begged me to come back to the movie
15:54because all the new candidates are ugly and don't look good with her.
15:58That sounds like Sadie.
16:00She also told me that you were never okay with her taking the money
16:03and that she's been a terrible sister to you.
16:05I should have told you everything before.
16:08I should have given you a chance when you tried, and I'm really sorry.
16:11Listen, Sadie is giving some money to your parents
16:13so they can hire help for their business,
16:15and you don't have to go with them and give up on something you're really good at.
16:18Is there any chance you'd go back with me to Hollywood as my girlfriend?
16:22I can think about it.
16:23If you beg and grovel and give me a foot rub every day and forever?
16:26Sure, but can I give you a kiss first, babe?
16:29If you insist.
16:30Before that, may I hug you, sis?