I'm In Love With My Twin Best Friend

  • 2 days ago
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MSA, formerly known as "My Story Animated," is a dynamic YouTube channel that brings real-life stories to life through engaging and visually captivating animations. Specializing in personal drama, emotional journeys, and life-changing experiences, MSA transforms viewers' submissions into powerful animated narratives that resonate deeply with its audience. Each video tackles a wide range of topics, including relationship struggles, overcoming adversity, and self-discovery, making it a platform where real-life events are depicted with creativity and authenticity.

The channel's content is crafted to be relatable and inspirational, offering viewers a blend of entertainment and life lessons. Through animated storytelling, MSA explores complex social dynamics, personal growth, and the challenges of everyday life, providing viewers with stories that are not only entertaining but also thought-provoking and emotionally engaging.

**Disclaimer:** The stories presented on this channel are based on personal submissions and are animated for entertainment purposes. While the narratives are inspired by real events, the characters and specific details may be fictionalized to protect the privacy of the individuals involved. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The opinions and experiences expressed in the videos are those of the individuals submitting the stories and do not necessarily reflect the views of MSA. Viewer discretion is advised.
00:00I barged into the living room, my butt sweating in anger.
00:03I marched up to my twin brother Sammy on the sofa,
00:05snatched his can of juice, and dumped it on his head.
00:08He made a run for it, and I was chasing him with a baseball bat when Mom walked in.
00:12Alexis! What are you doing to my poor baby?
00:14Your poor baby locked me in a haunted house down the street!
00:18I nearly pooped my pants!
00:19Didn't you guys notice that I've been gone for hours?
00:21How could we? Sammy hurt his little toe and he was in so much pain!
00:25Oh yeah? Well, he's about to be in a lot more pain than that!
00:28Enough, Alexis! Quit bullying your brother!
00:31Hey guys, it's Alexis, and I'm about to tell you why having a twin brother is an absolute nightmare!
00:37But before that, please like and subscribe to MSA!
00:39Ever since I was born, my twin brother Sammy acted like he was better than me,
00:43just because he was born ten minutes earlier!
00:46Even my parents acted like he was God's gift to mankind, and pampered him all the time!
00:51It's not like they hated me, just that Sammy was the apple of their eye, and he could do no wrong!
00:57Like on our tenth birthday, my parents threw us a beach party,
01:00and I spent an hour building the most amazing sandcastle!
01:03But just as I turned my back to grab a shovel, Sammy and his best friend Nathan came running and smashed it to pieces!
01:09Why did you do that?
01:11Because it was ugly, and it was ruining my perfect view!
01:14He threw sand in my face and ran away!
01:17Are you okay?
01:18I will be now!
01:19I threw the beach bucket at Sammy, and it hit him in the head!
01:22He cried, and Mom grounded me for bad behavior!
01:26As we grew older, Sammy just got more annoying!
01:29He and Nathan were the brattiest kids in school, and would constantly embarrass me with their stupid jokes and dumb pranks!
01:36Like this one time in tenth grade, we were in the science lab doing experiments, and Nathan was my partner!
01:41Tell me, what's gravity?
01:43Oh, that's easy!
01:44It's when Alexis tries to get up from the bed, but can't because she's a big fat cow!
01:49Enough, Sammy!
01:50Funny how you're talking, and all I can smell is garbage!
01:53Maybe that's because you haven't showered in days!
01:56I felt so mad I flung a book at Sammy!
01:59He ducked and started attacking me with pens!
02:02The two of us got into a fight!
02:03I knew there was no point in arguing, so I just avoided everyone and focused on my studies!
02:08I became the smartest kid in class, and I joined the poetry club, yearbook committee, and debate team!
02:13In tenth grade, I got a chance to represent my school in the national debate competition!
02:17And that's where I met Tony!
02:19He was the captain of the debate team, the star tennis player, and the hottest boy in school!
02:24Together, the two of us nailed the competition!
02:27And when we got back home, Tony invited me to one of his practice tennis matches!
02:30After the practice, we were having a conversation, when he suddenly pulled me close!
02:35Whoa, was he about to kiss me already?
02:37I pouted my lips and was about to close my eyes, when I noticed his hand stretched out, holding a tennis ball!
02:43That was coming straight at you!
02:44We don't want that pretty head of yours to get hurt!
02:46My head's pretty?
02:48You like the shape?
02:49Well, thanks a lot!
02:50I mean, for saving my pretty head!
02:51Not for saying that I have a pretty head, but thanks for that too!
02:55Um, can I get you an energy drink or something to thank you for saving me?
02:59How about a date instead?
03:00Yeah, it was fast, but sometimes you just know when it feels right!
03:04Soon, Tony officially asked me to be his girlfriend, and I was riding high!
03:08Dating someone popular meant that people knew me as more than just Sammy's sister!
03:13I was getting noticed, and I was loving the attention!
03:16But it drove Sammy crazy!
03:18One night, Tony and I were going to a party with a bunch of friends, when Sammy walked in!
03:22Don't you think you're a little too young to be wearing that dress?
03:25Don't you think you're a little out of line to be asking me that question?
03:28Also, we're twins, genius!
03:30So if you're old enough to do anything you want, so am I!
03:32Fine, do what you want, just don't become a bigger loser than you already are!
03:36At least not for that clown Tony!
03:38You know he's a player, right?
03:39He's always got his arm around a new girl!
03:41He's just a really friendly guy, nothing wrong with that!
03:43And he says hugs are good for mental health!
03:46I literally saw him feeding french fries to that cheerleader just yesterday!
03:50She has carpal tunnel syndrome, Sammy!
03:52Her wrists are in pain!
03:54He was just being nice!
03:55Why is it so hard for you to believe that a hot popular guy could be into me?
03:59Just stop being a jerk and leave me alone!
04:01But after that day, it became Sammy's life mission to annoy Tony every time he saw him!
04:06Like this one time in the cafeteria, Tony and I were chatting when Sammy dumped a bowl of spaghetti on him!
04:11Oops, my hand slipped!
04:13And another time in class, just as Tony was about to take a seat,
04:16Sammy pulled his chair away and he landed on his butt!
04:18Your seat looks more comfortable, mind if I borrow it?
04:21Tony almost punched Sammy, but Nathan intervened and saved him!
04:25Sammy backed off for a while, until a few weeks later,
04:28Tony and I were having dinner at this really fancy place,
04:30and suddenly, he jumped out of his seat screaming!
04:33What? What happened?
04:35Please don't tell me there's a rat!
04:36I will freak out!
04:37The only rat here is you, Alexis!
04:39What's this?
04:40Tony shoved the phone in my face,
04:42and I saw a bunch of pictures with Nathan kissing a girl who looked exactly like me!
04:47I was so confused, until he played a video where I was confessing my love for Nathan,
04:53and I immediately recognized the voice!
04:55It was Sammy's!
04:56Oh, that's not me!
04:58I mean, it looks like me, but...
04:59But what? You've been cheating on me with Nathan?
05:02No wonder your brother was annoying me these past few weeks!
05:05He wanted me out of the picture so you could be with his best friend!
05:08Hear me out!
05:09That girl in the photos is Sammy with a wig!
05:12We're twins, so we look alike, that's all!
05:14Please, you have to trust me!
05:16Stop making up stories!
05:17You're a liar, and your brother is crazy!
05:19Both of you can go eat dust for all I care, but stay away from me!
05:23Tony was out the door before I could stop him!
05:25I rushed back home furiously and confronted Sammy,
05:28who started laughing like a crazy person!
05:30I can't believe he fell for that trick!
05:33He's as dense as pudding, Alexis!
05:35I did you a favor!
05:36You're a jerk, Sammy!
05:38You ruined the best thing that happened to me, and you hurt Tony!
05:42He'll get over it, trust me.
05:43Also, now that you're here, pass me some soda.
05:45But I just dumped the can on his head and walked away!
05:48I hated him!
05:50The next day in school, Tony refused to talk to me.
05:53In fact, he went around the school telling everyone how I was a cheater and a liar!
05:58My popularity went down the drain in minutes, and I was back to being invisible.
06:03But Sammy acted like nothing was wrong and went on living his life.
06:07And after that day, I decided to get even with Sammy.
06:10I spent the entire week planning the perfect revenge.
06:13I knew the only person Sammy cared about was his best friend, Nathan.
06:16So that's where I started.
06:18I found my opportunity when the teachers announced the test results,
06:21and Nathan got an F.
06:22He was sulking when I found him in the hallway.
06:24Aw, this is what happens when you're best friends with a moron!
06:28Gee, thanks.
06:29Look, I'm a little bummed right now, so maybe rub things in my face later?
06:33Okay, okay.
06:33I'm actually here to offer you a really sweet deal.
06:36I need you to date me.
06:38Uh, what?
06:39Sorry, pretend to date me.
06:41You're Sammy's best friend.
06:42So if you start hanging out with me all the time instead of him, he'll hate it.
06:46He'll finally have a taste of his own medicine.
06:49I'm not asking you to do it for free, of course.
06:51I'll help you study and ace your scores.
06:53Um, no thanks.
06:54I know Sammy can be a jerk sometimes, but I'm not doing that to my best friend.
06:58Fine, fail high school then.
06:59I heard you telling Sammy your parents were angry that you had a C in science.
07:02This score is worse, so good luck dealing with that.
07:05Wait, fine.
07:06I guess we could make it work.
07:08Of course we will, my cute boyfriend.
07:10Now buckle up, we've got plans.
07:12The next day, it was time for phase one.
07:14I walked into Sammy's room and called a truce on my fight over Tony.
07:18Just as we were talking, Nathan walked in, pulled me by the waist, and kissed me.
07:22Sammy's mouth fell open like a broken door, and my heart fell to my stomach.
07:26What the heck are you doing?
07:28Get off my sister!
07:29Didn't you tell him, babe?
07:30Sammy, Alexis and I are dating.
07:32You're what?
07:33Are you stupid and deaf now?
07:35Come, Nate, we'll be late for the movies.
07:38He has a nickname now?
07:39Of course, that's what people in love do.
07:41Sammy was totally spinning out over our dates.
07:44But to make things worse, I crashed all of Nathan and Sammy's plans too.
07:48Video game night, baseball game, bowling alley.
07:50I was stuck to them like gum to a shoe.
07:52Sammy tried everything to keep Nathan away from me, but we just laughed it off.
07:56You know Alexis farts in her sleep?
07:58Aw, I'm sure it smells like roses.
08:00Alexis eats her boogers and then spits them out so they stick to the wall.
08:04She makes graffiti out of them.
08:06My baby's an artist.
08:07Watching Sammy's frustration was hilarious.
08:10But what I liked more was how Nathan was always taking my side.
08:14He'd been a brat to me growing up, but now he was caring and sweet.
08:18And even though I knew we were playing pretend, I found myself falling for Nathan.
08:23One day, I was helping Nathan with his homework in the library when he looked a little sad.
08:27When I asked him why, he told me that his mom was moving out.
08:30She's always busy and hardly ever around, but I still can't help feeling bad that I might not see my mom that often.
08:37I get it.
08:37My parents were hardly ever there for me too.
08:40I mean, they were around, but they always loved Sammy more.
08:43Suddenly, Nathan held my hand and my heart raced with excitement.
08:47He came closer, but just then the janitor showed up and we were asked to leave.
08:51The next day at school, I couldn't wait to see Nathan again when I felt someone grab my shoulder.
08:57Hey babe, miss me?
08:58Listen, I've been thinking about us a lot.
09:00I know you cheated on me, but I'm ready to forgive you.
09:03You don't know this, but I kinda cheated on you too when we were together.
09:07Okay, thrice.
09:08Okay, fine. You want me to start being honest?
09:11It was six times, but I like you the most.
09:14Cause we're the same.
09:15Meant to be. Blah blah blah.
09:17Don't you think?
09:17You cheated on me?
09:19Yeah, but you get that, right?
09:20We're even now, babe.
09:21It's all good.
09:22Before I could say more, Tony pulled me into a kiss.
09:25As I pushed him off, I suddenly saw Nathan walking away with a bouquet of flowers,
09:29which he dumped in a trash can on his way out.
09:32So, what do you say?
09:33I say, you're a stupid, cheating, lying piece of poop, and we are nothing alike.
09:38And I'm glad my brother pulled a dumb prank on you,
09:41because it got you to admit what a sleazeball you are.
09:44Now stay away from me unless you want me to knock your perfect teeth in.
09:47Get that?
09:47I shoved Tony out of my way and rushed behind Nathan.
09:51I finally caught up with him in the parking lot.
09:53Nathan, wait!
09:54Tony was just—
09:54Save it, Alexis.
09:56I just saw your passionate kiss with Tony.
09:58I guess that was all part of the plan?
09:59Dating me would make Tony jealous and bring him back to you?
10:03Anyway, I'm glad your mission accomplished, and thanks for all your help with my grades.
10:07But I'd rather not be used like a toy anymore.
10:09With that, Nathan turned around and left.
10:12He didn't even give me a chance to tell him my feelings.
10:15I curled up in a ball in my room and cried so much harder than I ever did over Tony.
10:20I was still sulking when suddenly Sammy knocked at my door.
10:23Alexis, are you okay?
10:25No, I'm not okay!
10:26And it's always your fault!
10:28I wanted to get revenge on you, and it messed up everything!
10:31What do you mean?
10:32I was desperate to make you pay for sabotaging my relationship with Tony.
10:36So I asked Nathan to pretend to date me so I could piss you off.
10:39But I ended up falling for him, and now I've lost him too.
10:43That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
10:45Yeah, I tease you, but I also love you.
10:48You're my sister.
10:49I wanted to protect you.
10:50Tony was a jerk, and he didn't deserve you.
10:52As for Nathan, I read your diary.
10:54You did what?!
10:56Focus, Alexis.
10:57I know you like him.
10:58And now, just like a big brother, I'll fix it.
11:00You're ten minutes older.
11:01Do you want Nathan or not?
11:03Then come with me.
11:04Sammy took my hand and drove me to the beach where I saw Nathan sitting.
11:08We walked up to him, and Sammy backed me up about not having any feelings for Tony.
11:12But I could see that Nathan still had doubts.
11:15In case you won't take my word for it, Nathan, take Alexis'.
11:17Just then, Sammy took my diary out of his backpack and started reading.
11:22Dear Diary,
11:23I know it was just supposed to be a trick, but Nathan is the best thing to have ever happened to me.
11:28He's so cute.
11:29His eyes remind me of the deep ocean.
11:31All I want is to lie in his arms and tell him how much I like him.
11:35Also, I got severe diarrhea the other day.
11:37Gimme that, you moron!
11:38I quickly pulled the diary from Sammy's hand and smacked his head with it.
11:42Just then, Nathan walked over to me and held my hand.
11:44Do you mean it?
11:45That's how you feel?
11:46It's how I feel.
11:47I really like you, Nathan.
11:49And Tony was just a glitch in the universe.
11:51You're the one I want.
11:52And I want you, Alexis.
11:54I might throw up.
11:55Shut up, Sammy!
11:57Nathan pulled me in for a hug, and over his shoulder I saw Sammy smirking.
12:01My brother finally used his annoying brother powers for good and pulled off his best trick yet.
12:06Because even though that's how I feel, I definitely didn't write that stupid stuff in my diary.