What Happens When You Win The Lottery

  • 2 days ago
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MSA, formerly known as "My Story Animated," is a dynamic YouTube channel that brings real-life stories to life through engaging and visually captivating animations. Specializing in personal drama, emotional journeys, and life-changing experiences, MSA transforms viewers' submissions into powerful animated narratives that resonate deeply with its audience. Each video tackles a wide range of topics, including relationship struggles, overcoming adversity, and self-discovery, making it a platform where real-life events are depicted with creativity and authenticity.

The channel's content is crafted to be relatable and inspirational, offering viewers a blend of entertainment and life lessons. Through animated storytelling, MSA explores complex social dynamics, personal growth, and the challenges of everyday life, providing viewers with stories that are not only entertaining but also thought-provoking and emotionally engaging.

**Disclaimer:** The stories presented on this channel are based on personal submissions and are animated for entertainment purposes. While the narratives are inspired by real events, the characters and specific details may be fictionalized to protect the privacy of the individuals involved. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The opinions and experiences expressed in the videos are those of the individuals submitting the stories and do not necessarily reflect the views of MSA. Viewer discretion is advised.
00:00Hi, I'm Kanya, and yes, this is me on top of a skyscraper in Chicago, and that is a
00:06massive storm coming in my direction.
00:09I was born in Thailand, and my parents divorced when I was just a few months old.
00:13Mom left, and Dad raised me on his own.
00:15He worked at a very fancy international hotel as part of the waitstaff, and it was a super
00:20fun place for a small kid to hang out.
00:22I spent days playing in the pool, learning to say hello in a million different languages,
00:28and every time I was hungry, I just had to turn my puppy eyes to the cook.
00:32Here, the clients didn't even touch it.
00:34They said the salad was too green.
00:36When it was too warm, Dad and I would go to the roof, eat khao lam, and watch the stars.
00:42Wow, they're so bright, it almost looks like it's day.
00:46But the brightest star is sitting beside me.
00:48Aw, Dad.
00:49You'd think I'd miss Mom, but Dad was extra caring.
00:54Every morning, Dad made pancakes and braided my hair.
00:58He also fought Cook to have first dibs on the hotel's lost-and-found box, and if there
01:02was something super nice, like that shiny pink bag both Cook and I wanted, they ended
01:07up pulling each other's hair.
01:09I wanted to do something nice for Dad, so when his birthday came up, I broke my piggy
01:13bank to get him a present, but I barely had anything.
01:16Well, just enough to buy a cheap lottery ticket.
01:19It's okay if I don't win, it's the thought that counts.
01:23But as the announcer read the lottery numbers, Dad's eyes grew bigger and bigger, and then
01:29he let out a loud scream.
01:31We had actually won the freakin' lottery!
01:34Dad knew his greedy relatives would come after him like bees to honey when they found out
01:38about his new wealth, so he decided to move to the U.S. with me, and we settled in Chicago.
01:44I was 12, and my life had turned upside down overnight.
01:49America was cold, and I wasn't used to Western customs.
01:52The first time he took me to a fancy restaurant, there were so many knives, forks, and spoons.
01:57What do you mean I can't eat spaghetti with chopsticks?
02:00They're noodles!
02:01But the biggest change was my dad.
02:04He invested the money in very successful startups, and we went from being really rich to filthy
02:10rich, and we moved into a massive mansion.
02:14Anything you want, you let Sebastian know, and he'll get it for you.
02:17Sebastian was Dad's personal assistant, and he was glued to his side.
02:22Every time I wanted to spend time with Dad, Sebastian was there too, tall and serious
02:27like a scarecrow in an expensive suit.
02:29He even went with us to the amusement park and followed us on the roller coaster.
02:33Does he really have to be here?
02:35Yes, I need him to hold my tie down so it doesn't flop in the pictures.
02:39Gosh, just buy a tie clip!
02:42I wanted Sebastian gone.
02:44I started giving him impossible tasks so when he failed, Dad would get rid of him.
02:49Sebastian, I want a copy of the next BTS album, the unpublished one.
02:54Sebastian, I want croissants every morning, fresh from Paris.
02:59But Sebastian always delivered.
03:02One day, I was stuffing down a box of fried chicken and plotting my next request, when
03:07suddenly I started choking on a chicken bone.
03:09Sebastian was immediately by my side, performing the Heimlich Maneuver until I spat it out.
03:14Oh my god, you saved my life!
03:17Just doing my duty, miss.
03:19After that incident, I started warming up to Sebastian, thinking of him as my grumpy
03:24guardian angel slash fairy godmother.
03:27When I started high school, I was nervous about whether my new classmates would like
03:31me or make fun of my accent.
03:33I'd heard American high schools were brutal.
03:36But then I met Diana, a total firecracker.
03:39Oh, you're from Thailand?
03:41I've always wanted to see the Festival of Lights!
03:44Yes, it's pretty amazing.
03:46We should totally organize one for our school, right?
03:49Everyone loved the idea.
03:51And while building lanterns with my classmates, I also got to make new friends quickly.
03:55As we watched the lanterns float into the sky, I was so happy to bring a piece of my
04:00culture to my new home.
04:02Diana became my partner in crime.
04:04She introduced me to a world of karaoke nights, greasy hamburgers, baseball games, and sleepovers.
04:10We spilled secrets about our crushes and talked about my upcoming 16th birthday.
04:15You know your dad is planning a massive Sweet 16 party, right?
04:19To be honest, I don't really care about a big party.
04:22I'd rather do something meaningful, you know?
04:25Sebastian helped me organize a day of volunteering with my friends at the local animal shelter.
04:30Dad, however, couldn't help going overboard.
04:33He donated a new building to the animal charity, complete with VIP grooming stations.
04:38I guess even the three-legged half-blind cats deserve a blowout.
04:42And they look great on my TikTok.
04:44Here, let's grab a selfie.
04:46At the end of the day, Dad rolled in the biggest cake I'd ever seen.
04:50But suddenly, he tripped and fell face-forward into the cake.
04:54After a moment of horrified silence, I started laughing.
04:59I guess now everyone knows how sweet you are, Dad.
05:02He laughed too, and I hugged him, getting frosting all over myself.
05:07Best birthday ever!
05:09But the very next day, Dad was dropping me off at school when our limo got surrounded by police cars.
05:15An officer handcuffed my dad as half the school watched and recorded videos.
05:20You're under arrest for fraud.
05:22What? That's impossible.
05:24As the police took him away, I frantically called Sebastian, but I couldn't get through.
05:29Please, pick up, Sebastian. You're the only one who can fix this. Pick up, pick up.
05:34When the police released Dad without charges, and without money,
05:38he told me Sebastian had transferred everything into offshore accounts,
05:42disappeared, and left us with a mountain of debts.
05:46We weren't the first family he'd stolen from.
05:48He was a conman wanted in 17 countries.
05:52This is all my fault. I should've never trusted him.
05:55I have a lot of friends. They'll help us out, Dad.
05:58But I was so wrong, and I discovered that at Diana's doorstep.
06:03Wow, you really have some nerve showing up here.
06:06What? Oh, you thought we could still be friends?
06:09Your dad's a criminal, and who knows what you've been up to.
06:13Before, you were rich and exotic. Now, you're poor and toxic, so scram.
06:19She tried to slam the door shut, but I pushed her in so hard that she fell on her butt.
06:24My dad's not a criminal.
06:26Then he's an idiot who got scammed by a butler.
06:29I left before I ended up punching her stupid face.
06:32I couldn't believe I ever thought of that snake as a friend.
06:36Luckily, not all of my friends were as horrible.
06:39One helped Dad find a job as a night guard, and another let us stay in her uncle's apartment.
06:44I moved to a public school, and things were not so bad, except for one thing.
06:49The debt collectors. They hounded Dad and even followed me everywhere.
06:54One even pretended to be a teacher to get into the school and took my bag.
06:58Hey, give me back my bag!
07:00You mean my bag? Where's the money, girl?
07:03Are you stupid enough to think I'd carry it around in my school bag?
07:07Sebastian took everything, and we're broke, you moron!
07:11I don't believe you. Tell your dad to return our money soon, or things are gonna get a lot worse.
07:18Of course, I didn't tell Dad. He was already crushed and looked worried all the time.
07:23The only time I saw him smiling was when I sent him a selfie I'd taken of us on our old hotel roof.
07:29We didn't have much in Thailand, but we were happy.
07:32I just had to remind him that happiness was possible here too, but I didn't know how to do that.
07:38But then a few months later, I was working part-time at a coffee shop,
07:41when I overheard two customers chatting about an upcoming meteorite shower.
07:45That's it! Dad loved the stars!
07:48If I took a picture of the falling stars, it would remind him of us on the rooftop of the hotel in Thailand.
07:54It would cheer him up for sure!
07:56Chicago boasted a towering skyscraper, over a hundred stories high.
08:01The roof, reserved for the top-floor hotel clients, was just the spot I needed.
08:06On the night of the meteorite shower, I sneaked into the hotel's kitchen wearing a borrowed chef's uniform from work,
08:12then went to the lost and found.
08:14Bingo! I found a perfect fake fur coat and hat.
08:18I channeled my inner Paris Hilton and got to the elevators, where a bellhop boy was stationed.
08:23He stared at me suspiciously all the way up.
08:26You look familiar. Do I know you from somewhere?
08:29Unlikely. I don't really mingle with the bellhop crowd.
08:33Why? What's wrong with the bellhop crowd?
08:36Oh, nothing at all. I'm sure your family's very proud of you.
08:41Your mother must have dreamed of a future for you where you press buttons for a living.
08:45He turned away silently, and I hopped out of the elevator as we reached the top.
08:49I felt bad that I'd offended him, but I was just selling my rich brat role.
08:54The view from the top was amazing, but the wind was incredibly strong.
08:59As time passed, it intensified, and a thunderstorm loomed on the horizon.
09:04Just as I was about to give up, a multitude of shooting stars lit up the sky.
09:09I took countless pictures before running back home, and I burst through the front door.
09:13Dad, look! Dad!
09:15I stopped short when I saw the whole place had been trashed.
09:19I ran into the kitchen, where I found a strange woman looking anxious.
09:23Uh, who are you? What happened here? And where's my dad?
09:28Oh, thank God you're here. Kanya, I... well, I... I'm your mother.
09:34What the what now? I didn't even know she was American!
09:38I know you don't remember me, but your dad asked me if I could take care of you, so here I am!
09:43Excuse me? You're about sixteen years too late!
09:47I'm sorry. I was so young when you were born, and your dad and I didn't really work out, so...
09:53I thought leaving was the best solution. I knew he'd take good care of you.
09:57You're right! He did a great job, and I want him back!
10:01I ran out and called my dad crying.
10:04I'm sorry it has to be this way, sweetie.
10:06The debt collectors are getting too dangerous, and I need to draw them away from you, so...
10:11I'm leaving for good. I love you, and I'll miss you terribly.
10:15You have to leave this house immediately and go stay with your mom.
10:18And you have to do what she tells you. I may not be able to call or text you again.
10:23No! Dad, wait!
10:25But he had already hung up. Dad was gone, and now I had to leave my house and my school
10:31and go live with this stranger at the other end of the city.
10:34And she forced me to wear a wig and contact lenses to make myself unrecognizable.
10:39I did what she said, but I just wasn't ready to accept her as my parent.
10:44I made it my life's mission to find Sebastian and make him return our money so dad could pay off his debts and come home.
10:51I started visiting police stations every day, but no officer wanted to help me until I bumped into...
10:57Hey, it's you!
10:59Uh, bellhop boy? You recognize me?
11:02Yeah, your disguise isn't that great. Also, my name's Enzo, and you owe me a tip.
11:08I'm so sorry about that encounter. How about I buy you an apology coffee?
11:13Better make it an extra large.
11:15It turned out that Enzo had started a new job at the police station as an IT assistant,
11:20and he recognized me from the viral video about my dad's arrest.
11:24So now you want to catch this Sebastian guy?
11:27Yeah, but I don't know how or where to start.
11:31Let me see if I can dig up some info.
11:33You'll really help me?
11:35Let's say I'm tired of asking.
11:37Have you tried switching it off and on again every time something doesn't work around here?
11:42Like a couple of Sherlock Holmes, we started tracking famous rich people's social media accounts,
11:47because such people were usually Sebastian's targets.
11:51He's like a tick, looking for the fattest victim to suck on.
11:54But Sebastian was also sly, and he knew the police were on his tracks,
11:59so no matter how many pictures we looked at, we couldn't find him.
12:03Until one day…
12:05Wait, wait, isn't that him on the yacht with Sily Myrus?
12:09OMG! Yes, even with the mustache, I'd recognize that sleazebag anywhere!
12:14Okay, let's zoom in on the boat name and…
12:18Found him! He's in Greece, posing as a… pet masseuse for TikTok canine stars?
12:24The next day, I bought a flight to Greece with the last of my savings
12:28while Enzo alerted the local police.
12:30Together, we descended on Sebastian.
12:33Drop the poodle. You're under arrest.
12:35Give me back my money!
12:37Your disguise is dumb, and I've already gambled all the money away, stupid.
12:41I kicked him in the shin as the police carried him off.
12:44I was happy he was caught, but the money was gone.
12:47With no chance to pay off our debts, Dad would be on the run forever.
12:51That night, I went walking on the beach, and I saw the sky was filled with stars.
12:56I took a picture of it and sent it to Dad, but he didn't reply.
13:00After I returned to the States, I decided to start mending things with Mom.
13:04It wasn't easy, but she was the parent I had now, and I could see how hard she was trying.
13:10She even had a box with my baby clothes and pictures that she'd kept all these years.
13:15Slowly, we started to get to know each other, and she was really cool.
13:19As for Dad, I would send him a new sky picture every night, even though he never replied.
13:25He did make me realize I loved taking pictures of the night sky.
13:29Enzo, who was still looking for his dream career, was now working at an electronics store.
13:35So, I asked him if he could find me a good deal on a camera.
13:38Sure, but it'll cost you.
13:40Name your price, Scrooge.
13:42How about a date?
13:43Really? But what if you grow tired of me and dump me?
13:47I mean, you change jobs every two seconds.
13:49Yeah, but I'm sure dating you won't feel like work.
13:53For our first date, we went back to the skyscraper roof, and I took more night sky pictures.
13:59Enzo loved them and suggested I start an astrophotography vlog.
14:04And when I won a super fancy prize in a competition, I realized I'd become a professional.
14:10I sent Dad the picture of the prize announcement, but like always, he never replied, and I finally accepted that he was never going to.
14:18I invited Mom and Enzo to the awards ceremony, and I caught her beaming with pride as she admired one of my pictures in the gallery.
14:26I'm so sorry I missed your childhood, Kanya.
14:29If I could go back, I'd do everything differently.
14:32We're together now, Mom, and that's all that matters.
14:35I love you.
14:36The presenter announced I was the winner, and Enzo walked me to the podium.
14:41I dedicate this award to my father.
14:43You made me discover my love for the stars.
14:46All the pictures I take, I take for you.
14:49I miss you.
14:50As I stepped off the stage and hugged Mom, I let out a tiny gasp.
14:54One of the waiters in the room was smiling brightly at me, and he was unmistakably my dad.
15:01He had tears in his eyes as he blew me a kiss, and then quietly left.
15:06And for the first time in years, I felt truly at peace, knowing Dad was okay and always watching over me.