• last week


00:00Okay, so… Where are you going?
00:07My concert.
00:08Don't start. Everybody is looking for me. Bye.
00:12Oh yeah, right. You are not going anywhere.
00:17What the hell, mom?
00:19You are not going anywhere dressed up like this at night. And don't you dare act like that.
00:26Oh, you got me. Give me back my stuff and stop pretending that I am still a child. Give it to me.
00:32No, Hanna. I need it. Go to your room. Now!
00:57I am sorry, okay? I overreacted. It's too much for me and it's late and you really shouldn't…
01:12Honey? Sorry, but I am coming.
01:25Not again. Hanna!
01:31So, I was telling about, you know, like…
01:40I've been looking for you all over the town.
01:42In the town!
01:43You are coming with me.
01:44No, I am moving out.
01:46Are you out of your mind? You are not going anywhere.
01:49We'll see.
01:50Kate, is that you?
01:56Drake, I…
01:58I thought I never see you again.
02:00I couldn't believe it. My daughter was dating my ex? But that was just the beginning. I am Kate and this is my love story.
02:12How do you two know each other?
02:13Same question.
02:14We met at the rock concert and we are going on a tour together.
02:19What are you doing with my daughter?
02:23She is your daughter?
02:24Yes, she is!
02:25Drake! Drake!
02:28Wait a minute, Nadine.
02:29And just so you know, you are not going anywhere with him.
02:32You have no right to pry into my personal life. Drake, let's go.
02:35Your mother and I were engaged.
02:40That was years ago.
02:43Drake, we cannot wait any longer.
02:45Wait a minute, sweetie. Your mother left me after I proposed to her.
02:49That's so not true. My parents forced me to marry a rich guy.
02:53You mean dad?
02:58I didn't know that you are a liar and a cheater.
03:03I am sorry, honey. I am just… Get me out of here.
03:08We all need to calm down and talk.
03:15Drake, come on. Let's go.
03:16Wait a minute.
03:19Kate, are you okay?
03:20Yeah, I'm fine.
03:23Where is Hannah?
03:24I think she's run away, but it's going to be okay.
03:28No. No, it's not going to be okay because it's late and…
03:32Kate, Kate, Kate.
03:35I'll help you.
03:36Are you out of your mind?
03:37What's more important, your career or this dumb housewife?
03:40To hell with you and your tour, sweetie. Okay?
03:43I can handle myself.
03:44Kate, trust me. I'll help you. Okay?
03:49Come on.
03:51Hannah, have you seen my daughter? Younger, long hair…
03:58She's got to be at one of her friend's house.
04:00Kate, listen to me.
04:01I will call Molly and…
04:03We have to check all the bars in the neighborhood.
04:06And the promenade. That's right.
04:07Kate Jones, damn it. Listen to me at last.
04:10We are not going to any of the places you named.
04:12Why not?
04:16Because she's at her ex's house.
04:19How do you know about her ex?
04:21She's been crying to me about him all night.
04:23And what did you want from her?
04:28I always have little girls hanging around my neck after concerts.
04:33It's not like I'm dragging them to bed.
04:35Okay, tell me, are you sure she's there?
04:43Trust me.
04:45At that moment I remembered why I had once fallen in love with him.
04:49There was a man next to me that I could really rely on.
04:58Hannah, open the door. I know you're in there.
05:06Oh, hi Mrs. Jones.
05:08Look, I'm sorry, but Hannah's not ready to talk to you right now.
05:12You need to respect her privacy.
05:13Get out of my way, idiot.
05:24Oh, honey. Oh, honey.
05:29I'm sorry.
05:32I am.
05:34I overreacted.
05:36It's just...
05:37You wanted to go on the tour and Drake showed up.
05:41I'm not going on any tour, mom.
05:43Of course you're not.
05:44And I don't like him at all.
05:46I'm not into teenagers either.
05:49I'm sorry, did you do...
05:50Shut up.
05:52Let's just go home then, okay?
05:54I just don't want to live with you.
05:57But I...
05:59I don't know how to live without you.
06:01That's your problem, mom.
06:03You have to respect your daughter's decision.
06:06One more word and I swear I'll make a guitar string out of you.
06:09Mom, um...
06:11You have to leave.
06:14I didn't know what to do.
06:16I felt like I was falling into the bottom.
06:19And there was no one to give me a hand.
06:22Let's go.
06:24You need to get some fresh air.
06:33Yeah, I need to.
06:43All my life I have loved the man I lost all those years ago.
06:47And when I miraculously found him,
06:49I lost my daughter who I loved even more.
07:06I love you.
07:16She hates me.
07:19Don't be ridiculous.
07:23Just give her some space and she will come home.
07:26You know, when I lost you I felt like I was suffocating.
07:31And Hanna's birth was like a lifesaver for me.
07:34And now I'm losing her.
07:37It hurts.
07:38Kate, love doesn't go away just because the person you love isn't around you.
07:47You think so?
07:49I know it.
07:52I have loved you all these years even though you weren't around.
08:02So did I.
08:03That night I completely resolved my feelings for Drake,
08:07which not only hadn't faded over the years but flared up in both of us with new power.
08:14But in the morning I couldn't get Hanna out of my mind.
08:18How do I get her back home?
08:24And then, all of a sudden...
08:30Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.
08:33Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.
08:36Oh my god.
08:39Honey, I can explain everything.
08:42Yeah, first of all, you weren't supposed to see this.
08:44Mom, listen.
08:45I know, I am a terrible, terrible person.
08:47And I'm a...
08:48Kate Johnson!
08:50Listen to me at last.
08:55You're not a terrible person.
08:57You're my mom.
08:58And you just want to be happy. I understand that because I want to be happy too, right?
09:07And that's why I'm moving in with my boyfriend.
09:12You're moving?
09:17Oh. Okay.
09:25So, can I at least visit you from time to time?
09:29Mom, I live just one block away.
09:33And I can't cook at all because of you.
09:37And I'm sure I'll beg you for a come over.
09:40Yeah, you will.
09:43Of course, you're not too busy with your new man here.
09:49Okay, okay, I'm done. I can't say that anymore.
09:53I have to go.
09:56Love you.
10:02Do you think that I could be happy without her?
10:06Or she without me?
10:08I think you can.
10:11Trust me.
10:13Will you have to always be somewhere around?
10:18Well, finally.
10:23Don't you think Hannah looks a little bit like me?
10:27That's not surprising.
