I'm Telling Episode 9

  • il y a 19 heures
00:00Et voici l'hôte de I'm Telling, Lori Pozzo!
00:05Merci! Merci! Merci et bienvenue à I'm Telling, où les frères et soeurs peuvent gagner plein de prix et de l'argent aussi, simplement en montrant à quel point ils se connaissent vraiment.
00:18Allons rencontrer notre équipe d'aujourd'hui, s'il vous plaît, Lindsey et Brian Price!
00:25Et dis bonjour à Heather et Ricky Johnson!
00:31Et donnez un grand yo-ho à Carrie et Larry Bagby!
00:37Bonne chance à tous!
00:39Et voici comment on joue à I'm Telling. On va demander à chacun de nos joueurs des hobbies, des amis et des expériences de leurs frères et soeurs.
00:46Et peut-être qu'on va révéler un secret drôle!
00:49On va enregistrer leurs réponses après qu'on a magiquement téléporté leur frère ou soeur dans notre zone d'isolation.
00:55Quand on les téléporte de retour, on leur pose les mêmes questions.
00:58Maintenant, s'ils se matchent, ils gagneront des points.
01:00Et qui a le plus de points, à la fin des deux rondes, va aller à notre spectaculaire jeu de prix, où ils pourraient gagner tous les prix sur scène!
01:14Tout va bien! On est tous prêts maintenant!
01:16La première ronde se concentre sur les filles qui racontent tout sur leurs frères.
01:20Alors les gars, c'est le moment de vous téléporter dans la zone d'isolation!
01:26Oui, le cas des frères qui disparaissent.
01:29La première question est pour les filles et elle vaut 25 points.
01:32Et Lindsay, tu vas sélectionner une des trois catégories pour la première question, en utilisant ton sélecteur random.
01:38Regardons ces catégories.
01:40Born to be wild.
01:42You dirty rat.
01:44And unfavorite pastime.
01:46On va les mettre à tourner, Lindsay.
01:48Quand tu seras prête, appuie sur ton sélecteur random.
01:50You dirty rat.
01:52You dirty rat.
01:54Okay, Lindsay.
01:56Which of these never stays clean for very long?
02:00Is it your brother's room, your brother's clothes, or your brother's face?
02:06Well, I'd probably say it was his room.
02:09Because when he gets home from school or from his baseball game, he doesn't care about what my mom says.
02:14He just dumps everything on the ground.
02:16So by Saturday, everything is on the ground and it's just piling up.
02:21So you say it's his room. All right. Heather?
02:23Well, I would have to say his clothes.
02:25Because whenever he comes home from school, he always has grass stains or dirt because he fell in a mud puddle or something.
02:32So, his clothes.
02:34His clothes. Gary?
02:36Well, my brother, my mom will buy him new clothes.
02:40And then he'll go to school and ruin them that same day.
02:42So, his clothes, definitely.
02:44Definitely his clothes. Good enough.
02:46Okay, Heather, this question is for you.
02:48It's worth 50 points.
02:49You get to select the category this time.
02:51Let's take a look.
02:52Fast food.
02:54You're going to get it.
02:56And brain teasing.
02:57We're going to set them spinning, Heather.
02:59Whenever you're ready, hit your random selector.
03:01You're going to get it.
03:03Okay, Heather.
03:04When your mother is bawling out your brother, does he stand there and take it like a man,
03:09or does he pout and whimper and take it like a little puppy?
03:14Well, I'd say he stands there and takes it like a man.
03:19Alright, like a man.
03:23Well, sometimes if we're in a fight, I guess I'd say he's like a puppy.
03:29Like a puppy.
03:33He stands there and takes it like a man.
03:35He thinks he's Hulk Hogan or something.
03:39So, he stands up real tall and takes it like a man.
03:42Alright, Carrie.
03:43You get the final question.
03:44It's worth 75 points, and you get to select a category this time.
03:48Let's look at them.
03:49Lone Ranger.
03:51Kissing for Dollars.
03:53And Giggle Test.
03:54We're going to set them spinning.
03:55Whenever you're ready, Carrie, hit that point.
03:57Kissing for Dollars.
03:59Okay, Carrie.
04:01Listen closely.
04:02If we gave your brother a dollar, would he be willing to kiss the other two girls on today's show?
04:10Uh, let's see.
04:14For a buck.
04:16Well, he likes money, and he'll do stuff for money, but I don't think he'll kiss girls.
04:22You don't think he will?
04:23So, um, no.
04:26Lindsay, how about your brother?
04:28Um, we'll see.
04:30He's very picky about his girls.
04:33So, he wouldn't take it, he'd say.
04:36No way, man.
04:37He'd walk away.
04:38No way.
04:39All right.
04:40Heather, how about your brother?
04:41My brother wouldn't take the offer either.
04:43He will do almost anything for money, but, um, I don't think he would.
04:49He wouldn't demean himself by kissing girls.
04:51He won't even kiss me.
04:53Not even for a dollar.
04:55All right.
04:56We've recorded the girls' answers, and we'll bring back their brothers in just a minute to see how well they really do know them.
05:02We've recorded the answers, and it's time now to teleport the brothers back from the iso-zone.
05:07So, let's do that right now.
05:11The brothers are back together again.
05:14Nice trip, guys?
05:16Okay, the first questions were 25 points, and Brian, you get to answer.
05:20The category selected was,
05:22Yo Dirty Rat.
05:24Brian, for 25 points,
05:26which of these never stays clean for very long?
05:29Is it your clothes, your room, or your face?
05:33What do you think Lindsay said?
05:34Um, I'm always outside playing, you know?
05:39So, most of the time, I'd say I always get my clothes dirty, so I'll say my clothes.
05:43Your clothes.
05:44Lindsay said your room.
05:47Lindsay, my room.
05:49You leave things around you.
05:50You never say, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
05:55You pile mountains?
05:57You're the one.
05:58No, no, no, no, no.
06:00You're the one that has your mom come in your room every other day?
06:04Well, maybe it's the dirty clothes in the dirty room.
06:06That could be it.
06:07Thank you.
06:09Um, let's see.
06:11Probably my room, because...
06:13Your room is always clean!
06:16No, it isn't.
06:17Let's see what your sister said.
06:18Let's show everybody.
06:20She said your clothes.
06:21Your clothes are full of grass stains and dirt.
06:24Oh, yeah.
06:25Oh, he forgot about that.
06:26Oh, yeah, right.
06:27You forget about stuff like that.
06:30All right.
06:31Um, I'll say my face.
06:33Your face.
06:34Carrie said...
06:36Your clothes, Larry.
06:37Mom gets you new clothes and you ruin them in one second.
06:40Oh, what's that little stain right there?
06:43Visual evidence.
06:45All right, we're going to move on.
06:47Ricky, this time it's your turn.
06:48The category selected is You're Gonna Get It, and it's for 50 points, Ricky.
06:52When your mother is bawling you out, do you pout and whimper like a little puppy,
06:55or do you stand there and take it like a man?
07:01I pout and whimper.
07:02You pout and whimper.
07:03Heather said...
07:05Do you take it like a man?
07:06I never cry!
07:07You've been fooling her.
07:08Only when you get a spanking from Dad.
07:12Oh, yeah, again.
07:14I'd pout and whimper, too.
07:16Um, I'm going to say I take it like a man.
07:19Take it like a man.
07:20Carrie said...
07:22Like a puppy.
07:24Larry, you cry all the time.
07:25I am a man.
07:27Carrie's going to get in trouble.
07:29You do.
07:32All right.
07:33OK, Brian.
07:35Um, I'm real, like, defensive, so I'll say like a man.
07:38Like a man.
07:39Lindsay said...
07:41Like a man.
07:42That's good for 50 points.
07:43Way to go.
07:46All right, Larry, this question's for you.
07:48The category chosen is Kissing for Dollars.
07:50Here's the question.
07:51Larry, if we gave you a dollar,
07:53would you be willing to kiss the other two girls on today's show?
08:02Carrie said...
08:04No, that's a match.
08:06All right.
08:07Nice going.
08:09Brian, we gave you a buck.
08:10Would you kiss the other two girls?
08:13No way.
08:14Doesn't want the money.
08:15Lindsay said...
08:17He won.
08:22Ricky, if we gave you this dollar I'm holding in my hand right now,
08:26would you be willing to kiss the other two girls on stage?
08:29No way.
08:30No way. I get to keep the dollar.
08:31Let's see what Heather said.
08:33She said you won, and that's a match.
08:36All right.
08:38At the end of round one, the scores are
08:40Heather and Ricky with 75 points,
08:42Carrie and Larry with 75 points,
08:45and Lindsay and Brian with 125 points.
08:48Now, for round two, we'll go the other way
08:50as we learn all about the girls from their brothers.
08:53Okay, girls, now it's time to teleport you to the ISO zone.
09:01They're probably halfway across the universe by now.
09:04Okay, the first question for the guys is worth 50 points,
09:07and now they get to select the category for each question.
09:10Brian, you're first.
09:11Let's take a look at your categories.
09:14The winner is...
09:18And Too Much.
09:19We're going to set it in motion whenever you're ready.
09:21Brian, hit that selector.
09:23Too Much.
09:25Brian, which of these does your sister have too many of?
09:30Shoes, toys, or bad habits?
09:35Okay, that's sort of hard.
09:37You know what?
09:38My sister has a lot of stuff,
09:40and she's always getting things,
09:42but she's not spoiled or anything.
09:44But I'll say she has a lot of shoes
09:48because my mom's always running out of shoes.
09:51A lot of shoes.
09:52Good enough.
09:54I think she has too many toys
09:55because whenever I walk in her room,
09:56she has all these toys all over the place,
09:58and she has dolls sitting on her bed.
10:00She has toys in her closet,
10:01and her closets are all messy.
10:03Plenty of toys.
10:04Good enough.
10:06I'm going to say shoes
10:07because she's real bad with shoes.
10:08Like, she'll rip them.
10:09I mean, on the first day, she'll go out...
10:11Rough on shoes?
10:12Yeah, she's really rough.
10:14Shoes, okay.
10:15Ricky, you get to select the category this time.
10:17It's worth 75 points.
10:19Let's look at those categories.
10:21Time's up.
10:24And Super Snooper.
10:25We're going to spin them around, Ricky.
10:27Whenever you're ready, hit that selector.
10:32What movie or TV star poster
10:34would your sister just love to have on her wall?
10:38She'd probably like to have Michael J. Fox.
10:40Michael J. Fox, she likes him, huh?
10:42Yeah, because she always watches him on TV,
10:44and then she always tells me she likes him.
10:47Okay, Michael J.
10:50I'm going to say Kurt Cameron
10:52because she's always talking about him,
10:54and we always watch his show and stuff.
10:56Kurt Cameron, all right.
10:59I'll say Tom Cruise because...
11:01What does she like about Tom Cruise?
11:03She used to like Michael J. Fox,
11:06but all of a sudden, it's sort of like that guy.
11:08Oh, switched over, huh?
11:12All right, this is the third and final question.
11:14It's worth 150 points.
11:16Larry, you get to select a category this time.
11:18Let's have a look at them.
11:20My Eyes Adored You.
11:23Wrestle With This.
11:25And The Haunted House.
11:27We're going to spin them around whenever you're ready.
11:30Wrestle With This, Larry.
11:33Larry, if you and your sister were to have
11:35an arm wrestling contest,
11:37who would probably win?
11:39No doubt about that.
11:41That's me.
11:43No doubt whatsoever?
11:45Yeah, we're talking biceps now.
11:47All right.
11:51There's no way she can beat me.
11:53I can do it with my pinky.
11:55With your pinky.
11:56Beat her with his pinky.
11:57All right.
11:59That's easy.
12:00She can't win.
12:01I'm way stronger than her.
12:02Whenever I wrestle her, she always loses.
12:03She wouldn't have a chance, huh?
12:05Okay, you guys.
12:06All right, we've recorded the answers,
12:08and in a few seconds,
12:09we're going to teleport the sisters back
12:11and find out who's going to go on to our
12:13Pick-A-Prize Arcade.
12:16We've recorded the guys' answers,
12:18and it's time now to teleport their sisters back
12:20from the Iso-Zone.
12:22So let's do that right now.
12:27All right, girls.
12:28This first question is worth 50 points,
12:30and it's for you, Lindsay.
12:32The category selected is Too Much.
12:35which of these do you have too many of?
12:39or bad habits?
12:42I would have to say shoes
12:44because when you walk into my closet,
12:46you see three rows of shoes full.
12:52And I have one of those walk-in closets.
12:54A walk-in closet full of shoes.
12:55Let's see what Brian said.
12:58That's right.
12:59That's a match for 50 points.
13:01All right.
13:04I would have to say too many bad habits
13:08because my brother is always complaining
13:10that I have so many bad habits.
13:14Let's see what Ricky did say.
13:16He said toys.
13:17Heather, you have so many toys all over your room.
13:19Your dolls are all over your room.
13:20You got these shelves full of dolls.
13:22Your closets are full of toys.
13:24You're always complaining about my bad habits.
13:26I'm not.
13:27Yes, you are.
13:28I'm not.
13:29Which do you have more of, Heather,
13:30bad habits or toys?
13:35Well, we'll figure it out later.
13:37Well, I know Larry wants to get me real bad,
13:39but bad habits.
13:42Bad habits.
13:43Larry said shoes.
13:46Carrie, I can't believe you.
13:47Oh, my gosh.
13:48I don't have any shoes, Harley.
13:49Oh, yeah.
13:50You always rip them,
13:51and then Mom has to buy you new ones.
13:52Oh, look at that.
13:53Look at that.
13:54They're white.
13:55They're new.
13:56These are so old.
13:57I'm trying to keep my shoes back.
13:58All right.
13:59We got to move along, kids.
14:00All right.
14:02Heather, this next question is for you.
14:03It's worth 75 points.
14:05The category selected is roomie.
14:07Heather, what movie or TV star's poster
14:10would you just love to have on your wall?
14:14Michael J. Fox.
14:16Michael J. Fox.
14:17And Ricky said Michael J. Fox.
14:20He knew all about it.
14:2175 points.
14:22All right.
14:26I'd say Kirk Cameron.
14:28Kirk Cameron.
14:29Because I like him a lot.
14:30Oh, you know what Larry said?
14:33Kirk Cameron.
14:34That's right.
14:35All right.
14:42Tom Cruise.
14:44I like that commercial,
14:45the cherry-cooked commercial
14:46where he comes out of the bathtub
14:47when you see his eyes.
14:48He's so cute.
14:49He is so cute.
14:50I know.
14:51Let's see what Brian said.
14:53Tom Cruise.
14:56Our crush pays off for 75 points.
14:59All right.
15:00Okay, here's the final question
15:02and the category is wrestle with this.
15:04Now, remember the question is worth 150 points
15:07and it's still anybody's game.
15:09At this point,
15:10Heather and Ricky have 150 points.
15:12Carrie and Larry have 150 points.
15:15And Lindsey and Brian have 250 points.
15:18All right.
15:19We're going to start with Heather and Ricky.
15:22if the two of you were to have an arm wrestling contest,
15:25you and your brother,
15:26who would probably win?
15:28My brother.
15:29I'm weak and he's strong.
15:30He wins in all our wrestling matches.
15:34Well, Ricky said...
15:36He said he'd win.
15:38All right.
15:39That's a match.
15:40That puts you into first place for right now.
15:41Way to go.
15:42Okay, Carrie,
15:43to be tied for first place,
15:45if the two of you were to have an arm wrestling contest,
15:48who would probably win,
15:49you or your brother?
15:50There's no doubt about it.
15:51Larry would.
15:52Larry would win and Larry said...
15:54He would win.
15:55All right.
15:57All right, Lindsey,
15:58for undisputed first place.
16:00And to go on to our pick a prize arcade,
16:02if you and your brother were to have an arm wrestling contest,
16:04who would probably win?
16:06He would because he takes karate
16:08and he thinks he's like Bruce Lee or something.
16:11A combination between Bruce Lee and Hulk Hogan makes Brian.
16:15That makes Brian.
16:16And Brian said...
16:18He would.
16:19And that puts you into first place.
16:21Lindsey and Brian,
16:22you're our winners.
16:24You get a $1,000 savings round.
16:26You get to go on to our pick a prize arcade.
16:29All right.
16:30Heather and Ricky,
16:31you guys played great.
16:33Carrie and Larry,
16:34you were terrific.
16:35There is no way in the world
16:36we're going to let you go away empty-handed.
16:38Here's Dean Goss to tell you about your parting gifts.
16:44Kids, for playing I'm Telling,
16:45each of you will receive one of these 10-speed bicycles,
16:48replicas of the bikes the pros used.
16:50And you'll also receive the exciting home version
16:52of I'm Telling to enjoy.
16:54Thanks, Dean.
16:55We'll be right back with Brian and Lindsey
16:57and our pick a prize arcade.
16:59Hey, you guys did just great.
17:01You know, you answered almost every question right.
17:03You only got one wrong.
17:05Do you have like a brother and sister telepathy ESP?
17:08Yeah, it's like Spock on Star Trek.
17:13Well, do you have pointed ears?
17:14No, you don't have pointed ears.
17:16But you just, you know, you just...
17:17It's like mental.
17:19Mental stuff.
17:20Who's older?
17:21I don't care.
17:22So do you send your telepathy or do you receive it?
17:26She does both.
17:27All right, you guys.
17:28I want you to take a little walk down here,
17:30look at these prizes,
17:32and they can all be yours.
17:33Now, this is how it works.
17:34Go ahead, take a stroll down, check them out.
17:37This is how it works at home.
17:40We've got 10 boys' prizes and 10 girls' prizes.
17:43Now, before the show,
17:44each of you picked the six you thought
17:46your brother or sister would like best.
17:48Now, both of you are going to run through the arcade
17:50and pick six prizes each.
17:51You get to keep every prize you match.
17:53If you match a total of 10 prizes,
17:55you get to keep all 20 of them.
17:58Brian, you get to pick from the yellow platforms.
18:01Come on down here, Lindsay.
18:03And Lindsay gets to pick from the yellow pink platforms.
18:08Now we're going to show the home audience
18:10the six prizes, Brian.
18:11Yo, Brian, come on down here, son.
18:13We're going to show the home audience
18:15the six prizes your sister thinks you're going to pick.
18:18You get ready, meanwhile.
18:20Loosen up, get ready.
18:22Okay, they've seen them at home.
18:24Brian, remember, you can only pick six.
18:26Are you ready?
18:27On your mark, get set, go!
18:32The surfboard's yours, Brian.
18:34All right.
18:36All right, she's on the guitar.
18:38Magic Mountain!
18:39She's on the Magic Mountain.
18:41Roll up!
18:42Keep picking, keep picking.
18:45Keep picking from the yellow platforms.
18:48You're going to the Dungeons & Angels game.
18:50All right, come on down here.
18:52Come on down, Brian.
18:54All right, you did great.
18:55You picked six, you match four.
18:57Way to go.
18:58Now, Lindsay, it's your turn to go up there
19:00and match as many as you can.
19:02Remember, if the two of you get a total of ten,
19:04you take home all 20 prizes.
19:06Now we're going to show the home audience
19:08the six prizes your brother thinks you're going to select.
19:10Lindsay, you relax, loosen up, get ready.
19:13Take a deep breath.
19:15Lindsay, on your mark, get set, go!
19:19All right, Lindsay.
19:21Keep going, keep going.
19:23All right, you get the pocket television.
19:25It's yours.
19:27Yeah, you get the disc player.
19:29That's yours.
19:31Keep picking, Lindsay.
19:33The computer system's yours.
19:36You own a home stereo system.
19:39You get to pick another.
19:41Go ahead.
19:42Go ahead, Lindsay.
19:4520 bucks.
19:47You're right, come on down here.
19:50Yes, congratulations.
19:52You got nine prizes.
19:53Those are yours to take home.
19:55Let's take a walk up and look at them,
19:58and Dean is going to tell them how they did today.
19:59When you go, you get it.
20:00Brian and Lindsay, on top of the $1,000 savings bond,
20:03you've also won nine prizes,
20:05which include Dodger tickets, Magic Mountain,
20:09the electric guitar and amplifier,
20:11Le surfboard, le watchman, le joueur portable CD, l'enregistreur AMFM cassette, le pack sportif et le kit de beauté, Laurie !
20:20Merci Dean ! Hey, vous les gars, vous êtes géniaux ! Vous êtes vraiment fiers de vous connaître !