Full Horror Movie in English: My Mom's A Werewolf Horror

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¡Hola y bienvenidos! Aquí encontrarás una variada selección de películas en inglés y español. Disfruta del cine y déjate llevar por su magia.
00:00:30Oh, who's that I see walkin' in these woods, why it's Little Red Riding Hood.
00:00:56Hey there, Little Red Riding Hood, you sure are lookin' good, you're everything a big, bad wolf could want.
00:01:12Little Red Riding Hood, I don't think Little Big Girl should go walkin' in these spooky old woods alone.
00:01:27What big eyes you have, the kind of eyes that drive wolves mad.
00:01:33So just to see that you don't get chased, I'd hang on to walk with you for a way.
00:01:42What full lips you have, they sure look someone bad.
00:01:48So until you get to Grandma's den, I think you ought to walk with me and be safe.
00:01:57I'm gonna keep my sheep suit on, until I'm sure that you've been shown, that I can be trusted walkin' with you alone.
00:02:10What big eyes you have, the kind of eyes that drive wolves mad.
00:02:19So just to see that you don't get chased, I'd hang on to walk with you for a way.
00:02:40This is ridiculous. Um, Dad, let me put you on speakerphone, hold on.
00:02:43Honey, wait a minute, I hate the speakerphone, I always sound like I'm ten miles away from everybody.
00:02:47Um, uh, Dad's on the phone.
00:02:49Oh, hi, Mom.
00:02:50Hi, sweetie.
00:02:51Hi, honey. How's my little brand muffin?
00:02:54Your little brand muffin misses her big cucumber.
00:02:56I want you to make a nice big roast tonight.
00:02:59Honey, you know I don't serve poison in this house, but I've got a great new recipe.
00:03:02Seaweed spinach quiche with cultured yak butter. You are gonna love it.
00:03:06Uh, I can't make it tonight to dinner, honey. Gotta run, sweets. Bye.
00:03:11What? No, wait, Howard, Howard, I have a... I make...
00:03:15Oh, Mom, don't feel bad. You know he loves you.
00:03:19Yeah, I know.
00:03:21Just thought I was gonna make this great recipe that I found in...
00:03:28Where you going?
00:03:29I'm meeting Stacy at the Horror and Science Fiction Convention.
00:03:35What about my seaweed quiche?
00:03:37I'm sorry, Mom. I gotta go.
00:03:42Well, don't stay out too late.
00:03:46Marbo, get out of there. Come on, Marbo.
00:04:01Just you and me again, huh, big fella?
00:04:05This is what the people want to see.
00:04:07Excuse me for interrupting, but we have another call on hold.
00:04:10You love me, don't you?
00:04:11Hello? You're on the air.
00:04:13What do you want to watch tonight, huh? Huh?
00:04:16Congratulations, you won.
00:04:18I hate this show.
00:04:20You are there with the H. Bieler International Astronauts.
00:04:27Galaxina, I've seen that movie 356 times.
00:04:31Oh, wow, this is great.
00:04:35Oh, Cinemagic, I have all of these.
00:04:38Famous monsters, number 12, January 1965, totally radical.
00:04:50Uh, can I borrow $175?
00:04:55But Jennifer, it's a number 12.
00:04:58A number 12, Jennifer, do you realize how rare that is?
00:05:13Wow, look at this.
00:05:15An original replica of Claude Rains' costume in The Invisible Man.
00:05:21I have never met anyone who lives and breathes monsters the way you do.
00:05:26That's all I live for, monsters and Ralph.
00:05:33Same thing.
00:05:38Bloody Orgy and the She-Devil's Assistant.
00:05:41Oh, Madame Gypsy, oh, let's get our fortune told, Jennifer.
00:05:45I am not going to pay a penny to hear some old lady tell me I'm going on a long sea cruise with a tall, dark stranger.
00:05:53I'll pay.
00:05:57...but please, it's only five bucks. Please, this way.
00:06:03Jennifer, come on.
00:06:08We'd like to get our...
00:06:09Tell me nothing. I see everything.
00:06:13Oh, wow. This is just like a scene from Bloody Gypsies of Yucca Flats.
00:06:22I didn't see that.
00:06:23I thought you see everything.
00:06:27Ten dollars, please.
00:06:33In advance.
00:06:35Where's my purse?
00:06:37Ask the psychic.
00:06:40I answer nothing till I get paid.
00:06:52Where's her purse?
00:06:54I am sitting on it.
00:06:59Please, please, sit. Sit, sit, sit, sit.
00:07:02Make yourself comfortable.
00:07:05Very nice.
00:07:13Why do you have two of them?
00:07:15I like a second opinion.
00:07:31You have a dog?
00:07:35You have a dog?
00:07:37Ten bucks to find that out.
00:07:41I see you in conflict with an animal.
00:07:44No, no, wait. I see two animals.
00:07:48Whatever happened to you meet a tall, dark stranger?
00:07:52Someone very close to you will.
00:07:59Oh, I see the sign of the pantogram on your face.
00:08:06Uh, I think that's just a zit.
00:08:09Be there.
00:08:11You will struggle with an unholy force over the next few days.
00:08:18Well, at least she got something right.
00:08:20I'm taking Ralph to my Halloween party.
00:08:23Foolish child.
00:08:25Take my card. You'll be needing it.
00:08:33Twenty dollars, please.
00:08:35In advance.
00:08:41You are going on a long sea cruise with a tall, dark stranger.
00:08:48You are going on a long sea cruise with a tall, dark stranger.
00:08:57It's people like you who keep these charlatans in business.
00:09:01Oh, come on, Jennifer. It's all part of the show.
00:09:04Right. And you owe me ten bucks.
00:09:07Wow, look at this.
00:09:10Dr. Fangbite and the Virgin from Hell.
00:09:17I'm leaving.
00:09:18Jennifer, you promised you'd stay until at least halfway through.
00:09:27And now an update on the recent series of ferocious dog attacks.
00:09:31A young woman was assaulted and bitten by what she claims was a cross between a Rottweiler and local councilman Lou Lamont.
00:09:39Lamont was not available for questioning.
00:09:43The woman is under psychiatric observation.
00:09:45Framing Mr. Lamont is really a rule.
00:09:48Hi, hon.
00:09:50Hi, sweetheart.
00:09:53Sorry I'm late for dinner.
00:09:55It's okay. I saved you some.
00:09:57It's the recipe I told you about on the phone today.
00:09:59It's really good for you. Seaweed spinach quiche with cultured yak butter.
00:10:04It's delicious.
00:10:09Looks good.
00:10:13Had to work late again, huh?
00:10:16Yeah. You know, we're gearing up for the annual pre-Christmas sale.
00:10:23I feel like I never see you anymore, honey. Why don't we do something this weekend?
00:10:27Like what?
00:10:29I don't know. Take a trip, go to the park. Something.
00:10:33Howard, I feel like we're losing the excitement in our lives. You know what I mean?
00:10:57I bet you didn't know that Lon Chaney Jr. was the only actor to play all the monsters.
00:11:02Frankenstein, Dracula, the wolfman and the mummy.
00:11:06Oh, guess how many times Bela Lugosi played Dracula.
00:11:09Who cares?
00:11:11Come on, knock it off and watch the game, will you?
00:11:14Howard. Howard!
00:11:18Oh, thanks, honey.
00:11:20Thanks, honey?
00:11:23Thanks, honey?
00:11:25Get out!
00:11:28I'm gonna rip that man's throat out.
00:11:30I'm gonna rip that man's throat out.
00:11:38Mom, don't forget the plate callers.
00:11:46What's wrong with your mom?
00:11:48It's Dad. He has time for everything but her.
00:11:51Maybe she bores your father.
00:11:54I read in Cosmopolitan that 50% of all divorces happen because of neglect.
00:12:00Or maybe it was adultery.
00:12:02Don't they kind of go hand in hand?
00:12:04Or whatever, in whatever.
00:12:08You know, I think you worry too much.
00:12:10I just don't want to be the product of a broken home.
00:12:13Geez, I would love it.
00:12:15I could use my dad's closet to store my body parts collection in.
00:12:20Your parents are hardly ever home anyway.
00:12:23You're gonna be the life of the party tomorrow.
00:12:29You wanna help me do a good deed?
00:12:56I don't believe in another game.
00:12:59Me neither.
00:13:13Come back!
00:13:22Oh, oh.
00:13:25Fleet callers.
00:13:47Anyone here?
00:14:15Anything I can do for you?
00:14:19I need a caller.
00:14:21A flea caller.
00:14:24My dog needs a flea caller. He has fleas.
00:14:27My dog.
00:14:31Anything else?
00:14:33I don't think so.
00:14:36Compliments of the house.
00:15:10Hey! Wait, wait, wait! My purse!
00:15:12Stop! Stop that man! He's a thief!
00:15:14Stop him! Oh, damn!
00:15:16Stop! My purse!
00:15:18Somebody grab that man! Stop him!
00:16:01Wait! Where are you going?
00:16:22My purse!
00:16:24Oh, my God, you found my purse!
00:16:26Why, thank you! How'd you do that?
00:16:33That's great!
00:16:35Thank you so much!
00:17:06May I buy you lunch?
00:17:09Well, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to buy myself lunch.
00:17:12No, I insist on treating you, Mr...
00:17:14For open.
00:17:21Harry. For open.
00:17:26Leslie Shaver.
00:17:32You know...
00:17:34You have the most unusual eyes.
00:17:42A bottle of Mouton Roth Child 66 for the lady and myself.
00:17:47Oh, I'll pay.
00:17:49Oh, how if we insist?
00:17:51And two orders of steak tartare.
00:17:53No, I'm a vegetarian.
00:17:56I'll have the pasta salad and the crepe suzettes for dessert, please.
00:18:00Do you want, uh...
00:18:02No, no, no, no. I dislike silver.
00:18:06It spoils the taste.
00:18:08I want to relish the substances I put between my teeth.
00:18:17So what makes you think she'll be there?
00:18:20It's lunchtime. She always eats there when she shops on weekends.
00:18:24Well, what makes you think she'll believe that your dad got her the flowers?
00:18:29Because she'll want to believe it.
00:18:32Boy, women sure get dumb when they get married.
00:18:37Jeez! Look at this!
00:18:40Another woman was attacked by a wild animal last night.
00:18:44How horrible!
00:18:48Talk about close to home. It was right on your street.
00:18:52Police think it was some sort of coyote or wild dog.
00:18:56Want to know what I think?
00:19:04Oh, my God, it's too late.
00:19:07Come on.
00:19:10I mean, I really shouldn't complain because it's not the worst, you know?
00:19:20Don't be silly. He's probably just an old friend.
00:19:23I know all her friends.
00:19:25So it's a new friend.
00:19:28But you know what really gets my goat?
00:19:30It's the weekend, and does he want to spend time with me?
00:19:33He invites his drinking buddies over to watch the game.
00:19:36I swear, sometimes I could just tear that man apart.
00:19:44Look at that. He's kissing her hand.
00:19:47He's kissing her hand.
00:19:49He's kissing her hand.
00:19:51He's kissing her hand.
00:19:53He's kissing her hand.
00:19:55Look at that. He's kissing her hand.
00:19:58I've never even seen my dad hold it.
00:20:01We've got to get closer.
00:20:07I'm sorry. I didn't mean to go on about my troubles.
00:20:10Oh, no. No, no, no.
00:20:12Don't ever apologize about your true feelings.
00:20:20Can you believe that?
00:20:22The pervert is licking my mother's hand.
00:20:28It's kind of cute.
00:20:30Maybe he's a foreigner.
00:20:35If I were married to someone as wonderful and as sensitive as you,
00:20:41I wouldn't want to spend a minute without you.
00:20:44Oh, Mr. Throat.
00:20:53You radiate love and compassion.
00:20:59I just want to crawl up inside of you and die.
00:21:03There's a pleasant thought.
00:21:07How about a toast?
00:21:11To eternal happiness
00:21:14and togetherness with people who appreciate their own kind.
00:21:20I'll drink to that.
00:21:22I don't understand it, but I'll drink to it.
00:21:30You know...
00:21:41I'm a... I'm a...
00:21:43I'm a married woman.
00:21:45I can respect that.
00:21:50Maybe you should hold off giving her the flowers.
00:22:08What's the matter?
00:22:10Come on.
00:22:20Where's he going?
00:22:22Come on.
00:22:24Let's follow him.
00:22:27Let's help him.
00:22:32Come on.
00:22:35Come on.
00:22:38Maybe he's a long-lost cousin.
00:22:45This is the battle. Maybe he's in here.
00:22:47He's in here? Let's see.
00:22:49I don't believe it.
00:22:51This guy does not know who he's messing with when he messes with me.
00:22:54Unbelievable. I feel like getting my hands on that creep.
00:22:57Hello? Anyone here?
00:23:07Is it open?
00:23:47I knew you'd be back.
00:23:49How dare you?
00:23:51Would you like a drink?
00:23:54I think I've had enough for one afternoon, thank you.
00:24:00Why don't we make love then?
00:24:04I've dubbed Martini.
00:24:34I think I've had enough for one afternoon, thank you.
00:24:36Why don't we make love then?
00:24:38I think I've had enough for one afternoon, thank you.
00:25:05How about another?
00:25:10Without the fish.
00:25:17Why don't you make yourself comfortable?
00:25:20Take something off.
00:25:24Is it okay?
00:25:26Can you see?
00:25:28No, you're in my way.
00:25:33Jennifer, I think it's time to go.
00:25:35Are you serious?
00:25:37If she's screwing around, I want to see it.
00:25:39Mind if I ask why?
00:25:45I think I lost a contact lens here somewhere.
00:25:51Sure is a hard bed.
00:25:58Yep, my bed.
00:26:00Good night, darling.
00:26:11Hurry, you little devil.
00:26:14I bet you smell great in the rain.
00:27:01I told you.
00:27:06Do it.
00:27:14Thanks for the thrill, but...
00:27:16It's time for me to go.
00:27:31You'll forget for now, Leslie Shaver.
00:27:36But you'll be back.
00:27:42Hey, Marlboro Bigfella, look what I got you.
00:27:44Flea collars.
00:27:48What? Hey, what's wrong with you?
00:27:52It's me, Marlboro.
00:27:54It's me, Marlboro.
00:27:56It's me, Marlboro.
00:27:58It's me, Marlboro.
00:28:00What's wrong?
00:28:05Hi, honey.
00:28:07Sure missed you.
00:28:09Sure you did.
00:28:29Ow, damn.
00:28:38Hi, Mom.
00:28:40Hi, sweetie.
00:28:42What happened to your toe?
00:28:44I must have stubbed it.
00:28:46Stubbed it?
00:28:48Looks like an animal bit it.
00:28:53So, how was your day shopping?
00:28:57Did you find anything you really needed?
00:28:59A few things.
00:29:01And how was your lunch?
00:29:13I'll be right down, Stacy.
00:29:18You just don't want to level with me, do you?
00:29:34I guess it's hard being a teenager.
00:29:40What's wrong with you?
00:29:42Wait, don't tell me.
00:29:46I don't want to talk about it.
00:29:58You found out about Mom, didn't you?
00:30:00I can't believe it.
00:30:03I'm so sorry, Dad.
00:30:05I asked for it.
00:30:07Yeah, well, you shouldn't have left her alone so much.
00:30:09I never dreamed it would happen.
00:30:13For 15 years, I have waited for this moment.
00:30:21I'm so sorry, Dad.
00:30:23I asked for it.
00:30:25I'm so sorry.
00:30:45Absolute heaven.
00:30:58Oh, it's gotten into you.
00:31:03Come on, get out of here.
00:31:09Hi, honey.
00:31:12Howard, haven't you noticed anything?
00:31:18Sure I did.
00:31:20That roast beef was scrumptious.
00:31:45Oh, baby.
00:31:47Oh, baby.
00:31:49Oh, Howard.
00:31:54That's like a little animal.
00:31:56Oh, baby.
00:32:19In my fault.
00:32:26In your fault.
00:32:29In your, in your.
00:32:31In your thoughts.
00:32:36In our thoughts.
00:32:39Our thoughts.
00:32:41In our thoughts.
00:32:56Don't be afraid of me, Leslie Chabert.
00:33:18I'm afraid of no one!
00:33:23What about this?
00:33:24Get him off!
00:33:25Get him off!
00:33:26Get him off!
00:33:27Get him off!
00:33:29Leslie, honey.
00:33:30Wake up.
00:33:31You're having a nightmare.
00:33:32What's going on?
00:33:33You're having a nightmare.
00:33:37I was having a nightmare.
00:33:39I said you are having a nightmare.
00:33:50Son of a bitch.
00:34:05Wake up!
00:34:08I think you were having a nightmare.
00:34:10You said were.
00:34:11I heard you.
00:34:12You said I were having a nightmare.
00:34:13You did say were, didn't you?
00:34:16I said were.
00:34:17Are you still dreaming?
00:34:18Forget it. Forget the reality. It's only a dream. Forget for now.
00:34:36I forget. I forgot.
00:34:48Don't get up, darling. You had a rough night. I'll fix my own breakfast.
00:35:15That's right. You sleep in. I'll see you tonight.
00:35:45Oh, God.
00:36:45Wake up, Leslie. You're having a nightmare.
00:36:56Oh, my God. I'm going back to bed.
00:37:17Leslie, it's Peggy. Don't forget, we have an appointment to do your hair at 2 o'clock tomorrow.
00:37:22I'm having a nightmare. Can I call you back?
00:37:25Sure thing.
00:37:36Okay. Now I'll wake up from this absurd dream and everything will be fine.
00:37:42There. Now I feel so much better.
00:37:49Oh, no. I don't feel better anymore.
00:37:55This is going to be the longest dream in history.
00:38:12Finally decided to get up, huh?
00:38:15Jennifer, are you in this dream, too?
00:38:26Ow! Damn it. That really hurt. I was supposed to feel pain in the dream.
00:38:37I'm not dreaming. I'm going crazy.
00:38:44I can't find a dentist who works on Sunday.
00:38:47Try the yellow pages.
00:38:48I knew that.
00:38:50Why do you need a dentist?
00:38:51Who needs a dentist?
00:38:53I thought I heard you say you do.
00:38:55No, no. I said I got to find Dennis.
00:39:01So that's the guy's name?
00:39:03That's what guy's name?
00:39:05Mom, I saw you the other day.
00:39:06You see me every day.
00:39:08I saw you and Dennis having lunch at Francois's and then dessert at the pet store.
00:39:14What are you talking about?
00:39:15Come off it, Mom. Stacy and I both saw you.
00:39:19It's bad enough you have to cheat on Dad, but to lie about it?
00:39:23Jennifer, have you been having nightmares, too?
00:39:26What's wrong with your mouth?
00:39:27What's wrong with my mouth?
00:39:28Did he give you herpes?
00:39:30Shouldn't you be in school or something?
00:39:32It's the weekend, remember?
00:39:33Well, shouldn't you be phoning your boyfriend?
00:39:35I don't have a boyfriend, Mom.
00:39:37Well, you should have a boyfriend. I think you should go find one.
00:39:57Open Saturdays and Sundays.
00:40:04God, it's too much for me to go outside. It's too much stress for the kids.
00:40:11Just testing the weather. Beautiful day, huh?
00:40:25Hey, cut out, you old bastard!
00:40:29Mamacita, Mamacita! A monster!
00:40:37Mrs. Shaver, the doctor will see you now.
00:40:40Good, thank you.
00:40:50Mrs. Shaver?
00:40:52Dr. Rodriguez, the cavity, emptor, at your service.
00:40:57Please, call me...
00:41:00Dr. Rod.
00:41:04Hey, Mom.
00:41:09Oh, good, you found a sterile silk hand cloth.
00:41:13So, you're here for a drilling or a filling?
00:41:23Now, here's something you don't see every day.
00:41:26Yeah, well, I look at it.
00:41:28Oh, these are the sexiest looking teeth I've ever seen.
00:41:36Oh, they are styled and distinguished.
00:41:41I've never seen anything like this kind of teeth.
00:41:46You mean, you're not happy with this?
00:41:49If I were happy, would I be here?
00:41:51I'm happy, and I'm here.
00:41:53I think you're making a terrible mistake.
00:42:15I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
00:42:20How'd he do it?
00:42:24Oh my God.
00:42:26Oh my God.
00:42:28Oh my God.
00:42:30Oh my God.
00:42:32Oh my God.
00:42:34Oh my God.
00:42:37What is it?
00:42:38I don't want it!
00:42:40I don't want to die!
00:42:50My mother...
00:42:52Poor me, this fire...
00:43:10What's the matter?
00:43:11What happened?
00:43:12Come back!
00:43:13Come back!
00:43:14It was just a little drillin'!
00:43:20I want to give you a real answer!
00:43:22What did you do?
00:43:23The artist needs no demand!
00:43:27For once I'll have the respect of my colleagues!
00:43:30I'll open an office in Beverly Hills!
00:43:32I'll clean movie stars' teeth!
00:43:35I love you!
00:44:06So, how's your veal today?
00:44:09My veal is so tasty!
00:44:12So succulent!
00:44:17Such a veal you've never tasted!
00:44:20What about your leg of lamb?
00:44:23I have a leg of lamb so savory!
00:44:26So tender!
00:44:28You could plot!
00:44:35I only use the freshest, healthiest beef
00:44:39made from the underbellies of young virgin cows!
00:44:48I'll take a pound of hamburger!
00:44:50Two pounds and get a free matzo!
00:44:53One pound is plenty!
00:45:00Something I can get for you?
00:45:25Animal to your left!
00:45:31Animal to your left!
00:45:55So sweet!
00:45:57I mean you're on the, on the street!
00:46:02Hanging on to your love!
00:46:13Hanging on to your love!
00:46:16Look at them!
00:46:18A singing whirlwind!
00:46:20We don't see many of them nowadays, do we?
00:46:23Taylor and Twyla!
00:46:27Taylor and Twyla!
00:46:31Taylor and Twyla!
00:46:48Stop the blinds!
00:46:50Stop the red!
00:46:52I've got a spell on my hand!
00:46:55Jump on the edge!
00:46:57Jump through the wall!
00:46:59Gonna take on it all!
00:47:02Singing the whirlwind!
00:47:05Oh, singing the whirlwind!
00:47:08Singing the whirlwind!
00:47:11Oh, singing the whirlwind!
00:47:15Light up the world!
00:47:17Light up the sky!
00:47:20Gonna light up your eyes!
00:47:22Shatter the night!
00:47:24Shatter the dark!
00:47:27Shatter the light in my heart!
00:47:29Singing the whirlwind!
00:47:31I was still saying you could just be a friend!
00:47:33I mean you have no proof that they're doing anything!
00:47:35The proof is she's hiding the whole thing!
00:47:39Oh, I'm taking over the world!
00:47:45And when the morning comes, you're the only one!
00:47:49Under her heartbeats, can almost go over her!
00:48:05Pale daylight, and dark as night!
00:48:09We put romance to the test!
00:48:13Learning day after day,
00:48:16how precious this feeling is!
00:48:20Strong love, deep as the ocean!
00:48:25Lifting me up on a wing like the ocean!
00:48:29Strong love, burns like a fever!
00:48:32When it's working, it's done!
00:48:35Mrs. Sheehan!
00:48:39Who did your makeup?
00:48:41Huh? Oh! I did!
00:48:49All the way, all the way!
00:48:53Oh, Mrs. Shaver, you've got a lot of talent!
00:48:58Leslie, Leslie!
00:49:01Why don't you snack on this while I go freshen up?
00:49:05If you want some dessert, come up and see me, okay?
00:49:09Strong love, deep as the ocean!
00:49:22You sure got a hot mom!
00:49:24Oh, so sweet!
00:49:28Is that you?
00:49:29No, it's the Wolfman, who do you think it is?
00:49:35I never knew your mom had a sense of humor!
00:49:37She doesn't!
00:49:40Now that's the best makeup job I've ever seen!
00:49:43I've seen better!
00:49:45Nudist colony of the dead!
00:50:02Is everything all right, Mrs. Shaver?
00:50:05Everything's fine, darling!
00:50:07Come and join your friends!
00:50:20Oh, damn!
00:50:25Fuck, this one's hurting!
00:50:39There's somebody in here!
00:50:41Oh, Mrs. Shaver!
00:50:43It's me, Ralph!
00:50:44Go away, you little pervert!
00:50:46I'm here for my dessert!
00:50:49You want your dessert?
00:51:22Mom, a bunch of kids are out here!
00:51:24What do they want?
00:51:26To pee!
00:51:28Tell them to use the other bathroom!
00:51:30Dougie jammed a puppet in it!
00:51:33So? Let them hold it in!
00:51:38Take a walk in the middle of the sun
00:51:41Whisper words that you never forget
00:51:45Say it's the moment cause you knew that
00:51:48I also want to talk to you!
00:51:50I'm too busy to talk now!
00:51:52Mom, you have been in there a half an hour!
00:51:55Oh, I've only been here 30 minutes!
00:52:07Oh, shit!
00:52:38What an ordeal!
00:52:42Bye, Cam!
00:52:43Thanks for coming, guys!
00:52:45Great party, Jen!
00:52:47Tell your mom she makes a great Willie Nelson!
00:52:49Mother always in a freak show!
00:52:51Lower my ear and I'll follow you anywhere!
00:52:54I gotta be home by 11!
00:52:56But it's 12.15!
00:52:58Then I guess I really gotta hurry!
00:52:59Hey, wait up!
00:53:07What the hell?
00:53:38What is it?
00:53:46What's going on here, Mom?
00:53:48Nothing! Nothing's going on!
00:53:49Now, leave me alone!
00:53:52I have a terrible case of indigestion!
00:53:54Now, please, go away!
00:54:01You look like Grizzly Adams!
00:54:03That's not me!
00:54:06That's not a costume, is it, Mom?
00:54:08Of course it's a costume! Mind your own business!
00:54:18Mom, you're a...
00:54:20What the hell are you?
00:54:22Get out of here! Get out of here!
00:54:27I'm here to speak to your mother.
00:54:30She's, um...
00:54:32Not herself tonight.
00:54:36You've done something to her, haven't you?
00:54:40Where do you think you're going?
00:54:42I'm not gonna let a stranger in here!
00:54:44I don't care what you and my mom have going!
00:54:46I'm not going anywhere!
00:54:48I'm not going anywhere!
00:54:50I'm not going anywhere!
00:54:52I don't care what you and my mom have going!
00:54:54You know, you've got a lot of nerve coming right to the house!
00:54:57I'll call the police if you don't get the hell out of here, now!
00:55:03She's upstairs in her bedroom.
00:55:05Excuse me.
00:55:23Stacy, are you in your room?
00:55:25Yeah! I'm talking to Ralph!
00:55:34You still there? Hello? Hello?
00:55:39Help me.
00:55:41My mom's a werewolf.
00:55:43You come barging in here,
00:55:45interrupt what might have been the most important phone call of my life,
00:55:48and tell me that your mom's a werewolf?
00:55:50I mean, my mother's a real, honest-to-goodness werewolf.
00:55:52Big deal. My mother's a cow.
00:55:55This is serious.
00:55:57That weird gypsy at the convention was right.
00:55:59I think my mom's that wild animal that's been attacking all those women.
00:56:03This is your way of testing how gullible I can be, right?
00:56:06You think I'm making this up?
00:56:11Jennifer, calm down!
00:56:13You're always reading this horror trash. Tell me what to do.
00:56:16The stuff's not meant to be taken away from me.
00:56:18Tell me what to do.
00:56:20The stuff's not meant to be taken seriously.
00:56:22It's make-believe, Jennifer.
00:56:24How do you stop a werewolf?
00:56:26You shoot it with a silver bullet.
00:56:29She's my mom. I don't want to kill her.
00:56:31What do you want to do, paper trainer?
00:56:35Thanks for your help.
00:56:47Wait, wait, Ralph!
00:56:57Good evening, my love.
00:57:00You, you're...
00:57:02You're the man of my dreams.
00:57:05That's so flattering.
00:57:09Who are you?
00:57:10What's going on?
00:57:12I've come to set you free.
00:57:15You are becoming...
00:57:20What the hell's happening to me?
00:57:22Oh, don't be afraid.
00:57:25I can show you how to survive...
00:57:28as a werewolf.
00:57:30A what-wolf?
00:57:35And I need a werewife.
00:57:40Someone to keep my race alive.
00:57:43I need sons...
00:57:45and daughters.
00:57:47And you, my love, are the one...
00:57:50who is going to give them to me.
00:57:53I suppose we're going to live in a warehouse.
00:57:58At first, I just wanted to devour you...
00:58:01like the others.
00:58:03But then I saw you had a quality...
00:58:06an honesty that I wanted to preserve...
00:58:23I know this is a tremendous shock to your system...
00:58:26but soon, very soon, you'll grow to accept it.
00:58:29Hi, honey, I'm home!
00:58:32Oh, my God, it's my husband!
00:58:36Tomorrow night.
00:58:38I'll be back for you...
00:58:40and you'll be mine.
00:58:49How are you?
00:58:51He won't accept you.
00:58:53Humans never do.
00:59:08Forget all that has happened.
00:59:11I will be back for you tomorrow night.
00:59:18Are you ready for me yet?
00:59:39Oh, God, oh, God!
00:59:49I thought I heard voices.
00:59:51Oh, that was the television.
00:59:58What's wrong with the lights?
01:00:00Oh, a failure.
01:00:08Oh, well, who needs lights anyway?
01:00:13Oh, honey, not tonight.
01:00:15I have a headache.
01:00:16Oh, come on, Leslie, you don't have to pretend with me.
01:00:19Listen, darling, I know that before last night...
01:00:21you were very upset with me...
01:00:22because I haven't been paying you a lot of attention.
01:00:24No, you haven't. You've been wonderful. Now go to sleep.
01:00:26Oh, Leslie, I'm crazy about you.
01:00:28Oh, please.
01:00:33You've turned me into an animal. I love it.
01:00:36Don't say that!
01:00:38Leslie, where the hell are you all wrapped up in this stuff?
01:00:40It's so warm in here.
01:00:41Oh, hey, I've got to chill.
01:00:43Well, I can take care of that.
01:00:45Good idea. Go fix the heater.
01:00:47I've got my own built-in heater.
01:00:50Oh, no.
01:00:52Marble, Marble, you know you're not allowed in the bed yet.
01:00:55Oh, Marble, Marble.
01:00:57Come on, get off the bed.
01:01:01Oh, stay, stay.
01:01:04Good night.
01:01:06Good night, honey.
01:01:12I've seen you in one thing with an animal.
01:01:15That's not a costume, is it, Marble?
01:01:17It's make-believe, Jennifer.
01:01:19Oh, I see the shine of the pop-de-glom on your face.
01:01:24No, it's a wolfman. What do you think it is?
01:01:27My mom's a werewolf.
01:01:29Get out of here! Get out of here!
01:01:31Take my coat. You'll be needing it.
01:01:56Oh, okay.
01:01:58Please. This is Jennifer Shaver.
01:02:02I need your help.
01:02:04My mom's a werewolf.
01:02:06Call the zoo.
01:02:08What should I do?
01:02:10She's my mother.
01:02:12Kill her.
01:02:16Oh, no. Jennifer, wait.
01:02:18Come in.
01:02:24I'll tell you everything I know about werewolves.
01:02:28Come in.
01:02:52Shut up.
01:02:55Don't move.
01:03:05Morning, darling.
01:03:09You look like hell.
01:03:11God, you wouldn't believe the weird dreams I've been having.
01:03:15I'm exhausted.
01:03:17Why don't you just stay in bed? I'll be home before you know it.
01:03:21Can't get enough of me, Dad.
01:03:23Enough? Leslie, one night you wet my appetite,
01:03:26the next you leave me hanging high and dry.
01:03:28You know how to drive a guy crazy.
01:03:34Leslie, you got me howling at the moon.
01:03:38I don't know what's happened to you, darling, but you've turned me into a new man.
01:03:54Hey, kids.
01:03:58Mom, you're human.
01:04:01Mom, we'll cure you.
01:04:03It won't be easy, but I think together we can beat this thing.
01:04:06What on earth are you talking about?
01:04:08Stacy, what's wrong with my daughter?
01:04:10She's freaked, Mrs. Schaber, but it's okay. She hasn't gotten violent yet.
01:04:13No, Mom, stay here.
01:04:15I'm late for my hair appointment.
01:04:17You can change back at any time.
01:04:19Believe me, it's better to change at home than out there.
01:04:23Mom, I can't let you leave.
01:04:24You can't let me leave? Who's the mother around here anyway?
01:04:27God, you are weird.
01:04:31You've got to find yourself a boyfriend, both of you.
01:04:35She thinks I'm crazy.
01:04:37She may have a point.
01:04:39She looks pretty human to me, Jennifer.
01:04:41Of course she does.
01:04:43She'd change back just like the gypsy said she would.
01:04:45Come on.
01:04:53The mother of the house.
01:04:57Excellent, perfect.
01:04:58Same thing.
01:04:59So we're having a special today.
01:05:00Six for $5.
01:05:01Okay, cool.
01:05:03Six for $5.
01:05:04That lasts three years.
01:05:05You've got a lot of hair, sweetheart.
01:05:08Get that money out of there.
01:05:09Thank you so much.
01:05:13Hi, Peggy.
01:05:15Your nightmare caught up with you, girl.
01:05:17Jesus, you look like hell.
01:05:19Well, I really do, Mom.
01:05:20Jesus, you look like hell.
01:05:21Well, I really appreciate you squeezing me in like this.
01:05:24Hell. Say no more.
01:05:26I never turn down a challenge.
01:05:31All right, hon, come with me.
01:05:34I'll even throw in a quick manicure.
01:05:41A little waxing wouldn't hurt either.
01:05:51Now, here, have a seat.
01:05:53I want you to relax, miss.
01:05:55You look tense to me.
01:05:57I'm gonna give you one of my magic fingers shampoos.
01:06:01Okay, lean back here.
01:06:20We've been out here almost an hour.
01:06:31How long do we gotta watch?
01:06:33Stacy, if you leave me now, I will never speak to you again.
01:06:37It might almost be worth it.
01:06:44We be hair, how may I help you?
01:06:48Mrs. Finkelstein, what is it this time?
01:06:53Well, hon, I'm sorry your hair fell out in the car,
01:06:55but we use very good bleach here.
01:06:57Now, you have to trust me on that.
01:07:18Well, I don't know what kind of hormones you've been taking, girl,
01:07:23but this is gonna be my ultimate challenge.
01:07:28Come with me.
01:07:37I think we've been here long enough.
01:07:40Don't you think if anything had happened,
01:07:42we'd have heard some sort of commotion by now?
01:07:45I guess you're right.
01:08:00What do you mean, oh no?
01:08:02I call it Wolverine chic.
01:08:07Holy shit, your mom's a werewolf!
01:08:14Give it time, it'll grow on ya.
01:08:17Do you realize what this is gonna do to your social life?
01:08:22Come on, come on, she could be dangerous.
01:08:25Let's go.
01:08:44Come on.
01:09:21Oh, Marble, come home!
01:09:37We can't go in there, there's a werewolf inside.
01:09:40We've got to.
01:09:41What do we have to protect ourselves with?
01:09:43We've got these.
01:09:45Look, I hate to break the news, but they only work on vampires.
01:09:49Are you sure?
01:09:51Bangarama, issue number 45, July 1986.
01:09:56You've got to find the werewolf who infected her.
01:09:59Look, maybe we should just call a vet.
01:10:03Holy cow!
01:10:14Jen, do something!
01:10:26Try the holy water.
01:10:39What about the cross?
01:10:44Oh, my goodness.
01:10:47Isn't that...
01:10:49That's Dennis. He's a friend.
01:10:52A friend?
01:10:56When did you get to meet him?
01:10:58Last night.
01:11:00Holy cow.
01:11:02Mesmerizing of the first meeting.
01:11:05I'm so sorry.
01:11:07It's okay.
01:11:09It's okay.
01:11:11Holy cow.
01:11:13Mesmerizing of the first creatures.
01:11:16Werewolves have the power of hypnotizing people into believing that they're friends.
01:11:20He's the guy that did it to her.
01:11:22Nah, he's just a friend.
01:11:24No, he's the one that has to die.
01:11:27Look, shoot him with a silver bullet and your mom is cured.
01:11:38Let's go.
01:11:42My dear Leslie.
01:11:44A comfrey.
01:11:46What are you looking for?
01:11:48We've got to protect ourselves.
01:11:50We've got these!
01:11:52Great. We'll paper cut him to death.
01:11:58Make sure he doesn't bite you.
01:12:01Look at this.
01:12:03You will soon forget about your old lifestyle as a human.
01:12:07I hope the tip is silver.
01:12:10It's steel. My dad's cheap.
01:12:17All aware children will be beautiful, Leslie.
01:12:25Hurry up.
01:12:27You've got to destroy him before the moon set.
01:12:29Time is running out.
01:13:27Damn those sabers!
01:13:29A little less noise down there.
01:13:33Oh, a shoe.
01:13:36Get that shoe. I want to smell that shoe.
01:13:38Please get that shoe.
01:13:42Hi, Dad.
01:13:44What's all the noise? Where's your mother?
01:13:47She's upstairs.
01:13:49But I don't think you should see her right now.
01:13:51What? What's going on?
01:13:53That's a nice outfit.
01:13:55She's got someone upstairs with her.
01:13:57And he's not him.
01:14:01This could get kind of hairy.
01:14:03What are you telling me?
01:14:11You wouldn't believe what those perverts are doing now.
01:14:14Leslie, open the door. I'll break it in.
01:14:21Good door.
01:14:27They're dressed in gorilla suits.
01:14:29And they're rolling around the room having an orgy.
01:14:34That does it. I'm calling the cops.
01:14:46Excuse me.
01:14:50Did you see him?
01:14:54I have to go to the bathroom.
01:15:00I've got to go in there.
01:15:03No, I have to go in and destroy that guy before the moon goes down.
01:15:06Which will be real soon.
01:15:08Jennifer, you could get killed.
01:15:10She's my mom. If I don't do this, she's doomed.
01:15:15Between your driving and your chili bean lunches, you're going to kill me.
01:15:18Don't start, Charlie.
01:15:20You may have dropped my doughnut.
01:15:21You and your doughnuts.
01:15:22It was the last chocolate in Atlanta.
01:15:23Please work here. Excuse me.
01:15:25If you had to pay for the doughnuts...
01:15:27All right, fine. I'll buy the doughnuts.
01:15:30Right, okay.
01:15:32I thought Halloween was last night.
01:15:34Yeah, these folks are usually so quiet.
01:15:36About time you guys got here.
01:15:38This is not the behavior of good, decent, church-going Christians.
01:15:42You're the one who called.
01:15:43Who the hell else would I be?
01:15:48Did you see him?
01:15:50He's got my mom.
01:15:52Jen, be careful.
01:15:55What's going on?
01:15:57Get away from him.
01:16:00You're dead now, you son of a bitch.
01:16:03I hope this works.
01:16:07I did it. I did it.
01:16:09What was that?
01:16:10I did it.
01:16:13Gotta get out of here.
01:16:15Jennifer, are you okay?
01:16:18I stabbed the grave. I can't get out.
01:16:20You stay here, sir.
01:16:21Why can't I go in?
01:16:22Because I said so.
01:16:28Hurry up. Come on.
01:16:29All right, all right. What's the noise?
01:16:30What's the racket up here? What's going on?
01:16:32There are two animals in my bedroom tearing it apart.
01:16:36Is he dead yet?
01:16:38Who's dead yet?
01:16:39No, he's rolling around on the floor.
01:16:41He's dead.
01:16:42He's dead.
01:16:43He's dead.
01:16:44He's dead.
01:16:45Is he dead yet?
01:16:46No, he's rolling around on the floor.
01:16:49The police are here.
01:16:51Mom, where are you?
01:16:53They're coming in.
01:17:02Mom's not changing back.
01:17:05What is it?
01:17:06Mrs. Shaver won't change back until he dies.
01:17:09And if he doesn't die before the moon sets, she's in deep shit.
01:17:13Let me smell your breath.
01:17:15Only if I can smell yours.
01:17:20Jennifer, can we open the door?
01:17:22Hurry, please.
01:17:26We're coming in to help.
01:17:28Can you see her?
01:17:30Don't shoot. She's my mom.
01:17:33That's my wife.
01:17:35That animal is your wife?
01:17:37Well, you have to get to know her.
01:17:42It's me, Jennifer.
01:17:44Please don't hurt me.
01:17:46Is there any blood in there?
01:17:49I'm your daughter, remember?
01:18:08Would you look at that thing?
01:18:11Holy cow!
01:18:14It's working.
01:18:23What happened to this room?
01:18:25She's delirious.
01:18:27Why is there a dead animal on the floor?
01:18:31Why aren't the police here?
01:18:36What's the volume of the Caspian Sea?
01:18:38Eighty-eight billion cubic meters.
01:18:40You don't remember anything?
01:18:43I remember...
01:18:45going to the beauty parlor.
01:18:47And I remember...
01:18:49I remember...
01:18:51going to the beauty shop and falling asleep.
01:18:53And I remember Jennifer acting very strange.
01:18:57Now that this is over,
01:18:58would someone please explain to me what's going on?
01:19:01Me, too.
01:19:04Me, too.
01:19:05Go on, Jennifer.
01:19:07I'll tell you everything.
01:19:09Let's tell the world!
01:19:20I'm sorry.
01:19:25Not good. A little bit.
01:19:31This is Celia Celica,
01:19:34KSFB TV News reporting live
01:19:37from the scene of one of the most bizarre
01:19:40and macabre stories in human history.
01:19:42Police were summoned by a neighbor
01:19:44who'd complained about a commotion
01:19:46coming from the residence of Howard and Leslie Schaber.
01:19:50It's me, Malcolm McAfee.
01:19:52I'm the neighbor. I live right over there.
01:19:59When police arrived on the scene,
01:20:01they discovered more than they had bargained for.
01:20:05What did you discover?
01:20:07More than we bargained for.
01:20:10But authorities are still in question
01:20:13about the identity of the homicide victim.
01:20:17Ah, this is great.
01:20:24I love it.
01:20:30You should see him beat down.
01:20:33Hey, when you're finished with him, can I have him?
01:20:35I want to see him beat down.
01:20:37Hey, when you're finished with him, can I have him?
01:20:39I want to make a rug.
01:20:48And nothing will ever be the same
01:20:50in the lives of the Schaber family.
01:20:54Jennifer, would you still have accepted your mother
01:20:57if you couldn't have changed her back?
01:20:59I understand.
01:21:01You're too emotional to talk right now.
01:21:04Here is the alleged she-wolf.
01:21:06Or is it her-wolf?
01:21:10And here is the man married
01:21:12to the poor, tormented Mrs. Schaber,
01:21:14father of the terrified and distressed Jennifer Schaber.
01:21:18Tell me, Mr. Schaber,
01:21:20do you feel that this whole incident
01:21:22has bonded you closer to your wife
01:21:25or pulled you further apart?
01:21:27Well, as you can see,
01:21:29the whole family is mortified and speechless.
01:21:32All right, this whole lawn is under arrest.
01:21:34Move it back. Move it back.
01:21:36Do not force me to draw my weapon.
01:21:40How the hell do they expect me to do an interview
01:21:42when no one has anything to say?
01:21:45I predicted this!
01:21:49Another gypsy will tear us all!
01:21:52Tomorrow I read for kings and presidents!
01:21:55Tonight I read for you!
01:21:59Yes! Special today!
01:22:01$35 today!
01:22:04Yes! Yes, yes, ladies and gentlemen!
01:22:07Come, come, I am getting the feeling!
01:22:09I am getting the feeling!
01:22:27I know I've been a real schmuck in the past.
01:22:33And a jerk.
01:22:37And a... Asshole!
01:22:39Jennifer, go to your room!
01:22:43And an asshole.
01:22:46But what I'm trying to say is...
01:22:50No more football on weekends?
01:22:53No more football.
01:22:57Except for maybe the Super Bowl, of course.
01:23:00And maybe the Orange Bowl.
01:23:05And then if you're busy, then...
01:23:16Jennifer, we got a big problem.
01:23:18What is it?
01:23:20Fangoria, issue number 43, October 1978.
01:23:24Unless a formal exorcism is performed on the deceased werewolf,
01:23:28the one who killed it will transform within 24 hours of the slaying.
01:23:32Good night, Stacey.
01:23:35No! Jennifer! Jennifer!
01:23:49Stacey, you gotta come over.
01:23:51And bring issue 43.
01:24:01Cause you bring the werewolf in me.
01:24:08The sun is shining in the heart of suburbia.
01:24:12Everything is seemingly okay.
01:24:15Everyone is smiling and there's no inertia.
01:24:19An almost perfect kind of day.
01:24:23Oh, the moon is shining on a hip utopia.
01:24:27And I am standing here with you.
01:24:31Our eyes are touching and there's something happening.
01:24:35I really don't know what I'm gonna do.
01:24:38Gonna change my name.
01:24:41Go on, Johnny.
01:24:46Cause you bring the werewolf in me.
01:24:53Yeah, you bring the werewolf in me.
01:25:15Oh, everything is the same.
01:25:17Everything is different.
01:25:19Everything is different.
01:25:21You can feel those changes in the air.
01:25:25I look at you and my heart's on fire.
01:25:28And the flames are spreading everywhere.
01:25:32Gonna change my name.
01:25:35Go on, Johnny.
01:25:39Cause you bring the werewolf in me.
01:25:44Oh, you bring the werewolf in me.
01:26:15The sun is shining in the heart of suburbia.
01:26:19Everything is seemingly okay.
01:26:22Everyone is smiling and there's no inertia.
01:26:26An almost perfect kind of day.
01:26:33Oh, the moon is shining on a hip utopia.
01:26:37And I am standing here with you.
01:26:41Our eyes are touching and there's something happening.
01:26:45I really don't know what I'm gonna do.
01:26:48Gonna change my name.
01:26:51Go on, Johnny.
01:26:55Cause you bring the werewolf in me.
01:27:03Yeah, you bring the werewolf in me.
01:27:10Yeah, you bring the werewolf in me.
