Full Horror Movie in English: Ghost Rig - HORROR

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00:02:58Come on, guys! Let's go!
00:04:41We need your support and hope you will follow us in our struggle.
00:04:46With me here is Crawford, one of the group's spokesmen.
00:04:49He is an ex-oil worker who was injured in an accident on this very rig.
00:04:54Crawford, how does it feel to be back?
00:04:57So where are they?
00:04:59Where do you buy your information?
00:05:02With a rig this size, they could be anywhere.
00:05:04Let's keep going.
00:05:06Let's keep going.
00:05:17Well, take the left.
00:05:28Eric, come in.
00:05:30Go ahead.
00:05:31Any sign?
00:05:34One of the doors is locked from inside.
00:05:38Looks like no one's been here for months.
00:05:55Tom, where are you?
00:05:57Uh, Vincent, the pilot says the weather's closing in.
00:06:01Tell him to wait.
00:06:02We need more time.
00:06:04We searched the bunkhouse.
00:06:06There's no one here.
00:06:07There must be people here.
00:06:09We haven't searched the whole rig.
00:06:12Right, you all heard Tom.
00:06:14We're up against the clock.
00:06:15So here's the plan.
00:06:18Kay, you go up to Derek.
00:06:20We need to know if the crew's moving about.
00:06:22Will, Sophie, you get the power going.
00:06:25The rest of you, search the work areas.
00:06:29All right?
00:06:39Come in, Vincent.
00:06:41It's Kay.
00:06:42There's no sign of anybody.
00:06:44I repeat, nothing.
00:06:45Keep going up to the top.
00:06:47Are you sure it's worth it?
00:06:48Yes, keep climbing.
00:06:54Crawford, why is it taking so long?
00:06:56Yeah, okay, hold on a minute, Vincent.
00:06:58We're gonna be with you in about five.
00:07:00I can do this myself.
00:07:01No, no, it's no problem.
00:07:03Well, hurry up.
00:07:04And afterwards, we need to get the radio working for the press.
00:07:12This generator's screwed.
00:07:14Is there a backup?
00:07:16Give me a couple of minutes to check it out.
00:07:18Hold on.
00:07:21A couple of minutes.
00:07:24What could we possibly do for a couple of minutes?
00:07:27Will, cut it out.
00:07:29This place is filthy.
00:07:31Come on, it's just like your parents' garage.
00:07:33No, it's not.
00:07:35And how can you be thinking about sex here at a time like this?
00:07:39Crawford, where's the backup generator?
00:07:42Backup generator?
00:07:43Level five east.
00:07:45Will, Sophie, there's a backup generator on level five east.
00:07:49We're all over it, Vincent.
00:07:50We're on our way.
00:07:58Oh, shit.
00:08:07Looks like we're sending the chopper away empty.
00:08:10I realize that.
00:08:12Something's not right here.
00:08:14Where's the maintenance crew?
00:08:17I thought you said it was manned.
00:08:18It should be three or four men.
00:08:20I mean, even with the navigation lights on 24-7,
00:08:23you still have to have a crew on board.
00:08:26Did you ever hear any rumors about this rig?
00:08:28You know, from before?
00:08:30No, I never heard shit.
00:08:32Yeah, you're right.
00:08:33It's probably nothing.
00:08:34What's probably nothing?
00:08:36Vincent, is there something I should know about?
00:08:38Let's just drop it.
00:08:40I don't want to worry the others.
00:08:42All right?
00:08:46They are here.
00:08:49They're just watching us.
00:08:51Waiting for us to let our guard down.
00:08:53Look, can you turn that thing down?
00:08:55If we get thrown off, we need readings.
00:08:57The radiation from downhaul tools can be massive.
00:09:00Come on, Mo, stay back a bit.
00:09:02And spread out.
00:09:23Come on.
00:09:54Eric, I wanna come in.
00:09:59Come in. Are you reading me?
00:10:14This is where we lost him.
00:10:16Yeah, well, where is he now?
00:10:17I don't know.
00:10:19How did he manage to lose us?
00:10:20He's a complete liability.
00:10:23Do you hear that?
00:10:53Now you know how Mo feels.
00:10:56You fucking arsehole!
00:11:15Right, my name is Crawford,
00:11:17and this is my diary of our time on the rig.
00:11:20Well, it's been a long time coming,
00:11:22but we're finally here, safe and sound.
00:11:24So far, so good.
00:11:26Not much to report yet.
00:11:27Everyone's put their stuff in their bunks,
00:11:29and this is mine.
00:11:30Five-star luxury for as long as is necessary.
00:11:33We've had a look around,
00:11:35and there's no crew on board.
00:11:37Yeah, strange, but there's no one here.
00:11:40Plus, the generator is down,
00:11:42so we're in the dark for now.
00:11:51Eric, Iona, where are you?
00:12:07Vincent Crawford. I can't see.
00:12:09Hey, Mo, you...
00:12:13How are you?
00:12:14Get me out of here!
00:12:16Now, listen to me.
00:12:18We're here.
00:12:20We still need quiet.
00:12:25Vincent, Tom and Annie, we're gonna go help Mo.
00:12:28No, we'll get the lights on for him.
00:12:30You continue your task.
00:12:32The group needs that radio working.
00:12:34Well, it's gonna take some time.
00:12:36You know where the radio room is?
00:12:38Okay, I'll catch up.
00:12:42Tom, confirm that you are continuing according to plan.
00:12:49Tom, answer me!
00:13:17This place could hold an army.
00:13:21He's not here, either. Are you coming or what?
00:13:24I'll be right behind you.
00:13:26There's some gear that might be useful.
00:14:29This better not be another gag.
00:14:43Come on.
00:14:46I'm not gonna fall for this again.
00:14:54Bastard bit me.
00:14:56Why don't you answer me when I'm calling you?
00:14:59Scared again?
00:15:03Fuck you!
00:15:06Come on.
00:15:20Mo, it's Tom.
00:15:22Can you hear me?
00:15:30You're okay, Mo. You'll be fine.
00:15:32Eric said to split up.
00:15:33Yeah, yeah, I know. Crawford's working on getting the lights on.
00:15:36I don't like it here.
00:15:38We're gonna be okay, you'll see.
00:15:41No, I don't think we'll be okay.
00:15:44I don't think we'll be okay.
00:15:49Crawford, Will and Sophie, we're in.
00:15:52Okay, then hit the panel down to the right and then pull the lever.
00:15:56Got it.
00:16:27These areas are still dark.
00:16:29Yeah, yeah, I thought this might happen.
00:16:32The backup generator only supplies power to the emergency system.
00:16:36What does that mean?
00:16:37Emergency lighting and heat to the rec room and the canteen.
00:16:41Also power to this room and the radio room.
00:16:43That's about it, I'm afraid.
00:16:45Why are the cameras on, then?
00:16:46Well, the cameras and tannoy are all part of the emergency drill.
00:16:49Yeah, they should be okay.
00:16:51You do realise that Mo will still be in the dark, though?
00:16:55Tell Tom to go back to the radio room.
00:16:57That's where he should be.
00:17:06Kay, I've got you on the monitors.
00:17:08What's up?
00:17:11It's not bad. I just cut my shoulder climbing down the derrick.
00:17:14I'm on my way back.
00:17:22Hey, there.
00:17:23I shouldn't be here. I told Vincent I didn't like the idea.
00:17:26It wouldn't be the same without you, Mo.
00:17:28Come on, Annie, you know I don't do this shit.
00:17:30I mean, Vincent's making this all so military.
00:17:32Why can't we just cut the crap?
00:17:34Look, his heart's in the right place. He just gets things out of perspective.
00:17:37If it wasn't for Vincent, we wouldn't actually be here doing something.
00:17:42But there's something weird going on here.
00:17:50Right, it's now 8.30pm.
00:17:53The weather's really closing in.
00:17:55But we have completed our first assignment.
00:17:57We're checking the storage tanks for residual oil and gas.
00:18:00And we're continuing to monitor for toxic emissions.
00:18:03But most of all, we're just waiting.
00:18:07But then that's our job, to occupy this rig.
00:18:10Morale's good, though.
00:18:12We're settling in for the night.
00:18:14No problems yet, apart from the odd cut or graze.
00:18:16But that's nothing Sophie can't handle.
00:18:26I've got everything I need. It's just such a mess.
00:18:30It's going to take me a couple of hours to tidy up, probably.
00:18:33Right, I think this will work.
00:20:33Please, we're going to get out of here.
00:21:02It's happening again.
00:21:04It's all right, Maul. It's nothing.
00:21:08No, I've just got a really bad feeling about this.
00:21:13We should call the chopper back.
00:21:15We're staying, Maul.
00:21:20Will, is there a problem with the generator?
00:21:22It's just the light's nearly went out.
00:21:24We're lucky to have any power at all.
00:21:26If it goes, I'll start to trace a short, but it could be anywhere.
00:21:35No joy with the tanks, I'm afraid. I didn't find anything.
00:21:38The level's soon within limits, so what are we up to next?
00:21:42I'm going to redo Annie's recording. Tom, over there.
00:21:45Are you staying for the broadcast?
00:21:47No, I'm going to check where Eric's got to.
00:21:49OK, people, can I have some quiet, please?
00:21:52Remember, these broadcasts are the key to our success.
00:22:00We are Action Planet.
00:22:02And we are now in control of the oil rig Janus.
00:22:27Come on, Eric.
00:22:30I don't scare as easily as I own her, you know.
00:23:22I fucking hate this.
00:24:00It must be something to do with the rat that bit Eric. A plague or something.
00:24:04Don't talk shit. It's the previous crew.
00:24:06They're here and they've got to him somehow.
00:24:08Calm down, all of you.
00:24:10Eric simply had a heart attack.
00:24:12It's a shame.
00:24:14But for somebody with his hobbies, it's always a possibility.
00:24:17So what do we do about the body, Vincent?
00:24:19We need to let the family know.
00:24:21When we get the radio fixed.
00:24:23But first, I think we should all go back to work.
00:24:25If we can't find something to give the press...
00:24:27Come off it, Vincent.
00:24:29Eric's dead. There's a body lying on the floor in there.
00:24:31One of us...
00:24:32The mission...
00:24:33...is lying dead on the floor in there.
00:24:35I say we call back the chopper.
00:24:37First on it when it comes.
00:24:39Vincent's right.
00:24:41Eric must have just overdone the steroids or something.
00:24:45Okay, everyone. We're all shocked.
00:24:47But don't forget the reason why we're here.
00:24:49Maul has already found radioactive readings.
00:24:51Tell me about the rumors.
00:24:53I told you I don't want to talk about it.
00:24:55If they knew, they'd only panic.
00:24:57We didn't know it wasn't a heart attack.
00:24:59I mean, Sophie didn't say,
00:25:01I think it's some sort of virus, did she?
00:25:03What the fuck are you talking about, Vincent?
00:25:05What virus?
00:25:07It's just, I heard a rumor about a quarantine imposed on the rig
00:25:09before it was closed.
00:25:11I never heard any rumor.
00:25:13Exactly. It's probably nothing.
00:25:15It's just, I heard a rumor about a quarantine imposed on the rig
00:25:17before it was closed.
00:25:19Exactly. It's probably nothing.
00:25:49Coming, Isis. This is Atlas. Over.
00:25:53Can you read me, Isis?
00:25:55Atlas here. Over.
00:25:57So we've checked the tanks here.
00:26:01But what about these on level four?
00:26:03I don't know.
00:26:05Didn't we all check them out?
00:26:07I don't know how you're so sure there's no crew here.
00:26:09This place is fucking enormous.
00:26:11Drop it, Iona, will you?
00:26:13There's no one here.
00:26:15Look, I'll tell you what.
00:26:17Why don't you take a seat over there?
00:26:19Keep an eye on the monitors.
00:26:21If there's crew on board, I'm sure you'll spot them.
00:26:23Where are the others?
00:26:25Will and Kay are with Sophie,
00:26:27and Tom is on lookout.
00:26:29No, he's not.
00:26:41My status report again.
00:26:43We have occupied oil rig Janus.
00:26:45I repeat, Janus.
00:26:47The group is down to nine.
00:26:49My cover remains intact.
00:26:51No evidence of any weapons.
00:26:53They're prepared to stay for several...
00:26:55What the fuck do you think you're doing?
00:27:01What the fuck are you doing with that?
00:27:03This is ridiculous.
00:27:05I am not taking any part in this until you put that away.
00:27:07I wasn't planning on using it.
00:27:09Who were you talking to, huh?
00:27:11I said,
00:27:13who were you talking to?
00:27:17I'm more interested in why he killed Eric.
00:27:21Come off it.
00:27:23We're not here to kill each other.
00:27:25Just get him tied up and we'll ship him off with Eric.
00:27:27Just because he's a spy, it doesn't mean he's a murderer.
00:27:29Oh, just because he's a spy,
00:27:31it doesn't make him a murderer.
00:27:33If you could get your nose out of Vincent's ass for one second...
00:27:35Iona, stop.
00:27:37Thanks to our good friend here,
00:27:39we can assume that they already know all about us.
00:27:41But so what?
00:27:43Didn't we want publicity?
00:27:45And with the murderer on board,
00:27:47we'll have the media's attention.
00:27:49So what are we going to do with him?
00:27:51Give me the gun. I'll watch him.
00:27:53No, we'll take turns. I'll take the first watch.
00:27:55Not with that gun you want.
00:27:57All right.
00:27:59I'll get rid of it.
00:28:01You're not going to mention the virus?
00:28:03This has nothing to do with that.
00:28:05Vincent, we agreed.
00:28:07No guns on this mission.
00:28:09I'll put it in my bag.
00:28:13You do that.
00:28:15I'll look after him.
00:28:17But go on.
00:28:19All right.
00:28:21But no virus.
00:28:31So what is it, you reckon?
00:28:33What's what?
00:28:37I don't know.
00:28:39I guess I've always just believed in heaven and hell.
00:28:43What you see is what you get.
00:28:45There's nothing else.
00:28:47Yeah, but what about all those Buddhists?
00:28:49They believe if you do well first time round,
00:28:51you get promoted.
00:28:53That means all cripples have deserved a relegation.
00:28:57I don't know.
00:28:59All cripples have deserved a relegation.
00:29:03Crawford must have been a very naughty boy in a previous life.
00:29:13How is he?
00:29:15He's had better days.
00:29:17Are you okay?
00:29:19I'm sorry about the others.
00:29:21Part of the job, I'm afraid.
00:29:23Why do this?
00:29:25And Eric?
00:29:27Annie, you've lied to us for six months.
00:29:29Do you really think
00:29:31that we're going to believe anything you say now?
00:29:35Some of us look pretty stupid.
00:29:37I'm sorry, Annie.
00:29:39Yeah. Right.
00:29:41Annie, I'm leaving you in charge, okay?
00:30:11What are we going to do about the gun?
00:30:13The gun has got to go.
00:30:15Things like that will turn people against us.
00:30:19I assume we're talking about our intrepid leader.
00:30:21I can speak to Vincent.
00:30:23Maybe he'll give me the gun.
00:30:25It's all right. Leave that to me. I'll deal with it.
00:30:27But we are all agreed.
00:30:29No gun. Right?
00:30:31He won't listen to you.
00:30:45You've done more than a little damage
00:30:47to what really is a very decent cause.
00:30:49Some of you are seriously fucked up.
00:30:51And some of us aren't, Tom.
00:30:55I've got Vincent and his gun.
00:30:57Now, that's a person who's not afraid
00:30:59to sacrifice others.
00:31:01Annie said you'd woken up.
00:31:03Sleep well?
00:31:05So, you wanted a radio home.
00:31:09Well, my guess is you had a bit of trouble.
00:31:11You see, I just tried it and just got static.
00:31:15You want to tell me what they know about us?
00:31:19Quite right, Tom.
00:31:21Never give anything away.
00:31:25Vincent, how are the others?
00:31:27They're all fine.
00:31:29No more viruses, then?
00:31:33So, our friend Tom was listening after all.
00:31:35Keep him here.
00:31:37Don't let him speak to anybody.
00:31:45We've got problems.
00:31:47Eric is dead.
00:31:49Looks like a heart attack.
00:31:51Maybe brought on by steroid abuse. I don't know.
00:31:53Tom is alive, and he's not the only one.
00:31:55I don't know if Vincent can hold this group together much longer.
00:31:59We caught Tom trying to radio ashore.
00:32:03Maybe there's a chance that he could have killed Eric.
00:32:05I don't know.
00:32:07Whoever he works for.
00:32:09I don't think any of us are worth getting rid of.
00:32:13He was the only one
00:32:15that I wasn't sure about.
00:32:17Anyway, there's nothing we can do.
00:32:19The chopper can't land in this weather.
00:32:21The radio is still down.
00:32:33All right.
00:32:35Here's how I think it is.
00:32:39You joined the army.
00:32:41Quite liked it.
00:32:43Never been good at anything before.
00:32:45Got promoted.
00:32:47Senior NCO in a couple of years.
00:32:49Got a commission.
00:32:51Took it.
00:32:53Hated it.
00:32:55They sent you to cover a bunch of greens,
00:32:57and now you've blown it.
00:32:59Am I getting warm, Tom?
00:33:01How do you know so much about the forces?
00:33:03Well, let's just say that
00:33:05I got about half as far as you did
00:33:07before I saw the error of my ways.
00:33:09Got off at the job, took it, hated it.
00:33:11Thought I'd be better off here.
00:33:13Ended up running the place, more or less, by the end.
00:33:15Did you miss it?
00:33:17There are other things I miss more.
00:33:27What do you think?
00:33:31An inoperable orthopedic trauma.
00:33:33That's what the useless bastards called it.
00:33:39You might want to check out what's happening in the radio room.
00:33:41Quick, untie me.
00:33:43No, I'll go.
00:33:45You couldn't possibly stop K on your own.
00:33:47I'll get help.
00:34:01What are you up to, man?
00:34:03What are you up to, man?
00:34:11K, what are you doing?
00:34:23Crawford, you know you can trust me.
00:34:25Let me go.
00:34:27I can't, Tom. Vincent would kill me.
00:34:29Forget him. His mission's over.
00:34:31He's not gonna like this.
00:35:11Oh, shit. K?
00:35:23Oh, damn it, K.
00:35:25Come here. He's K.
00:35:27He's dead.
00:35:29Level two.
00:35:35We're not safe here. We've got to get off.
00:35:39Don't touch him.
00:35:43It's my fault. I thought it was only rumour.
00:35:45I thought it was nothing, but I was wrong.
00:35:47It's killing us.
00:35:51Before we shut down, there was a quarantine imposed on the rig.
00:35:53Oh, fucking great.
00:35:55We have to get out of here.
00:35:59You didn't need to know. It was just a rumour.
00:36:03How did Tom get free?
00:36:07What the hell are you doing here?
00:36:09We saw K on the monitors.
00:36:11He was attacking someone with a hammer.
00:36:13I thought Tom was gonna be quickest there to stop it, so I let him go.
00:36:15You did what?
00:36:17He let me go.
00:36:19He realised I had nothing to do with Eric's death.
00:36:21Vincent, I'm really sorry about K.
00:36:23Vincent thinks it's a virus.
00:36:25Well, I'm afraid he's wrong.
00:36:27This is no virus. Crawford and I saw K smash the radio.
00:36:29You're full of shit!
00:36:31Why would he do that?
00:36:33I don't know.
00:36:35But he wasn't incensed into it by some fever.
00:36:37He knew exactly what he was doing.
00:36:39He's telling the truth, Vincent.
00:36:41And it gets better. K was interrupted by someone.
00:36:43We couldn't see who.
00:36:45You're full of crap.
00:36:47K attacked whoever it was with his hammer.
00:36:49We saw him inflict some pretty serious damage.
00:36:53He would have that one worse, or he wouldn't be lying here.
00:36:55K would never hurt anybody.
00:36:57Hang on.
00:36:59None of us are hurt.
00:37:01Well, exactly.
00:37:03There's got to be someone else on board.
00:37:05I don't trust him.
00:37:07Iona, let's check it out.
00:37:13I meant it when I said this is no virus,
00:37:15but Iona is seriously missing the point.
00:37:17Something else is going on here,
00:37:19and I don't know what it is.
00:37:21I say
00:37:23we take the corpse down to sickbay,
00:37:25where Soph can check it out.
00:37:29What are you doing?
00:37:31I thought we were checking the radio.
00:37:33In a minute.
00:37:35That bastard.
00:37:37What's wrong?
00:37:39It's gone. Tom must have taken it.
00:37:41I just don't get it.
00:37:43What is going on?
00:37:45Do you trust me?
00:37:49And something I really don't understand
00:37:51is going on here. Till we find out what it is,
00:37:53we're all in danger.
00:37:55Now, I need you to do something for me.
00:37:57Like what? Like checking everyone's stuff.
00:37:59I don't know, going up to the bunk room,
00:38:01looking through baggage, anything.
00:38:03Just do what you can, OK? OK.
00:38:09No, there's no bruising, nothing.
00:38:11Oh, so he just dropped dead?
00:38:13And what about the blood?
00:38:15It's just like Eric.
00:38:17There's nothing to go on.
00:38:19Sophie, can I take a look at Eric's rat bite?
00:38:21Come off it, Tom. It's just a bite.
00:38:23Go fix the radio so we can get the hell out of here.
00:38:25I think we should try and work out what's going on here first.
00:38:31What rat bite?
00:38:33But it was bitten. I was there. I saw it.
00:38:35What's going on?
00:38:39Hey, I am in charge here.
00:38:41Now listen to me, all of you.
00:38:43He's trying to trick you.
00:38:45He's still trying to work against us,
00:38:47and you're helping him.
00:38:49You made me give away my gun,
00:38:51and now he has it.
00:38:53Tom doesn't have your gun. It was me.
00:38:55I took it.
00:38:57It was a danger to all of us.
00:38:59So I took it,
00:39:01and I threw it over the side.
00:39:03You useless bastard!
00:39:05Now we are completely defenceless.
00:39:07I don't know why I thought
00:39:09you'd be any good in the first place.
00:39:11I was wrong.
00:39:13I recognise that now.
00:39:17I'm sorry.
00:39:23Here, Tom.
00:39:25There it is.
00:39:27I told you it was bitten.
00:39:29We should let Sophie take a look at this.
00:39:31There's not a mark on it.
00:39:33How did you say Eric killed it?
00:39:35I don't know. It wasn't here.
00:39:37Making friends, Tom?
00:39:39Or is it a relative?
00:39:43Mole, what are you doing?
00:39:47I don't like this.
00:39:49This looks like something
00:39:51to do with the occult.
00:39:53Grow up, Mole.
00:39:55No, he may have a point.
00:39:57Right, we've searched the whole rig.
00:39:59If there's anybody here, they must be ahead of us.
00:40:01But with the cameras, we probably have seen them by now.
00:40:03Mole and I will look into this.
00:40:05I'm not wasting my time on this hippie shit.
00:40:07We're going back to control.
00:40:11You'll be safer with us.
00:40:15I don't think so.
00:41:23Have you seen anything like this before, Mole?
00:41:25Don't know.
00:41:27I need to see the full extent of the circle.
00:41:29Listen, Mole.
00:41:31There's going to be an explanation for all this.
00:41:33Don't get too hung up about the occult.
00:41:35Come on.
00:41:39I've found what you needed.
00:41:41Please come down and help me quickly.
00:41:45Where are you?
00:41:47And I'd appreciate some help carrying it back, please.
00:41:51What the hell's that noise?
00:41:57Annie, come in.
00:42:07Craig, come on.
00:42:09But what about this?
00:42:11Leave it. Come on.
00:42:55Will, can you hear me?
00:42:57Go ahead.
00:42:59I'm worried. It's Kay's Grace.
00:43:01I need to talk to you.
00:43:03Calm down, Soph.
00:43:05Where are you?
00:43:07We need to get the group together.
00:43:09Are you alone?
00:43:11Yes. In sickbay, but...
00:43:13Wait there.
00:43:15I'll come and find you.
00:43:17There's some strange shit going on, and I don't know who's behind it.
00:43:19You coming here?
00:43:23Better off somewhere a little more private.
00:43:27Like your parents' garage.
00:43:29You know where I mean?
00:43:31Yeah. Okay.
00:43:33And, Soph, don't talk to anyone.
00:43:35Turn off your walkie.
00:43:37We don't know who we can trust.
00:43:55Oh, great, you're okay.
00:43:57Yeah, I'm fine, but look, I've just found this hammer with Will's jumper,
00:43:59and he was really keen to get in there.
00:44:01Well, where is he now?
00:44:03Well, didn't you hear him over the walkie? He's gone to meet Sophie.
00:44:05Oh, shit. Where?
00:44:07Something about his parents' garage.
00:44:11Crawford, can you hear me?
00:44:55Hey, Soph.
00:44:57Everything's gonna be fine.
00:44:59What's happening?
00:45:01I don't know, but we can't trust any of them.
00:45:03At least we'll be fine here for now.
00:45:05I was examining Kay,
00:45:07and his graze has healed.
00:45:09Totally healed.
00:45:11I know, I know. Take it easy.
00:45:13Will's here.
00:45:15Come on, we gotta rely on each other now.
00:45:17But we should speak to someone.
00:45:19Who should we trust?
00:45:21Not me.
00:45:23Will! Will!
00:45:25Come on!
00:45:31No, Tom, nothing.
00:45:35I can't see them.
00:45:37Where the hell are they?
00:45:39I've checked everywhere,
00:45:41except I can't get the generator room up.
00:45:43Right. I'm in.
00:45:45I'm in.
00:45:47I'm in.
00:45:49Get the generator room up.
00:45:51Right. I'm heading over right now.
00:45:53Well, hurry, Tom. They could be in trouble.
00:45:55Yeah, I'm on it. You stay there and watch for them.
00:46:03Where's he going?
00:46:05Generator room.
00:46:07After Will and Sophie.
00:46:19Will, no!
00:47:07Don't come in.
00:47:09Oh, God.
00:47:49Oh, my God.
00:48:19Oh, my God.
00:48:39Hello, soldier.
00:48:41Vincent. Vincent, in here.
00:48:43Help me. Tom's killed Will.
00:48:49Oh, shit.
00:49:01How many people need to die
00:49:03before you listen?
00:49:09All right.
00:49:17Just kill me.
00:49:23I didn't kill them.
00:49:25You have no idea what's going on here.
00:49:27Stop it. Both of you.
00:49:29Things are bad enough already.
00:49:33You're just going to have to go
00:49:35with me on this one.
00:49:39I saw Will bite her,
00:49:41and now he's dead.
00:49:43I tried to talk to her, but she ran off.
00:49:45She wasn't herself.
00:49:47You know, I think Mo's onto something
00:49:49with this occult thing.
00:49:51He's full of crap.
00:49:53You must think I'm stupid.
00:49:55I know you're working against us.
00:49:57Shut up, both of you.
00:49:59I have something.
00:50:01This changes things.
00:50:03You stop fighting each other right now.
00:50:09I'm sorry.
00:50:11I'm sorry.
00:50:13I'm sorry.
00:50:15I'm sorry.
00:50:17I'm sorry.
00:50:19I'm sorry.
00:50:21I'm sorry.
00:50:23I'm sorry.
00:50:25I'm sorry.
00:50:27I'm sorry.
00:50:29I'm sorry.
00:50:31I'm sorry.
00:50:33I'm sorry.
00:50:35I'm sorry.
00:50:37I'm sorry.
00:50:47I need to fast-forward.
00:50:49We're saying loads of this.
00:50:57This is such a waste of time.
00:50:59Shit, is this getting us anywhere?
00:51:01No, I want to watch this.
00:51:03This looks more like something.
00:51:05I don't need to tell you as much as I know, you're the main man.
00:51:08All right, I'm ready.
00:51:10OK, let's do it.
00:51:11Keep that thing running, because we're wanting this whole summer.
00:51:13Remember to ask him about the chopper stuff.
00:51:16Right, right, come on.
00:51:17Come here, I want some answers from you.
00:51:19Come here.
00:51:20Get back here.
00:51:21We want some answers from you.
00:51:25When are we getting off?
00:51:26Why didn't you stop the flights?
00:51:28There's four boys dead.
00:51:29What are you doing about it?
00:51:30I know as much about this as you do.
00:51:31Are we under quarantine?
00:51:33Switch that off.
00:51:36Come here, you.
00:51:37Come back here.
00:51:40Oh, that went well, didn't it?
00:51:42I suppose we could always try some more of your voodoo games, eh, Jim?
00:51:45I mean, it's not as if it's that that gets us into this shite.
00:51:59Right, we're now getting off the rig.
00:52:01Our chances are better in the water.
00:52:03We could have eight hours with the suits on.
00:52:06We're filming this as a record.
00:52:08Bob, it's suicide.
00:52:09I tell you again, if the jump doesn't kill you, the cold will.
00:52:13Come on, Jim.
00:52:14Last chance, come with us.
00:52:16We should all stay here.
00:52:17If we stay alert...
00:52:19It's just a matter of time.
00:52:21It won't stop now.
00:52:22There's no one left.
00:52:23We don't know that.
00:52:24I mean, I would do...
00:52:26There are four of us left.
00:52:28Jim's the same.
00:52:30All right, lads, all set.
00:52:31Jim, we'll send back help.
00:52:33I promise.
00:52:47This is the guy whose corpse we found.
00:52:52I'm now alone.
00:52:54Everybody else, they're either dead or have gone over the side.
00:53:00Bob, too.
00:53:02He won't have made it.
00:53:04None of them will.
00:53:07One of us had to try and pass on what we know.
00:53:11I blocked myself in here.
00:53:13Been waiting for help.
00:53:16But nothing.
00:53:18It's been weeks now.
00:53:20Fuck knows what they're doing on the mainland.
00:53:24The food's long gone.
00:53:27I'm not gonna last much longer.
00:53:31Hope no one ever needs this recording.
00:53:34If you're watching this now, it may already be among you,
00:53:38moving from one of you to the next.
00:53:41Trust no one.
00:53:45Use the instructions in the book.
00:53:47We left it in the circle.
00:53:49It won't go in there.
00:53:53God be with you.
00:53:58Oh, yes, look at that beauty.
00:54:01Oh, come on, let me have a look at that.
00:54:08Poor bastards.
00:54:10Has to stay low with some old stuff.
00:54:12Whatever it is, we should leave,
00:54:14cos I really don't want to hang around here waiting to die.
00:54:17Do you think we should leave?
00:54:19We're up against something that wiped out a whole rig.
00:54:22But at least we know what we're doing.
00:54:25Something that wiped out a whole rig.
00:54:27But at least we know more than they did.
00:54:29Do you really believe this stuff?
00:54:31Something is moving through the group, using our bodies somehow.
00:54:34It probably got to Eric from the rat.
00:54:37It's a kind of possession.
00:54:39And every time it moves on, it leaves somebody dead!
00:54:42Do you know, the more I hear, the more I think that you're all losing it!
00:54:46I know it sounds like it, but I saw Sophie!
00:54:49And that was weird, really weird!
00:54:51We have to go. Now.
00:54:53We go.
00:54:54But I'll have to fix the radio before we can call a chopper.
00:54:57Forget the radio!
00:54:59We just find Sophie and get off!
00:55:01Don't even think about swimming back.
00:55:03You wouldn't last more than ten minutes in this weather.
00:55:05Lifeboats. Crawford, there must be lifeboats. Where are they?
00:55:08You wouldn't last more than a few more hours in a raft.
00:55:10And if nobody knows you're in the water...
00:55:12Fine, then!
00:55:13Our first priority is to fix the radio and call for help.
00:55:17Come in! Come in, anyone!
00:55:19If it's a possession, we need the book inside the circle.
00:55:22What's taking so long?
00:55:23I don't know. It's the same as before.
00:55:25Must be a problem with the antenna.
00:55:27Come on. We'll be right back.
00:55:32Why are you listening to him?
00:55:34Sophie's out there!
00:55:35Yeah, if Tom hasn't already killed her.
00:55:37Oh, come on, it's not as simple as that.
00:55:39You were there. You were watching the video, weren't you?
00:55:41We should make some work of it.
00:55:43You were there. You were watching the video, weren't you?
00:55:45We should make some weapons. See what she has to say.
00:55:49No, we should stay here. Tom said not to split up.
00:55:52Maud's right, Vincent.
00:55:57I own her!
00:56:09You've just got to find Sophie. She'll know what's going on.
00:56:12I should have listened to Kay. He never liked Tom.
00:56:15All this books and circles shite.
00:56:17Where the fuck does he think that's going to get us?
00:56:31I told you he wasn't that clever.
00:56:33I can't believe we've been taken in by him.
00:56:36You know what we have to do?
00:56:43How could they be so stupid?
00:56:45We must find them. We can't afford to split up unnecessarily.
00:56:48I should stay here. Try and raise help.
00:56:51No, I can't leave you alone.
00:56:53We all go together.
00:57:12OK, OK. All right, take it easy.
00:57:16Tom, be careful.
00:57:32It must have moved on.
00:57:34Now we definitely can't leave the rig. We stay put.
00:57:37At least until we find out who it's moved into.
00:57:39We're not leaving an innocent person behind.
00:57:42Yeah, you're right.
00:57:44So what do we do?
00:57:46We take the circle.
00:58:30OK, just concentrate on the circle.
00:58:32It seems to be the big thing.
00:58:34I think the circle's some kind of protection,
00:58:36but it's more complicated.
00:58:39OK, quick! Everyone in the circle now.
00:58:43OK, Mo, tell us how it works.
00:58:45Hang on. Mo, come on!
00:58:48The ring is sacred and secure.
00:58:51I think it's some kind of sanctuary, but it might be control.
00:58:55I don't know.
00:59:03What the fuck are you looking at?
00:59:05What the fuck are you looking at?
00:59:08Somebody help me.
00:59:13Iona, where's Vincent?
00:59:17He's had it.
00:59:21We found Sophie's body.
00:59:24Vincent went to take a look, but she wasn't dead.
00:59:29It went into him.
00:59:32He should have been more careful.
00:59:35I couldn't... I couldn't even get near.
00:59:40He was bitten,
00:59:42and then he attacked me with his spear.
00:59:48Don't worry, you're safe now.
00:59:50Have a look at your leg.
00:59:52Iona, we believe you.
00:59:55Now come into the circle.
01:00:00I'm sorry.
01:00:13What a great performance.
01:00:15OK, now stay where you are.
01:00:18Both of you!
01:00:22Vincent, tell us what happened.
01:00:25Take it from the beginning, Vincent.
01:00:28Tell us exactly what happened.
01:00:30It was her, not me.
01:00:33It happened so fast.
01:00:35Sophie attacked her, and then she got me.
01:00:40Don't let him anywhere near you.
01:00:42Let him finish!
01:00:44I tried to fight back, but she was too strong.
01:00:48I got her once with this.
01:00:50She threw me over the walkway.
01:00:52She ran, and I followed her here.
01:00:54How could I run?
01:00:56You can't run anywhere.
01:01:02Vincent, come into the circle.
01:01:05Over there.
01:01:06Fuck the circle!
01:01:08Don't go near him.
01:01:11Walk slowly into the circle.
01:01:15Put that spear down!
01:01:50I'm telling the truth.
01:01:52Why won't you ever listen to me?
01:01:56Oh, shit, I got it wrong!
01:01:58The circle is a sanctuary for evil.
01:02:00It can come in here.
01:02:02That's it.
01:02:04The evil can enter the circle,
01:02:06but once inside, it can never leave.
01:02:09OK, great.
01:02:10Now, Vincent, you're gonna have to show me
01:02:12that you can get out again.
01:02:26Vincent, stop!
01:02:34It was her, not me.
01:02:36It all happened so fast.
01:02:46looks like you're all right.
01:02:48I'm fine.
01:02:50I'm fine.
01:02:55looks like you were right about the circle.
01:02:57Stay in there.
01:02:59And in a couple of days, you're gonna be hungry.
01:03:02And I've got all the time in the world.
01:03:06I've got a feeling
01:03:08I'll be getting to know you all inside out
01:03:11soon enough.
01:03:23Come on, let's go.
01:03:33No, my honour's nearly here before us.
01:03:38It's always one step ahead of us.
01:03:40We have to go back to the circle.
01:03:42The evil only loses control once it enters the circle.
01:03:45It won't go near it.
01:03:47You're saying that once inside the circle,
01:03:49the spirit's under the control of the host body?
01:03:51I should have read quicker.
01:03:53No, no, it was my plan.
01:03:55And they came onto the country of Gadarenes.
01:03:58And there met him out of the tombs,
01:04:00a man with an unclean spirit.
01:04:02And no man could bind him.
01:04:03No, not with chains.
01:04:06When he saw Jesus afar off, he ran and worshipped him.
01:04:09Jesus asked him, what is thy name?
01:04:11And he answers, saying...
01:04:12My name is Legion.
01:04:16For we are many.
01:04:20And there was nigh a herd of swine.
01:04:22And the devil besought him, saying,
01:04:24send us down to the swine, that we may enter them.
01:04:26And Jesus gave him leave forthwith.
01:04:29And he entered the swine.
01:04:31And the herd ran violently down a steep place
01:04:37and were choked in the sea.
01:04:41And were choked in the sea.
01:04:44Does this help us?
01:04:46Let's just leave.
01:04:49You do that, and you'll be drowned or frozen by dawn.
01:04:51I'd rather be drowned or frozen than that thing enter me.
01:04:54Look, it'll be dawn in less than an hour.
01:04:57Couldn't we wait till then, eh?
01:05:00I think you're right.
01:05:01It would be madness to try and survive out there.
01:05:03I think we should head back to the Circle.
01:05:06It won't be long before it finds us.
01:05:08I, uh...
01:05:10I managed to get back in touch with my control.
01:05:13They're sending a team.
01:05:15Right, let's go.
01:05:19Mo, come on.
01:05:42Clever bitch. She heard all of that.
01:05:45She's in a walk-in.
01:05:46What was left of the radio might even have been watching us too.
01:05:48Now, we've got a chance to get ahead of her.
01:05:51Does that mean it's not true about being rescued?
01:05:53I'm sorry, Mo. We're on our own.
01:05:56What do we do then?
01:05:58We get survival suits and a life raft.
01:06:00It might give us long enough.
01:06:01And it might not.
01:06:03The survival suits, if there are any, they'll be in the locker room.
01:06:06The life rafts, they're scattered all over the rig in white canisters.
01:06:09But I haven't seen any.
01:06:10I think I saw them when we dumped the bags.
01:06:13The second floor.
01:06:14OK, look, we don't have long.
01:06:16She'll soon realise that we fooled her.
01:06:18You'll never get me up there.
01:06:19I know. That's why Mo and Annie are going.
01:06:21Crawford, you and me, we've got a different task.
01:06:24Meet us in the control room.
01:06:25We'll be all right.
01:06:27Tom, leave me behind.
01:06:29Hey, hang on. One last thing.
01:06:31Remember, she's got a walkie, so we'll have to do without them from now on.
01:06:34I'm the one thing that might get you all killed.
01:06:37No, no. We all leave together.
01:06:50I don't know why we bother. We're as good as dead.
01:06:53Keep positive. Come on.
01:06:56Tom, there are no suits left.
01:06:58How do you know?
01:07:00It was always this big joke.
01:07:02They always made out like they were so into their safety.
01:07:07This place is like the fucking Titanic.
01:07:09There were only ever enough suits for about half the crew.
01:07:14Oh, shit.
01:07:17It doesn't mean they've all gone.
01:07:19There still could be some here.
01:07:34There you are.
01:07:35You missing me already?
01:07:37You missing me already?
01:07:44Come on, this way.
01:08:19Face the facts.
01:08:21They're all gone.
01:08:23However it ended, I'll bet most of them jumped without suits.
01:08:27That water's like ice, Tom.
01:08:30The first hour would be OK, but after that, the pain sets in.
01:08:33Survival suits are not.
01:08:36Look, I'm not leaving this rig without you and the others.
01:08:40And we are leaving.
01:08:42Trust me. Crawford, I need you on this one.
01:08:45Let's keep looking.
01:09:41Run faster, little man!
01:10:16Little frightened man, I know about you.
01:10:20In the dark,
01:10:23you shake.
01:10:46I'm sorry.
01:11:12OK, it's clear.
01:11:18Now, where are they?
01:11:22You were right.
01:11:24She was watching us.
01:11:26I told you, it's clever.
01:11:30Where the hell are they?
01:11:32This is exactly what I was afraid of.
01:11:34Look, there's Annie.
01:11:37Oh, shit, she's on her own.
01:11:40Right, where's Mo?
01:11:42Right, where's Mo?
01:11:54I love you, little man.
01:11:58My owner just wants to show you how loving she can be.
01:12:03All these silly arguments behind us.
01:12:13Oh, shit.
01:12:15Right, what are we going to do?
01:12:18Just wait until they turn up.
01:12:22This thing.
01:12:24The only give-away
01:12:26is that it heals the person it's in.
01:12:29It heals the person it's in.
01:12:31It heals the person it's in.
01:12:33It heals the person it's in.
01:12:35It heals the person it's in.
01:12:37It heals the person it's in.
01:12:39The only give-away
01:12:41is that it heals the person it's in.
01:12:43I mean, Eric's rat bite.
01:12:45No one believes our owner actually saw it.
01:12:48And after we saw Kay attack Will,
01:12:50well, his jersey was in tattles, but he was fine.
01:12:53So what are you thinking?
01:12:55Well, what if we cut them?
01:12:57See if they heal? There's nothing else to go on.
01:13:00And if that fails?
01:13:02Well, then we torch the place.
01:13:06How do we get out?
01:13:11OK, let's try your idea and hope it works.
01:13:15If not, then I'm with you.
01:13:17Let's torch this bastard.
01:13:19Stick to the plan. You never know. It might work.
01:13:22Looks like we're about to find out.
01:13:24Where's Mo?
01:13:27We just ran into Iona.
01:13:29She chased me, but I managed to get away.
01:13:31He should definitely be here by now.
01:13:33But I've got the canister. Do you have the survival suit?
01:13:36There you are. Annie, I'm sorry.
01:13:39Look, you've separated from Mo.
01:13:42We can't be certain you're still yourself.
01:13:44We saw you on the monitors, Annie.
01:13:47How did you split?
01:13:49I've just told you.
01:13:51We can't take any chances, Annie. I'm sorry.
01:13:57Iona was chasing Annie and I managed to get away.
01:14:01Are you all right? Stay there, Mo!
01:14:04You've both split up!
01:14:09Mo, sit down against that wall.
01:14:14Annie, here.
01:14:17Tom, what the hell's going on?
01:14:19Sit down, both of you!
01:14:28Good. Now listen carefully.
01:14:30We have a plan.
01:14:33One of you may not be you.
01:14:36And we have to be sure. OK?
01:14:40OK. So we have a test.
01:14:42You're wasting time, Tom.
01:14:46How did you get away from Iona, Annie?
01:14:49I've just told them.
01:14:51What took you so long?
01:14:53Shut up!
01:14:55I'll take Annie, Tom.
01:14:57You take Mo.
01:15:01Don't let her get too close.
01:15:08OK, here it is.
01:15:10We're going to cut you.
01:15:12Just enough to bleed.
01:15:14Crawford's going to do the same for Annie.
01:15:16What the fuck will that prove, eh?
01:15:18To see if you're like the others, to see if you heal.
01:15:21I know it's in Mo.
01:15:25No time to explain.
01:15:27We're not going to cut you.
01:15:29Just go along with it and pretend.
01:15:31If you refuse this test, Mo will never go for it.
01:15:34Do you understand me?
01:15:36Right. Now cry out as if I've cut you.
01:15:43OK, now hold out your arm.
01:15:57If you're both in the clear,
01:15:59we're in the raft, out of here.
01:16:02I'm going to check those arms every ten seconds.
01:16:23Right, show us your arms.
01:16:39But he didn't cut me.
01:16:41Come on, Annie, just show us your arm.
01:16:44He didn't cut me, Tom.
01:16:46Mo, grab that spear.
01:16:48Wait, he didn't cut me, he must be it.
01:16:50He can't be, he never left my sight!
01:16:52Don't think of her as Annie, Tom.
01:16:54You know what's going on here.
01:16:56He told me he knew it was Mo.
01:16:58Crawford, what are you doing?
01:17:00She's not Annie. We can't help her, not now.
01:17:03I trusted you.
01:17:05Tell them what you told me, that you knew it was Mo!
01:17:14SHE SOBS
01:17:23Sorry to break up the party, but life's a match.
01:17:28And then you die.
01:17:30Rest easy, mate.
01:17:34Time to put Jack back in the box.
01:17:37What are you doing?
01:17:40Come to me.
01:17:57It's in Mo.
01:17:59But how did you know?
01:18:01I said, come into me.
01:18:14The next shot is to the head or to the heart.
01:18:18Do you really know who I am?
01:18:20Stay out of this!
01:18:28Now it's me...
01:18:30or back to hell.
01:19:17It worked.
01:19:20I can't believe it.
01:19:22It fucking worked!
01:19:33DOOR OPENS
01:20:11All right, all right, all right.
01:20:13David, David, grab this.
01:20:15All right, all right, quiet, quiet.
01:20:17Hey, hey. Shush.
01:20:19Jim, you're a right tosser.
01:20:23Jim and I have shared everything.
01:20:25Smelly bunk rooms, beer.
01:20:28Underpants meet for a second.
01:20:30I'll tell you what, though.
01:20:32He's a right selfish bastard when it comes to girlfriends.
01:20:37Wouldn't it change any of it for the world?
01:20:41You guys...
01:20:43are the best.
01:20:49Give me that camera.
01:21:01Right, we're now getting off the rig.
01:21:03Our chances are better in the water.
01:21:05We could have eight hours with the suits on.
01:21:07We're filming this as a record.
01:21:09Bob, it's suicide.
01:21:11I tell you again.
01:21:13If the jump doesn't kill you, the cold will.
01:21:15Come on, Jim. Last chance. Come with us.
01:21:17We should all stay here.
01:21:19If we stay alert... Bollocks.
01:21:21It's just a matter of time.
01:21:23It won't stop now. There's no-one left.
01:21:25We don't know that. We... Aye, we do.
01:21:27There are four of us left.
01:21:29Jim is staying.
01:21:31All right, lads, you all set now?
01:21:33Jim, we'll send back help.
01:21:35I promise.
01:21:37Sorry, fella.
01:21:39Couldn't get back in time for you.
01:21:43Broke me back jumping off the rig.
01:22:03If you're watching this,
01:22:05we're all dead.
01:22:11I don't have much time.
01:22:13But someone has to know what happened here.
01:22:15It's Vincent.
01:22:17He's lost it.
01:22:19When he found out Tom was a spy,
01:22:21he shot him.
01:22:23Someone has to know what happened here.
01:22:25It's Vincent.
01:22:27He's lost it.
01:22:29When he found out Tom was a spy,
01:22:31he shot him.
01:22:33Some of us tried to stop him.
01:22:35We even tried to radio to land,
01:22:37but he smashed up the radio,
01:22:39and now he's picking us off one by one.
01:22:41He's even begun throwing the bodies overboard.
01:22:43I don't know how many of us are left.
01:23:05Don't tell me you planned all this.
01:23:09You evil fuck.
01:23:13I told you all to leave.
01:23:15We all have to make our sacrifices, Tom.
01:23:19I'm sorry, but
01:23:21the way it worked out,
01:23:23you guys were mine.
01:23:25Crawford, it's...
01:23:27It's still you.
01:23:29How are you controlling it?
01:23:59Crawford, it's still you.
01:24:01How are you controlling it?
01:24:19Crawford, it's still you.
01:24:21How are you controlling it?
01:24:25The evil can enter the circle,
01:24:27but once inside,
01:24:29it can never leave.
01:24:31Inside the circle,
01:24:33the spirit's under the control of the host body.
01:24:37Leave me behind.
01:24:39I'm the one thing
01:24:41that might get you all killed.
01:24:57Leave me behind.
01:24:59I'm the one thing
01:25:01that might get you all killed.
01:25:27Leave me behind.
01:25:29I'm the one thing
01:25:31that might get you all killed.
01:25:33Leave me behind.
01:25:35I'm the one thing
01:25:37that might get you all killed.
01:25:39Leave me behind.
01:25:41I'm the one thing
01:25:43that might get you all killed.
01:25:45Leave me behind.
01:25:47I'm the one thing
01:25:49that might get you all killed.
01:25:51Leave me behind.
01:25:53I'm the one thing
01:25:55that might get you all killed.
01:26:25Leave me behind.
01:26:27I'm the one thing
01:26:29that might get you all killed.
01:26:31Leave me behind.
01:26:33I'm the one thing
01:26:35that might get you all killed.
01:26:37Leave me behind.
01:26:39I'm the one thing
01:26:41that might get you all killed.
01:26:43Leave me behind.
01:26:45I'm the one thing
01:26:47that might get you all killed.
01:26:49Leave me behind.
01:26:51I'm the one thing
01:26:53that might get you all killed.
01:27:23Leave me behind.
01:27:25I'm the one thing
01:27:27that might get you all killed.
01:27:29Leave me behind.
01:27:31I'm the one thing
01:27:33that might get you all killed.
01:27:35Leave me behind.
01:27:37I'm the one thing
01:27:39that might get you all killed.
01:27:41Leave me behind.
01:27:43I'm the one thing
01:27:45that might get you all killed.
01:27:47Leave me behind.
01:27:49I'm the one thing
01:27:51that might get you all killed.
