El Ángel de Aurora Cap 49 Completo - El Ángel de Aurora Ep 49 Completo

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El Ángel de Aurora Cap 49 Completo - El Ángel de Aurora Ep 49 Completo

El Ángel de Aurora Cap 49 Completo:


00:00No, it's gonna be a little tempo claro como nuestra su primera opción Elena ahora toma su segunda opción Brianna
00:07No, I've ever done
00:09The pre-owned to a castle come with the villain
00:12gracias and judith as
00:15Perk nuestro Angel ya está con nosotros
00:18aunque quisiera que separadas más los caminos de ángel y de aurora
00:23por muy egoísta que puede hacer
00:27Nieto, jesús por favor que el pintas no le haga daño ni al rolas ni a mis papitos
00:34No voy a decir nada más de lo que sé pero por favor
00:38Aleja ese tipo malo de nuestras vidas gracias virgen cita gracias porque mi hijo salió libre
00:45Estoy cumpliendo con mi palabra santa madre de guadalupe
00:49Mi hijo ya quiere a su verdadera madre
00:54Ayúdame a ser fuerte
00:57Tengo que alejar el ena de mí
00:59Pero cómo puedo hacerlo sin dañarla
01:03Como le hago para dejar de amarla
01:08Por cierto como hiciste para que ángel saliera libre
01:13La gente había dicho que por ser fin de semana iba a ser imposible
01:16si no hasta el lunes pues
01:19parece que no te acuerdas de mí mi amor
01:21No perdón es la costumbre
01:28Estás bien es que me pregunto me duele un poco pero
01:34Me da mucho gusto que ayudara sangre ya verás que no es una mala persona
01:43Yo espero que sepas que esto lo hice por ti
01:46No por ángel
01:48Yo jamás me pondría a ti o a él si es que se aman yo quiero pensar que eres feliz a su lado sí
01:56pero si quiero advertirte el ena que yo ya le dije que si el
02:01Si él te llega a romper el corazón se las va a ver conmigo
02:06Yo nunca te voy a hacer daño y tampoco voy a permitir que nadie te utilice y te haga daño
02:14Necesitas algo
02:23Van sale van sale
02:28Que ya no usar estas lindas
02:32Papi es solo para que puedas ver a
02:49Mi hijo
03:06Si sabes quien soy yo
03:09Yo soy el payaso
03:21Pues el bicho que no no ya me dio pena se cancela el show gracias
03:50No me gusta que des a entender que ángel me está utilizando no me refiero a eso el ena
03:54No me eres una mujer sumamente inteligente yo jamás pensaré que alguien como ángel te va a ver la cara si
04:00Estoy al pendiente nada más nunca me vas a dejar de importar
04:03porque no le dices la verdad de mí
04:10Qué verdad
04:12Qué verdad briana habla
04:15Lo único que yo estoy intentando es ser directo con el ena esto lo hice por el ena ángel no me parece suficientemente hombre para ella
04:21ya lo saben no es personal el ena
04:25ángel sabe que tú te mueres de amor por él verdad
04:29bueno sabe que estás herida
04:31dónde está
04:33O dónde están las flores o una llamada o un mensaje ya te mandó un mensaje
04:38han sido muchas cosas para él mi herida no fue grave como no fue
04:43O sea no es de gravedad que te navajen en la ciudad el ena no es grave perdóname el ena de que estás hablando
04:49y si fue su culpa tú estabas con él era su responsabilidad protegerte no lo hizo
04:56No me lo tienes que decir no te ves contenta el ena te ves más preocupada que nunca
05:02yo sé cómo pasaron las cosas de bien no necesito que me lo recuerdes
05:07y yo también sé cómo ha sido mi relación con él y por eso sospecho que algo no está bien
05:13que raro yo ayer lo vi
05:15muy feliz con su familia normal
05:18todos estábamos celebrando su regreso fue un momento muy emotivo muy bonito tú estabas ahí briana
05:24wow no es que ángel no pierde el tiempo claro como no está su primera opción el ena ahora toma su segunda opción briana
05:32no a ver briana
05:35te preguntó acaso cómo estaba el ena se interesó
05:39No no para nada no entiendo por qué estabas ahí briana y no me dijiste
05:44no es secreto para nadie que te gusta ángel pero tienes que respetar mi relación con él
05:49a ver fui porque me preocupaba y su mamá me invitó a quedarme
05:54si tú estás segura de lo que siente ángel por ti no deberías de estar celosa
06:01está delicada puedes no ser hiriente por favor piensa en tu hermana por una vez en tu vida
06:06No, no estoy delicada de mía ya me siento mejor
06:22Ya vete morro
06:24no quiero que el rolas te vaya a ver aquí y por favor
06:27yo sé que de por todo de lo peor contigo y sé que no merezco lo que te estoy pidiendo pero es neta
06:34Quiero una oportunidad para hablar con el rolas no ya te dije
06:38tiene que recuperarse y no voy a permitir que vengas aquí a reventarle la cabeza a mi niño
06:43con todo lo que ha pasado últimamente solo un momento magui
06:49me voy para siempre del barrio el vampi y el guavi me andan buscando para matarme el pintas casi me mata
06:56mira cómo me dejó magui
06:59déjame hablar con él te lo suplico
07:05De paso carnal estas así por el en la verdad porque no me dejaste hablarle si tanto le extrañas
07:22No hay que bonita
07:24ame vas hermanita
07:26voy a la asociación con julio césar me van a dar un reconocimiento de parte del gobierno de la ciudad
07:32Y porque no me habías dicho
07:34pues por todo lo que ha pasado ya sabe de hecho iba a posponer la entrega por mi salida de la ciudad
07:41pues sí pero me hubiera gustado que me invitaras
07:45pero si nunca tan interesado las cosas de la asociación hay claro que sí
07:50además imagínate ir contigo verte estar contigo
07:57Ella sabe la y tantas cosas que nos separan
08:02Yo siempre sentido que me ves como tu rival
08:08Por qué nunca me dijiste que te gustaba antonio hay pues por qué
08:13porque no era importante porque me voy a pelear contigo por algo así tan x era importante
08:20porque lo descubrí hasta ahora
08:22tantos años de saber ocultando cosas
08:25Pues no se daña quien se ama
08:28Y yo jamás podría hacerte daño hermano
08:30Pues siempre me ha dado la impresión que más que amarme tú me odias
08:34Yo no te odio
08:37Pero tal vez debería no
08:39¿Sabes por qué?
08:41Por todo lo que me quitaste
08:43Mataste a mi mamá
08:45Me robaste el cariño de mi papá
08:47Me robaste el cariño de mi hijo cuando era un niño
08:49Siempre todos te escogían a ti sobre mí
08:51¿Y qué he hecho yo?
08:53Te he protegido, te he cuidado
08:55Te he amado
08:58O sea yo creo que en el fondo
09:00Tú eres la que me odia a mí
09:02Claro que no, yo nunca te he odiado
09:04Claro que sí
09:06Desde que perdiste a tu hijo ¿Qué hiciste?
09:08Me tuviste envidia por tener a Demian
09:10Y te quisiste convertir en su mamá
09:13¿Y sabes qué es lo que más duele?
09:17Que él sí te quiere más a ti
09:19Demian te ama
09:20Sí, no, sí me ama
09:23Pero Demian lo hubiera dado todo
09:25Hubiera dado su vida, hubiera dado la empresa
09:27Hubiera dado hasta Elena
09:30Porque tú fueras su mamá
09:35Soy yo la que debería de odiarte
09:53Your birth
09:55Your death
09:56Your shit
09:59Your death
10:03¡No quiero mucho más!
10:06El arquitecto Jimenez era el que estaba filtrando la información
10:12La demanda está perdida Antonio
10:14Y lo más probable
10:17Es que clausuren la constructora
10:19Por fraude y por daños al medio ambiente
10:22I can't believe that Jiménez himself did this to me.
10:27That he did this to us, right?
10:30How can I trust him?
10:33On what grounds can we sue him?
10:36You can sue him,
10:38but the matter will have to be taken to another office.
10:41I quit the partnership with your construction company,
10:44and you know very well why I'm doing it, right?
10:46Yes, it's for the best. I also prefer it that way.
10:51Well, at least you can tell me
10:54how the legal situation with Jiménez is going.
10:57He sold the development project as if he were the author.
11:01But the project was in our hands.
11:04How could he do it?
11:05He stole it, and you'd have to prove he did it.
11:08Damn it.
11:10And he still greets me as if nothing happened.
11:13Antonio, how are you?
11:15I'm going to report him to the jail,
11:17and everyone who has to do with this,
11:19my heritage, damn it!
11:22Antonio, unfortunately, there are many thefts of projects
11:25where others take over the work of the real creatives.
11:31And we trust him because he was your friend.
11:37How likely is it that he will lose the construction company?
11:41Very likely.
11:43If you don't go to court and give evidence
11:45that the project was created here.
11:47No, he's not going to get away with it.
11:51I never imagined you'd think that of my sister.
11:54I've done all that for you.
11:57Yes, and you haven't even realized it.
11:59Why? Because you've spent your whole life
12:01looking for your lost son.
12:04And do you know what it's been like for me
12:05to see you wake up every day crying?
12:09Isabel, I've been with you.
12:12When you separated from Fabricio, I was there.
12:15You and I worked on the company together.
12:18With Demian, I helped you when you were a baby,
12:21but you kept him away from me.
12:23No, no, I didn't keep him away from you.
12:25You were the one who couldn't love an aunt anymore
12:27because you were always thinking about your son
12:29and you wanted to manipulate mine
12:31so that he loved you more.
12:34Do you think Demian didn't realize
12:36that he was a toy for you
12:38with whom you entertained yourself
12:39while you wanted to play mother?
12:41How can you say that?
12:44I was just trying to help.
12:46Well, I was just trying to take care of my son,
12:48to protect him.
12:50But what else do you care about
12:51what happens to me or what happens to my son?
12:53Don't say that, Isabel.
12:54I don't know.
12:55I don't care.
12:56You're my sister and I love you.
12:58It's true.
13:00I've lived in a world full of...
13:01You haven't lived in a world
13:02where the center has always been you.
13:06How many times have you come to me?
13:07How many times have you asked me
13:09how I feel, how I am?
13:13Well, I did come to you.
13:15I asked you to help me with my dad.
13:18But who stood by his side?
13:20If we had been together,
13:23my dad would have taken us to Gabriel.
13:24See, there it is.
13:25For Gabriel, Gabriel.
13:27Because you only have Gabriel in your head.
13:29Let him go.
13:31And you would get over it if Demian dies?
13:36You don't make me feel bad.
13:39When I asked you, you turned your back on me.
13:44We could've been good friends
13:46in other circumstances.
13:48Anyway, thank you for letting me know
13:51what was going on with Jiménez.
13:53Antonio, I don't wish you any harm.
13:55We have our differences,
13:57but I don't think you're a bad man.
13:58No, thank you.
14:00I just hope that soon the storm passes
14:03inside of you and you calm down.
14:06I'm sorry that you also had losses in Estregos.
14:10I'll take the documents to the new office
14:12and try to get as much back as I can
14:14to give you your share.
14:16Now, as for Aurora and the investigation I asked for,
14:19I'm not going to back out.
14:20I know you don't want me to intervene,
14:22but Gabriel's story isn't just Aurora's story.
14:24It's my story too.
14:26Look, I understand about Gabriel and the investigation.
14:30I'm not mad because you're trying to find him.
14:33I'm mad because you want to relive your old love.
14:36That's what bothers me.
14:37That's why I'll do it away from you.
14:39The investigator will be the one in contact with Aurora.
14:43That way, we can avoid confusion and problems.
14:45You already found Gabriel's grave.
14:47Now you can do the DNA test.
14:50I'll tell Aurora when I think it's the right time.
14:54No, I'm sorry.
14:55I'd like to be the one to tell her,
14:57at least to explain it to her.
15:00The last thing I want is to upset Aurora
15:02with something we don't even know if it's true or not.
15:05That's information I have to corroborate first.
15:07And please, if you get anonymous again,
15:10don't tell Aurora anything, okay?
15:16You know, if that's what you think, that's fine.
15:19I'm just going to tell you one thing.
15:22There will come a time when I won't be by your side, Aurora.
15:26I understand your complaints, Shelby.
15:28You called me a traitor.
15:29You wanted to kick me out of my own house.
15:32But I swear there will come a day
15:34when you'll realize I'm the only person
15:37who's ever cared about you.
15:39You always tell me the same thing, Isabel.
15:41You insist on taking care of me as if I were a child.
15:45You insult me by saying I only want to play the company.
15:48Do you remember when I made you stay with the regional manager?
15:51What did you do?
15:53What did you do?
15:54You gave up everything, you threw it away
15:55just because you had a crush on her.
15:59You don't care about anything else.
16:01And you don't care about anything that happens around you.
16:07Enjoy your Sunday and your reward,
16:10because you deserve it.
16:15Because you have to ruin my aunt.
16:20First you took my mother from me,
16:22and then my dad left you everything.
16:25And if you're not happy with that,
16:26my son would kill me because I was his mother.
16:29Come on, Rolas, let's make a wish.
16:31Yes, yes, yes.
16:31Let's go.
16:32Come on, come on.
16:34Come to the cake.
16:36Come on, Mrs. Espe.
16:37Come on, come on, come on.
16:39One, two, three.
16:42Good luck!
16:48Bravo, bravo.
17:00I don't remember where,
17:03but I've seen that man before.
17:05You're suggesting...
17:07Don't give it too much importance.
17:09Well, I'd better go.
17:10No, wait, I'm going with you.
17:12I'll change and we'll go together.
17:14I want to go see Elena
17:15and then I'm going to see a very important producer
17:17who needs me for a soap opera.
17:19Why are you lying, Patricia?
17:21You're not interested in Elena at all.
17:23I don't want to meddle, but I feel like you're lying.
17:31Respect Rolas' party.
17:34What are you doing here?
17:36Calm down, bro.
17:37I came in peace.
17:39I just wanted to know that Rolas was okay.
17:42You stole the party.
17:45Is it true?
17:46It wasn't me.
17:47I didn't even go in.
17:49It was the others.
17:50But I didn't come here to make more trouble.
17:52Don't worry.
17:55I can wake up fried if they find out I'm here.
17:57Go away, kid.
17:59I don't want any trouble either.
18:02I'm sorry, everyone.
18:04I just wanted to welcome Rolitas.
18:07And honestly, I don't want to scare anyone.
18:09I know you're at your party
18:11and I have nothing to do with this.
18:15the truth is that people in this neighborhood are good.
18:18It's just that there are some who sell themselves for anything.
18:21I've made a lot of mistakes
18:23for looking for easy money.
18:27you and I have to make a deal soon.
18:30It's something important, bro.
18:32And I don't want to leave without talking to you first.
18:36Keep enjoying your welcome, Rolitas.
18:39I'm leaving.
18:40I just came to tell you
18:42to take advantage of the opportunities life gives you
18:46and don't get in trouble.
18:49Look at me.
18:51It's not worth it.
18:54It's cool that they took your glasses off
18:56and you look good, bro.
18:58I won't be able to call you big cat anymore.
19:06here are the glasses, Rolas.
19:14Don't go, mom.
19:17I love you so much.
19:23Please don't go.
19:28Don't go.
19:53And I want to announce publicly that we are getting married.
20:02I don't want to meddle, but I feel
20:04that your life is a farce.
20:08What are you going to do with my life, you liar?
20:17I already told you that you are not going anywhere.
20:19You don't need those clothes.
20:22You will never be an actress.
20:25You can only sell your body.
20:27Because you force me, bastard.
20:32I'm going to be very famous.
20:33You'll see.
20:35I'll make a lot of money
20:36and I'll get Abriano ahead.
20:38Don't hit him, dad.
20:39Don't meddle, kid.
20:41The only one who can put a hand on him
20:43is me.
20:45When I'm famous,
20:47you'll come back dragging yourself.
20:49Yes, of course.
20:51Just make comedies in the subway.
20:52I hope you're rotting in life, Valente.
20:57Who is it?
21:09Demian, I can't drive.
21:11Come with me to Angel's house, please.
21:13Elena, forgive me.
21:14It's very irresponsible to take you.
21:15I can't take you.
21:17Most likely the gang that killed Angel
21:19is going to kill you.
21:20Most likely
21:21the gang that attacked you
21:22is looking for Angel.
21:24You shouldn't go.
21:26why are you being like this to me?
21:27What did I do?
21:29I need to see him.
21:30Give me an explanation.
21:31Listen to me, listen to me.
21:32All you did
21:33was be a great woman.
21:36I have a proposal.
21:38Elena, we're going with my aunt Aurora.
21:40Yes, they're going to give her a prize.
21:41It's a quiet event.
21:42I can be by your side
21:44taking care of what you need.
21:46I feel very vulnerable
21:47right now, Demian.
21:50I have a feeling
21:51that I can't explain.
21:55What you need
21:56is distraction.
21:58Let me help you,
22:03It's been so long
22:04since you hugged me like that, Mom.
22:06The last time you did it
22:07I was
22:08a girl.
22:11I remembered something
22:12Fabricio's crazy guy told me.
22:13Don't call him that.
22:14Fabricio is not crazy.
22:19I came to invite you
22:20to dinner.
22:22Oh, yeah?
22:23Where are you taking me?
22:24Wherever you want.
22:26Well, as long as it's not
22:27the quesadillera stand,
22:28everything's fine.
22:29I'm not taking you there.
22:31But you don't know
22:32what you're missing, huh?
22:33Oh, quesadillera.
22:36Who is this guy?
22:40At your service.
22:42Well, I don't paint canes anymore.
22:44But what desire
22:45do I have to paint houses?
22:48can we talk for a moment?
22:51I guess it's about Demian.
22:52No, no, no.
22:54It's about...
22:56Who is Pintas?
22:58It's late.
23:03It's him.
23:05What happened?
23:06Is everything okay?
23:07I don't know, but
23:09I already know who he is.
23:13Well, I didn't know
23:14he was your boss.
23:15But I know your mom
23:16had her reasons.
23:18She's been taking care of you
23:20and I haven't done things right,
23:23But I promise
23:24I'll come back for you.
23:26Did you say Rolando?
23:28You didn't say Rolais anymore?
23:31I'm sorry
23:32because I was wrong.
23:34I would like to tell you,
23:38My heart of chicken
23:39can't resist these moments.
23:41Did he hit you?
23:43No, it's okay, kid.
23:46take good care of your mom.
23:49I love you so much, Rolando.
23:52A lot.
23:59I swear to God
24:00that I didn't steal.
24:02But I am guilty
24:03of other things.
24:05And if I don't turn myself in,
24:06it's because the gang
24:07is going to go after my son
24:08and I don't want that.
24:09And if I don't turn myself in,
24:10it's because the gang
24:11is going to go after my son
24:12as soon as they find out
24:13that he's my son
24:14because of Chivaton.
24:15Sooner or later,
24:16they're all going to fall.
24:17I'm sure of that.
24:19Now I need to investigate something
24:20and it's about you, bro.
24:23What about me?
24:26Stop it.
24:28Better be quiet
24:29because if your gang finds out
24:30that you're here,
24:31it could get out of hand.
24:33Are you going to come back, dad?
24:36I promise, exeggutor.
24:37I love you so much.
25:03I asked the authorities
25:04to carry out the event
25:05in this place
25:06because this is where
25:07the mothers who look
25:08for their children
25:09usually meet
25:11and also those
25:12who, thanks to God,
25:13have already recovered them.
25:18I thank all the people
25:19who are joining us
25:20in this event,
25:22but I would like
25:23to thank my family.
25:27I thank my sister
25:28Yesabel Campero.
25:29I thank my dear nephew
25:30Demian Morga.
25:32I also want to thank
25:33his father,
25:34Mr. Fabricio Morga,
25:35who is joining us.
25:36Thank you very much.
25:40Everything turned out
25:41very nice.
25:42Oh, that's great.
25:43Did you eat the cake?
25:44Yes, it's delicious.
25:45Oh, that's great.
25:46Hey, hey,
25:47listen up,
25:48at this moment
25:49you're going to give
25:50Mrs. Aurora
25:51a recognition
25:52of your hard work
25:53and your hard work
25:54and your hard work
25:55and your hard work
25:56and your hard work
25:57and your hard work
25:58and a recognition
25:59as The Woman of the Year.
26:03Before starting
26:04this speech
26:05of thanks
26:06I also want
26:07to thank
26:08another person
26:09who I would
26:10like to thank,
26:12and that's
26:13Mr. Julius C. Rey,
26:14he is my future husband,
26:16the man who has been
26:17at my side
26:18and I want to publicly
26:20that we're going
26:21to be married.
26:28Which heart did you follow?
26:34Dad, I also want to thank two people who have inspired me a lot
26:40and who have given me the desire to believe in love.
26:43They are Elena Murrieta, who is here, Elena.
26:48It's Elena.
26:49Yes, and she looks very pretty.
26:52She is beautiful and she is my sister-in-law.
26:54I want to say that even though you suffered a serious failure a few days ago,
26:59you are accompanying us. Thank you very much, Elena.
27:02And well, the other person is a young man who is very important to me.
27:10How cool you mentioned me.
27:11The neighborhood is present.
27:14She senses what we have not dared to tell her.
27:18Hey, but wasn't it bad?
27:20Wasn't it bad?
27:23Well, it didn't taste that bad.
27:28Have they already returned?
27:39Daughter, isn't it impossible to keep you still?
27:42Don't you understand that you should be in bed?
27:44Why didn't you tell me you were coming?
27:45Oh, well, because I wasn't going to come.
27:47Then, in the end, I decided that if I wanted to see Aurora being recognized by so many people.
27:53Are you okay?
27:58You didn't expect me to announce his commitment to Julio Cesar, did you?
28:02Me neither.
28:05It's never easy to let go of the person you love.
28:09Look, she and Julio Cesar are fine, that's what counts.
28:13But you deserve to be happy too.
28:15In fact, I'm going to get you a girlfriend.
28:18Who would want a man like me, my love?
28:21What's wrong with you?
28:22My best years are over.
28:24Any woman would like to be with you, dad.
28:28You tell me, have you talked to Angel again?
28:31I'm sure he's still with his parents, but there's something that doesn't add up.
28:37If he doesn't call me by the time the event is over, I'm going to go find him at his house.
28:40Elena, don't do that.
28:42What? No, I'm serious.
28:43I've tried to be aware of the situation and give him his space, not to be apprehensive.
28:48But I'm not stupid.
28:51Something's going on with Angel, I'm sure.
29:14Do you really want me to start hating you, Isabel?
29:18Because if that's the case, you're on the right track.
29:29Can I come in?
29:32What's up?
29:33I'm already inside.
29:36What's up, Julio?
29:38All good?
29:41The truth is, things aren't going well at all.
29:46Did you fight with Elena?
29:51Is that why she came back with Demian?
29:53She hasn't come back with him.
29:55Well, no, no.
29:56I don't know if they've come back.
29:57I don't know.
30:00Oh, brother.
30:03I'm very sorry. Demian's moon died very quickly.
30:10The truth is, we've been getting to know each other for a while, but he's been nice to me.
30:16Sit down.
30:22If I tell you something, you swear you won't tell anyone.
30:27Angel and I.
30:31For this.
30:33For this.
30:38Aurora Campero Navarro is a woman who lost her son almost 30 years ago.
30:44And like so many Mexican mothers, she fights day by day to keep the hope of finding him.
30:51The Association Wings for Childhood does a great job in our society.
30:57And for that reason, the Association of Philanthropy of Latin America has decided to recognize its founder as the Woman of the Year.
31:12Thank you very much.
31:14Thank you. Thank you, Aurora.
31:20Thank you very much.
31:27Thank you very much for this recognition, whose value can only be measured with the number of mothers we managed to bring together with their children.
31:38I have met so many brave mothers who are in the support of entire families despite their pain.
31:47And I have no doubt that they should also be remembered as Women of the Year, Women of Life.
31:58May God bless you always.
32:01Your heart will continue to beat for many more years.
32:05Because you have faith, hope and charity for others.
32:18That's why you didn't leave.
32:20Because you know your son is alive.
32:23Alive and very close to you.
32:28It didn't matter to me to stay locked up while the process was going on.
32:36But that was the cost I had to pay Demian for my mom's happiness.
32:41Come on, bro, what you're telling me is very rude.
32:45I can't believe what they said about Mr. Demian.
32:48That's right.
32:50Well, but there should be solutions, right?
32:54I have no money.
32:55I have no money.
32:57I am in debt with Mrs. Aurora, Mr. Antonio, Mr. Palmiro, with everyone.
33:02Hey, hey, hey, hey. Relax.
33:04Relax, bro.
33:06With whom?
33:08I would have done the same for my mom.
33:13I was just waiting for my mom to die.
33:16I was locked up in jail until the jailer eats her.
33:25And I have to sacrifice her happiness.
33:28Everything for her happiness.
33:31And what are you going to do?
33:33Are you going to talk to Elena?
33:37Yes, I'm going to tell her everything.
33:40She and I know each other.
33:43We love each other and...
33:45I don't think she's going to understand me, right?
33:49You're turning her into a silver platter, do you understand?
33:56My mom needs help, Ari.
34:00Do you have anything you can give her?
34:02Be honest.
34:05In exchange for Elena.
34:11In exchange for whatever you want.
34:14Besides, Elena is going to suffer a lot with me.
34:17I have enemies everywhere.
34:19You saw her, they sent her to the hospital.
34:21I can't take care of her.
34:22Let's see, that changes by changing your neighborhood.
34:24No, it's too late.
34:27They already know who she is.
34:29They can look for her.
34:31They're going to hurt her and they're going to hurt me.
34:34I have to protect two women.
34:36My mother and Elena.
34:48I can't do it at the same time.
34:51My mom is losing her life.
35:10I can't believe I'm the sister of the woman of the year.
35:14Well, even that boy, your neighborhood friend,
35:17took an honorable mention, right?
35:21I understand the point you're going to.
35:23But it seems to me that what we have to do is go
35:26and let Elena rest.
35:28Thank you, Aurora.
35:29I feel a little tired and I haven't taken the pills yet.
35:33Do you need us to go to the hospital or the doctor?
35:35No, no, no.
35:36The nurse will be here soon to change my treatment
35:39and review the points.
35:41Hey, I don't care.
35:44I think it's very important that you know
35:47that Demiante had bought a house
35:49and you left it with the keys in your hands.
35:52Mom, don't be imprudent.
35:54No, no, no, I'm not imprudent.
35:56That house is in the works.
35:58I was even going to take you to see it
36:00so you could make the adjustments you wanted,
36:03But everything...
36:06Please, please.
36:07Oh, because you're going to take me to see it.
36:12Oh, for the love of God.
36:14No, let's see, this is not exclusive to Antonio, huh?
36:17This is something that many couples do out of love.
36:20Sorry, sorry about this.
36:22Take care.
36:23See you later.
36:27Mom, you didn't have to say that.
36:29My aunt is going to marry Julio Cesar
36:30and Antonio is going to be part of the past.
36:32You're absolutely right.
36:33Oh, Elena, get well soon.
36:34I'm going to talk to her.
36:42Oh, wait for me, please.
36:45I'm sorry.
36:47I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you.
36:49Do you really want me to start hating you, Isabel?
36:52Because if that's the case, you're on the right track.
36:57No, I don't want you to hate me.
36:59I've just been...
37:01I've been sensitive and...
37:03And yes, I'm upset with you.
37:05I don't understand why.
37:06I haven't done anything to you.
37:08You haven't, but...
37:10But Elena has.
37:12Demian is dying to get back with her
37:14and he's still thinking about giving her a house and...
37:17And despite the humiliation that made him go through,
37:20he wants to give her a...
37:21a great position in the company.
37:23And it's not my fault, Isabel.
37:25I know.
37:27It's not your fault, but...
37:30But you're still supporting that stranger
37:33instead of Demian.
37:35He is your blood.
37:39He is.
37:45Excuse me, but it looks like Mrs. Isabel is going to take a while.
37:48It doesn't matter. I'll wait for her here.
37:50It's just that Mrs. Isabel doesn't like anyone coming into the library if she's not there.
37:54Mrs. Isabel and I are best friends.
37:57You still haven't brought me what I asked you to drink.
38:01Go on.
38:02Excuse me.
38:09What are you doing here?
38:11The maid told me to leave quietly.
38:13It's not my house and I can't say anything,
38:15but, well, there you go.
38:19How did it go at the event of the year?
38:21It's a shame I don't have a show anymore,
38:23because otherwise I would have covered it.
38:25All very well, thank you.
38:27I already remembered who the guy from the hotel was.
38:32It's Pintas.
38:34Does the name ring a bell?
38:39Oh, my God.
38:42What are we going to do?
38:46I can make the best oncologists in the country take care of your mom.
38:52I can have the best attention, 24-7.
38:58Whatever it is for Mom,
39:00I don't care if they judge me.
39:09I love you.
39:13It's here, Angel.
39:16This is our place.
