Escape From the Bronx (1983) Action Sci-Fi

  • 2 days ago
A newswoman (Valeria D'Obici) and a Bronx warrior (Mark Gregory) fight a warlord (Henry Silva) of borough residents in the year 2000.
00:00:30You are ordered to leave the Bronx. I repeat, you are ordered to leave the Bronx.
00:00:36The area has been declared uninhabitable and destined for demolition.
00:00:41Leave now and leave peacefully. You have nothing to fear.
00:00:45The government guarantees to relocate all of you in comfortable, up-to-date, alternative accommodations.
00:00:51Leave the Bronx. You are ordered to leave the Bronx. I repeat, you are ordered to leave the Bronx.
00:00:59The area has been declared uninhabitable and destined for demolition.
00:01:04Leave now and leave peacefully. You have nothing to fear.
00:01:08The government guarantees to relocate all of you in comfortable, up-to-date, alternative accommodations.
00:01:14Area P4. Area P4. We still reach presence of unauthorized occupancy.
00:01:19Isolate immediately. Isolate immediately.
00:01:23You are ordered to leave the Bronx. The area has been declared uninhabitable and destined for demolition.
00:01:29Isolate Area P6. Isolate Area P6. Evacuate from Area M3.
00:01:36Cordon off. Repeat, cordon off Area M3.
00:01:43Leave the Bronx.
00:01:46You are ordered to leave the Bronx. I repeat, you are ordered to leave the Bronx.
00:01:52The area has been declared uninhabitable and destined for demolition.
00:01:56Leave now and leave peacefully. You have nothing to fear.
00:02:00The government guarantees to relocate all of you in comfortable, up-to-date, alternative accommodations.
00:02:07Leave the Bronx. You are ordered to leave the Bronx. I repeat, you are ordered to leave the Bronx.
00:02:14The area has been declared uninhabitable and destined for demolition.
00:02:28Hey, wait a minute. Wait a minute, you guys. Marco, can I leave?
00:02:32There's someone left earlier. Eliminate.
00:02:59We still re-sign the new O in Sector 2B. Repeat, Sector 2B is still not clear.
00:03:06At least ten units, probably underground.
00:03:10Second Disinfestation Group is now operational.
00:03:14Go with Group 5. I repeat, go with Group 5 to Sectors H8 and H9. Sectors H8 and H9.
00:03:23Groups 2 and 5 covering Sectors H8 and H9.
00:03:27Skyboy 3 to Central. Skyboy 3 to Central. I'm over Sectors M60 and M61.
00:03:33Negative readings. Repeat, negative readings.
00:03:36Central to Skyboy 3. Converge Sector D8.
00:03:40Your man was sighted in the area of Sector D8. He got by the Manhattan squad and they lost him.
00:03:45Make sure you don't do the same thing.
00:03:47You ought to try searching in this mess instead of sitting on your dead ass.
00:03:51Hold it. I've seen something. Stand by.
00:04:07Skyboy 3 to Central. Skyboy 3 to Central.
00:04:10It's trash. We've got him. He's a city duck.
00:04:13We've finally got that son of a bitch in our sights.
00:05:37All units to D8. All units to D8.
00:05:40That fucker's KO'd Skyboy 3.
00:05:43Group 9, cover his parents' apartment.
00:05:53Readings indicate he hasn't gone underground and he may be headed for his parents.
00:05:57In there, fourth floor. How many of them are there?
00:06:00How the hell should I know?
00:06:03Whether trash shows up or not, the parents are to be eliminated.
00:06:07Repeat, the parents are to be eliminated.
00:06:11Let's go.
00:06:33I have a bubble.
00:06:37Please, let's leave.
00:06:39Honey, we've been through this a hundred times before.
00:06:43I know it's hard on you, but it's a matter of principle.
00:06:47Now, what right have they to just throw us out of what's been our home for 28 years
00:06:51and tell us we've got to move to New Mexico?
00:06:54Who the hell wants to live in New Mexico?
00:06:58Jesus. No, no. I'm staying right here.
00:07:01Now, if you want to go, you go.
00:07:03Oh, Joe, you know I wouldn't go without you,
00:07:06but maybe New Mexico isn't too bad.
00:07:09I mean, we never been there, so do we know?
00:07:11They're not throwing me out, God damn it.
00:07:14They're not throwing me out of my own house.
00:07:17Please, Joe, do it for me.
00:07:20Don't you see? We can't give in to those bastards.
00:07:22We were born here, for Christ's sake.
00:07:25Joe, I understand. I really do.
00:07:28I just don't think it's worth the pain
00:07:30or worth the misery, the living in fear.
00:07:35Come on, Joe.
00:07:37Come on, you bastards.
00:07:39What are we going to do?
00:07:41You'll see what I'm going to do.
00:07:43No, it'll make it worse.
00:07:44I'll show them.
00:07:45Oh, no.
00:07:47No, Joe, no.
00:07:50Welcome, bastards.
00:07:56Come on, you bastards. Come on.
00:07:59Come and get me, or I'm going to smash your skulls in.
00:09:27Hold it.
00:09:28Hold it, shitbag.
00:09:30Hey, man, what the fuck's got into you?
00:09:33The next time you don't give the signal, kid,
00:09:36I intend to blow your brains out.
00:09:38Yeah, trash, who do you think you are, the fucking president?
00:09:43Come on, try it, you sons of bitches.
00:09:46Cut it out.
00:09:48Now, break this up.
00:09:50Break it up.
00:09:51Break it up.
00:09:52Break it up.
00:09:53Break it up.
00:09:54Break it up.
00:09:55Break this up.
00:10:01I'll twist his balls off and shove them down his throat.
00:10:05Yeah, sure.
00:10:08Come on.
00:10:11And one, two, three, ha!
00:10:17Three, ha!
00:10:19Three, ha!
00:10:29Keep popping, baby.
00:10:30Say it, trash.
00:10:31Still alive, huh?
00:10:33Listen, honey, I am still waiting.
00:10:38Hey, what?
00:10:39Just let me see you.
00:10:41Now, slice it like a knife.
00:10:43Ooh, wait a minute there.
00:10:45I don't mind you either, but it's got to be you.
00:10:47All right, all right, trash.
00:10:49Let me see one of your guts.
00:10:50Come on.
00:10:52You ask for ammo, I bring you ammo.
00:10:55Okay, why are you getting so excited?
00:10:58Stay cool.
00:10:59Man, I tell you something.
00:11:01I really think you are pretty damn good.
00:11:03Gamming and going all the time.
00:11:05Oh, well, isn't that nice?
00:11:07Flattering compliments.
00:11:08It's nice to know you appreciate it, even though it's bullshit.
00:11:11Oh, by the way, next time, the price of ammunition's going up.
00:11:14Hey, don't you think you're ripping us off enough?
00:11:17Amico de Caraca?
00:11:24You get what you deserve.
00:11:25Bronx gangs, shit.
00:11:27Pulled up down here eating out of tin cans.
00:11:29Well, we are alive and kicking, my friend.
00:11:35Whereas up there, they kill us like ants.
00:11:45Hey, what are you guys doing here?
00:11:47Get back to your posts. Go on.
00:11:53Ha, ha, ha.
00:11:55Don't change the subject.
00:11:57Hey, look at that.
00:11:59Figs talk a lot, but it's all bark and no bite.
00:12:02Here, I brought you this.
00:12:06Here, just in case you run out of toilet paper.
00:12:11Those bastards, those motherfuckers, they still try.
00:12:14Get out of the Bronx, they say.
00:12:16We got the solar houses in the chanting in New Mexico waiting for you.
00:12:20Hijo de puta!
00:12:22Ha, ha, ha.
00:12:27And while you're laughing, they're wasting innocent people.
00:12:30You know what the problem with you guys is, Doblon?
00:12:33You ran too quick, without even trying to make a stand.
00:12:36Well, the ones with guts didn't scare so easy.
00:12:39Oh, sure.
00:12:41Look who's a-talking.
00:12:43Well, what about my old man and my old lady?
00:12:45And others like them?
00:12:47Just try and move them out of the Bronx.
00:12:48Nah, you turn chicken too soon.
00:12:50That's all.
00:12:51If you had any brains, you'd tell them to come here, underground.
00:12:57The disinfestors will never come here.
00:13:00Ha, ha, ha.
00:13:05And nobody with balls is gonna either, Doblon.
00:13:18New positive reading, sector H-8.
00:15:32This, ladies and gentlemen, will be the New York of the future.
00:15:35The most magnificent architectural complex ever created by man.
00:15:39The eighth wonder of the world.
00:15:41This work of genius, ladies and gentlemen,
00:15:44was conceived and promoted by our president, Mr. Clark.
00:15:47Who has committed all the company's resources to the project.
00:15:53Thank you very much.
00:15:59As you can all see, it's a suspended city.
00:16:02Linked to the other inhabited zones.
00:16:06A perfect, ordered, civilized metropolis.
00:16:11A future city for future man.
00:16:14Serviced by the most modern technology available.
00:16:19A city in which there are no social blots.
00:16:22Areas of poverty, illiteracy, and crime, like the Bronx,
00:16:28will have been totally eliminated.
00:16:30It's about time.
00:16:32The Bronx is a public disgrace.
00:16:34Right on, it should go.
00:16:36The crime rate's horrendous.
00:16:37The Bronx is a plague.
00:16:39It's not to be believed.
00:16:40The people from those areas are guaranteed accommodation
00:16:43and a higher standard of living in New Mexico.
00:16:45That just isn't true.
00:16:48Why the hell don't you admit you're deporting and killing them?
00:16:51That you're causing accidents and epidemics to eliminate those people
00:16:55who put up the slightest resistance to being thrown out of their rightful homes.
00:16:58Get her out of here.
00:17:00Get your dirty hands off me, you bashing pig.
00:17:03Damn it, I'm a journalist.
00:17:04This is supposed to be a democracy.
00:17:06You others don't believe a word they're saying.
00:17:08It's lies.
00:17:09Get her out of here.
00:17:10This isn't a press conference.
00:17:11It's a farce.
00:17:12An unadulterated, filthy, dirty farce.
00:17:15You hear me?
00:17:16And the G.C. Corporation sucks.
00:17:21Ladies and gentlemen, we live in a democracy.
00:17:24It's only right that we answer the questions
00:17:27asked by bona fide professional journalists,
00:17:30not the hysterical outbursts of so-called crusaders.
00:17:35Continue, Mr. Huffman.
00:17:39Any questions?
00:17:40The Bronx has been in quarantine for two months.
00:17:42When will the press and television be allowed in?
00:17:45The epidemic isn't under control yet,
00:17:48and that isn't the worst danger we want to avoid exposing you to.
00:17:53Mr. Huffman, exactly what danger do you mean?
00:17:56Well, the Bronx has become a kind of no-man's land,
00:18:00controlled by street gangs.
00:18:02As for the transfer of the, let's say, honest residents,
00:18:05what truth is there in the rumor they're being forced out?
00:18:08It's total nonsense.
00:18:09They have been financially compensated
00:18:11and relocated with their full consent.
00:18:14What evidence is there for this, sir?
00:18:16We have a great deal of photographic documentation
00:18:19showing their current splendid residential areas in New Mexico,
00:18:23plus affidavits from the thousands who've gone there.
00:18:25Now, all this will be made public as soon as the operation is completed.
00:18:29Attention! Attention!
00:18:31Abandon all buildings.
00:18:33This is a final warning.
00:18:35Abandon all buildings.
00:18:37They are about to be demolished.
00:18:39Abandon all buildings.
00:18:41They are about to be demolished.
00:18:44Attention! This is your final warning.
00:18:48Abandon all buildings.
00:18:50They are about to be demolished.
00:18:53They are about to be demolished.
00:18:56Attention! Abandon all buildings.
00:19:00What's the word from headquarters, sir?
00:19:02Falk headquarters.
00:19:04I'm doing this my way.
00:19:06I'm doing this my way.
00:19:16There he is.
00:19:28Nothing you don't already know.
00:19:30That's bullshit.
00:19:32See you later.
00:19:34However much good we do,
00:19:36you're always those who find some reason or other to knock it.
00:19:38When will the demolition ceremony take place?
00:19:40Thursday afternoon.
00:19:42How are you answering the U.N. Human Rights Commission?
00:19:44It's all in the dossier we gave to you.
00:19:46I'm afraid I can't help it.
00:19:48I can't.
00:19:50Mr. Clark, what about that issue of the...
00:19:52It doesn't say anything.
00:19:54The national press has the right to be in on anything
00:19:56that concerns the welfare of U.S. citizens.
00:19:58No, I assure you, all information is in the dossier.
00:20:00You didn't put these into the dossier, did you, though?
00:20:03You didn't dare include the identity
00:20:05of who you put in charge of the Bronx evacuation,
00:20:07Floyd Wangler!
00:20:09We all know who Floyd Wangler is, don't we?
00:20:11A torturer, an expelled prison warden, a killer!
00:20:13Mr. Clark!
00:20:15All right, that's enough.
00:20:17Break it up. Make way.
00:20:19Mr. Wangler!
00:20:21Mr. Clark!
00:20:23Yeah, here's your man,
00:20:25Floyd Wangler, hired killer!
00:20:56Evacuate all buildings at once.
00:20:59This is a final warning.
00:21:01Demolition squads are about to go into action.
00:21:04I repeat, evacuate all buildings at once.
00:21:08Demolition squads are about to go into action.
00:21:11Demolition squads are about to go into action.
00:21:14This is your final warning.
00:21:16I repeat, this is your final warning.
00:21:21Jackson, where are those charges?
00:21:23Coming up, coming up.
00:21:26There's still somebody inside, sir.
00:21:28What did you say was inside?
00:21:31Well, sir, I said there's still somebody...
00:21:34Oh, right, rats, roaches.
00:21:47Come on, move your butts!
00:21:49Take over that building now, run!
00:21:51All right, come on, you guys, let's move it, huh?
00:21:53That building, dynamite it!
00:21:56Who's got the wire?
00:21:58You! Move that truck!
00:22:03Mr. Wangler, sir, call for Mr. Clark for you.
00:22:06Fine, I'll take it now.
00:22:08All squads move back under cover.
00:22:11Demolition is about to start.
00:22:13All squads move back.
00:22:23All squads move back.
00:24:24Listen, Wangler, I've got the media on my back from morning to night,
00:24:28and I don't know what to tell them anymore.
00:24:30I'm paying you damn good money.
00:24:32And look at the results I get.
00:24:35In five days, the Bronx operation is coming up at the U.N.
00:24:42You know what they're calling your methods?
00:24:47The technical term is disinfestation.
00:24:51Now, you pay me to take care of the technical side.
00:24:56The moral part is, it's not my sector.
00:24:59The important thing is to do the job cleanly, Mr. Wangler.
00:25:05In 1986, despite all our technical know-how,
00:25:09we did not succeed in getting rid of the rats.
00:25:14Now, these people, if you can call them that,
00:25:17they are a race apart.
00:25:20They're what's left of the gangs that battled for the Bronx.
00:25:25You're worse than they are, Mr. Wangler.
00:25:30Allow me to correct you, Mr. Clark.
00:25:33I'm worse than anybody.
00:25:44There's a bunch over there. They decided to leave.
00:25:47We'll have to de-flee them and build them in the transit depot.
00:25:50What do you want to do, burn them?
00:25:52Yeah, let's go.
00:26:17Come on, wake up!
00:27:10Understood, Skyboy Five.
00:27:12To all disinfestation squads, emergency alert.
00:27:18Converge on sector R-2-R. Repeat, R-2-R.
00:27:24A gang led by Trash has ambushed one of our squads and wiped it out.
00:27:28I repeat, in sector R-2-R,
00:27:31a gang led by Trash has ambushed one of our squads and destroyed it.
00:27:35Over and out.
00:27:37Who does this bastard think he is defying us?
00:27:40Terror is our strength, and he isn't even afraid of us.
00:27:44The gangs must not be allowed to find a leader.
00:27:48We've got to find this Trash and kill him now.
00:28:11Oh, shit.
00:28:13Sorry, Moon. I was sure we were going the right way.
00:28:16We are cool it, Jay. I was born in the Bronx.
00:28:36We're right under LaGuardia Square.
00:28:40Judging from the stink, I'd say we're under the public toilet.
00:29:03Get back there.
00:29:11Are you... Are you sure of this, Moon?
00:29:15We have to risk it, Jay.
00:29:17What the hell for? You think four lousy pictures of their dirty work's gonna change things?
00:29:21So far, talking's done no good. Come on.
00:29:40Come on.
00:30:10Come on.
00:30:30We're being attacked. Take cover.
00:30:32Run! Take cover! Run!
00:30:34If they see us, we've had it.
00:30:41Oh, shit!
00:30:47Hold up. Hold up. Let me untie you.
00:30:50Get away. Get away. I'm rigged with a bomb.
00:30:53Get away. Go on, will ya? For God's sake, run, brother.
00:30:56Jesus, get out of here! Get away!
00:30:59Run for cover! Quick!
00:31:29Quick, Jay, there! There's others coming!
00:32:10Oh, shit!
00:32:41Oh, shit.
00:33:11I thought you said she was taken care of.
00:33:18So, you let them both get away, girl and that delinquent trash person.
00:33:23Huh. I don't think so.
00:33:26They're both... under... there.
00:33:30Or maybe there. But somewhere there.
00:33:33Maybe you intend to go down to convince them to waste themselves.
00:33:39To waste themselves with some dynamite?
00:33:42Oh, I don't think so. I'm gonna get rid of them first.
00:33:46That is, before the truth comes out.
00:33:49Nobody knows they're there.
00:33:52It's easy to make people who don't officially exist disappear.
00:33:58Can you?
00:34:02Only we've got to catch them by surprise.
00:34:05If we don't get away, it's gonna be very tough.
00:34:09The place is full of tunnels.
00:34:17It's like a...
00:34:19It's like a jungle.
00:34:22It's really a wonderful place.
00:34:24Who are you?
00:34:26Moon Gray.
00:34:28Oh, yeah, the reporter girl.
00:34:30I hear about that on the radio.
00:34:33Are you really something?
00:34:35You sure caught a stink.
00:34:38I was born here in the Bronx.
00:34:41That's why I get so worked up about it.
00:34:46Things are looking bad.
00:34:48If you don't do something down here to protect yourselves,
00:34:52you'll be in trouble.
00:34:54Did you hear that, boys?
00:34:56We are in trouble!
00:34:58You think it's funny?
00:35:00Well, she's right, you shit.
00:35:02Hey, cut the crap.
00:35:04What about you?
00:35:06And your plans to stay out in the open?
00:35:08You think you can stop them, huh?
00:35:10Listen, thief of Baghdad.
00:35:12You really think you guys are safe down here?
00:35:15Baby, they will never come down here.
00:35:18They know very well we busted their asses if they do.
00:35:22The blonde!
00:35:26Part the waves. Part the waves. Come on.
00:35:32Where is it, honey?
00:35:34I found this in the tunnel under the old schoolhouse.
00:35:37This disinfester is poking his nose around.
00:35:40I plugged him.
00:35:42I did right, didn't I?
00:35:45Yeah, yeah.
00:35:47What's hitting those guys?
00:35:50It was the first time they came here.
00:35:53They never did it before.
00:35:55They want to rebuild the Bronx.
00:35:58You think they'd go ahead with you jerks down here?
00:36:01Listen to her, Dolblone. She's got a point.
00:36:06Nobody would sit on a john full of dynamite.
00:36:10Skyboy 5, I received a message.
00:36:13Check the hidden entrance on the slaughterhouse.
00:36:16Hidden entrance on the slaughterhouse.
00:36:19Corner 23-A and 51-A. Repeat.
00:36:23Corner 23-A and 51-A.
00:36:27Also, under the stadium locker rooms, north side, same sector.
00:36:47Get moving with that shit and then let them come.
00:36:50We'll be ready.
00:36:52Moana, what are you doing here?
00:36:54Go back outside and keep your eyes open. Understand?
00:36:57Okay, boys, ten minutes. Hurry up.
00:37:01Hey, Jack, put those out by the entrance, all right?
00:37:04You're not gonna settle anything with shooting and killing.
00:37:08I've tried to make trash here. Realize that, too.
00:37:12What are we supposed to do?
00:37:14Tell them, come in, make yourself at home?
00:37:18No. To lick them, you gotta force the GC Corporation to negotiate.
00:37:24Alibaba, there's only one way.
00:37:28Kidnap their president.
00:37:34Kidnap the president?
00:37:36Me gusta. I like it.
00:37:39But how can anybody cross New York without being cut?
00:37:45It's very risky. They'll all be against us.
00:37:48Then the police and maybe the National Guard...
00:37:52You're talking about up above.
00:37:54What if somebody crawled all the way underneath the city?
00:37:57There are people who've done it, aren't there?
00:37:59The robbery of the First National Bank.
00:38:03Then there was the time they cleaned out Tiffany's.
00:38:06They had that crazy strike.
00:38:10Right. Isn't he around anymore?
00:38:12Oh, he's around, all right.
00:38:14But he will change his hold for a villa on Long Island.
00:38:18Is he hard to find?
00:38:19No. But the hard thing is to find him in a good mood.
00:38:23Why? What if he's in a bad mood?
00:38:25Then you got a problem. A big problem.
00:38:50Yes. Yes, of course, Al.
00:38:55There's nothing in the papers this morning.
00:38:59Okay, Al.
00:39:02I'll go there myself and see what I can do.
00:39:09Don't mention it, Al. It's my pleasure.
00:39:13Okay. Bye, Al.
00:39:18What a mess.
00:39:20He wants the hospital finished before the elections.
00:39:23Well, at least we have his promise that he'll see Washington doesn't interfere in our Bronx business.
00:39:31But this damn hospital is costing us all of $80 million.
00:39:37I don't know who's worse, the politicians or the gangs.
00:39:48Listen, I like your style, but go easy with that thing.
00:39:52I got to see Strike.
00:39:54Go back home, fag.
00:39:56I got to see Strike.
00:39:58Go to my ass.
00:40:00Only if I say okay.
00:40:05Watch out for the wire.
00:40:17Boo! Boo!
00:40:53You certainly must have heard I'm crazy, right?
00:40:56Sure did.
00:40:58Heard you're the craziest, but you're also the greatest.
00:41:06We need you to kidnap the president.
00:41:09Of the United States?
00:41:13We need you to kidnap the president.
00:41:16Of the United States?
00:41:18No, the G.C. Corporation.
00:41:20The pricks want to kick us out of the Bronx.
00:41:23Sure, I heard.
00:41:25You really think I didn't know?
00:41:27They're especially out to get you.
00:41:32And rightly so.
00:41:35How else could they have succeeded with the robbery of the century without you?
00:41:41You mean the national bank job?
00:41:45And what about Tiffany's?
00:41:49And how about the time we emptied Rockefeller Museum?
00:41:56Hey, wait a minute, wait a minute.
00:41:58What's in it for me?
00:42:00That simple.
00:42:02If they want their president back,
00:42:04they have to put things back the way they were.
00:42:08The Bronx will be back in the hands of the gangs,
00:42:11which means you'll go back to being the number one guide for all the big robberies.
00:42:16You'll go back to being the number one guide for all the big robberies.
00:42:21That means you'll go back to being the number one guide for all the big robberies.
00:42:25Instead of hiding out down here, scratching your balls.
00:42:29I like scratching my balls.
00:42:32You got a point there.
00:42:37Okay, you can count on me.
00:42:42Get ready, Junior.
00:42:44We're going on a job.
00:42:46What do you plan to do with the kid?
00:42:49I wouldn't think of doing a job without him.
00:42:56It's okay by me, honey, if you really want to bring this useless slob along.
00:43:04Don't try it again. I'm a pro.
00:43:06You sure had me fooled.
00:43:43Now listen.
00:43:46It's going to get much rougher from here on in, so be on your guard.
00:43:50There are more ways to die down here than there are in a Bruce Lee film.
00:43:53Each one's on his own.
00:43:55If anybody gets hurt or has to stay behind for any reason, tough shit.
00:44:00Don't count on help.
00:44:22Who is the boy?
00:44:25Believe it or not, he's my son.
00:44:27And you keep him buried down here?
00:44:31Is up there better?
00:45:12Moon, let's leave your bag over there.
00:45:17Place your charges about ten feet apart.
00:45:37We're going out now.
00:45:38I've explained everything.
00:45:39You know what to do.
00:45:40Yeah, okay.
00:45:42Good luck.
00:46:08Let's go.
00:46:30South access blockade active at 1024, over.
00:46:35Baby, I got 46 men covering every nook and cranny.
00:46:38All right.
00:46:39I'll check back with you later.
00:46:43Hey, they're going to bring that lunch wagon over here.
00:46:45We're going to have to go over there.
00:46:47They're supposed to bring it over here, but I hope they held it up fine.
00:46:53They blocked all the roads leading to the island.
00:46:55How do we get in?
00:46:58We're in already.
00:47:02Come on.
00:47:05I'm going to go across town to this great bar I know.
00:47:08English bar.
00:47:09They got great scotch.
00:47:10Lots of bra.
00:47:11Hey, what is this, a hemp party?
00:47:12Shape up.
00:47:13Come on, you're not on vacation.
00:47:14Follow me.
00:47:15We got a job to do.
00:47:16Straight arrow.
00:47:19Hey, they just called.
00:47:20The lunch wagon's on its way.
00:47:21Hey, you're all right.
00:47:24Hey, I haven't seen you in that wagon.
00:47:26I haven't.
00:47:28I don't know.
00:47:29I don't know.
00:47:30I don't know.
00:47:31I don't know.
00:47:32I don't know.
00:47:33I don't know.
00:47:34I don't know.
00:47:35I don't know.
00:47:36I don't know.
00:47:37I don't know.
00:47:38I don't know.
00:47:39I don't know.
00:47:40I don't know.
00:47:41I don't know.
00:47:42I don't know.
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00:49:02I don't know.
00:49:03I don't know.
00:49:04I don't know.
00:49:05I don't know.
00:49:06I don't know.
00:49:07I don't know.
00:49:08I don't know.
00:49:09I don't know.
00:49:10I don't know.
00:49:11I don't know.
00:49:12I don't know.
00:49:13I don't know.
00:49:14I don't know.
00:49:15I don't know.
00:49:16I don't know.
00:49:17I don't know.
00:49:18I don't know.
00:49:19I don't know.
00:49:20I don't know.
00:49:21I don't know.
00:49:22I don't know.
00:49:23What's going on here?
00:49:24Different people are snapping some pictures.
00:49:25We want New Yorkers to know who the man is whose building their future city for them.
00:49:26Today's a little notoriety.
00:49:27Have you ever heard anyone?
00:49:28There may be some questions as well, if you don't mind.
00:49:29No, no.
00:49:30Not at all.
00:49:31A friend and a favorite, Mr. Clark, president main stockholder of General Construction Corporation,
00:49:32has not only donated entire island to the state, but generously agreed to do the complete
00:49:36raising job free of charge.
00:49:38Delta One, Delta One.
00:49:41Radio link established.
00:49:42OK, right.
00:49:43Yeah. Radio link's established.
00:49:45Okay. Right.
00:49:46Everything here is under control.
00:49:50This is a message to unit leaders.
00:49:52Message to unit leaders.
00:49:53Until the ceremony is over,
00:49:55all rivercraft, including ferries,
00:49:57are to be kept clear of the island.
00:49:59Now report your situation.
00:50:01Sigma-2? Over.
00:50:03Area-1 is covered.
00:50:04Roger, Sigma-2. Omega-6, come in, please.
00:50:09Much in place. Nothing to report.
00:50:11Roger. Able-3?
00:50:12Able-3 here.
00:50:13Yeah, yeah. We'll get back to that.
00:50:15They're going to send the lunch bag.
00:50:17Check your phone. Move on to Area-5.
00:50:19That's all right. I'll get to it.
00:50:21And on behalf of the General Construction Corporation,
00:50:24I have the great honor of asking Governor Biddle
00:50:28to give the first blow of the pick.
00:50:32Thank you very much, Mr. Clark.
00:50:34I'm very proud.
00:50:36That's the way, Governor Biddle.
00:50:38The Governor's just given the first symbolic blow of the pick
00:50:40to the wall of the old building,
00:50:42marking the beginning of the demolition.
00:50:43The new Children's Hospital,
00:50:45to be constructed by Mr. Clark's company,
00:50:46will be styled and blended
00:50:48with the Eight Wonder Project of the future,
00:50:50the complete rebuilding of the Bronx
00:50:51into a fashionable residential area.
00:50:53...sanitation network,
00:50:55one of our campaign promises.
00:50:57And by God, we're going to carry this out.
00:50:59We're going to carry it out.
00:51:01We're going to carry it out.
00:51:02We're going to carry it out.
00:51:04By God, we're going to carry it out.
00:51:06I'd like to ask Mr. Clark...
00:51:07Hold on, hold on.
00:51:09...Mr. Clark has only time for one or two minutes.
00:51:11Oh, I think we need a little diversion.
00:51:13I'll take care of it, Cody.
00:51:15Well, I don't feel that's an appropriate question.
00:51:18I know what to do.
00:51:19Go to it.
00:51:20The Bronx Project is part and parcel
00:51:22of our effort to provide the remodernization...
00:51:25Lies! They're all lies!
00:51:27It's about time the truth was told.
00:51:30Why don't you ask Clark what's really going on in the Bronx?
00:51:33Well, I'll tell you.
00:51:35I can tell you because I've seen it with my own eyes.
00:51:38People are being slaughtered in there, exterminated.
00:51:41And this genocide is being condoned by our dear governor.
00:51:46Why don't you admit it, Governor Biddle?
00:51:49Why don't you admit that you're in cahoots with Clark?
00:51:52That you're giving G.C.C. carte blanche
00:51:54Can't you stop her?
00:51:55It's an obscene, corrupt plot.
00:51:57She's got a gun.
00:51:58She's going to shoot Mr. Clark.
00:51:59Killers! Murder is incriminating.
00:52:03Protect Mr. Clark!
00:52:05Get him out of here!
00:52:10Are you getting this, man?
00:52:12No gun, nothing!
00:52:14You're blind, buddy. I saw it myself.
00:52:17Get you infected bigoties!
00:52:40We'll do it.
00:52:42Let's move it. Clark's been kidnapped.
00:52:47This way!
00:52:51Shit. Stay where you are.
00:52:55Look how he runs.
00:52:57He's infected.
00:53:17Good afternoon, Mr. Murdering Clark.
00:53:22Come on. Let's get out of here.
00:53:47Stay down.
00:53:54To all emergency units operating around the Bronx,
00:53:57President Clark has been kidnapped.
00:53:59Repeat, G.C.C., President Clark has been kidnapped.
00:54:17Go on, go on.
00:54:19Always me, huh?
00:54:47Skyboy 9 to Central.
00:54:49I may have something. Over.
00:55:03Go on.
00:55:12What do you want from me?
00:55:15What do you want from me?
00:55:17Who are you?
00:55:25Squad 2 to the sewer system north of the port.
00:55:28Squad 9 to the subway tunnels in sector 4.
00:55:31125th Street entrance.
00:55:33Come on, move it!
00:55:37Move it!
00:55:39It's always the last branches.
00:55:45Shut her door now.
00:55:54The ones who went after them are all dead, too.
00:55:57Hello. Wangley here.
00:55:59Shift 7 squad to the Bronx.
00:56:01And give me an okay.
00:56:05You people never learn. You've got to hit them first.
00:56:08Yes, I know, but...
00:56:10Hello? Okay.
00:56:12Intercept them before they reach the Bronx.
00:56:14Don't go the same way they did.
00:56:16The place is rigged with explosives.
00:56:18I'm on my way to the Bronx to direct operations myself.
00:56:22Squad 4 to emergency exit 117.
00:56:25Repeat, 117.
00:56:28Squad 8 to emergency exit 326.
00:56:31Repeat, 326.
00:56:34Beware of possible dynamite charges.
00:56:41Wait over there.
00:56:44Hold it!
00:56:48Listen, whatever happens,
00:56:50I'd like to get something straight between us.
00:56:53If it's his head, no way.
00:56:57You don't really think that I, and I alone,
00:56:59am responsible for all the unpleasant things
00:57:02that have been going on in the Bronx, do you?
00:57:04It's very complicated, you understand.
00:57:06The decisions were not all mine.
00:57:08Yeah, but you're still a wheel, a king's ship.
00:57:10And a son of a bitch, so boo.
00:57:18Let's go.
00:57:20Let's move it.
00:57:44Jesus Christ!
00:57:46Get back! Get back!
00:57:48Get back!
00:58:13Oh, no.
00:58:44Oh, no.
00:59:04Abandoned! Get away!
00:59:14Don't shoot!
00:59:16It's me, Clark. Don't shoot!
00:59:18Am I glad to see you guys.
00:59:20Get back!
00:59:23Don't shoot!
00:59:25It's me, Clark. Don't shoot!
00:59:27Am I glad to see you guys.
00:59:29Get back!
00:59:31Get back!
01:00:01You try that again, and you look like a tea strainer.
01:00:03A hostage is no good dead.
01:00:05I've got to be worth something
01:00:07if we're going through all that much fuss topside.
01:00:09Then you know who to root for,
01:00:11right, Mr. fucking Clark?
01:00:13Because if we make it, so do you.
01:00:17They're coming! They're coming!
01:00:19Where are they?
01:00:21Right now, down tunnel four.
01:00:23Charger set?
01:00:27Okay, let's go.
01:00:30Come on.
01:00:34Come on, will ya?
01:00:44Send a squad
01:00:46down the manhole.
01:00:48Eight didn't get through. Why waste any more squads?
01:00:52Because we're leading them into a trap.
01:00:54They cannot get out of the Queen Sewers
01:00:56or the Manhattan lines, either.
01:01:02I'll be in my office waiting for news,
01:01:04good or bad.
01:01:08Yes, Wangler.
01:01:10What are those idiots doing?
01:01:14Listen, I want a squad
01:01:16sent to the East End sewer
01:01:18now, goddammit!
01:01:20We're ready to go down now.
01:01:22Hurry it up!
01:01:24What's it like? Go down quickly!
01:01:28They're here against the wall.
01:01:30You guys will never make it.
01:01:34if you let me go,
01:01:36I promise I'll talk to you.
01:01:38Shut your damn trap!
01:01:40We know your fucking promises.
01:01:46Down there! Go, go!
01:01:57Down there! Go, go!
01:02:05Come on, big shot bastard.
01:02:07Let's go.
01:02:17Hold it.
01:02:27Come on.
01:02:33Hold it.
01:02:49We're right on top of them.
01:02:51The 4th squad is blocking
01:02:53the main exit.
01:02:56It's only a matter of minutes now.
01:02:58That was a stroke of genius, sir.
01:03:00Don't congratulate me
01:03:02too quickly.
01:03:04These bastards are a race apart.
01:03:06Goddamn hard to kill.
01:03:22Good boy.
01:03:24It's easy.
01:03:27Go ahead.
01:03:53That way.
01:03:57Let's go.
01:04:09Let's go. Move.
01:04:27Come on.
01:04:49Let's go.
01:04:57I repeat,
01:04:59if we intercept them,
01:05:01we've got them.
01:05:03But if they get into the Bronx
01:05:05with all those gangs,
01:05:07I cannot guarantee it.
01:05:09You say Mr. Clark is in danger?
01:05:13There's a risk
01:05:15that they will kill him.
01:05:17I will talk with you later.
01:05:19No sugar, you idiot!
01:05:21How many times do I have to tell you?
01:05:23No sugar!
01:05:25It makes me crazy!
01:05:49Let's go.
01:06:19Let's go.
01:06:22Let's go.
01:06:48Miss Gibbs,
01:06:51please communicate.
01:06:53Our president,
01:06:55Mr. Clark,
01:06:57has been kidnapped
01:06:59by a group of Bronx criminals.
01:07:01Their demands are absurd
01:07:03and unacceptable.
01:07:05Ten million dollars
01:07:07or they'll kill him in cold blood.
01:07:09These are not people
01:07:11fighting for their homes
01:07:13but crooks
01:07:15hungering after money and blood.
01:07:17Especially blood.
01:07:19The enormous sum
01:07:21is ridiculous
01:07:23which they know
01:07:25perfectly well.
01:07:31They're right on top of us.
01:07:33The tunnel there.
01:07:35Okay, go on.
01:07:37Wait there.
01:07:49Come on.
01:08:13Come on.
01:08:15Fourth squad
01:08:18is on track, sir.
01:08:20They fell into some kind of trap
01:08:22but the fifth squad
01:08:24had them cornered
01:08:26near the main sewer junction.
01:08:28This is the end of the line.
01:08:30If we let them get away
01:08:32from us this time
01:08:34there will not be
01:08:36a second chance.
01:08:38Of course, the president.
01:08:40It was his life
01:08:42that I was talking about.
01:08:44Double check those buildings
01:08:46Pull them in with me.
01:08:48Come on.
01:09:02Hey, they made it!
01:09:04Here they come with that prick Clark.
01:09:06That goddamn
01:09:08son of a bitch!
01:09:10Get out!
01:09:12Get out!
01:09:15Get back!
01:09:39Get away!
01:09:41You crazy?
01:09:44Stand back!
01:09:48I'm warning you
01:09:50you will answer for this
01:09:52before a court of law.
01:09:54Sure, sure.
01:09:56Well, guys
01:09:58you did it.
01:10:00Nice going, Trash.
01:10:04And now
01:10:06let me see what a president
01:10:08looks like.
01:10:10Oh, shit!
01:10:12Two arms, two legs.
01:10:14He's just like us!
01:10:20So here the motherfucker
01:10:22finally is.
01:10:26I'd like to kill him.
01:10:28Sure, I'd like to cut his throat.
01:10:30But if I do
01:10:32we can't negotiate.
01:10:34And now
01:10:36those bastards up there
01:10:38they will listen to us.
01:10:41If they want the president back.
01:10:49The disinfestors
01:10:51they're outside preparing an all-out attack.
01:11:11Keep those stations.
01:11:13Yes, sir.
01:11:15Block all exits
01:11:17and shoot to kill.
01:11:43Ah, Mr. Hoffman,
01:11:45just in time for the grand finale.
01:11:47How long does the gas take to work?
01:11:49Oh, about a quarter of an hour.
01:11:51First paralysis, that's it.
01:11:53And then death.
01:11:58It's a pity.
01:12:00We have to sacrifice Mr. Clarke.
01:12:02I'm not so sure about this.
01:12:04Well, it's
01:12:06up to you, Mr. Hoffman.
01:12:09But the president of a corporation cannot afford to be emotional.
01:12:15Then go ahead.
01:12:17And thank you very much for your help in making this terrible decision.
01:12:22But I get paid for that, too.
01:12:25We could never justify this as a corporation.
01:12:28But now that public opinion has turned against the kidnappers...
01:12:33and murderers, it's the only way.
01:12:36Mr. Clark was already dead anyway.
01:12:40But this gives us an alibi to justify the reprisal.
01:12:50What the hell is that?
01:12:52Gas! Gas!
01:12:55Everybody get out of here! There's a gas!
01:12:57Jesus Christ! Get out!
01:12:59Get out! There's a gas!
01:13:01There's a gas!
01:13:07Don't burn it! Don't burn it!
01:13:09There's gas!
01:13:10This way!
01:13:16Trash! Trash! Over here!
01:13:31Come on! Come on!
01:14:01Come on!
01:14:31Come on!
01:15:01Ah, shit!
01:15:31Come on!
01:16:37Where are you going?
01:16:38Down Friar Street!
01:16:40There they go!
01:16:47Come on!
01:17:01Come on!
01:17:40Oh, no!
01:17:42Cover us!
01:18:01Come on!
01:18:31Come on!
01:19:01Wrangler, where are you? It's me, Clark!
01:19:07Wrangler, it's me, Clark!
01:19:11Rwanda, Wrangler. I've just seen Mr. Clark, sir.
01:19:15Right here. He just came out of E6 exit.
01:19:17I'll take care of it, personally.
01:19:23Don't worry.
01:19:25Our way.
01:19:31Come on.
01:19:54Hey, Wrangler.
01:19:56All I can say is I'm very, very happy to see you.
01:20:00Me too, sir.
01:21:35Well, that's taken care of.
01:21:38Soon the rest will be over too.
01:21:47See you later, Mr. Wrangler.
01:21:49See you, Mr. President.
01:22:50Over there.
01:23:05You all right, hero?
01:23:06All right, big little man.
01:23:14Good luck.
01:24:55No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
01:25:25, no,
01:26:22I don't like it here up top.
01:26:50Trash, come with us.