• last year


00:13What bunk bed?
00:14The one atop the spire, silly!
00:18Since the bed only fits two, you'll have to split into five pairs to compete.
00:23Sounds good! Pit, wanna form a team?
00:25Of course!
00:27Oh my gumdrop, Freesmart! We gotta form a team!
00:30You can't have all four members on one team. You have to split up.
00:33Darn! Well, Pencil's dead, and Needle's the rookie, so we can do a team of me and Book!
00:39Gee, thanks!
00:43Aw man! Without my golfie by my side, who could I possibly team with?
00:47Why not me? I have the same shape and limbs as her!
00:51Uh... I guess you'll do.
00:54Woo! I feel so appreciated right now!
00:57Wait! But that means I have to team with...
01:01The kidnapper!
01:03You literally tried to murder me.
01:06Yo, weaklings! Have you all formed teams yet?
01:10Then let's crash that bunk bed!
01:18We're here!
01:20So, let's go over the rules. Get to the bunk bed on the top of the spire.
01:23There will be five floating islands along the way.
01:26Don't slow down, because a certain someone sure doesn't like trespassers!
01:32Who's that?
01:33Silly question!
01:35Anyway, the last team to get to the end will be sleep-deprived and up for elimination!
01:40Only two people in danger? That's so few!
01:43But how will we get to Island 1?
01:46Wade, who asked that question?
01:48Me, the only ball with lines.
01:50Well, only ball with lines.
01:52Figure it out yourself!
01:53Three, two, one, go!
02:01Can you believe it, pointy? Now that I have wheels, we're in first!
02:06Nope, and we're in last.
02:07Aw, man!
02:08I'm that spire, Bommy! The bunk beds are probably in the end!
02:12Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! I'm not your servant! You do it!
02:15Well, I sure as dirt ain't listening to you!
02:18No way!
02:19We gotta go for the finds, Ruby!
02:21Oh, yeah, me to hear first! Those who are green are speedy machines!
02:25Really? That rule doesn't apply to everyone, huh?
02:31Oh, my words! We left our dear rookie behind!
02:34Well, Pencil always promised me that if she ever died, we could bury her in the FreeSmart Super Coffin!
02:39Pencil wanted to be buried in a coffin with a rocket engine?
02:43Of course! Watch this!
02:47Put Pencil inside!
02:55Hello, contestants! I'm Donut, first boot of BFDIA, and welcome to my island!
03:00As a prize for getting here, you may take a blanket!
03:03Oh, my plucks, Luke Donut! I haven't seen you since the days you said no!
03:07Yeah, that's me all right!
03:09On this island, your goal is to fill these jetpacks with fuel and try to use them to fly the island too!
03:14Ooh, sounds delightful! Now, where could I find this fuel you speak of?
03:21Hey, Pen! Can your mech suit climb vines?
03:23It can!
03:25Oh, my felt! We're falling behind!
03:27Stop shaking me! Stop shaking me! I mean, we're the only team with no arms anyway. What did you expect?
03:32Wait, I know what to do!
03:34I invented metal-to-fuzz glue!
03:37Whoa! What are you doing?
03:39Now, between the two of us, we have four limbs!
03:41Oh, yeah!
03:44You have arms, so you should climb!
03:46I'm not gonna!
03:47What are you doing for one of my fries?
03:49Oh, I hate fries!
03:51Oh, sweet!
03:52Want more? Come and get it!
03:59Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh!
04:03We've reached Island 1!
04:05Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh!
04:08Sugar crash!
04:09Welcome to Donut Island. Teams 2 and 3. Ruby, Book, Fry, Spommy, longtime no see!
04:14Indeed! And I think your island is...
04:19Look! Donut said we have to fill these jetpacks with fuel, but I can't find any!
04:23Needle, there's no fuel on Donut Island! It's cherry filling!
04:28Oh, I get it!
04:37Climb! Climb! Climb! Climb!
04:44I'm excited we get to compete again!
04:47And I'm excited for revenge!
04:49But wait! Your power cables!
04:55Go figure!
04:56I'd like to order 2,763 extension cables!
05:00Thank you for your order!
05:10I built an ecosystem-destroying oil rig to extract jelly filling as fast as possible!
05:15And I built... Um, well, I'm not really sure how to contribute.
05:20Uh, you could... suck the pollution out of the air with this straw?
05:27It's done! Nickel, let's go!
05:29Sure thing!
05:32Ooh, I want to use the oil rig too!
05:35What do you look at that? Our only armless team soars to first place!
05:39Congratulations, Tennis Ball and Nickel!
05:41Why thank you, Donut. You know, I haven't heard much from you since you said...
05:46But you don't make a bad host after all!
05:49The coin and ball already finished?
05:51Bobby, wake up! I need your help!
05:55Get digging, Bobby! The ingredients are probably underground!
06:03Hey, Book! How does this jetpack work?
06:05Wow! You got it so full, Ruby! Let's fly to Island 2 now!
06:09Oh man, you guys are so fast! If only I had a loving team member!
06:13Yeah, um, well, be sure to give Pencil a stern talking to at the next alliance meeting.
06:28Ooh, these must be the extension cables!
06:30Ah! Not evil, Leafy!
06:33You're all plugged in now!
06:34It's working!