BFDIA 14 - PointyPointyPointy - 3of6

  • 2 days ago
00:00Ooh! What a picturesque island! And it's got a vat of anti-poison on it!
00:05But who's hosting this island?
00:12Oh, it's you. Fine, I'll take a pillow.
00:15Wow, there's more of me out there? Fascinating!
00:18But wait, how could Dora host an island? Doesn't she eat?
00:22Don't say it!
00:31Looks like someone's got the munchies!
00:37What an unhinged host we have here!
00:39And I'm referring to her jaw, not her mind.
00:41Uh, Dora, you know you won't be able to taste any of the islands through the metal walls, right?
00:48We have to eat an island to ascend? I don't like the sound of that!
00:54Oh, great. You're here too now. What's with your friend?
00:57Sugar crash!
01:01Oh, no!
01:02Oh, no!
01:03Oh, no!
01:04Oh, no!
01:05Oh, no!
01:06Oh, no!
01:07Oh, no!
01:08Oh, no!
01:09Oh, no!
01:10Oh, no!
01:11Oh, no!
01:12Oh, no!
01:13Oh, no!
01:14Oh, no!
01:15Oh, no!
01:17We're flying! We're flying! Whee!
01:20Yes, you are, Ruby!
01:22From here we can see the pink frosted mountains, the glazed hills, the churro pillars, and the donut sinkholes! It's needy!
01:30Whoa! What's happening? Are you sure the fuel you collected was pure jelly filling?
01:35Um, I think so? It was from TB's oil rig.
01:38Oil rig? That garbage is polluted!
01:41Polluted? No!
01:48Finally done!
01:54Oh, no! They're doomed!
01:55Hmm, to become a FreeSmart member, one must show an act of sacrifice!
02:04Ow! Watch where you're going!
02:06Oh, I know where I'm going!
02:14Wait! Needle threw her jetpack at us!
02:17Catch it!
02:29Next time think twice before shrinking my body!
02:34I can't believe that just happened!
02:36Let's give up!
02:43Wake up! Wake up!
02:44Where am I?
02:46Eat an island!
02:47No! That sounds disgusting! You do it!
02:50Eat another sugary fry!
03:14Want to eat an island?
03:16I would, but my doctor says I'm allergic to minerals.
03:19Ooh, how about this?
03:20I'll cook and season an island, which will make it super appetizing for you to eat!
03:25Oh, um, okay!
03:30It has an awful chemically aftertaste!
03:33Really? Well, try to stomach it.
03:35It's like they always say,
03:37And grass is basically vegetables, right?
03:39Wait, what's that sound?
03:43FreezMart's back!
03:48And back to life!
03:50Where am I?
03:51You're on Dora's Island, and I'm your team member!
03:54Gotta eat! Gotta eat! Gotta eat!
03:58Oh, no!
03:59Oh, no!
04:00Oh, no!
04:01Oh, no!
04:02Oh, no!
04:03Oh, no!
04:04Oh, no!
04:05Oh, no!
04:06Ah, I feel better.
04:08Side effects of anti-poison. You know, I would know.
04:18No way! Dora, you're still alive!
04:26Oh, nice! Teddy bears!
04:30Hey, Teardrop, what do you want us to do on this island?
04:38Right! Teardrop is saying there's a lot of chatterboxes on this island
04:42whose blabbering is annoying the other droplets!
04:45So, you want us to...
04:46He wants us to make the chatterboxes shut up!
04:48And then, her cousin Droplets will give you a gift to say thanks!
04:52I can't believe we were so far ahead, and now we're in dead last!
04:56It's over! It's...
04:58Oh, it's really over!
05:04What's that?
05:10They remembered us!
05:12Swim up the stream, you guys!
05:16It's the free spark comeback of the century!
05:29What? We have to eat islands?
05:31Yeah, like them.
05:35Tastes bad! Tastes bad!
05:37It does? Probably because of all that gunk in your mouth.
05:39Let's brush it out!
05:42Faster! Faster! Faster! Faster! Faster! Faster! Faster! Faster!
05:45Oh, hey, did you know that bees can recognize faces?
05:47Yo, Wizzels! You're being obnoxious!
05:49Honey Drop doesn't like that!
05:51It's time to be quiet!
05:53Oh, yeah? What if I don't wanna be quiet?