'RHONY'_ Did Rebecca Minkoff Find Brynn's Nordstrom Rack Comment Offensive_

  • 13 hours ago
'RHONY'_ Did Rebecca Minkoff Find Brynn's Nordstrom Rack Comment Offensive_


00:00I love Nordstrom, you know, like let's look at America like if they can buy
00:07something designer at a price they can afford like let's celebrate that welcome
00:18ladies you both look amazing oh thank you and also welcome to Roni thank you
00:24yeah the newbies the new how does it feel to be on this season well you know
00:33I think it's been great we got to know each other which is a plus and it was a
00:39really fun time yeah wonderful group of women so yeah it was a wild ride but we
00:45had so much fun and that was that was nice to like meet new people and then
00:49actually like them well you hope that you like yeah right so yeah kind of nice
00:57a little partner in crime moment you both were going in together what was
01:00that like just between the two of you getting to know each other well I think
01:04we kind of bounced off of each other to like what happened with you is
01:08everything okay like are you good late night and a lot of phone calls and phone
01:14calls just like what is going on I was told this so you know it was it was nice
01:19not being the only new person and I think one of our first events all
01:24together there was some previous drama that had to be hashed out and she and I
01:28were just on the sidelines we are not waiting in the popcorn like not our
01:33drama to talk about and so that I had we been on our own I don't know how that
01:37would have played I think we'd have been waiting by ourselves yeah and did you
01:41ever think you would join reality TV is that something that you ever thought
01:44about never in a million years I'm not a reality TV watcher I'm not a viewer so
01:50this is a complete shock to everyone in my life I would say the same yeah my
01:55husband said why do you want to do right exactly can we talk about this again
01:59bringing in a lot of people into your personal lives but you know it honestly
02:03takes so much courage I feel like to do that was there anything that surprised
02:07you about joining the show I think the the friendships I I didn't really expect
02:15I wasn't sure what to expect let's just put it that way whether or not I would
02:19be welcomed and so it surprised me that they just open arms you know which was
02:26amazing I think that obviously having only seen season one I was like what is
02:31it gonna be like to be with these women and they're wonderful and we had so much
02:35fun together and so that was a relief because you just don't you know you only
02:39see what you see on TV and you never know if it's actually gonna be you know
02:42crazy or wild and it definitely gets wild yes and there's some drama but like
02:46and as newbies did you both bring some drama did you maybe stir the pot a bit
02:53maybe maybe maybe I mean maybe maybe not but maybe not get your foot in it you
03:02listen not only that drama just naturally comes to some extent in
03:08relationships right and you're spending like a close amount of time with
03:11friendships and it's just gonna happen it's just how you handle it I guess I
03:16wasn't waiting in Rebecca obviously you are a successful entrepreneur you are
03:24very well known in the fashion industry what was your decision to decide to put
03:28yourself out there on you know a national stage I think that since day
03:33one I have been in touch with and connected to my customer when that was
03:36even taboo and this was just an opportunity to show another side of
03:40myself the playful funny side and we're all shown on the show as multifaceted
03:46women and I think it's great for America to see strong successful powerful we are
03:50not housewives no none of us is and we're all pretty much entrepreneurs
03:54actually yeah so to show that to America was an exciting opportunity yeah
03:59and to get to know like the woman behind such a big name I feel like it's always
04:03really exciting to kind of show like this is what goes into all this work and
04:06dedication yeah for sure you'll see that peppered in you know like a day at the
04:10office the collaboration we have with wicked coming up so you get to see the
04:13work side of me too awesome we're very excited and Raquel who are you close to
04:17on the show prior to joining prior to joining I was close to Jenna and I'd
04:21gotten to know sigh a little bit but I I didn't know any of the other women at
04:27all even though we kind of must have crossed paths somehow I like the New
04:31York scene yeah exactly I mean sigh actually pulled up an old photograph and
04:36was like girl I knew that was you I saw you three years ago at this Dior thing
04:40at the Guggenheim I was like yeah that would have been me and she's like here's
04:43the picture so we definitely all crossed paths but I knew you know I've known
04:48Jenna for years now when we first met we were both going through a similar
04:51situation and it really made us bond quickly yeah and that's something we see
04:57in the first episode about that situation how did that you know bring
05:01you guys together and closer well neither of us knew anyone else going
05:05through this right and I think well it might be a little more common now it
05:10seems if you you know read the press and stuff of women coming out later in life
05:15but it was at we had children the same age we were live both living in Brooklyn
05:19I mean if the coincidences could not be it was just like we were meant to meet
05:24and help each other through that process which was a crazy one I mean yeah you
05:30just don't know until you're in it and it was nice to have that support you
05:34would you say even through the show you're still as close as you I think
05:37we've gotten closer actually yeah I think this show has brought us a lot
05:40closer because we've gotten to know each other in a deeper different way and out
05:45of all the ladies who are you surprised to like hit it off the most with I would
05:50say I was surprised to hit it off with sigh just because watching the first
05:54season which I dove into after when I was told I was like they were like don't
06:00come in here blind so was like oh god I think we might butt heads we're both
06:05like strong Puerto Rican women you know that could go one way or the other
06:10exactly and so we really hit it off and so that was that was nice I think for me
06:17it was uber I think similar to the edit I saw of her in the first season one
06:22might be scared or have preconceived ideas of you know her anger and she is
06:27the loveliest human and so kind and thoughtful and soulful and so she was
06:31great also coming on the show and having this background that you get to share
06:34with Jenna having that representation why does that matter to you to be on a
06:38a national platform.
06:40Listen I you know you don't see a lot of queer families on television and get to
06:47dive into their lives and in such a you know a personal way right that this is
06:53not just a television show where you see to this is actual real life. So it was
06:59that very important to me for the world to see you know there are more
07:03commonalities and not and you know well I live in New York and you think oh
07:08nobody gives a shit about that. You know listen the real world yes it is still
07:12something that some people have some you know difficulty with. So I was excited to
07:17be able to show the world a fun family and also you know I feel like growing up
07:23in New York City you see everyone right and that is what makes the city amazing.
07:27It's just this melting pot and it always has been so to be able to see whether
07:31where you come from who you're married to or anything like that it matters on a
07:35national and the national stage. I mean look at America it is incredibly diverse
07:40and that's what should be reflected on our screens which is why I'm so proud to
07:43be a part of this group because we are all so different so diverse and it just
07:49makes it multifaceted and I think it's a true reflection of New York. Yeah yeah
07:54for sure. In the trailer we saw some teases there was a little bit of a
07:57pregnancy tease is that something you guys want to comment on is that
08:01something we might see play out? Well I can confirm that I am not pregnant. Not you.
08:06That would be very difficult to find. I don't know, am I?
08:11Watch and see. Watch and see. I feel like there's a lot of those watch and see
08:15moments we also saw a lot of pigeons going on is that a special meaning maybe?
08:19Hidden meaning? You know New York City it's like our bird. Unfortunately it's our bird.
08:25In the trailer we also saw some jabs being thrown maybe a little shade from
08:28Bryn. Do you address those at all? What was in your head when you heard it?
08:33I love Nordstrom Rack. You know like let's look at America like if they can buy
08:41something designer at a price they can afford like let's celebrate that so that
08:45was not shaded to me I was like thank you Bryn. You were like free advertising.
08:49Exactly. Go to Nordstrom Rack and buy it. Rebecca also you know we see in the trailer Bryn
08:55ask you about your relationship to the Church of Scientology. Yeah. Why did you
08:59want to come and talk about that knowing that it will be probably something on
09:03people's minds? You know what it's part of who I am. I was raised Jewish and in
09:07Scientology. I'm proud of it. Life is really stressful so for me this has been
09:11a place that I turn to to deal with stress, being a better communicator, being
09:15a better mom and so that's who I am. Is it something that your whole family
09:21embraces? Yes. One thing also I'd love to ask this season can you describe it in
09:26one word? We have the same word. Yes we do. What is it? Rollercoaster. We've been
09:32hearing that a lot. That's the theme. We've been hearing Uwe said cluster f**k which is technically true but there's kind of a hyphen. See mine was emotional rollercoaster but I'm like that's two words so yes we were stuck with rollercoaster.
09:45Yeah everyone's clocking in. Everyone's bringing the receipts which is also what
09:49we've teased or what we've heard. Yes most definitely. Amazing well thank you
09:53both so much.
