[Ep1]作为最差的辅助职业[议长]我可以指挥世界上最强的氏族 Sub Indo (ในฐานะกลุ่มสนับสนุนที่แย่ที่สุด [ประธาน] ฉันสามารถสั่งการกลุ่มที่แข็งแกร่งที่สุดในโลกได้)

  • yesterday


00:00This is a Touhou Project derivative work. It may be disrespectful of character image.
00:05In the deep abyss, the avatars are born when the level of their Mana is set to a certain level.
00:12The deeper the abyss is connected to the Void, the harder the beast to defeat the avatars.
00:21The Abyss
00:26In that world, the depth of the Abyss that occurred in my homeland was 12.
00:33It was the depth that a beast called Lorde could reach.
00:38I never thought the time would come when I would have to shake this thing again.
00:46Noel, we're leaving the house right now.
00:52The Abyss
00:57Listen, Noel. Don't come out.
01:00It's safe in this underground shelter.
01:03What about Grandpa?
01:05I'll buy you some time until the rescue team from the capital comes.
01:08No way! I don't know when the rescue team will come.
01:11You're going to fight alone, aren't you?
01:15I can't! If I do that...
01:17Don't underestimate me.
01:21Who do you think I am?
01:24I'm a man called Overdeath, the evil spirit of immortality.
01:29Don't worry. I'll risk my life to protect you.
01:37Grandpa! Grandpa!
01:41The Abyss
01:47Men shouldn't be underestimated.
01:50No matter what happens...
02:25Grandpa! Grandpa!
02:38You can't beat me.
02:41I'm tired of listening to you, Overdeath.
02:45This is the end of the Seekers.
02:48As long as the battle continues,
02:51I will always have the Grim Reaper by my side.
02:56Noel, are you still aiming for the Seekers?
03:01Are you going to follow the same path as me?
03:12Yes! I will become a Seeker!
03:17Then you will become a Seeker that will never lose.
03:21Can you promise me that?
03:24I promise. I will become the strongest Seeker!
03:31That's my granddaughter.
03:40I will always love you.
03:50My grandfather's name was Brandon Stowell.
03:54He was once the Beast of the Thirteenth Dimension.
03:57He was praised as the strongest Seeker,
04:01with his silver Cocytus, the Immortal Nightmare, and Overdeath.
04:06Two years later...
04:10I became a Seeker, just as my grandfather promised.
04:16Lloyd, Marta, attack!
04:20Tania, back up!
04:21Got it!
04:22Take this!
04:26Damn you!
04:29I'm the weakest Seeker.
04:33That's my job.
04:52I'm the weakest Seeker.
04:55That's my job.
04:58I'm the weakest Seeker.
05:01That's my job.
05:04I'm the weakest Seeker.
05:08That's my job.
05:11I'm the weakest Seeker.
05:15That's my job.
05:18動き出した Story I have a choice to make
05:28超えてゆく Awareness I'll run into the dark
05:57掴み取るよ Tactics to win
06:07Lesser Vampire.
06:09Since he's a vampire of Kai, he can't use magic.
06:12Instead, the queen is able to eat by herself.
06:17She can increase the number of her family members.
06:21So all of them were born by the queen?
06:26Yes, but don't let your guard down.
06:28Even though they're family members,
06:30they have the power to tear apart a cow with their bare hands.
06:34首をはねない限り何度でもよみがえる Right, Noel?
06:37でしょ、ノエル? Right, Noel?
06:40ああ Yes.
06:44なあ、ノエルよ Hey, Noel.
06:46本体がいるってんなら、ちまちま犬族をやらねえで If the main body is here, why don't you just kill the family members
06:50鼻っからそっちを叩けばよかったんじゃねえの? and hit them from the nose?
06:53本体が死ねば、犬族も活動を停止するんだろ? If the main body dies, the family members will stop working, right?
06:57なら、その方が効率よく... Then it'll be more efficient...
06:59ダメだ That's no good.
07:00本来この依頼は、俺たちCランクでは厳しい仕事だ Normally, this is a tough job for us C-Rankers.
07:05本体とぶつかる前に犬族をすべて排除しておけば、成功率は跳ね上がる If we get rid of all the family members before the main body collides with it, the success rate will increase.
07:11効率だけで物を考えるな、死ぬぞ Don't think about things with efficiency alone, or you'll die.
07:17了解しまして Yes, sir.
07:19戦闘の指揮権は全部、バッファーのお前が持つ You're in charge of all the battle commands.
07:23それが俺たちブルービヨンドの掟だもんな That's the rule of Blue Beyond.
07:26それが俺たちブルービヨンドの掟だもんな That's the rule of Blue Beyond.
07:29ちょっと、ヴァルタ Hey, Walter!
07:32Cランクの俺たちがBランクの仕事をできるのも、ノエルのスキルと交渉術のおかげ、和術師様様だ We C-Rankers are able to do B-Rank work thanks to Noel's skills and negotiation skills.
07:41和術師は支援に特化したジョブだ A magician specializes in support.
07:45バフ効果のある言葉を発することで、パーティーの戦力を底上げする By saying words that have a buff effect, the party's power is boosted.
07:51だが自身の戦闘能力はワーストクラス But his fighting ability is the worst class.
07:55仲間に頼ることでしか戦えない He can only rely on his teammates.
07:59それが最弱のジョブと馬鹿にされるゆえんだ That's why he's called the weakest job.
08:04ヴァルタ、言っておくな Walter, I'm warning you.
08:07全員捨てろ! Get rid of them all!
08:11何、この匂い? What's that smell?
08:12ガスだ、有毒か? It's gas. Is it toxic?
08:14ノエルがやべえぞ! Noel's in trouble!
08:16とにかく救出が先だ Anyway, we need to save him first.
08:18タニア、フォローに回ってくれ Tania, go follow him.
08:20わかったわ! Got it!
08:22タニア! Tania!
08:24ノエル! Noel!
08:33クソ、いつもの力が出ない! Damn it! I can't use my usual strength!
08:36ノエルの魔術師のバフがなけりゃ、俺たちは… Noel, if you don't have a buff, we can't...
08:41オーダーをくれ!ノエル! Give me an order, Noel!
08:43何とか言えよ、おい! Say something!
08:45それでもお前は魔術師か! But you're still a magician!
08:50舐めんじゃねえ! Don't underestimate me!
08:55見せてやるよ、これが魔術師の戦い方だ I'll show you how a magician fights!
08:59魔術スキル! 全術展開! タクシーシャン! I'll use my magic skill, Tactician!
09:06パーティーにオーダーを出すことで、メンバーの全能力を25%上昇させる By giving an order to the party, the members' brainpower will increase by 25%
09:11ハイコウゲキアクル! 全員2人に! High-Attack Power! All of the two can use it!
09:15オーダーをくれ! Give me an order, Noel!
09:18オーダーをくれ! オーダーをくれ! Give me an order, Noel!
09:20オーダーをくれ! Give me an order, Noel!
09:21ハイコウゲキアクル! 全員2人は回避! High-Attack Power! All of the two can use it!
09:28シキ・コウヨウ・バトルボイス! メンバーの体力と魔力を25%上昇させる By giving an order to the party, the members' brainpower will increase by 25%
09:35タイヤ! 2人にバリアを展開! タイヤ! 2人にバリアを展開! Tarya! Use the barrier on the two of them!
09:38わかったわ! I got it!
09:40ロイドとバルタは攻撃再開! ロイドとバルタは攻撃再開! Lloyd and Baltar attack again!
09:42了解! Roger!
09:48のえる! Noel!
09:50復兵がいたのか! There were reinforcements!
09:53クソ!あいつらがもし本体に味方したら! No way! What if they're on our side?
09:56精神解放!ピアサポート! 対象の精神を正常化させ、気力をみなぎらせる! 74秒! ザコは俺が引き受ける! I'll take care of Zaku!
10:073人は本体に集中! タニアはバリアを更新し続けろ! 3 of you, focus on the main body! Tanya, keep updating the barrier!
10:11ロイドとバルタは牽制と回避に専念しつつ、最大攻撃スキルの発動準備! Lloyd and Baltar, focus on defensive and evasion, and prepare for the maximum attack skill!
10:19止まれ! Stop!
10:21狼の咆哮!スタンハウル! The wolf's roar! Stun Hull!
10:26魔獣シルバーフレイム!魔術師の俺が唯一頼れる対ビースト用武器! アイスバレット! Silver Flame! The only weapon I can rely on! Ice Bullet!
10:34一匹逃がしたか…玉はあと一発…七十四秒まで残り四十三秒…奴の罪が俺に届くまで二十八秒…決断どおり! I let one of them escape… I have one bullet left… I have forty-three seconds left until seventy-four seconds… I have twenty-eight seconds until his sin reaches me…
10:52決断どおり! As planned!
10:56錬環の剣、アサルトコマンド! The sword of the chain, Assault Command!
11:00今だ!ロイドバルタ!攻撃スキルを本体に発動! Now, Lloyd Baltar! Use the attack skill on the main body!
11:05オーラブレーダー! Destroy Driver!
11:13やったわ!やったわ!ノエ! I did it! I did it! Lloyd!
11:21本体を倒せば…剣族の活動も停止する… If you defeat the main body… the sword will stop moving…
11:27チャスト七十四秒…敵対象の沈黙を確認…戦闘行動終了…みんなお疲れ…ブルービヨンの任務完了だ… Just seventy-four seconds… I confirmed the enemy target's silence… the battle is over… Good work, everyone… the Blue Beyond mission is complete
11:43いくら本体を倒せば…剣族も活動停止するからといって… Even if you defeat the main body… the sword will stop moving…
11:48無茶しすぎで… You're being too reckless
11:50バカ… Idiot…
11:55泣くな、ノエル! Don't cry, Noel!
11:57最弱のジョブだって…俺はじいちゃんと同じ戦士がよかったのに… You're the worst job ever… I wanted to be a warrior like you…
12:04ノエル、お前の姿は死んだ母さんにそっくりじゃ… But I know… you're just like your mother…
12:09じゃが、わしにはわかる…お前には母さんになかった、わしと同じシーカーの才能が眠っておる… But I know… you don't have the talent of a Seeker like me…
12:17魔術師だろうとなんだろうと、わしがお前を最高のシーカーに育ててやる! わしを信じろ! Whether you're a magician or not, I'll raise you to be the best Seeker! Believe in me!
12:28信じるよ…俺はあんたのような…いや、オーバーデスをも超える最強のシーカーになってやる… I'll believe in you… I'll become the strongest Seeker, even stronger than you…
12:38たとえ最弱の…魔術師であっても… Even if I'm the weakest…
12:46ウェルナント帝国、帝都エトライ。この都の繁栄は魔晄文明によってもたらされた。 The Wellnant Empire, the Eto Rai Empire. The prosperity of this city was brought about by the magic civilization.
12:54他国と比べ、浴び透かしやすい土地柄のため、ウェルナント帝国では、ビーストから得た素材を研究、応用する魔晄技術が磨かれた。 Compared to other countries, this city is easy to be polluted, so the Wellnant Empire has been working on researching and applying the materials obtained from the beasts.
13:05今やこの国の経済を支える一大産業と言っている。 ゆえに浴び透かした土地を浄化し、ビーストを狩るシーカーは、人々にとって憧れの存在だ。 It is said to be a great industry that supports the economy of this country now. Therefore, Seekers who purify the polluted land and hunt beasts are admired by the people.
13:17乾杯! Cheers!
13:19十五になり、シーカーの資格を得た俺は、ここ帝都エトライで仲間を探すことにした。 最弱である魔術師は仲間なしには戦えない。 I was 15 when I became a Seeker, and I decided to look for a comrade here in the capital, Etorai. The weakest magician can't fight without a comrade.
13:31それにしてもいい仕事をしたぜ! 何だって五百万ビルだぞ! You did a great job! It's a million-dollar building!
13:36戦士のヴァルタ。 We've come this far.
13:40ヒーラーのタニア。 Healer Tania.
13:42パーティーを組んで一年。この分なら俺たちはもっと上を目指せるだろう。 We've been partying for a year. We can aim higher than this.
13:48剣士でリーダーのロイド。欲を言えばここに石膏、スカウトがいればなおいいが、今はこの仲間たちと経験を積む。それが野望への第一歩だ。 A swordsman and a leader, Lloyd. To put it bluntly, there's a lot going on here. It'd be even better if we had a scout, but for now, I'm going to gain experience with these guys. That's the first step towards ambition.
14:01おい、どうした? Hey, what's up?
14:03せっかくの祝賞会なのによ、ちょっとも盛り上がってねえじゃんか。 It's a big day, but you're not excited at all.
14:08別に。 No, I'm not.
14:09なんだよ、なんだよ。悩みがあるなら俺に話してみろよ。 What is it, what is it? If you have a problem, talk to me.
14:13しつこい。 You're so persistent.
14:14あ、ひょっとしてまだ報酬のこと根に持ってんのか? Ah, are you still holding on to the reward?
14:18粘ればあと50、吹っかけられたって。 If you stick to it, you'll get 50 more.
14:22金にこだわんのはよくねえぞ。シーカーは器がでかくないとな。お前の大好きなじいさんだって、おんなじこと言ったはずだぜ。 It's not good to stick to money. Seekers have to have big vessels. I'm sure your favorite old man said the same thing.
14:32いいか?シーカーたるもの金にこだわれ。探索に必要なアイテム装備は手に入れられる中で最高のものを持て。 If you're a seeker, stick to the money. You have the best equipment you can get.
14:42金がなければ何もできない。上も目指せない。周りが何と言おうが気にするな。 If you don't have money, you can't do anything. Don't worry about what people say.
14:48悪名なんぞ。シーカーにとって勲章のようなものだ。悪気と呼ばれたこのわしを見ろ。とにかくな。なめられちゃいかんのだ。 It's a bad name. It's like a medal for a seeker. Look at me, who's called evil. Anyway, don't be underestimated.
15:01根になんか持ってない。もう済んだ話だろ。 I don't have any roots. It's all over now.
15:05そうよ。蝕かえしてるのはバルターのほうでしょ?みっともないわよ。 That's right. It's Walter who's stealing it back. It's a shame.
15:09めっともないのはどっちだよ。ノエル、お前が金に汚いと俺たちブルービオンドの貢献に関わる。ちゃんと反省しろ。 If you don't have money, you can't do anything. You have to reflect on yourself.
15:19はい、はい、反省してますよ。全部何もかも俺が悪い。いつも正しいのはバルター様です。ご立派、ご立派。 Yes, yes, I'm sorry. It's all my fault. It's always right. It's Mr. Walter. Great, great.
15:28何だその態度は。俺はお前より二つも年上だぞ。 What's that attitude? I'm two years older than you.
15:32この場で年齢に何の関係がある?笑わせるなよ。シーカーは実力がすべてだ。 年を立てに自分を通そうなんて、ずいぶん甘っちょろいなバルター君。 What does age have to do with this? Don't make me laugh. Seekers are all about ability. You're trying to pass yourself off as an old man. You're so spoiled, Mr. Walter.
15:45ふざけんな!後ろでオーダーを出すことしかできない分際か!俺たちが命張ってる間、安全なところでアグラをかいてる奴が調子に乗るんじゃねえか! Don't mess with me! You're the only one who can give orders behind my back! You're the only one who can give orders behind my back! You're the only one who can give orders behind my back!
15:58へえ、それがお前の本音か。そりゃそうだよな。 Yeah, so that's what you're really like.
16:04俺みたいな無能と違って、バルター様の戦いぶりと来たらまさに鬼神の如し!よ、シーカーの中のシーカー! Unlike an incompetent person like me, if you come to Mr. Walter's battle, you're just like a ghost! You're just like a ghost! You're just like a ghost! You're just like a ghost!
16:13ぶっ殺す! I'll kill you!
16:15上等だ。 That's perfect.
16:16受けてたってやる。 I'll take that.
16:18いい加減にしろ!こんな場所で、それこそみっともないだろう。 Cut it out! It's disgraceful to do it in a place like this.
16:25もう、本当にバカなんだから。 Geez, you're really stupid.
16:27そう言うな。二人とも俺たちの大切な仲間だ。そろそろお開きにしよう。報酬を分配するぞ。 Don't say that. You two are our precious friends. Let's open it up. We'll distribute the rewards.
16:40たったこれだけか。 That's all?
16:42パーティーの運用費に武具の修繕費、元受けのクランへの支払い、諸々差し引くと、一人二十五万フィルが限界だ。 The operating cost of the party, the repair cost of the arms, and the payment to the original clan. All in all, there's a limit of 250,000 Fils per person.
16:52あんなに大変だったのに。 It was so hard.
16:54だが、パーティーの資産は確実に増えている。次も大きな依頼が受けられれば、また同じだけ稼げるじゃないか。 But the party's assets are definitely increasing. If we can get a big request next time, we'll be able to earn the same amount again.
17:04ロイド、今回のように美味しい依頼はそうあることじゃない。国から直接依頼を受けられるクランと違って、俺たちはあくまで下請けだ。 Lloyd, that's not the case with delicious requests like this time. Unlike the clans that receive direct requests from the country, we're just subordinates.
17:14まあ、そうだが。 Well, that's true.
17:16アビス浄化のような大きな仕事は基本クランの中で完遂される。トラブルがあって俺たちに回される時も安くはない仲介料を取られる。 By the way, how much is the party's assets now?
17:33今回の合わせて1280万フィルだな。 This time, it's 12.8 million Fils.
17:37ならその金を使って俺たちもクランを創設しよう。 Then let's use that money to create a clan.
17:40ノエル、クランを創設するには国に2000万フィルを納めないといけないんだぞ。 Noel, we have to pay 20 million Fils to create a clan.
17:51理解している。だから残りの720万フィルは俺が出そう。このまま下請けとして活動するより、さっさとクランを創設した方が儲かるはずだ。 I understand. That's why I'll pay the rest of the 7.2 million Fils. It's better to create a clan quickly than to work as subordinates.
18:02クランの創設には、帝都内に拠点となる建物を所持していることも条件だぞ。高額な家賃が。 It's also a requirement to have a building as a base in the capital to create a clan. Expensive rents...
18:08安く借りられるあてがある。 Expensive rents...
18:11だけど、まだ私たち新人よ。勝負もCランクだし、きちんと運営できるとは思えないわ。 But we're still rookies. I don't think we'll be able to run the business properly.
18:18ならいつならいいんだ。何年後なら確実に運営できると思えるようになるんだ。クランを創設しない限り、どれだけ時間を経ても運営の初心者に変わりないんだぞ。 Then when will it be okay? In a few years, you'll definitely be able to run the business. As long as you don't create a clan, no matter how much time you spend, you'll still be a beginner.
18:31それは... That's...
18:32俺はシーカーのかたわら。ずっとクランについて勉強してきた。必要な知識はすべて持っている。あと必要なものは実践で得られる確かな経験だけだ。ここで足踏みしていたら一生得られるものじゃない。 I'm a seeker. I've been studying clans for a long time. I have all the knowledge I need. All I need is a certain experience that can be gained in actual combat. If I stay here, I won't get anything in my life.
18:48だが、俺たちは若く経験も浅い。国に信頼されなければ、結局大きな仕事は既存のクランに回されて... But we're young and inexperienced. If the country doesn't trust us, we'll have to rely on the existing clan...
19:23広告等として企業と契約すれば、スポンサー料も手に入る。 要するに、お前らの見た目がいいから、国が利益していい仕事を回してくれるってか?
22:21My word, do you hear my voice Telling you, will you join the fight with me?
22:36Do you get what it means?
22:42Cause I see all crystal clear Among old tangled strings
22:48I need to treat it as cold as threads with cold blood
22:55Instead of taking sugar coated pills to make you ease
23:01I directly poke inside your head to make you strong
23:09Cause I see it, we can break the old empire
23:19With our powers, make it over
23:25In near future, with no fear
