Hi Me In 5 Years

  • 2 days ago


00:00At the time I'm recording this video, I have 8,000 subscribers and 1.8 million views.
00:15So whenever you see this, compare these numbers to whatever I have when you watch this.
00:19What's up guys?
00:20It's currently October 4th, 2015.
00:25I'm probably like a freaking grown man when you see this.
00:28I'm still in high school right now and when you see this I'm actually going to be in college.
00:37This is going to be after college.
00:38Wow, dude.
00:39This is going to be crazy.
00:40It's 2015 for me right now.
00:42Dude, what if I'm dead?
00:44Dude, if I'm...
00:45Oh, that would be weird.
00:46That would be so weird.
00:48Dude, that would be really weird.
00:51But let's see.
00:52Dude, if I don't have a million subscribers when you see this video, my entire life has
00:56been a failure.
00:58I hope I have a million subs.
00:59I better have a million subscribers when you guys see this.
01:02Dude, that'd be...
01:07I don't even know what college I'm going to, but by the time you see this, I'll have finished
01:11high school, gone to college, probably be doing YouTube as a job, hopefully, maybe,
01:17maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe.
01:21Dude, I really hope I have a million subs by now.
01:25Please future me.
01:27What am I doing with my hand?
01:29Please have a million subs.
01:30I probably should have thought about what I was going to say.
01:33Just, hey, hopefully you have a million subs.
01:36And dude, I wonder if you still...
01:38All right, so I should be studying for a history test.
01:41And I wonder if you remember what grade I'm going to get on this history test that I take
01:46tomorrow that I'm not studying for because I'm making these videos.
01:51So I'm probably going to do...
01:52If you still remember the grade I get on this history test, that's crazy.
01:56I better have a million when this goes public.
02:01I am not PewDiePie.
02:04Screw that.
02:05I don't want to do this over again.
02:06See ya, future me.
