Why does Krishna say that the Kauravs are already dead? || Acharya Prashant, on Bhagavad Gita (2020)

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Video Information: Month Of Awakening, 18.04.2020, Greater Noida

~ How to know what to choose?
~ What should one learn from Arjun?
~ What makes Arjun worthy?
~ How to attain perfection?
~ Why is there so much difference in what we say and what we do?
~ Is visiting temples makes one religious?
~ What is the real meaning of Dharma?

Music Credits: Milind Date


00:00An entire bunch of questions comes from four verses of chapter 11 of Bhagavad Gita, verse
00:1925, 26, 27, 34.
00:25Having seen thy mouths fearful with tusks, blazing like pralay fires, I know not the
00:33four quarters, nor do I find peace.
00:36Have mercy, O Lord of the Devas, O abode of the universe, all those sons of Dhritarashtra,
00:45with hosts of monarchs, Bhishma, Drona and Sootputra, with the warrior chiefs of ours,
00:54enter precipitately into thy mouth, terrible with tusks and fearful to behold.
01:01Some are found sticking in the interstices of thy teeth, with their heads crushed to
01:09Drona, Bhishma, Jaidrath, Karan, as well as all other brave warriors, these already killed
01:19by me, do thou kill.
01:23Be not distressed with fear, fight, and thou shalt conquer thy enemies in battle."
01:31The questioner says, on seeing the divine form, in place of feeling gratitude towards
01:40the Lord, why is Arjun more fearful and says that he doesn't find any peace in the four
01:46quarters and asks the Lord to have mercy upon him.
01:54Also Arjun sees that all sons of Dhritarashtra, with hosts of monarchs etc., enter into the
02:00Lord's mouth and Shri Krishna at one place says that he has already slain all of them.
02:06Does this mean that everything is preordained in some sense or is he predicting the future?
02:17Look at the ground reality, the practical situation.
02:24Arjun has just been delivered a shock, it's a root jolt, why would he feel grateful?
02:37His friend of 40 or 45 years, the one he thinks as intimately as the back of his hand,
03:06has suddenly displayed a totally unseen form to him.
03:15Why would Arjun feel grateful?
03:18And the form is not pleasant to talk with.
03:23The form is unnerving, violent.
03:36So Arjun is disturbed and he says, you return to your Chaturbhuj roop.
03:44That is far better, far more pleasant.
03:55How would you or anybody feel if one of your close friends displays a ferocious Radha roop to you?
04:09No, you would be shocked.
04:12So is Arjun.
04:17Krishan says that he has already slain Dhritarashtra and the others in the Kaurav party.
04:31The question is, does this mean that everything is preordained or is Krishan predicting the
04:38Krishan is just reiterating the principle of Karma.
04:49The ones who choose death will get death.
04:55Truth alone is immortal, all else is mortal.
05:01Therefore, all else is prone to death.
05:08The one who is not choosing truth has already chosen death.
05:14Death lies then not in the future but in the event of the choice.
05:24And Krishan makes it abundantly clear and repeatedly clear that you will get what you choose.
05:34When I will come to you as per your choice, when I will behave and reciprocate to you
05:41according to your inclination.
05:47So all the Kaurav warriors, by the dint of the very fact that they are standing opposite
05:55to Krishan, have chosen something that is not Krishan, obviously.
06:03Had they chosen Krishan, they would not have been found standing opposed to Krishan.
06:11So they had a choice to make and what is the choice that they have made?
06:18The choice is to oppose Krishan.
06:20Krishan is truth.
06:21The ones who have opposed Krishan have already chosen death for themselves and that's what
06:26Krishan is saying.
06:27Krishan is saying they have already chosen death.
06:32You simply act as the means to deliver to them what they have chosen for themselves.
06:45You are in a sense just carrying out their wishes.
06:49You are not even killing them.
06:56You are just bowing to their own desire.
07:05You are just fulfilling their will.
07:10That's what Krishan is saying here.
07:14And that's also a template on how to behave with people.
07:36Give them what they have chosen.
07:39That is spirituality and that is justice.
07:43If someone has chosen Krishan, your dharma is not to stop him or obstruct him on his
07:59way to Krishan.
08:04And if somebody has chosen death, then do not be unnecessarily worried or pained or
08:18saddened if he meets death.
08:23In fact if the situation so demands, you will become the means through which death will
08:30come to that person.
08:31That doesn't mean you have killed him.
08:35He chose death and remember that even Krishan cannot negate or override the choices made
08:50by you.
08:53Even Krishan keeps waiting for you to make the right choice.
09:01As long as you do not, Krishan can be at most a teacher, a guide, I may even say a supplicant.
09:10Just see what he is doing with Arjun.
09:14If Krishan is who he really is and if Krishan knows fully well that the Kaurava party is
09:22bound to be decimated, then why does he have to teach Arjun which is de facto pleading
09:29to fight the Kauravas?
09:35If Krishan is indeed the Lord himself and all-powerful, why does he have to repeatedly
09:48push Arjun, persuade him, may I say even beseech him?
09:58Krishan could have as well simply willed and the Kaurava party would have evaporated.
10:14Or Krishan could have simply ordered Arjun, I do not want to hear any arguments from you.
10:20Just fight and kill the damn fools.
10:25He does not do that.
10:26He waits for Arjun to understand.
10:29He waits for Arjun's free will to arise in favour of Krishan.
10:39In that sense, you see, Krishan is the tallest of all liberals.
10:52He believes in freedom of choice.
10:54He says, yes is yes, no is no.
10:57I am not going to force myself upon you, neither obviously I am going to ride roughshod on
11:11I am not going to order you.
11:17I will just keep speaking to you, speaking to you, trying to convince, trying to teach
11:22you till you come to a point where you can make the right choice.
11:35So it is about your choice.
11:39I have repeatedly said that your freedom to choose is so inherent and so inalienable to
11:48you that even Krishan cannot take it away.
11:56Even Krishan will have to wait for your consent.
12:03It is just that by delaying your consent, you aren't harming Krishan.
12:08You are just making a fool of yourself.
12:18He will keep knocking.
12:20He won't barge in.
12:23That is the thing with the free one.
12:26He respects freedom.
12:41You asked, is everything preordained or nothing is preordained?
12:47The principle of karma offers you great freedom.
12:55And when you talk of fatalism, when you talk of a pre-written script, when you talk of
13:02a preordained future, then you are talking of zero freedom.
13:08The principle of karma simply does not sit well with any kind of fatalistic argument.
13:18Nothing is preordained.
13:21Every moment you have the liberty to make a fresh choice.
13:25Nothing is preordained except your ultimate destiny which is to be liberated.
13:38All else is within your powers, within your control, within your judgment.
13:45You will get what you do.
13:52You shall sow and you shall reap.
14:03But when you are sowing those seeds, know fully well that you would be the one reaping
14:12And once they are sown, you cannot avoid reaping.
14:20That facility is not available.
14:24Having been the doer, you will have to be the one who bears the results and fruits of
14:40your actions, the doing.
14:49Krishna is saying they all are already dead, Bhishma and Drona and Karna and all.
14:57Not because Krishna has willed them to be dead, but because they have chosen to be dead.
15:05They have chosen to be dead by arranging themselves against Krishna.
15:12So it's your choice.
15:15Be very mindful.
15:18Be very cautious.
15:20See what you are doing.
15:23All choices ultimately boil down to either choosing Krishna or choosing against him.
15:32If you will pay attention to your choices, this is what you will see.
15:37Whenever you have to make a decision, at the core of the decision lies this divide.
15:46It might even be a very simple day-to-day decision.
15:50But that's what the decision would entail or contain at its core.
16:00What do you want to pick?
16:01Krishna or something else?
16:04And Krishna stands for truth.
16:08So be very cautious.
16:13You write your own fate.
16:19It's a needless right that has been given to man.
16:23Man is in no position to capably exercise that right, yet that right has been bestowed.
16:32In most cases, it turns out that it's quite unfortunate that man has the right to choose.
16:39But still, you cannot give up the right to choose.
16:43You can choose anything, but you cannot choose to not choose.
16:50You will have to choose.
16:52Even when you are choosing to not choose, it is still a choice.
16:57So as we said, it is an inalienable part of being human that you will have to continuously
17:06Moment to moment existence, human existence is a series of choices.
17:13Be very alert what's going on.
17:16Be very alert who is the doer.
17:20Be very alert who is the one who is receiving the experiences and all experiences are nothing
17:25but the results of doing.
