A Sexy Beauty Girl-Head to Toe Assessment

  • 2 days ago
Sexy Hot Beauty Girl Full Treatement
00:00so the ringing in my ears has probably been the past few months
00:07so at least a couple of months yeah
00:11any pain in your body while you're experiencing those symptoms mostly the pain is in my chest it
00:18just sort of a tightness okay and the tightness in your chest and the ear ringing did they happen
00:23at the same time often after exercise so every time i exercise i get the tightness in my chest
00:30and every time i go swimming i get the ringing in my ears okay
00:35and how often would you say you're swimming about three times a week
00:42any tingling sensations in your body your scalp
00:46your feet or your legs while you're experiencing those symptoms no
00:54okay and on a scale of one to ten how intense is the tightness in your chest
01:00probably a five or a six
01:08all right have you noticed any discharges in your ears any liquid or any um you know anything coming
01:15out of your ears well sometimes after i go swimming i'll sort of shake my head and then
01:20a little water will come out um but that's always been the case okay
01:30okay so let's go ahead and check your vital signs i'm gonna set this aside for now
01:53and i'll be asking you questions throughout the examination as well
02:00so i'm going to first start by taking your temperature to get a baseline of
02:07just where we stand on that so this is going to go over your forehead and behind your ear
02:18wonderful 97.9 so you do not have a fever
02:24and let's check the level of oxygenation in your body may i please have your index finger
02:32set this right there and you can just relax your hand
02:35and i'm going to go ahead and listen to your heart and lungs
02:46just breathe normally just taking a look and listen at your heart first
02:54checking for any murmurs
02:58no skipped beats
02:59okay normal sounds s1 and s2 are present
03:14i'm not hearing s3 and s4
03:19i'm listening at the bow side as well for the more superficial sounds
03:25okay good
03:30okay so heart is normal i'm going to go ahead and auscultate the lungs next
03:34take a deep breath in for me and out
03:40okay good you can just breathe normally now
03:43just breathe normally now
03:56wonderful so no crackling or wheezing lungs are clear oxygenation is 98
04:06which is also normal so i'm going to go ahead and make a note
04:14temperature was 97.5
04:20do you feel any tightness in your chest right now
04:27lung exam was normal heart sounds s1 and s2 present
04:34and i've got wonderful i'm gonna go ahead and take your pulse as well
04:44okay so just relax for me i'm also going to pay attention to your respiration while we're here
05:00okay it's about 85 beats per minute
05:05normal pulse
05:09and your respiration is about 15 breaths per minute which is normal
05:15wonderful you do have very cold hands is that normal for you yes i always get um
05:21coldness in my extremities so my hands my feet okay good if that's normal then there's no cause
05:27for concern
05:32because of normal respiration
05:41okay and how about your menstrual cycles are they pretty regular normal okay
05:50so that's normal sometimes the fluctuation in hormones can cause
05:54all sorts of complications like heart palpitations um even a coldness in your
06:01extremities but if that's normal for you and if you have regular cycles and
06:05i should not pose any problems
06:12okay i'm gonna go ahead and begin the head to toe assessment by just observing your body
06:19and making sure that i'm not missing any external signs i'm just gonna take a look at you
06:26and check for any bruises lesions colors that shouldn't be present
06:33abnormal moles you have quite a big mole over there that looks normal the well-defined borders
06:40one color do you get your skin checked out by a dermatologist on a regular basis
06:48somewhat regular good yeah i also have a lot of moles and i have to go in every six months and
06:56just compare compare them to the baseline to make sure nothing changed good all right
07:03let me see the inside of your arm
07:10so the color of your skin is uniform
07:12no discolorations present no scars no bruises
07:27no signs of palmar erythema or red palms
07:33capillary refills in less than three seconds
07:38no signs of nail clubbing or pinning
07:42okay any joint pain when i press down on your joint no good good and let's check this arm as well
07:58okay so that looks quite normal all right i'm gonna go ahead and assess your head and palpate
08:06and check for any lumps or bumps is it okay if i undo your ponytail here yes i don't want to hurt you
08:21and can i undo everything yes
08:25wonderful i'm just going to take a look at your scalp as well and just make sure that
08:32um i'm not missing anything or i'm not seeing anything abnormal that you otherwise would not
08:37be able to um it's the front usually you can see when you check yourself out in the mirror
08:41but the back and the sides not so much so if there are any skin abnormalities i will be able to spot them
08:52oh your hair is so soft i just washed it so it might be a little damp
09:00okay so that's fine
09:10okay and this side
09:40okay wonderful oh there's a little more in here
09:56so no abnormal breakages just a normal hair distribution on both sides
10:02i'm not seeing any signs of alopecia
10:14color of your scalp is appropriate to your ethnicity no patches of hair loss
10:36no signs of psoriasis or dermatitis
10:45i'm going to take a look in the back as well
10:52okay i'm not seeing any dandruff
10:58wonderful i'm gonna go ahead and palpate your head and just make sure i'm
11:06checking for any soft spongy areas or hard numbs or bumps
11:26any pain when i press down on your mastoid bone process behind here
11:36okay good
11:41so i'm not noting any abnormalities of
11:46the cranial area normal level of symmetry no lumps or bumps are present
12:04i'm gonna go ahead and inspect your ears normal ear oracle
12:12no discharges present
12:18any pain when i pull down on your ears no okay any pain when i pull up no all right good
12:27i'm gonna go ahead and just feel your face and just touch you
12:31you can keep your eyes closed and just let me know if you feel any pain
12:38checking for any lumps or bumps indentations
12:51all right
13:00eyebrows are symmetric good hair distribution no hair loss
13:05okay i'm gonna go ahead and do a little tapping on your face
13:20can you open your mouth a little bit yes perfect
13:26checking your jaw
13:31so face is normal
13:34okay can you look up for me
13:40taking a peek at your eyes no sign of any jaundice conjunctivitis pink and moist
13:47can you look down okay good perfect perfect and can you look forward for me straight up
13:55okay pupils around and reactive to light accommodating okay can you look at my nose
14:04perfect okay can you look at these fingers here and the light
14:10fingers right fingers perfect so synchronized movements
14:19sclera is white pupils around and reactive i'm gonna go ahead and palpate your eyes
14:24so keep your eyes closed okay checking for any lumps hidden in between
14:34the superficial level of the skin and your skull okay not present
14:42stick your sinuses
14:52the adenoid and sphenoid sinuses
14:57and the frontal
15:03maxillary sinuses in the front here not inflamed do you usually get a runny nose at all
15:10it depends on the time of year um so early spring i get very bad allergies
15:15and my nose is like a faucet it'll run all day um but most of the year i'm okay
15:22so let's go ahead and check your ears with my
15:29otoscope here so the pressure in your ears on a scale of one to ten when you feel it how
15:36intense is it where 10 is the most pain you've ever felt or the most pressure you've ever felt
15:42i'd say when it's at its worst it's between a six and a seven okay it's quite significant so i'm
15:49thinking you may have maybe an untreated chronic ear infection that maybe is not causing you too
15:54much trouble but it's present and therefore contributing to the symptoms so let's go ahead
16:00and check your ear canal and tympanic membrane i'm going to start with your right ear so if you
16:04can move your head towards your left let's go ahead and see if i can spot anything in
16:11in your ear canal sometimes untreated infections can just linger for a long time
16:22so you don't have any wax build-up bony landmarks are present tympanic membrane is quite clear
16:31no signs of any infection
16:35pearly gray color so no no infection i'm gonna go ahead and check this other ear as well
16:45okay so your right ear looks good let's check your left as well
16:54a little bit of wax build-up in the normal amount
17:00um only landmark is present
17:06no no infection here either so definitely physiologically your ears are okay
17:16okay so i'm gonna set this aside i'm just going to press on your ears a
17:21little harder than i did before and i want you to let me know if you have any pain okay
17:31okay and in the front
17:43not bad all right next up i'm going to do a quick hearing test okay and i want you
17:51to keep your eyes closed and just point towards the sound okay good
18:14all right let's take a look at your eyes next
18:21when is the last time you've had an eye exam done i believe one month ago
18:24i want to go and were there any findings or was it just normal it was normal i have to wear glasses
18:31when i drive but that's always been the case okay any eye discharge that's bothersome any
18:39so go ahead and look straight into the distance and i'm going to take a look inside of your eye
18:49okay that's perfect
18:54cornea appears normal
19:04can you look up for me down left and right perfect enough straight up
19:12good optic nerves are intact in both eyes all right i'm gonna go ahead and just
19:20touch your chest area and try to feel for any lumps or any bumps check your lymph nodes
19:26and see if there are any physical signs of anything wrong with your chest so just go
19:32ahead and relax for me i'm going to start by checking the supraclavicular lymph nodes
19:45can you shrug up for me
19:49okay good you can lower your shoulders and just relax
19:57just feeling for any lumps or bumps and checking the mobility of the lymph nodes
20:05but supraclavicular okay i'm checking the cervical lymph nodes on your neck next
20:15okay mobile barely palpable no inflammation
20:25right i'm going to check your pectoral and auxiliary lymph nodes as well right here
20:35okay pectoral
20:40okay and central in the middle nice so no enlargement noted let's do the same over here
20:50pectoral and auxiliary lateral and central good all right so no inflammation of the lymph nodes
21:03okay i'm gonna go ahead and check the dermatomes on your chest and dermatomes are area of the skin
21:13that are innervated by the same spinal nerve root and usually if there's something going on
21:18with the nerves in your spine that can trigger some abnormal reactions to the rest of your body
21:24so i'm going to go ahead and check the dermatomes on your chest
21:26so i'm going to do a test that's called sharp or dull may please have your palm so this is dull
21:33and this is sharp can you tell the difference good all right so i'll go ahead and close your
21:38eyes and see sharp or dull dull okay good dull sharp dull sharp dull sharp dull sharp dull
22:08dull sharp
22:14dull okay very well so no concerns with the dermatomes on your chest
22:21ears exam was normal eye exam was normal any problems with your nose or your throat i have not
22:30okay so let me go ahead and take a peek inside your mouth
22:43go ahead and open your mouth and see
22:47okay no cankers no sores no signs of a throat infection can you stick out your tongue for me
22:55normal tongue color and touch the top of your um the roof of your mouth with your tongue
23:01okay perfect so normal and i'm going to just palpate your nose next
23:08okay just checking for any pain any indentations take a deep breath in through your nose and out
23:16and out perfect and then the other one deep breath in good nostrils are not obstructed i'm
23:25not feeling anything abnormal with your nose so so far so good i'd like you to lay down so i can
23:30take a look at your tongue next okay okay mary rose is it okay if i lift up your top a little
23:39bit and lower your skirt you can keep your arms next to your body
23:47i'm gonna go ahead and expose the abdomen all right
23:56and first i'm just going to visually inspect
23:59and check for any skin abnormalities
24:10no discharge from the belly button present
24:16no abnormal colors no signs of traumatitis
24:24i'm going to go ahead and listen to the sounds of your internal organs
24:33and this may be a little cold so i do apologize okay good let's go ahead and breathe normally
24:55sounds are present in all four quadrants normal bowel sounds and
25:03no swooshing or gurgling sounds are abnormal
25:12excellent so that's quite normal
25:16i'm going to go ahead and palpate next um can you lift your legs a little bit yes
25:24okay perfect so that we're not placing any pressure on your
25:28abdominal muscles so go ahead and relax i'm going to do just a light palpation
25:38checking for any masses
25:45and checking the size of your stomach
25:49good that's normal the liver on the right side that's normal
25:59okay the spleen
26:05quite good all right
26:13and checking the pmi the point of maximum
26:18impulse where i'm able to feel your cardiac pulse
26:29all right let's go ahead and take a look at your legs and feet next
26:33okay very rose i'm going to check your legs for any signs of edema first
26:53patient does not indicate any pain and i'm not feeling any swelling of the legs
27:03no signs of any edema in the calves muscles
27:07i'm going to go ahead and touch the plantar region and palpate for any pain
27:24i'm gonna go ahead and inspect in between the toes
27:36capillary refills within two seconds
27:42no nail clubbing or pinning present
27:47skin is normal on the left foot no discoloration no signs of dermatitis
28:05capillary refills and then one to three seconds
28:13skin is normal
28:18nails are normal
28:21i'm gonna go ahead and take a couple of measurements
28:29about eight and a half inches across the
28:33plantar region three and a half so a little bit of an asymmetry here in the width
28:42three across the plantar region three and a half so a little bit of an asymmetry here in the width
