Sexy Girl Valerie Adventures

  • yesterday
A Sexy Beauty Girl Adventure Trips


00:00Hello everyone and welcome back. One breathtaking place follows the next.
00:03After the Ferrytail Canyon I drove to the most beautiful place at Issyk-Kul Lake
00:07where I spent the night in a yurt camp and then admired the Aksai Canyon in its full splendor.
00:12Of course I could not not camp there. It was probably the most beautiful evening I spent in Kyrgyzstan.
00:18Let's go to Aksai. There's another canyon.
00:33Aksai is one hour away from the Ferrytail Canyon. As always I tried to hitchhike but this time it
00:38took a bit too long and I decided to go with a Maschutka. The bus is here in Kyrgyzstan.
00:44The one I took only went to Bokonbayevo so for the last bit I hitchhiked again.
00:54Once I arrived in Aksai I tried again my strategy of leaving my big backpack behind
00:59because I didn't want to carry it on the hike but the shops were very small and they didn't
01:04have so much space so they wouldn't take it. But you know me I always find a solution and
01:10my idea was to go to a random house and ask if they could help me with this.
01:14Trust is the cornerstone of how I travel. I believe in the friendliness and the goodwill
01:19of the people and I have almost never been disappointed. I even left my laptop with this woman.
01:25Yeah found a friendly family. I left my stuff there. I have enough water for today and tomorrow.
01:33It's gonna be a two-hour hike. That's what says. But I don't know what time. It's gonna be
01:40dark today so I might not make it but then I will do the rest tomorrow. And then I'm done with the
01:46canyons here. They're everywhere. All along the road you could see these rock formations. Canyon
01:51like shaped mountains. Very very beautiful. In the meantime I'm having my dinner. Fried dough with
02:00potatoes inside. It's a good snack for the train.
02:06I was advised to take a taxi through the canyon to the yurt camps at Issyk-Kul Lake. I think it
02:11would have been around 12 euros but I was pretty sure that I would be at least one car going the
02:16same direction.
02:32There's a car.
02:47Hello. Do you go this direction? But you have no space right? Yeah we probably can make some if we try.
02:57Meet Nick and Ayuna, a couple from Russia. They were on the way to a yurt camp by the lake and
03:01scooped me up in their car. Something stupid happened on the way. A rock got stuck under the
03:06car and we couldn't get rid of it until a man who came by in his small truck helped us with his equipment.
03:17The rock.
03:41When we arrived at a yurt camp I asked the owner whether it's okay if I set up my tent on the beach
03:46and he replied of course. You can also use a shower and a toilet for free.
03:50But not only that he also offered me to sleep in an empty yurt because they got a cancellation that night.
04:00That was already so much more than I asked for but on top of that
04:04they also fed me with dinner and breakfast.
04:10It's crazy how much Issyk-Kul Lake looks like the ocean. I constantly have to remind myself that this
04:15is a lake. This yurt camp has such a cool vibe. Lovely family running it, beach, kayak, super clean
04:23and comfortable yurts and you can even book an eagle show. Usually they're completely booked out
04:28and I absolutely understand why but definitely recommend staying here. It's called Feel Nomad Yurt Camp.
04:35They are so sweet. I told them I can't stay for lunch because I have my bread with me and
04:41I want to go to the viewpoint in the canyon and they got me this lunchbox. I tried hard to offer them
04:47money for at least the dinner and the breakfast this morning but they would not accept anything
04:52and I didn't even tell them about my Instagram. They were just super friendly. They were just
04:56impressed that I came here on my own and on food so they wanted to invite me. I'm blown away by
05:04those people. Look, such a cute lunch package for me. Thank you. I left the camp again together
05:11with Nick and Ayuna. They also went back and offered to take me to the beginning of the canyon.
05:15I will miss them so much. Illich and his family were the purest.
05:18Bye-bye. My heart is so full. All the people that helped me today and yesterday.
05:36Somehow Kyrgyzstan doesn't want to take my money. I get invited here everywhere. I don't know how I
05:42deserve this. It's incredible. The shower was really really good. I haven't had a shower in three
05:49days I think. I mean okay I swam in the lake but not a real shower. Starting from the yurt camp it's
05:55a one hour walk to the main viewpoint of the canyon or it's 30 minutes on foot from the place
06:00where I got dropped off. I try not to look at it before I'm there. Oh my god. What?
06:13What? Is this real? What?
07:06I'm again in disbelief that this place exists.
07:10Okay I love this place so much. I need to spend another night here camping with this view in the
07:17morning and for sunset. But I left my bags at the lady's place and told her I'll be back today.
07:25I think she might understand that I probably fell in love with the place and I want to stay another
07:32night. So I think this will not stop me from staying here. And also I quickly checked my
07:37drafted schedule where I roughly write down where I could be at what day just to have an
07:43understanding how much time it would take me to see everything I want to see. And I'm still a bit
07:50flexible so I will take my time here. Oh it's so beautiful. Now I have to go back a little bit
08:03because I thought I was smart enough to leave my heavy stuff at the beginning of the trail like my
08:09bottles of water and my tent and so on. And now that I actually want to camp here of course I
08:15have to bring it back up. You know what time of the day it is. I will search for a sleeping spot now.
08:27I'm realizing once again that canyons and their sharp edges are just not suitable for camping
08:32but I won't give up so quickly. And there it is the flattest spot I found.
09:01this is the face of a happy girl.
09:02Delicious. In case I feel lonely I will text this number here. Just kidding I have no connection.
09:50what a wonderful date with myself. Being here on my own watching the sunset it was just amazing.
09:58I love how every night I spend in my tent the sky is clear and I can always see the stars.
10:18I have never ever seen mountains like that before in this formation.
10:22Aksai canyon is truly unique. Like a frozen ocean storm with crashing waves.
10:28The mountains look so different at any time of the day and depending on the light.
10:34And once again I was the only sailor who set sail.
10:52I'm packed up. It's time to leave. Props to myself that I stayed another night.
11:08If not I really would have regretted it.
11:22Oh so I need to go to the yurt camp one more time because I forgot my charging cable there
11:29and it's a good opportunity to say hello again and I have no water left so I will ask them if I can buy some water.
11:47I came across a family that was just building up the yurt for their summer vacations.
11:52Really interesting to watch how a yurt is set up from scratch.
12:22Kochkohl? Kochkohl? Kochkohl?
12:28Oh thank you so much. In Kyrgyzstan I've learned to drink tea with jam. It's so good.
12:39Okay now I'm leaving this place for real.
12:41Jana the driver of the yurt camp insisted on bringing me back to the main road.
12:45There I had bought muffins and a sweet cake for the family that kept an eye on my backpack.
12:52Oh yeah that's the right one.
12:56Hey I have this for you.
13:00Thank you so much. Thank you for your help.
13:11That was it for this episode. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.
13:16And give me a thumb up if you liked it. If not don't do anything. Please subscribe. Have a great day.
