According to Google searches, solo dining and travel is on the up - would you ever consider going alone whether it be dining, travelling or something else or would you feel self conscious solo?
00:00I have certainly eaten on my own, but that's because I'm either working away or away from my family, wife, kids.
00:08So I would if I had to.
00:13What would you think if you saw someone perhaps eating on their own or on holiday alone?
00:17What would that make you think?
00:20I'd find it quite intriguing, really.
00:22I'd want to find out why that why you know what their circumstances were.
00:27But I wouldn't I wouldn't think of them negatively.
00:30But I think if I've done it before, you just need to be really careful, especially if you're a girl.
00:37So I wouldn't I wouldn't go to a place where I know can be dangerous in general.
00:44But also if I was in a city that is meant to be safe.
00:47I've done solo dining when I've been on my own for work, solo traveling.
00:54Yeah, I've spent time on my own when traveling.
00:57I'm not sure that I would actively go off and do it by myself, though.