Sueños de libertad Cap 164 (14-10-24)

  • 15 hours ago


00:18Oh, yeah
02:00Indian cuenta que mi querida esposa deja por mi hermano
02:07Que me han echado del trabajo que más así que me han desheredado y que toda mi familia me odia
02:15Como me parece lo que estoy viviendo la verdad
02:19Y si a todo eso le sumamos que mi padre cree que puede comprar a mi hija a golpe de talonario
02:25apaga y vámonos
02:27Cuando llegó a ofrecerme dos millones de pesetas
02:32Reconozco que no estuve muy fino a ella
02:36Pero lo que tienes que entender es que cargar contra los demás no te va a ayudar
02:42Y beber menos aún ayer parecía una mejor idea así
02:48Hijo yo sé que
02:51Está pasando por un momento muy duro pero no tienes por qué esforzarte en aparentar que estás bien
02:59Pues no no lo estoy evidentemente que no
03:03Y no sé qué es lo que me perturba más
03:06si pensar en lo solo que estoy
03:09o martirizar me todo lo que he hecho mal
03:12los remordimientos
03:14atacan de noche siempre
03:17y el alcohol
03:19no acaba con ellos
03:21antes acaba contigo
03:23y sé de lo que hablo
03:25No tema padre, mala hierba nunca muere
03:31Recinismo y la ironía no son la mejor vía hijo y la autocompasión mucho menos
03:37Concéntrate en las cosas buenas que tiene tu vida
03:43Para eso tendría que retroceder unos cuantos meses e incluso años
03:49Pues hazlo
03:52Piensa en qué hacías entonces para que tu vida fuese feliz
03:56Seguramente no ser quién soy ahora
04:01Mi alma murió el día que descubrí el romance de Valentín y Clotilde
04:07No vuelto a ser el mismo desde entonces ya
04:11Ser consciente es el primer paso para ponerle remedio
04:21Sus muertes, el daño que le he hecho a Begoña
04:26He llegado a pensar que estoy maldito padre
04:31Y que estoy condenado a vivir sin amor
04:36Hay que encontrarla como sea. Sí, por eso he venido Digna, porque quiero saber si estás dispuesta a ayudarme. Eso no se pregunta Begoña
04:45Tú tienes ya la forma de averiguar dónde puede estar. Yo no tengo ni idea
04:51Ayer en el internado de Sigüenza no me quisieron dar ningún dato solamente me dijeron que la niña había sido trasladada esa mañana nada más
04:57Cómo se puede ser tan cruel
05:00Jugar con los sentimientos de una niña tan pequeña
05:04La culpa es mía Digna
05:06Jesús hace todo esto sólo para castigarme. Para castigarte a ti, a Damián, a mí
05:15Hay algo que debemos hacer
05:17Si vamos a embarcarnos juntas en esto. Claro, lo que sea
05:22Sin cerrarnos tú y yo. Ya hemos tenido demasiados secretos. ¿A qué te refieres?
05:30Desde hace algún tiempo
05:34Sé que Julia es mi nieta
05:40Begoña te amaba cuando se casó contigo
05:43Vuestro enlace estaba lleno de amor. Fuisteis durante meses una pareja de enamorados. Saltaban la vista
05:53Pero era demasiado bonito como para ser verdad y me empeñé en boicotearlo
05:59Pues arréglalo
06:01Vuelva a ser el Jesús que consiguió enamorar a Begoña
06:05Ya es tarde para eso
06:12Y sobre todo que no sé cómo se le hace algo así
06:21De entrada
06:22deja a un lado el rencor
06:25Ese es un sentimiento que ya no se ha quitado demasiado, hijo. Es que por más que lo intente no
06:30no voy a olvidar la infidelidad de Begoña
06:34Y aunque lo hiciera no podría perdonarla
06:38Tú siempre has conseguido todo lo que te has propuesto
06:44En cuestión de mujeres solo he conseguido ser odiado
06:48Inténtalo hijo, aunque estés al tiempo. No insista, no me venga de padre comprensivo ahora. Begoña me odia
06:59Lo siento mucho
07:02Ojalá supiera qué hacer para ayudarte
07:07Ayudarme usted a mí
07:10Después de haberle arruinado su felicidad
07:19No puedo evitarlo, hijo. No puedo evitarlo
07:30Sube y acuéstate. Por experiencia sé que este sillón es muy incómodo. Debería haberlo cambiado hace mucho tiempo
07:39No, me daré una ducha para despejarme y ya. Tengo cosas que hacer
07:59Buenos días, patrón. Le estaba buscando. Tiene un momento
08:04Quería consultarle si puedo disponer de la tarde libre. El marido de mi prima ha muerto y lo
08:10lo entierran esta tarde en Guadamur
08:12Sí, claro, por supuesto
08:15Lo siento. Dale el pésame a tu prima a mi parte. Sí, yo también lo siento Isidro
08:20Muchas gracias, patrón
08:22No hay por qué darlas
08:41Fue una gran alegría
08:44Saber que Julia es hija de mi hijo Valentín justo después de enterarme de que él había muerto
08:52Fue un gran consuelo para mí
08:55No te guardo rencor
09:01Esa niña es una Merino
09:05Y voy a hacer todo lo posible para encontrarla. No sabes cómo me alegra oírte hablar así
09:16Voy a recuperar todo lo que es nuestro. Empezaré por la fábrica
09:25Y luego voy a recuperar a mi nieta
09:30¿Por dónde empezamos?
09:32No tengo ni idea. Es que todo pasa por Jesús y
09:39Bueno, yo ya no vivo con él, Digna. Hace tiempo que no tenemos contacto
09:46Sí, algo había oído
09:51No estaba aquí el día que te fuiste
09:54Pero sé que estás viviendo en el dispensario
09:57Y no hace falta que me expliques por qué, porque te entiendo perfectamente
10:02No, Digna
10:04Prefiero que lo sepas por mí
10:10Andrés y yo estamos enamorados
10:13Hemos intentado ponernos a lo que sentimos pero
10:17Pero no hemos podido
10:20Y Jesús y María lo saben
10:26No dices nada
10:29Ahora comprendo por qué piensas que Jesús utiliza a la niña para hacerte daño
10:37No sé, Digna, tal vez podamos pedirle ayuda a Andrés
10:40Él puede mirar en la agenda de Jesús para ver si encuentra alguna pista sobre el nuevo internado, ¿no crees?
10:45Sí, claro
10:47Tenemos que traer a la niña de vuelta
10:49Jesús está convencido de que yo también volveré
10:52Sabe que sería incapaz de dejar a Julia atrás por irme con Andrés
10:58Pero mi Julia es mi hija
11:10Ya sé que hay mucho trabajo el que hay que hacer pero también hay mucho lo que nos estamos jugando
11:14Así que en cuanto termine todo nos vamos todos al centro de Toledo y nos pegamos un buen homenaje, ¿qué os parece?
11:19Así que ahora todo el mundo a trabajar, vamos familia
11:22Pero bueno, señor gerente
11:25Mi máxima enhorabuena, no había tenido tiempo de felicitarte
11:27Muchas gracias, veo que las noticias vuelan
11:29Bueno, ya sabes que esto es como un patio de vecinas prácticamente
11:32¿Y ahora qué? ¿Tengo que empezar a tratarte de usted o cómo?
11:36Déjate de gaitas y dime cómo van las cosas por aquí, va
11:38Bueno, pues aquí ya está todo organizado para que en cuanto las remesas de esencias de la reina estén listas
11:43Pues se empaqueten y empiecen con su distribución
11:45Mira, aquí tienes la organización de los últimos turnos
11:49Si te fijas, he solapado todos los horarios para que en el cambio de turno no se pierdan ni un solo minuto
11:55Muy buena idea, Tassio
11:57¿De verdad te lo parece?
11:59Sí, muy buena idea
12:02Vamos a empezar a implantarla y luego vamos a empezar a trabajar
12:05¿Qué tal?
12:07¿Qué tal?
12:09¿Qué tal?
12:11¿Qué tal?
12:13Vamos a empezar a implantarla desde hoy mismo
12:18¿Y les has dicho a los trabajadores que se les va a pagar las horas extras?
12:21Sí, sí, y en cuanto se la dije, un poco más y empiezan a aplaudir con las orejas
12:25No es algo que se estile, la verdad
12:27Muy bien, pues diles también que a partir de ahora las cosas se van a hacer como se tienen que hacer
12:35¿Qué he dicho?
12:37No, no, nada, nada
12:40Vistes como un jefe, hablas como uno de ellos
12:44Joaquín, cuidado, que ya sabes quién tiene la última palabra aquí en la empresa
12:48Pues van a tener que empezar a tener en cuenta la mía
12:50Bueno, bueno, menos lobos, eh, Joaquín
12:52Mira, Tassio, tarde o temprano te vas a enterar, así que...
12:56¿Qué más da que te lo diga yo?
12:58¿De qué?
13:00Soy el dueño de un 20% de perfumerías de La Reina
13:04¿El dueño?
13:06Yo pensaba que eras el gerente
13:08Pues ya ves, una parte de esta empresa me pertenece
13:12Los Merino hemos recuperado lo que un día fue de nuestro padre
13:18No sé qué decirte
13:20Pues ahora sí que sí voy a tener que empezar a tratarte de usted
13:26Nos vemos luego
13:28Un perfume habla de nosotros
13:30Los aromas que nos atraen
13:32Pueden decir muchas cosas de uno mismo
13:34Que ya nos vamos conociendo un poco más
13:36¿Tú podrías saber cómo soy por el perfume que llevo?
13:40Bueno, es una manera de hablar
13:42Yo te lo digo
13:44Soy una mujer apasionada que sabe reconocer lo que quiere cuando lo tiene delante
13:48¿Y tú?
13:50¿Y tú?
13:52¿Y tú?
13:54¿Y tú?
13:56¿Y tú?
13:59Pues le pongo la fragancia
14:02Y le voy a regalar una muestra de crema de manos
14:06¿Ha falta de otra cosa?
14:08Dos de pesetas serían
14:10Muy bien
14:12¿Qué dese el cambio?
14:14Muchas gracias, muy amable
14:19Hasta luego
14:20Hasta pronto, gracias
14:22¡Hasta luego!
14:26Tacho, you were about to fall, huh?
14:29What do you mean?
14:30Come on, Acinto, it's not the first time you've come.
14:33I was devouring you with my eyes.
14:35Your girlfriend has to be very proud of you.
14:37Because someone else in your place wouldn't have resisted so much.
14:40Well, we'll tell her when she has it.
14:42But for now, I'm free and uncompromising.
14:44Don't tell me you're single, Acinto.
14:46Well, it doesn't suit you at all, huh?
14:48With how flirty you are.
14:52Just so you know, you've found yourself a suitor.
14:56But things aren't that easy.
14:58Come on, don't tell me you didn't like it, Acinto.
15:00Especially if it's a client.
15:06Well, you and I are going to get to work.
15:09We have a lot of work ahead of us today.
15:12Yes, yes.
15:14Come on.
15:23Father, if you have a moment, I'd like to tell you something.
15:26Oh, yes, please.
15:31It's about my marriage.
15:35After informing Maria and before her voice is heard,
15:38I'd like to do it in person.
15:41I'm going to ask for the ecclesiastical annulment of my marriage.
15:45And Begoña will do it too.
15:47Don't say weird things.
15:49What kind of madness is that?
15:51Yes, maybe it is.
15:53And it's not easy for the ecclesiastical court to give it to us either.
15:56So what's the point of insisting on an impossible?
15:59Our marriages are two failed unions.
16:02And we don't lose anything by trying to prove it in front of a court.
16:05Yes, you lose. You lose time and you lose money.
16:07Begoña maybe, but you...
16:09You don't have anything.
16:11You don't have anything.
16:13You don't have anything.
16:16Don't you have anything to say to cancel your marriage with Maria?
16:20No, I don't.
16:22Well, then what do you intend to do with this?
16:25To fill the path to be able to get married in the future.
16:29What do you mean, get married?
16:32Get married? Begoña and you?
16:35Who else?
16:37Come on, shut up.
16:39That's an aberration to begin with.
16:41On the contrary, Father.
16:43We have to formalize something that already exists between us.
16:49Well, thank you very much for your purchase.
16:51And thank you very much also for participating in the raffle.
16:53I remind you that it will be celebrated in the canteen in the next few days.
16:55Have a good day.
16:57See you later.
17:04Good morning.
17:06Good morning.
17:08How can I help you?
17:10Look, I'm not going to go around erasing the branches.
17:12It's nothing, girl. I've come to talk to you.
17:16Yes, I'll be very brief.
17:18I'm a little confused.
17:21And I need to know what to do with you.
17:24I don't know what you mean.
17:26You're not even as far as Inés had painted you.
17:30His wife believes that I am only an interest.
17:33I would have thought the same, given your condition.
17:36But when I rejected that white boy that my wife offered you,
17:39I started to have doubts.
17:41So I've come to talk to Mr. Agustín.
17:43With Mr. Agustín?
17:49Calm down, Claudia, and please listen to me.
17:51Listen to him? What does he want me to listen to?
17:53That I'm a stray sheep, that I don't listen to the desires of the Lord?
17:56I don't know.
17:57None of that, believe me.
17:59I needed to have an impartial vision like his.
18:01And I'm glad I did.
18:03Let me know what he told you.
18:05The parish knows my son very well.
18:07He has confirmed to me that despite the mistake of the pregnancy,
18:10you have a good heart.
18:12Very pure.
18:13But he has also told me that Mateo wanted to marry you
18:17before ordering the priest and that you rejected him.
18:20May I know why?
18:22Well, because that marriage proposal had nothing to do with the one now.
18:26Before it was to cover my pregnancy and now we really love each other.
18:29We are in love.
18:32The parish is right. You are a good girl.
18:35Mateo is a good man.
18:38Look, I know you think that because of my humble origins,
18:41I don't deserve Mateo's love.
18:44But all I want is to make him happy.
18:47And that should be enough.
18:50It's hard to believe.
18:52There is no one as pure and disinterested.
18:55Well, maybe not in his world.
18:57But there are things beyond that are unknown.
19:01Good morning. I'll be right there.
19:06Good morning.
19:12You have lost the trial.
19:15And you say that Maria is aware.
19:18I suppose she will oppose this insensitivity.
19:22Yes, she has taken it very badly.
19:23Man, how do you want her to take it?
19:25I don't understand you, son. I don't understand you.
19:27What do you want, Begoña and you?
19:29Don't we have enough trouble at home already?
19:31We have talked to a lawyer and we have decided.
19:34The process is much easier if the spouses do not oppose the nobility.
19:38And Jesus also knows?
19:40Not yet.
19:41Well, better.
19:43Because this nonsense ends here and now.
19:46Father, I don't understand.
19:48After preventing Jesus from denouncing Begoña for adultery,
19:50I thought he was on our side.
19:52How am I going to be?
19:53Begoña is the wife of your brother.
19:55But she loves me and I love her.
19:57Marriage is a sacred bond that must be respected.
20:01As you respect it, so does your sister-in-law.
20:04Don't compare. I am a widow.
20:06I would never have tried anything worthy if I saw your mother.
20:09You did something worse.
20:11You dragged your husband to suicide.
20:13Did you do it for the company or to get rid of your competitor?
20:17I don't allow you to talk to me like that.
20:21Do you understand?
20:24I'm sorry.
20:26But at least I ask you not to teach me morality.
20:28Okay, I'm not going to teach you morality.
20:30But think about reputation.
20:33Don't you see the scandal that would be caused if I knew this?
20:37The name of the family and the company would be in the mouth of everyone.
20:41So that's why.
20:43In the end, you have to keep your reputation.
20:44Don't be naïve.
20:46I don't set the rules of the market.
20:48But in this family, we all live from the same thing.
20:50From sales.
20:52Thanks for the economy lesson.
20:54It is clear that talking to you is like talking to the Bank of England.
21:04THE END
21:08This afternoon the expansion of the Arenal store is inaugurated.
21:11And, in representation of Perfumerías de la Reina,
21:15they asked me to go.
21:19Congratulations, Carmen.
21:20That's great.
21:22Every job has its reward.
21:24Well, this is the result of teamwork.
21:26Which reminds me that I wanted to congratulate you.
21:28All three of you.
21:30You have finally made the store work as it should.
21:33You make a great team.
21:35I'm sorry to have given you so much trouble.
21:37But you have taught me a lot.
21:39Well, you also had to put up with yours.
21:42It's normal when you get to a team that is as united as you.
21:45Well, the truth is that now that time has passed,
21:47I can't imagine anyone else who has a job.
21:50Me neither.
21:52You have made me feel one more among you.
21:55Oh, don't forget.
21:56As you have already passed the probation period,
21:58you can use the rooms in La Colonia.
22:00Yes, it's not a great luxury,
22:02but having it so close to the store is an advantage.
22:05Well, if you are as lucky as I am,
22:06instead of colleagues, you will find brothers.
22:10Well, it's a very tempting offer, but...
22:13I think that, for now,
22:14I prefer to continue sharing a flat with a friend of mine.
22:17We met at the pension where I stayed at the beginning.
22:19But, well, I'm going to think about it.
22:20I'll give it a try.
22:22You know how you have that flat, huh, Jacinto?
22:24Oh, you would be surprised,
22:25because we got along very well.
22:27I cook and Luciano is in charge of cleaning.
22:30It's a bit of everything, isn't it?
22:32It's his specialty.
22:34I'll take it.
22:37Oh, girl.
22:38I happened to tell you
22:40that a client came here to the store to buy
22:43and Jacinto attended her.
22:45He started to throw the dishes at her,
22:46but in a way you couldn't imagine.
22:49And Jacinto went crazy.
22:51He told me he didn't have a girlfriend.
22:54A bit weird, isn't it?
22:55Because the woman was gorgeous.
22:57Claudia, my God.
23:01Don't tell me you're thinking the same as me.
23:04Man, there's no doubt, no.
23:06I don't know, Carmen.
23:07With this,
23:08the first impressions,
23:10I haven't noticed much.
23:12Let's see, girl.
23:13He likes perfumes.
23:15He doesn't have a girlfriend.
23:16He lives with some guys.
23:17He likes women.
23:19He likes men, right?
23:21But what?
23:22Oh, shut up, shut up, shut up.
23:24Yes, I was already seeing him.
23:26He was very weird, wasn't he?
23:27But I say,
23:29here in Toledo,
23:30how weird, isn't it?
23:32Girl, it was Mena's lady
23:34who wants to send a lot of baby care
23:36for her daughter.
23:37I'll go with you to prepare it.
23:39Let's go.
23:43Do you really believe it?
23:45Oh, Claudia.
23:47Because Mrs. Mena always asks for this.
23:49Yes, and talco de pequeño rey, she told me.
23:51Oh, yes, but we won't have any at the store.
23:53We'll have to go to the package shop.
23:55Thank you very much for coming.
23:56We'll call you.
23:59See you later.
24:03Tell me you know a good secretary
24:04and save me from this torture,
24:05I beg you, please.
24:07I'm afraid not.
24:10I came to see if you could
24:12stop by the lab for a moment
24:13to smell some samples of a new perfume.
24:15Yes, man.
24:16I'm here for samples.
24:19How's the selection process going?
24:20Well, I have no idea.
24:22They're all very qualified,
24:24but when it comes to the interview,
24:25I don't even know what to ask them.
24:27Will there be any that stand out
24:28above the others, I mean?
24:30All of them, all of them are valid,
24:32except these two here,
24:34one doesn't speak French
24:36and the other doesn't have much experience.
24:39The others are valid.
24:40Well, why don't you pick
24:42one of the others that are valid
24:44and hire her and that's it?
24:45Let me see the labor history.
24:49This last one, for example.
24:51Where is it?
24:52The first one.
24:55Hey, look at you.
24:56Very complete, isn't it?
24:58What do you think?
25:01I don't know, Luis.
25:02I think it's serious
25:03and has a lot of experience.
25:05Well, perfect.
25:06So you'll keep this one and that's it.
25:09You're right.
25:10I can't keep this one.
25:11Is there any other candidate left?
25:12No, the truth is
25:13I haven't met any.
25:14Well, that's it.
25:15I've decided.
25:16I'll keep this one.
25:19Good morning.
25:20Good morning.
25:21I was asking about Mr. Joaquín Merino.
25:23It's me.
25:25I'm here for the interview
25:26for the position of secretary.
25:27I'm Miriam Velasco.
25:29Nice to meet you, Miss Velasco.
25:31But we've already closed
25:32the interview shift.
25:34But it can't be.
25:35I came the day and the hour
25:36when I was invited.
25:39But I'm very sorry.
25:41We've already found
25:42the candidate we were looking for
25:43and the square is occupied.
25:46I don't think it's serious
25:47to make me come all the way here.
25:48Not at all.
25:50Where are you from?
25:51From Madrid.
25:52But the first bus stops
25:53in all the towns.
25:54And to top it off,
25:55as it was delayed
25:56and I lost the connection
25:57that brought me here,
25:58I've left a lot of money
25:59in a taxi to arrive on time.
26:00Of course.
26:01Well, if you want,
26:02I can reimburse you
26:03for the cost of the trip.
26:04It's not necessary.
26:07But you could do the interview for me.
26:08That way, at least,
26:09I wouldn't have the feeling
26:10of having made the trip in vain.
26:18You know what?
26:19You're right.
26:21The least I can do for you
26:23is interview you.
26:24Sit down, please.
26:28Well, I'll leave you.
26:31I have things to do.
26:32We'll talk later.
26:43If you're going to ask me
26:44about Julia,
26:45I haven't been able
26:46to find out anything.
26:48What happened?
26:50In a few weeks,
26:51things get complicated
26:52in these parts
26:53without any remedy.
26:55Now Andrés is also
26:56revealing himself to me,
26:57planning something crazy.
26:59The marriage annulment.
27:01I know it because of Begoña.
27:03Jesus has united us
27:04by separating us from Julia.
27:05And what do you think?
27:07I think that now,
27:08more than ever,
27:09your children are facing
27:10Jesus on one side
27:11and Andrés on the other.
27:12You see,
27:13I'm very clear
27:14about who I would lean on.
27:16I see.
27:18Dina, things aren't that easy.
27:20No, they're not.
27:22But this house
27:23is full of unhappiness.
27:27we'll have to find a remedy.
27:35I see you've been working
27:36in a printing house for a few years.
27:37Gráfica Rodolfo.
27:39It's a big company.
27:41Well, the work
27:42the printing house does
27:44is useful for our position.
27:46What do you know about perfumes?
27:48I usually use La Reina's perfume
27:49water from Colonia de Perfumerías.
27:51I love La Reina's essences,
27:53but it's a bit out
27:54of my possibilities.
27:56But I learn very quickly.
27:57I didn't know anything
27:58about inks, papers
27:59or typographies
28:00and now I'm an expert.
28:01I have no doubt.
28:03But if it's so good
28:04in the printing house,
28:05why do you want to leave?
28:07To change the sector.
28:08To try new things.
28:11the printing house
28:12is a very masculine sector.
28:14Of course.
28:16But the logical thing
28:17would be to look for a job in Madrid.
28:19There's a lot more offer
28:20and it's closer to you,
28:21no doubt.
28:23The distances in Madrid
28:24end up being part
28:25of my free time.
28:27I wanted to live
28:28in a quieter place.
28:29I always liked Toledo
28:30when my parents brought me
28:31when I was little.
28:32The truth is
28:33it's a wonderful city.
28:34Very well, Miss Velasco.
28:36I, for my part,
28:37have no more questions.
28:39Thank you very much for coming.
28:44Thank you very much
28:45for interviewing me.
28:47I hope that,
28:48even if you've already
28:49chosen a lucky one,
28:50you really value me
28:51for the next vacation.
28:53Count on it.
28:55Thank you very much.
29:02Good morning.
29:03Good morning.
29:07Good morning.
29:17Very well.
29:18I see that you're
29:19done with the project.
29:20Do you need to ask
29:21any more questions
29:22or can we move on?
29:23The truth is, yes.
29:24It's not technical,
29:25but it's something
29:26that has caught my attention.
29:28You're not only satisfied
29:29with the swimming pool business,
29:30but you also propose
29:31to launch
29:32a line of cosmetics
29:33associated with thermal waters.
29:35And of course,
29:37you're putting your father
29:38in competition.
29:40Because, in reality,
29:41that's not part of the project,
29:42is it?
29:43Well, I wouldn't call it
29:44exactly like that.
29:45It's more like
29:47I see.
29:49And why didn't you tell me
29:50that you'd been fired
29:51from La Reina's perfumes?
29:54it must have been
29:55very serious
29:56because no one
29:57has fired a son
29:58from the business
29:59like that.
30:00Who told my father?
30:02A businessman.
30:04You wouldn't think
30:05he'd make millions
30:06without investigating first.
30:08I'm sure you've also
30:09had your disagreements
30:10with Mateo.
30:11You know that sometimes
30:12relationships with children
30:13get twisted.
30:14Are you going to launch
30:15a business
30:16to compete with him?
30:18You're doing this
30:19to get revenge.
30:20Let's say
30:21my father and I
30:22have different ways
30:23of looking at the business
30:24and I just want to prove
30:25he's wrong.
30:26Are you using me
30:27for a personal war?
30:29Don Pedro,
30:30I've offered you
30:31to be my partner
30:32to launch a business
30:33and make money with it.
30:34That's all.
30:35And you know
30:36it's a good business.
30:38I won't deny it.
30:40But as good as
30:41it is to be friends
30:42with Damián de la Reina.
30:44I admire your father
30:46and I wouldn't like
30:47to have an enemy.
30:50Getting to the top
30:51means winning
30:52some enemies.
30:53But I assure you
30:54I can help you
30:55carry that burden.
30:58All right.
31:00I'll accept
31:01on one condition.
31:02That we both contribute
31:03a part of the capital.
31:05Well, my contribution
31:06is the land and the project.
31:07They're the foundation
31:08of the business
31:09and have a very high
31:10economic value.
31:11But it doesn't cover
31:12the risk of investment.
31:14if you have so much faith
31:15in the business,
31:16what problem do you have
31:17in investing money in it?
31:19And how much
31:20would we be talking about?
31:23A third
31:24of the initial investment.
31:41And this, ladies and gentlemen,
31:42has been the second prize.
31:43A fantastic pot
31:44of porcelain
31:45that our dear
31:46friend David
31:47takes home.
31:48A round of applause for him.
31:53And now,
31:54the most awaited moment
31:55of the day.
31:56The final prize.
31:57Miss Claudia,
31:58please proceed.
32:00Those tickets in your hands,
32:02I want to see them.
32:03Who will be the lucky one
32:04to take this wonderful
32:05lot of perfumeries
32:06from La Reina?
32:10two, eight.
32:12I've got it, I've got it,
32:13I've got it.
32:16go get your wonderful
32:17lot of perfumeries
32:18from La Reina,
32:19carefully chosen
32:20by the shop assistants.
32:22And we have to thank
32:23our boss,
32:24Mrs. Marta,
32:25because without her
32:26it wouldn't have been possible.
32:27A big round of applause.
32:30To all the shop assistants,
32:32thank you very much
32:33for coming to this
32:34charity raffle.
32:35Your money will go
32:36to a good cause,
32:37to the birthplace
32:38of the children
32:39of the workers
32:40of the factory.
32:46Come on, Antonia,
32:47don't be jealous.
32:49You got this lot
32:50of sweets
32:51that Mrs. Gema
32:52gave you, didn't she?
32:53They're ugly
32:54and delicious.
32:55Don't insult me.
32:56They're typical sweets
32:57from my town.
32:58She doesn't like them
32:59because I made them myself.
33:01Come on,
33:02let's eat them together.
33:03Put them like this.
33:04They're so good
33:05you'll choke on them.
33:06What's up, Gaspar?
33:07Have you tried any?
33:08No, no, not me.
33:09No way.
33:10I just said it
33:11to cheer you up.
33:12I see.
33:13Wow, careful.
33:14This was a success.
33:15Of course,
33:16there were a lot of people.
33:17Let's see
33:18how much we've got.
33:21here's the money
33:22for the tickets
33:23and the ones
33:24that were sold out.
33:25I've sold a lot.
33:26No, you've sold
33:27a lot of stuff.
33:28I'm sure
33:29it's a good idea
33:30to make a fortune
33:31by selling them to the town.
33:32I hope we can use this
33:33to make a fortune
33:34at the cruelty spot.
33:35It's a shame
33:36we didn't get a place here,
33:37but mainly
33:38because of the mothers
33:39of the town.
33:40Don't you see,
33:41Mrs. Marta,
33:42that doesn't happen
33:43anywhere near here.
33:44But it's true
33:45that it would have been
33:47if it had been here,
33:48in the town.
33:49Well, yes,
33:50that would have been ideal.
33:51Well, how's it going?
33:52Not good enough.
33:53But did you count
33:54what we sold
33:55in the store?
33:56We don't even have money to start with.
33:58We barely have enough to pay for the space the nuns have given us.
34:02And what would you need then?
34:05A lot of things.
34:07Bathroom, crib, urinals, bed...
34:11We're going to have to find another way to get all this.
34:14Another raffle if I already told you.
34:16And so on until we have your money.
34:18No, I refuse to carry the burden of remuneration
34:21over the generosity of the workers.
34:23They have enough to get to the end of the month.
34:26Well, well, don't give up.
34:28The Casacuna project is beautiful.
34:30Don't give up.
34:32It's moving slowly, but it's moving.
34:34That's the important thing.
34:35So let's keep thinking of ways to get more money.
34:38And now I have to go, but I promise I'll think of a way to help you.
34:42Thank you, Gemma.
34:44See you later.
34:45Well, cheer up, don't give up. I'm going to pick up all this.
34:48And don't even mention it. We'll help you pick it up.
34:50No, not at all.
34:52Now I tell Mateo to help me with all this.
34:55And with the people who have come to the raffle,
34:57you have made me the remuneration of the whole week.
35:11What's this?
35:13I'm busy, Maria. If you don't mind coming back later ...
35:18Tell me.
35:20Last night Andrés came to talk to me about our marriage.
35:23And about the situation with Begoña.
35:25All a detail on his part?
35:27I don't know if you are aware of how far his relationship has come.
35:31If you mean that they are sleeping,
35:33you yourself told us all with hairs and signs.
35:36I mean his feelings.
35:38And his plans for the future.
35:42Yes, after that fight,
35:45Yes, after that fight,
35:47I confronted Begoña and she confessed that she did not regret anything
35:51because she was in love with Andrés.
35:54So, there are only two poor unhappy people.
36:00Two poor unhappy people condemned to live with two other poor unhappy people.
36:06Yes, don't worry. Peace to the best families.
36:10I'm afraid you need to know the last step.
36:14Is there more?
36:18Andrés has decided to initiate the procedures to request the marriage annulment.
36:23My brother has definitely lost his mind.
36:27Begoña is also going to do it.
36:30They want to rebuild their lives.
36:34Marry if the court finally grants them the annulment.
36:41That's not true.
36:44What did you tell Andrés?
36:46I'm not going to participate in that proposal.
36:48He asked me to marry him when I was about to go to Jaca.
36:51I stayed here for him.
36:52I left my whole life behind for him.
36:54They bring me carelessly his whims.
36:56Andrés is my husband and he will not be anyone else's.
37:01Marriage annulment can be requested based on a series of causes.
37:05Are you sure your marriage is valid?
37:08Completely. And yours?
37:11So both of you will have a hard time, right?
37:14A lot.
37:15Especially because the ecclesiastical court will also have to hear our version.
37:22What I don't understand is why Andrés has told me and Begoña hasn't told you anything.
37:27Well, it's just that lately we don't see each other much.
37:31And what are you going to do?
37:33Because I'm sure she'll tell you when she gathers the courage to do so.
37:41Sit down, please.
37:44What do you want first?
37:46There is paella, there are also chickpeas.
37:49Paella? Yes? Great.
37:51And Raúl, some chickpeas, right?
37:53Come on, great. And also for you, chickpeas.
37:57My goodness, we're late.
37:59I finish picking this up and I'll help you with the food.
38:01Ah, don't worry.
38:02There are still more workers to come.
38:04And with these, well, I'll manage.
38:06Well, I'm going ahead and I'll be right back.
38:11Do you need me to give you a hand?
38:15Don't even think about it.
38:22To be honest, this isn't enough.
38:30Here you go.
38:41How are you?
38:43Has Gaspar already told me that you haven't managed to gather the money you thought you would with the raffle?
38:49Well, leave it now.
38:51Leave it now and concentrate, because in the end, you're going to break a finger cutting the bread.
38:54Well, but don't worry, eh?
38:56Because after all, yours is a good cause and I'm sure God will provide.
38:59Yes. Let's see how you do.
39:04No, no, no.
39:06Claudia, I won't let you help me, eh?
39:10Claudia, this is very overwhelming for a woman in your state.
39:13You don't know what overwhelming is.
39:15Overwhelming is seeing a woman in front of a perfume for half an hour and not taking it with her.
39:18That's overwhelming.
39:20Come on, hurry up. I'll help you before Gaspar arrives.
39:24Two plates of baguettes are missing.
39:36Ah, you're really good at this, eh?
39:39Ah, because I helped my uncle Pepe in the summer sales.
39:45Come on, I didn't have a good time there.
39:47Well, your help has fallen from the sky to me.
39:50Here, take it.
39:53Here it is. More bread.
39:55What do you need?
39:57Well, more bread.
40:00And I'm also missing kisses.
40:04And another one.
40:06And also another one.
40:09And another one.
40:26Here is the fabric you asked Teresa for.
40:32And Maria wanted to ask you something.
40:35Have you heard about La Casa Cuna?
40:38It's a project that Dr. Borrell is trying to launch.
40:42Well, she and the shop assistant, Claudia,
40:47have realized how important and necessary it is for factory workers' mothers
40:51and are looking for funding.
40:53And I thought you and I could collaborate.
40:55We could try to organize charity evenings to raise funds.
41:01Do you think I'm for that, Gemma?
41:04Precisely. I think that seeing people and entertaining yourself
41:08next to a good friend can do you good.
41:11We could invite women from high society to have tea
41:16and then during the evening we ask them for donations for the cause.
41:22It's a good idea, yes.
41:26I knew I could count on you.
41:28So can we think about the guest list?
41:30No, no, Gemma, really.
41:32I can't do that now.
41:35Then who's going to organize it?
41:37Think about those women.
41:39La Casa Cuna could change their lives.
41:42I know I need a change of life.
41:47Gemma, Andrés wants to get rid of me
41:52to start a new life with Begoña.
41:56What do you mean?
41:59If it weren't for Andrés' humiliation,
42:06he's decided to cancel our marriage.
42:11He wants to cancel our marriage?
42:13Oh, God.
42:15I never thought he'd go that far.
42:21Do you understand now why I can't organize a charity event like this?
42:26Well, I'll tell you the truth.
42:29I think it'll be good for you to go out and distract yourself.
42:34I don't want to expose myself.
42:36I don't want to pretend in front of so many people.
42:45But can you organize it?
42:49And who am I to invite, María?
42:52Well, Joaquín now has a new position in the company.
42:56Take it, darling.
43:00And you have another status.
43:02Yes, look at the status I have. I'm still serving.
43:04You don't serve.
43:05You're the governess of this house.
43:07No, that's my mother-in-law, not me.
43:10Nobody knows that.
43:15But if you don't invite me,
43:17I won't be able to do it in this house.
43:20Well, your house is not bad at all.
43:23And it's worthy. I'm sure it retains maintenance
43:26and coverage of the good times.
43:33Well, it doesn't matter if I join or maybe I interrupt.
43:38Just now I was telling María an idea I had
43:41to raise funds for the Cuno house.
43:44Luz and Claudia were organizing a charity event.
43:48And they did quite well.
43:50But they haven't raised enough to cover all the expenses.
43:56Yes, they were quite disappointed.
43:58And that's why I wanted to help.
44:00And the truth is that I don't intend to get into where they don't call me,
44:04but they have also told me that you told them
44:07that you don't know any area in the factory that can be enabled.
44:10That's right.
44:12And why don't you talk to Joaquín?
44:14Maybe he can help them.
44:19Well, you're right, Gemma.
44:28I don't want to take anything. Thank you.
44:31You still need me.
44:35Fine. As you wish.
44:37The reason you're here is not because I want to change your mind.
44:42On the contrary.
44:44I've been thinking about your arguments.
44:48Very well. And what's your conclusion?
44:52The first thing I did was to consult a lawyer specializing in legal law
44:56to see what real possibilities there are for you to get immunity.
45:01You've done that for me.
45:04And there are several reasons why the Rota court can invalidate a marriage.
45:09One of them is that one of the contractors gets married
45:14conjectured or deceived.
45:19Even if I wanted to admit that I deceived Maria,
45:22making her believe that I loved her, she would reject it.
45:27What if I could prove that you were the one who was deceived in the marriage?
45:49Dear Andrés,
45:51if you're reading this letter, it's because the nature of our trade
45:55has made me leave this world sooner than I would have liked,
45:58fulfilling my duty to the country.
46:01But I don't want to leave it without asking you
46:04that from now on I want it to be the most important mission of your life.
46:09To ensure the well-being of my beloved daughter, Maria.
46:15Why is this written here?
46:18Because I wrote that letter.
46:20No, it can't be.
46:22The notary arranged it with the will.
46:25I'm telling you that I wrote it down
46:27and I arranged it with the notary to include it in the will.
46:33But why?
46:35I wanted to avoid at all costs that yours with Begoña was more.
46:39I thought that would help you.
46:41Help me what?
46:42To ruin my life?
46:43But what happens?
46:44That the secret of God is to decide the fate of others.
46:47I guess I was wrong.
46:49I guess.
46:51To be wrong is to confuse the left with the right.
46:53Or make a spelling mistake.
46:55But this,
46:57this manipulated, pacified and deceived me.
47:00And all to get away with it.
47:03I'm trying to make up my mistake.
47:05I want to support you with the annulment.
47:08No, you're wrong.
47:10This doesn't do it for Maria or for me.
47:12It does it for you.
47:13So that you have your conscience once again.
47:16You don't know me well, son.
47:20The evil is done,
47:21but now I am willing to testify before a court
47:23and confess that I committed a crime.
47:26The important thing is that this letter can be your salvation.
47:30I want to help you, son.
47:32By giving you the key to your freedom.