Total DramaRama S02E47 Life of Pie

  • 2 days ago
Owen, Jude, and Izzy bring a pizza to life and help him find a new purpose instead of being eaten.


00:00Hi, guys. What are you doing?
00:02Dude, we're washing Chef's car.
00:04Why bother? It'll just get destroyed by the end of the episode.
00:07Yep, but Chef said if we clean his car, he'd get us a pizza!
00:12Move over!
00:20Well, look at that. I've never seen my car so clean. I'm proud of you.
00:24Tux Chief, where's the pizza?
00:26I am a man of my word.
00:28You want it? You want it? Oh, and want a pizza? Bitch!
00:33Ow! Chef, this pizza's frozen!
00:37I promised pizza. I never said it would be hot.
00:40Aw, man. If only there was a way to make cold things not cold.
00:45Yeah, like a, uh, hotening reverso-frigerator.
00:49Ugh. Oven. It's called an oven.
00:54Oven. It's called an oven. All we need to do is cook the pizza.
01:00I'll put it in the oven. I'm the only one here with a junior baker badge.
01:05Hey, it's just a drawing! How have I never noticed this?
01:09No oven? Goodbye, cold, cruel pizza!
01:14Flying kites is scary.
01:16Relax, buddy. I gotcha.
01:21Totally not my fault.
01:23Oh, no. I forgot to cut my sandwich in half.
01:33And there goes Chef's car.
01:35Hey, you called it.
01:39It almost hit the defibrillator.
01:41The defibri-whatty?
01:43It's the machine doctors use to shock your heart back to life.
01:47Uh-oh. Clear!
01:50Far out! It cooked the pizza!
01:53That's beautiful.
01:58You're alive!
02:00I sure am.
02:01You can talk?
02:03Yep. I speak the official language of whatever country this show's currently airing in.
02:07I'm Pete.
02:08Pizza, nice to meet you.
02:10To be honest, we should have seen this coming.
02:13Yo, this is wicked!
02:17Yeah, let's eat him.
02:19I like this guy.
02:22Excuse us for a moment, Pete. We'll be right back.
02:25Owen, Pete is alive!
02:27Yeah, what are you thinking, dude? I'm thinking we eat him.
02:31What's Chef's rule about things that talk?
02:34Owen, that's a pull-string doll.
02:38Owen, that's a parakeet.
02:44Owen, that's Cody.
02:48If it talks, you can't eat it.
02:50Correct. Now let's go back and be nice to our new guest.
02:54So, Pete, how about we show you around?
02:56Sure. I guess I have time for a taste of school life.
03:02I'm sure if I try really, really, really hard, I can be friends with a pizza.
03:07I just have to not think about biting into his hot, delicious, cheesy face.
03:14That's all I can think about.
03:25Shoot! Shoot! Go! Shoot!
03:37Owen, I know that was hard, but I think you're doing really well.
03:41Way to eat your own hangries.
03:44Thanks, guys.
03:45Hey, gang. Today has been a total slice.
03:48But now that we're done, who's ready to eat me?
03:52You want us to eat you?
03:54Dig in! Come on! There's plenty of me to go around.
03:57What is happening?
04:01Why would you want us to eat you?
04:03I'm a pizza. It's my purpose in life.
04:05Every pizza has a piping hot wish, an ooey-gooey dream that they'll be enjoyed
04:11and deliver a smile to people's faces.
04:13We should have seen this coming.
04:15You need to stop saying that.
04:16This was my dad.
04:18Oh, he loved parties. He only went to one.
04:22Yup, he got eaten.
04:24My grandfather loved traveling and music.
04:27He got eaten by hippies on their way to Woodstock.
04:30Pretty rock and roll, if you ask me.
04:32And here is my great-grandfather.
04:35He served his country by being served to his country.
04:39I just hope someday I get to fulfill my purpose the way they fulfilled theirs.
04:43Guys, I think Pete is saying it's his destiny to be grinded.
04:48What Jude said. Let's eat!
04:53Stop! Pete only wants to be eaten because that's all he knows.
04:58Yeah, for the first time ever, Courtney's right.
05:03Pete, let us show you what else the world has to offer before you decide.
05:08I'd rather be eaten while I'm hot, but okay, show me what you got.
05:12Pete, there's so much to live for, like watching TV.
05:17I never knew love could feel like this.
05:20So real, so rich, so perfect.
05:24Until I tried Pete Zuvia's Pizza.
05:27So ooey gooey good that eating it is the best thing you'll ever...
05:32I've got an even better thing to show you.
05:35Welcome to the Petting Zoo.
05:37Due to budget cuts, the only animals we have are rats.
05:41Filthy, sharp-toothed, cheese-loving rats.
05:47This is a pie-eating contest. They're super fun because...
05:50Today's pie will be pizza!
05:54We should go.
05:56See, Pete? There are so many things to live for, right?
06:00There sure are. And now that I've seen them, who wants to eat me?
06:05I think it's time we let the circle of life spin.
06:09It's his purpose.
06:12Wait, you keep saying it's your purpose.
06:15What if we found you a new purpose?
06:19Pete, if you could be anything, anything at all, what would it be?
06:23I can think of three things. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
06:27Let's think outside the pizza box.
06:30You could be a stuntman. Give it a try!
06:33I'm too ooey gooey!
06:36You could be an astronaut.
06:39My toppings!
06:41You could work here in the Parmesan factory.
06:46This is your worst idea yet.
06:49Thank you. You've really given me some food for thought.
06:52Now how about I be food for you?
06:54Tough, but fair.
06:56Let's eat!
06:57No! We have to save Pete from himself!
06:59Whoa! Where'd he go?
07:03That's weird. I don't remember ordering pizza.
07:06But I'd be a fool to turn down free mystery food left on my porch.
07:10Eat me!
07:12Talking pizza!
07:14Okay, let's do this.
07:17Sorry, Pete, but this is for your own good!
07:20It burns! What is this?
07:22Pineapple! Now nobody will ever eat you!
07:25Pineapple? Forget that!
07:29Please, just eat me!
07:31You're a talking pizza! We can't!
07:34If the talking bothers you, I can... I can be more quiet.
07:38Eat me! Eat me! Eat me!
07:43That's actually much worse.
07:46Dudes, this Pete guy is totally harshing my mellow.
07:50I can't believe I'm saying this, but...
07:52maybe if we just had one slice he'd snap out of it.
07:55But the pineapple!
07:58I say we re-freeze him!
08:00Let someone from the future figure it out!
08:03Sweet plan!
08:04Okay, okay. We'll need some kind of coldifying bizarro oven.
08:10I'll put him in the freezer. Come on.
08:14No! I'll never get them all off!
08:18And I'll never fulfill my purpose in life!
08:22What? Those kids didn't even touch their pizza!
08:25Oh, I see why. Pineapple.
08:30Eh, waste not, want not.
08:35Ooey gooey good.
08:37You monster! He was our friend!
08:39Really? Well, that'll teach you to make friends with something so delicious.
08:43Even with pineapple, maybe the best pizza I ever had.
08:50Goodbye, Pete. I love Zah, but never loved a Zah the way that I loved you.
08:58Hey, everybody!
09:01No ghosts in school. Rules are rules.
09:03Zip it, pineapple breath!
09:05I want to thank you kids for showing this pizza a great day.
09:09And thank you, chef, for helping me achieve my true purpose.
09:13I'm the happiest pizza who's ever lived.
09:15And the only pizza who's ever lived.
09:17I'll always be with you.
09:24Well, he's not going to be with me much longer.
09:29What a crazy day!
09:31A loving memory of Pete Zah.
