Work tools and Business tools are different

  • 2 days ago
To make it easier on yourself when choosing the right tools and apps, make sure you understand the difference between tools for your business and tools for your work.


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00:00As you know, there's a difference between working in your business and on your business.
00:05They're completely separate things.
00:07And it's no and you have tools for for the two separate things.
00:11So when you're doing your work, you need tools to do your work.
00:17So for instance, I'm a consultant and a coach and I work remotely.
00:20So I need to be able to connect to the client.
00:24So I use I use remote software.
00:29I actually use a app called around.
00:31So it's it's like a zoom type type thing or what's the remote app?
00:37Gosh, I've gone remote X for instance.
00:40So those those are the tools that I need to do my work,
00:45but there's another set of tools that a lot of people don't really think about when they're running their business,
00:50which is to run your business.
00:52You need tools to run your business.
00:55You need a CRM.
00:56You need a project management tool that could be used for both.
01:01But basically a project management or communication tool.
01:04If you're working in a team, I mean project management tool if you're working in a team as well.
01:09So there are completely different sets of tools for the different parts of your business.
01:18If you're doing social media, that's tools for your business
01:22because you're doing social media for somebody else as well as for yourself basically.
01:29So if you separate the two works,
01:34there are tools that I need for my work and tools that I need for my business.
01:39It makes a lot more sense when it comes to choosing those tools.
01:44So for instance, the way the way I've got my tool set up.
01:50There are three areas in my in my life.
01:52There's personal there's work and there's business and I get asked a lot about what's the difference between work and business.
02:01It's quite simple.
02:02Work is client work work that I have to do business is stuff that I have to do for myself to make my business run.
02:09So I have different calendars.
02:11I have different to-do lists.
02:13I have different methods for those two sections and it's exactly the same with my tools.
02:18I have work tools that I need to do when I'm working with my clients
02:23and I have business tools to run my business and make things easier to run my business for myself.
02:30So it's something that you should really think about when it comes to picking your tools because yeah,
02:37work and business are actually two separate things.
02:40They're not the same thing at all.
02:43Anyway, if you have any questions, let me know.
02:45They'll be linked below and I'll see you in the next one.
02:49See you.