What Being Level 100 Rich Looks Like

  • 2 days ago
#animatedstories #lifeexperiences #personaldrama #emotionalanimation #inspirationaltales #teenstruggles #familyconflicts #relationshipissues #comingofage #highschooldrama #friendshipstories #lifelessons #personalgrowth #selfdiscovery #uniquestories #animatedlife #reallifeevents #motivationalstories #lovestories #betrayaltales #overcomingchallenges #animatedconfessions #familydynamics #socialissues #mentalhealth #identitycrisis #animatednarratives #dramafilledstories #relatablecontent #animatedvlogs #viewersubmissions

MSA, formerly known as "My Story Animated," is a dynamic YouTube channel that brings real-life stories to life through engaging and visually captivating animations. Specializing in personal drama, emotional journeys, and life-changing experiences, MSA transforms viewers' submissions into powerful animated narratives that resonate deeply with its audience. Each video tackles a wide range of topics, including relationship struggles, overcoming adversity, and self-discovery, making it a platform where real-life events are depicted with creativity and authenticity.

The channel's content is crafted to be relatable and inspirational, offering viewers a blend of entertainment and life lessons. Through animated storytelling, MSA explores complex social dynamics, personal growth, and the challenges of everyday life, providing viewers with stories that are not only entertaining but also thought-provoking and emotionally engaging.

**Disclaimer:** The stories presented on this channel are based on personal submissions and are animated for entertainment purposes. While the narratives are inspired by real events, the characters and specific details may be fictionalized to protect the privacy of the individuals involved. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The opinions and experiences expressed in the videos are those of the individuals submitting the stories and do not necessarily reflect the views of MSA. Viewer discretion is advised.
00:00Hi, my name is Emma, and some people used to call me a spoiled brat.
00:04At the time, I didn't have the faintest idea why, I just thought they were jealous and rude.
00:09Sure, my dad was the biggest business tycoon in the city, my mother was a socialite,
00:14and I just happened to go on shopping sprees every weekend,
00:17exclusive parties on private jets, and have maids, servants, a stylist, and a chef.
00:21Daddy, I want a pink Porsche with silver sparkles!
00:24I can't drive a blue Porsche, it'll clash with my nails!
00:27Take it back, now!
00:29We're so sorry, honey. We'll fix it right away.
00:31Geez, was I that bad? I was worse than a spoiled brat, I was a nightmare!
00:37What are you talking about? I'm not spoiled at all!
00:39Who are you, anyway?
00:41Ugh, it doesn't matter. Security, take this trash away!
00:44My, don't listen to that crazy person. Do you see her clothes and those shoes?
00:49Such a disaster!
00:51If you want to know the truth, I'm actually very sweet and kind and all that sappy stuff.
00:56Plus, I've got a million followers on Insta and TikTok that love me.
01:00Every year, I take myself on vacation with my own money.
01:04Well, technically, it's my parents' money, but who cares?
01:06What's theirs is mine, and what's mine, well, that's obviously mine.
01:11Anyway, my life was fabulous, like me, but then it fell to pieces.
01:15But before I continue, please like and subscribe!
01:18It happened during spring break.
01:20Every year, I'd go to a new and exciting place to vacation with my friends,
01:24and this time, we were heading for Norway, and I couldn't be more excited.
01:29Of course, I took my private jet.
01:31Sitting next to other people for hours on end would never work.
01:34I needed space and privacy to do yoga, try on all my new clothes,
01:39lie in my tanning bed, and take a nap.
01:41Okay, fine, I admit it, I snore sometimes.
01:43Please don't tell anyone. It's so embarrassing.
01:46By the time I reached Norway, it was past noon.
01:48I'd rented out a private villa for me and my friends who were going to meet me there.
01:52I planned to arrive fashionably late, as usual.
01:55I put on my sunglasses and headed out of the airport.
01:58But as I was walking, I noticed these scary guys following me.
02:02I got a little nervous, so I ran outside and saw this amazing Maserati
02:06with dark tinted windows parked at the curb.
02:09It was the most expensive car around, and it must have been for me.
02:12So I hopped inside.
02:14A cute boy, a few years older than me, sat in the driver's seat.
02:17He stared at me like he was totally confused.
02:20Where's your father? Who knows?
02:22The boy started to panic.
02:23Calm down. Forget about my father.
02:25You work for me. Let's get going.
02:27The boy glanced out the window, then sped off at top speed.
02:31He said his name was Grayson.
02:33I told him I'd call him Gray because I didn't have time to waste on him and his extra syllables.
02:37I posted a bunch of cool selfies, and I must have dozed off
02:40because the next thing I knew, the car was swerving
02:43and I was jerked out of a lovely dream where I was being crowned Miss Universe.
02:48What's going on?
02:49It's a snowstorm. There's ice all over the road.
02:52I can hardly see a thing.
02:53Then stop the car.
02:55We can't stop the car. They're after us.
02:57Who's after us?
02:58Your uncle's men.
03:00Gray pointed behind us.
03:01Three SUVs were hot on her tail, but I don't have an uncle.
03:05Gray gave me the strangest look,
03:07then pulled a photo out of his pocket of a girl that looked just like me.
03:11Hold on. You're Stephanie Spaghetti, right?
03:14No. What kind of name is that? I'm Emma Stringbean.
03:17Hi, I'm MSA Loya. Sorry about this stupid tie.
03:20It's ugly, and I didn't have a choice.
03:22And, ahem, the names have been changed to protect the innocent.
03:25Oops, I forgot to mention my name. Sorry.
03:28Now can you please leave? You're standing in my spotlight.
03:31What a stupid tie.
03:32Yeah, right? I was like, guys, give me a blue one.
03:35It suits my eyes better.
03:37But the owner was like, no, our icon is purple, so your tie should also be...
03:41Why would anyone hire someone like him?
03:43Anyway, back to my story.
03:45When Gray realized that I wasn't this spaghetti girl, he turned really pale.
03:50Then one of the SUVs pulled up beside us.
03:53Stop the car, now!
03:55Leave us alone, or I'm telling my dad!
03:57The scary man smirked, then rammed our car really hard.
04:01Gray drove faster, trying to get away.
04:03But our tires slid on some ice, and Gray lost control.
04:07The car smashed through a railing, ran off the road, down the slope, and straight for a tree.
04:13Gray jerked the wheel, and we missed the tree by an inch, and the car rolled into a ditch.
04:18Gray pulled me out of the car and held me in his arms.
04:21He was so handsome and strong that my heart skipped a beat.
04:25Are you hurt?
04:26I didn't have any broken bones or bruises. I think I'm fine.
04:29Gray put me down, and my shoes got all wet.
04:32I started screaming like a maniac.
04:34What's wrong?
04:35My shoes! They're ruined!
04:37Gray glared at me.
04:39Forget about your stupid shoes. It's dangerous out here.
04:42Those guys are still after us, and when it gets dark, we'll have to worry about wolves or worse.
04:47I know these woods, and there's a cabin that's not too far from here.
04:50We can lay low there for the night, and then I can contact my associate to pick us up.
04:54I'm not going anywhere with you. You're not even my driver. You kidnapped me!
04:59I didn't kidnap you. You jumped into my car.
05:02Tomato tamale!
05:03Uh, that's not how that saying goes.
05:06Whatever. This is all your fault. Who are you, anyway?
05:09Are you some kind of criminal? Are you a crazy psycho?
05:12I'm a driver for the spaghettis, but we don't have time to argue.
05:16We need to get to that cabin. It's a hike, but if we hurry, we can get there before the sun sets. Follow me.
05:21Gray headed into the forest, but I just couldn't move.
05:24What are you waiting for?
05:26Do I look like I'm dressed for a hike? I'm wearing Versace!
05:30Are you kidding? You're worried about your dumb clothes?
05:33Do you know how much this outfit costs?
05:36Suit yourself. I'm outta here.
05:38Gray walked away. I couldn't believe he was being so inconsiderate.
05:42You're fired!
05:43I don't work for you.
05:45I pulled out my cell phone to try to call my dad, but I couldn't get any reception.
05:49So I tried to get to higher ground. I walked past a creek and a clearing of trees, but my stupid phone still didn't work.
05:56Then I heard a wolf howl in the distance. I was so scared, I didn't know what to do.
06:01Come on, Emma. Don't be afraid. You're a girl boss. A tough chick. Nothing can hurt you.
06:06I took a deep breath to calm myself down, and then I heard footsteps coming toward me.
06:11A half-man, half-wolf appeared in the shadows and whispered my name in this creepy, deep voice.
06:19I screamed, threw my phone at the monster's head, and ran as fast as I could.
06:24But I tripped on a log and fell. It rolled over, covered my face, and pleaded for my life.
06:30Please don't eat me. There's not much meat on my bones.
06:33There's a boy around here somewhere, and he's got lots of muscles. He'd be a better meal than me. I swear.
06:39Grace stepped out of the shadows. He had a big bruise on his head.
06:43Are you crazy? You almost took my eye out with your cell phone.
06:46I thought you were a wolfman, and you were gonna eat me or turn me into your wolf girlfriend.
06:51And then I'd have to eat rabbits and squirrels. I can't be a wolf girl.
06:55I'd get hair all over my body and even my face. My face is too cute to be covered in hair.
07:01Gray helped me to my feet and told me we were going to the cabin. Why did you come back for me?
07:06You'd freeze out here by yourself, and I guess I felt kinda guilty about leaving you behind.
07:11Aw, that's sweet. Do you have a crush on me, Gray?
07:15Why not?
07:16I'm gorgeous, smart, and my family has lots of money. Are you playing hard to get?
07:21Sorry, I'm not into rich girls.
07:23Well, I'm not into broody boys with bad attitudes and stupid muscles and handsome faces and...
07:30Gray and I walked for over an hour in the freezing cold.
07:33We reached the cabin just as the sun set, and it was the worst.
07:37It was dusty and smelled like a bus full of farts.
07:40We should start a fire. There's some firewood out back.
07:43I sat on the couch and wrapped myself in a tattered old blanket.
07:46A little help, please?
07:48No thanks, I'm fine here. And while you're out, could you find something to help with the smell?
07:53Gray rolled his eyes and left. He came back five minutes later with a handful of wood.
07:58He started a fire, but I was still pretty cold.
08:01You're shivering.
08:02Uh, I'm... fine.
08:05Gray sat next to me and put his arm around my shoulders.
08:08Our body heat should warm us up.
08:10I smiled. I knew he couldn't resist my spectacular beauty and charm.
08:15Why are you looking at me like that?
08:17You're confusing. First, you're mean to me, and now you're nice.
08:21I'm sorry about earlier. I've got a lot on my mind.
08:25And what?
08:26Admit it. You have a crush on me.
08:28Gray tossed me a blanket and walked over to the window.
08:31I'll keep watch. Those guys might still be after us. Try to get some sleep.
08:34I tried to sleep, but my stomach wouldn't stop making weird noises.
08:38So I went to the kitchen and sat at the table.
08:41What are you doing now?
08:42It's time for dinner. Can you please make me something to eat?
08:45I'm not your chef.
08:46Well, I can't cook and we can't order in.
08:49What do you want me to do, starve to death?
08:51Gray pulled out two crusty cans of beans out of the cupboard and plopped one down in front of me.
08:56You're kidding. I'm not gonna eat that.
08:58It's either that or an air sandwich.
09:00I pouted and crossed my arms as Gray ate his beans in front of me.
09:04Gray finished his food and checked his cell phone. He still couldn't get any reception.
09:08He searched the drawers and found a walkie-talkie.
09:11Hello? Hello? Can anyone hear me?
09:13My stomach started gurgling really loud. I was so hungry I couldn't take it anymore.
09:18The beans were so disgusting I almost gagged.
09:21But I forced myself to take a couple of bites.
09:24Then the most amazing thing happened.
09:27A couple of headlights shined through the window.
09:29Hey, look! We're being rescued!
09:31Oh, thank goodness your friend came early.
09:33I ran to the door.
09:35Emma, wait!
09:36I was so excited. I ran outside and started waving my hands in the air like a madwoman.
09:41We're here! Save us!
09:43An SUV pulled up to the cabin.
09:45And the scary men from the airport stepped out.
09:48Why do your friends look like the scary men that ran us off the road?
09:51Those aren't my friends.
09:53Gray grabbed me, pulled me into the cabin, then slammed the door.
09:56Didn't you call them on that silly gadget?
09:59You mean the walkie-talkie?
10:01It's broken.
10:02One of the scary men pounded on the door.
10:04The other smashed a window with a rock.
10:07Gray shoved me into a closet.
10:09Stay here and don't make a sound.
10:11Gray tossed a couple of blankets on my head and closed the closet door.
10:14I peeked through a crack in the wood and watched as three huge scary men charged at Gray.
10:20Gray grabbed a chair and smashed it over a big guy's head.
10:23He punched another guy in the nose and shoved him into the coffee table.
10:27Another guy crept up behind Gray, grabbed him from behind and pinned him to the ground.
10:31Where's the girl?
10:33Let her go. She doesn't matter. She's not even a spaghetti.
10:36That little witch saw our faces. Both of you have to go.
10:39Gray was a goner. I had to do something.
10:42I couldn't just sit back and watch.
10:44I burst through the door growling like a wolf.
10:46The bad man turned to me and laughed that he punched Gray in the stomach,
10:50tossed him to the side and started running toward me.
10:53I ran into the kitchen, grabbed my half-eaten can of beans and threw it in his face.
10:57The beans got into his eyes and while he was distracted, I grabbed a huge pot and whacked him over the head.
11:02The big man dropped to the ground.
11:04I pulled the keys out of his pocket and rushed back to Gray.
11:07Come on, we've got to go!
11:09I helped Gray to his feet and we ran to the SUV.
11:11I started the engine, entered the address for my private villa into the navigation system,
11:15and then we set off.
11:17A few minutes later, we were on a highway.
11:19Did you see me back there? I was amazing!
11:22You were alright.
11:23I saved your butt.
11:25Okay, fine. I owe you one.
11:27Really? You could rub my feet or maybe give me a massage?
11:30Just then, an SUV jumped onto the road and rammed us from behind.
11:34They're still after us.
11:36They must have put a tracker on the SUV.
11:38What do I do?
11:39Keep driving.
11:40I clutched the wheel and pressed my foot hard on the gas.
11:43Then suddenly, my phone started beeping.
11:45I reached into my pocket to check it.
11:47It was my best friend Tracy.
11:49Hey girl, where are you? We've been waiting for you for hours.
11:52Who's that cute guy?
11:54Oh, that's Gray. He's my driver. I think he's got a crush on me.
11:58Emma, keep your eyes on the road.
12:00Sorry girl, gotta go. Bye!
12:02Gray snatched the phone out of my hands and called 911.
12:05The SUV was gaining on us.
12:07Then two more hopped on the road beside us.
12:09Gray grabbed the wheel and started swerving the car like a lunatic.
12:13I saw a road sign up ahead.
12:15The fill is that way!
12:16Gray turned the wheel hard.
12:18The SUVs were still hot on our tail.
12:21I'm trying!
12:22We raced onto the off-ramp.
12:24Then I looked up and saw the craziest thing.
12:26There were half a dozen police cars in front of us
12:29and a row of spikes in the middle of the road.
12:31Stop the car!
12:32I slammed my foot on the brakes.
12:34The spikes pierced our tires and we skidded to a stop.
12:37The SUVs behind us did the same.
12:39The police dragged the scary men out of the SUV and arrested them.
12:42Then one of the officers walked up to Gray.
12:45Agent Grayson, we're so glad you're safe.
12:47What happened to the spaghettis?
12:49We intercepted them at the airport and took them into the witness protection program.
12:52They're safe because of you.
12:54I was shocked.
12:55Wait, I thought you were just a driver.
12:57I work for the FBI.
12:58I've been undercover on the spaghetti case for years.
13:01My heart skipped a beat.
13:03Gray was a real-life hero.
13:05And somehow, he was even cuter than before.
13:07The next morning, Gray and I were all over the news.
13:10The scary men that chased us spilled the beans about their boss,
13:14Stephanie Spaghetti's uncle, and all his criminal activity,
13:17which led to dozens of arrests.
13:19My parents were so happy I was safe that they invited Gray to dinner.
13:23Afterward, I walked him to his car.
13:25You know, Gray, you still owe me for saving your life.
13:28What do you want?
13:29Your parents are rich enough to buy you anything on the planet.
13:32I was thinking about something that my parents' money can't buy.
13:36What's that?
13:37A date with you.
13:38What do you say?
13:39I think that can be arranged.