Years I Spent Falling for the Wrong People

  • 2 days ago
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MSA, formerly known as "My Story Animated," is a dynamic YouTube channel that brings real-life stories to life through engaging and visually captivating animations. Specializing in personal drama, emotional journeys, and life-changing experiences, MSA transforms viewers' submissions into powerful animated narratives that resonate deeply with its audience. Each video tackles a wide range of topics, including relationship struggles, overcoming adversity, and self-discovery, making it a platform where real-life events are depicted with creativity and authenticity.

The channel's content is crafted to be relatable and inspirational, offering viewers a blend of entertainment and life lessons. Through animated storytelling, MSA explores complex social dynamics, personal growth, and the challenges of everyday life, providing viewers with stories that are not only entertaining but also thought-provoking and emotionally engaging.

**Disclaimer:** The stories presented on this channel are based on personal submissions and are animated for entertainment purposes. While the narratives are inspired by real events, the characters and specific details may be fictionalized to protect the privacy of the individuals involved. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The opinions and experiences expressed in the videos are those of the individuals submitting the stories and do not necessarily reflect the views of MSA. Viewer discretion is advised.
00:00Hi, I'm Lily, and when I was 13, my parents moved to the seaside and opened a seafood restaurant.
00:06We lived in an apartment right above the restaurant, and I got to swim in the ocean every day,
00:10help my dad catch fish on our sailboat, and eat the most delicious seafood.
00:15Life was perfect. At least it would have been if it wasn't for Enzo.
00:19Who's Enzo, you ask? He's a nightmare, a monster, a terrible, diabolical fiend!
00:25Oh man, I need a moment to calm down.
00:28Before I continue, please like and subscribe.
00:30Enzo was my age. His family owned the restaurant next door, and they were the absolute worst.
00:36They were always trying to steal our customers.
00:38One time, Enzo and his dad put a sign on their restaurant that claimed that their food was better than ours.
00:44Of course, I wasn't gonna let that go.
00:46So I made a ton of flyers saying that our restaurant was the best,
00:50and posted them on dozens of mailboxes, street signs, and lampposts.
00:54Two minutes later, I caught Enzo pasting his flyers on top of mine.
00:58What are you doing, you jerk?
01:00What does it look like, pea-brain? I'm saving the people of this town from eating your lame food.
01:04Take it down or else!
01:06Enzo laughed in my face. I got so mad I ripped off his flyer, he ripped mine,
01:12I pushed him, and he shoved me back. Then I slipped and scraped my knee on the ground.
01:16Sorry, I didn't mean to push you so hard. Are you okay?
01:19I grabbed a cold fish out of my dad's cart and hurled it at Enzo's dumb face.
01:24Enzo ducked and the fish hit Enzo's dad in the head,
01:26who lost his balance, fell down, and broke his arm.
01:29For a week, Enzo's restaurant was closed because his dad was their only chef.
01:34At first, I felt really bad, but the next day at school,
01:37I opened my locker and a bucket of sardines fell on my head.
01:41The stench was so bad, I had to sit outside during class,
01:44and all the kids started calling me fish face.
01:47And if that wasn't enough, during our dinner rush,
01:50I caught Enzo creeping around behind our restaurant.
01:53I chased him off, but a few minutes later, our power went out.
01:56All of our customers left and went to Enzo's restaurant,
01:59and we couldn't get the lights back on for a week.
02:01Enzo was evil, and he was obsessed with destroying me and my parents.
02:06Every time we saw each other, we'd give each other death glares.
02:09But then one day, the strangest thing happened.
02:12My parents invited Enzo and his parents over for dinner,
02:16and then they made a huge announcement.
02:18We've talked it over, and we've decided to go into business together.
02:23I couldn't believe we were joining hands with the enemy!
02:26Enzo and I begged and pleaded for our parents to change their minds,
02:30but they didn't budge.
02:31After the restaurant's merge,
02:32Enzo worked at the restaurant on the weekends just like me,
02:36and I tried avoiding him as much as I could.
02:38But things at school were worse.
02:40The kids loved making fun of me thanks to Enzo and his stupid prank.
02:44So I kept to myself and focused on my studies.
02:47But then one day, a new girl named Yasmin sat next to me in history class.
02:51She was beautiful and wore the most fashionable clothes,
02:54and everyone wanted to be her friend.
02:56The teacher partnered us up for a huge assignment that was almost half our grade,
03:00and we met at the library to work on it.
03:02I can't do this anymore.
03:04My brain is on fire.
03:05My eyes are about to go numb.
03:07We've been working on the assignment for less than 10 minutes.
03:10I'm not a machine!
03:11Yasmin had a meltdown and ran off.
03:14She didn't come back for hours.
03:16I finished the assignment on my own.
03:17Just as I was about to leave,
03:19Yasmin came back with a brand new outfit on,
03:22looking like she'd stepped off a runway.
03:24Where have you been?
03:25We were supposed to work on this together.
03:27Sorry, girl.
03:27I had to get ready for my date.
03:29Are we almost done?
03:30What do you mean, we?
03:31You didn't do anything!
03:33Then these mean girls walked up to us.
03:35Gosh, Yasmin.
03:36You're so cool and pretty.
03:38Why are you talking to that fish face?
03:41Drop the geek and come hang out with us.
03:43I thought Yasmin would join them immediately,
03:45but she didn't even laugh at their jokes.
03:48Hard pass.
03:49Have you looked in the mirror lately?
03:50Your face is hideous.
03:52Your dress is so last year.
03:54And that cheap perfume you're wearing smells like rose-scented turds.
03:58The girls were speechless.
04:00I was shocked.
04:01It felt so good to have someone stick up for me.
04:04So, about that assignment.
04:06You gonna add my name to that or what?
04:08After that, Yasmin and I started hanging out all the time.
04:11I helped Yasmin with all her homework and helped her pass her tests.
04:14No, it wasn't cheating.
04:15I just liberated the answers and shared them.
04:18That's what besties do.
04:19Hanging out with Yasmin was the best.
04:22I got to sit at the cool kids' table at lunch,
04:24even if it meant carrying Yasmin's books around.
04:26She had delicate arms.
04:27I couldn't let her strain herself.
04:29One day during cheerleading practice,
04:31I was getting Yasmin a bottle of water when a football came flying toward my head.
04:35Then Kurt, the most beautiful boy in the world,
04:38came out of nowhere and caught it.
04:40Kurt winked at me with his dreamy green eyes,
04:43and my brain turned to mush.
04:45Hey, fish face, is that for me?
04:47I, uh, I, uh…
04:49He grabbed the water bottle out of my hand,
04:51took a sip, and handed it back to me.
04:54You're sweet.
04:54His finger touched mine, and I fell in love.
04:58I felt like I was walking on a cloud.
05:00But I must have wandered onto the football field
05:02because all of a sudden someone crashed into me.
05:04Of course, it was Enzo.
05:07What's the matter with you?
05:08This isn't a sidewalk.
05:09Stop daydreaming and watch where you're going.
05:11You watch where I'm going.
05:13Trust you to ruin everything.
05:14Are you having PMS?
05:16You're having PMS, jerk!
05:18Later that day, I saw Kurt in the hallway,
05:20surrounded by a dozen beautiful rich girls.
05:23My heart sank.
05:24He was totally out of my league.
05:26That night, I looked up into the stars and made a wish to be pretty and rich
05:30just so that I could have a chance with Kurt.
05:33The next morning, my life turned upside down.
05:36This huge celebrity had eaten at our restaurant
05:39and posted an amazing review online.
05:41That night, people were lined up outside our doors.
05:44Within two weeks, our restaurant became one of the most popular in the city,
05:48and we made a ton of money.
05:49Soon enough, my parents bought a new house and gave me a credit card.
05:53You've worked so hard, honey.
05:55Go buy yourself something nice.
05:56Whatever you want, you deserve it.
05:58I told Yasmin all about my new credit card,
06:01and she suggested we go on a shopping spree.
06:03I bought us a ton of matching outfits, expensive shoes, and jewelry.
06:08Bestie, I'd love a day at the spa.
06:10How about we go tomorrow?
06:11Your treat?
06:12No problem.
06:13I didn't mind picking up the bill at all.
06:15Yasmin was a great friend.
06:16She even invited me to a cool party.
06:18She did my makeup and my hair, and I looked like a goddess.
06:22When I walked into the party, all the boys noticed me, even Kurt.
06:26But when he waved at me, I got really nervous.
06:29What's wrong?
06:29You look like someone pooped on your shoes.
06:32I told Yasmin all about my crush on Kurt.
06:34Don't be shy, girl.
06:35Go get him.
06:36I gathered up the confidence to ask Kurt to dance.
06:39But just as I was approaching him, Enzo stepped in my way.
06:42Hey, Lily.
06:43You look great.
06:44Get out of my face, Enzo.
06:46No, really.
06:47I'm being honest.
06:48You look amazing.
06:49Listen, I've been meaning to talk to you.
06:51I want to apologize for always being a jerk to you.
06:54I guess all the pressure from working at the restaurant and school was getting to me.
06:58I was hoping we could have a fresh start.
07:00Just then, Kurt walked up to me.
07:02Hey, beautiful.
07:03You want to dance?
07:04Excuse me.
07:04We were in the middle of a conversation.
07:06Actually, we were at the end of it.
07:08And I'd love to dance with you.
07:10I ditched Enzo to dance with Kurt.
07:12After the song was over, I asked Kurt out.
07:14And he said yes.
07:15On our first date, we went to a really nice restaurant.
07:18But when the bill came, Kurt asked if I could pay.
07:21Sorry, babe.
07:22I forgot my wallet and my other pants.
07:24Ugh, so embarrassing.
07:25But no big deal.
07:26I'll handle it.
07:27I paid the bill.
07:28Then Kurt pulled me close and kissed me.
07:31That kiss was so magical.
07:33I couldn't stop smiling for days.
07:35Soon, we were a couple.
07:36Kurt loved it when I bought him nice gifts and took him and his friends to concerts.
07:41But after a while, things didn't feel right.
07:43So I talked to Yasmin about it.
07:46Oh, don't be so shallow.
07:47Kurt's the boy of your dreams.
07:49Girls buy their boyfriends gifts all the time.
07:51By the way, can I borrow $500?
07:53I've had my eye on this Gucci purse.
07:55Yasmin and I went shopping and I felt so much better.
07:58For a while, my life felt like a fairy tale.
08:01With the perfect boyfriend and the best friend in the world.
08:04Though Enzo was still a troll.
08:06Ever since the party, he's been acting so strange.
08:09Whenever he saw me and Kurt, he'd shake his head and walk the other way like he was disgusted.
08:13He even had a problem with Yasmin.
08:15Like this one time he saw her leaving my house with a bunch of shopping bags from our latest
08:19shopping spree and he lost his mind.
08:21Are you an idiot?
08:22Kurt and Yasmin are using you.
08:24You're wrong.
08:25You don't even know them.
08:26You're Yasmin's personal ATM.
08:29Yasmin's parents cut her allowance.
08:31She's accustomed to a certain lifestyle.
08:33I can't stand by and watch her suffer.
08:36Kurt flirts with every girl on earth.
08:38No, he's just a nice, friendly guy.
08:41He likes giving hugs.
08:42Geez, you really are a moron.
08:45I got so mad I slammed the door in Enzo's face.
08:48I refused to let him drag me down.
08:50So I decided to avoid him forever.
08:53But my plan failed because later that night, Enzo and I had a meeting with our parents.
08:57We're opening up three new locations.
09:00We'll need you two to manage the restaurant while we're away.
09:02No problem.
09:03Whatever you guys need.
09:04This is awesome.
09:05Enzo and our parents were so excited.
09:08But all I could think about was how much I'd miss hanging out with Kurt and Yasmin.
09:12Sorry, that won't work for me.
09:13I have plans.
09:15Well, you'll need to change them.
09:16I tried arguing with my parents, but they insisted that I help out or they'd take away
09:21my credit card.
09:22That would be a nightmare.
09:23So I agreed to their terms.
09:25I got so busy with school and work that I hardly saw Yasmin and Kurt.
09:29And I really missed them.
09:31So one day, as I was taking a cash deposit to the bank, I decided to stop at Yasmin's
09:36house to say hello.
09:37But when I got there, I saw Yasmin and Kurt kissing on the porch.
09:40I felt someone had stabbed me in the heart.
09:43Suddenly, I lost my balance and fell back into a trash can, which caught Yasmin and
09:47Kurt's attention.
09:48What's going on?
09:49I saw you kissing!
09:51Lily, it's not what you think.
09:52Yeah, we were just practicing.
09:55Practicing for what?
09:56That play, uh, Romeo and Suzette.
09:59You mean Romeo and Juliet?
10:01Right, that one.
10:03When did you guys join the drama club?
10:05Oh, silly.
10:06We told you weeks ago.
10:08You must've forgotten.
10:09You know my heart belongs to you.
10:11Kurt hugged me and I started crying like a baby.
10:15I do.
10:15It's just, I'm tired of working all the time.
10:18And Enzo is the absolute worst.
10:21He's been saying all these mean things.
10:23Forget about Enzo.
10:24We've got us.
10:26Yasmin and Kurt spent the rest of the afternoon cheering me up.
10:29They even walked me to the bank.
10:30From then on, Kurt and Yasmin joined me at the restaurant to protect me from evil Enzo's
10:35mind games.
10:36It was really nice to have their support.
10:38But one time, Kurt and Yasmin were hanging out with me in the back office as I was doing
10:42some accounting, when Enzo burst in like a crazy maniac and pulled me to the side.
10:46You can't have them in the office.
10:48It's for employees only.
10:49All our cash is in the safe there.
10:51I told you, they can't be trusted.
10:53Neither can you.
10:54I pushed Enzo aside and walked back into the office.
10:57A few weeks later, Kurt and Yasmin stopped hanging out with me.
11:00They said it was because they couldn't stand Enzo.
11:03Then the day I was supposed to make the deposit, I opened the safe and the money was gone.
11:07I panicked.
11:08I searched everywhere for it, but I couldn't find it.
11:11I even asked Kurt and Yasmin about it.
11:13Are you accusing us of stealing?
11:15I thought we were friends.
11:17After that, Kurt broke up with me and Yasmin stopped taking my calls.
11:21My parents came home the next week, and they were furious.
11:24They told me that the accountant discovered that the money from the deposits had been
11:28short for weeks.
11:29I looked at the calendar, and I noticed that it all began when I started hanging out with
11:33Kurt and Yasmin in the office.
11:35I realized that I'd opened the safe in front of them on numerous occasions.
11:39We checked the surveillance cameras, but they had mysteriously stopped working when the
11:43robberies began.
11:44The last image we saw was of two kids in masks sneaking into the office spray-painting the
11:50One of the robbers was wearing a fancy bracelet and a pair of really expensive sneakers, the
11:55same bracelet and sneakers that I bought Yasmin months ago.
11:58My blood boiled.
12:00I marched straight to Yasmin's house, where I found her and Kurt hanging out by the pool
12:04with a bunch of their popular friends.
12:06Hey, Lily.
12:06What's up, girl?
12:07How could you do this to me?
12:09I didn't do anything.
12:10You and Kurt stole from my parents' restaurant.
12:13I showed her the footage of the robbers.
12:15Ooh, that girl's got style.
12:17She's rocking those shoes and that bracelet.
12:20I know it was you.
12:21Admit it!
12:22I called the police.
12:23I'd like to report a robbery.
12:25My friends Yasmin and Kurt…
12:27Before I could finish my sentence, Kurt ran away and Yasmin snatched my phone.
12:31Yasmin and I fought for the phone like a pair of wildcats.
12:34I slipped on a towel, hit my head, and fell into the pool.
12:38The next thing I knew, I was in the hospital.
12:40Enzo was sitting by my side, holding my hand.
12:43Please, Lily.
12:44You have to wake up.
12:45I miss you.
12:46I never got to tell you that…
12:47He paused, then looked away.
12:49I should've let Enzo know that I was awake, but I was so curious to hear what he had to say.
12:54So I pretended to be asleep.
12:56I love you.
12:57I was an idiot before.
12:58I should've just told you earlier.
13:00If I had, then maybe none of this would've happened.
13:02Enzo started to cry.
13:04I squeezed his hand.
13:05It's not your fault.
13:07I was the idiot.
13:08Then Enzo kissed me, and it was so sweet.
13:11As for Yasmin and Kurt, they fled the party after my accident.
13:14But they didn't get very far.
13:16The police arrested them at a bus stop and pulled them off to jail.
13:19Our family's restaurant eventually recovered from the robbery and got ten times more popular.
13:24Enzo and I started dating.
13:26And after college, we started to run the business, got married, and lived happily ever after.
13:31So yeah, I was wrong about Enzo.
13:34He wasn't an evil monster after all.
13:36Wait, what now?
13:37It's a long story.
