Emmerdale - Scene 2 (3rd October 2024)

  • 4 days ago
No copyright infringement intended (owned by ITV)


00:00Oh, stay.
00:01Belle's better off with you in another country.
00:05Well, it's one less thing she needs to fret about.
00:10No, nothing to report, really.
00:15Listen, Matty's worms have got him twitching.
00:18I'm gonna have to go.
00:21Yeah, I'll miss your face, too.
00:24All right, darling. I love you.
00:26Bye. Bye, bye, bye.
00:28I'm not a twitcher.
00:30Well, you were checking your phone every two seconds.
00:31Well, I do need to get going on the deliveries, Mum.
00:33Do you fancy being a passenger princess?
00:35You can fill me in on all things Cain.
00:37Well, there's nothing much to fill.
00:39You, er, you didn't mention the she.
00:41Shh. Isaac's upstairs.
00:44He thinks that we just sent the other ones back to the farm
00:47and let him just keep the one.
00:49And Cain doesn't need to know any of it.
00:51He'll only use it as an excuse to come home
00:53and I really want him to spend more time with Zak.
00:56Why is Isaac at home? Is he poorly again?
00:58Oh, well, so he says.
01:00The little skiver convinced Mackenzie to drop him here instead of school.
01:04You think Mac's a soft touch.
01:06Oh, well, the duty's out.
01:08Right, so is Isaac up for coming on the delivery run with us, then?
01:11Probably, but, do you know, I wouldn't risk it.
01:14You go ahead without us.
01:16Oh, I can stick around and, you know, until he's settled.
01:19There's no need.
01:21It's not like I'm gonna kill any more sheep if I'm on my own.
01:24Yeah, I know.
01:25Just let me feel half normal.
01:28I'll take care of my sick or not-sick child
01:32without being watched for a day.
01:34You know, and if I need anything, I'll just call Mackenzie.
01:36Fine, fine.
01:38I'm sorry to mither your mother.
01:40Sorry your mother needs mithering.
01:49What's this?
02:01Isaac, whose tablet is this?
02:03It's just a borrow.
02:05From who?
02:05Carl, I told you.
02:07Well, why has he lent it to you? It's not like you're mates.
02:10He wishes.
02:11Oi, I mean, look at some of these folders.
02:13This is not a nine-year-old's tablet.
02:16So, who owns it? And do they know that you've got it?
02:19Do they think you've stolen it?
02:21I never stole it.
02:22Carl can have it back once I win.
02:27Oh, God.
02:31Am I in trouble?
02:36My guts!
02:37Well, what are you waiting for? Go, go, go, go!
02:43Oh, my God.
03:04Hiya, love.
03:05Told you I'm not faking.
03:07I know, love. I'm sorry, sweetheart.
03:11Um, can you...
03:14Do you think you're out for a drive?
03:16But you're not allowed.
03:17No, you're right, I'm not allowed.
03:21Ah, er, go and get your uncle from the packing shed
03:24and tell him that he needs to drive us somewhere.
03:27Yeah, now. Hurry.
03:29Are you taking the tablet back?
03:31Er, no, not exactly.
03:33Can I finish my game first?
03:36But it won't take long.
03:37Isaac, just go.
03:38But I'm winning.
03:39Isaac, go get your uncle, please.
03:42You kid.
03:44Hi, you've reached Belle.
03:46Leave a message and I'll call you as soon as I can.
03:50Belle, hi, it's me.
03:52Look, can you call me back?
03:54Or come over?
03:56You really need to see this.
04:00It's even worse than you imagined.
04:09Hi, you've reached Belle.
04:11Leave a message and I'll call you as soon as I can.
04:13Belle, you really need to see this.
04:16Will you call me back now?
04:36Moira, I'm here.
04:40What's the emergency?
04:44Isaac, did your mum say anything to you about having a nap?
04:54I'm just, I'm coming in.
04:55Opening the door, okay?
04:59Isaac, Isaac, go upstairs and look for your mum now, yeah?
05:05My, hi, hi.
05:06Er, you're not with your mum, are you?
05:12You were supposed to be keeping an eye on her.
05:16Oh my God, the Land Rover keys are gone.
05:20No, Matty, it's not good.
05:22Hang on, hang on, Matty, one minute, mate, one minute.
05:28Isaac, when did your mum say to come and get me?
05:32Er, a while ago.
05:34How long's a while?
05:36Isaac, how long has your mum been out there on her own?
05:40I don't know, almost an hour.
05:44Why is it taking you that long to come and get me?
05:46I'm sorry.
05:49It's okay, it's okay.
05:52We'll get her back.
05:54Matty, did you, are you there?
05:56Yes, you heard that.
05:57Yeah, so she's been out about an hour.
06:01Yeah, yeah, so you search the village and I'll drive around up here.
06:04Okay, yeah, just let me know, mate, okay?
06:07Hey, is Moira in?
06:10So you've not seen her then?
06:11No, but she wanted to see me.
06:12She's left me some pretty urgent messages, so I need to get a hold of her.
06:15Yeah, yeah, you and me both.
06:16She's taken the Land Rover keys and gone AWOL.
06:19Well, maybe she was coming to find me.
06:21Tell you what, you go home and bell me if she's there, yeah?
06:25Can you take him with you?
06:27No, I want to come with you.
06:29Mate, I will be back as soon as I can, yeah?
06:32We'll get her back, yeah?
06:34Home safe and sound.
06:35Go with Bell, yeah?
07:05That's my phone.
07:07My phone.
07:08My phone.
07:09That's my phone.
07:13My phone.
07:15My phone.
07:29Four, two, four, two.
07:33No, no, four, two, four, three.
07:38Four, two, two, four.
07:41It's not right, is it?
07:51It's not right.
07:57It's not right.
08:03It's not right.
08:12Yeah, I think it's there.
08:13I think it's there.
08:14I think it's there.
08:27Right, thanks anyway.
08:30John, John, mate, have you seen my mum this morning?
08:32Everything alright?
08:33I hope so.
08:34She's just taken off in the Land Rover.
08:36Well, she's driving?
08:38She's not really thinking straight these days.
08:45Any luck?
08:46Nah, she's not been down here today, mate.
08:47I've asked everywhere.
08:48I've called everyone.
08:49Tell me where to look.
08:50We think she was heading towards the village.
08:51She wanted to speak to Belle, so maybe you take the east roads and I'll look at the west.
08:55She might be home already, so I'll go back and hold the fort, yeah?
08:58Mate, if, um...
09:00If we don't find her soon...
09:01Go on, Matty.
09:02We're gonna need to think about calling the police.
09:04Then they'll do her for driving with a cancelled licence.
09:06So she gets done, it's better than being lost god knows where.
09:08Give us another hour, yeah?
09:10And if we don't find her, we'll call the police.
10:00Is that where this is?
10:12Is that where this is?
10:22Is that where this is?
10:24It's this way.
10:29It's this way.
10:59It's Mackenzie.
11:00Are you OK?
11:01The worst of it's over.
11:03You're alright.
11:06Do you want to sit up?
11:07We'll get you up.
11:13Are you OK?
11:18Where's the...
11:19Where's the farm?
11:21Farm's all taken care of.
11:23Matty's got it sorted, OK?
11:25I just had a little seizure.
11:27You alright?
11:30It's OK though.
11:31I'm going to take you home.
11:42Moira, is this yours?
11:44It was in the back of the Land Rover.
11:48No, it doesn't look like one of ours.
11:50Maybe Kyle's borrowed it from school or a mate.
11:53Don't worry about it.
11:54I can figure it out later.
11:58Everything's looking good.
12:00That's the sort of doctoring we like.
12:02Everything doesn't feel good.
12:04It feels fuzzy and wobbly and just wrong.
12:08Sounds about right.
12:10You've suffered a tonic-clonic seizure.
12:13Not another one?
12:16I don't remember.
12:18I don't remember much, really.
12:20Bang on the head won't have helped.
12:22Do you think that'll shake the neuro team into giving her more meds?
12:25Doubt it.
12:27They did tell you the meds can take a couple of months to settle.
12:30So we just keep waiting and seeing then, yeah?
12:33That's not up to me, but likely.
12:36For now, you just rest up.
12:38Lots of fluids.
12:43No stress.
12:45Any questions, any concerns, you call me.
12:48Thanks, Jon.
12:53I'm so sorry.
12:55Mum, you've got nothing to be sorry about.
12:58Yeah, but you said that I drove the Land Rover.
13:02I'm not supposed to do that.
13:04Well, we'll just hide the keys next time.
13:07Listen, are you sure about not wanting Cain to know?
13:11No, Zak needs him.
13:14Plus, Tom is still a free man.
13:17I don't want Cain anywhere near him right now.
13:23Isaac's still with Lydia.
13:25I didn't want to bring him just in case.
13:27How are you?
13:29I'm a bit tired, but I'm OK, thanks.
13:33Good, that's really good.
13:35Listen, I think you were trying to find me when you got lost.
13:39You said you needed to speak to me urgently.
13:41I did?
13:43What about it?
13:45I'm hoping that you can tell me.
13:49Hi, it's me.
13:51Look, can you call me back?
13:53Or come over?
13:55You really need to see this.
13:57It's even worse than you imagined.
14:01No, it's just...
14:03Well, it's clearly important.
14:05Yeah, but I just don't know what it's about.
14:08Could it be about Tom?
14:10Moira, please, I could really do with some help right now,
14:13so just think.
14:15I'll play you it again.
14:17No, you won't.
14:19It might trigger something.
14:20It won't, it doesn't work like that, Val.
14:22You're only stressing her out, she's meant to be resting.
14:24Moira, I just need to know what you saw.
14:27I'm sorry, Bill.
14:29I don't want you to be sorry, I just want you to think, please.
14:31That's enough. Val, we know you want answers, we do too.
14:34But she's just had a seizure, she's not up for it.
14:38You need to leave, Bill.
14:40Moira, whatever you have seen, it could make all the difference.
14:45It doesn't make any difference.
14:47Because she can't remember.
14:49And you pushing her when she's like this, it's just cruel.
14:52Just go.
14:56I'm so sorry, Bill.