Coronation Street - Scene 5 (4th October 2024)

  • 2 days ago
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00:02Hey, erm...
00:04How did it go with Dr Gaddis?
00:06Yeah, fine.
00:08Booked an appointment at the clinic next week.
00:12It's the right decision.
00:14Yeah, yeah, I know.
00:18What are we gonna tell the girls?
00:20Can I have my tablet?
00:22No, you can't. We've spoke about this. Not during school hours.
00:24I'm not out of school, am I?
00:26You're suspended. You're not on holiday.
00:28Can I go out, then? I need a break.
00:30Have you done your homework? Yeah.
00:32Let's see. Fine, I ain't finished it.
00:34Well, then you're not going out.
00:36When are you gonna stop lying to us about everything?
00:38Take a chill pill, Mum. Stress isn't good for the baby.
00:44I'm not pregnant.
00:46It was a false alarm.
00:48What do you mean?
00:50Erm, we got it wrong.
00:52And I shouldn't have told you
00:54until we were sure.
00:58Are you all right?
01:00Are they for me?
01:04OK. What have you done?
01:06Nothing. Hmm?
01:08Well, you must have done something.
01:10Is it them flipping vapes again?
01:12Cos if we find out you're on them now, Ruby...
01:14Come on, out with it.
01:16Have you got cancer, Mum?
01:22What makes you think that?
01:24Sam said...
01:26Toya thought she were pregnant and then it turned out to be cancer.
01:28Oh, so you thought...
01:30Oh, love.
01:34No, I haven't got cancer.
01:36You're not just saying that.
01:40So where on Ruby's life?
01:42Why is it on my life?
01:46Come on, sit down, both of you.
01:48Come here.
01:56I should have told you the truth
01:58in the first place, right?
02:00It wasn't a false alarm.
02:02I was pregnant.
02:06Well, I still am.
02:10But me and your dad
02:12have decided
02:14that we're not going to have the baby.
02:18So next week
02:20I'm going to hospital
02:24and I'm going to have a termination.
02:28Look, I know it's a lot to get your heads around,
02:30right, but
02:32we honestly think
02:34it's for the best.
02:36Cos we've got two lovely kids.
02:38Well, you know, most of the time you're lovely.
02:42And three, you know, with Dorian, so...
02:46What I'm trying to say is
02:50we're happy with our family
02:52the way it is.
02:56Does that make sense?
03:00Got anything you want to ask me?
03:06Well, if you think of anything, yeah.
03:10You OK?
03:12You sure?
03:16Come here.
03:18Told them
03:20that you're not keeping it.
03:22What a lovely way to put it.
03:24How did you put it?
03:26I told them I'm having a termination.
03:28Well, that's hardly better.
03:30They handled it well.
03:32They're too young.
03:34They're not stupid. They probably know more than we do.
03:36Look, do you have to tell them everything?
03:40Just put them back in.
03:42I don't mind. I like them like that.
03:44Just talk to me for a minute, please.
03:46I know
03:48you think they're still babies, Ty,
03:50but they're not.
03:52I found Hope with condoms the other week, didn't I?
03:54Come on, if it's not condoms, it's vapes.
03:56They're growing up.
03:58They do biology in school.
04:00They know about sex and
04:04and termination.
04:06I know, I know, but it's a different kettle of fish when the mother's having one.
04:08I had to tell them.
04:10Hope thought I had cancer.
04:12Look, I just... I don't want to lie to them
04:14Not anymore.
04:16They deserve to know the truth.
04:18What, even if it upsets them?
04:20They seemed OK.
04:22I know, I know, but we don't really know how they feel, do we?
04:24Look, maybe
04:26they are OK. I don't know.
04:28I'm just saying, you know, but one minute they're getting excited
04:30because they think they've got a new little brother
04:32or sister on the way, and the next minute
04:34we're telling them that we don't want that.
04:36It's a lot for kids to deal with.
04:38Is your stomach burning?
04:40Go and wash your hands, please.