Coronation Street - Scene 1 (4th October 2024)

  • 2 days ago
No copyright infringement intended (owned by ITV)


00:12Oh, what are you doing up so early?
00:14I had a dream about Uncle Paul. Couldn't get back to sleep.
00:17Oh, sweetheart.
00:20Why are you up? Couldn't sleep either.
00:22Me? No, I just heard you get up.
00:27Do you think he'll be mad I didn't go to the funeral?
00:29Of course not. He'd understand.
00:32I feel bad.
00:34Eh, the last thing Uncle Paul had wanted was for you to feel bad.
00:40You were upset.
00:42And that's because you love him so much, just as much as he loves you.
00:47I miss him already.
00:53You're up with the lark?
00:57Yeah, Joe couldn't sleep.
00:59Yeah, he joined the club.
01:01You all right, chicken?
01:03I'm all right.
01:05Do you reckon you'll be OK to go to school?
01:07Yeah, I reckon he'll take my mind off things.
01:11I'm gonna go get a shower.
01:16The maturity of that lad.
01:19I'd have jumped at the chance to skip school.
01:22Yeah, me and all.
01:24Talking of school, old school, that is,
01:28we are going proper rave today.
01:32Without the, er, drugs and sticky dance floors, obviously.
01:37I can just see it now, Mum.
01:39Billy and Dev with the glow sticks, shouting, ''Tune!''
01:43It'd be better.
01:46You heard from Billy?
01:48Texted him twice. Apologised again.
01:51Has he replied?
01:54I'll keep trying.
01:57I hope he's all right, Mum.
02:14How are you feeling?
02:17Sorry, stupid question.
02:20Thought you might want a solid hangover breakfast.
02:23Baking an egg, Bob?
02:25Sorry, I don't think I can face food.
02:32I'm glad you got back OK last night.
02:34Everyone was worried.
02:38Yeah, I just, er...
02:40Just needed some space.
02:46Are you gonna be all right for today?
02:48The big memorial rave?
02:51I don't...
02:53I'll see how I feel after I've picked up the ashes from Shuttleworths.
02:57Yeah, of course.
03:00Any update on Bethany?
03:02Well, I spoke to Sarah before.
03:04She's on the mend, but they want to keep her in another week.
03:07Another week? At two grand a day?
03:11And then it's just 50 grand to have her medevaced home.
03:13So, bargain.
03:15How's that fundraiser looking?
03:17You mean since my gran dropped an atom bomb on it?
03:22She feels terrible.
03:24So she should.
03:25I've been thinking more about the house.
03:26Well, we can't sell it.
03:28It's my house.
03:29And we live in it.
03:31You know, you're family.
03:32Do you want to make us all homeless?
03:34It does sound a bit drastic.
03:36We've got to do something.
03:38And I can't think of another way.
03:45I'm gonna call it Singles Who Want To Mingles.
03:47It's good, innit?
03:49Hey, either that or number ones without number twos.
03:52I think the first one's better.
03:54So far, I've got Izzy, Ryan and Steve.
03:56We're gonna have our first house in tomorrow, if you're free.
03:58I'm not.
03:59It's gonna be great.
04:00I thought we could all go to the pub, have a few drinks...
04:03Look, I would rather stick pins in my eyes
04:05and go to your blooming, tragic singles club.
04:08All right? Now move.
04:10I'll be with me.
04:13You don't have to be so harsh.
04:15What do you want, Ryan? I'm busy.
04:17This came for you.
04:18I thought it might be something to do with the play you're in tomorrow.
04:21Keep your voice down.
04:26Everything OK?
04:27Yes, fine.
04:29You sure everything's all right?
04:31Yes, I've got a lot on my mind, obviously,
04:33and I can't think straight with all these interruptions, that's all.
04:36In fact, I think I'm gonna go and work from home.
04:38You're not there today, are you?
04:40No, I'm doing DJing at the party for Paul.
04:42Might get a moment's peace, then.
04:44All right.
04:46See you.