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Where is Missy's spinoff? Welcome to MsMojo, and today we’re examining why the Coopers’ only daughter should have received a spinoff series after “Young Sheldon” ended.


00:00Might as well be invisible.
00:02Not today, you're not!"
00:03Welcome to Ms. Mojo, and today we're examining why the Coopers' only daughter should have
00:08received a spinoff series after Young Sheldon ended.
00:10Have you always been that way?
00:11I guess so.
00:12I think when you're on your own a lot, you get good at saying that kind of stuff.
00:18Don't get us wrong, we're thrilled that the Big Bang Theory universe keeps expanding,
00:23and we absolutely love Georgie and Mandy.
00:25So we're really doing this?
00:29But we can't help but feeling that, once again, Missy Cooper was overlooked.
00:33And my mom and me mom spend all their time fussing over Sheldon, so they're like a team
00:39So no one's on your team?
00:42It's just me.
00:43Given the direction in which her story was heading in Young Sheldon's final season, there's
00:48a lot of untapped potential there.
00:51For the longest time, Missy was the standout character.
00:54Her sassy attitude and sharp wit made her incredibly lovable.
00:59So kids, we have a little family business to discuss.
01:02You're pregnant?
01:04We're getting a puppy?
01:06I'm not sure I care.
01:08We enjoyed watching her evolve from an adorable little firecracker into a wry, rebellious
01:14Though we admit, there were moments when we wanted to send her straight to her room.
01:19In Season 6, Missy enters what Sheldon calls her difficult period, and by Season 7, she
01:24loses the family members she was arguably closest to.
01:28In The Big Bang Theory, we learn that Missy's life takes a different path than her brother's.
01:33Think about that.
01:34I have a sister with the same basic DNA mix who hosts us at Fuddruckers.
01:38She had so much potential, and it's hard not to wonder what happened in those missing years.
01:43The spinoff could give us those answers.
01:45Not long after Georgie and Mandy met and found out they were expecting, they quickly became
01:50fan favorites.
01:51What can I do?
01:55You're doing great.
01:56That's how screwed up my life is right now.
01:57You're the best part of it.
02:01Their surprising connection brought a fresh energy to the series, and we couldn't get
02:05enough of it.
02:06Executive producer Steve Holland even said the chemistry between Emily Osment and Montana
02:11Jordan was so strong that it practically begged for its own spotlight.
02:16Plus, while they had to align Sheldon's story with The Big Bang Theory, they now have the
02:21freedom to fully explore Georgie and Mandy's lives without those constraints.
02:25My plans include more than making babies so they can pick on each other.
02:29I want a career.
02:30I support that.
02:31Then maybe go back to school.
02:37But here's the thing.
02:39We already know Georgie and Mandy will eventually divorce.
02:42The show is called Georgie and Mandy's First Marriage, and Sheldon later mentions Georgie's
02:47other ex-wife texting him after his Nobel win.
02:50Awww, it's a congratulations text from my meemaw.
02:53Oh, and there's one from my mom, and my sister, and my brother, and my brother's ex-wife,
03:02my brother's other ex-wife.
03:03On the flip side, Missy's storyline feels even more intriguing because we know so little
03:08about what happens between the end of Young Sheldon and The Big Bang Theory timeline.
03:13The spinoff is set to show another side of Missy that ties in with what Georgie tells
03:17Sheldon during their reconciliation.
03:20Who do you think took care of everything?
03:22Mom did.
03:23Mom always took care of everything.
03:25Mom was a miss.
03:27Missy was a dumb teenager.
03:28I had to look after both of them.
03:30We hope this at least opens the door for Missy to become a recurring character.
03:34Missy's future beyond Young Sheldon is easily the biggest mystery.
03:39After George dies, Sheldon heads off to Caltech, and Georgie focuses on his family.
03:44But what about Missy?
03:46She's the only one whose life seemingly goes back to what it was before.
03:50But now?
03:51She doesn't even have her brothers around to help her through it.
03:54It was clear she struggled the most with their father's absence, but since it all happened
03:58so close to the series finale, we never really see her work through that grief.
04:03Everything is just so different lately.
04:06Change is terrible.
04:07I've been saying it since I no longer fit in my highchair.
04:09We spent a lot of time together in this room, huh?
04:12She was already in her rebellious teen phase, and as Georgie hinted, things didn't get any
04:18easier for her.
04:19You're not Dad.
04:20You don't tell us what to do.
04:21Well, I will.
04:22And that's enough.
04:23It's okay.
04:24It's healthy for everyone to let their feelings out.
04:26Oh, shut up, Jeff.
04:28Go to your room!
04:29A Missy-centric spinoff could explore how she processes her father's death and whether
04:34she ever truly comes to terms with it.
04:36Our dad's gone.
04:39Screw this.
04:41You said you'd do it.
04:42Yeah, well, I changed my mind.
04:43I'm not going home.
04:44Losing him so suddenly probably felt like the ground shifted beneath her feet, possibly
04:51setting her on an entirely new path.
04:54Missy isn't Sheldon-smart, but who is?
04:57Still, what she lacks in book-smarts, she more than makes up for in street-smarts, interpersonal
05:02skills, and a big heart.
05:04You are an insightful young lady.
05:06I don't know what that means, but thank you.
05:09It means perceptive.
05:11You see things most people miss.
05:13My name is Missy.
05:14Go figure.
05:15Yet it feels unfair that while her brothers go on to become incredibly successful, Missy's
05:20future seems to stall in comparison.
05:23We're not disparaging any profession, but it's hard to see how the Missy we know would
05:28feel fulfilled as a hostess at Fudruckers.
05:31And it doesn't seem like her personal life is going too well, either.
05:34Her husband would be here, but he stayed home to watch their older son.
05:38So, everything's fine.
05:42Stop it.
05:43We're separated.
05:45We need to know what led Missy down this route.
05:48Fans often compare her to The Big Bang Theory's Penny, who also had a rocky start, but eventually
05:53found her footing.
05:54Missy had that same potential.
05:56So what happened?
05:58Remember when Paige said everything that used to matter didn't seem important after her
06:02parents' divorce?
06:04Everything that used to seem important to me just… doesn't anymore.
06:11Is that what happened to Missy after George passed away?
06:14Did she lose her spark?
06:15We have so many questions about that time frame after the Young Sheldon finale.
06:20We need answers!
06:21We're talking about Dad's funeral, why don't you care?
06:24The details of the funeral are irrelevant.
06:26They won't change anything.
06:27I can't wait for yours.
06:29Hey, that's enough out of you two.
06:31Even Regan Revorde, who plays Missy, has spoken out about her disappointment with where Missy's
06:35story ended up.
06:36You've been forgetting me my entire life.
06:39Everything is Sheldon, now Georgie has a baby, and you two are fighting.
06:42Might as well be invisible.
06:44She admitted it breaks her heart that Missy was often overlooked because of her genius
06:49brother, and then lost the one family member who truly made her feel seen.
06:54In the series finale, Mary is so caught up in her own grief that she's not really there
06:58for her kids.
07:00Mary, they don't need your prayers.
07:05They need their mother.
07:08And I need to know that their souls are saved.
07:10Instead of focusing on their emotional needs, she's preoccupied with saving their souls.
07:16So with Sheldon off at college, Georgie busy raising a baby, and Connie worried about Mary,
07:21who does Missy have to turn to?
07:23You can't make me.
07:25You're right, I can't.
07:29But I'm watching my daughter fall apart right now.
07:32Revord added that she feels bad that Missy's a waitress, she's got all these kids, and
07:37she's the least successful Cooper kid.
07:40It's clear even she thinks Missy deserved better.
07:42If it can work for getting an eight pound human through a birth canal, it can work for
07:46a tiny tooth.
07:47Eight pounds?
07:48I'm never having kids.
07:51Fun fact, she ended up having four.
07:53Going back to the mother and daughter relationship, Missy and Mary go through a rough patch in
07:58the later seasons of Young Sheldon.
08:00Why do you always take his side?
08:02I do not.
08:03Yes, you do.
08:04Everybody does.
08:05I hate this family.
08:06You are grounded, young lady.
08:12Like many teenagers and their parents, they clash frequently.
08:16Missy acts out and deliberately provokes her mom, while Mary struggles to reconnect with
08:20her daughter.
08:21In the last interaction on Young Sheldon, Missy agrees to get baptized, but storms out
08:26at the last moment.
08:29From what we see in The Big Bang Theory, it's unclear if their relationship ever fully mended.
08:33Where's mom?
08:35She wanted to stop by the hotel and freshen up, and then call her pastor to pray for Missy's
08:40A spinoff could give us a chance to see them find common ground and rebuild a more positive
08:46By the end of Young Sheldon, it's just Mary and Missy at home, and there's definitely
08:51a lot for them to work through.
08:53That thine ox and thine ass may rest.
08:56That is it.
08:58For reading the Bible?
08:59The way you are doing it, yes.
09:00Go to your room.
09:02I don't have a donkey, but if I did, I'd take my ass out of here.
09:06It would be interesting to see how they navigate this, and come to terms with their new dynamics.
09:11Of course, Mary wouldn't be the only Young Sheldon character coming back.
09:15Connie would still have a big role, and we'd probably see her helping her daughter and
09:19granddaughter reconnect.
09:20I do question why you're not spending more time with your son, who's leaving in a few
09:27days, and your daughter, who may be leaving as we speak.
09:31She's doing okay.
09:33She's not.
09:34You just don't know that, because you're spending all your time praying.
09:36We'd also get to see what's next for her and her life with Dale.
09:40Since Connie's Season 7 storyline wasn't exactly a happy one, it'd be great to see her land
09:46back on her feet.
09:47You are writing a new chapter in the book of you, a book where a perky heroine rises
09:55up and...
09:59And what?
10:00I don't know.
10:01Plus, a Missy-centered spinoff could bring back characters like Dr. Sturgess and Link
10:06Letter, and the Sparks family in ways that wouldn't fit into the Georgie and Mandy narrative.
10:11Also, do you know who else it could reintroduce?
10:14That's right, Paige Swanson.
10:15I saw my dad's truck.
10:16I'm running away.
10:17Want to come?
10:18You're running away?
10:19That sounds dangerous.
10:20Oh, um, well, my dad taught me how to drive, and...
10:23I'm messing with you.
10:25Come and get me.
10:26The last time we saw Paige, she and Missy were on the lam, both having fled from trouble
10:31back home.
10:32Paige was missing from Season 7, but now seems like the perfect time to bring her back.
10:38Both she and Missy are dealing with their own set of issues on top of the usual teenage
10:43This is the best day of my life.
10:44First time running away?
10:45Pretty much.
10:46Think your parents know you're gone?
10:49They barely know when I'm there.
10:51They're already great friends, and while Missy has supported Paige in the past, it
10:55would be interesting to see Paige become the only one Missy leans on this time.
11:00Given that they're both wild cards, it's likely their interactions would be less about a shoulder
11:05to cry on and more about what trouble they can stir up next.
11:08What good is being smart if you're all alone?
11:11Let's go to Sheldon's room and get you cleaned up.
11:15Just so you know, you're not alone.
11:18You've got me.
11:19But no matter how chaotic they get, they always seem to give each other the space to be themselves,
11:24and that's something special.
11:25You know, I heard there's a place in Florida where you can get a job as a mermaid.
11:31Don't get mad at me, but you are a genius.
11:34Just don't tell the other mermaids.
11:35Seeing their shenanigans could provide a perfect setup for a new series and give us the closure
11:40we need on Paige's story.
11:41After she seemingly vanished and was never mentioned again, even during crossover seasons
11:46with the Parents series, we were left wondering what happened to her.
11:50You are not hanging out with Paige anymore.
11:51That's not fair.
11:52It was my idea, not Paige's.
11:54You really think that's helping your case?
11:55A Missy Focus spinoff could finally answer all our lingering questions about them both.
12:01Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified
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12:17As we said at the beginning, we're excited to catch up with Georgie, Mandy, Cece, and
12:21the rest of the new cast, but it feels like a missed opportunity not to bring Missy into
12:26the expanding Big Bang universe.
12:29It feels like someone just drove a truck through my body.
12:31I haven't slept in days.
12:32I cannot help you right now.
12:38We're thrilled that Revaude will make at least one appearance in Georgie and Mandy's first
12:42marriage, and we're hoping this will answer some of our burning questions.
12:46Even better, we're crossing our fingers that it will inspire the creators to give Missy
12:50her own spinoff and fully flesh out her story.
12:53If you're feeling ignored, don't worry.
12:55We're going to be laser-focused on you from now on.
12:58What would you want to see in a Missy spinoff?
13:00Let us know in the comments.
13:01First, we have to get our story straight about where I was tonight.
13:05There's only one story and it's straight.
13:06You were here.
13:07No, I wasn't.
13:09Do you agree with our picks?
13:11Check out this other recent clip from Ms. Mojo.
13:13And be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos.
