Sjene proslosti Epizoda 31

  • 2 days ago
Sjene proslosti Epizoda 31


00:00They forgot about Eda and Olga.
00:05Everything went back to normal.
00:08Or rather, their normal.
00:12And what about the police investigation into Mr. Novak's fingerprints?
00:17As far as I know, the investigation is still ongoing.
00:22For Robert, who erased it, everyone still thought it was an anniversary.
00:28Mrs. Novak did not suspect that her brother was hiding something.
00:33No, not for her brother.
00:36But, as far as her husband is concerned...
00:49That's a completely different story.
01:28In the next episode...
01:51What's up with the juice, cutie? You didn't even drink it.
01:54I don't like oranges anymore.
01:56Since when?
01:58Since yesterday.
02:00But we talked about how orange juice is good for you.
02:04You need vitamins.
02:06Do you want to drink it?
02:08I do. Come on.
02:11Here you go.
02:23Be careful, you have natural pimples.
02:50Hello, good morning Zlato, how are you?
02:52Oh, Zlato, it's so early in the morning.
02:56Dad, you don't have to be mad at me because I didn't overthink it.
03:00I don't want to hang out with my girlfriend.
03:03Honey, just listen to me.
03:05I know it's hard for you and your brother to get divorced.
03:09But it's time for you to accept the situation.
03:12If not because of yourself, then because of Borna.
03:15I mean, it would be much easier for him if he saw that we get along well.
03:20Besides, you yourself said that everyone should be given a second chance, right?
03:24Come on, believe me, this will work out for everything.
03:28I see that you won't be able to solve it.
03:30Come on, it's okay.
03:32Wait, does that mean you agree?
03:34Yes, dad, I agree.
03:36But you have to explain everything to mom, okay?
03:39No problem, honey, I'll solve everything.
03:41Come on, bye.
03:44Come on, honey, you did it.
03:47I told you it would work out.
03:49Hey, I planned everything, you'll see.
03:51Bravo, bravo.
04:05Why haven't you called yet?
04:07Are you afraid?
04:09Why would I be afraid? I'll call now.
04:18Borna, what are you doing?
04:20I'm taking this egg out of the egg.
04:22I'm sick of it.
04:24And I'm sick of it because I have to look at you, how you're scratching that plate.
04:28I told you there's no argument when it's breakfast.
04:31What's wrong with you?
04:33You didn't even eat that much.
04:35Mom, it's okay, I'm just not hungry.
04:39Young lady.
04:42If my memory serves me well,
04:45we said we'd be honest with each other in this house.
04:49Come on, I want to hear what's bothering you.
04:51It's nothing.
04:53Did you talk to dad this morning?
04:56I didn't, why?
04:59It doesn't matter.
05:00Borna, can you get me a cup of coffee?
05:02If it doesn't matter, then it doesn't matter.
05:21What's up, Mato?
05:23Hi, Ana, good morning, how are you?
05:28Why are you calling me?
05:30Well, you know I'm taking a baby today.
05:33Yes, like every weekend, and?
05:36Well, nothing, I just wanted to ask you...
05:40Come on, Mato, say what you were thinking.
05:45Blanka planned something,
05:47so I wanted to see if it's okay for you.
05:50Why is it okay for me?
05:53Well, it's okay for kids to hang out with Blanka.
05:59Hello, Ana, are you there?
06:05Yes, I am.
06:10It's okay.
06:12It had to happen sooner or later.
06:15Yes, thank you, thank you very much.
06:18You can pick them up the night before.
06:31Was that dad?
06:33Yes, he'll come for you today,
06:36and then you'll spend the weekend with him.
06:39Borna, come on, get ready for school.
06:42Why should I bother you?
06:44If you want to talk, just keep talking,
06:46as if I'm not here.
06:48Little one, go to your room.
06:50Come on, let's go.
06:56Great, great, great.
06:59The kids will love me.
07:01They will.
07:03I can't wait.
07:06Mom, if you don't want to,
07:08we don't have to see each other with her.
07:11And I don't want to look at that fool,
07:14let dad hang out with her.
07:16No, honey, this is the best for everyone.
07:19I just see how this is the best for my dad and his daughter.
07:24That sponsor broke up your marriage,
07:27and now she's trying to get into me and Borna,
07:30as if nothing terrible had happened.
07:33And you let her do that.
07:35Mom, you let her win.
07:37Nika, the last thing I want
07:40is to drag you into the conflict
07:42between your dad and me.
07:45I mean, what does it mean to win?
07:47What does it mean?
07:49Does it mean that you all suffer
07:51while I'm sitting here, happy that it's already over?
07:55I think our marriage is over.
07:57That's it.
07:59I don't want to look at her, Mom.
08:03And this is his story,
08:05that the situation between us should be normalized because of Borna.
08:09It's all her fault.
08:11She's spinning dad around a little finger.
08:14Honey, listen to me.
08:16Some things in life should simply be accepted.
08:21And what dad told you is right.
08:24And it doesn't matter whose idea it was.
08:28So we all should listen to a man
08:30who manipulates a person who earns money
08:33by practicing on a rubber ball.
08:37But whether we want it or not,
08:39that woman is now a part of our lives.
08:43And you have to find a way
08:46to accept it.
08:49Who knows?
08:50Maybe you like her.
08:54But if we're going to be honest,
08:57I don't know how it's going to affect me,
08:59but that's not important.
09:02What is important is your relationship with dad.
09:06As far as I know,
09:08I know that dad loves you more than anything in the world,
09:12and he would do anything for you.
09:14And you love him too.
09:16Mom, I...
09:17Please, forgive me.
09:19Let me finish.
09:21The biggest mistake would be
09:24to lose dad because of something so stupid.
09:28It's not love.
09:29Life is a test.
09:32And you have to realize that you have only one father.
09:36And don't make it short.
09:40Mom, I love you.
09:42And I love you.
09:44I can't describe how much I love you.
09:52What's going on here?
09:54Why are you just staring?
09:56Come here.
09:57Come here.
10:05Be good.
10:07And if I didn't tell you, go to school again.
10:18Come on.
10:20You have to go.
10:21I love you.
10:22I love you too.
10:26Come on.
10:39Good morning, Marta.
10:41Good morning, dear.
10:42Would you like some coffee in the gym?
10:44You know what?
10:46I could.
10:47I have some time before work.
10:51See you.
10:56Be good.
11:01Why do hundreds of people look at a man who walks on a rope, not to see if they want to
11:29cross it, but to see the fall?
11:33The masses love to hear stories about the falls of the great kings.
11:38That is why no one stops the king while he is walking on a rope, but they look at him while holding their breath.
11:46No matter how hard you try, some thoughts just can't get out of your head.
11:58For example, what if Nika and Borna fall in love?
12:02I mean, it's not that I want it, I don't want it, but on the other hand, I don't want them to fight and be angry all the time.
12:11I don't know, maybe it's better for them to accept it.
12:14I just don't want them to be unhappy.
12:17It's really hard.
12:19Very hard.
12:21I can't even imagine what you go through.
12:24You live your life and then all of a sudden, overnight, everything disappears.
12:29I never asked you, when did you actually start doubting that it was Matovar?
12:34When you found the cell phone or before?
12:38I didn't doubt it before.
12:40I mean, either he knew what he was hiding, or I just didn't want to believe it.
12:46And then now, when I return the film, all the signs were already there.
12:52What do you think?
12:56I'll kill you when I see you tomorrow.
12:58I'll scratch you like a pig in a grease cloth.
13:04Okay, yes.
13:05We'll talk, we'll talk.
13:07Come on, come on, come on, Flo.
13:09I'm sorry, honey, but this annoying client really doesn't stop bothering me.
13:18What's for dinner?
13:21Let's go, dad.
13:26Honey, when are we leaving?
13:31Where did you get that?
13:33I bought it this morning. Do you like it?
13:37It looks good on you.
13:39Thank you, honey, thank you.
13:41You know what, I bought it so I don't look like an old tramp in front of you.
13:51Let's go.
13:52Okay, okay.
14:01Here you go.
14:02Thank you, honey.
14:08Where's your ring?
14:10Your ring.
14:12Oh, God, I left it in the bathroom when I washed my hands.
14:16I'll go get it.
14:17No, no, no, no.
14:18Let it go.
14:19Drink this in peace.
14:21My God, if your head wasn't stuck to the door, you'd forget it.
14:25You know, I would.
14:37Well, dear wife, I'm happy to see you.
14:42Oh, dear husband, thank you.
14:46You shouldn't have.
14:49Let's see.
15:02Why is this bill for two identical gifts?
15:05Because my client, Danko, you know he never knows where to buy a gift,
15:09so he asked me to buy it for him.
15:12You're such a good friend.
15:15What can I say?
15:18You're welcome.
15:22Oh, dear.
15:52Do they sleep on the couch?
15:54Yes, sometimes.
16:10You must have thought that Jadnicek was very tired from work.
16:18Absolute horror.
16:20I mean, everything was clear as day,
16:22but I was so naive that I didn't doubt anything.
16:26If I had been more suspicious, maybe he wouldn't have thought of doing all that.
16:32I don't know what to tell you.
16:34I'll start thinking that all men are like that,
16:38and that they shouldn't be believed.
16:40They think only for their own good,
16:42and they don't care at all about making a fool out of you.
16:46Please, don't blame yourself.
16:49If anyone in this story is a fool, it's Mato.
16:53Paula, we honestly thought it was just a moment of weakness,
16:57a stupid mistake.
16:59We didn't think it would ruin your home.
17:02That's why we didn't tell you.
17:04We wanted to spare you from all this pain.
17:06Yes, I understand what you meant.
17:10But we should have told you, shouldn't we?
17:12Look how stupid we were.
17:16Such things should always be said.
17:20Honestly, I don't know.
17:24It's really complicated.
17:28Where's Paula?
17:29Leave her alone. I didn't invite her.
17:32I wanted to see you alone.
17:34I wanted to see how you were.
17:37As you can see, I'm great.
17:40How's work? How are you doing?
17:42Oh, yes. I have to tell you that.
17:44That job and my children, of course,
17:48are the only bright spots in my life.
17:52I'm glad to hear that.
17:54So there are no problems?
17:56No, everything is great.
17:58And with Simon?
18:00How are you getting along? How are you cooperating?
18:02Everything is fine.
18:05Everything is fine, Marta.
18:07It seems to me that something is bothering you.
18:09No, no.
18:11Simon has been kind of stressed at home lately,
18:14so I was a little worried about him.
18:16I didn't notice anything. I think he's fine.
18:20I know you don't like to meddle in other people's business.
18:23We're practically like sisters.
18:26I should have told you if something was wrong.
18:29Of course, Marta. Believe me, you would have told me.
18:33But the only thing I can tell you about your husband
18:35is that he's an excellent boss.
18:38You see how the other employees look at him.
18:40She would be really proud.
18:43Yes, yes, yes.
18:44Everyone admires him and praises him.
18:46The client and everyone who works for him.
18:49It's nice to hear that.
18:52You know what?
18:54I could go to the office with you.
18:57To surprise him.
18:59That's a really good idea. I think he'll be glad.
19:03Here, see? Late.
19:07Leave it. I'll do it.
19:08You don't have to.
19:10Please, prepare that wallet.
19:12You'll honor it next time you get your first paycheck.
19:17Excuse me.
19:37That's my desk.
19:39I have to go now. Bye.
19:41Kisses, honey. See you later.
20:12Hello, Mrs. Novak.
20:14Where are you from?
20:15Zoran, God.
20:16I came to surprise Simon.
20:18Is he in the office?
20:19He is.
20:20Thank you. See you.
20:21See you.
20:23The Central Bank will lower the interest rate.
20:27Very soon.
20:30Hey, help me.
20:31Believe me, the search will continue,
20:33and then we can expect a profit.
20:35That's right.
20:37Thank you. See you.
20:40Where were you?
20:41I was with you at the coffee shop,
20:43and I wanted to see you.
20:45Am I bothering you?
20:46You know, it's good that you came.
20:48I need a little break.
20:49You see how much a woman knows.
20:53Mr. Novak,
20:55I'm sorry
20:56for bothering you.
20:57No, you're not.
20:59How can I help you?
21:00You just need to sign a few things.
21:20Anything else?
21:21No, that's all.
21:22Thank you very much.
21:23Thank you, Ivana.
21:24Thank you, Ivana.
21:29You have a lot of women working for you.
21:31I didn't notice that before.
21:34Yes, I guess.
21:37Does that suit you?
21:40Women pay much more attention to details
21:42and make less mistakes than men.
21:45If you say so.
21:48I do.
21:54why have you been sleeping on the couch lately?
22:02My back hurts.
22:04I guess that's why.
22:09Is there a problem?
22:12No, no. Why do you ask?
22:15I don't know.
22:16Between us,
22:17at work.
22:18At work?
22:24Marta wanted to know
22:26if Simon
22:30was cheating on her.
22:33I mean,
22:34Marta was on the right track,
22:38she was looking for a wrong problem
22:40in the wrong place.
22:48Is there a problem?
22:51No, no. Why?
22:54No reason.
22:55Just like that.
22:56You know me.
22:57I'm always worried.
23:01You don't have to worry about that.
23:05Maybe you should go to a doctor
23:07to have a look at your back.
23:09To know what it's about.
23:12I was there recently
23:13and he didn't tell me anything new.
23:15Maybe you need a more detailed examination
23:17from a doctor, for example.
23:20As you say,
23:21women are more detailed.
23:25I'll see.
23:27Let's go to a party.
23:29We haven't been together for a long time.
23:31That would be nice.
23:35That would be nice.
23:48Mom, you don't have to worry about anything.
23:50I'm not going to have fun with him.
23:52I'll ignore him all the time.
23:54I'm only doing this for Dad.
23:56It's okay, love.
23:57It's nice to work hard for Dad.
24:04I'm ready.
24:09Here he is.
24:11You don't have to rush because of me.
24:13You can smile a little.
24:15I'm going to get my bag.
24:16Come on.
24:30Are you okay?
24:31Yes, I am.
24:33Here are my princesses.
24:37You don't have to be so happy.
24:40Is it better now?
24:43Let's go.
24:44Let's go, soldier.
24:46Let's go.
24:53Come on, kids.
24:54Get in the car.
25:04Have fun.
25:06I will.
25:13Have fun.
25:15Don't worry about me.
25:16I'm okay.
25:19Bye, Mom.
25:29Let's go.
25:42Let's go.
26:13Let's go.
26:15I will be back in a minute.
26:42He's an atypical happy kid, but he won't be like that if you keep buying him around.
26:46Buying him around? I just want my kids to be happy.
26:49Don't. How are you going to make me happy?
26:52Well, if I remember correctly, you said you wanted a car for your 18th birthday.
27:00Do you need help with the pizza?
27:03It looks like we need help. We can do it ourselves.
27:07I'd like a slice of pizza.
27:09Let's wait for the train first, and then we'll all eat.
27:12Come on, sit down, start eating, and we'll bring the pizza.
27:17Pizza, pizza, pizza.
27:22Can we talk for a bit?
27:24Sure. You tried so hard to get us today, so take advantage of it.
27:28Look, I'm sorry we met in such a horrible way.
27:32And I'm sorry we met at all.
27:35And when we're already talking about each other.
27:37I know that my behavior looks bad to you, but you and I are a lot more alike than you think.
27:43Well, yes. How exactly?
27:45When I was your age, my parents also split up.
27:52Well, I know best what you're going through, and that's why I want you and your brother to get to know me better,
27:58and to realize that I'm not a bad person.
28:00And I want you to be unhappy like I was.
28:04Now I'm sorry.
28:06It doesn't have to be me, it's a thing of the past.
28:09I really love your father.
28:11I love everything related to him, and I love you.
28:14And now that I'm in a relationship with a married man, maybe it wasn't good, but...
28:19You didn't have a choice. I'm telling you, they fell in love.
28:22You're so smart, girl.
28:25And that's why I want you and me to hang out as much as possible.
28:28Of course, if you want it, I won't be a nuisance to you, but I want you to know that I'll always be there for you.
28:34I mean, I didn't know you loved my dad so much.
28:38I love him very much.
28:40And I'll give you all the love I've never had.
28:44Why didn't you tell me you had a fight?
28:47Oh, we had a little chat.
28:49Oh, really?
28:52And look at your brother, how happy he is.
28:55He is.
28:57You know, Blanka, this party was a great idea for us.
29:01What do you say we show the boys a little girl power?
29:06Come on, two against two.
29:08What, like a girl against a boy?
29:10But losers are often late at the amusement park.
29:13I want at least three rides in electric cars.
29:15Me too.
29:19What's wrong, Dad? You didn't drink too much, did you?
29:22Well, I mean, when I look at you like this, I did drink a little.
29:25Come on, come on.
29:31Well, how did it go?
29:33That's what you call girl power, honey.
29:48They're beautiful, Emma, thank you.
29:50It's nice when you have that nice nail polish, you see?
29:52They're a little faded, but that's the trend now.
29:55You have feelings for style.
29:57I know, thank you.
30:01Hey, honey.
30:02We'll see each other next week at the same time.
30:04Of course, same time, same place.
30:06Come on, kiss, kiss, kiss.
30:12How are you, honey?
30:14There she is.
30:15Thank God.
30:17Honey, what's up?
30:18Hey, look.
30:19New nails, huh?
30:21Wow, sexy.
30:23And you came earlier again.
30:25Does Dad know?
30:27I came earlier because I don't have any more work,
30:29so I decided to come home.
30:31Well, it's Saturday.
30:33Tomo, I just don't have to defend you in front of Dad.
30:35You forgot what he called you last time.
30:37Come on, there's nothing to worry about.
30:39Eh, Štef and I have been like fingers and nails to you lately.
30:45One day I told him a joke, man.
30:48Štef almost hit him with a hair clip.
30:50Watch what I tell you.
30:51The man almost died of laughter.
30:53Okay, if you say so.
30:55Never mind that.
30:57Have you heard what Olga did at the meeting of the local community?
31:01The whole neighborhood is talking about it.
31:04No, tell me everything.
31:06So, you know that park,
31:08that Marta said she would never fix
31:11because it's a nuisance for bugs, children, traffic and all that.
31:14Olga decided to renew it.
31:17And now everyone is on her side,
31:19they voted and now she will start a big renewal.
31:24No, Marta will kill her, she hates that playground.
31:27Well, now the queen will have to get used to it.
31:30Eh, it's obvious that Olga didn't give up under her pressure.
31:35And I see that Olga has really opened up.
31:39And so?
31:41She can be.
31:42She's smart.
31:43She's capable.
31:44Okay, it's a little easier with phalloscopies, okay?
31:47Okay, come on, you know what I wanted to say.
31:49Come on, don't get mad right away.
31:51You see, a woman is a nurse and all that is valuable.
31:55Well, they have confidence in her.
31:57Okay, yes.
31:59Do you think she's become influential?
32:01More than Marta?
32:03Well, I wouldn't be surprised.
32:07Come on, let's see what there is to eat, I'm hungry.
32:14Paula Lončar here.
32:17You know those pasta I order from you?
32:20Yes, yes, those green ones, yes.
32:23There are plenty of them.
32:25No, no, you don't have to send them, I'll buy them.
32:32Wow, pasta and lasagna.
32:35It's going to be a party, huh?
32:36Oh, calm down, they're not for you.
32:38For lasagna, forgive me, love, we'll do it another time.
32:41What am I going to eat?
32:42Oh, Tomo.
32:44The fridge is full, I don't know, think of something.
32:46Come on.
32:47I have work, come on.
33:06And you really want to tell me that you don't have a single room
33:09that you could relocate to the dressing room?
33:40I saw you on the street!
33:51I brought us pasta, we can eat it together.
33:54They are divine dishes.
33:56Paula, I just came from work and...
33:59Great, I'll make us coffee, don't worry.
34:02I hear you're very busy and I'm really glad about that.
34:05Sit down.
34:27It's really nice.
34:30We should be like this more often, a little alone.
34:33If you forgot, I used to call you in the evening,
34:35but it was always more important.
34:37If you forgot, I used to call you in the evening,
34:39but it was always more important.
34:44The opening of the sports center in Čmeč is coming up.
34:48Of course, I already arranged everything.
34:50The two of us are going, Tomo and Paula,
34:52and I was thinking of inviting two more couples.
34:56What is it now?
34:58You told me how beautiful you are,
35:00and now you're inviting a smaller army.
35:02Love, don't be like that.
35:04We have to hang out with people sometimes.
35:06Yes, like a party with your friends.
35:08We all didn't forget about it.
35:10Please don't remind me of that.
35:12I'm still mad.
35:15Think about Olga.
35:17Why is she so ready?
35:19She used one Edward to convince me that he's a boy.
35:25But I know the truth.
35:27I even have proof of that.
35:30What proof?
35:32Paula and I found a manzetta.
35:34Not just any manzetta,
35:36but a manzetta from a real boy.
35:44I found this.
35:50That's why you wanted to meet,
35:52because of this manzetta.
35:56To be honest,
35:58I think she's up to something.
36:01I'm very suspicious.
36:05I have to go to the bathroom.
36:08Hurry up.
36:10I don't like sitting alone at the table.
36:52Look at this, man.
37:04I love you.
37:19It's nice when it's just the two of us.
37:23What do you think about going shopping next week?
37:28You know, I doubt it.
37:30I've been really busy lately.
37:33Don't worry, I'll take care of it.
37:35You should hang out more, Olga.
37:37Besides, I'm a bit bored with Marta.
37:44Aren't you two like a ring finger?
37:48Don't tell me you had a fight.
37:51No, no, Olga.
37:53I adore Marta.
37:54You know, a man sometimes needs a change.
37:58Besides, why don't you hang out with the most popular woman in the apartment?
38:02You know they're laughing that you're the new queen of the neighborhood?
38:06I love her.
38:08Your moves in Vienna impressed the whole team,
38:11and I can tell you more.
38:13You have no idea how much people value and love you, Olga.
38:16I mean, really.
38:22But what?
38:24Look, as you noticed,
38:26our apartment is like a small state.
38:29You can swim well in those waters,
38:31because there's always someone ready to stab you in the back.
38:34But I'm here to take care of yours.
38:36That's why you have friends, right?
38:40And thank you so much, Paula.
38:42You're welcome.
38:44Come on, you haven't even tried it.
38:48After you.
38:50All right.
38:51Just one.
39:03Where are you?
39:11Here they are.
39:15Hey, Mom.
39:17So, how was it?
39:19It was brilliant.
39:20We went to all the rides twice,
39:22and Aunt Blanca said we'd go again soon.
39:25I'm so glad.
39:27Go wash your hands, and then come eat.
39:30I'm not hungry. I'm going to my room.
39:34Did you eat anything?
39:40And how was it for you?
39:42Mom, that woman is a murderous fool.
39:45She did everything she could to charm me,
39:47but she didn't succeed.
39:49It was always fun to watch her reckless manipulation.
39:53It's like watching a monkey trying to figure out how to use a phone.
39:59She's the worst combination.
40:01Evil and stupid.
40:04Did you make anything for dinner?
40:06I'm actually starving from all the acting.
40:10Yes, I made linguine with red pesto.
40:14You know what?
40:15I'm going to warm it up for you.
40:23Come on.
40:47Come on.
40:49Show me what you've got.
40:53Come on.
41:21Good night.
41:23Good night, darling.
41:53Good night.
42:23Good night.
42:30You're welcome.
42:38You really like to enjoy small things.
42:41What else do we have?
42:46Please hold this.
42:50That woman just doesn't want to leave me alone.
42:54She heard how impressed some people were with my work in Vienna,
42:58and now, of course, she wants to be my best friend.
43:01See, Olga?
43:02There's a saying for that.
43:04It says that the weak always rush to the strong.
43:12Why don't the weak try to be strong themselves?
43:17That's just how it is in nature.
43:19Paula is just like that.
43:23What if I don't want to have someone like that around me?
43:27I'm not Martha.
43:28I don't need people to bow to me and admire me.
43:32I find it fascinating how you're always surprised by human nature.
43:41Maybe I'm really naive.
43:43You see?
43:44You learn as you live.
43:50There you go again.
43:53Tell me, what do you think?
43:55Does that woman want to leave me alone or not?
43:58I wouldn't bet on it.
44:07Bubice, stop playing with food and finish it.
44:11I heard you.
44:12You have to get ready for school.
44:14Why don't you eat a little more?
44:16Come on.
44:17Have some cheese.
44:20Daddy loves you.
44:21Come on.
44:27I'm done.
44:29You can go get ready.
44:42What are your plans for today?
44:45As usual.
44:46I'm going to work.
44:48And after that?
44:50Do you have a meeting tonight?
44:52I don't.
44:54What about the rest of the week?
44:57Like every other week.
44:59Because I have to arrange a check-up at the doctor's.
45:02You have to have a back check-up.
45:04We talked about that.
45:05Do you remember?
45:08I'm busy.
45:09Forget it.
45:10Please, forget it and remember.
45:12Honey, you have to be responsible for your health.
45:14I could stay still.
45:16You don't have to worry.
45:17I'm fine.
45:22I just thought of something.
45:25We talked about that too.
45:26If you remember,
45:28it would be nice to buy a boat.
45:31You like to sail.
45:32And it would be nice to have a little island
45:34when we want to be alone.
45:36I don't think that's a good idea.
45:41Because we can't buy anything right now.
45:44I don't understand.
45:46I thought you really wanted that.
45:49The price of the boat will drop soon.
45:51I think we should wait.
45:53What do you mean, wait?
45:55Is it okay in the company?
45:57Yes, it is.
45:59You know how I work.
46:01There are ups and downs.
46:03We just have to wait.
46:04That's it.
46:11is the company in trouble?
46:13What are you telling me?
46:19I have to go.
46:39I love you.