Efektivitas Pungutan Dana Tapera Demi Backlog Perumahan

  • 2 days ago
Badan Pengelola Tabungan Perumahan Rakyat (BP Tapera) menyampaikan, pekerja dengan penghasilan di atas UMR akan wajib mengikuti program Tapera dengan membayar iuran 3% dari gaji per bulan. Pekerja yang memiliki gaji di bawah UMR tidak diwajibkan ikut Tapera. Meski begitu, mereka tetap diperbolehkan untuk mengikuti program tersebut.

Komisioner BP Tapera Heru Pudyo Nugroho menyampaikan, program Tapera merupakan solusi untuk percepatan pemenuhan backlog perumahan melalui membeli atau membangun dan backlog rumah tidak layak huni lewat renovasi.


00:00The following is the statement by the Indonesian Government and the Indonesian Government's official.
00:05Pemirsa, Badan Pengelola Tabungan Perumahan Rakyat memastikan program Tapera akan tetap dijalankan sesuai dengan amanat Undang-Undang Nomor 4 Tahun 2016 tentang tabungan perumahan rakyat.
00:23Pemerintahan mengklaim program Tapera akan meningkatkan daya beli masyarakat dalam kepemilikan rumah tinggal.
00:30The government, through the Ministry of Public Household Savings Management, or BP Tapera,
00:37ensures that the Tapera program will continue as per the Law No. 4 of 2016 on Tapera.
00:43However, the Tapera scheme in the bill will be applied to private workers who earn above the minimum wage.
00:50Commissioner BP Tapera Heru Pudyong Nugroho affirmed that Tapera will later use a savings scheme.
00:56So that people who have distributed Tapera funds will also benefit from the distribution of funds for public household savings.
01:03Even so, Heru insisted that the government is still considering the readiness of various parties before the Tapera program is implemented later.
01:12Related to the consequence of the 3% interest rate,
01:15even though the law states it is obligatory for people who earn above the minimum wage,
01:23but we still have to be careful in looking at the readiness of each segment of participants to start saving.
01:39And in this context, perhaps the first thing we will do massively is for ASN friends,
01:50because we consider ASN to be the most ready,
01:53and in the past they also had experience as participants in competitions.
02:00Heru stated that the Tapera program aims to increase the purchasing power of the community in housing education.
02:06The increase in purchasing power is currently important.
02:09Considering the lack of housing education or the level of backlog poverty,
02:13currently reaching 9.9 million families.
02:16Meanwhile, the number of new families in Indonesia who need housing reaches 700,000 to 800,000 families per year.
02:24From Jakarta, Heru Tirunelto, ITX News coverage team.
02:30Okay, Mr. Mir, to discuss our topic this time,
02:32the effectiveness of Tapera funds for household backlog,
02:36we have been together through Zoom with Mr. Timbul Seregar,
02:39who is the Secretary General of the Organization of Workers All over Indonesia.
02:43Good morning, Mr. Timbul.
02:44Good morning, Mr. Anton.
02:47Good morning, Mr. Anton.
02:51Good morning, Mr. Ras.
02:52Good morning, Mr. Timbul and Mr. Anton.
02:56But before we discuss further,
02:58we will review first from Mr. Anton's glasses,
03:01as a property observer,
03:02to see how the development of the property industry in the water.
03:05We also know whether the extension of the FLPP
03:10will be a fresh wind for industry players, developers, and the public.
03:19Thank you, Mr. Ras.
03:21If we talk about FLPP and housing development,
03:26especially for the public,
03:27this year we are a bit sorry
03:32if the allocation was limited,
03:37only around 166,000.
03:39Even though in the end it was agreed to increase to 200,000.
03:43I mean, if we learn from this experience,
03:46maybe the government should make a plan
03:50for the allocation of this FLPP housing,
03:52so that it won't be a burden.
03:54I mean, if last year it was 200,000,
03:56it shouldn't be reduced,
03:57so that there will be a little controversy in society
04:02about this in the middle of the road.
04:04It's not over yet, but the quota has run out.
04:07So, if we look at it,
04:09there is already a movement
04:11for the development of housing for the FLPP.
04:15What needs to be maintained, I think, is the momentum,
04:19where the role of the government is very important
04:22to support or push the issue of financing in this matter.
04:28And I think the developers,
04:30especially APRC and IPERA,
04:34they can also securely implement their projects
04:41to help the allocation of this FLPP.
04:46Okay, so this is about the FLPP.
04:48Does it mean that there is also a financing scheme
04:51that has been sought by the government
04:53to be able to increase the backlog?
04:55Now, let's talk about another policy, Mr. Tim.
04:57Can the government expand the middle-low housing financing scheme
05:01when there used to be a PNS competition for SN,
05:05and now it involves the private sector through IPERA?
05:09How is this? Your review and response, please.
05:13Yes, so first of all, we actually support
05:18the government's housing savings program
05:22to provide affordable housing for the community.
05:27Because our primary needs
05:30are also housing, right?
05:32The backlog is so big,
05:35it also proves that access to financing is difficult.
05:40With the existence of TAPERA, we hope that access to housing
05:44can also be provided to the people.
05:47Well, that spirit is quite good,
05:50but in the process,
05:52if we read in the TAPERA law itself,
05:56the problem is that
06:00not all private formal workers
06:06can get access to benefits.
06:10If we look at it, only low-income people
06:15will be targeted at the minimum wage.
06:19Meanwhile, private workers who have a salary of 10 million
06:23will not necessarily get access to
06:27public housing financing.
06:32Even though we already have
06:35additional benefits in the old-age insurance program,
06:40so that we can get access to housing.
06:44Of course, there is something very good in TAPERA
06:50which is 5% of the population,
06:52which is subsidized by the government.
06:54Well, it's also in the housing MLT,
06:56which is run by BPJS Tenag Kerjaan,
06:58which works with banks such as BTN, etc.
07:01In terms of financing, it is also subsidized,
07:04but it is relatively lower than the FLPP.
07:06Well, that's also what we can encourage.
07:09Actually, the certainty in the TAPERA law,
07:13article 7, article 9, is mandatory.
07:16Well, because there are other sources of financing in the housing MLT,
07:21it's better to make it voluntary.
07:24And the fact is, many of the current formal private workers
07:27who have joined the TAPERA program have received the FLPP.
07:31I think there is no problem, it can be continued.
07:35Just don't involve the company's institutionalization.
07:41If now it's 3%, which is 2.5% employees,
07:440.5% entrepreneurs.
07:46Entrepreneurs will definitely refuse until now,
07:48because the burden entrusted by the TAPERA law increases the cost.
07:54But if, for example, the employees themselves think,
07:57oh, I need it, I'm willing,
07:59yes, please, no problem.
08:01You'll get the FLPP later.
08:02But don't make it a must
08:05that article 7, article 1, article 9,
08:08mandatory employer.
08:09Well, this will also be a problem later.
08:13How is it mandatory?
08:15Because it has to do with the cost that was given to the entrepreneurs,
08:19will increase the company's cost.
08:22Then the 2.5% employees,
08:24according to the PP25 guarantee in 2020,
08:28will increase again.
08:29The minimum wage increase is only limited to 3-4%,
08:33cut by 2.5%.
08:35The difference will be faced with inflation.
08:38Even though 5 months of inflation,
08:40now it's said to be deflation,
08:41but we're moving forward, right?
08:42Because in the PP25, it is said that it will take place in 2027.
08:487 years since the birth of PP25-2026.
08:52But I mean, the concept has to be changed.
08:56That the spirit to be able to overcome this backlog,
09:00the burden can be pushed through TAPERA,
09:03can be pushed through MLT Perumahan.
09:06This is a collaboration to be able to meet the backlog target.
09:11If only TAPERA, in my opinion,
09:13it's very risky, very difficult.
09:16This is related to ...
09:19This is interesting, Mr. Timur.
09:20If we talk about the backlog,
09:22let's go straight to Mr. Anton.
09:23Actually, how is the condition of our home backlog?
09:26So that the government really needs a small amount of funds
09:30to be able to catch up with our home backlog.
09:33On the one hand, we are preparing a program
09:37that is suitable for low-income communities in Indonesia.
09:40Even though, as Mr. Timur said,
09:42this policy should not be one-sided,
09:45but voluntary, for example.
09:47How is it?
09:49Yes, if we look at the data from SUSENAS,
09:52the home backlog that people don't have is around 10 million.
09:56Homelessness backlog is around 27 million.
10:02So it's very big.
10:04And I'm sure the actual data is more than that.
10:07Maybe the backlog of people who don't have a house
10:09can reach up to 15 million, in my opinion.
10:11With such a large number,
10:14I see that this home backlog catch-up program
10:17is not a program that can only be done by one institution.
10:23This must be a very big business
10:27involving various institutions.
10:30If we talk about the FNLPP alone,
10:32it's only 200,000 a year.
10:34To achieve the home backlog,
10:36it takes 50 years.
10:38So I think it's a coincidence.
10:41For example, little by little,
10:44we say this is for the home backlog,
10:46this is for the home backlog.
10:48For me, the most important thing is the stock condition first.
10:52So the FNLPP, TAPERA, and so on,
10:55it's just financing.
10:57But if there is no cheap house,
11:00it's easy to finance,
11:02but what if there is no stock house?
11:05Because there are a lot of people
11:07who want to take advantage of the services of the FNLPP and TAPERA.
11:11They have to find a suitable house price first.
11:14If the stock is in areas like Jakarta,
11:17it's very difficult because there is no house
11:19whose price is below Rp. 1 million.
11:21So I think what the government should do
11:24is to check the stock condition first,
11:26the stock of the house first,
11:28how to provide a house stock
11:30that matches the price of the FNLPP.
11:33If there is no stock, it's useless.
11:37If the cheap house is available
11:41and has a lot of stock,
11:44people will easily
11:47and maybe they don't need to
11:50provide services to the FNLPP.
11:52Maybe they can do it through the National Conventional Bank.
11:55Because the BPN is actually quite affordable,
11:59even for the middle and lower classes.
12:03Well, the FNLPP is very tempting.
12:08The BPN is 0%, the interest rate is 5%,
12:10the interest rate is still low,
12:11and the tenure is up to 30 years.
12:13But where is the stock?
12:16If the developer also has difficulty building a house
12:19because the price of the land is expensive,
12:21then access to areas where the price is still cheap,
12:24because the land is still cheap is also very difficult,
12:26what should we do?
12:27So it's useless.
12:28So let's not exaggerate
12:30and say that this program is to solve the backlog problem.
12:34We can't just say one or two backlogs,
12:38but we have to be a stakeholder in the property market,
12:41whether it's the owner, the developer, etc.
12:47Well, that's it, Anton.
12:48Because we know that if the stock has to be prepared first
12:51to be able to catch the backlog,
12:53but the government still needs money, funding.
12:56Is the method of financing through the FNLPP scheme,
12:58TAPERA, actually already maximal
13:01according to the target of the government or not?
13:03We will discuss later in the next segment.
13:04We'll take a break for a while.
13:05And viewers,
13:06we'll be right back after the next conversation.
13:26Viewers, although BP TAPERA will prioritize
13:28the withdrawal of TAPERA funds
13:30for civil servants first,
13:32however, the rejection of the policy
13:34continues to be voiced by private workers.
13:37Workers who assess TAPERA's policy
13:39will burden the working group even more.
13:44I don't agree,
13:45because if we count it,
13:47from our salary, there are already a lot of cuts,
13:50not to mention other cuts.
13:52If it's cut again,
13:53the salary we get will decrease,
13:56and the cleanliness will decrease,
13:58and that will really reduce our income per month.
14:01Maybe we should just get rid of it.
14:03Maybe we should just go for the obvious,
14:05if there is an offer for a house and so on.
14:08Maybe also for the sellers of units or properties in Indonesia,
14:15the integrity will be increased.
14:19I don't agree if there is a cut for TAPERA.
14:23Because we see that the urgency is not too urgent.
14:29Actually, the government doesn't need to oblige everything.
14:34Maybe those who want to do it.
14:36For me, there is no obligation,
14:38and there is no desire to buy a house.
14:41Because the goal of TAPERA is a house.
14:45Maybe it can be sorted out again from the government.
14:48Viewers, we will continue this interesting discussion
14:51with Timbulu Siregar, who is Sekian Opsi,
14:53and Mr. Panton Sitorus Pengamat Properti.
14:57Okay, Panton, you were invited.
14:59Speaking of which,
15:00there are some opinions that have been voiced
15:03by the people of Prokir from Prokerjaan Indonesia,
15:05related to the implementation of TAPERA.
15:08So, what do you think, Panton?
15:10Looking at the FLPP scheme as long as it is implemented,
15:13will the TAPERA itself be quite optimal
15:16according to the target of the government itself?
15:19And what about the housing sector of the MBR community?
15:24Before we talk about the optimal or effective problem of this program,
15:29I think what we need to criticize is the method,
15:33the method of fundraising, Mr. Pres.
15:36Because if we look at the vision of TAPERA,
15:39there are words of gossip.
15:41That's why it is said there,
15:44for the participants,
15:48either those who do not have a house,
15:50or those who already have a house,
15:52are obliged to save there.
15:54So, the gossip is there.
15:55That's what the members of TAPERA said.
15:58Now, I think this is what needs to be criticized.
16:01If the community wants to gossip,
16:04it is not the government that forces it.
16:06So, the fundraising that is obligatory,
16:10it's like the savings that are forced.
16:13So, the community is forced to gossip.
16:15Whereas the state is present,
16:17not to force the community to gossip.
16:19So, if the state is present in helping
16:24to save housing for the community,
16:27as an enabler and as a developer,
16:29it's not forcing the community to gossip
16:33with the community's money.
16:35So, this is what I think needs to be criticized
16:38and become the burden of the community.
16:41As Mr. Timbul has said,
16:43don't force it, just do it.
16:46It means, if the community sees
16:48that this program is so good,
16:51there is no need to force the community to register.
16:54Now, the problem is this.
16:56If we look at it from 2024,
16:58the distribution, not FLPP,
17:00FLPP is 200,000.
17:02KPR-TAPERA, up to September,
17:04only 4,000.
17:05Imagine, so little.
17:07I think one of the factors that is so little,
17:10I also think, as I said earlier,
17:12because maybe the stock of houses
17:14that the customer wants to buy is not there.
17:18So, it's very limited.
17:20So, if we talk about optimal or effective,
17:23if we talk about performance until now,
17:26I think it's not very far from effective
17:29and very far from optimal.
17:31Okay. Okay.
17:32Mr. Timbul, how about from your perspective
17:35when you see the current condition,
17:37there is a term, savings, as you said,
17:40where private workers as savers
17:42will also get benefits and their funds
17:44will be returned when they retire.
17:46Is it really,
17:48can this be the basis
17:50for the development of TAPERA?
17:52Or how?
17:53I remember this is also,
17:55even though it was SN that was prioritized.
17:58So, if we read the TAPERA Law,
18:00Article 5,
18:01the management of TAPERA
18:03includes three things.
18:06TAPERA funds,
18:07that is the interest,
18:09the deposit,
18:10the deposit is invested,
18:12saved, and so on,
18:13and the use,
18:14used to build a house.
18:16So, the question is,
18:18for example, the deposit.
18:20Now the question is,
18:22the funds that we put in,
18:24how much is the result?
18:26Until now, there is no certainty.
18:28It's different from our old-age insurance funds
18:31at BPJS Tenag Kerjaan.
18:32There is a requirement
18:34to return to the participants
18:36at least,
18:37the same as the average
18:39of the government funds.
18:41Which if we look at it,
18:42from 2016 until now,
18:44it's between 1% to 2% more.
18:46Well, it means there is an advantage
18:48if we put money,
18:50we invest.
18:52Well, then,
18:54we don't have certainty there.
18:56Well, secondly, I also said earlier
19:00this TAPERA issue
19:02not everyone gets it.
19:06So, TAPERA,
19:08the concept of TAPERA,
19:10everyone together,
19:12everyone also has the right to benefit.
19:15As a concrete example,
19:17the National Health Insurance Program.
19:19All people are TAPERA.
19:22Those who are able to pay,
19:24entrepreneurs also pay 4% of the workers,
19:27those who are unable to be registered and left by the government.
19:30Everyone is TAPERA.
19:32Can everyone benefit?
19:34Even a conglomerate,
19:36he registered as a member of JKN,
19:38does he have the right?
19:40He has the right.
19:41He said, I want a heart surgery,
19:43I am in charge of JKN.
19:44Can I?
19:46Even though he is a conglomerate.
19:48Well, the concept of TAPERA
19:50does not appear in TAPERA.
19:52Then, earlier,
19:54technical issues,
19:55for example,
19:56we compare it with
19:59I have a target here.
20:03There is an open house here,
20:06I want to buy it.
20:07I determine.
20:08I just accessed BPJS Tenag Kerjaan
20:11to get a house.
20:14Well, in TAPERA,
20:16we don't have a choice.
20:17We are told,
20:18this is here.
20:19Well, here,
20:21the access is not yet certain,
20:23infrastructure and so on.
20:25So, if we pay attention,
20:27there are some broadcasts
20:29on social media,
20:31there are some houses that were built
20:33when Bapak Tarung first,
20:36it was not filled.
20:38What happened in the end?
20:39It became a mess.
20:42It's back.
20:43The problem is,
20:44we are told,
20:45it's there.
20:46Whether we like it or not,
20:47it's there.
20:48But when we are there,
20:50there is no infrastructure,
20:52what is the house?
20:53The road,
20:54whether the transportation access,
20:57whether other communities,
20:59so that when it's quiet,
21:01the owner is not there.
21:04He just stays at his workplace.
21:07Far from the workplace,
21:08and so on.
21:09This is a question
21:10that must also be answered by TAPERA.
21:12Not just saying,
21:14I provide a house,
21:15for example, from the stock side,
21:16on the supply side.
21:18But does the participant
21:21also want to live there?
21:25If the infrastructure,
21:27if the access to the workplace,
21:29everything is difficult,
21:30he said,
21:31no need.
21:32I put it there.
21:33It is said to be an investment.
21:35Investment, investment,
21:36but never placed,
21:37finally became a mess.
21:39That's the house,
21:40the water is broken.
21:41And the house is broken,
21:42finally not used.
21:44This is a technical issue.
21:45If you play the house LTE,
21:47you can say,
21:48oh, I want to buy there.
21:49I want to live there.
21:50I look for the financing.
21:52That's it.
21:53So, it is totally different with TAPERA.
21:56That's right.
21:57The challenge is still there.
21:58Then, the polemic is still there in the community.
22:01How do you see it?
22:04Finally, if we look at the correlativity,
22:07between how to chase the backlog of the house,
22:10then the foresters,
22:12or the foresters' plan from TAPERA,
22:14in the future?
22:16Yes, if we look at it again,
22:18as I said at the beginning,
22:20what the government can do,
22:23which may be a priority,
22:27is to boost the production of cheap house stocks.
22:31If it's about financing,
22:34we know that private banks,
22:37or national banks,
22:39they provide KPR,
22:41even though people may say it's expensive,
22:44but there are still cheap programs.
22:48BTNI, for example,
22:50has been helping the general public for decades
22:54to get a house,
22:56and it has been proven.
22:58Then, there was the FLPP program,
23:00and now it's replaced by TAPERA,
23:02and it will change.
23:03So, what else?
23:04I think it's just a change in institutions and names.
23:09But the focus, I think,
23:11is not too different from the previous programs,
23:14such as NARUM, and so on.
23:16So, in my opinion,
23:18what needs to be focused on
23:20is to boost the production of houses,
23:23and don't force it,
23:25because, as I said earlier,
23:29if this is a good program for the public,
23:32they will be willing to get it.
23:34What needs to be told is,
23:36here's the thing,
23:38TAPERA itself said that
23:42in order to create a house for those who need it,
23:47it requires 150 TAPERA savers,
23:50who are not house buyers,
23:55but only invest their money in TAPERA.
23:57So, a house requires 150 savers.
24:00That's something that needs to be criticized,
24:05and it needs to be told to the public
24:07that 150 people,
24:09who will be required to save,
24:11will only help one house.
24:14So, technically speaking,
24:17how is it?
24:18We haven't talked about the liquidation of funds yet.
24:22Because we still hear that
24:24some people find it difficult to liquidate their funds
24:26because of this and that problem.
24:28The management may not be transparent.
24:32Why not?
24:34Things like that should be left to the institutions,
24:37the banks, for example,
24:40which have been investing and helping people.
24:44So, why do we need to create a new institution
24:46with the wrong regulations?
24:49And I think this is the concern of many people.
24:54That's it.
24:55So, it's still a challenge.
24:58A bottleneck that needs to be tackled by the government.
25:01So, there's no win-win solution,
25:03but ISN is still at a disadvantage.
25:05Meanwhile, the rejection from the public,
25:07maybe for private workers,
25:09has been quite obvious lately.
25:11We'll see what the future holds.
25:13We'll also have a process for the replacement
25:15to the National Assembly in October.
25:17It's a pity that we have limited time.
25:19Mr. Anton Sitorus, thank you for your time.
25:21Mr. Timbul, thank you for the insight
25:23that you've shared with us today.
25:26Good luck with your activities.
25:27Stay healthy.
25:28Stay healthy.
25:29Thank you, Anton.
25:30Thank you, Mr. Rasmus.
25:31Thank you, Timbul.
25:32Thank you, Mr. Mirsa.
25:33It's been an hour since I joined you in Market Review.
25:35I've been listening to your information
25:37only on ID External,
25:38Your Transportive and Comprehensive Investment Reference.
25:41Don't forget to watch First Session Closing,
25:43which will air at 11.30 p.m.
25:47Because the future must move forward,
25:49I'm Investor Saham.
25:51I'm Prasetyo Wibowo,
25:53along with all the workers,
25:55on duty to say goodbye.
25:57Thank you. See you.
