Bandara Simpul Konekivitas dan Pemerataan Ekonomi Indonesia

  • 2 days ago
Indonesia dikenal sebagai negara kepulauan yang memiliki wilayah darat, laut dan udara tersebar dari Sabang di wilayah paling barat, hingga Merauke di wilayah paling timur. Oleh sebab itu dibutuhkan sarana dan prasarana infrastruktur transportasi yang memadai dan mencukupi, untuk menghubungkan dan menjangkau seluruh wilayah di Tanah Air. Dan salah satu infrastruktur yang bisa menjangkau seluruh wilayah-wilayah tersebut adalah transportasi udara, yang didukung dengan keberadaan dan operasional bandar udara atau bandara.

Keberadaan bandara hingga ke daerah terluar, terpencil, tertinggal dan perbatasan atau 3TP, menjadi bentuk kehadiran negara di masyarakat. Bandara terbukti menjadi simpul konektivitas antara wilayah Indonesia, sehingga seluruh masyarakat bisa merasakan hasil-hasil pembangunan, meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi daerah, dan pemerataan pembangunan di seluruh pelosok negeri. Pemerintah dalam hal ini Kementerian Perhubungan juga terus membangun bandara di berbagai wilayah, dengan prioritas di wilayah yang potensial menjadi sumber-sumber pertumbuhan, pusat-pusat industri pariwisata, serta daerah-daerah penghubung yang dapat meningkatkan potensi ekonomi di sekitar kawasan tersebut.

Dan selama masa kepemimpinan Presiden Joko Widodo sejak tahun 2014 hingga 2024, Indonesia telah banyak melakukan pengembangan dan pembangunan infrastruktur transportasi udara, yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan konektivitas dan pelayanan kepada masyarakat, terutama di daerah 3TP. Adapun selama 10 tahun terakhir ini, Pemerintah setidaknya telah membangun sebanyak 27 bandara baru yang tersebar di seluruh wilayah Indonesia.


00:20Hello viewers. How are you today?
00:22Live from the studio AIDX Channel in Jakarta,
00:24I am Prasetyo Ibo, back again in Market Review.
00:27a program to solve the issues that are the economic movement in the country
00:30You can also watch our live streaming at
00:34And let's start the market review
00:46The United Nations has the land, sea and air territories
00:51that stretch from Sabang to Merauke
00:53And to unite those areas, of course, we need a suitable transportation infrastructure
00:59where one of them is through air transportation
01:06Indonesia is known as an island country that has land, sea and air territories
01:12and is spread from Sabang in the westernmost area to Merauke in the easternmost area
01:17Therefore, we need a suitable and sufficient infrastructure and transportation infrastructure
01:23to connect and reach all areas on the water
01:28And one of the infrastructures that can reach all areas is air transportation
01:33which is supported by the presence and operation of airports or airports
01:39Airport presence to the outskirts, outskirts, outskirts and borders or 3TP
01:44become a state body in the community
01:48The airport is proven to be a link between Indonesia
01:52so that the whole community can feel the results of the development
01:55increase the economic growth of the region and the equalization of construction throughout the country
02:01The government in this regard, the Ministry of Transportation also continues to build airports in various regions
02:06with priorities in areas that could be a source of growth
02:10Tourism centers and areas of connection can increase economic potential around the area
02:18And during the reign of President Jokowi Dodo, since 2014 to 2024
02:25Indonesia has made a lot of progress in the development and construction of air transportation infrastructure
02:30which aims to increase connectivity and services to the community, especially in the 3TP area
02:36However, in the last 10 years, the Indonesian government has built as many as 27 new airports
02:43which are spread throughout Indonesia
02:46from Jakarta, IDX Channel coverage team
02:55Yes, dear viewers, the topic of our discussion this time
02:58Simple Airport, Connectivity and Economic Equality of Indonesia
03:01is already present with me in the IDX Channel studio, Mr. Samsoe Rizal
03:05He is the Director of Aviation Navigation, Directorate General of Air Relations, Ministry of Republic of Indonesia
03:11And also Mr. Fai Fahmi, he is the Chief Director of PT Angkasa Pura Indonesia or Injourney Airports
03:17Good morning, Mr. Samsoe and Mr. Faiq
03:19Good morning, sir
03:20How are you, sir?
03:21I'm fine
03:22Thank you for your presence
03:23And let's just review the topic first from the representative of the government, especially in the Ministry of Transportation
03:30Mr. Samsoe, how is your update and review related to the airport, its condition, its energy in the last 10 years?
03:39Thank you, Mr. Fais
03:40So, in general, there has been an increase, especially in connectivity
03:46and also in the direction of economic equality
03:50In the last 10 years, 27 airports have been built
03:55in addition to the existing airports that already existed
03:58So, in general, the increase is really extraordinary
04:02And this can be enjoyed by the public, I think
04:05How about the Injourney Airport itself, Mr. Faiq?
04:08With the condition of the previous airports, it has been said that there have been 27 new airports built in the last 10 years
04:15Thank you, Mr. Samsoe
04:17So, in general, there are 251 airports in Indonesia
04:2237 airports are managed by Angkasa Pura Indonesia or Injourney Airports
04:27It reflects 90% of the air traffic in Indonesia
04:34So, we have 37 airports, but it reflects 90% of the air traffic
04:41And with the existence of Injourney Airports, we want to ensure that the management of the airport must be arranged in a better way
04:52So, one of the transformation programs that we are running now is by uniting Angkasa Pura I and Angkasa Pura II
04:59We hope that this can be integrated with the better management of Indonesian airports
05:08What do we hope for?
05:09So that we can meet the expectations of the government
05:13on how to promote economic growth, economic equalization through air connectivity
05:20So, how important is it, Mr. Faiq, from the presence or the existence of the airport itself
05:26when we talk about connectivity, economic equalization in the water?
05:31If we look at the Law No. 19 of 2003
05:36BUMN Airport has multiple roles
05:43First, as a state infrastructure, as a state corporation, and also as an agent of development
05:49So, our job is not only to seek profits and provide dividends to the government
05:54But how can we build better air connectivity
05:59to be able to promote economic growth and equalization in Indonesia
06:03Including accelerating tourism activities
06:07With that role, it must be strengthened
06:12The way to strengthen it is by doing a more integrated strategy
06:17I have been in the industry for more than 30 years
06:23in the field of transportation
06:24One of the keys to how we improve the aviation industry in Indonesia
06:30is that it must be done in an integrated way
06:32It can't run on its own
06:34And it must also collaborate with all existing stakeholders
06:37So, I think what we do at Angkasa Pura Indonesia
06:42or Ingeni Airport
06:43is an important part of how we can contribute more
06:49to the aviation industry in Indonesia
06:52to promote economic growth and equalization
06:56Mr. Samsu, what do you think about the role of the Air Connectivity Directorate?
07:03Thank you
07:04We have seen what the government has done
07:07by the President and the Ministry of Air Connectivity
07:10with the help of other institutions
07:12We have built 27 airports
07:15and rehabilitated more or less 64 airports
07:19And this, of course, provides a network
07:22A network, as Mr. Fai said earlier
07:25We have to work in a network
07:27Indeed, the government focuses on areas that are not yet accessible
07:31This is about connectivity
07:33There will be a hub and spoke
07:35that will conclude
07:37And it can be seen that the public is starting to enjoy
07:42how to use air transportation to access areas
07:46These are the three areas that we have mentioned
07:49Outward, inward, and then we know
07:51this can also be said to be third
07:53and inland
07:54What is the development like?
07:56If there were 27 new airports in the last 10 years
08:00So, the development is very massive, I think
08:04For example, to the north, there is Miangas
08:07There is Siau Island
08:09Then there is Mongondo Island
08:11It's on the island itself, but it's hard to reach
08:13Then there is Pohuwato
08:15Then in the east, there is Papua
08:17We are also developing Nabire
08:19There is actually a new Nabire
08:21but it is also accessible
08:22Then there is Fakfak
08:24Fakfak is also important
08:26Then in the west, even though it is in the east, but it is also in the west
08:28It is Mentawai
08:30It is accessible for surfing
08:34So there is for tourism
08:37This is one of the parts of the tourism ecosystem
08:41that was mentioned by Mr. Fai
08:42So the government, the Ministry of Transportation
08:44provides wider access to the location
08:50to be understood by the public
08:51Talking about operational, then integration
08:53with many new airports
08:55Mr. Fai, we will discuss later
08:57in the next segment
08:58We will take a break for a while, Mr. Samsu
09:00We will take a break
09:01And Mr. Mitra, make sure you are still with us
09:12Thank you for joining us in MarketReview
09:14We will continue this interesting discussion
09:16with Mr. Samsu Rizal,
09:18Director of Aviation Navigation
09:20Directorate General of Air Relations
09:22Ministry of Republic of Indonesia
09:24and Mr. Faik Fahmi
09:26He is the Chief Director of PT Angkasa Pura Indonesia
09:28or Injourney Airports
09:30Mr. Faik, thank you very much
09:32Thank you, Mr. Samsu
09:34Thank you, Mr. Mitra
09:36Thank you, Mr. Faik
09:38Thank you, Mr. Samsu
09:41Mr. Faik, we have discussed earlier
09:43If we talk about how to synergize
09:47the communication between airports
09:49Then there is the 3TP area
09:53What is the strategy, Mr. Faik?
09:55So, what we will do in the future
09:58is the important part
10:00to transform the airport in Indonesia
10:03One of the main requirements
10:06is to be integrated
10:09So, the combination of AP1 and AP2
10:11to become Angkasa Pura Indonesia
10:13is an important part of the strategy
10:15to maintain the airport order
10:17in Indonesia
10:19In the future,
10:21with one control
10:23and an integrated strategy
10:25We will develop the airports in Indonesia
10:29From Aceh to Papua
10:3137 airports managed by
10:33Angkasa Pura Indonesia
10:35The concept is to develop
10:37So, we divide Indonesia into 6 regions
10:42And each region will be developed
10:44into its own hub
10:47And the nearby airports
10:49will be the feeder
10:51So, it will provide
10:53wider access to Indonesia
10:57without having too many
10:59international airports
11:01Because the air connectivity
11:03can be developed
11:06with the hub and spoke concept
11:08to pay attention to the character of Indonesia
11:10I will give an example
11:12For example, in the United States
11:14there are about 200 airports
11:16But the international status
11:18is only 12
11:20But it does not reduce the accessibility
11:22from outside to any region
11:24in America
11:26because of the hub and spoke concept
11:28And this concept is actually very ideal
11:30to be applied in Indonesia
11:32But the requirement is
11:34to build a good connectivity
11:36between the hub and spoke airport
11:38And this is one of our tasks
11:42in Angkasa Pura Indonesia
11:44to build a more integrated connectivity
11:48The key word is
11:50we have to collaborate
11:54with all existing stakeholders
11:56And we have to work in an integrated way
11:58Not on our own
12:00Because this involves many interests
12:03So, the strategy
12:05of the Indonesian aviation industry
12:07cannot only be completed
12:09by us in airport management
12:11but also involves all existing stakeholders
12:13I am optimistic
12:15with the hub and spoke policy
12:17and then
12:19good connectivity
12:21to all regions of Indonesia
12:23This will significantly help
12:25promote the growth and equalization
12:27of Indonesia's economy
12:29through the movement of passengers
12:31That's it
12:33The most important thing
12:35is the connection between the airport
12:37and the connectivity
12:39is getting better and better
12:41What do you think, Mr. Faik?
12:43How many airports
12:45are operating in Indonesia?
12:49Thank you, Mr. Prasetyo
12:51To give you an example
12:53He is from IPE
12:55and he has 37 airports
12:57But the total number of airports
13:00in Indonesia is around 257
13:02and there are around 240 airports
13:04So, there are 37 in total
13:06That's why the hub and spoke concept
13:08is important
13:10Because with hub and spoke
13:12we can be more efficient
13:14and we can also facilitate
13:16the enjoyment of the people
13:18who are outside the country
13:20So, from the airport
13:22to the big airport
13:24and then to other countries
13:26That's what Mr. Faik said
13:28We need a strategy
13:30and cooperation
13:32to keep the airport alive
13:34as one system
13:36So, the remaining 37 airports
13:38are under the Ministry of Transportation
13:40So, we need support
13:42not only from the Ministry
13:44but also from other ministries
13:46and the local government
13:48The local government also plays an important role
13:50because one of the functions of the airport
13:52is as a gateway
13:54If it's a gateway, there must be a house
13:56If it's a gateway, there must be an economy
13:58Only then can we make it even
14:00And one of them is by air transportation
14:02That's right. In fact, the local government
14:04will also be helped by the first local income
14:06if there is an airport
14:08How do you see it?
14:10With the outermost areas
14:12and the interior areas
14:14so that it really forms
14:16the presence of the country there
14:18So, I think
14:20air transportation
14:22cuts a lot of things
14:24like crossing the sea
14:26It cuts time
14:28and gives people a chance
14:30to see the potential
14:32to see the potential
14:34to bring investment
14:36and the local government
14:38can make use of the airport
14:40So, it's a collaborative effort
14:42Little by little
14:44from the outermost areas
14:46to the central areas
14:48from the areas managed by the Ministry of Transportation
14:50we will achieve efficiency
14:52according to this theme
14:54connectivity and economic equality
14:56This is what we aim for
14:58The orchestration, Mr. Faikan
15:00means that there are 37
15:02managed by the Ministry of Transportation
15:04and 200 from the local government
15:06How do you do it to synergize?
15:08So that it can really support
15:10economic equality and connectivity
15:14from the number of airports
15:16in Indonesia
15:18I think it's enough
15:20for us to build
15:22a better airport connectivity
15:24The main issue
15:26is not the airport's readiness
15:28or airport facilities
15:30but the limited number of flights
15:32As an example,
15:34before the COVID-19 pandemic
15:36we operated
15:38740 planes
15:40to serve domestic routes
15:42But after the COVID-19 pandemic
15:44and now
15:46we have operated
15:48320 planes
15:50So, it's still not enough
15:52So, one of the key factors
15:54on how we can optimize
15:56air connectivity
15:58is that we have to increase
16:00the number of planes more significantly
16:02So, the calculation I did
16:04maybe we still need about 350 planes
16:06to serve
16:08all of Indonesia
16:10This is one of the important issues
16:12including the price of expensive tickets
16:16the demand and supply are not balanced
16:20the interest in air traffic is already huge
16:22but the limitation of planes
16:24I think this is
16:26one of the issues
16:28that needs to be solved
16:30so that the number of airports
16:32can be optimized
16:34and not underutilized
16:36That is
16:38by preparing more fleets
16:40to be able to operate
16:42Because with the characteristics
16:44of the archipelago
16:46I think one of the keys
16:48to accelerate economic growth
16:50and equality
16:52is through air connectivity
16:54for the passengers
16:56and their logistics
16:58What is happening now
17:00is the imbalance
17:02The traffic is concentrated in Java
17:04and then a little bit in Sumatra
17:06In the eastern area
17:08which is the archipelago
17:10needs more
17:12air traffic
17:14through airlines
17:16which are not only supplied
17:18with charter concepts
17:20but also need regular flights
17:22So how does the Ministry of Transportation
17:24see the current situation?
17:26We know that in the past 10 years
17:2827 airports have been built
17:30and the connectivity has been strengthened
17:32on the side of the fleet
17:34which is still a challenge
17:36compared to the infrastructure
17:38So we are talking about
17:40the concept
17:42Air transportation has
17:44more or less 5 roles
17:46First, about the aircraft
17:48Second, about the airspace
17:50Today we are talking about
17:52the airport
17:54Third, about flight safety
17:56and also business
17:58This has been identified by the government
18:00I think all the ministries
18:02have been working well
18:04to try to
18:06provide aircraft
18:08to reduce the ticket price
18:10The Ministry of Transportation
18:12has been collaborating
18:14with the Ministry of Transportation
18:16under the Ministry of Transportation
18:18coordinator, Menko Marves
18:20So there are 4 things that need
18:24First, to protect
18:26the aircraft
18:30we have to develop
18:32the industry itself
18:34the transportation industry
18:36If we can do that
18:38we will be able to
18:40But there are challenges
18:42First, there is a limited supply chain
18:44Second, because of the war
18:48about the price of the after-tour
18:52with the help
18:54of the Ministry of Transportation
18:56We also need
18:58incentives from the taxpayers
19:04we also need
19:06to see
19:08the exchange rate
19:10The exchange rate is in rupiah
19:12but the operation
19:14is in dollar
19:16So the exchange rate and stability
19:18are also important
19:20for the air transportation industry
19:22We will talk about the resolution
19:24in the next segment
19:26We will be right back
19:34Indonesia's economy
19:38Indonesia's economy
19:44Indonesia's economy
19:46We will be right back
19:48We will be right back
19:50We will be right back
19:52We will be right back
19:54We will be right back
19:56We will be right back
19:58We will be right back
20:00We will be right back
20:02We will be right back
20:04We will be right back
20:06We will be right back
20:08We will be right back
20:10We will be right back
20:12We will be right back
20:14We will be right back
20:16We will be right back
20:18We will be right back
20:20We will be right back
20:22We will be right back
20:24We will be right back
20:26We will be right back
20:28We will be right back
20:30Air transportation industry
20:32There are five systems
20:34Airplane, airport, airspace
20:36and of course
20:38one of them is
20:42I think this is very important
20:44If I give an example
20:46We have one capital
20:48So there is land, sea, air
20:50If land is 1 per 3
20:52If water is 2 per 3
20:54If airspace is 3 per 3
20:56Because it is wider
20:58So we have to make the most of it
21:00For air transportation
21:02Of course by collaborating with other transportation
21:04And by
21:08the business industry
21:10This will have a great impact
21:12on others
21:14Including airport and connectivity services
21:16One of them
21:18Has appeared
21:20What is his name?
21:22Kapai Baru
21:24I think this is a signal
21:26For us to jump
21:28even better
21:30For our airline industry
21:32How do you see the future?
21:34Because we know
21:36Of course there are challenges
21:38And there must be a solution
21:42I see the government's hard work
21:44to create
21:46a better business climate
21:48in Indonesian air traffic
21:50And that can be reflected
21:52in the form of job creation laws
21:54In the past
21:56To build
21:58an airline company
22:02It needs
22:045 airplanes
22:06And 5 controlled airplanes
22:08That can use leasing and so on
22:10Now the government has provided
22:12Enough facilities
22:14With one airplane
22:16Owned by itself
22:18And one controlled airplane
22:20So it means
22:23It's a great opportunity
22:27A company to open
22:29an airline company
22:31In Indonesia
22:33Because of the government's facilities
22:35And I think this is the right time
22:37To push
22:39The number of airplanes
22:41Operated by
22:43Airlines in Indonesia
22:45By adding a fleet
22:47And opening a new airline company
22:49In Indonesia
22:51Because there are
22:53Several new airlines
22:55That are being operated
22:57Because it's a very positive thing
22:59So the government needs
23:01To actively push
23:03How this business climate
23:05Can really push the private sector
23:07To be able to collaborate
23:09To increase air connectivity
23:11Through the aviation industry
23:13And that role
23:15From airport management
23:17Becomes very important
23:19The Indonesian Airport
23:21Has received 34 awards
23:25Airport Service Quality Awards
23:27From the World Airport Organization
23:29Which has won
23:312110 airports in 169 countries
23:33Can you tell us
23:35A little bit
23:37What achievements have been achieved
23:39Can this be a new spirit
23:41For how we create
23:43Connectivity and economic balance
23:45Through airports
23:47With the many awards
23:49That we have received
23:51Because frankly
23:53This award is
23:55A very prestigious award
23:57Which was issued by the ECI
23:59Which is
24:01The World Airport Organization
24:03Which serves
24:072110 airports
24:09In 169 countries
24:13And this award
24:15Is because
24:17We can show
24:19That we can provide
24:21A better customer experience
24:23To the service users
24:25This is one of the things
24:27That we are doing
24:29Through the transformation process
24:31To provide a better service
24:33To all service users
24:35In the past
24:37The airport was only a place for people to get on and off the plane
24:39But now
24:41Our customers at the airport
24:43Can get a pleasant experience
24:45And can meet their needs
24:47At the airport
24:49And we do it systematically
24:51So that
24:53In the future, our service
24:55Can be global
24:57With international standards
24:59And we continue to do this
25:01And the appreciation
25:03Given by the ECI
25:05In the form of the 34th award
25:07This is one of the things
25:09That I think motivates us
25:11To continue to improve
25:13In the future
25:15We are not chasing the award
25:17But the award that we receive
25:19Is a reflection of the changes
25:21That we have made
25:23Appreciation from the results
25:25Or the efforts that have been made
25:27Right, Mr. Samson, lastly
25:29How do you see the optimism
25:31From the Ministry of Transportation
25:33Especially from the Ministry of Air Traffic
25:35To see how the air transportation
25:39For our airport in the future
25:41I am very optimistic
25:43With what has been done
25:45Developed in the last 10 years
25:47There has been a lot
25:49Of development
25:53And we have seen
25:55Recovery since COVID
25:57So the demand has been there
25:59It's just how we make
26:01Assets more efficient
26:03And also need to know
26:05Not only the airport
26:07But also need support
26:09One of them
26:11Is our achievement
26:13In the airspace area
26:15The airspace
26:17Is also one of the ways
26:19To support the airport
26:21How to access it
26:23The second is about security
26:25So we also
26:27The Ministry of Transportation
26:29That has been audited by ICO
26:31Has achieved a sufficient value
26:33For security in Indonesia
26:35So with
26:37The larger capacity
26:39That is available
26:41The easier access
26:43The efficiency done by the Ministry of Transportation
26:45We are very optimistic
26:47That the industry
26:49Of air transportation
26:51Will develop more
26:53And can be enjoyed
26:55And become a tool for economic equality
26:57Connectivity and also
26:59Economic equality
27:01That is the most important
27:03We hope that all of you
27:05From all over the country
27:07Will feel the same
27:09Thank you very much
27:11Thank you
27:13Thank you
27:15Thank you
27:17Thank you
27:19Thank you
27:21Thank you
27:23Thank you
27:25Thank you
27:27Thank you
27:29Thank you
27:31Thank you
