• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Comprare più di quanto serve nel mondo dell’alimentazione significa spreco. Noi siamo informatici che cucinano e abbiamo pensato a Planeat.eco, una piattaforma che aiuta a ridurre gli sprechi”. Così Nicola Lamberti, Ceo Alimentiamoci - Planeat.eco a margine del panel ‘Combattere lo spreco alimentare, un dovere per tutti’, svoltosi in occasione della prima delle tre giornate della dodicesima edizione del Salone della Csr e dell’Innovazione sociale all’università Bocconi di Milano.


00:00What we try to do to avoid the contradiction of the waste of food and the excessive sale of the food that is normally made,
00:18is to go a little against the trends compared to those that are the traditional market standards,
00:22that is, that push people to buy as much as possible, because that seems to be the goal.
00:28But in the world of food, buying more than what we are able to eat means automatically creating waste.
00:38And it's not just an economic issue or a matter of responsibility towards those who don't have that food,
00:44it's really an environmental issue, because among all human activities, food production is the one that has the greatest impact on climate change.
00:52So our goal, we are basically computer scientists who cook, so it's a strange combination of skills,
01:01and what we are trying to do, and what we have set up and developed, is a platform for both the B2C world and the B2B world,
01:10so both for household expenses and for the company's lunch break,
01:14which puts people in a position to ask themselves first what they want to eat, and we produce and deliver the exact amount.
01:22In this way, we reduce waste because we work in prevention.
01:27Our platform is called Planet, which plans what you eat, and Planet together remembers the planet, which is what we have to preserve.
01:38So both in the world of families, we ask first what they want, and we give the exact amount of ingredients,
01:45and in the world of companies, where we clearly deliver not ingredients, but ready-made products, we deliver the exact amount.
01:52What would this world be like if every restaurant owner could know, before the start of the day, how many people come to their restaurant and what they choose?
02:02Basically, what we ask companies is to ask their employees first what they want for the lunch break,
02:10and in this way we could reduce waste.
02:12At the end of the year, we are able to produce a report on the sustainability of the company,
02:17and thanks to this small reluctance to have to choose at the last minute, but to choose earlier,
02:22we could tell them the estimated amount of kilos they have saved, and all the equivalences,
02:28the square meters of forests not destroyed in order to leave space for agriculture, the water used, and the CO2 produced.
