Days of our Lives 10-9-24 (9th October 2024) 10-9-2024 10-09-24 DOOL 9 October 2024

  • 2 days ago
00:12Processing your frisbee technique.
00:16Melinda, what are you doing here?
00:20I've just seen how you're doing since our little ordeal with that ticking time bomb known as Connie Winonski.
00:27And I was sure you were gone or when that place blew.
00:32I was sure too.
00:35But I'm doing okay, obviously.
00:39Due to be released later today, in fact.
00:41Oh, glad to hear it.
00:43And I have to admit, Gabby, I'm not just here checking in.
00:47I have a bit of an ulterior motive.
00:57Bonjour, mon frere.
01:00Join me for a dibble?
01:02Oh, I know what you're going to say.
01:05But brother, it's barely noon, to which I'll reply, but it'll help ventilate that salty dour disposition you've got going on.
01:12Unlike you.
01:15Why are you so jolly?
01:17Oh, I'm more than jolly. I am ecstatic.
01:19Now that that miserable miscreant Brady Black is at long last getting his just desserts.
01:34So, Holly's going to go see her mom in Paris, huh?
01:40Just hoping that it helps Holly remind her of how close that she and Nicole have always been.
01:47Yeah, I'm sure it will.
01:50I don't know.
01:52EJ's been working really hard to poison Holly against her.
01:59Man, he's been busy doing a lot these days.
02:02What do you mean?
02:05EJ was just in here earlier discussing the plea that I'm going to enter in tomorrow's hearing.
02:15I'm not changing my mind.
02:19I'm guilty of a crime, Eric.
02:22It's the way I'm going to plead.
02:31Oh, shush, shush, shush. Mommy will get it. It's okay.
02:37Don't cry, baby.
02:39Girls have it.
02:49Mom! Mom! Mom!
02:54It's okay.
03:01Well, that's no excuse, is it? Get it done. Now!
03:06My sentiments exactly.
03:09Kristen, what are you doing here?
03:11Well, I'd just like to know when are you going to get Brady out of jail?
03:16I'm not a bad son.
03:19Never. Does that work for you?
03:32Like sand through the hourglass, so are the days of our lives.
03:47An ulterior motive, huh? You mind telling me what that is?
03:52And what's all that?
03:54Just some Gabby Sheik paperwork I need you to sign.
03:57Oh, okay.
03:59Also, and this is a little awkward because we work together, but Stefan asked me to draw up divorce papers for him.
04:14Of course, my first loyalty is to my job at DiMera.
04:18And you are a big part of DiMera, obviously, and, uh...
04:25Meaning, if you want me to turn Stefan down, you just say the word.
04:34Oh, yeah. You do your jobs that way, don't you?
04:38By putting people behind bars.
04:41Well, that and, uh, sleeping with your brother's wife, of course.
04:46For which I am hardly culpable since she came home to me, as I've told you repeatedly.
04:52Right, and you turned her down, right?
04:55Oh, no, you didn't, because that would actually take somebody with more fiber to do that.
05:02Well, it's all milk now, isn't it?
05:05Since, from what I understand, you and Gabby are well on your way to a divorce.
05:10What do you know about that?
05:12Oh, Gabby told me.
05:15When I, uh, when I saw her last night.
05:40Oh, God.
05:44Sue, you all right?
05:50Yes, I'm fine. Victoria's crying because she threw her toy, and I promised that I could get it.
05:55And I can't.
05:57No, let me help you, sweetheart.
06:03There you go, my little bunny.
06:05Why are you crying now?
06:09I don't know.
06:18EJ did offer a deal.
06:21A rebuke sentence in exchange for a guilty plea.
06:25How long?
06:28Ten years.
06:30Ten years, Brady?
06:31No, finally. Finally.
06:33Although my dad is going to be pretty depressed about it.
06:37I really think he was hoping that Justin was going to perform some kind of miracle if the thing went to trial.
06:42But honestly, brother, I don't, I don't want to slap on the wrist for this.
06:48I just need to pay for what I did.
06:55What do you mean you're not going to get Brady out of jail?
06:59I thought it was pretty, uh, self-explanatory.
07:03Xander, perhaps I didn't make myself clear the last time we spoke.
07:09The only way Sarah is going to get out of that wheelchair is if you free Brady.
07:15At which time I will hand over Rolf's miracle serum, and then voila, Sarah will be running the 5K by spring.
07:26It's a very intriguing proposal, Kristen.
07:31I suppose my only question is, why should I believe a word you say?
07:48You visited Gabby in her hospital room last night. Why?
07:53Just to inform her that her overbearing brother Ray Fernandez warned me to stay away from her.
07:59I just wanted to make her aware of our little conversation,
08:03given that we all have to coexist in the same happy household,
08:08well, at least until your divorce goes through.
08:13Well, if I know Gabby well, and I think that I do,
08:16she wants nothing to do with you now that our marriage is over,
08:19and she can't use you anymore for revenge sex,
08:22but I would heed Rafe's advice and stay the hell away from her.
08:30You know, Gabby mentioned that it was you who filed for divorce.
08:40Well, if the marriage is truly over, why do I have to stay away from her?
08:48Why do you care?
08:55Stefan told me he was going to file.
08:59We both agreed that our marriage was over, so it's time to move forward, isn't it?
09:05I retained counsel a while back, so he has to do the same, obviously.
09:15Go ahead. You can represent me.
09:18Fine by me.
09:29It feels so wrong, sitting here with Daniel's heart beating in my chest.
09:39I wouldn't be here if he hadn't died.
09:46It's like I squandered a gift, you know?
09:49You didn't squander away anything.
09:54You have a future ahead of you.
09:58You're going to be able to atone for the things that you did.
10:06I just don't feel this guilt going away any time soon.
10:15No, not completely.
10:20But you will learn how to live with it.
10:28I don't know what I would have done if you didn't just come in right now.
10:33Everyone's out, including the staff, because I...
10:37I told my mom that I can be fine on my own with Victoria, and clearly I am not.
10:46But you are fine, Sarah.
10:50You listen to me.
10:52A tired and cranky toddler will cry and shriek and whatever else is what they do.
10:59Victoria will probably throw that toy out just as many times as you're willing to go and fetch it and give it back to her.
11:06She's at that testing age.
11:09I'm failing the test.
11:11Oh, darling, you're not failing anything.
11:15Oh, my God.
11:17If I had even a fraction of your courage, of your pluck...
11:24How you've carried yourself through this painful ordeal is...
11:31It's just remarkable.
11:35I am so sorry.
11:39What are you sorry for?
11:43Brady and I...
11:47What a tragic mistake that was.
11:50You couldn't have known that that was going to happen.
11:54You didn't.
11:57Xander and I are so grateful to you for all the help that you have given during this...
12:08difficult time, and...
12:13I thank you for keeping your counsel about me lying to the police.
12:19And of course...
12:22You and I saved Brady.
12:25And my son, too.
12:27I just...
12:29I want you to know that I would have...
12:31I would have never done that.
12:33I would have never ID'd Brady to the police if I had any doubt that he was the one driving that night.
12:43I just...
12:46I wish that I could...
12:49remember seeing him behind the wheel again.
12:55I'm sorry to...
12:57Oh, no, no, no. It's okay.
13:00It saddens me.
13:02What happened to you just...
13:05saddens me terribly.
13:13I think she's finally asleep.
13:16Yes, she is.
13:23I don't mean to be rude, but I...
13:26I think that I just need a little bit of time...
13:29alone with my daughter to prove to myself that I can...
13:33I can do this.
13:36Potentially much more.
13:39Are you sure?
13:41Yeah, I am.
13:43All right.
13:45I'll see you later, then.
13:48And I wish you...
13:50my little darling.
14:07Are you...
14:11I'm not gonna let my wife behave as Dr. Oz's guinea pig.
14:15Don't you think you should let her make her own decision?
14:18Listen to me, Kristen.
14:20I'm not gonna let Sarah get her hopes up about some mystical potion that...
14:24at best might be ineffective, and at worst, God knows,
14:27there's just going to be a lot of bloodshed.
14:30I'm not going to let that happen.
14:33At best might be ineffective, and at worst, God knows,
14:36there's... especially when I don't know if it even exists.
14:38Oh, trust me, Xander, it does exist.
14:41Rolf has been working on it round the clock.
14:45I spoke with him this morning, and it's just about ready.
14:50Then I should trust you.
14:54Look, I know that Dr. Rolf is rather eccentric,
14:58ethically dubious at times, but the man is a genius.
15:02He's already used a related drug on Kayla and Kate and Marlena and Beau,
15:08and he kept my brother Stefan alive for years without a heart.
15:13So for God's sake, Xander...
15:16If it is as you say it is,
15:19take me to the man's lab.
15:21Show me the proof.
15:22Take you to the...
15:25So what?
15:27You can get your thugs and bust in,
15:30without giving yours truly what I deserve.
15:35I don't think so, Xander.
15:37But here's what I will do for you.
15:40I will provide you with clinical data.
15:43Sarah can look it over and make her own decision,
15:45but you have to make sure that the charges against Brady go poof and disappear.
15:53How the hell am I supposed to do that?
15:55How do you think, Xander?
15:58Brady was free and clear until your wife made her bogus statement that he was the one behind the wheel.
16:04It was a bonus.
16:05She's going to have to recant.
16:07You do understand.
16:08I can't ask her to do that.
16:09You're going to have to ask her.
16:12Because if you don't, she'll never walk again,
16:16and it will be your fault.
16:29You know what, Jade?
16:32Gabby and I might be through,
16:34but I still care about her.
16:37And I will not have her yoked to an ass like you.
16:43But that's not your jurisdiction anymore, now, is it?
16:49At any rate, we all have to live together somehow, civilly.
16:56At least until she wrests the home from you and some of your other assets.
17:01It's not going to happen.
17:04You do know that divorces can get quite nasty and messy, don't you?
17:08Yeah, I do.
17:09But Gabby and I talked,
17:11and we both feel that this has already gotten out of hand enough.
17:15In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if she never showed up in this house again.
17:26Ten years?
17:30Well, apparently, Bertie's okay with it.
17:33He killed Starlet.
17:35He wants to pay for the price for what he did, I know.
17:37And I know you're hoping there's more to it.
17:39I'm not just hoping, Dad.
17:41What do you mean?
17:43I know there's more.
17:45I am convinced that there's more to it.
17:51I am convinced that there's more to it.
18:03I thought you were at the office.
18:05Sarah, there's something we need to...
18:08Sweetheart, what is it?
18:11Tell me.
18:14It's honestly, it's nothing.
18:18Victoria threw her toy, and I couldn't reach it, and she was crying,
18:24and I was just this big ball of stress,
18:27and thank God that your mom came in when she did, because...
18:34Sarah, I'm so sorry.
18:39I hated it.
18:43I hated it.
18:45I felt so hopeless, like I couldn't be a mother to my own daughter.
18:51Hey, don't you dare say that.
18:53You're the best mom that Victoria could ever ask for.
18:55I don't want this.
18:56I don't want to come talk.
18:57I really don't.
19:04I shouldn't have even let myself get this upset.
19:06Like, over what?
19:07A toy on the ground?
19:12Many of parents with disabilities raise children, and they manage, so I just...
19:22It's a fact of life now for me.
19:24I am disabled, and there's nothing I can do about it, so...
19:33Darling, that's not necessarily true.
19:45Hello, Brady.
19:50I didn't expect to see you the last time I saw you.
19:53I thought it was goodbye.
19:55I know what I said that day, but things are different now.
20:01Different how?
20:03When we spoke last time, I thought you were going to be a free man,
20:07but since Sarah identified you as the hit-and-run driver, it looks as though you're going to prison for a lengthy stay at that.
20:17How does that change anything?
20:20Well, because...
20:25I have a confession to make.
20:43Did you say she would ever...
20:47Sorry, sorry, sorry.
20:49My brother is once again colossally wrong.
20:52Wrong about what?
20:53Ah, never mind that.
20:55How did you get here?
20:57I take it you...
20:58I was discharged.
20:59I took a taxi.
21:01Oh, well, you should have called.
21:03I would have had Harold come and pick you up, or better yet, I would have grabbed you myself.
21:08Yeah, well, I know you have a busy schedule.
21:11Busier than I like.
21:13Sometimes busier than I like.
21:15Speaking of which, I am late for a meeting, so...
21:21If you'll excuse me.
21:40How are you?
21:43Hanging in there.
21:48Although, I'm a little thrown, I admit, by my last visitor before I left the hospital.
21:54Who's that?
21:56Melinda Trask.
21:58She told me you hired her.
22:01I needed a lawyer.
22:04I get that.
22:06But isn't it kind of unusual to hire a corporate counsel as a family attorney?
22:12I want somebody in my corner who I can trust.
22:17You trust her?
22:19I see.
22:23I guess it helps that, uh, she's got a little schoolgirl crush on you, doesn't it?
22:28Uh, Gabby, this is not...
22:29Oh, yeah, because, you know, Melinda would really go to the merc for you.
22:32Make sure I don't take you for everything you're worth, right?
22:37Is that still your plan, don't you?
22:45Did you say a serum from Dr. Rolf?
22:50Sarah, I know it sounds pretty risky and more than a little.
22:56A little?
22:58Just hear me out, Sarah.
23:00Kristen gave me the data tagging this drug's efficacy.
23:03Really? There's data?
23:06Is it written in Comic Sans?
23:09I understand your misgivings, but it seems like the real deal and you can totally go over all this data yourself.
23:20But, Xander, why?
23:27Why is Kristen willing to help us this way?
23:32Well, there is just one catch.
23:36Oh, you mean besides injecting myself with an experimental drug cooked up by a pony-tailed madman?
23:42I can't wait to hear this.
23:45Okay, sorry, okay, okay, I'm being negative.
23:49What's the catch?
23:52Kristen won't give us a serum unless we...
23:59Go on, unless we what?
24:04Unless you disavow your positive identification, Marie.
24:09Excuse me?
24:10Sarah, I'm sorry.
24:11I know that I'm the reason you felt you had to lie to the police in the first place and I hate going through all these contortions, but...
24:19What if this didn't work?
24:21What if it could heal you?
24:22Wouldn't it be worth it to walk again, to run again, to play as Victoria?
24:34I need to think about it.
24:37Of course.
24:39It's just...
24:42There's just a limited time off of Brady's plea hearing. It's tomorrow.
24:48I can call EJ right now to come and take your statement.
24:53Just say the word.
25:01Look, Eric, I know how much you really want to believe that by some miracle your brother isn't responsible for Sarah's accident, but...
25:10It's more than that.
25:12I'm telling you, there's something.
25:14It's just not adding up.
25:16Like what?
25:18Like Sarah suddenly remembering that she saw Brady at the wheel, even though hypnosis couldn't break through whatever mental block she had.
25:27Is it impossible it just came to her?
25:30No, not according to Mom.
25:32She said that it would be exceedingly rare without a triggering incident.
25:36And also, Jada...
25:39Go on.
25:40Well, Jenny, when...
25:42When Jada came to arrest Brady, Xander was there, in his room.
25:46Xander was there.
25:48How'd he get in? Was the door unlocked?
25:50You said it was, but I spoke to Ted, who swore that he locked it behind him.
25:55So Xander broke in to him, huh?
25:57He must've.
26:00Dad, I'm telling you, Brady was adamant that he hadn't been drinking before Tate tucked him to bed.
26:06Okay, so, uh...
26:08What are you thinking?
26:11I'm thinking he must've been drugged.
26:15Yeah, but listen, the whole point of the story is that it just seems off somehow.
26:19Oh, I agree.
26:21Okay, let's keep all that in mind.
26:24Yesterday, I saw Sarah in the park, talking to her mother-in-law, Fiona.
26:32I overheard them talking about some kind of secret they were keeping.
26:36And since I know Fiona and Brady were in a relationship...
26:40I have no idea.
26:44Yeah, it was brief, apparently, and it's been over for a while now.
26:47But is it...
26:49Is it possible that somehow...
26:52That somehow what?
26:55Somehow Fiona's connected to the accident.
26:58Well, yeah, I suppose it could be. I mean, if they were in a relationship at that time...
27:03And they were.
27:05So you think it's possible that Xander's mom was with Brady that night, and that's the secret that she and Sarah were keeping?
27:12That's exactly what I'm thinking.
27:15Easy way to find out. Ask Brady.
27:18Dad, I could, but he doesn't remember a lot about that night.
27:24I have another idea.
27:34Do you have a confession?
27:38As you well know...
27:41When I first came to Salem, I sold my son a bill of goods.
27:46I told him I was sober, for one thing.
27:51It was the only way that he was going to accept me back into his life.
27:57And that's the only reason that I got to know my beautiful granddaughter, Victoria.
28:02And Sarah, too.
28:05They support me so much, Troy.
28:10But watching Sarah suffer first hand...
28:15It's made me realize, Brady, that I can't keep getting...
28:23Who the hell are you? And what are you doing here?
28:40Well, I'm certainly well within my rights, as I'm sure you know.
28:45To take as much of the demerit fortune as I can get.
28:50As I told you when we last saw each other.
28:54More than anything, I just want this to be over with.
28:59You said the same.
29:03I just want this to be over with.
29:07You said the same.
29:09There's nothing left to fight for.
29:17I did.
29:21So, what are you doing here, Gabby?
29:29I didn't come to see you.
29:34If I had known you were here, I'd have waited.
29:44I came to collect my things.
29:53So you're...
29:55You're gonna...
29:57You know...
29:59We're good.
30:13Just give me a few minutes, and, uh...
30:16You can tell Melinda that I will be out of your hair, okay?
30:20Yeah, yeah, sure.
30:31This better be good, Xander. I was supposed to be in a meeting ten minutes ago.
30:34That's very important. I want to talk to you about the Brady Black case.
30:38Oh, well, I wanted to discuss that with you as well.
30:42I have some brilliant news on that front, actually.
30:46What is it?
30:48Well, Brady and I worked out a little plea deal.
30:51Ten years.
30:54Look, I know, I know you want it more. So did I.
30:58But you never know what a jury might do.
31:00This at least guarantees Brady will be where he belongs.
31:04Locked up in prison.
31:07I, uh...
31:09Wouldn't be too sure about that.
31:21Kristen, this is Xander's mother, Fiona Cook.
31:25Fiona, I mean, Kristen DiMera, Rachel's mother.
31:30Yes, I remember seeing a picture of you in the paper a while ago.
31:36And what are you doing here?
31:40I was just about to tell Brady how trying it's been
31:44to witness my daughter-in-law's suffering as a result of his gross negligence.
31:49I'm glad he's going to pay.
31:53Goodbye, Brady.
32:00Oh, believe it, the nerve of that woman.
32:03I mean, what is her business coming in here
32:06after being all high and mighty and saying those horrible things to you?
32:09Kristen, you shouldn't be here either.
32:12Ah, but I bring glad tidings, Mr. Black.
32:17You are getting out of here. And soon.
32:31Excuse me, can I talk to you for a second?
32:34Sure thing. What can I do for you, pal?
32:36Yeah, I was, um, wondering if you've seen a certain person in here.
32:40I see a lot of people in here.
32:42But I have to tell you, I don't really get involved in personal stuff.
32:45I understand you happen to recognize this guy.
32:47Yeah, he's my brother, actually.
32:50Hard to forget that face.
32:52Why is that?
32:54Like I said, I don't normally stick my nose in my customers' business.
32:57But this guy, he was in here getting hammered one night.
33:01Acting like a total jackass, looking for a fight.
33:04Do you happen to remember what night that was?
33:06Sure do. It was like he went out and ran over that poor doctor.
33:10So you were working that night?
33:13Well, if he was so intoxicated, why didn't you stop him from leaving?
33:17That lady said she had it under control.
33:19What lady?
33:31I don't know.
33:42Is that really everything?
33:44It can't be.
33:46I asked Harold if he could send the rest.
33:53Ah, so...
33:56Are you...
33:58Are you going to stay with Ray for...
34:00If your lawyer needs to get in touch, I see her at the espresso machine every morning at work.
34:07Yeah, that's not why I was asking.
34:12I was just wondering.
34:14Because, um...
34:16Because, um...
34:34I thought we said our last goodbye yesterday.
34:41Me too.
34:47I love you.
34:52Don't worry, Stephen.
34:57This will be the last time.
35:01I love you.
35:15In another life, my dear.
35:23In another life.
35:30In another life.
36:03Whatever you're thinking about doing,
36:05don't do it, okay?
36:07Don't. I know you want to help, okay?
36:09But the fact is, I'm pleading guilty tomorrow.
36:11I'm going to be in prison.
36:13Oh, come on, Sarah Brady.
36:15It's not going to get that far.
36:17What do you mean?
36:19If you're thinking about hurting Sarah...
36:21I'm not going to hurt Sarah Brady, Brady, Brady.
36:23Absolutely not.
36:26Truth is, I mean, she is going to be on her knees
36:29thanking me when this is all done.
36:33Why would she do that, Kristen?
36:36We'll see.
36:47Come on.
36:52What do you mean Brady might not be going to prison?
36:56Of course we still want to see him punished for his crimes, EJ.
36:59It's just...
37:02Unfortunately what?
37:05Sarah is no longer confident in the statement she gave to the police.
37:12Is that so, Sarah?
37:16It is.
37:18Yeah, I'm...
37:21I'm not sure that it was Brady driving that night.
37:26Well, you seemed pretty damn sure when you called Detective Hunter
37:30to say, yes, it was definitely Brady.
37:33Yeah, I was.
37:35I was.
37:38But honestly, now that I've had time to think about it,
37:41the image really isn't very clear.
37:43So, I don't know, maybe I dreamed it.
37:48Dreamed it?
37:52Yeah, yeah, I mean, possibly.
37:55I just...
37:57I guess I just wanted to believe it.
37:59It's probably worth mentioning that Sarah has been taking a cocktail
38:03of pain medications, muscle relaxants, etc.
38:06So, her thinking has no doubt become a little bit muddled.
38:10All right, all right, all right.
38:14Muddled thinking aside, what exactly are you both saying?
38:21Um, well, what I'm saying is I...
38:27I would like to recant my statement.
38:36I totally will.
38:44Oh, right here.
38:46Was this the woman who was with my brother that night?
38:52Yep, that's the one.
38:55Do you happen to remember if they left together?
38:59Oh, yeah, they sure did.
39:13I love you.
