The Young and the Restless 10-11-24 (Y&R 11th October 2024) 10-11-2024

  • 11 hours ago
00:00So Abby's chasing Dominic all over the house, trying to get him to put his jacket on.
00:05And then he just stops and slams his foot down and says, no.
00:10Oh my God.
00:11That was actually Charlie's favorite word at that age too.
00:14That's all he says now.
00:16Oh, so cute.
00:17Not okay.
00:18How's the wedding planning going?
00:21Uh, you heard that we lost the venue?
00:26Abby told me.
00:27And so my future father-in-law has stepped up and offered an alternative, but he refuses
00:33to tell us any information about it.
00:35Oh, that's a picture full of surprises.
00:38Yeah, sure is.
00:39It's one of the reasons why I'm worried about you working with him.
00:45Devon, come on.
00:46We're having a good time.
00:47Let's not ruin it.
00:49I'm sorry.
00:50I didn't mean to ruin anything.
00:52I'm not going to hide how I feel though.
00:55The more I think about you teaming up with Victor and take down Billy, the less I like
01:00Can't you just trust that I know what I'm doing and I'm handling things.
01:06Do you have anything in writing that says that you're going to be CEO of Chancellor
01:09when the dust settles?
01:10Has Victor drawn up that paperwork for you?
01:13Devon, please.
01:14Just let's stop.
01:15It's a simple question.
01:16I'm just trying to help you.
01:17No, your version of helping me is by constantly questioning my judgment and wanting me to
01:23walk away from a company that I helped build.
01:26I'm not telling you to walk away from anything.
01:28I'm just trying to tell you that I don't think Victor is going to give it to you.
01:32You know him.
01:34I know him.
01:35It doesn't matter how capable you are or how talented you are.
01:39He's not going to get his hands on a company as big as Chancellor and just hand it over
01:42to you.
01:43It's not going to happen.
01:45Well, since you know Victor's mind, who's he going to give it to?
01:48I don't know, but if I had to make a bet, it's probably going to be someone with the
01:52last name Newman.
01:53Knock, knock.
01:54Oh, my goodness.
01:55What a nice surprise.
01:56Well, you left the house without breakfast this morning, so I thought I would bring you
02:05a treat.
02:06Oh, my goodness.
02:07Look at this.
02:09I'm a lucky man.
02:10I would agree with that.
02:11So, what brings you by so early, my darling?
02:22Oh, just feeling a little restless lately.
02:25You want to talk about it?
02:28Don't worry.
02:29It's not about the drinking.
02:32Everything is going fine with that.
02:33I love my new sponsor.
02:35So then what is it?
02:39I miss working.
02:43I don't blame you, but I promise you soon enough, you'll have more work than you can
02:49All right.
02:50I know.
02:51You know, I realize the acquisition of Chancellor isn't going to happen overnight.
02:55I just wish that we had a set date so that I could have something to look forward to.
03:01Well, unfortunately, I can't give you a date right now, but suffice it to say, it'll happen
03:09I've been saying that for a while now.
03:11Let me just say that Lily Winters has a plan that will move things along.
03:16Sweetheart, please don't worry about it.
03:20It'll happen soon.
03:51Oh, Jack, hi.
04:07I was just stopping by to pick up Harrison's swimsuit for his lesson later.
04:12No problem.
04:15Are you OK?
04:19Yeah, I got a lot on my mind these days.
04:24Is it Kyle?
04:26Kyle and I had a bit of a run in last night.
04:29It's turning into a regular thing.
04:33Yeah, so am I.
04:35You're worried about him, aren't you?
04:39I am too.
04:44Sorry for coming by so early.
04:46I hope I didn't wake Lucy.
04:48She's so emotionally exhausted at this point.
04:50She'd sleep through just about anything.
04:53What about you?
04:54Did you get any sleep?
04:55Not really.
04:57I think it's going to be a long time before things start to feel normal for me again.
05:03What's going on?
05:04You made it sound pretty urgent.
05:05Well, I talked to Sharon last night.
05:10Yeah, and?
05:11Given what she told me, I have a few more questions for you.
05:16Is it true that you and Heather had a fight the night she died?
05:26So Sharon told you that Heather and I had a fight.
05:31How would she know that?
05:33Well, apparently she came over here the night Heather died.
05:38Said she wanted to apologize to all of you for her recent behavior, and you and Lucy weren't here.
05:44Yeah, no, we were at the movie theater.
05:46I already told you all that.
05:48This is the first time I'm hearing that Sharon was here, though.
05:51She's saying she didn't say anything because she didn't want to add to your grief.
05:55Okay, yeah, sure.
05:58Don't you think that it might have been important for her to tell someone that she was here?
06:02I mean, wouldn't you have done that if you had spoken to a person the same night that they died?
06:07I wouldn't.
06:08I'm just telling you what she said.
06:09Trying to get a full picture here.
06:12Okay, well, what else did Sharon say?
06:14She said when she got here, Heather was pretty upset.
06:17And that's when Heather supposedly told her that we had a fight.
06:22And she made it sound like it was a pretty ugly one.
06:25I'm here to find out two things, Daniel.
06:27Is that true?
06:28And if so, what was this fight about?
06:33Look, I may not be in Newman, but Neil is my dad, and that means something to Victor.
06:39And also, I've proven myself at Chancellor.
06:41He knows I'm an asset there.
06:44I'm sure he does know that.
06:46And I'm sure he's going to squeeze every last drop out of whatever it is he needs from you before he tosses you aside.
06:54Tom, no, he won't.
06:58What do you think makes you so different than anybody else he's done that to in the past?
07:05He's Victor Newman.
07:06This is business, okay?
07:08And blood is a hell of a lot thicker than an old friendship.
07:12Okay, I know he's the king of nepotism, but he's also a businessman.
07:16And he wants what's best for Chancellor.
07:18And what's best is me running it.
07:22Unless he has somebody else in mind who's a little closer to home.
07:27Who, Devon?
07:28Like, what Newman?
07:30I mean, Nick and Victoria are at Newman Enterprises.
07:34Adam's running Newman Media.
07:36I mean, what other Newman could there be? You can't even name one.
07:40I can think of one.
07:42Okay, I mean, no offense, but don't say Abby.
07:50It's not Abby. It's Nicky.
07:56So you're concerned about Kyle too?
08:00I am.
08:02Can I ask why?
08:04I promise it won't go any further.
08:08It's not anything that he's done. It's more...
08:12Certainly not to me, but it's the way he's been behaving lately.
08:17Go on.
08:19Kyle and I met up last night at Crimson Lights and...
08:23He admitted to me that he set up some kind of a trap to get Audra fired from Glissade.
08:31What sort of trap?
08:33He wouldn't go into any detail, only that he put together this plan to trip her up and to make himself look good.
08:40Anyway, it was enough to get whoever actually owns that company to get rid of her.
08:45Yeah, I have some idea of who that is, but we could get into that later.
08:50And it's not even so much about Audra. She could have deserved to be fired, for all I know.
08:55It was the way that Kyle talked about it. He...
09:03He got so much pleasure out of taking her down.
09:09It triggered something in me, because that's the kind of person that I grew up with.
09:15Vengeful, ruthless, and cold.
09:20It was really upsetting.
09:23I'm not surprised.
09:26My son has turned away from his family and toward a man who has all of the characteristics you just described.
09:35Your grandfather.
09:40What exactly is this plan of Lily's?
09:43Well, I don't know the details yet, but it involves Phyllis's role as Chancellor.
09:48Oh my God, Phyllis is involved?
09:51Everything that woman touches becomes tainted somehow.
09:57I hate that we have to be so sneaky.
10:00You mean with Lily?
10:01Yes, of course I mean with Lily. Here she is, thinking she's helping us.
10:06Thinking she's going to be the CEO of Chancellor when you and I both know that's not going to happen.
10:12Lily will be fine.
10:14She is as deserving as I am, if not more so.
10:18Sweetheart, once Chancellor is in our hands, all the details as to how we got there are going to be forgotten.
10:30Something just seems off about this.
10:33Why do you say that?
10:36Sharon is like the last person in the world that Heather would ever open up to about her personal life.
10:41I am aware of the tension, yeah.
10:43The tension? Sharon's practically been on a crusade to get my family to leave town.
10:48She's been attacking us in public.
10:50Sharon admitted to behaviors she wasn't proud of.
10:53So don't you think it's a stretch to imagine them having a conversation about anything?
10:57I mean, let alone something as personal as our relationship.
11:01I will admit, it does sound improbable, yeah.
11:04But in my experience, with high emotions, people can feel the need to talk to anyone, even their worst enemy.
11:12No, Heather wasn't that agitated.
11:14So you didn't have a fight?
11:18Yes, we had misunderstandings, but, you know, we worked through them.
11:26Look, we were good. We were fine that night.
11:30I mean, one of the only things that has brought me any comfort since all of this happened is knowing that, you know, the last things that we said to each other were,
11:37I love you, and I'll see you later.
11:41Look, Daniel.
11:44It's tough.
11:46And I'm sorry. I'm sorry I have to keep asking you these questions. I don't want to. I have to.
11:51Yeah, no, you're just doing your job, and, you know, I want to help.
11:55I know you do.
11:57But I just got a couple more for you, okay?
12:01These, uh, squabbles, arguments, whatever you want to call them, they've been going on for a while now?
12:10It's like I said.
12:13Things recently, they haven't been so good.
12:16You know, with Lucy's attitude and behavior, and Heather and I, we were looking for jobs, and then Lucy got in the accident, and Sharon, she's just been on the warpath,
12:28which didn't make things easy or pleasant for anyone, which brings me back to my original point.
12:33What was she doing here in the first place?
12:35She said to apologize.
12:37Okay, sure.
12:40Do you not believe her?
12:44I believe that she may have been here.
12:47I do not believe that they had a conversation about anything personal, no.
12:53Did Heather still have been upset about something?
12:56She didn't seem upset when I spoke to her.
12:58Look, what I'm asking is if it's possible that Sharon's telling the truth.
13:03And she came over here to apologize, she saw Heather, saw she was troubled, asked her what was wrong.
13:09Okay, look, I suppose that it's possible, yes, but that is as far as it would go.
13:14Heather would never, she would never talk about us.
13:18Unless she was using a fight with you as a cover for what was really bothering her.
13:27You're going to tell me that Nikki is going to go from semi-retirement to running a corporation like Chancellor?
13:35That makes no sense.
13:37It does if you saw what I saw last night.
13:39And what did you see?
13:41I saw an exchange between Nikki and Victor, where Nikki let it slip that Victor is surprising her with some priceless gift.
13:52Okay, that could mean anything coming from Victor.
13:56No, not if you think about it, it makes complete sense.
14:00Nikki and Catherine were like best friends, right?
14:05You can even go as far as to say Catherine was her mentor.
14:10Okay, so?
14:12Okay, so Victor is always showing a personal loyalty to Catherine.
14:17And I'm sure he's pissed that he even sold Chancellor to Jill now that Billy's running the show.
14:22Okay, well, Victor's also always shown a personal loyalty to our dad.
14:26So there goes that theory.
14:28You're missing my point, though.
14:30If what I'm saying is the case, it's going to come down to a competition between you and Nikki.
14:35And who do you think is going to win that?
14:38Victor replaced Nikki with Adam at Newman Media, even though she was doing a great job.
14:43And the press release that came out made it sound like it was pretty permanent.
14:46So you need to ask yourself, you think Nikki really just stepped down from a position like that out of the blue?
14:52Or is she setting herself up for a better opportunity?
14:56Now, I hope I'm wrong, but judging by the smile on her face last night, I don't think I am.
15:07Well, I think you are wrong.
15:12I don't think Nikki would do that to me.
15:16I don't want you to think I'm not grateful because I am.
15:21I didn't realize how much it would mean to me to follow in Catherine's footsteps at Chancellor until you gave me that opportunity.
15:32I remember the day I told you about my plan.
15:36Look in your face, never forget it.
15:40You probably thought I was going to double cross you by giving Newman Media to Adam.
15:45Yes, I did. And I was prepared to fight you on it.
15:50But then you gave me this incredible gift.
15:55And I realized once more how lucky I am to have a husband that believes in me like you do.
16:02That's a rare thing.
16:06You better remember that because yesterday I saw a scene between Jack Abbott and Diane Wu.
16:14The way he treated her was abhorrent.
16:18That is unusual to hear you defend Diane.
16:22It spoke of his character, the lack thereof.
16:26Okay. You and I will never agree on Jack.
16:32Well, that is your prerogative.
16:36Mine is to make sure that he gets what he deserves.
16:41What does Victor have to do with any of this?
16:44I am all but certain Victor is the one pulling the strings at Glissade.
16:49The anonymous investor?
16:51The anonymous investor. This is just the kind of move he would make.
16:56Kyle hasn't talked to you about this?
16:58No, he hasn't.
17:00I'm not surprised. He knows it's not a good look.
17:03When you leave your family's company and go immediately to work with a competitor.
17:09Especially one with a history that Victor and I have.
17:14Are you saying that this is some form of payback on my grandfather's part?
17:21This war between Victor and me goes back before you were born.
17:26I know how he works.
17:29He knows that this whole situation with Kyle is the best way to hurt me.
17:37And he's right.
17:40It has hurt me.
17:46How you doing, man? How was your trip?
17:48I'll fill you in later.
17:50First, I want to know what's going on in here.
17:52I'll fill you in later. First, I want to know what's going on in here.
17:54Did I just see Lily Bolton today?
17:57You sure did.
17:58She seemed pissed.
18:00Oh, that's because she was pissed.
18:02What happened?
18:04We were talking about weddings and kids and then I stupidly brought up...
18:09So you brought up her deal with Victor.
18:13She doesn't see it for what it is.
18:16Which is Victor dangling Chancellor in front of her face until he gets what he wants and then tosses her aside.
18:23Maybe you need to just let it go.
18:26If she's not going to listen, she's not going to listen.
18:28Well, I think I actually got to her this time.
18:32How do you figure?
18:33I have a pretty good idea of what Victor's plan is once he gets a hold of Chancellor.
18:37And I suspect the reason Lily is so mad is because she's starting to believe that I'm right.
18:47Lily. Surprise. Come in.
18:51Hello, Victor.
18:52Have a seat.
18:56Do you have any news about your plan to exploit Phyllis's role at Chancellor for our benefit?
19:03I actually didn't come here to talk about that.
19:06So to what do I owe the pleasure?
19:09Well, I have some serious problems with our partnership.
19:14And I would like them to be solved today.
19:20Claire, I don't want to upset you. We can have this conversation or not. It is your choice.
19:28But if we do, I'm going to tell you some things about your grandfather that you don't know, that maybe you don't want to know.
19:45The first thing you need to know about your grandfather is that he is a fighter.
19:51That's the way he sees himself. That's the way he sells himself.
19:56But there is no such thing as a fair fight with Victor Newman.
20:03Whatever it takes to win, he will go there and then some.
20:07Nothing is sacred. There are no out of bounds.
20:12It is never just about business. It is always personal.
20:19With me, it is deeply personal.
20:23Victor has a visceral hatred of me that goes back decades.
20:28It's easy to ignite and it is stronger now than it has ever been.
20:34He knows what is happening with Kyle is breaking my heart.
20:40And he is twisting the knife and enjoying every moment of it.
20:46I feel like I, to be honest with you, I've never seen the side of Victor that you're describing.
20:53He's always been kind and caring towards me.
20:56Even after the horrible things that I did, he forgave me and he accepted me.
21:03It doesn't sound like the Victor Newman that I know.
21:07That's because you're now part of his family.
21:11He will always look out for you.
21:14That is the one thing that makes us alike.
21:18But believe me when I tell you, everything I just told you about that man is still true.
21:27He is leading Kyle down a very dark path.
21:31One I'm not sure Kyle can ever come back from.
21:35I know.
21:40I'm really not quite sure I'm following you here, Chance.
21:44What could have been bothering Heather that she felt the need to lie about having a fight with me?
21:49I'm just gonna throw out some what-ifs right now, okay?
21:52Based on what you told me, it makes sense that Heather needed to get away and think things over, correct?
21:59No, it doesn't make sense, Chance. It doesn't make sense to me anyway.
22:02I mean, this is so out of character for Heather.
22:05We talked about things. We didn't just run off and then send the other person a text saying what we had done.
22:11That's not us. That has never been us.
22:13Well, then how do you explain her text?
22:15That's what I'm trying to explain to you is I can't explain it.
22:19None of this tracks with anything I know about her.
22:24What about the things you might not know about her?
22:28What are you trying to say?
22:30Is it possible that Heather was seeing someone else?
22:40So you think that Heather was having an affair.
22:43Where'd you come up with that?
22:45Daniel, I'm just...
22:47No. No, Chance. Absolutely not.
22:50Hey, hear me out, okay?
22:53I'm not accusing anyone of anything.
22:55I'm not accusing anyone of anything.
22:57First off, I'm asking you to take a big step back and just think about what she did that night. Can you do that?
23:04Sure. Go ahead.
23:06Heather goes to the river, late at night, by herself.
23:09Place she knows she's not going to get recognized.
23:11Someone gets a hold of her phone.
23:13So you're saying Heather had a lover and the lover killed her. This is the theory you're working with.
23:18I'm offering a possibility.
23:20That's all.
23:21And I'm telling you that it's ridiculous.
23:22Daniel, someone has her phone.
23:24Someone who knew her well enough, intimately enough, to get her passcode.
23:28And then they're contacting you and they're not following through.
23:31Who would do that? Answer that.
23:33Who do you think would do that?
23:34You want me to answer that?
23:36Why don't you answer it, Chance? You're supposed to be the brilliant detective.
23:38You figure it out. You tell me who's doing it.
23:40I am trying to, okay?
23:42Right now, I'm trying to put a puzzle together.
23:45And the pieces are not fitting.
23:46Now, I'm convinced whoever sent you that message, they're either feeling guilty and got cold feet, or they're trying to mess with you.
23:52Either way, I got to narrow it down.
23:54Who are they?
23:56How do they fit this puzzle?
23:58And why are they so reluctant to come forward?
24:03So, what seems to be the problem?
24:07Well, a lot of things.
24:09Beginning with the fact that it seems like you're reluctant to put our agreement in writing.
24:13But I explained that to you.
24:15No, I know. You said be patient and that you're going to take care of me.
24:20But it kind of feels like you're stringing me along.
24:24Lily, you have nothing to worry about.
24:26Well, I am worried. Otherwise, I wouldn't be here.
24:29Victor, I came to you in good faith.
24:31I've given you information.
24:33With the thoughts that you're going to reinstall me as CEO.
24:37But it kind of feels like that's not going to happen.
24:39With the thoughts that you're going to reinstall me as CEO.
24:42But it kind of feels like maybe you're just getting information from me and you're going to make someone else CEO?
24:48Who do you think I'd replace you with?
24:55How did you come to that conclusion?
24:57It doesn't matter.
24:59Are you going to make her CEO?
25:03I'm a man of my word.
25:04I assure you, you have nothing to worry about. I'll take care of you. I meant every word of it.
25:10You're not answering my question.
25:13Until we have possession of Chancellor, all these are moot points.
25:18Idle speculation.
25:22Well, if that's your answer, then that's not good enough.
25:35Victor is buying Chancellor for Nikki.
25:39And it makes sense when you stop and think about it.
25:43The worst part of it, although, to me, is he's not just using Lily, he's using his relationship with Neil to soften her up.
25:53By telling her that he'd be proud of her and that it's, you know, he'd be happy to know that they're working together and things like that.
26:00That is your future father-in-law, right?
26:03I know. That just further complicates things.
26:08Here's the thing you always need to know about Victor, and trust me, I'm speaking from personal experience.
26:15Whatever he's doing, it's almost never what you think it is.
26:20You'll drive yourself crazy trying to guess his motives.
26:23Well, I don't really give a crap about his motives. I just know that this is a serious matter.
26:28I don't give a crap about his motives. I just know that this is going to crush Lily.
26:40Nikki, hi.
26:42Oh, hi, Lily.
26:44I need to talk to you.
26:47Oh, sure. Please sit down.
26:53What's going on?
26:55Um, I need to know if something I suspect is right or wrong.
27:05And I feel like you're the only person who can tell me.
27:14To think of you as a friend, especially lately.
27:19I feel the same. I value our friendship.
27:23And the letter that you gave me from Catherine, where she says that she respects me, I mean, that meant so much to me.
27:33And she meant every word of it. She was a big fan of yours, as am I.
27:38And you really went out of your way to give that to me.
27:42Well, I felt that you should have it. I mean, that's what friends do for each other.
27:49So, tell me, what's going on?
27:56I feel like I'm being played. And I really hope that I'm overreacting.
28:05Played by who?
28:07By you, Victor, this whole deal with Chancellor.
28:12I mean, is it a lie? Are you both just using me to get information to take over Chancellor, to eventually just push me out?
28:22Victor and I think the world of you, Lily. Personally and professionally.
28:29But that's not what I'm asking. Is he going to make you CEO?
28:34Nikki, please, just be honest with me, okay? I couldn't get a straight answer out of Victor, but please just tell me the truth.
28:43I will have so much more respect for you if you just come clean.
28:51What are you thinking about?
28:54Just the run-in I had with Victor a little while back.
28:57Just the run-in I had with Victor a little while back.
29:01He seemed unusually curious about whether or not we would try to lure Lily back to Winters.
29:08I mean, I guess he tried to make it sound like he was asking because he was just curious and cared about us and all that.
29:15But he was definitely on a fact-finding mission.
29:18Sure he was. I mean, hell, he asked me to convince Lily to leave Chancellor when we were going through the split.
29:26Only to do a 180 and then team up with her so she can help him take down Billy.
29:30Now we know why.
29:32I don't know why he does half the things he does. It's like, does he need more power?
29:38In the end, does it really matter? I mean, maybe we should just be grateful.
29:45How do you figure that?
29:47We were lucky enough to break away from Chancellor when we did.
29:51Yeah, I guess so. But I just, I don't want to see Lily get caught up in the fallout of it all.
29:57She's the only thing I care about here.
29:59Yeah, same for me.
30:01And if I'm right, if Victor really is using Lily with no intentions of making her a CEO or Chancellor,
30:08that's gonna be a very big problem for me and my future father-in-law.
30:13You know, I've listened to your theory and I'm telling you flat out, you're way off base.
30:24Heather loved me. She loved Lucy.
30:28She loved the life that we were building here in Genoa City.
30:32The only thing that ever made her think that she needed to leave here were all these outside pressures, which I already told you about.
30:38None of which had anything to do with having an affair. I mean, that's just absolutely ridiculous.
30:42I hear you. Okay. I'm just trying to rule it out. Running through every possible scenario. That's all.
30:50Well, you're wrong about this one.
30:53I hope so. I really do. I'm still gonna need confirmation before I can move on, though.
30:59How are you gonna get that?
31:02Have you got an idea?
31:03Claire, I know this isn't easy to hear.
31:06Especially since your grandfather is probably someone you've come to love.
31:13I've always known that there are many sides to Victor Newman.
31:18It's just...
31:20This is one that I haven't seen before.
31:24All I am trying to do is get Kyle out of the way.
31:27This is one that I haven't seen before.
31:30All I am trying to do is get Kyle out from under his influence.
31:36If Victor feels he needs to punish me, then he should come after me and leave the rest of my family out of this.
31:44I don't want to see Kyle go down a bad path, either.
31:49So how can I help?
31:51I'm not asking for your help.
31:54I just want you to know what's going on.
31:58Yes, but after everything that you've just told me, I don't see any way that I can stay out of this now.
32:05I love my grandfather.
32:07But I also care about Kyle.
32:11So I'll ask you again, how can I help?
32:21What is your idea, Chance?
32:24With your permission.
32:26I'd like to search the apartment.
32:29You'd what?
32:31I think there might be something that you or Lucy missed.
32:34Let me find it.
32:41It's no.
32:43No. The answer is no.
32:46First you want to come in here, and you want to suggest that Heather had a lover.
32:51And now you want to invade her privacy by going through all of her things.
32:56It's not bad enough that she's gone, right?
32:58But you want to come in here and you want to disrespect her memory like that, too.
33:04I think you know your way out.
33:14Hey, you never told me about your trip.
33:17Were you able to track down that woman that contacted you?
33:20What was her name?
33:22Yeah. Amy Lewis.
33:24Turns out she knew my dad.
33:29How did she know Nathan?
33:31He was helping Paul Williams and his partner, Andy Richards,
33:35sign some big case when she was their assistant at their PI business.
33:40And she and my dad dated a bit.
33:43Get out of here.
33:47So why, after all this time, would she track you down?
33:50She said she had some mementos she found from those days in an old storage box.
33:55I don't know. She thought I liked to have them, so that's why I flew out there.
33:59Was it worth the trip?
34:01Not really. Just a couple of random things. Nothing really important.
34:05Sorry, it was a waste of time.
34:07Honestly, I don't know what to think about it.
34:11What makes you say that?
34:13It's just the vibe I got.
34:16That her calling me out there was a cover for something else.
34:20Like what?
34:22I don't know. It was almost as if she was trying to get a better sense of who I was, more than anything else.
34:29Do you have any idea why she'd want to do that?
34:32Not a clue.
34:35Please, Nicky, if you tell me I'm wrong, I will believe you and I will walk away.
34:46But I'm not, am I?
34:52Oh, my God.
34:55There's no way you would do this on your own.
34:58You had to have been going along with Victor, right?
35:05Yes. The plan all along was for me to be CEO of Chancellor.
35:12And I hated that Victor used your anger at Billy to manipulate you into helping him.
35:20But I did go along with it, so that is totally on me.
35:28I guess the idea of taking over Catherine's company clouded my judgment and quite possibly my moral fiber, and for that, Lily, I am truly sorry.
35:44How did you think I'm going to respond to this?
35:47I knew you would be upset.
35:50That doesn't even begin to cover how I feel right now.
35:55But I also hoped that I would be able to convince you to stay and work with me.
36:01You seriously believe that?
36:05Victor and I both believe that you are vital to the company's success.
36:10I want you by my side going forward, Lily, and I pray that you are not too upset and hurt to walk away without considering that.
36:21Are you kidding? I went to Victor to offer to help him get Chancellor because you made me feel safe.
36:29You made me feel like we were on the same team.
36:32I know it, and I feel terrible about it.
36:36I really do, but I hope that you will think about what I have just said before you make any rash decisions, because, Lily, we still can do great things together.
36:56I'm done. I'm done with both of you.
37:06I'm done.
37:12Next week on The Young and the Restless.
37:15I did find some disturbing evidence in Heather and Daniel's apartment.
37:20Things don't look too good for your brother right now.
37:23Victor Newman, he's the silent investor behind Glissade.
37:28He's the one who's been pulling Kyle's strings all along.
37:33Would you like to know about your grandmother?
37:39I have a few stories to tell you.
