Days of our Lives 10-11-24 (11th October 2024) 10-11-2024 DOOL 11 October 2024

  • 7 hours ago
00:00Kristen, are you here? We need to talk. Kristen, come out and show yourself.
00:10My God, there is no need to shout, Xander. I'm right here.
00:18I have some good news.
00:20What, you talked to Rolf?
00:21I did, and he is more confident than ever that his adjusted formula will cure Sarah's paralysis.
00:30That is really good news.
00:31You have some good news for me?
00:35Did you and your wife speak to my brother about Brady's case?
00:40Actually, we just met with him.
00:44And Sarah told him that she was mistaken when she ID'd Brady as the driver that hit her.
00:48It's okay, it's okay.
00:51Give me out that serum, please.
00:56I'm sorry to stop by unannounced, but I need to talk to you.
01:01I assume it's about Brady.
01:03Look, Eric, I should have reached out to you after I came forward.
01:06Listen, that is why I'm here. There is something I need to know.
01:10And I need you to be honest with me.
01:15Is Brady innocent?
01:18Are you covering for your mother?
01:21I'm covering for Fiona?
01:23Yes, was she the driver who hit you?
01:33Hey there.
01:39It's me, Sophia, from the bistro.
01:42Oh, yeah. Of course.
01:45Let me guess, our dinner menu was so impressive, you're heading back to try our lunch special?
01:59God, I hope Brady's brother bought my story. Otherwise...
02:04Actually, let's just not think about otherwise.
02:15Actually, no. I'm not heading to the bistro.
02:19Too bad. I was going to steer you to my table and give you an update on my love life.
02:24You know, guy-like.
02:26Oh, the one with the girlfriend?
02:29Well, she's not his girlfriend anymore.
02:35Yeah, so sad. They broke up.
02:45Uh, yeah. Yeah, so it was great.
02:48Especially because I fucked her most of it.
02:50Knocked out on film and next thing you know, bonjour, we're landing in Paris.
02:55Oh. Well, I'm so glad you arrived safely.
02:59You did. And grandma, it is so beautiful here.
03:04Really? Paris is beautiful? Hmm. I haven't heard.
03:09Hey, better not be making fun of me or else I'm not going to bring you back any chocolate.
03:14Oh? But I thought I was getting a rare scarf.
03:21Okay, fine. You'll get that too.
03:24No, I'm teasing, of course.
03:27Holly, the only thing you need to bring back is yourself.
03:31Holly, have you seen your mom?
03:35Uh, no, not yet. Remaining at this cafe in a little while.
03:39Thought it might be best to meet on neutral ground when we have.
03:43Oh, perfect talk.
03:45Yeah, that makes sense.
03:48Well, I wish you luck, Holly.
03:51Um, it isn't going to be easy.
03:55I don't see how it could be.
03:57I've had to confront her about lying to me my entire life that
04:01Eric was the one who really killed my dad.
04:13I think we should wait before we're intimate with each other.
04:25We can wait as long as you want to.
04:27Well, I don't want to wait that long.
04:29I mean, I just think there's something that we should do first.
04:37What's that?
04:43Chad, what if we got married?
04:49You want to get married?
04:52Yeah. Yeah, I do. As soon as possible.
04:56Like sand through the hourglass.
05:11So are the days of our lives.
05:13Please just take me wherever you have.
05:28My wife really needs to see her.
05:32I'll do her, says cowboy.
05:34I need some details.
05:37About what?
05:39Well, about E.J.
05:40What did he say when Sarah recanted her story?
05:46What does it matter what he said?
05:49I mean, Sarah told him that she was wrong to ID Brainy.
05:53That's all he wanted, right?
05:55And E.J. just accepted that?
05:58Without Sarah's ID, he has no case.
06:02So E.J. specifically said that he would drop the charges.
06:10Well, I would hope he's doing that as we speak, but if you could just take me to that lab.
06:14Hold that thought.
06:16What do you do?
06:18Well, I'm going to call E.J. and ask him if he's actually dropping the charges.
06:23We can't this way. Every second we keep that serum from Sarah is another second she suffers.
06:28Oh, E.J. Yes, I wanted to talk.
06:32What are you doing?
06:37Oh, I knew it.
06:41You're lying to me, aren't you?
06:48You think Fiona hit me?
06:51Why? Where is this coming from?
06:53Sarah, please, just answer the question, okay?
06:56Was Fiona the hit-and-run driver?
06:59No, of course not. Where did you get this idea?
07:04From you.
07:05From me?
07:06Yeah, I saw you and Fiona in the park yesterday and I overheard.
07:08You overheard us say what?
07:11I heard you talk about a secret that you needed to keep between you.
07:15That had nothing to do with her being the hit-and-run driver. That hurt, I swear.
07:25So that young man that you like and his little girlfriend, they broke up, did they?
07:30Sure did.
07:32Well, that was fast. What happened?
07:34What can I say? She wasn't treating him right.
07:36They got in a huge fight.
07:39And did you have anything to do with that fight?
07:43No, I didn't have to do a thing. She messed everything up between them all.
07:53Oh, darling, this isn't going to be an easy conversation for you or your mom.
08:00I just hope that you'll find it in your heart to forgive her.
08:03I mean, to understand why she kept the truth from you for so long.
08:10Mom, we'll see.
08:12I love you, Holly. I'll talk to you soon, okay?
08:17I love you too, Grandma.
08:18I'll talk soon.
08:24Mom, where are you?
08:34Fiona and I were not talking about my accident when you overheard us.
08:40Then what were you talking about?
08:45You have to tell me.
08:47Why do you think that I'm lying about Brady?
08:50Well, it's just that I heard you and Xander talking yesterday in the bedroom.
08:55I wasn't eavesdropping. I just happened to be passing by, and you were telling Xander how you felt.
09:01You were telling Xander how you'd lied to the police.
09:09And I just can't figure out why.
09:14Is it because you want to see Brady punished?
09:19No, it's not that.
09:24I had no choice.
09:28I don't understand.
09:32Xander has been so consumed with anger, and he is obsessed with getting revenge against Brady and...
09:45He was going to kill Brady.
09:48And make it look like a suicide.
09:50Oh, dear God.
09:52So you see, I had no choice. I had to lie to the police.
09:57And that was the only way to save Brady.
10:01And your son.
10:08I'm sorry, I just, I can't say.
10:11But it had absolutely nothing to do with my mother-in-law being the driver that hit me.
10:16And if that were the case, I sure as hell wouldn't cover for her.
10:23You don't believe me.
10:24Believe me.
10:26Eric, look, I understand that it is hard to accept that Brady is the one who did it.
10:31But how can one overheard conversation convince you that it was Fiona?
10:38Actually, it was more than just that one conversation.
10:45Well, come on now. Tell me everything about this breakup.
10:52Are you sure?
10:54You don't have some place to go?
10:56No, I'm grateful for the distraction.
11:00So, what did this girl do to mess everything up?
11:05You really want to know?
11:07Yeah, actually I do.
11:09I love a good romantic yarn.
11:13I don't know what that means, but get this.
11:16She totally went behind his back and started going through his father's stuff.
11:21Oh, looking for what?
11:22Who knows? Point is, he caught her.
11:26Oh dear.
11:27Yeah, yeah, so he got all pissed and then she got defensive and then he got defensive and blah, blah, blah.
11:33Next thing you know, she tells him it's over. Just like that.
11:37Sounds intense. You have no idea.
11:40I said one little thing and she went like totally ballistic. It's really scary.
11:46She attacked you?
11:48Nothing I couldn't handle.
11:49So, anywho, short story shorter.
11:52She told us that her now ex-boyfriend and I deserve each other and then stormed off.
11:57Sounds like she was quite upset.
11:59Hella upset.
12:03Yes, that is quite a lot.
12:05She doesn't even know the part that would make her even madder.
12:09See, when ex-BFF Holly finds out that her ex-boyfriend Tate and I...
12:13Wait a second.
12:16You said Holly and Tate?
12:25Oh, hi.
12:26I'm sorry.
12:28It's good to see you.
12:29Listen, you don't have to whisper.
12:31After a busy morning in the park, take a lunch, wake her up.
12:35Have a seat. You have a few minutes.
12:38Yeah, I do.
12:42How's Sarah?
12:44She's doing alright.
12:46She's doing alright.
12:47She's getting used to her.
12:49Her new reality.
12:51Thank you for asking.
12:53I just wanted to say I feel really terrible about what happened to her.
12:56My dad does too.
12:58I know he does.
13:00Listen, um...
13:01Tate, this is very difficult for you. It must be.
13:04With your mom in prison and your father heading there soon.
13:09It seems wrong to feel sorry for myself considering Sarah's in a wheelchair.
13:15Well, you're allowed to feel that way.
13:18Tate, you know that.
13:21Yeah, well...
13:24It feels like I'm losing everyone I care about.
13:30Mom and dad.
13:33And Holly.
13:36She told you we broke up?
13:38Yeah, she did.
13:40She wasn't in school today. Is she okay?
13:44She's okay, yeah.
13:47She's in Paris.
13:56So you want to get married?
13:59I know it's sudden.
14:01Just being here in this old apartment.
14:05In this magical city with all this familiarity coming back to me.
14:10These feelings.
14:11I mean, not memories, definitely feelings.
14:15My feelings for you.
14:17I just...
14:18But you're not ready to be intimate.
14:21Oh, only because...
14:23I mean...
14:25Even with the feelings, we're still sort of strangers in a way to each other.
14:35I loved you so much.
14:39But I...
14:41I just...
14:44I want to remember our love together.
14:46I also want to remember our life.
14:49The life that we had.
14:54I don't know, I just...
14:56I think maybe...
14:59I'm getting married to make that happen.
15:09So you hope that by us getting married you'll get your memories back?
15:14I know it's wishful thinking.
15:17But we're in Paris.
15:19Where dreams come true.
15:21I thought that was Disneyland.
15:22Okay, I mean, serious, Chad.
15:25Look, my memories, right? Of the wedding vows.
15:29They came back.
15:31Imagine us getting to say them to each other here, for real.
15:35I don't know if it's Paris.
15:37I don't know if it's a gut feeling.
15:39I don't know, I don't know, I don't know.
15:42I just...
15:43I feel like recommitting to you in the city of light
15:48might be the jolt I need to have my memories completely back.
15:54Do you think so?
15:56Yeah, I think so.
15:57I really, really, really think so.
16:01Yeah, I think so. I really, really, really think so.
16:07What do you say?
16:10Mr. Chad DiMera...
16:13Will you marry me?
16:20So Holly's in Paris?
16:25She wanted to see her mother.
16:27Nicole couldn't fly, though, because Jude had an ear infection.
16:33So she flew to France?
16:35Yeah, she did.
16:37She needed to confront her mom face-to-face about her father's death.
16:43It really sucks that Uncle Eric and Nicole lied to her all these years about what really happened.
16:49Well, Nicole was trying to protect her.
16:51And we all just went along with it.
16:53And I know how much that hurt Holly, but that still doesn't excuse what she tried to do to my dad.
17:01What do you mean?
17:04So she didn't tell you why we broke up?
17:08Well, not in any detail.
17:11Oh, okay.
17:13Well, it all started when I caught Holly in my father's room, digging through his stuff.
17:21Oh, my.
17:22What was she looking for?
17:24She was trying to help EJ find dirt on my dad, so he could send him to prison.
17:31Oh, I see.
17:33So you confronted her?
17:35Yeah, I did. And she got really defensive.
17:40Then when my friend Sophia tried to stick up for me...
17:45Holly physically attacked her.
17:49So this boy you like, his name is Tate?
17:54And his girlfriend's Holly?
17:57Remember? So you're talking about Holly Jonas and Tate Black.
18:01Do you know them?
18:03No, not well. I just happen to live in the same house as Holly.
18:09Wait, you're not her Grandma Maggie, are you?
18:12What? No. I just told you, I don't know them well.
18:16Oh, right.
18:18Maggie's daughter is married to my son.
18:22Hmm. Small world.
18:25I know when you order that martini, it reminds you to listen to me.
18:29You need to forget that I ever ordered that drink.
18:37Did you really think I was stupid enough to take your word for it?
18:41Did you really think I was stupid enough to take your word for it?
18:45That EJ dropped the charges?
18:48Dammit, Kristen, we did as you asked.
18:50We told EJ that Sarah wanted to recant and he just wouldn't listen.
18:53This is your brother's fault, not ours.
18:55So EJ is not dropping the charges?
18:58EJ's gonna use Sarah's original statement to put Brady away and there's nothing we can do to stop him.
19:04Only that's not true.
19:06What do you mean?
19:08Well, I mean there is something you can do.
19:11Do what? We already tried really hard to talk him out of it, believe me.
19:14Well, we can build the pressure.
19:16How? Well, go public.
19:18Go public, tell Sarah that she needs to post the truth on social media.
19:23Tell the spectator that she came forward and admitted that she was wrong about naming Brady as the hit-and-run driver.
19:32And then we tell the world that the DA is hell-bent on prosecuting Brady for something that he didn't do.
19:39Kristen, I...
19:40Oh, hold on, better yet.
19:42We could go to EJ's boss.
19:44I mean, if there's one thing I know about Paulina Price, it's that she doesn't need another scandal.
19:50And then we make it clear that EJ, my brother, has gone rogue.
19:57I mean, he's bearing the fact that his own eyewitness has taken back her statement.
20:04I'm sorry, Kristen.
20:07I can't do that.
20:10Look, I admit it's a bit of a hunch.
20:13You're accusing my mother-in-law of running me over and then lying about it based on a hunch.
20:20Sarah, did you know that Brady and Fiona were sleeping together?
20:23Yeah. Yeah, I did.
20:25She admitted it to Xander.
20:27She also said that, you know, they didn't realize who each other were and that it was just casual and it didn't last very long.
20:34Why does that matter?
20:36It matters because Fiona and Brady would get them out of your accident.
20:50Oh, wow. That was not the rousing yes I was hoping for.
20:56I mean, first of all, you know that I want to be married to you more than anything in the entire world.
21:02But I thought that when we got, we married, it would be with our children and our families.
21:09Yeah, of course. Yeah. Yeah, in a perfect world.
21:13I mean, I don't know.
21:15I don't know.
21:17I don't know.
21:19I don't know.
21:21I don't know.
21:22Yeah. Yeah, in a perfect world.
21:25But we get to go home to Salem and tell them the good news that we've gotten married.
21:34But we also get to tell them that my memories came back if we do this.
21:38That sounds amazing. What if it doesn't happen?
21:41Well, if it doesn't happen, I'm going to stay true to my word.
21:45I'm going to tell the children that I'm their mother.
21:48That's my promise to you.
21:52What does they say? Come on. Fourth time's a charm.
21:56Who says that?
22:02Yeah, this girl.
22:12You know, I can hardly remember a time that I didn't love you.
22:15Or didn't want to be married to you.
22:18Is that a yes?
22:25You want to get married?
22:27Then let's get married.
22:30One last time.
22:48You're saying Holly slapped Sophia?
22:51Yeah. Across the face.
22:54That doesn't sound like her.
22:57Well, I'm just saying that's what happened.
23:00Then she must have been provoked.
23:02No, all Sophia did was she called Holly out for snooping on my dad.
23:06Are you sure about that?
23:09Yeah. And she also might have mentioned that she has the feelings for me.
23:14Well, that's provocative.
23:17You know, I don't believe that Holly would hit her.
23:21I mean, I know my granddaughter.
23:24I don't know this girl, Sophia.
23:26Well, I'm telling you that I do.
23:28And Sophia's actually, she's been a pretty good friend to me.
23:34How good?
23:37What are you asking me?
23:40What are you asking me?
23:43Sophia admitted she has feelings for you.
23:47Are the feelings mutual?
24:01Fix your hair, me old lady.
24:04Not a word about that martini.
24:06Okay, okay. Heard you. Jeez.
24:10Sorry, but my son and his family believe that I'm sober.
24:14And if they find out otherwise, it'll be disastrous for me.
24:19You look like you're above the legal age to me.
24:22What's the big deal?
24:25It's not a big deal.
24:27It's an enormous deal. Do you understand?
24:35Don't guess.
24:39If anyone asks you, the only drink you have ever served me is tap water.
24:46I am not some out thick teenage rival that you can mess with, Sophia.
24:52You will keep your mouth shut, or you'll be sorry.
25:01So, Brady was with Fiona the night of the accident?
25:06I guess you never mentioned that.
25:08No, she didn't.
25:12How do you know this?
25:14Waiter at the small bar.
25:16He said that he saw him leave together.
25:18And when I asked Fiona about it...
25:20Wait, sorry. You spoke to her about it?
25:23Yeah, she happened to walk in when I was chatting up with the waiter.
25:28What did she say?
25:30Well, at first, she claimed that the night of the accident that she and Brady, well, they left separately.
25:37And then I informed her that the waiter mentioned something different.
25:43Well, she admitted that.
25:46So she changed her story?
25:48Yeah, with another lie.
25:50She said she went after Brady knowing he was drunk, persuaded him to take a taxi.
25:57But you don't believe her?
25:59No, not for a minute, nor do I believe that she said she hadn't had a drink all night.
26:08I don't get it.
26:10Why can't you go to the press or Mayor Price?
26:13I mean, just to force EJ's hand.
26:16Because he's threatening to prosecute Sarah for making a false statement to the police.
26:22Oh, this son of a bitch.
26:24Look, I'm not going to let your brother lock Sarah away for perjury while she's still dealing with the after effects of this accident.
26:31Look, I'm not going to let him. No judge is going to put her behind bars.
26:34You don't know that.
26:35EJ has deep pockets and a lot of connections.
26:39Well, it isn't right, Sander.
26:41I'm not disputing that, but please.
26:46I did what I could.
26:48But I'm begging you, Chris.
26:50Just bring me that serum.
26:53I know you didn't get the result that you were looking for, but my wife deserves the chance to walk again.
27:05I'm sorry.
27:15Are you okay?
27:17I'm so okay. I'm better than okay.
27:21Yeah, me too.
27:23Cloud nine.
27:27Thank you for agreeing to do this.
27:30I know it's sudden, but I have a really good feeling about it.
27:35I mean, if I would have known, I would have bought you a ring.
27:39Oh, I don't need a ring.
27:41But I, um, I am going to need something to wear.
27:45Because I did not pack a wedding gown.
27:48Mama can't wear this.
27:50Um, okay.
27:52And, uh, you know, we are in Paris.
27:54We've heard how it's a thing or two about fashion.
27:56So why don't you go home, buy a dress, and I'll make some calls.
28:02Try to find someone to marry us.
28:04Sound like a plan?
28:06No, sounds like a dream.
28:42Um, I'm sorry, I have to take this.
28:45Yeah, no worries. I'll see you around.
28:47Okay, take your time.
28:53Hi, uh, I just talked to my mom.
28:57Did it not go well?
28:59No, it, it went better than expected.
29:03She basically just apologized a bunch, and I don't know, she seemed really sincere.
29:08Well, that's great.
29:10Um, where is she now?
29:12She had to go home to relieve the babysitter.
29:16She wanted me to come with her, but I told her I just needed some alone time to think.
29:21We have plans to meet tomorrow, though.
29:23That's wonderful.
29:25And, um, how are you feeling now?
29:29Relieved, I guess. I don't know. Still processing.
29:36And you will be for quite some time.
29:39And hopefully, you'll be able to let your mother help you.
29:43And maybe, um, Eric, too.
29:53So where are you staying tonight?
29:55Uh, she booked me a hotel room near where they live.
30:01Well, darling, call me anytime if you want to talk, okay?
30:07Well, thank you for the support, Grandma. I love you so much.
30:10I love you, too.
30:12And, Holly, your father would be so proud of you.
30:26Do we have an understanding?
30:33I said, do we have an understanding?
30:39Chill out, lady, would you? I said yes, didn't I?
30:44I swear I won't tell anyone how much you love a dry martini.
30:48Oh, snitch.
30:53Good girl.
30:56She's a bitch.
31:06But Fiona doesn't drink.
31:09That's what she claims.
31:13I guess it's all just a moot point, anyway.
31:18Especially since you remember seeing Brady behind the wheel that night.
31:25You know what, I, uh, I should go. I'm sorry for perching in here and, at worst, accusing you of lying.
31:36No, it's okay.
31:39No, it's not. You've been through so much.
31:44I can't imagine how hard it's been for you.
31:50And I know that it's a struggle for your brother, as well.
31:55I know he's feeling incredibly guilty, and now he has to go to jail.
32:07It's been tough.
32:09It's been really tough, obviously.
32:11But it's been really tough, obviously.
32:15Not that it compares to any of your struggle.
32:21I'm just worried about him.
32:24His kids.
32:28I just don't want to lose them.
32:36Take care.
32:41Take care.
32:47I'm sorry, Xander.
32:50No can do on the serum.
32:53Deal's a deal.
32:55Have you no heart?
32:58After everything you did to Sarah, on that bloody island, you, you owe her this.
33:02It's a simple transaction.
33:05You make the charges go away, I give you the serum.
33:08Your brother is the only person that can make those charges go away, not me, and he refuses.
33:14Come on, Kristen.
33:16Sarah needs to be able to walk again, to take care of our little girl.
33:19Well, I have a little girl, too, Xander.
33:22And my daughter's father is looking to spend a decade behind bars.
33:28Now, I suggest that you put on your thinking cap and try harder to make that not happen.
33:37Now, I want Sarah to walk again, but I am not running a charity.
33:42Listen to me, you miserable...
33:47I'm your only link to that serum.
33:55You know, Kristen.
33:59You, the Maris aren't the only ones capable of the unthinkable.
34:06Have you checked on Rachel recently?
34:08Why are you asking that?
34:11Just reminding you what I'm capable of.
34:14I mean, who's to say your precious little daughter wouldn't, I don't know, just vanish from the playground, never to be seen again?
34:26I will tread very lightly when making threats about the people I love, Xander.
34:34If you touch as much as one hair on Rachel's head, I will make sure that Rolf disappears forever, along with the serum that will cure Sarah's spinal cord injury.
34:48Do we understand each other?
35:30Steve, what's up?
35:34I've worked, it's me. I have to...
35:52Hey yourself, how are you?
35:55I'm okay, I just ran into Holly's grandmother.
35:59Oh, how was that?
36:00It's fine, turns out the reason Holly wasn't in school is she flew to Paris.
36:07Wow, that's great news.
36:12Because I know that she's been really mad at her mom for lying to her, so maybe not a lot of chance to work things out.
36:19You actually care about that?
36:22She's still my friend, right?
36:24Yeah, she attacked you.
36:25Yeah, she did, but crap happens, right? Just because we like the same guy doesn't mean I want her to be miserable.
36:34And okay, I wouldn't hate it if Holly decided to stay in Paris.
36:40If I can have you all to myself.
36:49We're just heading home.
36:52Is everything all right?
36:55No, everything is not all right.
36:58Kristen DiMera has a cure for Sarah's paralysis, but she refuses to hand it over.
37:11Don't you dare look at me like that, father.
37:15We both knew that you would have done much worse to get what you want from your opponent.
37:24I just hope I motivated Xander enough to help Brady get out from under those charges.
37:51Was Fiona the hit-and-run driver?
37:55Did you know that Brady and Fiona were sleeping together?
38:01Fiona and Brady were together the night of your accident.
38:07No, it can't be.
38:14Oh, my God.
