El Señor de la Querencia - Capitulo 52

  • yesterday
00:00Why did she do it? Why did she leave without telling me?
00:03Well, because I wanted to say hello to her. It's her birthday.
00:06But she's exposing herself. They treat her badly. Why does she do it?
00:09It's my fault. Maybe I was too hard on her and...
00:14I hope my children will forgive me, Manuel. That's why I do what I do.
00:18But they're adults now. They're grown-ups. They'll understand.
00:20You have to give them time.
00:21Well, it's not that easy for me. Forgive me.
00:23It's hard for me.
00:25You don't understand.
00:27I understand. Of course I understand.
00:29I know this must be hard for you.
00:32But we knew it would be hard.
00:34You have to be strong.
00:39You know what?
00:42I think God is punishing me for this.
00:46What does God have to do with all this?
00:50He's punishing me for what I did.
00:53And you're the only one who's being punished.
00:57Why do you say that?
01:01God doesn't exist.
01:03You're the only owner of your destiny.
01:05And if you continue to justify yourself like this, you won't get it.
01:19I wanted to talk to you in Minas.
01:21What did you say to Clifford?
01:23It's impossible that you didn't tell me that Violeta slept with Don Luis Emilio.
01:27The girl told me in silence. She couldn't betray me.
01:30But all the things that are happening could have been avoided.
01:34What things are happening, Maria?
01:36The girl is pregnant.
01:39And I don't know what we're going to do now.
01:44Are you sure the child is the young man's?
01:49I'm not sure.
01:51That's why I'm like this, like crazy.
01:57Well, we'll just have to breastfeed, Maria.
02:02How simple it is for you, girl.
02:05You say it yourself, Maria.
02:07It's the life we had to live.
02:09Your daughter couldn't have been saved.
02:12Yes, she could have been saved.
02:15If you hadn't told me the clear things from the child,
02:18maybe none of this would be happening.
02:21What are you saying to me?
02:23That I'm a bad mother, is that it?
02:25That woman didn't say that to me.
02:29I'm telling you that you stopped blaming Empedrao.
02:34All this is happening because the bosses do and undo.
02:38And as long as that doesn't change,
02:40your grandson and your grandson's children will continue to live the same.
02:52If we want this to work, I ask you not to judge me.
02:56I've been through a lot in my life,
02:58including the loss of a son just eight years old.
03:01And my faith in the Lord was what gave me strength to move forward.
03:07All I want is for you to have a bad time.
03:11Especially for things that are not worth it.
03:15Let me decide what is worth it or not.
03:19I respect your beliefs.
03:22And I ask you to respect mine too.
03:38Juan Cristobal?
03:48Juan Cristobal?
04:18Juan Cristobal?
04:35How dare you check my things?
04:38I'm sorry.
04:47Does Jose Luis feel well?
04:53Maybe you should go to bed. I'll walk you to your bedroom.
04:55No, I don't want to go back to bed in that bed for the rest of my life.
05:00And if I bring you something?
05:02Do you want to have some tea?
05:04I don't want it.
05:08Can I tell you something?
05:14I thought you were going to talk to your children today.
05:18About us.
05:21God hasn't ordered me to do it yet.
05:25Is that why?
05:27Or because you haven't forgotten about Leonor yet?
05:33How dare you say something like that to me?
05:36Tell me the truth.
05:39Are you still in love with her?
05:49Please, I need anything to make me feel better.
05:52Lucrecia, calm down. Breathe, okay?
05:54The only thing I can do for you in these conditions is to give you a sedative and that's what I'm going to do.
05:58But she gave me a sedative and she didn't do anything to me.
06:00It's just that what you feel doesn't happen with a drug.
06:04And how can I calm down?
06:06What you and your mother must do is leave Santiago as soon as possible and get into the hands of an experienced specialist.
06:11I frankly declare myself incompetent.
06:14No, no, no. What I need to get better is to be close to the woman I love.
06:18No, Lucrecia, you don't know what you're saying.
06:21I thought I could trust you.
06:24But I realize that you are a hypocrite, like the rest of this family.
06:35Tell me the truth, I beg you.
06:41All I feel for Leonor is hatred.
06:56Are you sure?
07:00Why do you doubt my word?
07:02Well, because they are still married before the law of God and men.
07:08But that will always be.
07:16I'm not going to set Leonor free.
07:21She will continue to be my wife.
07:26Until death do us part.
07:44Lucrecia, what are you doing?
07:46Making my life better.
07:48What's wrong with you?
07:50My life is a disaster. I don't know if you noticed.
07:52Pass me the bottle, pass me the bottle.
07:56Where are you going?
07:57I'm going, I'm going out.
07:59No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
08:01You are not going anywhere because no one can see you like that.
08:04Do you think I care?
08:06My love, why don't you lie down and you will get better and you will feel better.
08:09Please, my love.
08:10No, I'm never going to feel good because I'm a monster.
08:15You are ashamed of me.
08:17You are ashamed.
08:18My love, what are you saying?
08:19I love you very much.
08:20Recognize it.
08:21I love you very much, really.
08:22Although I like women.
08:24We talked about it yesterday, Lucrecia.
08:25That disease is going to pass, so stay calm.
08:28See that you don't accept me as I am?
08:31Go away.
08:32Lucrecia, please.
08:33Go away.
08:34My love.
08:35Go away.
08:57Excuse me.
09:05Hey, I wanted to apologize for being so,
09:11so wrong with what I said.
09:12Maybe I don't want you to take it the wrong way.
09:16Don't worry.
09:17I know you don't do it with bad intentions.
09:21I appreciate the fact that you have already tried to make me feel less guilty.
09:36I want you to know and believe me,
09:37that I honestly regret a lot what is happening with your son.
09:50All I want is that
09:53we are fine,
09:55that we are happy
09:58Me too.
09:59But it's going to be so difficult.
10:02I know.
10:05Is there anything I can do?
10:07Anything, tell me.
10:08I'll do it.
10:11Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do.
10:16I was thinking
10:19about talking to someone to come and help you with things.
10:23It has been very strong the change.
10:25It has been very crazy.
10:26No, please, I beg you, really.
10:28It would only make me feel worse.
10:31Besides, I think it's
10:34a new adventure
10:37and I prefer...
10:38I like the idea of learning new things.
10:44I just want to see you happy.
10:50Maybe if I have time.
10:57I would ask you to give me time.
11:02I also want to ask you for time.
11:09To understand.
11:11I'm not a father and
11:14the closest thing
11:16is Violetita, my niece.
11:19There are a lot of things I don't understand and
11:22I want you to be okay, but sometimes I make mistakes.
11:28But I'm going to do my part now
11:31and you do yours
11:34and you'll get ahead.
11:35You'll get ahead.
11:52Ignacio, I need your help.
11:53Lucrecia is absolutely out of control.
11:55I've never seen her like this.
11:56Help me, please.
12:05Help me.
12:59She's not here.
13:29Lucrecia, what are you doing here?
13:32We're leaving.
13:33You and I are going to Santiago.
13:35But she's drunk.
13:38This is over, Herminia.
13:40Will you come with me?
13:43If not,
13:46my life ends here.
13:55I have to tell you something, Juan Cristobal.
13:58Yes, tell me.
14:00What's going on here?
14:03My mother was here at the house today.
14:07Your mother?
14:11It was terrible to see her.
14:17I need you to listen to me
14:20and know that what I'm going to tell you
14:22isn't because I'm belittling what you feel.
14:24On the contrary,
14:26I think you have to try to get over what happened.
14:30I don't want to say that you're going to forgive your mother
14:33overnight, but...
14:35But life goes on.
14:37And your mother will be your mother forever.
14:43I thank God every day for having you in my life, Juan Cristobal.
14:47Who knows when?
14:50Me too.
15:01How dare you disrespect my daughter like that?
15:13Put the gun down.
15:15No, you heard me.
15:16Let's go for a walk.
15:17Let's go.
15:18Lucrecia, you know I can't go with you.
15:20Yes, you can go with me.
15:22I know you love me,
15:23but you're afraid to admit it.
15:25But you love me.
15:26Please, don't get nervous.
15:28I'm not nervous.
15:29I already told you.
15:31Come with me or I'll shoot.
15:35Yes, I'm going with you.
15:37Let me go get clothes for my house.
15:38You don't need clothes.
15:39You don't need clothes because I'm going to buy you everything.
15:42Everything in Santiago and we're going to live there.
15:44I'm going to do it manually.
15:45Let's go.
15:47We're going to write you a letter.
15:49Let's go.
15:52Let me go.
15:54Let me go.
15:56I want to be with you.
15:58Calm down, calm down.
15:59I want to be with her.
16:04Let me go.
16:06Let me go.
16:10I want to be with you.
16:11No, José Luis.
16:12José Luis, please don't think that you were lacking respect.
16:14Teresita, quite the opposite.
16:15Shut up.
16:17Did she agree to kiss her?
16:19What are you saying?
16:20It was something mutual.
16:21It was something mutual.
16:24And you?
16:25What's going to happen?
16:26What do you have to say about it, Teresita?
16:27Just apologize and tell her that I let myself go for the moment.
16:30I'm very sorry.
16:31Forgive me.
16:32I never thought that you could behave that way.
16:36Forgive me, daddy.
16:37I beg you.
16:39Do you understand?
16:41What could happen to you if you let yourself go for a moment like that?
16:47The worst could happen.
16:51Go pray.
16:52To the oratory.
16:57Pray until all your sins are forgiven, Teresita.
17:04And you?
17:06Come with me.
17:11Come in.
17:12José Luis, please calm down and let me explain.
17:17I have not authorized you to speak.
17:21Juan Cristobal is going to explain to me
17:24How is it possible that you give up that kind of freedom with my daughter?
17:29Don't you have any manners?
17:30José Luis, I have not given up any kind of freedom with your daughter.
17:32I promise you.
17:33On the contrary.
17:35What I feel for Teresita is real, it's honest, it's pure.
17:40Is that so?
17:42And then why didn't you come to me to ask for an authorization?
17:47Well, because I was waiting for things to calm down, for the storm to pass a little.
17:52I mean the game of honor.
17:55How dare you talk about that?
17:59Why didn't you come to me?
18:01Answer me.
18:03Because I was afraid.
18:04Afraid of what?
18:07Afraid of your rejection.
18:14Let's see, Juan Cristobal.
18:16What are your intentions?
18:19I, José Luis, want to commit myself to your daughter.
18:23I would like you to accept me as your future son-in-law.
18:36I like it if I could accept this.
18:41I only have one condition, Juan Cristobal.
18:47Once you marry my daughter,
18:51you will stay here forever.
18:56I don't want my children to leave my side.
19:07Thank God you're back.
19:09Not that Manuel could.
19:11Lucrecia can't keep doing what she wants.
19:13She can't keep doing whatever she wants.
19:15But I've tried everything, believe me.
19:17She's starting to think what would have happened if my father found out.
19:20It would have been terrible.
19:23We can't have any more scandals, Mercedes.
19:26She has to understand that my father is serious.
19:34My love.
19:36What are you doing here?
19:39My love.
19:41Come here.
19:42Where's the baby?
19:43Don't worry.
19:48Don't worry.
19:50Don't worry, my love.
19:59How are you feeling, Violeta?
20:01Better, Mom.
20:03Hey, did you tell my dad what's going on?
20:06No, how could he?
20:08It would be worse.
20:10How do you know what's going on?
20:12It's just a simple illness, Mom.
20:14If I get a cold, I might get it.
20:17How long has it been since you got sick?
20:19A while ago.
20:21Your chest hurts, you throw up everywhere.
20:25You're pregnant.
20:26You have to face reality.
20:28I never thought something like this could happen to me.
20:35Look, I've been thinking about it.
20:39And we're going to do things right.
20:42You're not that mad at me anymore.
20:44I'm not mad at you, Violeta.
20:47I love you so much, Mom.
20:49I love you too, my love.
20:51I love you too.
20:53That's why I don't want you to suffer.
20:55Hey, I promise I won't cry anymore.
21:01My little bird.
21:02Let's go get everything ready.
21:08I'm taking you to Santiago tomorrow.
21:11Don't stay here at Violeta's care.
21:22Oh, God.
21:23What a mess.
21:24Yes, because you have to be more careful.
21:28It wasn't intentional.
21:29Of course, since things aren't yours, it doesn't matter.
21:34You don't have to thank me.
21:37How so?
21:41I don't understand why you do it.
21:43Because I know people like you.
21:46What do you mean by that?
21:49You're hiding here so no one can see you.
21:52To get rid of the scandal.
21:54Not because you're in love with Manuel.
21:57You're deeply mistaken.
22:00I don't think so.
22:02It's obvious that you still think about your husband and your children.
22:06Of course you want me to forget them.
22:09The one who has to forget is Manuel.
22:12I'd rather you didn't tell me what I have to do.
22:15Get out of here. Leave him alone.
22:17He deserves to be with someone who really loves him, not you.
22:20I think he knows perfectly well what he deserves.
22:23What's going on here?
22:26Nothing's going on.
22:29Why are you talking to him like that?
22:31Because I feel like it.
22:33Okay, don't worry, Manuel.
22:36Hey, can I talk to Hermin for a minute?
22:52I told you no.
22:53I want you to treat her well.
22:55I'm sorry, brother, but I can't lie.
22:57I'm not telling you to lie.
22:58I can't stand you treating the woman I love like that.
23:00Do you understand?
23:01What about me?
23:02Don't you care what happens to me?
23:04What happens to you?
23:05We were living the best life together until that woman came.
23:08And now I have to become your slave.
23:10I'm going to find someone to help you do things.
23:12You're going to find someone and you've risked it.
23:14You've treated her like a queen, right?
23:16What's wrong with you?
23:17I want that woman to leave.
23:19She doesn't want to.
23:20Look, if you don't change...
23:21How can she change everything she has for you?
23:25If you don't change your attitude, she's going to leave.
23:28And since she came with a hand in front and a hand in the back,
23:31don't make me catch her.
23:32Because you're the one who's going to lose.
23:52He's waking up.
23:55I'm thirsty.
24:00How do you feel, Lucrecia?
24:03Drink water, my love.
24:06I'm very dizzy.
24:07Do you want me to call Juan Cristobal to give you something?
24:11No, I don't want anything.
24:12Please, Lucrecia, do your part too.
24:14Why are you behaving like this, Lucrecia?
24:17Don't you realize that this is the worst time to challenge my father?
24:21Your father gives me the same.
24:23Enough, Ignacio.
24:24I think it's best if we let Lucrecia rest, please.
24:26She has to understand that she is making a mistake, Mercedes.
24:29This life is a horror.
24:32My life and that of all of us.
24:34My love, it's going to happen.
24:35No, it's not going to happen because nobody does anything to make this happen.
24:39That's not true.
24:41Ignacio, her father doesn't even take it into consideration anymore.
24:44He's going to change his mind, I'm sure.
24:46No, please.
24:47Stop cheating.
24:49Listen to me, look at me, look at me, calm down.
24:51Tell me.
24:52What do I have to do for you to be happy?
24:54I'm willing to do anything to see you well, Lucrecia.
24:57Mom, I need to leave the inheritance.
25:00I thought I could hold on, but I can't.
25:03Please, let's get out of here.
25:06If not, I promise I'm going to die.
25:18Who is it?
25:20Vice Eleonor.
25:23You have to help me, please.
25:25What's wrong with you?
25:27It's just that I didn't forgive myself for coming here.
25:30I didn't know what else to resort to.
25:32Calm down.
25:34I don't want to leave the inheritance.
25:36My mom wants to send me to Santiago.
25:41It's just that...
25:43I don't know how to tell her.
25:45Let's see, Violeta, sit down.
25:47Calm down, okay?
25:49Tell me what's going on.
25:50I don't know how we trust each other.
25:56It's just that I don't...
25:58I don't want her to get mad at me.
26:00Forgive me.
26:01Violeta, I have nothing to forgive.
26:04Explain to me what's going on.
26:08It's just that...
26:09I'm ashamed to tell you.
26:18I'm pregnant.
26:23I'm expecting a child.
26:28Who is the father?
26:32His son.
26:35Don Luis Emilio.