"Saya Belikan Teh Tarik Kegemaran Arwah Saleem" - Azmani (Kulit)

  • last week
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00:00Assalamualaikum, kembali di Borak Selebriti minggu ini dengan tetamu yang baru, dengan
00:19rambut yang baru. Saya banggalah dengan rambut. Pattern ini saya suka.
00:24Look amazing, right?
00:26I know lah. My barber is good.
00:29You also new look, new hair.
00:33So nice.
00:34Very good.
00:35Wah, minta dibuji juga umumnya.
00:37Sebelum kita memancing, kita kena tabur dulu kan?
00:40Betul lah, umpan dulu lah.
00:42Baiklah, minggu ini kita bersama dengan seorang yang kita dah lama tak dengar suara dia,
00:46dah lama tak tengok wajah dia, persembahan dia. Tapi dia nampak steady.
00:50Dina macam, eh betul ke dia tetamunya? Tak dimakan usia eh?
00:53Nah, kalau suara dia nak, saya ini adalah antara salah seorang, beliau ini aktif di TikTok juga,
00:59menyanyi, menyanyi setiap malam. Tak adalah setiap malam, kira kerap juga lah.
01:02Hampir setiap malam.
01:03Setiap malam. Suara maintain lah.
01:06Suara maintain, orang kata tingginya tinggi.
01:08Ada husky-nya husky.
01:10Banyak saya nak tanya ini kalau macam itu?
01:11Tanya lah, tanya boleh.
01:12Awak perkenalkan dulu.
01:13Kita tak nak kenalkan namanya, tapi kita nak beliau nyanyi sikit lah. Boleh bang?
01:17Okeh bang.
01:183, 4 bang.
01:19Kaulah insan bertopeng kepuraan.
01:24Kecuranganmu menghiris hatiku.
01:30Kembalilah pada yang menantimu.
01:35Dia yang harusnya engkau cintai.
01:44Apa khabar bang? Sihat bang eh?
01:46Alhamdulillah, sihat.
01:47Sihat eh?
01:48Nampak betul lah.
01:49Maintain, orang kata buka baby face lah.
01:51Itulah sampai tadi.
01:52Mana satu guest kita hari ini, kita tahu dia otak.
01:56Adakah manajer dia?
01:57Sebab, kalau rupa manajer lagi otak.
02:02Okeh, kita akan berbual macam-macam lah hari ini bang.
02:05Kita akan, orang kata throwback sikit lah bang.
02:06Antara, orang kata kerjayanya bermula.
02:09Bagaimana kehidupannya dan sebagainya.
02:11Tapi abang memang originalnya asal Kelantan abang kan?
02:14Ya, saya dekat Pasir Mas.
02:16Pasir Mas.
02:17Banyak emas lah.
02:19Banyak tapi orang lain punya lah.
02:23Okeh, macam abang, macam Farid kata tadi.
02:25Abang kerap menyanyi di TikTok waktu malam.
02:29Biasanya 8 malam eh.
02:31Dalam pukul berapa itu bang?
02:32Biasanya kalau orang nak tengok.
02:34Dalam pukul 10 lah, 10 sampai 12 ataupun pukul 1 lah.
02:38Jiran okey ke? Saya cuba juga.
02:41Lepas itu 5 minit nanti Jiran ketuk.
02:43Jiran tak, dia ketuk bila saya tak buat live.
02:46Dia tak risau.
02:47Dia tak risau, eh kenapa tak ada live malam ini?
02:49Sakit ke apa?
02:50Abang okey ke tak?
02:51Abang okey ke?
02:53Seneng je.
02:54Soportif jirannya.
02:56Saya kalau baru bunyi.
02:57Nah, you tahu dah pukul 11, dah pukul 12 kan?
03:00Maafkan saya.
03:02Lailah nah, awak duduk kat bandar lah.
03:04Abang Azman ni itulah hiburannya kalau di kampung-kampung abang kan?
03:08Abang duduk dekat mana?
03:09Dekat KL atau dekat Kelantan?
03:11Saya dekat Kelantan.
03:14Jadi, oh iyalah hiburan menarik juga malam-malam hari di waktu Kelantan.
03:19Tapi yang pelik je lah.
03:21Dalam umur-umur abang Azman ni sekarang ni bang.
03:23Main TikTok.
03:24Siapa ngajor tu bang?
03:25Mereka kata aktif kat TikTok tu.
03:28Siapa mengajor eh?
03:29Manajer ke?
03:30Lagi manajer lagi, salah.
03:32Manajer ni bapak awak kan?
03:34Eh, nama sama.
03:36Takkanlah bapak saya manajernya.
03:38Dia yang first tu Syamel Hamzah lah.
03:42Dia yang tarik abang pergi ke TikTok lah.
03:45Macam mana abang boleh kena dengan Syamel pula?
03:46Lain tu bang, Johor dan Kelantan jauh.
03:48Dia call.
03:49Dia cari abang dekat, dia tanya siapa-siapa kan?
03:52Lepas tu dia DM.
03:54Oh dia memang call abang telepon untuk suruh main TikTok?
03:58Syamel ni awak tau siapa?
04:00Ni yang give me the mic tu.
04:02Yang masuk final, give me the mic itu.
04:04Dia antara orang kata top 10 eh?
04:06Top 10.
04:09Final lah.
04:10Suara Syamel pun ira-ira Abang Azamani juga.
04:13Orang kata serak-serak gini, gosong-gosong gini.
04:16Walaupun dia punya buka mulut peter juga.
04:18Oh peternya pun.
04:19So masa dia ajak tu bang, Syamel cakap bang main TikTok bang.
04:22Saya cari abang ni, abang on je lah kira-kira.
04:24Mula-mula saya fikir dulu lah.
04:27Abang fikir apa bang, TikTok je?
04:29Ya, tau lah.
04:30Eh, macam mana saya nak main TikTok?
04:31Saya tak tau, tak pernah.
04:33Tak pernah, masa tu belum pernah.
04:35Tak tau pun TikTok tau abang.
04:36Tak tau pun TikTok macam mana kan.
04:38Sekali dia kena cari sound card, kena ada barang-barang dia lah.
04:46Di situlah kita start.
04:48Yelah, Abang Azamani kalau masa lapang mengaji.
04:50Dia segan lah bila rumah TikTok.
04:53Kenapa senyuman awak tu?
04:54Yelah, betul lah.
04:57Bang, perembulan bang, memang orang kata dari kecil menyanyi ke bang?
05:01Ataupun selepas bersekolah ke?
05:02Minat tu bila-bila tu?
05:04Oh, tu dah daripada kecil lagi lah.
05:06Kecil lagi bang.
05:07Kita dekat main-main je kan.
05:09Main-main je.
05:10Lepas tu, tahun sembilan puluh, tahun lapan puluh, lapan puluh sembilan lah.
05:15Okeh, saya lahir tu?
05:16Saya masuk bintang RTM kawasan timur.
05:20Masa tu saya dapat nomor dua lah.
05:22Yang dapat nomor satu, Dato' Nora lah.
05:24Oh, tahun yang sama?
05:26Tahun yang sama.
05:27Dato' Nora nomor satu, Abang Azamani nomor dua.
05:33Yang untuk nak refresh.
05:35Kalau Abang yang menang nomor satu hari tu, Abang Dato' pula.
05:43Bang, tapi kira-kira selepas tahun lapan puluh sembilan tu baru terus jadi penyanyi ke?
05:48Ataupun ada berhenti kejap ke?
05:50Tak ada.
05:51Lepas malam tu saya dapat keputusan kan?
05:55Besoknya saya dibawa ke Kuala Lumpur lah.
05:58Terus dibawa.
06:00Sebab masa kita final tu, record company dah ada dekat situ.
06:05Oh, faham.
06:07Walaupun ni macam dia level Pantai Timur dia tak ada dah kata.
06:10Lepas tu yang kena ni bertanding dekat?
06:12Tak, yang ni dia tak ada.
06:14Dia sampai situ je.
06:16Tapi ada rezeki lah.
06:19Dan terus bawa ke KL esoknya?
06:21Oh, esoknya pergi dekat company yang label lah.
06:27Dapat satu projek cover vision.
06:30Lagu apa bang?
06:32Saya banyak buat cover vision pujaan Slow Rock satu tu dalam tu lagu Isabella.
06:38Lagu apa?
06:41Yang Singapura tu apa?
06:43Rusty Blade.
06:44Rusty Blade.
06:46Macam-macam lah.
06:47Lagu yang masa popular tahun tu.
06:49Abang cakap Singapura tadi saya sikit lagi nak sebut Sleek.
06:52Eh, takkan Sleek.
06:55Salah, salah, silap, silap, silap.
07:03Kita nak membantu.
07:04Tadi abang nampak struggle sikit dia nak bercakap dengan Singapura atau apa tu.
07:07Apa tu? Saya nak sebut.
07:09Alibaba Azimokie sebenarnya.
07:12Lepas tu abang tak tahu lagi tu.
07:14Belum, belum start lagi bang.
07:16Bang, dia tak lahir lagi bang.
07:17Janganlah bang.
07:18Sleek tak lahir lagi time tu.
07:21Ni bang, kira-kira abang-abang starting memang solo lah bang eh.
07:24Solo lah.
07:25Solo lah.
07:26Berapa lama tu?
07:27Nyanyi lagu-lagu cover.
07:29Sebab dulu kan bila nak buat karaoke kan kena ada lagu yang...
07:32Yang orang lain nyanyi kan.
07:35Dia tak boleh ambil yang original kan.
07:37Kerja abang itulah.
07:38Abang ada 16 album.
07:40Untuk cover version.
07:4116 album?
07:42Ya, 16 album.
07:43Untuk cover version sahaja?
07:47Banyak tu.
07:49Sebab kan bila nak buat karaoke.
07:51Yalah, yalah.
07:52Satu hari abang record berapa lagu pula tu?
07:55Satu hari dalam tiga lagu lah.
07:58Tapi bukan hari-hari ni.
08:01Yang tengok musim lah kan.
08:02Musim ni.
08:03Lagu hit.
08:04Siapa yang lagu hit.
08:06Saya terus kena panggil lah.
08:08Jadi untuk yang tengah nak menjadi artis tu.
08:12Tengok orang punya, orang lama punya struggle macam mana.
08:15Permulaan dia.
08:17Dan bagaimana boleh jadi vokalis untuk kumpulan pula?
08:20Abang mulai dengan kumpulan apa dulu bang?
08:22Mulai dengan kumpulan positif lah.
08:24Okey, positif.
08:25Masa tu abang sebenarnya projek solo kan.
08:30Jadi masa tu tengah band kan.
08:34Masa tu tengah popular band.
08:35Rock band.
08:36Jadi kena cari line up juga lah.
08:39Lepas tu abang balik kampung cari siapa-siapa yang boleh lah kan.
08:44Main gitar, main drum.
08:46Masa tu lagu tu dah siap.
08:48Dah siap semua dah.
08:49Bawa geng ambil gambar semua kan.
08:53Itu semua orang tahu kan.
08:54Semua orang tahu lah.
08:55Bukan band yang main kan.
08:59Jadi lagunya siap dulu.
09:01Baru dicari musisi-musisi untuk menengkapkan positif ketika itu.
09:07Dan ini semua macam abang balik ke Kelantan lah cari siapa-siapa kawan-kawan.
09:11Kena cari yang Kelantan juga lah kan.
09:14Sebab abang masa tu tak kena siapa-siapa pun di Kuala Lumpur.
09:19Tapi yang nak buat band tu memang abang sendiri punya keputusan lah kira-kira.
09:23Keputusan company lah.
09:24Company suruh cari kan.
09:26Company tak carikan eh.
09:28Biasanya kalau nak suruh main band.
09:31Kita dah ada band.
09:32Mungkin Azmani kau nyanyi saja dekat band ini.
09:34Tapi kali ini abang yang kena cari sendiri.
09:36Aku kena cari.
09:37Saya pun tak tahu eh.
09:38Kenapa eh?
09:40Baru terpikir.
09:42Baru terpikir.
09:4330 lebih tahun selepas itu.
09:46Baru terpikir.
09:47Terpikir eh?
09:48Ini pertama kali abang terpikir.
09:49Kenapa eh?
09:51Bijak tak saya dekat situ kan?
09:52Nampak Falik bijak hari ini.
09:54Baru terpikir.
09:56Dah lebih 30, dah lebih 40 tahun punya cerita lah eh.
10:00Okay, positive band abang.
10:01Berapa lama abang bersama dengan mereka?
10:03Ataupun sekarang masih lagi bersama dengan mereka?
10:05Masih lagi.
10:06Sekarang masih lagi.
10:07Tapi line up tu lain dah.
10:08Dah lain lah.
10:09Lama sajalah.
10:10Yang ada dalam tu dua orang sajalah.
10:11Abang dengan pemain gitar.
10:13Dulu dia main drum tapi sekarang dia main gitar.
10:15Wah, berat eh macam itu eh.
10:16Ya betul.
10:17Boleh lah cerita abang eh.
10:18Main drum, main gitar.
10:19Dan alat muzik juga.
10:22Selepas abang positive band ke kulit pula abang ya?
10:27Belum lagi?
10:28Belum lagi?
10:29Belum solo.
10:30Solo dulu?
10:31Sebenar cinta.
10:32Yes, sebenar cinta.
10:34Tahun 93.
10:35Tahun 93.
10:36Tahun 93.
10:37Berarti daripada positive abang pergi ke...
10:41Solo dulu?
10:4395 baru kumpulan kulit.
10:45Yaitu macam daripada abang.
10:47Boleh ke situ pula.
10:48Kenapa abang rasa dah solo kan?
10:50Orang biasa buat band dulu.
10:52Baru pergi ke solo.
10:53Lepas nama dah stabil dalam industri.
10:55Tapi abang daripada solo tu ke band pula.
10:58Dia putaran lah putaran.
11:01Masa tu lepas pada abang buat solo tu.
11:04Dia tak boleh.
11:05Tak menjadinya?
11:06Sebab band naik balik masa tu.
11:08Band naik balik.
11:10Masa tu band naik balik.
11:12Sekali ni kan?
11:14Yalah 95 kan?
11:15Yang SSS semua tu.
11:16Yang SSS tu.
11:17Masa tu lah.
11:18Kenapa nama band tu kulit pula?
11:22Kenapa kulit abang?
11:23S kan?
11:25Spoons, coins, springs.
11:28Masa tu S kan?
11:31Zaman S.
11:32Tapi abang...
11:35Dato Aminasi yang bagi nama ni sebenarnya.
11:39Dia asas pada kulit.
11:42Ya kulit.
11:44Apakah kau senang cakap?
11:46Abang yang bagi tau lah dia cakap.
11:48Kulit lah.
11:50Direct macam.
11:51Direct lah.
11:52Dia cakap kulit.
11:53Tak apalah apa-apa pun.
11:57Senang nak jaga abang ni kan?
12:00Apa yang senang kau nak sebut?
12:03Kulit lah kulit lah.
12:04Tapi masa pergi radio.
12:05Kulit apa abang?
12:06Kulit apa?
12:07Itu dah tu.
12:09Kulit dah isi dah habis.
12:10Kulit je dengar.
12:13Kulit darian.
12:14Buat cakap muka jebon.
12:17Kulit abang eh.
12:18Saya ingat kan kulit tu ada macam...
12:20Apa orang kata?
12:22Boliknya kepada...
12:23Apa-apa ke?
12:24Tak ada.
12:25Nak sebut senang je.
12:26Itu je.
12:28Kalau tidak cool it.
12:29Cool it.
12:30Cool it.
12:31Cool lah kiranya tu.
12:33Jangan jadi cool.
12:34Jangan jadi cool.
12:35Panas buat kulit tu.
12:37Kena buang.
12:39Land up je bang?
12:40Kiranya lain juga daripada positif kan?
12:41Lain lah.
12:42Oh yang itu siapa pula?
12:43Satu itu sebaya lah.
12:44Oh abang cari juga?
12:45Kawan juga lah.
12:47Ya kawan.
12:48Pun label tak cari juga.
12:49Balik cari pula.
12:50Balik cari pula.
12:52Saya juga kat Kantan.
12:56Audition lah.
12:59Ketegangan ke yang berlaku macam abang daripada kumpulan positif.
13:03Lepas tu abang bergerak secara solo.
13:05Kemudian abang buat satu lagi band.
13:07Tetapi tak ada kena-mengena dengan positif.
13:09Habis positif tak terasa ke yang abang tak ambil mereka balik ke apa ke?
13:12Dia orang ada pencin lah.
13:14Ada pencin.
13:15Yang ada semua Syam.
13:16Abang Syam je.
13:17Masa tu abang Syam pergi ke kumpulan Laksmana.
13:21Dia main drum kumpulan Laksmana masa tu.
13:25Jadi tak ada ni lah.
13:26Isu lah.
13:27Dah dua orang tu dah cuci lah.
13:30Cuci tangan lah.
13:31Lepas tu.
13:33Dapat dua album lah.
13:35Dengan kulit.
13:36Sebelum album kulit yang kedua.
13:38Abang di offer oleh kumpulan Iklim lah.
13:43Tahun 94.
13:46Sebab abang Azmani ni memang sangat synonim dengan kumpulan Iklim.
13:50Betul kan saya kalau saya salah bang eh.
13:51Semasa abang arwah Salim keluar Iklim kejap.
13:54Untuk bergerak solo.
13:55Abang Azmani take over sebagai vocalist bang eh.
13:58Betul kan.
13:59Berapa tahun bang?
14:00Dua, tiga tahun juga eh.
14:01Dua tahun.
14:02Dua tahun.
14:03Dari tahun berapa ke tahun berapa?
14:0493, 94 lah.
14:07Jadi sebelum kulit lagi.
14:09Adalah dalam.
14:11Masa tu pujaan apa?
14:13Pujaan SKF eh.
14:14Oh betul kan.
14:16Okay, okay, okay.
14:17Pujaan SKF.
14:18Abang sempat lah.
14:20Pergi final.
14:21Bertanding masa tu.
14:22Bertanding eh.
14:23Siapa lagi bertanding masa tu?
14:25Ada je kan yang artis.
14:26Ada kan.
14:27Yang jadi.
14:28Era kan.
14:30Lebih kurang macam tu.
14:31Ramai juga artis yang masih famous lagi.
14:33Siapa lagi ya.
14:34Ingat era je tu.
14:35Tak ingat.
14:36Dayang macamnya kan.
14:38Dia sekali lah dengan apa.
14:44Abang Ajai itu siapa?
14:48Kita sekali kan.
14:49Bekas isteri bang.
14:50Janganlah isteri.
14:51Bekas isteri.
14:52Abang, abang I love you.
14:53Kak Liza I love you also.
14:54Kak Nurul.
14:55Lai, lai, lai.
14:56Ini saya.
14:57Bila pula Kak Liza menyanyi.
15:02Masa pertandingan tu.
15:05Abang dapat nombor?
15:08Dia tak ada.
15:09Dia tak ada yang tu.
15:10Dia bertanding untuk dapatkan final kan masa tu.
15:13Okay, okay.
15:14Dia pilih final je.
15:17Masih bertanding lagi.
15:18Walaupun dah berkenaan profesional.
15:19Masih lagi bertanding.
15:20Dia memang.
15:21Dia program Pujang 10 Nights Cafe ni.
15:23Dia kalau menang satu minggu tu.
15:27Sebulan tu.
15:28Dia kena ada satu.
15:32Untuk pergi final.
15:33Okay, bang.
15:34Sekejap bang.
15:35Kita tahu.
15:36Abang Azmani ni memang kata sangat synonim dengan Iklim.
15:3893 pun pernah join Iklim.
15:40Lepas tu.
15:41Buat kulit.
15:42Lepas tu.
15:43Bergerak sendiri.
15:44Dan tahun.
15:46Buat apa bang?
15:48Single dengan Iklim juga.
15:502019 pun ada.
15:51Kiranya single bersama dengan Iklim.
15:53Baru-baru ni.
15:54Dia kira dekat lah.
15:57Orang pun mengandai kan.
15:59Suaranya Abang Azmani sama juga.
16:01Seolah-olah samalah dengan.
16:03Angkatan dengannya lah.
16:04Dengan serak-serak dia.
16:05Tapi ketika tu bang.
16:06Saya rasa ramai yang membezakan.
16:08Ramai juga yang menyamakan bang.
16:10Dia rasa macam mana bang?
16:11Perasaan tu bang.
16:13Abang rasa yang mana yang paling banyak?
16:14Yang menghentam ke?
16:15Ataupun yang memuji bang?
16:17Sebab Salim kan.
16:18Bukannya satu nama yang.
16:23Sebenarnya komen-komen ini saya tak baca sangat.
16:26Mesti orang bagi tahu bang.
16:28Tapi ada lah kan.
16:29Ada yang mengecam.
16:30Ada yang.
16:31Suka kan.
16:32Masa tu.
16:33Tapi Abang rasa macam.
16:35Tak ada masalah pun.
16:37Itu suara saya kan.
16:39Itu mungkin orang tu dia.
16:42Bila lagu.
16:44Arwah Salim kan.
16:45Dia fikir.
16:46Sebab tu dia jadi.
16:49Sebab dia dah set.
16:50Sebenarnya dia dah set.
16:52Bagi kita.
16:53Rasa macam.
16:54Eh tak ada pun.
16:55Macam biasa je.
16:56Cuma lagu tu saya bawa kan.
17:00Lain sikit lah.
17:03Feel dia.
17:05Orang rasa macam.
17:08Betul je lah.
17:09Tapi kita tak.
17:10Kita tak rasa macam tu.
17:11Tak ada lah.
17:12Tiru ke apa.
17:16Kita bukannya.
17:20Ramai yang ada.
17:22Eh jah.
17:23Eh jah.
17:24Eh jah.
17:25Eh jah.
17:26Eh jah.
17:27Eh jah.
17:28Eh jah.
17:29Eh jah.
17:30Eh jah.
17:31Eh jah.
17:32Cuma kita tak boleh.
17:33Larry dari pada benda tu kan.
17:35kelau menggantikan seseapa pun.
17:36Dia mesti akan di.
17:37Comparing kan.
17:38Sama kan.
17:39Tapi berkenalan dengan.
17:40Kumpulan iklim yang lain macam mana beng?
17:44Kenal berharapat tu.
17:45Yang tengah nu kan?
17:46Tengah nu tengah ter.
17:47Yes, we didn't feel awkward because in 2003-2004 we were already together, right?
17:54So when he came to my house in 2019, he wanted to come back and claim.
18:00So we were like, we were used to it, we didn't have any problems, right?
18:04I thought about it too, at first, I thought about it because I already had a positive group.
18:08In 2017, we already had it back, I already came back.
18:17I thought about it too, then he came back.
18:20He came back and told me, he called me back in 2-3 days and said,
18:25God willing, but I can't commit because I have work at home, right?
18:29Okay, let's say it's for a project.
18:33Special project.
18:34Yes, just a special project.
18:35But at first, how did you get to know each other?
18:37Did you play together in a band at a concert or not?
18:41No, he went to a record company.
18:44Oh, this was in 1993-1994?
18:48He invited you to his label.
18:50Who is this guy? I want him.
18:52He's really fierce, right?
18:55But at that time, I couldn't do it because I had a contract with this company.
18:59If not, we would have made an album.
19:02Who did he take?
19:06K. Rahman.
19:07Yes, K. Rahman.
19:08I've known K. Rahman for a while.
19:11Before that, it was me.
19:13But you didn't have time to make an album with Iklim.
19:15But K. Rahman had an album with Iklim, right?
19:17I couldn't.
19:18My company was the one who made Kulit 2.
19:22The company had seen it.
19:25Iklim wanted to take it.
19:27We made an album for him too.
19:28Yes, he just saw the value there.
19:33So, Kulit had two albums.
19:37But it wasn't a problem for Iklim's group.
19:41Iklim had performed with them.
19:45So, why did he go to Kulit?
19:48We had trained and groomed him.
19:50So, it wasn't a problem.
19:52Before Kulit, he had accepted it.
19:58But because of the contract, he couldn't do anything.
20:01Is it hard?
20:03It's not easy to sing the songs of the late Salim and Iklim.
20:08How did you do it?
20:09Did you do it with confidence?
20:11Did you do it with confidence?
20:14You have to study it.
20:16At first, I thought it was hard.
20:20But we have to look at our abilities.
20:24The key has to be the same.
20:27You can't drop the key.
20:29You can't?
20:30You can't.
20:31You don't respect the script.
20:33It's not the key that the late Salim sang at the show.
20:37It's the key in the cassette and the CD.
20:43If we drop the key, people will say...
20:46...that Iklim's singer is new.
20:49It's not good.
20:51We have to be the same in the CD.
20:56That's the hard part.
20:59I understand.
21:04I can do it too.
21:05I can do it too.
21:06I can do it too.
21:07I can do it too.
21:09Don't make fun of me.
21:12I'll get angry.
21:13Don't make fun of me.
21:16Okay, let's move on.
21:20You're getting more and more isolated from the industry.
21:26How did that happen?
21:30When you're about to take a step forward...
21:32...do you feel disappointed?
21:35Do you feel disappointed?
21:40That was my decision.
21:42I went back to my hometown in 2000.
21:47I didn't have any income.
21:54To be an artist, you have to have gossip.
21:57You have to have gossip.
21:59You're being sincere.
22:01You have to have hot stories.
22:04You should make one.
22:07Let's talk about it first.
22:09Do you want to gossip?
22:11We don't have any gossip.
22:13You're so nice.
22:14Yes, we're nice.
22:16He admitted that he's nice.
22:23We just stay at home all day.
22:27You're nice, just like me.
22:30You're even nicer.
22:32We're both nice.
22:35If you see it that way, you're nice.
22:42You went back to your hometown in 2000.
22:44You were disappointed.
22:47What did you do in your hometown?
22:52I opened a jamming studio.
22:57I got married.
22:59I opened a restaurant.
23:02All of it was in Pasir Mas?
23:07Until now, I run a tyre shop.
23:11That's quite far.
23:12You cook with a tyre?
23:16Do you do everything by yourself?
23:18Yes, I have to earn money.
23:21How did you know how to change tyres?
23:26Before I moved to KL, I was already...
23:29...active with my car.
23:32I modified my car.
23:34So, you learned by yourself.
23:37Why didn't you open a jamming studio...
23:40...when you came back?
23:42If you wanted to drive a car, you wouldn't go.
23:45I can't.
23:46It's expensive?
23:48For a jamming studio...
23:51...it's just for fun.
23:53If you want to earn money, it's usually...
23:56...RM15 for an hour.
23:58RM12 for an hour.
23:59It's slow.
24:02But you don't have a studio anymore?
24:06Do you still have a restaurant?
24:07I have a studio, but it's a new one.
24:10After I quit my restaurant...
24:13...and opened a tyre shop...
24:15...I don't have a studio anymore.
24:17I sold it.
24:19I opened a studio again in 2017.
24:24So, the tyre shop was a success?
24:27You made money?
24:30That's good.
24:31Thank God it happened.
24:33Now, I'm doing well.
24:35What do you mean?
24:38I once watched a story.
24:40You mentioned about Rock O.
24:42I was wondering...
24:44...if it was really the beginning of a rock band.
24:47It must have been so hard.
24:49If you want to look like me...
24:51...if you ask people in KL...
24:52...there are houses in KL.
24:53There are relatives in KL.
24:55I'm from Kelantan.
24:56I moved to Kuala Lumpur.
24:58You won a competition?
25:00You're leaving tomorrow?
25:02How is life in KL?
25:10I have a driver.
25:13You got a driver?
25:16But, it's not for work.
25:20After work, I went back to Kelantan.
25:24I took a bus.
25:26It wasn't easy.
25:28It wasn't easy to be an artist.
25:33It was hard.
25:34I took a bus.
25:35I went to Kota Bharu.
25:36It was full on Saturday.
25:39I took an emergency bus.
25:41I opened the back door.
25:43It was full.
25:44You took an emergency bus.
25:49Do you have a story to share?
25:51Maybe it can be an inspiration...
25:53...for the viewers.
25:54What was the hardship you had to go through...
25:57...to earn a living in this industry?
26:00It was in 1990.
26:01I had an accident.
26:02I took a bus from Kota Bharu to Kuala Lumpur.
26:06I got to Telengganu.
26:08I had an accident.
26:10The bus turned over.
26:11It went into the river.
26:13This is what happened.
26:16It was a wreck.
26:19I was about to come for a recording.
26:21The bus turned over and went into the river.
26:23I felt so bad.
26:25How did you feel?
26:26I had to scream.
26:29I saw it.
26:30I saw it.
26:31I screamed.
26:33Didn't the rockers scream?
26:35No, they screamed.
26:39I saw it.
26:41I took an ambulance to the hospital.
26:44I took the ambulance with my sister.
26:46My sister's thigh came out.
26:49It came out?
26:52There were two men next to me.
26:54The children were in the window.
26:58There were three patients in the ambulance.
27:02They were our patients.
27:04The boy who was screaming was in the window.
27:08Poor boy.
27:12There's a funny story.
27:16Before I got in the ambulance...
27:18...when I got in the ambulance...
27:20...the old man said,
27:21...where's my son?
27:23My son.
27:26Everyone was looking for my son.
27:30Was he in the bus?
27:31He was outside.
27:34Everyone was looking for him in the bus.
27:37He was crying.
27:40He was crying.
27:42He lost his son?
27:43Yes, he lost his son.
27:44I was calm.
27:46I told them,
27:48...he didn't look happy.
27:50He didn't look happy.
27:51I told them to calm down.
27:55My son was just sent to the bus station.
28:01I was about to throw up.
28:04I was about to throw up.
28:06I was about to look for my son.
28:08My head was split.
28:10My legs were split.
28:12My eyes were in the glass.
28:13I thought there was no one there.
28:15I thought there was no one there.
28:20I was there for a long time.
28:22Why were you in the next village?
28:24My brother's head was split.
28:28He was looking for my son.
28:30I forgot about him.
28:32I thought my son was dead.
28:33Your son was just sent there.
28:36I was in the bus alone.
28:40He was just dead.
28:41Maybe he knew I was sick.
28:43Maybe he knew I was sick.
28:45That was his intention.
28:46He was calm.
28:47I was calm.
28:48I was angry.
28:59Let's go back to the incident.
29:01You were sent to KL for recording.
29:04How was the recording?
29:06Did it go well?
29:08I don't know who brought me back.
29:14One of my friends had an accident.
29:15But he brought me back.
29:16He brought you back?
29:18When did the recording take place?
29:22After I recovered.
29:24That was a positive thing.
29:27Where was the accident located?
29:31Tung River.
29:35It was in Sawit.
29:40It's not easy to be an artist.
29:42It was an accident.
29:44We were in the ambulance.
29:47It was very noisy.
29:49It was 35 kilometres away.
29:51We were in the ambulance.
29:52We were in the corner.
29:53We were traumatised.
29:55We had to turn around.
29:59It was very noisy.
30:01The boy was screaming.
30:05I still remember that he was hit by a car.
30:07I was hit by a car.
30:08I still remember that.
30:09You were sent to KL for recording.
30:11I didn't know how to tell the label.
30:13I couldn't record.
30:14I had an accident.
30:15I was angry with the uncle.
30:17He didn't bring me back.
30:20That's why you had to live.
30:22You didn't fit in.
30:26You did that too?
30:29You didn't have to do that.
30:32It was just a noise.
30:35You didn't have to do that.
30:42It's normal.
30:44That's how it is.
30:47Hang on.
30:51Have you ever...
30:53...felt like you've chosen the wrong path?
31:06Have you ever regretted being an artist?
31:10Not at that time.
31:12It was in 2000.
31:14That's right.
31:15He's back.
31:19That's when you regretted it?
31:21Yes, I regretted it.
31:23It wasn't my path.
31:25If you hadn't become a singer...
31:28...which field would you have chosen?
31:32In the early 80s?
31:34Not yet.
31:36I don't know.
31:39You don't have a story to tell?
31:42That's right.
31:44I don't have a story to tell.
31:45Just follow the flow.
31:47Just follow the flow.
31:49It's a good thing.
31:51God willing.
31:52It's the secret of a young woman.
31:54There's no need to worry.
31:56There's no need to worry.
31:59Just follow the flow.
32:01Believe in God's rules.
32:05Just follow the flow.
32:07If you're going to talk about talent and voice...
32:09...that's enough.
32:13What do you think is wrong?
32:15What's wrong?
32:18I don't want to talk about it.
32:20If you don't want to talk about it, we don't want to hear it.
32:24If you don't want to talk about it, we don't want to hear it.
32:26Maybe it's your looks.
32:27No way.
32:28Maybe it's your looks.
32:29I'm a Kelantanese.
32:32That's the past.
32:33Not the present.
32:36I don't want to talk about it.
32:39Let me think about it.
32:43I don't want to talk about it.
32:46It's a long hair.
32:48It's a long hair when I'm in a good mood.
32:50It's long enough.
32:53There's a lot more.
32:56I think...
32:58...I'm from the village.
33:01You don't know how to commercialise yourself.
33:03That's right.
33:05That's where you feel...
33:08I just made an album.
33:10I just wanted to sing.
33:12I didn't think about fashion.
33:16The solo album has a lot of shows.
33:20The band doesn't have a show.
33:22Why didn't you make a decision...
33:24...to go back to solo after your skin broke?
33:28I was frustrated.
33:30I was frustrated.
33:32So, I decided to go back.
33:34I found a job.
33:37When I got married, my father-in-law...
33:40...bought me a restaurant.
33:42Was it a gift?
33:44I don't know.
33:47Maybe he thought I was talented.
33:49Did you know how to cook?
33:51What did you know how to cook?
33:53When we first opened the restaurant...
33:55...there was a cook.
33:58He was just a helper.
34:02After he quit, I learned how to cook.
34:06I was good at it.
34:08I can still cook now.
34:11That's great.
34:13I love you.
34:14The problem is, he's the one who cooks.
34:16That's the problem now.
34:18When are you going to cook?
34:20That's right.
34:21I can cook. I like to eat.
34:26That's my journey.
34:28Let's go back in time.
34:30Tell us about your school days.
34:32You were a singer, weren't you?
34:35I sang at school.
34:37But there was no music.
34:39You just sang a capella?
34:42I was shy. I was in my 70s.
34:47Did you participate in singing competitions?
34:51Yes, I did.
34:53I participated in poetry competitions...
34:55...and martial arts competitions.
34:58So, you wanted to be a performer.
35:03Did your family support you?
35:06No, they didn't.
35:08Did your siblings support you?
35:10No, they didn't.
35:13That's strange.
35:14Who encouraged you to apply for RTM?
35:21My father's friend.
35:24He's my father's friend.
35:27He's a musician.
35:29He's a national athlete.
35:31I know.
35:33He's the one who encouraged me...
35:36...to participate in competitions.
35:39One of my friends...
35:42...is also a teacher.
35:44He supported me.
35:47He said he's a poet.
35:49He's not a poet. I'm nervous.
35:51People will never be too late to try something...
35:55...or to learn something.
35:57In the future, maybe Azmani...
36:00...will come back to the village.
36:05He'll come back with his spirit.
36:07He'll come back with his spirit to sing.
36:09With the help of TikTok.
36:11You're a TikTok singer, aren't you?
36:14With Facebook?
36:15Yes, Facebook and TikTok.
36:17In the future, we'll have a platform...
36:20...to promote your music.
36:22Are you really...
36:24If I'm invited.
36:26Like Dina Serik.
36:29I don't know if you want to try.
36:32The manager is laughing.
36:34He was there when I was on TV.
36:36If someone who has experience says it's tough...
36:40...I think you should quit.
36:43Don't say that.
36:45I said it's tough.
36:48But that's my journey.
36:50At the time, Dina was on air in Sina.
36:54She worked here until Friday.
36:58She only had one day off.
37:00So, she didn't have time to rest.
37:02That's why she felt that way.
37:04It's tiring.
37:05I'm holding back time...
37:07...because I want to balance the competition...
37:09...and work.
37:11That's why I said, if you want to quit, you can.
37:14She doesn't want to.
37:16You're laughing.
37:19What do you think?
37:21She was given a chance.
37:23Where's the soap?
37:25We want to lobby Abang Azman.
37:28What do you think about staying in Afghanistan?
37:32If there's a blessing, I'll accept it.
37:38That's what everyone says.
37:40Everyone who's good at singing.
37:44That's what they say.
37:46If I'm given a chance, I'll accept it.
37:52Are you confident?
37:56I'm confident because I haven't tried it yet.
37:59You haven't tried it yet?
38:01I'm confident now.
38:04That's right.
38:07It's okay.
38:08You have to try it first.
38:10Based on my experience, if I didn't try it...
38:15...I wouldn't learn a lot.
38:17Jeevee is a platform that teaches me a lot about music.
38:20That's one thing that I can share with them.
38:26That's what I saw.
38:28Some people might say that you're exaggerating.
38:32That's true.
38:35That's how it is.
38:40You're Roy, right?
38:42Yes, I'm Roy Kapila.
38:43You're having fun this week, right?
38:45Next week, you'll see.
38:47I remember that.
38:49I was scared.
38:55That's good.
38:57That's part of it.
39:00Other than that, do you have any plans...
39:04...or do you have any intention to make a comeback?
39:08How do you want to bring positivity back to the industry?
39:11Do you have any?
39:13Not yet.
39:14But I think, it's better to play TikTok.
39:20It's better to play TikTok.
39:24It's better to play TikTok.
39:26You're just a kid, but you're still at home.
39:28You're at the studio.
39:32I have the chance to go to shows.
39:35Are you still active in the media?
39:39Yes, I'm still active.
39:41I saw you in Kelantan last week.
39:43With who else?
39:45Last week?
39:47Three days ago.
39:49At Kelantan International Bike Week.
39:51Hejam Merissa and Zul.
39:53Zul Handy Black.
39:55That was at Ariaz Zain Member.
39:57Did you see it?
39:58It was TikTok.
40:00It's popular on TikTok.
40:02People order it.
40:04It's like a karaoke box.
40:08It's not popular.
40:10But we feel like...
40:12...when they support us, we have to...
40:14...be motivated.
40:16We have to...
40:18...do our best.
40:20When you do TikTok, old fans come back.
40:22New fans also come back.
40:24It's fun.
40:26Old fans come back.
40:30They're our artist friends.
40:32The best thing is...
40:34...these days...
40:37...young people don't know us.
40:39But when we started TikTok...
40:41...young people know us.
40:45It opens up a new market for the next generation.
40:49It's something that you can...
40:51...continue your legacy.
40:53At the same time, you can...
40:55...reintroduce yourself to the industry.
41:01...is not on the hit list.
41:06We're the ones who don't feel the album.
41:09The target audience is us.
41:11We don't feel it.
41:14Tersingkap is on TikTok.
41:16It went viral.
41:19That's a lot.
41:21It's very beneficial.
41:23For you, it's about love.
41:27For Ikrim, it's about flowers.
41:29Mawar kasturi.
41:31Mawar kasturi and so on.
41:35Do you feel more comfortable...
41:37...doing it alone...
41:39...or with a group?
41:43Sometimes we need to do it alone.
41:45Sometimes we need to do it...
41:47...with a group.
41:49It depends on the budget.
41:51I don't feel comfortable...
41:53...doing it with a group.
41:57I don't know how long I can do it.
42:00I don't know how long I can do it.
42:02That's about it.
42:04You can do it alone...
42:06...but with a band.
42:10You don't have to do it as a band.
42:13That's what I'm doing now.
42:15I understand.
42:17That's what I'm doing now.
42:19But it has to be positive.
42:21It has to be fit...
42:23...or a band.
42:25Do you focus on music...
42:27...or do you have other jobs?
42:29I focus on music.
42:31You're still in the industry.
42:33You're still in the industry.
42:35I'm still busking.
42:37I understand.
42:39Do you talk to them?
42:41I always talk to them.
42:44You said that...
42:46...you haven't done an interview...
42:48...since we started this show.
42:51I want to know your perspective.
42:54You were active...
42:56...in the early 2000s.
42:58Now you're back in 2024.
43:02What's the difference between the industry...
43:04...and your hope for the music industry now?
43:07Well, back then...
43:11...I wasn't as well-known as I am now.
43:15I was well-known on the radio.
43:17Back then, I wasn't well-known.
43:19I was just a normal person.
43:24But now...
43:26It's easier to get recognition.
43:28DJs are well-known now.
43:30They've studied me.
43:32It's easier to get recognition.
43:34They know me now...
43:36...but I've never met them.
43:38So, it's easier to get recognition.
43:40Back then, I was afraid.
43:42I didn't know what to do.
43:46I didn't know what to ask.
43:48I didn't know what to answer.
43:50I was afraid that they'd attack me.
43:52That's not true.
43:54I'm not talking about now.
43:56I'm talking about back then.
43:58You were afraid.
44:01That was back then.
44:03Now, you're a DJ.
44:07If you're hungry.
44:09Before we end our show...
44:12...what's your hope for the industry now?
44:19My hope?
44:21The industry is now...
44:26There's TikTok, Facebook.
44:28There's a lot of media.
44:31Those who are talented...
44:33...can easily...
44:35...publish their work.
44:38It's not like back then.
44:40Back then, we needed a company.
44:42We needed media.
44:44Now, I can do it myself.
44:49So, my hope is...
44:52...those who want to be an artist...
44:57...the best platform is...
45:00...to make the most of it.
45:03I don't know how long I can hold on to my hope.
45:08But, God willing...
45:10...those who want to support me...
45:12...can do so.
45:16Let's wrap up this week's Serenity.
45:18We talked about skin.
45:20We talked about positivity.
45:22We talked about Azmani Solo.
45:24Let's talk about Iklim.
45:27Top three Iklim songs...
45:29...that you personally like to sing...
45:32...or songs that are close to you.
45:34Three of them.
45:36Songs that I'm comfortable with.
45:40Hakikat Sebuah Cinta.
45:42Suci Dalam Debung.
45:46Bukan Kutak Suding.
45:48Mimpi Yang Pulang.
45:50There are a lot.
45:53Before I joined Iklim...
45:55...I already liked the songs by Aruah.
45:58From his first album...
46:00...to his solo album.
46:02I have all of them.
46:04Have you met Aruah?
46:05Yes, I have.
46:06Have you chatted with him?
46:07Yes, I have.
46:08His favourite song is Teh Tarik.
46:11I still remember that.
46:13Azmani, go and look for Teh Tarik.
46:17Azmani, do you have a boyfriend like me?
46:20Or does he seem like he doesn't know?
46:23I went to a show in Sarawak.
46:26It was in 1993 or 1994.
46:31Aruah had left.
46:36Iklim had hired a vocalist from Sarawak.
46:40He went to look for me.
46:43He went to look for you?
46:45He went to the airport.
46:47Was he going to join Iklim too?
46:49I don't know.
46:52What was he doing at the airport?
46:54Don't give me half-truths.
46:56I'm stressed.
47:00I don't know what he told me.
47:02I only know that...
47:04...Iklim's friends told me...
47:07...that Aruah was at the airport.
47:11That's all?
47:12Was he jealous?
47:14Did he want to be a paparazzi or a spy?
47:17He wanted to see who Iklim's vocalist was.
47:22So, you joined Iklim at a young age?
47:25Yes, in 1993 or 1994.
47:29When we met in...
47:36...he didn't have a girlfriend.
47:38It was okay.
47:43Let's pray for his health...
47:45...and success in his business.
47:48Let's pray for Azmani...
47:50...to be the newest GV candidate.
47:54I'll be the head of the fan club.
48:01I don't have any promises.
48:03When the line-up comes out...
48:05...you'll say, you've promised.
48:08I'm afraid I'll be busy.
48:13Thank you, everyone.
