Industri Halal Penopang Ekonomi Syariah Indonesia

  • 2 days ago
Masterplan Industri Halal Indonesia menyebutkan, perkembangan industri halal merupakan salah satu jawaban atas transformasi ekonomi Indonesia menuju ekonomi berkelanjutan, dalam pengembangan paradigma baru industrialisasi di Tanah Air, saat ini dan di masa yang akan datang. Oleh sebab, Pemerintah hingga kini terus meningkatkan dan mendorong kontribusi industri halal sebagai penopang pertumbuhan ekonomi syariah dan ekonomi nasional.

Bahkan, Kementerian Perindustrian tengah menyiapkan industri halal agar bisa menjadi mesin pertumbuhan ekonomi baru Indonesia di masa mendatang. Dimana, kinerja sektor Halal Value Chain (HVC) pada Q1/2024 tercatat tumbuh 1,94% YOY. Sedangkan, sektor unggulan halal seperti makanan dan minuman halal tumbuh 5,87% YOY, serta modest fashion tumbuh 3,81% YOY.

Menteri Perindustrian Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita dalam acara Indonesia Halal Industry Awards 2024 seperti dikutip media mengatakan, potensi ekonomi syariah dan industri halal di Indonesia, masih sangat besar. Hal ini tercerminkan dari data State Of The Global Islamic Report (SGIER) edisi tahun 2023/2024 yang menunjukkan, jumlah konsumsi produk halal di dunia diperkirakan mencapai USD2,4 triliun pada tahun ini.


00:00Indonesia's economic and financial center
00:13Yes, viewers, the government continues to increase the contribution of the halal industry as Indonesia's new economic growth engine in the future.
00:21This is in line with the government's target to make Indonesia a world-class financial and economic center.
00:30Indonesia's Halal Industry Masterplan
00:34Indonesia's Halal Industry Masterplan states that the development of the halal industry is one of the answers to Indonesia's economic reform,
00:42promoting sustainable economy in the development of new paradigms of industrialization in the water, now and in the future.
00:50Therefore, the government continues to increase and promote the contribution of the halal industry as a supporter of economic growth, sharia and national economy.
01:02The Ministry of Industry is preparing the halal industry to become Indonesia's new economic growth engine in the future.
01:15Where the performance of the halal value chain sector in the first quarter of this year was recorded to grow 1.94% annually,
01:23while the halal advantage sector such as halal food and drinks grew 5.87% year-on-year and motivation grew 3.81% year-on-year.
01:35Minister of Industry Nagus Kumiwangkarta Sasmita in this event, Halal Industry Awards 2024, as quoted by the media, said,
01:45the potential of the sharia economy and the halal industry in Indonesia is still very large.
01:52This is reflected in the Data State of the Global Islamic Report,
01:57the 2023-2024 edition showing the total consumption of halal products in the world is estimated to reach US$2.4 trillion this year.
02:10From Jakarta, IDX Channel coverage team.
02:18Yes, our topic this time is the halal industry, Indonesia's sharia economic supporter.
02:23We have been in touch with Mr. Irvan Saukibaik, he is from the Faculty of Economics and Management, IPB University.
02:30Good morning, Mr. Irvan.
02:33Good morning.
02:34Greetings, sir.
02:36Greetings, Alhamdulillah.
02:37Thank you. And I have been in touch with Mr. Aman Suparman,
02:41Chairman of the Association of Halal Producers of Indonesia.
02:44Good morning, Mr. Aman.
02:47Yes, hello.
02:50Good morning, sir.
02:51Greetings, Alhamdulillah.
02:55Greetings and thank you for your time.
02:57We will update first.
02:59Mr. Irvan, maybe you can review this,
03:01related to the development of the halal industry and also halal products in Indonesia,
03:06what is it like so far, Mr. Irvan?
03:10Yes, good, Nuspras.
03:11So, as in the previous presentation,
03:14we see that the development of the halal industry in Indonesia continues to increase.
03:22And this is in line with the development of the halal industry at a global level.
03:28Where globally, the halal sector grows by 7-15%, depending on the sector.
03:40For example, the halal drink or halal food industry grows by 7.94% globally.
03:49And I see that the opportunity for us to develop this halal industry is very extraordinary.
03:58Both domestically and globally.
04:02Because we see, based on the data from the Halal Economy Report for 2023,
04:10it turns out that halal needs are mostly supplied by minorities Muslim countries.
04:19For example, the growth of halal food.
04:23It turns out that 78% of halal drink needs in Muslim countries around the world
04:30are supplied by Muslim minorities.
04:34In this data, India, Brazil, and America are the three largest in terms of supply.
04:40Meanwhile, Indonesia alone is only 5%.
04:45So, I see that in the midst of this very challenging economic competition,
04:52we do need new sources of economic growth.
04:56Among these new sources of economic growth,
05:00I see that the halal industry has a very big opportunity.
05:05In addition to the halal food industry, there is also, for example, the Muslim tourism industry.
05:10Indeed, if we look at the global indicator,
05:14in terms of Muslim tourism,
05:18we are in the first place, if I'm not mistaken, for Muslim tourism.
05:23But if we look at the essence of the volume,
05:27how many tourists, for example, are looking for Muslim valid tourism,
05:34it turns out that we and our neighboring countries, Malaysia, are still losing.
05:39So, because of that, we need to encourage and strengthen
05:44various types of infrastructure, including our halal product marketing strategy,
05:51so that it can have a positive impact internally for Indonesia's economic development.
05:59Okay, Mr. Irfan. From the perspective of the APPHI,
06:02Mr. Aman, how do you see the development of the halal industry and halal products in Indonesia?
06:07As an actor, do you also see that the government's support is quite massive?
06:11What is the market like? Please.
06:14Okay, thank you, Mr. Pras. Indeed, five years ago,
06:17Indonesia experienced an extraordinary growth in the halal industry.
06:21The government's commitment and concentration in developing the halal industry,
06:25in the past five years, we have seen an increase in exports in 2023,
06:29up to US$50 billion.
06:32Our certification is already more than US$4 million,
06:35still far below the US$10 million target.
06:38We hope that the food industry, which was supposed to be a momentum on October 17,
06:44has started to be implemented.
06:46We have to go back to 2026.
06:49But we are optimistic that the halal economy,
06:53especially in the banking sector,
06:55now the market share is already at 11%.
06:58I see food, even patients,
07:01as Mr. Irfan said earlier,
07:03tourism has become number one in the Muslim sector.
07:08So, as entrepreneurs,
07:10we are optimistic that the halal economy will become a supporter of growth,
07:16especially in the halal industry.
07:18That's it, Mr. Pras.
07:19Okay, related to the standards, procedures, and criteria
07:22for halal products that are circulated and marketed in Indonesia,
07:25is it in accordance with the rules in place?
07:28You said earlier that there was a rule
07:30that it was supposed to be implemented in mid-October,
07:33but it was postponed until 2026 for the halal requirements for MSMEs, right?
07:39Yes, maybe if we go to the mall,
07:42it's still there.
07:43The term is no fog, no light.
07:45It means that the certification implementation there has not been fully implemented.
07:50There are also those who are still adhering to the halal logo itself.
07:53There are even many products that have not been halal certified.
07:56Maybe the budget or budget from the government,
08:00especially the BPJPH,
08:02which is limited, is a hindrance.
08:04Can you imagine?
08:05From 10 million target,
08:07it's only achieved at around 4 million.
08:09This is what must be evaluated and needs political will from the government
08:13to budget a fairly large budget,
08:16especially for MSMEs, small and micro businesses,
08:18whose budget is limited.
08:20But because there are laws,
08:22maybe this is our duty as entrepreneurs
08:24to implement it, Mr. Pras.
08:27And we know that the government, especially the Ministry of Industry,
08:29has stated that this halal industry can support
08:32economic development and national economic development.
08:35After all, we will review it later.
08:37In the next segment, we will have a short break,
08:39Mr. Irfan and Mr. Aman.
08:41And, viewers, we will be back soon after the next conversation.
09:15Mr. Irfan, I want to know your opinion.
09:17The readiness and position of Indonesia's MSMEs,
09:20what is it like now?
09:22Have you really become a teacher
09:24of national economic development as a whole?
09:28So, the current position,
09:30we continue to strengthen it.
09:33And one of the weaknesses that needs to be fixed
09:36is related to the database.
09:38Because later, to measure and calculate
09:41how much the halal industry contributes to national economic development,
09:46we need measuring instruments
09:51that are still on process.
09:54So, Bank Indonesia and BPS
09:57have initiated
09:59to measure what is called PDB Syariah.
10:02PDB Syariah will later be focused on 8 clusters.
10:08These 8 clusters, among others, are
10:11halal food, halal drinks,
10:14Muslim charity,
10:16Islamic fashion,
10:17Sharia Creative Industry,
10:19Halal Pharmacy and Cosmetics,
10:22Renewable Energy,
10:24Sharia Finance, and other sectors.
10:26From there, if we can calculate the PDB Syariah,
10:29then we can calculate.
10:32But, some projections that were made,
10:36the contribution can be up to 30-40%.
10:42From our PDB.
10:44Which means, this is one thing that shows
10:47there is a chance and potential to develop further
10:51about this halal industry.
10:54Because of that, we need to continue to push.
10:57And one more advantage is
10:59one of the benefits that we see today is that
11:03in the National Long-Term Development Plan Law
11:07of 2025-2045,
11:10Law No. 59 of 2024,
11:13the word halal, Sharia economy,
11:16Sharia finance, social finance, and so on,
11:19is quite significant.
11:22And it is included as part of
11:25the strategic target that must be achieved by Indonesia.
11:29Because in the previous RPJP,
11:31which was in 2005-2025,
11:33in Law No. 17 of 2007,
11:35there was no word halal, Sharia,
11:38Sharia economy, and so on.
11:40So, it is reasonable if the process,
11:44the growth is not going well,
11:48then there is nothing that is mandatory
11:52to all ministries and institutions.
11:53So, the halal business becomes a partial business,
11:56a sectoral business,
11:57such as certification,
11:59BPJPH, and so on.
12:01But in the future,
12:02if there is a big umbrella for the next two decades,
12:05it will be mandatory for all ministries and institutions
12:09to focus on developing the halal industry.
12:15Because Sharia economy,
12:17in the next two decades,
12:19will become an instrument that is mainstream.
12:23Because of that, we have to make use of it.
12:25Because we feel that Indonesia
12:29should be the biggest halal producer in the world.
12:32Not only from the consumer's point of view,
12:34but also from the producer's point of view.
12:36We should be the biggest supplier
12:39and dominate the international trade.
12:41Because of that, what we have to encourage is
12:43the strengthening of our halal industry.
12:47And the second thing is
12:48the marketing of the halal products.
12:50This is what we have to encourage and develop.
12:54And what is not less important is literacy.
12:57For entrepreneurs,
12:59when they talk about halal,
13:00they should not talk about burden.
13:02As if certification is a burden, a cost.
13:05It should be seen as an investment.
13:09Okay, this is it.
13:10From the point of view of the Indonesian Halal Producing Association,
13:13Mr. Aman, what do you think?
13:15That this has become mandatory.
13:17There was a law that was quite strong.
13:20What about the certification itself?
13:22Has it become part of an investment
13:25for their products or what?
13:28Yes, what Mr. Irfan said earlier,
13:30that this certification is already mandatory.
13:32It means it cannot be a burden.
13:34But it becomes a requirement
13:36and an additional value for entrepreneurs.
13:38Because the business world is also burdened
13:40by this certification regulation, sir.
13:42Maybe for the Indonesian Halal Producing Association,
13:43there is a thing called SEHATI,
13:44Halal Certificate for Free.
13:45But how much is the allocation for the Indonesian Halal Producing Association?
13:49The second is the regular one.
13:51Maybe for a large company,
13:53our members are not a problem, sir.
13:5520 million may be small.
13:56But for a medium-sized business,
13:58it is very burdensome.
14:00So there must be a commitment from the government.
14:03Come on.
14:04Don't make this entrepreneur a cow.
14:07What source is it?
14:09But it must be encouraged.
14:11So that the entrepreneurs are motivated, sir.
14:14There is an incentive.
14:15Not burdened again
14:16with a fairly expensive and long certification fee.
14:19How much is the fee that must be paid, sir?
14:22If I may know,
14:23how long does the process take?
14:27if it is regulated,
14:29the number is 11-12 million, sir.
14:31But the value is added to the APCD fee
14:33is above 20 million.
14:35Including the certification process, sir.
14:37This may be 20 million for a medium-sized business.
14:39In this difficult condition,
14:40it is better not to use capital, maybe.
14:42This may be our biggest problem.
14:45I see the government is pretty good, sir.
14:47Yesterday, the Ministry of Industry,
14:49I acknowledged that
14:51the minister said that the halal economy,
14:54the halal industry must be a supporter of the sharia economy.
14:57The contribution is already 46% more.
14:59It means that this is not a joke.
15:01The number is very large.
15:02We hope there is an incentive.
15:04Talking about a sharia economy,
15:06we are talking about an ecosystem, sir.
15:08There is a sharia bank there.
15:10There is a halal industry.
15:11The government should give incentives
15:14to the halal industry.
15:15So, it does not burden the new burden, sir.
15:17So, don't let the credit be difficult,
15:20the regulation is a lot,
15:22it becomes a new burden.
15:24On the other hand, there is an opportunity.
15:26On the other hand, there is a challenge
15:28that becomes our shared PR.
15:30Don't let us be invited to a good exhibition, sir.
15:33In the ISBSD, yesterday,
15:35for example, many of our members joined.
15:37But the visitors are few.
15:39It means that we need,
15:41what Mr. Irfan said,
15:45Maybe we hope,
15:47KNKE has become an orchestra, sir.
15:49But maybe in the future,
15:51we hope there is a body.
15:53This is still in Godok,
15:54only the caprice of the sharia economy body is released.
15:56The hope is that this body
15:58orchestrates the government.
16:00So, it doesn't run on its own.
16:02The Ministry of Industry runs with the PPIH,
16:04the PPPH also runs.
16:07We want Indonesia Emas,
16:09our target has been set, sir.
16:12We have to dare to criticize,
16:14to evaluate the target that has been achieved.
16:16For example, Indonesia has become the biggest halal producer
16:19in the world.
16:20In 2024, it will be three months.
16:22Is it possible to achieve it?
16:24The demand is not supported.
16:26Interesting. Mr. Irfan,
16:27how is your view?
16:28With the conditions that have been stated,
16:30from the business owner himself,
16:32it seems that it is still frozen
16:34to meet the criteria
16:36or the obligation of halal certification
16:38related to the products they sell.
16:41I think what Mr. Aman said is right.
16:45First, the government's commitment
16:48must be stronger.
16:49And the existence of this body,
16:51the sharia economy body,
16:53we hope,
16:54it is also given a function
16:56not only in the form of coordination,
16:58but there is also the function of execution.
17:00The function of execution,
17:01especially in the area of
17:03the development of the halal industry,
17:05be it strengthening,
17:07starting from the certification process
17:09to the marketing of halal products.
17:11Then, secondly,
17:13we also need to look for
17:15alternative innovations
17:17related to,
17:19for example,
17:21the effort to give incentives
17:23in the certification process.
17:25On the side, for example,
17:27in APBN and APBD,
17:29it is specifically estimated
17:31the certification process,
17:33it is possible to look for innovations,
17:35for example, using
17:39How, for example,
17:41the results of wakaf management
17:43are partially allocated to
17:45strengthen the cost
17:47or provide certification subsidies.
17:49Then also
17:51related to self-declare.
17:53It must be given clear guidance
17:55and guidance.
17:57How is the self-declare process?
17:59And now there is actually a mechanism,
18:01but we need to socialize again.
18:03So that later, at least,
18:05when an entrepreneur,
18:07for example,
18:09does not have the ability
18:11to do the certification process
18:15at least he knows
18:17where the halal limits are
18:19and can do the self-declare process.
18:21Well, that's what I think is
18:23very important.
18:25But the point is,
18:27the government is also
18:29now in the middle of
18:31our economic growth,
18:33it is still an actor
18:35that we expect to play a dominant role.
18:37Especially in
18:39encouraging the emergence of demand
18:41for our halal products,
18:43especially from abroad.
18:45For example, the Muslim tourism.
18:47If, for example, we have a good strategy
18:49to attract tourists
18:51who are looking for
18:53Muslim tourism, for example,
18:55it will stimulate
18:57good economic growth.
18:59Then also in sectors that have
19:01a large economic multiplier effect.
19:03For example, Hajj and Umrah.
19:05How, for example,
19:07for Hajj and Umrah,
19:09for halal food,
19:11for clothing, for example,
19:13and other products,
19:15those are the halal entrepreneurs
19:17who should be involved.
19:19And it is designed in this way
19:21so that
19:23entrepreneurs are motivated.
19:25Why? Because there is a demand.
19:27Because how to do business,
19:29the product must be sold.
19:31Things like this
19:33can be done by the government.
19:35Okay, so there are challenges.
19:37It means that it still has to be challenged.
19:39Related to the halal certification itself
19:41for entrepreneurs from
19:43Indonesia's halal products that are expected
19:45to be able to fully support
19:47the economy of Indonesia,
19:49then what is the potential
19:51of Indonesia's economy in the future,
19:53and of course Indonesia's economic growth
19:55as a whole.
19:57We will see later how the action
19:59of the next government, Mr. Irfan and Mr. Aman,
20:01because it only takes a few days
20:03for a change to the national leadership.
20:05Thank you very much, Mr. Irfan,
20:07for the time sharing that you have delivered.
20:09Mr. Aman also for the insight and update
20:11related to the current condition of the
20:13halal industry in Indonesia.
20:15Congratulations on continuing your activities again.
20:17Thank you, Mr. Irfan, Mr. Aman.
20:19Thank you, Mr. Irfan.
20:21Okay, Mr. Mirsa, I have accompanied you
20:23for an hour in the market review
20:25with your information only on IDX Channel,
20:27Your Transporty and Comprehensive Investment Reference.
20:29Don't forget to watch the
20:31First Session Closing program
20:33which will air at 11.30 p.m.
20:37Because the matter of the future must be ahead.
20:39I am Investor Sahal.
20:41I am Prasetyo Wibowo,
20:43along with all the workers who are
20:45on duty to say goodbye.
20:47Thank you, see you later.
20:55Thank you, see you later.
21:25Thank you, see you later.
