Shortland Street 8026 10th October 2024

  • 2 days ago
00:01Previously on Charlotte Street
00:02But I've been rostered on for some of those ops
00:04Change plan, you are needed elsewhere
00:06What are you playing at? This is grant work, punishment
00:08We need to find a way to work together
00:10I didn't mean to hurt anyone
00:11I fell in love with Harper
00:12I'm sorry
00:13Free clinic, what's the latest?
00:14Planning home visits
00:16Oh my god
00:18Jill, wait, hang on!
00:19Blake, I just want to help
00:31I can help him
00:33You're a doctor?
00:34I can stop the bleeding
00:35But we'll need to get him to a hospital
00:37You can't
00:38He's a cop
00:39He'll call the police
00:40He saw everything
00:41This is my dad
00:42I don't know what you guys are doing here
00:44But I just want help
00:45Liam, he's my brother who did this
00:47I don't know, but if Liam doesn't get help
00:49He's going to bleed to death
00:50Do something!
00:51He needs to go to the hospital
00:55We can't
00:56Look at him
00:57He's bleeding out
00:58He's bleeding out
00:59He's getting worse
01:00The amount of blood he's losing
01:01Help him!
01:04You need to tell your friends to back off
01:14I'm just going to cover up the wound, right?
01:16Jill, where are you?
01:18Who's that?
01:19It's my partner
01:21What's happening?
01:22Are you okay?
01:23Jill, can you hear me?
01:25Where did you go?
01:26Tell me where you are
01:27And I'll come right now
01:30I'm fine, Philly
01:31Where are you?
01:32Do you need me?
01:34Just stay where you are
01:35And I'll be back soon, okay?
01:40I don't want any trouble
01:42Bill, I can't do it
01:47You have to hurry up
01:51Look, I know
01:52That was hard to hear
01:53But I just want everything out in the open
01:54No more secrets
01:57So, love
01:59Past tense
02:01Past tense
02:03Did Harper love you?
02:05You'd have to ask her that
02:11So, next week's trans-labyrinthine craniotomy
02:15What about it?
02:16My patient's concerned about hearing loss
02:18Your patient?
02:20You can't keep me on menial work forever
02:22Well, tell your patient
02:24It's the only option to remove her tumour
02:25And she'll still have her hearing in the other ear
02:27I think it would be better if it could come from you
02:30You need me to do your job for you
02:32I've done all the reassuring I can
02:34I think it would be better if it came from the top
02:36Tell you what, why don't I just perform the surgery too?
02:38That's not necessary
02:40Well, you can't even speak to your patient
02:41How do you expect to operate on them?
02:43That's not what I'm saying
02:44Perhaps you should just take a step back from theatre altogether
02:47You heard me
02:48You can't do that
02:49I'll go to Esther
02:50Go on then
02:51Tell Esther how you slept with my wife while pretending to be my friend and colleague
02:55Drew, be reasonable
02:57This is reasonable
02:58I need to have confidence in my surgeons
03:00Like I said, Phil, it's a trust issue
03:02So, you're going to punish me forever?
03:04Win back my trust
03:05Then I'll have you back in the OR
03:12Selina, I'm down three nurses
03:14Don't blame me
03:15You're the one that told Billy he could cruise around the neighbourhood
03:18I told Harper we could cope
03:19This is me coping
03:20So do your job
03:21Give me some replacements
03:25What a jerk
03:27I can try some old nursing contacts if you'd like
03:29Thanks, I'll take any help I can get
03:31Are you feeling okay?
03:36Are you okay?
03:37Yeah, I just feel...
03:39It's like I'm going to spew
03:41Okay, well, go lay down
03:42I'll take over here
03:43There's too much to do
03:44You heard Emmett
03:46Don't give me that Mama Madonna face
03:49How long have you been feeling off?
03:52I don't know
03:53A while, maybe
03:55What's going on?
03:57Louisa, the whole thing
03:59It's catching up to me
04:00None of that is your fault
04:02In what?
04:03The stress of this job?
04:05You coped, I can too
04:07Well, it's either that or you're pregnant
04:10Throwing up in the middle of the day
04:11I was exactly the same with Joy
04:13I am not pregnant
04:14But imagine
04:15No thanks
04:16Okay, I'll do your next rounds, okay?
04:18Just stay sitting and catch your breath
04:22Now you can take your crazy little theories with you
04:30I need to wrap this as tight as possible, okay?
04:33Is it going to work?
04:34It'll stop the bleeding for now
04:37What's your name?
04:40I'm Jia
04:42Can you talk to your brother Ty?
04:44Just keep him as calm as possible
04:54That's it
04:56Good job
04:58We need to take him to the hospital
05:00He needs surgery
05:02It's too dangerous
05:03For who?
05:04You don't understand
05:05We can't
05:06I'm not calling it in
05:08We can say that we found him like this
05:10I promise you can trust me
05:12Is there nothing else you can do?
05:13Your brother needs an operation
05:15Okay, well tell me what you need
05:17I need a surgeon, an operation table
05:19I need steering the host's equipment
05:21We might have a needle and thread
05:22Let me see what I can find
05:24Your brother will die if we don't take him to the hospital
05:27He needs a qualified surgeon
05:29Do you hear me?
05:35He can't leave
05:36My brother is dying
05:37Who's to blame?
05:39He won't leave
05:40I promise
05:42What did he say?
05:44They better go before they change their minds
05:47Help me lift him
05:55Don't stop me
05:57It's gonna be alright
05:59Run, Kyle
06:02Hey, how are you feeling?
06:04Yeah, fine
06:05You weren't sick then?
06:06No, I'm all good
06:08That's good
06:10Hey, I got you one of these
06:12Get away
06:13Take it
06:14For God's sake, Madonna
06:15Don't you want to know?
06:16What if I'm pregnant with Chris's baby?
06:19Don't you dare look excited
06:22So it's possible it could be Chris's?
06:24Whose else would it be?
06:26Scratch that, I'm not pregnant
06:27Fatigue, unexplained nausea, irritability
06:31I'm not, okay?
06:33There's only one way to find out
06:41Phil, what are you doing?
06:44ED consults won't do themselves
06:46Take it out with Drew
06:48He's put me on admin
06:49What do you mean?
06:50He's punishing me and it's not fair
06:52Punishing you for what?
06:53I was honest with him and
06:55I'm sorry, you were honest about what?
06:58I told him I loved you
07:01Why would you say that?
07:03Because I'm sick of the secrets
07:04If we want to move on, we have to get it all out there
07:06So you're just kicking him on his down?
07:08So what did you say?
07:09That there were no feelings there?
07:10I didn't rub it in his face
07:12You played loose with the truth
07:14I guess it hardly matters now, does it?
07:16Look, I only care about my career
07:18Right now I'm the only one suffering
07:20Okay, I will talk to him
07:21You standing up for me?
07:22Yeah, that's going to go down really well
07:24Well, it's best for all of us if we carry on as normal
07:27I don't think Drew cares anymore
07:28Oh, he cares
07:30Well, talk him round then
07:31Because I'm not standing for it
07:38Kia, are you okay?
07:40I'm okay
07:41This is Liang, we need to get him to the hospital as soon as possible
07:44Who are you?
07:45His brother, he needs urgent treatment
07:47Let's go
07:48I trust him
07:49You can trust me
07:53Why is it taking so long?
07:56Is that another line?
07:57Stop smiling
07:59Oh my god, is it?
08:00Selena, a little baby
08:03I will help you, I will babysit
08:05Stop it, okay, I'm not ready for this
08:08Hey, I can't be the next Chris Warner baby mama
08:11How many does he have?
08:13Hundreds, right?
08:15Oh dear
08:16What am I supposed to tell him?
08:18What do I say?
08:19Congrats Chris, you're the world's oldest dad
08:23At least baby will have a trust fund
08:25What if Chris wants to get married?
08:28Like, I'd be Mrs Warner number 57
08:34Will you actually say yes?
08:37Okay, sorry, but this isn't a bad thing
08:39It's a beautiful blessing
08:42You're right, I'm just scared
08:45How can I be a mum again?
08:48I didn't even get it right with Junior
08:51But Junior is a great kid and you're a wonderful mum
08:54This baba will be so lucky to have you
08:56You're right
08:58Just stop freaking out, you can do this Selena
09:04It's negative
09:07Yeah, there's only one line, phew
09:11Are you okay?
09:12I will be
09:14Well that's that
09:17Maybe something else is wrong with you
09:20Ah, there you are
09:22It's not too much of an imposition
09:24Maybe you could come and help in ED
09:26She just needs a second
09:28Oh okay, I'm sorry
09:30No, please, you take all the time you need
09:32What's a few people bleeding to death?
09:34I'll be right there
09:36Are you sure?
09:38Maybe you need to see one of the doctors
09:40Just calm the farm, I probably ate a dodgy lunch
09:43Stop putting ideas in my head
09:54You can't take Phil off surgeries
09:56She's recently given me reason to doubt her abilities
09:59And I've lost confidence
10:00And you say that to Esther?
10:01Phil won't take it that far, she's got the losing hand
10:03Drew, we all lose if this gets out
10:05Take it up with your ex-girlfriend
10:07Listen, we have to act normally
10:09Business as usual, or we will suffer the consequences
10:12I already am
10:14I know, so am I
10:16What, you think I like being away from you and the kids?
10:19You should have thought about that before you fell in love with somebody else
10:21Oh god Drew, I told you I didn't fall in love with her
10:23Not according to Phil
10:24She had her feelings, I had mine
10:26You didn't love her?
10:28Your mother didn't daydream about a life with her
10:32I have to see her every day
10:35I have to be reminded of the two of you together every day
10:38There is no escape
10:40I'm so sorry, as you know
10:42All I want to do is try and find a way back
10:45Back to our life and our family
10:47And keep your career intact
10:49All of our careers
10:51Which is not going to happen if you don't let Phil back in theatre
10:53Questions will be asked
10:55Hey guys
10:59Wanna go?
11:01Childcare, never ending struggle
11:03I didn't know about that
11:05How's Marty doing?
11:07Good, we're taking it day by day
11:09But he is getting there, thanks to you and Phil
11:11Just doing our jobs
11:12Well you make a great team and we are grateful
11:14We all want the best for Marty
11:16Thank you
11:17Have either of you heard from Nick and Maeve today?
11:20I was texting them this morning
11:22They're coping, I'm going to go see them when I can
11:24Well I told Nick she can take as much time as she needs
11:26After everything that woman's put them through
11:28Must be a relief to know they'll never see her face again
11:31Well I believe Louisa had turned a corner
11:33Yeah we all did
11:35If you see either of them please give them our love and support
11:37Will do
11:38Thank you
11:39Now, the surgical list, do you have it?
11:41I haven't seen it yet but Selena said you had to take it back to Rejig
11:44I did, I'll get it to you when I can
11:49So what do you think she's going to say when she sees Phil's not on it?
11:52I have legitimate reasons, non-affair related
11:54No you don't, put Phil back on
11:57For all of our sakes
12:02Okay, we'll have an abdominal ultrasound
12:05Full bloods and an HCG please
12:07Need to rule out pregnancy
12:09Is there any chance you could be pregnant Linda?
12:12There you go
12:14Sometimes people don't know, we'll check anyway
12:17Got it
12:21There you go, better out there now
12:25Uh, Selena here will start an IV
12:27Get fluids and something for the pain and nausea, that sound okay?
12:35Um, actually can you please assign someone else to Linda, like maybe Sage?
12:41Sage is busy
12:42I can swap with him
12:43No can't do, we don't have enough nurses to go messing around
12:46Back to this are we?
12:47Oh I'm sorry, have you adequately staffed ED?
12:52Heard that
12:53Okay Linda, I'm just going to set up the IV for you
12:56Sorry I was sick again
12:58So I see
12:59No worries
13:01Um, I'm just going to get rid of this, I'll be back
13:07Watch out
13:08Oh Selena, are you okay?
13:10Yeah yeah I'm fine
13:11Got a watch when you go on?
13:12Yeah my bad, on your way
13:17You okay?
13:18Yeah I'm all good
13:20You want me to have a look?
13:21I said I'm all good
13:28Young Lou, multiple stab wounds to the abdomen and arm
13:31GCS of 15, BP 110 over 70
13:34And heart rate 98
13:36We did everything we could
13:37He's lost a lot of blood, it took us a while to get him in here
13:39Is it too late, can you fix him?
13:41Hey can you please call theatre and get a surgeon down here?
13:43Straight through to resus, thanks
13:45What's going to happen?
13:46Look I can't tell you much else right now but we will probably need to operate
13:49You did a great job, I'll keep you posted
13:52Stay with him
13:53He's in good hands now
13:55How long's it going to take?
13:56I don't know, could be hours
13:59Hey my shift's over, I can wait with you if you want
14:03Why don't you go down to the cafe, follow the signs and I'll meet you there soon
14:11We need to ride this up, call the police
14:13Of course, after Leon's surgery, eh?
14:18I mean you saw the state that Tyson, he's worried about his brother
14:21We can't pile more pressure on him
14:24Where did you disappear to?
14:26The house, Leon ran in and I followed
14:29What kind of house?
14:31I don't know
14:32And Ty was there?
14:34So why be weird on the comms about it, why not just tell me where you were?
14:37It was a knife fight, Ty was spooked, it took a while to gain his trust
14:42These guys are involved in something
14:44Maybe, I don't know
14:46Look all I cared about was getting Leon here as fast as possible
14:49We call the cops the moment Leon is out of surgery
14:53And Ty can't know, alright?
14:55Yeah, I'll uh, I'll deal with it
15:05Ring if you need me, okay?
15:10How's she doing?
15:11She's all good
15:14What about you?
15:15I'm fine
15:16Oh yeah, you look great, tip top
15:19Yeah well I just took something and I'm just waiting for it to kick in
15:22Where's it hurting?
15:24Kind of around here
15:26That's not where it hurt you?
15:27If you had pain, I don't know
15:29What's your pain score?
15:30Six or so
15:32So it's an eight
15:35I'll book a chest x-ray
15:37Because you're injured and you're a liability working like this
15:40No, I'll just finish the rest of the shift and go home, get a good night's sleep and then I'll be right as rain
15:45No, no, you're off the clock, I'll get that x-ray booked
15:47But we're too busy, okay? If I clock off then you'll be down another nurse
15:51And you'll be no use to us if you collapse and take up one of our precious beds
15:55Look, I'm serious
15:56You've got to take care of yourself, this job will nail you if you don't keep yourself healthy and up for it
16:02Yeah, I know
16:04Sorry I called you a jerk
16:06Well I am a jerk, but I know what I'm talking about
16:09So take it easy, we can't do without you around here
16:15I'll let you know when I've got the x-ray booked
16:32Hey, you haven't got a coffee yet?
16:35Hey, you saw some things in the house? Faces?
16:39Look, I promise you my only focus was the patient
16:44Well, that's not me, that's not my whole life
16:49Hey, what's going to happen to Leon after the surgery?
16:52All going well, he'll be transferred to HDU and then monitored for the next 24 hours
16:59Hey, you did the right thing, he's in good hands
17:07We were lucky you were there
17:09Just doing my job
17:12What's going to happen to me?
17:14You have until Leon is out of surgery, I haven't called the cops yet
17:21Did you say anything to your partner?
17:23No, but I don't like lying to my friends
17:27I appreciate everything you've done for me and for Leon
17:31I told you, you can trust me
17:34I know
17:37So there won't be any trouble for me or Vili?
17:42No trouble
17:44Now you have my word
17:46You saved my brother's life
17:48I'm in your debt, Gia
17:53I won't forget it
18:01You two look happy
18:03It's because we are
18:05Dad thinks I'm losing interest in him
18:08How do I show him that I'm not?
18:10This doesn't sound like something I should get involved with
18:13But you and Monique are doing so well, what's your secret?
18:18Maybe I should get Mom back
18:20Relationship advice isn't really my strong suit
18:22It's okay, I understand
18:24You could get him a pot plant
18:27A pot plant?
18:29Yeah, something you can tend to
18:32Water it, pop it in the sunlight
18:34Watch it grow together
18:37Sorry, maybe you should talk to Mom
18:39No, that's good advice
18:41Thanks Naz
18:44Can you sign this please?
18:48You know it's a huge waste of studying me out
18:51Fine, you're off the bench
18:53Just like that?
18:55Your little plan worked
18:57What plan?
18:58Don't play innocent
19:00Getting Harper to fight your battles for you
19:02I didn't ask Harper to do anything
19:04She agreed, wasn't right
19:07Anyway, you'll be back on the list first thing tomorrow
19:09Good, thank you
19:13How did outreach go?
19:15Full on
19:16Yeah, I heard about the stab wound patient you guys brought in
19:18Yeah, I thought you might have been on the surgery
19:20Not today, just admin for me
19:23Yeah, courtesy of Drew
19:25But he's realised the error of his ways
19:27He was punishing you
19:29You probably think I deserve it
19:30He's hurting
19:31So am I
19:33Anyway, he can't bring it into the workplace
19:35Sounds like you got it sorted
19:38I know you want space but
19:40Can we go for a drink? Just one to talk
19:42Not tonight
19:44I'm knackered and I want to check in on my patient
19:46I don't want to lose you
19:48This is a lot, Phil
19:50I told you I just need some time
19:53Got it
19:54I'll be here, okay?
19:56When you're ready
19:58I'm not going to give up on us
20:02I, uh
20:04They were here last time I checked
20:06I don't know where they could have gone
20:08They've gone? How?
20:10Must have done a runner, I guess
20:12Leung only just got out of surgery
20:14It makes no sense
20:16Hey, good luck finding them
20:25Did you give the officer the address of the house you ran into?
20:27Oh, it all just happened so fast
20:29I just, uh, couldn't remember exact details
20:34Excuse me?
20:35You waited till the coast was clear before you called the cops
20:37No, I didn't
20:39I followed protocol
20:40I called them as soon as Leung was out of surgery
20:42Like we discussed
20:44Why are you protecting these guys?
20:46We don't know what's going on
20:47It could have been a domestic
20:48What did you see in that house?
20:52You helped them escape
20:53No, I didn't
20:54I called the cops
20:55But you gave them a head start
20:57The cops are going to find out, Gia
20:59I told them everything I know, Vili
21:00They're going to want to speak to me, too
21:01You know that, right?
21:02Why? What do you know?
21:03What did you do?
21:04Now is the time to tell me
21:05Nothing, Vili
21:06I didn't know they were going to bail
21:08I swear
21:09I called the cops as soon as the surgery was over
21:11That is it
21:17They know everything that I do
21:19Got it?
21:20Sure, sure, whatever you say
21:21I'm sorry
21:22That was a day
21:24I need to get out of here
21:26I know the feeling
21:33Don't sweat it
21:34Food poisoning can be the worst
21:36I'm glad you're feeling better
21:37Thank you, Selena
21:38You've been great
21:44What are you doing back on the floor?
21:46No shortage, remember?
21:47I told you to take a break
21:48Yeah, but I had the x-ray, didn't I?
21:50I'm not going to sit around just waiting for the results
21:52Have you got them?
21:54Good as gold, right?
21:56Just a big old bruise from Sage's crap-ass trolley driving
21:59Can we step in here?
22:01No, that's just fine
22:03You're making me nervous
22:05Have a seat
22:07Okay, Mr. Serious, that's some poker face you have
22:12I've had a look at your x-ray
22:13We need to do a biopsy as soon as we can
22:15A biopsy, why?
22:17Well, we won't know anything until we get the results, but...
22:21Spit it out, please
22:24Your chest x-ray has revealed a mass in your breast
22:27Check it again
22:29I did
22:30More than once
22:32I've got second opinions
22:34They all agree
22:36Hang on
22:37So you're telling me that...
22:39I might have breast cancer?
