Various forms of sexuality - is one better than the other? || Acharya Prashant, with XLRI (2021)

  • 2 days ago
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Video Information: 02.07.21, XLRI- Jamshedpur (an Online discourse), Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh

What is body identification?
How to get rid of body-identification?
How do we get body-identified?
What is the root cause of all evil in the world?
Why is body identification is bad in the point of view of Vedanta?

Music Credits: Milind Date


00:00Lately we are seeing a few trends like lesbians, gays and so on and the court has also approved
00:16it is their right to be in such a way and now what I see is there are children, the
00:23reason why I am asking this question is I have seen one YouTube video in which a YouTuber
00:26is asking questions to children say they are in the 15 to 17 years of age and they say
00:31that they are yet to discover whether they are a lesbian or a gay or a straight or something
00:36and what do you see, what do you feel about this trend sir, what is the future implication
00:41of this particular trend?
00:44See, first of all the bigger issue is animalistic sexuality itself, given the way we are, given
01:04the point of evolution we are standing at, how important really is sexuality?
01:17On one hand we are testing the limits of the universe, we are searching for extraterrestrial
01:28life, we are sending probes to distant planets, these are the kind of things we are doing.
01:36On the other hand we are rushing after males and females and animals too, even animals
01:50have some moderation, so whether you rush after a woman being a man, whether you rush
02:01after a woman or you run after a man, the thing is you are still running after a body.
02:18Then is the body your primary identity?
02:24The body is indeed the primary identity of animals or is discretion and thought and consciousness
02:33or understanding, are they your primary identity?
02:39If a man is physically alive but just not able to think, do you even call him alive?
02:52And let's say physically he is doing everything that an animal does, he can eat, he can breathe,
02:59he can walk, he can make sounds without having any language and he may even exhibit sexual
03:13excitation, but would you even call that person really alive, if that person has no discretion,
03:20no thought, we call a person dead when he is brain dead, right?
03:29If you can, you may have everything else in the body functioning for you, but if the brain
03:36which is related to the mind, if it is not there, then you are no more.
03:41So if the body is not your primary identity, your primary identity is consciousness, you
03:48are dead if your consciousness falls below a certain level and stays there and your lungs
03:57could be kept going through a ventilator, but you would still not be called alive.
04:04So a consciousness is who we are and if you are conscious, then you know very well what
04:11to do with the body.
04:13The body then follows consciousness, the body then is a servant of consciousness as it should be.
04:25Instead if you allow bodily tendencies to rule with very little consciousness, then
04:34one would do all kinds of things in life, a woman may run after a man, a woman may sleep
04:41with a woman and you would want to think that the distinction between these two cases
04:47is the most important thing in life.
04:49I take this as trivia.
04:53If you are with an undeserving man, how is that any better than being with an undeserving woman?
05:03In both the cases your life is being spoiled.
05:06In both the cases you are subjecting yourself to very adverse company that would spoil your mind.
05:18And mostly this happens because of our animalistic tendencies.
05:25One person may just find that the old primitive evolutionary tendencies within are exhibiting
05:34themselves in some way.
05:39That way might be that you want to have sex with the opposite gender.
05:46That's the way Prakriti has raised you because when you have sex with the opposite gender,
05:51then you can procreate.
05:53But what's so holy about being attracted to the opposite gender, please tell me.
06:00In no way am I insinuating that it's holier to be attracted to the same gender, no, that's not the point.
06:14The point is why do you want to take this issue so seriously?
06:19Because when you are taking this issue very seriously, then the real issue is getting masked.
06:26The real issue is bodily enslavement itself.
06:33Why are we so enslaved to the body?
06:37Because you see, the previous question was on economics.
06:45All this economic activity that is destroying us from within, is destroying the environment,
06:50is destroying the entire planet itself, is because of body identification.
06:56We want to consume, consume and consume and consciousness does not consume, the body consumes.
07:02I want more furniture, I want more clothes, I want a bigger car, I want a bigger house.
07:07Now consciousness is hardly concerned about how many square meters you squat on.
07:18But the body looks at all that, I mean a bigger bedroom, because I have a bigger body and such things.
07:29So when you make the straight versus gay lesbian issue very important, then indirectly you
07:39are making the body very important, because be it the straight case or the gay case, both
07:47cases have the body at their center.
07:51Don't keep the body at the center of your thought, seek to elevate your thought and
07:59then you will not need any instructions or directives.
08:02Then you will know what to do with the body.
08:05Then there would be no need to form a policy, legal or moral, regarding whom to approach,
08:15who to sit with and who to sleep with.
08:21As an adult, it's your sovereign right to decide on that, just that that right needs
08:29to be bagged and exercised by a very aware mind.
08:36If you know nothing of life, if you cannot think properly, if you have no discretion,
08:41then any decision that you make in life will be flawed, including the decisions in the sexual domain.
