• last year
(Adnkronos) - “La contraddizione, se non si riesce a vincere, bisogna guardarla da un altro punto di vista. Quindi abbiamo provato a prendere questa contraddizione tra sostenibilità e persone che amano l'auto e ci siamo chiesti come riuscire a convincere le persone: prima di tutto grazie allo storytelling, quindi chiedersi cosa si vuole dire alle persone. In tal senso, stiamo cercando di semplificare i messaggi e di farci contaminare da mondi molto più semplici”. Sono le parole di Silvia Granata, direttrice Marketing & Comunicazione Autoguidovie, a margine del panel ‘Sostenibilità inclusiva: rispetto, accoglienza, sostegno’, tenutosi nel corso della prima giornata della dodicesima edizione del Salone della Csr e dell’Innovazione sociale, in svolgimento all’università Bocconi di Milano fino all’11 ottobre.


00:00If you can't win, you have to look at it from another point of view, so we tried to take this contradiction between sustainability and people who love the car and say, how do we convince people?
00:20First of all, storytelling, what do we want to say to people? We are trying to simplify messages, we are trying to be contaminated by much simpler worlds. In the world of food, waste has become the word to talk about sustainability.
00:32In mobility, we have to find our waste, so the waste will be, don't you really want an environment, a healthier and more beautiful city?
00:41I believe that no one wants to give up a blue sky, a child draws it because it makes him feel good. This great little dream of a blue sky will be the way in which we will tell people that the bus itself is not missions or it is not just that, but it is simply their promise for the future.
00:57So, from the price to the solutions, to make buses that pass when they are needed and not when we have decided that they will be needed, to make sure that they are full and to make sure that everyone lives the journey safely and pleasantly, will give us that blue sky. Have a good trip!
