What's wrong with Cow's Milk? || Acharya Prashant (2019)

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Video Information:
Interview Session, 04.11.19, Bengaluru, India

~ Why should one turn vegan?
~ What is the relationship between veganism and spirituality?
~ How veganism is related to compassion?
~ Why veganism is necessary for today's generation?
~ What is the relation between veganism and climate change?
~ How could veganism change the world?

Music Credits: Milind Date


00:00So in recent past there is a huge popularity in A2 milk.
00:06So it's just a milk which lacks beta casein protein or in other words it can be the milk
00:13from a pure cow without any genetic modification.
00:17So in a more Indian term it is the milk of a desi cow.
00:21So there have been lot of forefront spiritual leaders who have been promoting this.
00:28So I just wanted to know your take on what A2 milk is all about and why it is same as
00:35the other milk.
00:36You are asking me that the milk of the desi cow, the desi guy, that is being promoted
00:44a lot in the religious circles and even in the, you know, downtown cultural circles.
00:56You are talking specifically about India?
00:59Specific to India?
01:00Specific to India, okay.
01:05It's quite funny actually, you see, we worship the cow and we torture it no end and people
01:21talk about milk of a desi cow, ghee of a desi cow.
01:28They do not even know what they are doing to the creature they call as mother.
01:38Is this the kind of behavior?
01:45You meet out to your mother, milk her, put a noose around her neck, leash her to a pole
01:58or something or to a nail and then keep milking her, artificially inseminate her and then
02:14leave her to her fate.
02:18Once she becomes old and infertile and dry.
02:33In the name of worshipping the cow, we have done great injustice to the cow.
02:41Again, you know, people need to be presented with facts and figures.
02:46People need to know that the dairy industry and the meat industry are inseparable.
02:52People think and there are millions of such people in India.
02:59People think of meat eating as some kind of a lowly activity.
03:04It is even a taboo to many, but they think of milk, drinking milk as something holy.
03:15So the fellow will say, I don't even touch eggs.
03:20I survive only on milk.
03:23As if milk is any less cruel a product than eggs or meat, the direct and symbiotic relationship
03:44between the milk industry, milk products industry and the meat industry is not at
03:53all clear to people.
03:56Not at all.
03:57There will be people who will be prepared to lay down their lives if they are asked
04:05to eat meat.
04:06They will say, we are prepared to get killed, but we will not take meat.
04:12I respect that sentiment.
04:14But these are the very same people who have no scruples, no qualms about gulping down
04:25liters after liters of milk and lassi and kheer and ghee and paneer and cheese.
04:34I'm not blaming them.
04:35I'm just saying they are not informed.
04:38They do not know where all the meat comes from.
04:43They do not even know that India is a big exporter, close to being the largest exporter
04:50of meat.
04:51Where is that meat coming from?
04:54People do not bother to know what happens to the cow once it stops yielding milk.
05:04I do not mean to say that the only injustice meted out to the cow is the one after it becomes
05:13Even when the cow is young, people need to go and check out what her life cycle is like
05:31and for the sake of somebody who can't survive without cattle milk.
05:38It's quite stupid, you know, there is no animal in the entire universe that needs to have
05:46milk of any creature other than its own mother.
05:53Man is the only one who wants to drink cow milk, buffalo milk, goat milk, yak milk, camel
06:06Camel milk is for the camel offspring, is it not?
06:15Buffalo's milk is for the calf.
06:19So what kind of ingredients is the buffalo milk likely to have?
06:30The ones that are suitable only to the buffalo calf.
06:35Remember, those ingredients are suitable only to the calf, the little calf.
06:45What will those ingredients do?
06:47They will quickly turn the little calf into a full grown bull.
06:56Is that what you want to become?
06:58A bull with a huge body and very little brains?
07:05That's what milk will do to you.
07:07Milk has nothing for you, the milk that a human being needs is adequately provided only
07:14by his or her mother and once the mother stops breastfeeding, that is it.
07:23Now the human child needs no more milk.
07:28But it's such an obsession and if you think deeply about it, it's a very perverse obsession
07:43trying to have the milk of a female of another species.
07:54There is nothing holy at all about selectively using only the milk of the desi cow, nothing
08:05at all.
08:07It is as bad as going for any other kind of milk and going for any kind of milk is as
08:16bad as meat consumption.
08:18It has to be squarely understood.
08:20I know what I am saying would shock many, even offend many, but it's all right, facts
08:26need to be demonstrated, somebody needs to speak things out.
08:32So my next question is, so there are a lot of religious people, when we meet them during
08:41outreaches, so irrespective of the religion actually, so few people say God has put animals
08:48here to eat, so few people say, like say a few people say, it's been written all over
08:58our holy books, our Lord used to consume milk himself.
09:01So this kind of questions are another quite common among the religious crowd, so which
09:08I do feel is irrelevant at this particular time of time, but still it is being well written
09:14and well established as per their understanding in the respective religious books.
09:20So what is your take and why should we not quote everything from such religious books
09:25in this particular era?
09:27All this is not because of man's respect for religion.
09:32People who make such claims are inherently full of great disrespect for religion.
09:38They use religion just to pursue their own limited, petty, ugly self-interest and they
09:49are vile enough to mask their self-interest with the holy name of religion.
10:07When you say that your prophets or avatars have been shown as consuming milk, then why
10:22do you selectively talk only of their milk consumption?
10:28The prophets, the gurus, the avatars have also been shown to be doing a lot of other
10:36Why don't you emulate them in totality then?
10:42Shri Krishna would lift the Govardhan Parbat on his little finger.
10:48Why don't you emulate that as well?
10:52But when it would come to that, then you would not talk.
11:00Shri Krishna was the one from whom the holy Bhagavad Gita comes.
11:06Do you have any relationship with the Bhagavad Gita?
11:09About the Bhagavad Gita, you would be silent.
11:12About milk consumption, you are very loud, very vociferous.
11:16You say no, I want to drink milk.
11:21Those were things of his times.
11:25He was born in the clan of milkmen.
11:33Just as he was not wearing shirts and pants at that time, similarly he was consuming milk.
11:45There is nothing timeless, there is nothing eternal about milk consumption.
11:50It was a thing of that particular era, that particular age.
11:57Why don't you wear the same dress that Shri Krishna used to wear?
12:01Why don't you ride the same vehicles that Shri Krishna used to ride?
12:06Why don't you say that all cars should be abolished because Shri Krishna was not riding
12:13You have to understand that the message of the holy Gita is eternal, applicable yesterday,
12:20applicable today and would always be useful in the future.
12:28But not everything is timeless.
12:31Are you getting it?
12:37Similarly people talk of Jesus or Prophet Muhammad that they have been depicted as having
12:52A few things I repeat belong to times and conditions of the particular centuries and
13:01the particular places where the holy men operated.
13:08They would obviously speak the language of their times, eat the food of their times,
13:16wear the dresses of their times, use the transportation of their times.
13:23These are not significant things.
13:24What is significant is their central message of understanding, realization, love and compassion.
13:35Instead of focusing on their central message of realization and compassion, we for our
13:42own ugly self-interest start using even the holiest of men to just give pleasure to ourselves.
13:58People will say, oh, but Jesus was a meat-eater.
14:01Anything else that you remember about Jesus?
14:06But you remember this much that he used to have meat.
14:10So that entitles me as well to have meat.
14:14And nothing else do you remember from his life, right?
14:16So don't you see that it is not out of respect for Jesus, but out of your unending greed
14:27and lack of self-control and total lack of love and compassion that you do what you do
14:38and you are unnecessarily taking the name of the great and holy men.
14:46So Guruji, it is factual whatever you said, but why does most of the spiritual and religious
14:51leaders shy away from spreading this message?
14:59If somebody doesn't want to speak the truth, then you know who that person is.
15:06Because if you are in the business of pandering to the masses, pleasing people, then you cannot
15:16afford to displease them, let alone offend them.
15:26A shopkeeper is surely not in the business of telling the truth.
15:33The shopkeeper's business is to sell his goods.
15:37And that's what most Gurus of today are.
15:42They have to sell their goods.
15:47Many of them have online stores as well, actually, literally.
15:54So when that's what you want to do, how can you afford to antagonize
16:02a big chunk of population?
16:07And you would never, never do that if you are especially looking to target the Western
16:12audience as a Guru.
16:17Because the Western world is all meat-eating world, meat-eating, but full of dollars.
16:24Meat dollars, meaty dollars, very meaty dollars.
16:31And Gurus love to fly abroad and collect those dollars.
16:35How will you tell the meaty dollar that meat is bad?
16:40So they will either keep mum on it or would even indirectly support it.
16:46Someone would say, you know, meat-eating is not alright, but you can have, you know, some
16:52chicken you can have, some fish you can have.
16:56What kind of lowly advice is this?
17:06So many of them actually use milk in their religious practices.
17:15And not little bit of milk, but very, very vulgar demonstration of consumption of thousands
17:27of liters of milk.
17:31So they'll take milk and put it in a pond and say this pond is all full of milk or they'll
17:37encourage even their followers to bring lakhs of liters of milk on some holy day and put
17:45it over a deity and they'll say, you know, this is a great pious thing happening in front
17:52of your eyes.
17:53See, so much milk is being poured over the deity.
17:57These are not Gurus at all.
17:59So the question itself is misplaced.
18:00When you say why are Gurus not talking of the meat industry, why are Gurus not talking
18:06of, they cannot.
18:09Just as a politician cannot talk against the people.
18:14A politician can talk against another politician, correct?
18:19But can a politician talk against the electorate?
18:24He cannot do that.
18:26All politicians abuse each other.
18:29But does any of them ever raise a finger at the public?
18:33They cannot do that.
18:35Their entire business is based on pleasing people.
18:42So same with the Gurus.
18:44So my next question is, a lot of social justice movements in the past, say take example of
18:50our freedom struggle.
18:52So a lot of them involved a non-violent civil disobedience, say Satyagraha.
18:57So should vegan movement should be following the footsteps of having more of a non-violent
19:04form of civil disobedience?
19:06What exactly do you mean by that?
19:08So like, I want to know your personal take on what civil disobedience.
19:15What do you mean by civil disobedience?
19:17What do you visualize?
19:18Civil disobedience is breaking a certain part of the law, say a very simple example can
19:25be trespassing into a private property and exposing an animal being cruelly killed or
19:31exposing the industry.
19:33I think it's your moral and spiritual responsibility to do that.
19:39And in the age of sting operations, I don't know how you can even call it illegal.
19:47And if it is illegal, have the resources and entire battery of lawyers to defend you, fine.
19:55So my next question is on climate change.
19:58So we all know that we have been in a terrible state of climate change, where we have been
20:03witnessing mass extensions, high temperatures, floods, which have been very frequent.
20:11To the core of it, animal agriculture industry is one of the main sources, say, but the population
20:19which is dependent on this particular industry is a rural poor background.
20:24So if we have to convince them to switch to a more greener side, so how would we as
20:30a movement will be able to execute it?
20:32You are talking of the supply side.
20:34You are saying you want to convince the supply side to stop supplying when there still is
20:40a massive demand.
20:41You will not succeed.
20:44Action has to be taken firstly on the demand side and only then on the supply side.
20:52You see a few things need to be understood.
21:02Why did this entire huge spike and spike after spike in meat consumption come first after
21:13Because it became fashionable and there was a lot of propaganda around it, correct?
21:22People just followed.
21:30You too will need to propagate.
21:34You too will need to publicize.
21:37When I say you, I do not mean you as separate from me.
21:41I am with you.
21:48There have to be cultural steps, there have to be legal steps, there has to be action
22:01in the financial domain and there has to be information.
22:19The meat eater must not be able to hold a place of pride in popular culture.
22:35You need to have celebrities coming out and endorsing veganism, at least vegetarianism.
22:54You need to show the good guy in popular media, in the movies as a vegan guy.
23:02It is very important.
23:04I am talking of practical steps.
23:09You need to have songs.
23:11You need to penetrate the mind of the audience through popular culture.
23:23And on the harder side, you have to realize that every meat eater is actually being subsidized,
23:35greatly subsidized by every non-meat eater.
23:40This is injustice.
23:41This is direct stealing of money, pinching of money from the pocket of the vegetarian
23:49or the vegan to subsidize the meat eater.
23:54When you eat meat, when you eat chicken, you are actually not paying for the environmental
24:06damage that your plate of meat has caused.
24:13You are not paying for the climate change.
24:17You are not paying for the biodiversity depletion.
24:23You are not paying for the loss of tropical jungles, green cover, nothing.
24:29None of that has been factored in into the price of your tandoori chicken, but the cost
24:40is enormous.
24:41Somebody is bearing that cost.
24:42Who is bearing that cost?
24:44Whole population.
24:47Whole population, meaning just to help you have your chicken, everybody else is paying
24:54the price.
24:55So, if you are paying rupees 200 or 300 for your plate of chicken, its actual price should
25:06be maybe 800 or 1000 and it is gross injustice that the thing is being offered to you as
25:16a subsidy.
25:17So, there has to be taxation.
25:21There has to be clear commensurate just taxation.
25:34Two things I talked of, culture and fiscal measures.
25:43Then there has to be education.
25:44People have to know.
25:45People have to know what milk is.
25:49People have to know what meat is.
25:51People have to know the entire cycle.
25:56People talk so much about the right to information and everybody is so curious these days.
26:01People want to gossip.
26:02People want to say, no, we want to know everything.
26:04First of all, don't you want to know what is going into your body?
26:11First of all, don't you want to know what is going into your body?
26:14So, that has to be made known.
26:18Secondly, it has to be made known that agriculture as such is not the absolutely holy profession
26:37it is made out to be.
26:42Very few people know that probably around two-thirds of all agriculture, rather three-fourths
26:52of all agriculture is just to support meat-eating.
26:55Now, you will wonder what am I saying?
27:01You will wonder, right?
27:02People think of farmers as some kind of pursuers of a most noble profession.
27:11They say, you know, you should be a farmer, especially in India.
27:18Everybody is talking about poor farmers and this and that.
27:21Everybody is talking of upholding farming and I support that.
27:25Any person who is in need needs to be supported, but the field of farming, the entire industry
27:34of farming, the entire sector of agriculture, it has to be seen in perspective.
27:39We must know the facts.
27:41Truth has to be exposed.
27:48Out of every four kilograms of grain that comes out from the farmer's field, three kilograms
27:56goes towards feeding animals so that they can be slaughtered and the meat-eaters can
28:03have their meat.
28:06That's the reality of agriculture.
28:12On one hand, we talk so much about preserving forests and if forests go, then the habitat
28:20of so many species just disappears.
28:23You need not physically eliminate those species, you just need to cut the forests down and
28:30those species are gone.
28:31Now, why are the forests disappearing at such a huge rate?
28:36Do you know even as we are talking, how many acres of forest has been cleared off in the
28:42last one hour itself?
28:44Can you even imagine?
28:45Now, go find out, you'll be startled.
28:50Even as we are discussing this, at an unimaginable pace, trees are being felled, unimaginable
28:59Why are those trees being felled?
29:02So that there can be more agriculture.
29:05That agriculture goes towards feeding the ever-increasing population because we cannot
29:09live without kids.
29:11Further, we cannot live without our chicken wings and chicken burgers and mutton this
29:19and beef that.
29:21We do not even know that to get one kilogram of chicken or mutton or beef, you require
29:29probably 20, 30 or 40 kilograms of grains.
29:32So most of the grains that is being raised in the farmer's fields is for the purposes
29:38of meat.
29:42That is something people must know.
29:46You cannot just blindly keep on talking of agriculture as something so holy and pious
29:54and natural.
29:58Are you getting it?
30:02Then the kids, the kids, the kids, reach out to them.
30:11It has to be a holy war.
30:13You have to, pardon me my language, invade schools.
30:20It's a battle for the mind.
30:27The kid must grow up knowing fully well that it's monstrous to kill an animal to eat it.
30:37Are you getting it?
30:40And that would require a change in the entire value system of the kid.
30:46Veganism cannot succeed if you just keep talking of animals.
30:53You keep saying, oh, it is bad to look at animals as a commodity.
30:58It is bad to exploit animals.
31:01If man is exploiting man, why will man refrain from exploiting animals?
31:06So veganism has to be holistic, comprehensive.
31:12You may not like it to hear it this way, but veganism has to be basically a spiritual movement.
31:21Veganism has to be a movement of compassion.
31:24When compassion comes, you will not be compassionate towards merely the animals.
31:29When compassion rises in you, then you will be compassionate towards everything, everybody
31:35and yourself.
31:37First of all, you will cease to be cruel towards yourself, which most people are.
31:44So veganism needs to broaden its scope.
31:50You say, oh, it's bad to treat animals that way, this way.
31:54One should not use leather.
31:56But what if somebody has been conditioned to draw pleasure from tormenting the other?
32:03And there are many such people.
32:05There are cuisines around the world where animals are eaten alive.
32:12You like to have an octopus, a living octopus on your plate and then you take the octopus
32:21and you take it in.
32:22There are people.
32:24You have to address the entire value system.
32:28You have to ask man, who are you?
32:30What is it that you want and how will you get it by slaughtering somebody else?
32:35And what if it is proven that that which you really want is being hindered, impeded, obstructed
32:41by your food habits and your food habits are merely your food habits.
32:47Your food habit is your life habit.
32:49The way you eat is the way you live.
32:54If you are horrible with your food, then surely your life too is horrible.
33:00This has to be drawn home.
33:05So a lot of work needs to be done.
33:08For veganism to succeed, you would actually require a new man.
33:14It's a big battle and it's worth fighting.
33:18It's worth fighting.
33:19Guruji, next question is, we are organizing an animal rights match, so coming weekend
33:27on 10th of November.
33:29So I just wanted to ask you, why should the masses, so whether vegan or not, why should
33:34they join in this movement?
33:35So you have any word for them?
33:36We have already spoken enough of that.
33:38I mean, if you are not joining the vegan movement, I don't know how you are eligible
33:47to call yourself educated.
33:50I don't know how you are eligible to call yourself even human.
33:55Yeah, so Guruji, that's all with my questions.
34:10Street activism is wonderful.
34:13My advice is do not forget that you have to be educators first.
34:19It is a battle for man's mind, not to capture it, but to cleanse it.
34:33It is not just the future of planet.
34:36The future of entire mankind depends on the success of this vegan movement.
34:42If veganism fails, man is gone.
34:50But unfortunately, man will be the last to go.
34:52Before man goes, he would have put everything else in the graveyard or reduced everything
35:00else to ashes.
35:05Having presided over the entire demolition, having cremated everybody else, he will be
35:20the last to depart and probably pretty soon so.
35:28So let's work.
