Cannibal Troll (2021) Full Horror Movie - Georgina Jane, Nicole Nabi, Megan Purvis

  • anteayer
00:01:51Quickly Mike
00:03:32Can't keep
00:03:37To even know what we're going
00:03:47How can you be sure
00:03:50It's been days since we've seen daylight. How can you know I just do clearly. Okay, we
00:03:57We've got to get out of here before it realizes we've gone
00:04:03They're all gone
00:04:13We get out of here and we survive for them to understand
00:04:19Whatever that big was it wasn't human
00:04:30Oh, come on
00:04:57It's closed
00:06:03I told you not to go into those woods. I told you
00:06:33Oh, forgive me Lord, I must protect myself
00:06:55Casey shirts in here. I
00:06:58Swear that's where I put the sun cream. No is if not, you can just borrow some of mine
00:07:02I'm just thinking though surely between us and you're gonna last a day or two and I don't want to look like a lobster
00:07:08for my wedding
00:07:12Well, I definitely can't see it. Don't worry about it. I'll figure out
00:07:16Do you think I need to pack any more shorts? Oh, how many we got?
00:07:21three pairs
00:07:23We're only going for a few days you could probably get away with the ones you're wearing and just like a spare oh
00:07:29I always over pack
00:07:32Well, don't worry cuz I always under pack and then I got to pinch your stuff so feel free to pack whatever
00:07:39Hey, I want to ask you something
00:07:53Why does this feel weird?
00:07:55It's not weird. I
00:07:58Wanted to ask you and I know I said I was gonna keep it low-key, but I was just wondering if
00:08:08Potentially you would be my bridesmaid. Oh
00:08:14My god
00:08:16Wow, I was starting to think you'd never ask I just need to run a few things past him
00:08:23Run past who you asked to be your bridesmaid. Wow, that's not controlling
00:08:31What's your issue with him Ava?
00:08:34It's fine. No
00:08:38You know if if he loves you and
00:08:42He's a hundred percent the person you want to be with then amazing go for it
00:08:49Only you know what you want for you in your future
00:08:53You put it like that and it just sounds so like
00:09:01Look this should be exciting. Okay, and your best friend shouldn't be making you feel any other way
00:09:06So fuck me in my opinion and you do you I?
00:09:11Just want you to be happy
00:09:17I love you. I love you too. Sorry for being such a bitch
00:09:41Girls I think she's gonna love this. It's just so thoughtful. Oh
00:09:45Thank You. Mrs. Drake
00:09:46It's so nice. You girls have kept such a tight group since school
00:09:51But some things never change late as usual Yara, you know my daughter. She'll be late to her own wedding most likely
00:10:01Speaking of the devil
00:10:04Right, okay ladies we need to hit the road got a three-hour drive ahead of us don't look at me
00:10:09I try to get her moving. I'm sorry. I don't go camping. I didn't know what to pack
00:10:13What do you mean? All you need is the t-shirt and shorts. Maybe that's all you need. But some of us need to change clothes
00:10:26She had to come plus she said she cooked for us. So what the hell not I can double up you see
00:10:44Thank you, yeah
00:10:50Said it's time for the first obligatory. So yeah
00:11:00Ready three two one
00:11:57Isn't this lovely
00:12:00Courses mom
00:12:04Do you mind if I stretch for a bit
00:12:10Why don't we all grab some water, uh-huh think we're gonna need it sure
00:12:17You excited for the big day
00:12:19Mix of feelings. Yeah, of course. I am just
00:12:24I'm in my mid-twenties and I'm making a huge commitment
00:12:29Everyone has those worries. I mean a marriage isn't something you can just wake up one day and say I don't want to do this anymore
00:12:43Hey, how's baby doing
00:12:45Mm-hmm. Yeah good. I'm an adventure for both of us
00:12:57You told her yeah Lizzy not now she's getting married soon. You don't tell her now when will you
00:13:07You do love him don't you Tim
00:13:10Of course I do
00:13:12Well, that's all that matters then I'll be fine
00:13:19Yes, I'll go Deanna I'll take that
00:13:29That's not on the map I
00:13:34Would say that's not safe
00:13:36No, I think it is tough because if you don't matter this is not
00:13:40No, it is tough look wait, let me have a look
00:14:02Someone's in there
00:14:04You know, I'd love to get married somewhere like this. I
00:14:07Know you always talked about that fairytale wedding. I know it'd be perfect, right?
00:14:27I'll see anything
00:14:35Excuse me. Oh
00:14:37Um, sorry, we um, we didn't know this was a working church. It's not not anymore
00:14:44I just stick around here. Look after the place
00:14:49We'll be going then what are you doing around this area?
00:14:55The path to the north. It's out of bounds to the public. Oh
00:15:00Is it
00:15:01No, I used to come here as a kid. I think it's fine. Not to the north
00:15:06It's out of bounds has been for a long time. You must be thinking of further south
00:15:12Well, we won't trespass anywhere that's private not about it being private land girl
00:15:17It's about what you'll find in those woods. Those woods are a maze if you get lost
00:15:23Hell knows what lurks
00:15:26Sure thing
00:15:28Okay, have a nice day
00:15:32Warning you now. Don't go any further north
00:15:38If you do come across it the organ will hold it off
00:15:56Can I see
00:16:03Really treasure
00:16:05What's with office? Oh, this priest wasn't you happy about us hiking in this area?
00:16:09More like we need to get that hell out of here before a leather face comes and hacks us off
00:16:14Okay, let's get going. Yep, which way?
00:16:18That way great
00:16:30They never listen
00:17:40You guys forgotten how to put a tent up or what?
00:17:43It's been a while. Okay, I've gone to shoes. I'm pregnant
00:17:48You know what? I think I agree with what that guy the priest said. I don't think this is where we used to camp
00:17:54Okay, we might have got a little bit lost, but I still think it's really beautiful. Yeah. Yeah. No, I'm not saying that it's just
00:18:00Definitely have gone in a different direction
00:18:02Do you think there's anything else we have to be wary of?
00:18:06like what I
00:18:07Don't like bad snake
00:18:11Somehow I think we'll be all right
00:18:15You know, I think these tents are gonna be a bit smaller than what I thought I still think that's it three of us day
00:18:21Could someone help me get some logs for the fire
00:18:24I'm gonna need to get it going pretty quick if we're going to whip up some food before dark
00:18:38Did you want me to take over the tent situation, please I
00:18:49Can already feel the burns come here I'll do you back
00:18:57The only place I can't reach. Yeah. Oh
00:19:02My god, remember our first holiday with the girl. Oh my god
00:19:08R18 we went to Spain and got totally wasted
00:19:15Mental in a lot of ways
00:19:18Um, well done, uh, well I hadn't done the other side but it's fine the Sun's setting soon anyway, so
00:19:28You know, you don't have to be like this
00:19:31Every time anyone brings up that trick you just get all awkward and not speak to me for the rest of the night
00:19:37No, I don't
00:19:40It's not making it weird. I don't think I am
00:19:46It was just a kiss
00:19:50Could someone give us a hand with the logs, please Wow, mom, let me help
00:20:00Well, do you double them up by now
00:21:33So who's best man's the wedding then and he works with Tim he's not with Tim for a couple of years
00:21:57Marry him. So, of course, I mean who wants to be described as nice
00:22:04Think trickle that I was the one that introduced you to Tim in the first place. Oh
00:22:09Come on I do sit him cuz that douchebag guy that I was dating at the time. Oh, yeah
00:22:14Well something Tim always likes to remind me is that we actually dated online a few years prior. Oh
00:22:21My god, how did I not know that? I don't know. But yeah, we tried online first
00:22:25But you are right in the fact that you did sort of set the actual date up
00:22:28What can I say date an agency over here?
00:22:35Yeah, well, can you hurry up and buy me a man cuz I think I'm gonna be single forever
00:22:42I'll marry you if no one else will
00:22:46No, can you imagine my dad's face? Well, you don't think he'd approve of me? No, he's a homophobic little shit
00:22:51You know, it's a shame that generation haven't changed their mindset if his generation I'm guessing is the same as mine
00:22:57You need to understand we were brought up in a totally different time
00:23:01It was assumed you would be a carbon copy of your appearance
00:23:04Anyone who went in a different direction was regarded as being a bit weird
00:23:09Well, yeah, but I mean we know so much different now
00:23:12How do you feel if Casey or her sister turned out to be a lesbian?
00:23:15Well, you always want to have grandchildren, don't you? So that's where it gets a bit hard
00:23:31We can still have grandchildren
00:23:34Just because you're gay doesn't mean you can't have grandchildren. Yes. Yes, of course. Of course you could yes
00:23:52Think we'll need another bottle of wine and then we'll go to bed great plan. We all need to be up super early tomorrow
00:24:07If we carry on like this someone's gonna ask us what's up
00:24:15It was a one-time thing what we did it isn't something to hold on to
00:24:24It wasn't just one time though, was it
00:24:28What do you expect from me Ava look I'm not I'm not trying to make you feel like shit I just
00:24:37Just thought we got past all this
00:24:46I just feel like it wouldn't have happened the amount of times that it did if it was nothing
00:24:54I'm just finding it hard as all to see you marry someone
00:24:59When you don't even know who you are yet like you haven't even given yourself a chance to find out
00:25:06Who you actually are?
00:25:09And who am I
00:25:11Ava you're someone in their mid-twenties who hasn't lived life enough to know yet
00:25:36If you want to go home tomorrow, I won't hold it against you
00:25:42I'll see you in the morning
00:26:06Good girls. Hmm. Yeah, it's great. Thanks, man
00:26:26You're up late Ava I
00:26:28couldn't sleep
00:26:29Do you know I had that problem myself and you don't worry in a day or two. You'll have settled right in
00:26:35Thanks, Sam. All right
00:26:37So I'm thinking we head southbound for the rest of the afternoon
00:26:39And if this maps, right, it should take us to this lovely little cliff spot and we can watch the sunset
00:26:54Yeah, how much hiking is that going to involve oh
00:26:57Not so much. Do you think it's wise for Lizzie to do so much exercise this late in her pregnancy?
00:27:02I had thought all this would be a little bit more on the relaxing side. Oh
00:27:06Um, I mean, I guess if she's in any kind of discomfort then we can just head back just just bear it in mind
00:28:04Wait you see that guys
00:28:07You carry on going we'll catch up you sure. Yeah. Sure. I'll meet you at the top. Okay. Yeah, we'll just wait up here
00:28:29I'm just getting the weirdest cravings at the moment
00:28:35the drenched in lemon, I
00:28:37Don't even know why
00:28:39God if someone gave them to me right now, I just
00:28:52You know if this hike is getting too much we can just head back to the camp and have a chill day. It's cool. I
00:28:58Think Yara would flip I'm crazy. Yara thinks I'm just saying if it's too much we can have back
00:29:16So so did you tell her
00:29:21Lizzie why does every conversation with you recently head back to a discussion point because I think it's important and you're a graded
00:29:27If you don't
00:29:31Well, I did say something happy
00:29:41Christ I
00:29:44Just said I
00:29:46Didn't feel like she knew herself properly, which is true
00:29:50She doesn't she hasn't given herself a chance
00:29:53She just brushes it under a rug doesn't face it
00:29:58Yeah, but did you tell her how you feel because you know, that's what matters
00:31:11You definitely need a photo this well, let me let me take one just you four girls you want the memory facial
00:31:22Line up line up
00:31:24He's another one Wow
00:31:46Guys can we have fun with me in the bumper? Yeah
00:32:08I'm a mother
00:32:35Think we're gonna stay here for a bit before we head off some reason my maps not matching up with a sign
00:32:57Hate to be the one to say this but um, I think we're gonna have to back
00:33:01Of course Lizzie to tell you the truth. I'm surprised you've come this far. No. No, I love days like this. It's just
00:33:07You got a bun in the oven you ready to pop
00:33:13Go with Lizzie you guys stay no, no, you go with the girls. I'm not leaving you
00:33:19No, go and take photos. I'll just chill. It's fine
00:33:26Bye yes, you later. Have a nice time
00:33:54These creatures are not known for their polite manners
00:34:07I need to put a stop to this once and for all
00:35:24That's you cut out making mommy need a wheel that I'm
00:36:11I told you that she was like that
00:36:17So what in the middle of the woods
00:36:21Mom Yara
00:36:25Come on they'll take ages
00:37:20Don't think there's anyone in
00:37:26Hey guys, should we check it out girls? I really don't think that's a good idea
00:37:41It's open Oh
00:37:47Jesus what is that smell? Oh god, that's
00:38:52I'm gonna call the police in a minute
00:39:18Told you not to come into these woods
00:42:40I don't think we should be here
00:43:11I think is it right here? We need to go
00:43:29I got out
00:43:35These words it knows them
00:43:39So, well
00:43:41You gotta help me help me get out of here. I've been running for ages
00:43:48What are you running from?
00:43:50The beast it captured us
00:43:53Who's us?
00:43:55Me and my boyfriend it captured us while we're in the woods. No, really. We've got to go. Please. No, we really need to go
00:44:08Please don't save us
00:44:10Please don't
00:44:12Please don't
00:44:22Get down get down
00:44:24Oh god
00:44:26Oh god
00:44:28Oh god
00:44:30Get her out
00:44:32Get her out
00:44:34Oh god
00:44:36Get her out
00:44:38Get her out
00:44:40Get her out
00:44:42Get her out
00:44:44Oh god
00:44:46Oh god
00:44:48Get up
00:44:50No, no, please
00:44:52Get her out
00:45:02No, no, no, no
00:45:04Please, no, no!
00:45:08Please, no, please, please, no, please, no!
00:45:18No, no, no, no, no, no!
00:45:26Keep going!
00:45:27Come on!
00:45:35Come on!
00:45:37Come on!
00:45:46Come on, come on!
00:45:53Come on!
00:46:04Just a second, just a second.
00:46:10It's okay. Okay, deep breaths, okay?
00:46:13Look at me.
00:46:17No, don't!
00:46:19Wait, are you fine? It's okay.
00:46:22It's okay.
00:46:23Look at me.
00:46:24Look at me, you're fine, alright?
00:46:26I'll get you out of here, I promise.
00:46:29These woods, you need to know them well to get out.
00:46:37She had the map.
00:46:41It's okay, I think we just keep heading this way, I think I remember it.
00:46:47And what if you don't?
00:46:49What if she's right and...
00:46:51and we get lost and we end up back in that cabin?
00:46:57It's this way, just trust me.
00:47:02Oh my god.
00:47:04What is it?
00:47:07Can you see?
00:47:09Yara had the car keys!
00:47:11We keep running.
00:47:14You can't run any further than that campsite and it's still a while off yet.
00:47:20We need those keys.
00:47:21I'll go.
00:47:22I'll get the keys and I'll meet you back at the campsite.
00:47:28Ava, you seem to be the only one who even knows the way back to the campsite.
00:47:34It doesn't make any sense if you go.
00:47:36Well, I don't know what to suggest. We need those keys.
00:47:41I'll go.
00:47:42Casey, no.
00:47:43No, honey, no, no.
00:47:44So hide down there.
00:47:45Mum, mum.
00:47:46Please, please, no, no.
00:47:48Think about it, look.
00:47:49Oh god.
00:47:50If I can get back there, I can find the keys, the map, I'll never get myself back.
00:47:55Look, look, Ava will take you back to the campsite, alright?
00:47:57I'm not going to be far behind you.
00:48:00Lizzie, Lizzie, she's on her own.
00:48:02She's not safe.
00:48:03Well, neither are you.
00:48:05If we want to get out of here, we've got to do this.
00:48:10That thing.
00:48:12It's face.
00:48:15That thing.
00:48:18That thing was a troll.
00:48:21A troll? What, like the urban legend?
00:48:25They are reputed to live near caves.
00:48:28They hunt in the woodland for prey to bring back to their families.
00:48:50Take my mum.
00:48:52Get out of here.
00:48:54Hurry back to us.
00:49:17I'm so sorry.
00:49:45Okay, just, just hold on.
00:49:50Just a tiny bit further.
00:49:58Oh god.
00:50:01Oh no.
00:50:10Stay with Kaylee.
00:50:19Stay with Kaylee.
00:50:41Do you see her, Lizzie?
00:50:50She's not there.
00:50:52Oh, thank god.
00:50:56The troll's been here.
00:50:58We need to go.
00:51:59Get off me.
00:52:01Get off me.
00:52:19Get off me.
00:52:36Get off me.
00:52:49Get off me.
00:53:06It won't stop until it gets us.
00:53:15How long was you down there?
00:53:18I don't know.
00:53:20I lost track of days.
00:53:23I counted five then.
00:53:26I don't know after that.
00:53:30What did it do to you in that hut?
00:53:33It made me live as some kind of slave.
00:53:38Tied me down.
00:53:41Beat me like a dog into obeying its instructions.
00:53:46It would eat rodents and make me eat too.
00:53:52Some kind of eating ritual where it made us compete to who would finish first.
00:54:03We're gonna wait here until Casey comes back with those keys.
00:54:07Then we're gonna get so far away from here and we're never gonna look back.
00:54:15We're gonna get that book we got.
00:54:27Please, please, no, no, please.
00:55:28No, please!
00:55:34Please. I'll go back with you.
00:55:37All right? I'll go back.
00:56:37You traitor.
00:58:34You see?
00:58:36There's something in the woods.
00:58:39And it's making us all one by one.
00:58:44We have to get you back to the campsite.
00:58:47No. No.
00:58:50That's where it got me.
00:58:53The others.
00:58:56Eddie met them.
01:01:51No, not now.
01:01:57Fuck, not now.
01:02:10Stay away from her.
01:02:12Don't get away from me.
01:03:12No, please!
01:03:49Don't get away from me!
01:03:54Don't do this!
01:03:58Get away from me!
01:04:12Get away from me!
01:05:28The keys, I'm trying to...
01:05:38The keys, I dropped them, I was trying to cut the rope.
01:05:46Do you think she's okay?
01:05:49I think she's just resting.
01:05:54We need to get that baby and Lizzie out of here and to the hospital.
01:06:01Where's my mum?
01:06:03There's a girl.
01:06:15Get Lizzie out of here.
01:06:18I'm here.
01:06:23I know.
01:06:25I know.
01:06:29But we've got to be strong, okay?
01:06:34We need to get out of here.
01:06:39We're not getting out of here.
01:06:41Yes, we are.
01:06:44Look at me.
01:06:49I never...
01:06:53I never wanted you to marry Dan because I felt like he got in there first.
01:07:05And I felt like I'd never get my chance with you.
01:07:11And every time we kissed, every time we accidentally hooked up at a party,
01:07:20I knew it was more, and I think we both did.
01:07:25We were just too ashamed to admit it.
01:07:30I'm sorry.
01:07:32I'm sorry that I'm saying all of this now.
01:07:35Now you know, and now I can live the life that I was supposed to live.
01:07:41It gives me even more of a reason to want to get out of here.
01:07:48You don't have to answer me now.
01:07:52Look, you do have to fight this, okay?
01:07:56Look, you do have to fight this, okay?
01:07:59Not just for you, for me.
01:08:26I'm sorry.
01:08:28I'm sorry.
01:08:54I don't want to.
01:08:58I don't... I don't want to.
01:09:10I'm not fucking eating it!
01:09:12I'm not...
01:09:17I don't want to!
01:09:20I'm not eating it!
01:09:22I don't want to!
01:09:26I don't want to!
01:09:45Get away from me!
01:09:48Stop! Stop!
01:10:09We're gonna get the car and come back for them, okay? Come on.
01:10:22We're gonna get the car and come back for them, okay? Come on.
01:10:41I don't know what you're saying.
01:10:44Come on. Come on.
01:10:52I don't know what you're saying.
01:11:22I don't know what you're saying.
01:11:53I don't know what you're saying.
01:12:10Wait, it's Lizzie. We can't leave her.
01:12:13We're not. We're gonna get the car, we come back for them, alright?
01:12:17We've got better odds of speed on that thing.
01:12:21Wait. That church.
01:12:26What that priest said.
01:12:29Something about an organ and how it can stop it.
01:12:36Maybe this is what he was talking about.
01:12:39Go to the church and chop it inside.
01:12:50Come on.
01:13:54My back!
01:13:57Come on, come on.
01:14:01We almost did it. We almost did it, okay?
01:14:04We've got to get to the church. We've got to keep going.
01:14:07Alright? Okay.
01:14:09Come on. Come on. Are you ready?
01:14:14Come on.
01:14:23Come on.
01:14:56Are you okay?
01:15:00I'm fine.
01:15:04Do you promise me?
01:15:09I promise.
01:15:17I thought I lost you.
01:15:26You still got me.
01:15:34Go to the organ.
01:15:37I'll trap it inside.
01:15:42What if it doesn't work?
01:15:49You get out of here.
01:15:52Get out of here.
01:15:55And you run like hell.
01:15:58I'm not leaving you.
01:16:22I'll meet you at the car.
01:17:53Come on, Lizzie.
01:17:56Come on.
01:19:38Again! It's working!
01:19:41It's working!
01:19:52Ava, again!
01:20:38Come on!
01:21:10We're going to go get Izzy.
01:21:14It's going to be okay.
01:21:44Come on.
01:22:00Let's get the hell out of here.
01:22:14Let's go.
01:22:44Let's go.
