The Story of NASA And The Seventh Sky Tree.. islamic and informative channel

  • 2 days ago
Islamic and informative video
00:00In Arabic, Sidra is called a Beri tree, but most researchers say that the tree of Sidrat-ul-Muntaha cannot be compared to the Beri trees in the world.
00:14Only Allah knows what Sidrat-ul-Muntaha is.
00:20Friends, Muntaha means the last limit.
00:23In Arabic, Sidrat-ul-Muntaha is a place where no creature is allowed to go beyond it.
00:29In Arabic, Sidrat-ul-Muntaha is a place where no creature is allowed to go beyond it.
00:37Except for our Prophet Muhammad, no soul has gone beyond Sidrat-ul-Muntaha.
00:45It is said that the roots of the tree of Sidrat-ul-Muntaha are up to the sixth sky and its spread is up to the seventh sky.
00:53On the night of Ascension, when Prophet Jibrail took Prophet Muhammad to the sky,
01:01when he began to enter the seventh sky, he reached the place of Sidrat-ul-Muntaha.
01:10There was such a big tree there whose fruits were like the pots of Maqam-e-Hajr and the leaves looked like the ears of an elephant.
01:19In fact, Hajr was the capital of the state of Qaum-e-Aad, where the production of stones and cooked soil was very famous.
01:28In the 17th century, a tree called Sidra was found in the areas of Syria, Lebanon and Rome.
01:34Due to the changing weather and climate of the world, the generation of this tree ended in 1937.
01:41The experts of vegetation have written that the height of this tree is 150 feet and the width is 40 feet.
01:47The fruit on this tree was also like the pots of Hajr.
01:51One is amazed to see the glory and greatness of this historical tree.
01:56This tree was a very beautiful and great tree of its time.
02:00Perhaps you have also heard from this question that the water on the earth is coming from the roots of Sidrat-ul-Muntaha.
02:07It is in the Ahadith Sharif that the rivers Neel and Furat flowing on the earth come out of the roots of Sidrat-ul-Muntaha.
02:15The number of the rivers Neel and Furat is one of the largest rivers in the world.
02:20According to an estimate, the age of these rivers is more than 30 million years.
02:24The thing to think about is how the water from these rivers is coming from Sidrat-ul-Muntaha.
02:29On the night of Ascension, when he reached the place of Sidrat-ul-Muntaha,
02:35he saw that four rivers were coming out of the roots of this tree.
02:39Upon asking Hazrat Jibrail, Hazrat Jibrail said that two rivers are going to Jannat-ul-Mawa,
02:46while two rivers come out on the earth in the rivers Neel and Furat.
02:51Now the question arises that where is this place?
02:55Is Sidrat-ul-Muntaha present on some other planet or is Sidrat-ul-Muntaha in some other universe?
03:00It is certain that there is a distance of billions of years between Sidrat-ul-Muntaha and the earth.
03:06The thing to think about is how the water coming out of the roots of Sidrat-ul-Muntaha
03:11is reaching the earth despite being so far between the earth and the sky.
03:16Scientists have always been thinking about how the water was discovered on the earth
03:22or how it was invented or how it was made from chemical elements.
03:27According to scientists, the water on the earth was created by chemical elements.
03:32According to modern researchers, the water on the earth has come from some other planet.
03:37After the 20th century, some scientists believed that after the existence of the earth,
03:42it rained continuously for many years.
03:46And it is quite possible that this Shahab-e-Saqib has brought water with him on the earth.
03:51If the water in the Nile and the Euphrates comes from the roots of Sidrat-ul-Muntaha,
03:56then science says that as far as can be seen in space,
04:00and this can be deduced from it,
04:03there is no indication from anywhere that water is coming from the sky to the earth.
04:08Now the question arises that how the water coming out of the roots of Sidrat-ul-Muntaha
04:13is coming to the Nile and the Euphrates?
04:16Recently, some Japanese scientists have observed
04:19that the water on the earth has come from a planet called Rogue.
04:23This planet is a very big stone 300 million kilometers away from our earth.
04:28This stone is so big that its size is the size of a big city on earth.
04:33This planet traveled billions of years to reach our solar system.
04:38Is this planet from Sidrat-ul-Muntaha?
04:42So far, science has admitted that the water that has come to the earth has come from somewhere else.
04:48Friends, let's try to find out how the water coming out of the roots of Sidrat-ul-Muntaha
04:54is reaching our earth.
04:56There is a concept in the scientific world.
04:59It is called Wormhole.
05:01Wormhole is such a door in the universe,
05:05through which the distance of billions of years can be determined in a blink of an eye.
05:11If one wormhole is on the earth and the other is on another planet,
05:16then you will reach another planet in less than a second through this wormhole.
05:21Therefore, it is impossible for water to reach the earth from another universe.
05:26It is possible that the water coming out of the roots of Sidrat-ul-Muntaha
05:29is coming to the earth through a wormhole.
05:32If we look at the signs of the Day of Judgment,
05:35one of the signs is that the water of the Euphrates will dry up at the time of the emergence of the Dajjal.
05:40It is possible that the Dajjal will also come to the earth through this wormhole,
05:44through which the Euphrates and the Nile are coming to the earth.
05:48And it is also possible that the Dajjal will close this wormhole
05:52when it comes to the earth through the wormhole,
05:54due to which the Nile and the Euphrates will dry up.
05:57The mention of water coming from the sky to the earth is also found in the Hindu religion along with Islam.
06:02It is mentioned in the sacred book of the Hindus, Vedas,
06:05that there is a tradition in their books that
06:07there was a battle between the gods and the evil for the sacred water or pond in the sky.
06:12This battle lasted for twelve days.
06:14Four drops of water fell on the ground from this sacred pond
06:18and four rivers began to flow from those drops on the ground.
06:21If we look at this tradition of the Hindus from the Islamic point of view,
06:25we find that there was a battle between the angels and the jinns long ago.
06:29The reason for this was that the jinns used to go to the heavens and do a lot of mischief.
06:35By getting tired of these mischief of the jinns,
06:37Hazrat Israel and his followers attacked the jinns.
06:41It is also possible that a wormhole has formed during this battle
06:45and water is coming to the earth through this wormhole.
06:48Allah Almighty has stated all this in the Holy Qur'an.
06:52We have sent down water from the sky according to an estimate
06:56and then settled it on the ground,
06:59and we are able to destroy it.
07:02As a Muslim, we all know that Allah Almighty
07:07called the Prophet Muhammad on the night of Asman.
07:13First of all, there he led all the prophets to pray in Baitul Maqdis,
07:18then he rode in Burraq,
07:20and passing through all the heavenly ways,
07:23passing through the seventh heaven,
07:25he reached the throne of Allah Almighty.
07:27He saw heaven and hell,
07:29then he met all the prophets.
07:32He did not take even a minute to complete all these stages.
07:36It was as if time had stopped for him.
07:39It does not seem possible to go from the earth to the seven heavens
07:43before a second,
07:45but because it was a miracle of the Prophet Muhammad,
07:49and a miracle is one that the human mind cannot accept.
07:54But surprisingly, today's science is forced to explain it in this way.
07:59Things that people used to think of as a miracle at that time,
08:03today's humans have proven it scientifically.
08:07Friends, if we look at Sidrat-ul-Muntaha,
08:10that is, the berry tree at that place,
08:13the properties of the black hole are also mentioned in it.
08:16As far as all the creatures in this world and the universe are concerned,
08:20no one other than our master,
08:22the Prophet Muhammad,
08:24could go beyond that limit.
08:27We get proof of this by looking at a black hole and a berry tree,
08:31because both have the same trunk.
08:34And secondly,
08:36in Surat-ul-Najn, verse number 16,
08:38Allah Almighty said that
08:40there was complete darkness on that tree,
08:43that is, that tree was covered with darkness.
08:46This is not very surprising,
08:48because looking at space,
08:50we find that there is darkness everywhere in space,
08:53but Allah is specifically mentioning that thing,
08:56so think that there is something special about it.
08:59Yes, it is exactly like this.
09:01If there is more than one blackness in space,
09:04but there is no place darker than the black hole,
09:08because the black hole also absorbs light within itself.
09:12And the shadow of the darkest darkness on a berry tree can be indicated in this way.
09:17Black holes cannot be seen or found directly due to darkness,
09:21but with the help of special equipment,
09:23when scientists felt a change due to the gravity of this black hole
09:26in the middle of the stars,
09:29they understood that there is a black hole around them.
09:33And the second big reason that hinders them in seeing,
09:36is called gravitational lensing.
09:39Whenever we try to see an object in the sky,
09:42if there is a black hole in the middle of it,
09:45then we cannot see it,
09:47because the black hole turns the light like a lens
09:50due to the gravity present around it,
09:52that is, it curves it.
09:54That is why we can see the object present beyond it,
09:57but we cannot see it.
09:59And in the video, you can clearly see this thing.
10:03Now, in the Holy Quran, Allah Almighty,
10:06once again, while describing the features of this black hole
10:09with the eyes of our Prophet Muhammad PBUH,
10:13says that the eyes of Prophet Muhammad PBUH
10:17did not turn to any other side,
10:20nor did they go beyond a limit.
10:22They saw very big signs of the power of Allah Almighty.
10:26This verse clearly tells us
10:29that our beloved Prophet Muhammad PBUH
10:32did not see the gravitational lensing,
10:35but saw the direct black hole.
10:38And he saw that sign with his own eyes
10:41even when he went inside it.
10:45All the features of Sidratul Muntaha are found in the black hole.
10:49If we combine all the features of Sidratul Muntaha
10:52together with the features of the black hole
10:55and the journey of Ascension,
10:57we get the mention of a tree
10:59which was shrouded in darkness
11:01and which swallowed the stars.
11:03It cannot be seen with the eyes of a normal human being.
11:06It also has a limit.
11:08It is the way to go from one universe to another.
11:11Due to its strong gravity, time stops.
11:14Most importantly, it is one of the great signs of Allah Almighty.
