Deflasi Hantui Industri Pariwisata Jelang Akhir Tahun

  • 13 hours ago
Menteri Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, menegaskan deflasi yang terjadi di Indonesia selama lima bulan berturut-turut dapat berdampak pada sektor pariwisata dan ekonomi kreatif. Meski demikian, Sandi menyatakan perlunya kajian lebih lanjut untuk memahami pemicu deflasi tersebut.

“Jika (pemicunya) daya beli masyarakat semakin melemah, tentunya ini (deflasi) akan berdampak pada pariwisata,” ujarnya. Namun Sandi tidak merincikan dampak spesifik yang dapat ditimbulkan deflasi terhadap sektor pariwisata dan ekonomi kreatif.

Meski demikian, Sandi mengaku tetap optimistis dengan pergerakan wisatawan baik domestik maupun internasional, tahun ini akan mencapai target yang ditetapkan.

Di sisi lain, Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) mencatat jumlah perjalanan yang dilakukan oleh wisatawan nusantara (wisnus) selama bulan Agustus ini mencapai 75,88 juta perjalanan. Jumlah ini lebih rendah 1,77% dari posisi Juli 2024 yang sebesar 77,24 juta perjalanan. Sementara itu jika dibandingkan dengan periode Agustus 2023, perjalanan wisnus mengalami peningkatan 29,31% pada Agustus 2024.

“Secara kumulatif hingga Agustus 2024 jumlah perjalanan wisnus mencapai 674,6 juta perjalanan. Ini lebih tinggi dari periode yang sama tahun lalu sebesar 19,2% peningkatannya, Ujar Plt Kepala BPS Amalia Adininggar Widyasanti.


00:00The following footage is from our collection.
00:13The government estimates that the current deflation
00:17has a potential impact on the tourism sector.
00:20Nevertheless, the government is optimistic
00:22that it is able to reach the target of tourist visits
00:25by the end of 2024.
00:31The Minister of Tourism and Economic Creativity, Sandiaga Salahuddin Udo,
00:34expressed his concern about the impact of the deflation
00:37that has occurred in Indonesia for the past five months.
00:40According to Sandi, the potential deflation
00:42has a significant impact on the tourism and economic sector.
00:46Nevertheless, Sandi emphasized the importance of further research
00:50to understand the cause of the deflation.
00:53According to him, the most important thing now
00:55is to ensure that the deflation occurs due to inflation control.
00:59Although there is no specific deflation impact
01:02on the tourism and economic sector,
01:05Sandiaga is still optimistic about the movement of tourists
01:08both domestically and internationally this year.
01:11The optimism is based on the implementation of domestic
01:15and international tourist visits by August 2024.
01:18The Central Government Statistics reported
01:20that the level of domestic tourist visits
01:22from January to August 2024
01:24experienced an increase of 19.2%.
01:27Meanwhile, the number of domestic tourists
01:29increased by 20.38%.
01:32Even so, this year, Game and Paragraph
01:34shared two scenarios of domestic tourist visits,
01:37namely the lower target and the upper target,
01:40where the lower target is 10.41 million visits
01:43and the upper target is 14.3 million visits.
01:47Meanwhile, for domestic tourists,
01:49the number of visits from January to August 2024
01:52only reached 53.97% of the 1.25 billion lower target
01:58and only reached 44.97% of the 1.5 billion upper target.
02:05IDX Channel
02:36The optimism is still high,
02:38but unfortunately, the Indonesian economy is experiencing a deflation.
02:42But before that, let's review the tourism sector
02:46throughout 2024.
02:48What is the update like?
02:57Yes, please, ma'am.
02:58What is the update like?
02:59Sorry, I thought I was starting to look at the graphics.
03:02Yes, please.
03:03Sorry, sorry.
03:04Yes, so in 2024,
03:07actually from last July
03:10when ASTINDO held a meeting
03:12with friends of travel agents all over Indonesia,
03:15we have stated that the condition of Indonesia at the moment
03:18is not just good,
03:20because it is seen from the month,
03:22in the travel agent sector,
03:23especially because our association
03:25has travel agents all over Indonesia.
03:28Now, from May to July,
03:30the figure is continuously minus, Mr. Pras.
03:34So in the first semester,
03:36the minus is only in February.
03:39But from May to July,
03:44the figure is already minus,
03:46and the minus from the sales transaction
03:50is between 5% and 20% every month.
03:57So the condition is not just good.
03:59In August, it increased a little,
04:02because it was helped by many exhibitions
04:05in August this month.
04:07So the tendency is,
04:09people or customers only buy
04:12when there is an exhibition,
04:14a consumer travel fair,
04:16where during this consumer travel fair,
04:18the price of tickets is indeed cheap,
04:21also helped with subsidies from bank partners.
04:23Meanwhile, compared to last year,
04:28which we just started to revive,
04:30actually just started to recover,
04:33this recovery,
04:34even though the condition is post-COVID,
04:36then the financial condition of various sectors
04:39is not just good,
04:41but the trend continues to increase in 2023.
04:43From January to December 2023,
04:46the trend continues to rise.
04:47Meanwhile, in 2024,
04:49which is sometimes called
04:51recovery year,
04:53in line with 2019,
04:55before COVID,
04:56this did not happen.
04:58So that's it.
04:59So what is the difference between 2023,
05:01where optimism has started to grow,
05:03after COVID,
05:04then 2024,
05:05but I see the data is actually negative,
05:07or minus,
05:08from May to July?
05:12Yes, we also anticipated that
05:14from last year,
05:15we have anticipated that
05:17this is a political year,
05:18and usually the tendency
05:20in political year is a little down.
05:23In political year,
05:24the reaction is not only in Indonesia,
05:26but also in various parts of the world.
05:28Then there is also an impact
05:30from the war that is not over,
05:32instead, it continues to increase,
05:33which we thought would be over,
05:35but it didn't.
05:36Then also,
05:37one of the interesting things is the parliament,
05:39then the development of the IKN itself.
05:41Because it cannot be denied that
05:43the central government,
05:45if last year,
05:46when we just started the recovery in 2023,
05:49instructed many ministries
05:52to hold events in the area,
05:54especially in the five super-priority areas of this nation.
05:57Meanwhile, this year,
05:59because to make the economy in the area move,
06:02the economic cycle moves for the local community.
06:05But this year,
06:06when there are so many budgets
06:09set aside for the development of the IKN,
06:11then also for the regional election,
06:14so many events,
06:16which are not even,
06:18because of the limited budget,
06:20there are so many events that are moved
06:22only in Jakarta or around it.
06:24So it's not done in various areas
06:26like the previous years.
06:28Okay, that's one of the factors
06:31that caused the movement of the people
06:34to be limited.
06:36Because there was a political moment
06:38that didn't happen only in Indonesia.
06:40Now, anticipation,
06:41the strategy of the Travel Agents themselves,
06:44how to deal with this?
06:45Although you said,
06:46it has been anticipated since last year.
06:50Yes, so we make more affordable packages.
06:54Many travel agents,
06:56especially big agents,
06:57who used to make luxury packages,
06:59premium packages,
07:00finally made a second brand,
07:02making more affordable packages.
07:04Then we also make more activities
07:07to encourage the community
07:09so that they want to buy.
07:11We also make events in Indonesia,
07:13Travel Fair collaboration with various parties.
07:15There is Kemen Komar Fest,
07:17Tinas Pariwisata,
07:18and Parikraft RI and LPS.
07:20So in Indonesia Aja Travel Fair event,
07:22we can get more,
07:24the price of plane tickets is expensive, right?
07:26It seems like going to domestic
07:28is very expensive, not affordable.
07:30So we make activities
07:32in Indonesia Aja Travel Fair
07:34so that the price of plane tickets
07:35is subsidized by the bank.
07:36Then there are subsidies from various parties
07:38such as the government.
07:39So the price will be more affordable.
07:41Yes, related to deflation,
07:43this is also one of the things
07:45that is quite popular in discussions
07:47that happened in the last few months.
07:49Does this also become
07:51an additional pressure
07:53for the tourism industry,
07:54or how do you see it?
07:56Yes, of course.
07:57Because the data also shows that
07:59the middle class population in Indonesia
08:01has decreased by 9 million people
08:03since COVID last year.
08:05Meanwhile, the middle class that we hope
08:07actually they have more buying power,
08:09especially with the trend of FOMO,
08:11YOLO, FOPO.
08:12The middle class is challenged
08:14to go to class, of course.
08:15They don't want to go to class.
08:17But with a decrease in the middle class population,
08:20it eventually makes the community
08:22prioritize their primary needs
08:24compared to tourism
08:26or tourism,
08:27which is a tertiary need.
08:29Although there are also those who say
08:31lipstick effects and so on,
08:33but it's only for
08:37traveling with a closer distance
08:40or surroundings such as staycation,
08:42then watching a concert,
08:44or attending certain events
08:46is more limited to short trips.
08:49Very short trips, like weekend trips.
08:52But how do you see the potential for the future?
08:55Is the same condition,
08:57the opportunity can still happen
08:59until the end of the year?
09:02It seems so.
09:03If we look at yesterday,
09:05when there was a holiday,
09:07I forgot, on Monday, it was a red day.
09:09It turned out to be over-tourism everywhere,
09:11and especially over-tourism
09:13in various places that are within the reach
09:15of big cities.
09:17For example, Puncak, Gunung Prawa Selamat,
09:19it's very easy to reach from Jakarta
09:21and also from Surabaya or Banyuwangi.
09:23So more to short trips like that.
09:25Of course, for the upper middle class,
09:27they don't have any problems
09:29at all with travel.
09:31They still travel.
09:33But what we usually see,
09:35there are new trends
09:37where they usually do
09:39a long haul trip,
09:41for 14 days, 21 days.
09:43It has been reduced to 8 to 10 days
09:45the length of stay.
09:47Okay, so that's the current condition
09:49when we talk about
09:51the tourism industry,
09:53including the travel agents themselves.
09:55So how do you see
09:57the level of domestic tourists
09:59in the current condition?
10:01Is it really going down drastically?
10:03Or is there a decrease
10:05but the potential
10:07or the demand is still high?
10:11The demand for domestic tourists
10:13as I mentioned earlier,
10:15for the surrounding area,
10:17it is still possible to reach.
10:19So the travel via land,
10:21via train, it will definitely increase.
10:23For example, Jakarta-Bandung
10:25by using the express train,
10:27it actually increased a lot.
10:29But for those who are in Jakarta-Menado
10:31or Jakarta-Wakatobi,
10:35of course,
10:37the number is very low.
10:39And we can also see
10:41that the locals
10:43are starting to be desperate
10:45because the number of tourists is decreasing.
10:47Especially the businessmen
10:49who have invested there,
10:51hotels in various areas,
10:53they are also starting to suffer
10:55because the number of visitors
10:57is not as expected.
10:59We are actually very hopeful
11:01with the government's support
11:03that continues to act
11:05on domestic flight tickets
11:07as Mr. Sandi said,
11:09the plan for the end of October
11:11will be implemented.
11:13So at least we still have time
11:15in November and December
11:17to help our friends in the area
11:19so that their economy also moves in the area.
11:21So it is still a crucial point
11:23for the development of the tourism industry
11:25and the activities of the people
11:27both domestic tourists
11:29and domestic tourists to Indonesia.
11:31Yes, that's right.
11:33For example, if we want to go to Labuan Bajo,
11:35it costs us like 3.5 million rupiah
11:37to go back and forth, right?
11:393.5 million rupiah to go back and forth,
11:41at the end of the day, they will think again,
11:43oh yes, 3.5 million times one family,
11:45five people,
11:47the number has doubled
11:49compared to their budget,
11:51especially for the lower middle class.
11:53So they will finally choose
11:55to go to the surrounding area,
11:57Jakarta-Bandung, it may still be done with land,
11:59Jakarta-Semarang, it can still be done
12:01with land or maybe also East Java,
12:03it can be reached by train.
12:05So in the end, they will still choose
12:07to go to the area
12:09where they live.
12:11This can still be made possible
12:13to catch up with the number
12:15because also the international ticket
12:17if said to be cheap,
12:19well, it's not really cheap,
12:21actually, Mr. Pras.
12:23If we go back again,
12:25this is the habit of Indonesians.
12:27Indonesians really like
12:29going or planning a trip
12:33They are not used to planning
12:35a trip far away.
12:37So this is what our community
12:39should be educated about.
12:41If you want to buy a ticket or plan a trip
12:43far away, it will of course be more
12:45cost-saving compared to
12:47doing a last-minute trip.
12:49Yes, it's interesting if we look at the price of the ticket
12:51is still one of the fundamentals
12:53if we look at the Indonesian tourism industry.
12:55Meanwhile, we also know
12:57there is a growth in the aviation industry
12:59with the addition of new airlines.
13:01Can this be an opportunity?
13:03Is it possible to achieve the target
13:05of decreasing the price of tickets?
13:07Then the number of airlines will increase
13:09and finally the potential
13:11will emerge again.
13:13We will discuss this in the next segment.
13:15We will take a short break.
13:17We will be right back.
13:29We will be right back.
13:35Thank you for joining us
13:37in Market Review.
13:39In the next segment, we will present data
13:41related to domestic tourism
13:43from January
13:45to August 2024.
13:47You can watch
13:49the complete data on your TV screen.
13:51From January to August
13:53in 2023,
13:55we can see that
13:57domestic tourism reached
13:59565.93 million
14:03in 2023.
14:05Meanwhile, in 2024,
14:07there is actually an increase
14:09to 674.6 million
14:13This is data from BPS.
14:15If we compare January to August.
14:19domestic tourism
14:21with the same period,
14:23January to August
14:25in 2024.
14:27January to August 2023,
14:297.55 million
14:31domestic tourists
14:33came to Indonesia.
14:35In 2024,
14:37there is another increase
14:39to 9.09 million
14:41domestic tourists
14:43came to Indonesia.
14:45Again, there is an increase.
14:47But it is interesting based on
14:49the real conditions experienced by
14:51the industry actors
14:53in Indonesia.
14:59Next, let's look at the target of
15:01tourist visits in 2024.
15:03For domestic tourism,
15:05the lower limit is
15:11The upper limit is
15:1314.3 visits.
15:15For domestic tourism,
15:17there are 1.25 billion
15:21The target of the upper limit is
15:231.5 billion visits.
15:25Let's continue
15:27the discussion with Mrs. Pauline Soeharno
15:29from Astino.
15:31Mrs. Pauline,
15:33this is interesting.
15:35The data from BPS
15:37shows that there is an increase
15:39in the number of domestic
15:41and international tourists.
15:43What can we see
15:45based on the real conditions
15:47experienced by Astino?
15:49Mr. Pras,
15:51for the domestic movement,
15:53I calculated that
15:55they moved from district to district.
15:57From district to district,
15:59not all of them need a travel agent.
16:03those who need a travel agent
16:05or tour operator
16:07are usually from far away
16:09or maybe
16:11in a place where
16:13the destination is not yet
16:15capable of various public transport.
16:17For example,
16:19if we go to Bandung,
16:21Bali, or Surabaya,
16:23we don't need
16:25a tour operator or travel agent
16:27because we are comfortable
16:29booking a hotel,
16:31a taxi,
16:33or a restaurant.
16:37if we go to Labuan Bajo,
16:41or Danau Toba,
16:43most definitely,
16:45we need a travel agent
16:47because we need a tour package,
16:49we need a travel patent,
16:51we need someone to pick us up,
16:53we need someone to take us
16:55to various attractions
16:57at the destination.
16:59So, as I said,
17:01people still do domestic travel.
17:03The number has increased.
17:05Yes, it's true.
17:07But they go to places
17:09that are comfortable to be visited
17:11and don't need a tour operator
17:13to pick them up.
17:15So, remote areas
17:17are now a tourist destination
17:19for the people.
17:21Yes, remote areas
17:23are not yet
17:25evenly distributed.
17:27For example,
17:29remote areas like Labengki
17:31or Wakatobi
17:33are expensive
17:35so it's hard
17:37for people in Jakarta
17:39to decide
17:41to go to remote areas
17:43around Java
17:45and Bali.
17:49the middle class
17:51really feels it.
17:53As we can see,
17:55they have become
17:57one of the markets.
17:59What do you think,
18:01Mr. Ras?
18:05So, Mr. Ras,
18:07looking at the current trend,
18:09people tend to prioritize
18:13over experience
18:15rather than
18:19So, you anticipate by
18:21making travel patterns
18:23that lead to
18:31such as cooking class
18:33or meditation.
18:35So, things like that
18:37or travel patterns
18:39such as walking trip.
18:41So, when people
18:43travel to one destination,
18:45they have more value.
18:47It's not just about
18:49Instagrammable spots.
18:51It's not just like that.
18:53They have more experience
18:55and unique things
18:57when they are at the destination.
18:59So, with the new offers
19:01being created,
19:03you see,
19:05is it the middle class
19:07or the middle class
19:09that is still targeted
19:11even though there is a decrease
19:13in the number of middle class
19:15to the lower level?
19:17Actually, it's both, Mr. Ras.
19:19As we said before,
19:21many travel agents
19:23who used to play in the luxury class
19:25in the niche market
19:27have started to target
19:29the middle class
19:31so that they can adjust
19:33There is Overland.
19:35Overland usually
19:37doesn't need a guide
19:39and they can travel by themselves.
19:41Our friends at Astindo
19:43who are creative
19:45create a virtual guide service.
19:47So, there is a GPS
19:49when they pass by a place,
19:51they will be guided
19:53what's on the right, what's on the left,
19:55what you can see there,
19:57what the historical is like.
19:59So, the guide doesn't follow
20:01the same route,
20:03which is the saving cost,
20:05but they can still monitor
20:07the movement of the consumer,
20:09where the tourists are.
20:11So, they conduct
20:13via virtual.
20:15Wow, and this has been going on
20:17since when?
20:19Actually, since COVID.
20:21So, because of COVID,
20:23people are afraid to travel,
20:25but afraid if foreigners join.
20:27So, things like that are created.
20:29Of course, this is a saving cost.
20:31Is it effective?
20:35Is it effective, Mrs. Pauline,
20:37to apply these patterns
20:39at this time?
20:41It's still not very popular.
20:43It's still not very popular,
20:45but it is taught to the public
20:47that this can be done
20:49because the middle class
20:51wants a saving cost.
20:53The middle class is different.
20:55They want a budget saving cost.
20:57For the middle class,
20:59their work-life balance
21:01is better.
21:03We've gone far.
21:05We have to enjoy.
21:07We have to become the slow traveler.
21:09Even more people want to enjoy the hotel.
21:11In Indonesia, people typically
21:13go home at night.
21:15The hotel is just for staying.
21:17But now, there are more people
21:19who spend more time at the hotel
21:21for staycation or
21:23enjoying the journey,
21:25enjoying the time
21:27with their family,
21:29with their relationship,
21:31with their community.
21:33So, they value that moment.
21:35Okay. With all the challenges
21:37that you've mentioned,
21:39how does the government
21:41in terms of incentives
21:43or other policies
21:45given to the tourism industry
21:47or the travel agency,
21:49does it meet
21:51the needs of the middle class?
21:53So far,
21:55even during the pandemic,
21:57there are no incentives
21:59given by the government
22:01to the tourism industry.
22:03We encourage the government
22:05not to give incentives.
22:07We know it's hard to calculate
22:09the incentives.
22:11Because it's hard to study
22:13the tourism tax.
22:15We want to revive
22:17the tourism tax
22:19to help the industry
22:21to grow.
22:23We want
22:25the government
22:27to prioritize
22:29the tourism industry.
22:31Because in Mr. Prabowo's
22:33Asta Cita, we haven't seen
22:35prioritizing the tourism industry.
22:37There's only
22:39the creative economy.
22:41We hope that in the future,
22:43the next Ministry of Tourism
22:45or the new Ministry of Tourism
22:47or the incumbent,
22:49can collaborate with the industry
22:51in terms of
22:55from heart to heart
22:57about our needs.
22:59What do you need, Mrs. Paulin?
23:01Maybe you can tell us now.
23:03Of course, the tourism promotion
23:05is more massive.
23:07If we look at other countries,
23:09their promotion is massive.
23:11Meanwhile, if we look at
23:13our Ministry of Tourism,
23:15the annual promotion budget
23:17is cut, cut, and reduced.
23:19So Indonesia
23:21is a bit
23:23out of breath compared to
23:25other Asian countries.
23:27There's also regulation.
23:29The tourism industry can't stand on its own.
23:31The regulators are from other
23:33regional governments.
23:35Coordination between regional governments
23:37is important to support the tourism industry.
23:39How can the tourism industry grow
23:41if the central government,
23:43Mr. Prabowo and the president
23:45don't prioritize tourism?
23:47In the beginning, when Mr. Jokowi
23:49became the president,
23:51he was very kind
23:53to build massive infrastructure
23:55such as roads, ports, airports.
23:57This helps
23:59the tourism industry
24:01to have more connectivity.
24:03That's it.
24:05What's next?
24:07We already have land, sea, air.
24:09That's it.
24:11But how do the tourists
24:13come to us
24:15if they still have to pay for a visa?
24:17This is a state-accepted visa,
24:19not a PNPB.
24:21It's an instant profit for the country,
24:23but it also prevents
24:25people from coming.
24:27Meanwhile, other Asian countries
24:29are competing to give free visas,
24:31especially for countries
24:33that have a lot of tourist destinations,
24:35such as China.
24:37Finally, there are a lot of travel agent companies,
24:39tour operators in China,
24:41to operate their charter flights
24:43to Thailand or Malaysia
24:45that have free visas.
24:47They no longer target Indonesia.
24:49Before COVID, Indonesia had a lot of charter flights from China.
24:53If we talk about
24:55the domestic side,
24:57we know that wild forests
24:59have recently opened up
25:01and many tourist destinations
25:03have been abandoned.
25:05Is this a challenge
25:07for the travel agent industry
25:09to find tourist destinations
25:11that don't exist?
25:13Exactly, Mr. Pres.
25:15We try to
25:17curate tourist destinations
25:19that are worth visiting
25:21by foreign or domestic tourists.
25:23Our job as an association
25:25is to empower
25:27human resources
25:29in the SDM tourism environment.
25:31That's why
25:33we also help
25:35our tour guides
25:37to standardize
25:39the trips
25:41that are operated
25:43by our travel agents.
25:45For example,
25:47we were very angry
25:49because sometimes
25:51people in Indonesia are a bit snobby.
25:53If you see a girl
25:55wearing a sexy outfit,
25:57such as hot pants or tank top,
25:59they will immediately
26:01get a catcalling
26:03or take photos.
26:05In our opinion,
26:07that's a very low standard
26:09for people
26:11who don't have an attitude.
26:13If it's done by lower-class people
26:15who rarely see tourists,
26:17it's not tolerable at all.
26:19They are not educated,
26:21but if it's done
26:23by people who work
26:25in the tourism sector,
26:27it's very embarrassing.
26:29We have seen
26:31and also criticized
26:33that sometimes there is an incentive group
26:35or a KOL group,
26:37they bring a photographer.
26:39The photographer is also rude.
26:41He only takes photos of the lower part
26:43or the open part.
26:45They like it like that.
26:47We also educate
26:49the workers in the tourism sector
26:51not to be arrogant
26:53and not to be shy.
26:55It's very unethical.
26:57It makes people traumatized,
26:59especially when there are
27:01online objects,
27:03harassment, or robberies
27:05in various places.
27:07Okay, so that's a challenge
27:09that needs to be addressed
27:11to education.
27:13Literacy related to the tourism sector
27:15must be strengthened again
27:17from Sabang to Merauke,
27:19especially in tourist locations in the area.
27:21And the legal sanctions too,
27:23because all this time,
27:25we have seen that it has already happened,
27:27then it is sanctioned,
27:29but the regulation has not yet been adopted.
27:31But there are no preventive measures
27:33in the beginning.
27:35And hopefully later,
27:37from the tourism sector,
27:39there will be more attention
27:41in the next government,
27:43so that it will be more focused
27:45on various policies that will
27:47give a lot of benefits,
27:49not only for the industry itself,
27:51but also for the people in the tourist locations.
27:53Mrs. Paulin, thank you very much
27:55for sharing what has been said
27:59See you again.
