不再是中老年妇女专利 沙巴19个月大女童患卵巢癌

  • 15 hours ago
新闻报报看 | 沙巴最近传出了一宗罕见的卵巢癌病例,患者被迫要切除右侧卵巢,接下来还要接受化疗,与病魔抗战。为什么说她是罕见病例呢?因为这名患者只有19个月大……(主播:颜江瀚、傅雪玲)


01:00After 2 years old, her daughter was sent to the hospital for a check-up.
01:02But the doctor couldn't find out the cause of the disease.
01:06The mother described that her daughter was very active,
01:09but since her health deteriorated, she didn't even want to walk.
01:13She just wanted people to hold her.
01:16Until the day of September 28th,
01:18the female child's blood-related indicators suddenly dropped sharply,
01:22and then she was urgently sent to the hospital.
01:24After the doctor did a further check-up for the girl,
01:26he found a 13.5-centimeter tumor in her body,
01:31and there were signs of bleeding.
01:33So the hospital immediately arranged a surgery for the girl to remove the tumor.
01:37And according to the results of the tumor test,
01:40the doctor confirmed that she had the 3rd stage of ovarian cancer.
01:45The girl is only 19 months old, but she also has ovarian cancer.
01:50Naturally, it will attract the attention of the medical community.
01:52A tumorology expert, Amin Nudin, told Sunshine Daily
01:55that the root of the girl's disease may have already grown in her mother's womb.
02:00The doctor explained that if there is a natural defect in the embryo during its formation,
02:05it is possible that some cells cannot mature naturally,
02:09forming reproductive cells.
02:11And these cells usually develop in the ovaries.
02:14Once there is an internal or external stimulus,
02:16these cells will turn into cancer.
02:20But this tumorology expert also emphasized that
02:23because reproductive cells are very sensitive to chemotherapy or radiotherapy,
02:28there is a high probability of early treatment and recovery.
02:32So he suggested that the girl's parents should let the child receive chemotherapy as soon as possible.
02:36He said that cancer patients usually need to receive 5-6 rounds of chemotherapy.
02:40But if the patient is a child,
02:42the doctor will also reduce the dosage according to the child's age.
02:53For more UN videos visit www.un.org
