
  • 1 hour ago
00:00:00How beautiful do you have to be?
00:00:22Besides, in the dark who can tell?
00:00:27I can see quite well in the dark.
00:00:31There's something I want you to see.
00:00:33Hey, what kind of girl do you think I am?
00:00:36The kind that takes a ride with a stranger out in the middle of nowhere.
00:00:40Somebody has to be nice to strangers.
00:00:43But that doesn't make me some kind of animal that you can maul.
00:00:47Okay lady, fine.
00:00:48I'll just drop you where I found you.
00:00:49Oh now wait a minute.
00:00:51Don't lose your head.
00:00:54I just want to explain something to you.
00:01:00I'm a woman.
00:01:03Not some thing.
00:01:08You can't attack me and treat me like I'm not a person.
00:01:13Like I don't have any feelings.
00:01:19Take it easy.
00:01:23Warm me up.
00:01:30Be nice.
00:01:33Be nice to me.
00:03:38Oh my god.
00:03:42Oh, what happened?
00:03:45Don't move.
00:03:47There's no telling how busted up you are.
00:03:50I don't feel anything.
00:03:52That's probably because you're in shock.
00:03:54Now stay put.
00:03:55I'll try to flag down a car and get some help.
00:04:08Oh, man.
00:04:12What are you doing?
00:04:13I thought I told you to stay put.
00:04:15I know what you told me, but I'm telling you, I'm okay.
00:04:20Here, you can take this back.
00:04:22I'm not cold.
00:04:26Come on, take it.
00:04:30You can take this back.
00:04:31I'm not cold.
00:04:35Come on, take it.
00:04:38I think you're the one that's in shock.
00:04:41It's not bad, but maybe you can give me a ride to town.
00:05:01Um, well I guess it's about time we were properly introduced.
00:05:08Hi, I'm Roger Spellman.
00:05:12And you?
00:05:17What's your name?
00:05:24Oh my god, you can't remember.
00:05:27I can remember, of course I can remember.
00:05:35Oh, just give me a minute, I've almost got it.
00:05:38It's a concussion, that's what you've got.
00:05:40I'm okay.
00:05:42Look, as hard as my car hit you back there, I'm surprised you weren't killed.
00:05:47God, was I relieved.
00:05:49But you can't just walk away from an accident like that and pretend like nothing happened.
00:05:53You've got to see a doctor.
00:05:56Nobody's looking at me.
00:05:58I'm hurt.
00:05:59Despite all this guilt you might be harboring, I am not your responsibility.
00:06:05So forget it.
00:06:08Probably wasn't your fault anyway.
00:06:11Who the hell cares whose fault it was?
00:06:13What matters is, you need help.
00:06:15I don't need anybody's help.
00:06:17I think you do.
00:06:19For god's sakes, if you're going to keep harping on me like this, you can just pull over and drop me off right here.
00:06:33Probably just some short memory lapse.
00:06:38It'll come back.
00:06:43What about your handbag?
00:06:46It's bound to be a driver's license, credit card, something to tell you who you are.
00:06:51Of course.
00:07:03Any luck?
00:07:09Not one single piece of identification.
00:07:12It's got to be a first, a woman's handbag and no credit cards.
00:07:16I mean, shouldn't there be something?
00:07:18You'd think so.
00:07:20What were you doing out on that road anyway?
00:07:22Is there anything you can remember prior to the accident?
00:07:34It's like staring straight into fog.
00:07:37Is it possible you were in some kind of trouble?
00:07:40Maybe you were robbed, that would explain the lack of money and credit cards.
00:07:46Were you driving?
00:07:48Did you pick up any hitchhikers by chance?
00:07:56That's it, that's my name, Angela.
00:08:00Angela what?
00:08:02I don't know.
00:08:04Well, at least it's something.
00:08:07Maybe it'll all come back.
00:08:16Anywhere along here is fine.
00:08:21Angela, are you sure you're going to be okay?
00:08:24We're not starting that again, are we?
00:08:27Relax Roger, I'll be okay.
00:08:30You can just drop me off right here.
00:08:32And then you can go off to whatever and I can go off to... whatever.
00:09:05After running you over, the least I can do is buy you a cup of coffee.
00:09:26I never thought about it, how lonely and terrifying it must be to lose your memory.
00:09:31To have your past and identity completely taken from you.
00:09:36Maybe I'm better off not remembering.
00:09:39How do you figure?
00:09:43Maybe my life wasn't all that desirable.
00:09:47I had skeletons in the closet and all that.
00:09:50How bad could it be?
00:09:56What are you looking at?
00:09:58No wedding ring.
00:10:01I must not be married.
00:10:03Unless someone else stole that.
00:10:11I just realized something.
00:10:13When a girl has no past, it's nearly impossible to have a conversation with her.
00:10:18Everything's a dead end.
00:10:20So we'll change the topic.
00:10:24Let's talk about you.
00:10:26Ouch. That's even worse.
00:10:28Are you married?
00:10:34Let's just say I prefer a high turnover.
00:10:37Don't you ever want anything more than that?
00:10:39I don't know.
00:10:40Could be I've never actually fallen in love.
00:10:42Maybe that's the problem.
00:10:44What if you did?
00:10:47Fall in love.
00:10:49I don't think it would change anything.
00:10:51I suppose I'm just too set in my ways.
00:10:55Then I guess you're sort of a dead end too.
00:11:02Where do you go from here?
00:11:05To my job.
00:11:07To the mundane.
00:11:11Well, I suppose we've postponed this as long as we can.
00:11:17What are you going to do?
00:11:20I'm not sure.
00:11:23Maybe somebody around here knows who I am.
00:11:28Start from there, I guess.
00:11:33Where are you going to stay tonight?
00:11:42This will help.
00:11:45Look, Angela, I still think you should get yourself checked.
00:11:48As hard as my car hit you-
00:11:49No broken bones. No bruises.
00:11:52I'm fine.
00:11:53I wouldn't call losing your memory fine.
00:11:55I already said no.
00:12:01If you need to get a hold of me, you can reach me there.
00:13:11Get in.
00:13:13Look, Angela, you have no idea where you're going or what you're doing.
00:13:17I can't just leave you here.
00:13:19You can come back with me and I'll put you up for a few days,
00:13:21give you a chance to find yourself.
00:13:24You can speak.
00:13:26You can trust me.
00:13:41Much as I hate to spoil the party, it is 2.30 and I have to work in the morning.
00:13:49Where do I sleep?
00:13:54You can take this room.
00:13:58I don't have any pajamas, but if you'd like something to wear to bed-
00:14:01I don't need anything.
00:14:06Good night.
00:14:24Good night.
00:14:54Good night.
00:15:25Good night.
00:15:35Good night.
00:15:54Good night.
00:16:24Good night.
00:16:50Roger, you up?
00:17:02Dragging your tail?
00:17:04Late night.
00:17:08Hey, was she good?
00:17:10It's a good thing you're driving today.
00:17:12I don't think I got more than 30 seconds' worth of sleep last night.
00:17:15Son of a bitch.
00:17:17I'll be out of here in a minute.
00:17:19I just have to check on my houseguest first.
00:17:23Good night.
00:17:26That's it. Just give her some coffee and send her on her way.
00:17:32Morning. Did you sleep well?
00:17:36Well, look, take it easy today. Just relax.
00:17:40I'll call you later from work.
00:17:53Good night.
00:18:23Good night.
00:18:54How's the prognosis this morning?
00:18:57Roger Spellman's Clinic for Lost Souls. How's the patient doing?
00:19:02You have to have a positive attitude.
00:19:04With any luck, you'll remember you're the soul heiress to a billion-dollar empire.
00:19:09Wouldn't that be wonderful.
00:19:11In the meantime, if you could use a 20, I left one by the coffee pot.
00:19:15I thought that would be more tactful than leaving it beside your bed.
00:19:21When will you be home?
00:19:23After five, dear. Don't forget to have my martini properly chilled.
00:19:28So, how are things on the home front?
00:19:31Everything's fine, Carl. She hasn't managed to burn the house down yet.
00:19:34So who is this girl?
00:19:36That, my friend, is a damn good question.
00:19:41You know, you love to be so mysterious.
00:19:45Hey, are we on for tomorrow night?
00:19:47I've forgotten. What visual delights am I in store for?
00:19:50Two Preston Sturgis films. Lady Eve and Sullivan's Travels.
00:19:54Sullivan's Travels. I've seen that one. Little People in a Giant, right?
00:19:59You work at being stupid?
00:20:01I'll have to consider Angela.
00:20:03Well, yeah, bring her along. I mean, I'd love to meet her. I'm sure Helen would.
00:20:07I'll see if she's up to it.
00:20:09But I doubt if her film appreciation goes back much further than Star Wars.
00:20:15Well, hey, if she digs Cannonball Run, you two were meant for each other.
00:20:24Mmm, this looks good.
00:20:27Yeah, I'm sorry I wasn't more help. I don't think cooking is one of my talents.
00:20:31Nor mine.
00:20:34You are looking at my one culinary accomplishment.
00:21:04What's wrong?
00:21:07Nothing. Everything's fine.
00:21:11Don't you like it?
00:21:13It's good.
00:21:16What's the matter with me? I almost forgot the most important detail.
00:21:44To your past and your future. May they both be better than imagined.
00:21:49By the way, if you are a billionaire, I'm not above taking handouts.
00:22:02It doesn't taste right.
00:22:05It tastes fine to me.
00:22:08It doesn't taste right.
00:22:12It tastes fine to me.
00:22:15Would you like something else to drink?
00:22:22Are you going to eat your food or just play with it?
00:22:25I guess I'm not hungry.
00:22:29Look, Angela, I've humored you long enough. I have to insist that you see a doctor.
00:22:34You can't insist on anything.
00:22:36I can understand you're being scared, but you've probably suffered a concussion and you should be checked by a professional.
00:22:42The next time you mention doctor will be the last time you see me.
00:22:46You can't threaten me. It won't work.
00:22:48I'm serious.
00:22:49So am I.
00:23:07I appreciate letting me stay here, but I can take care of myself.
00:23:12You don't need to nurse me back to health.
00:23:17I can't believe how lightly you take this.
00:23:21You've lost your entire past. Your identity.
00:23:26You act as if you've stubbed your toe.
00:23:29Of course I'm upset.
00:23:34But there could be other possible reasons for my memory loss.
00:23:39Other than a bump on the head?
00:23:46What if I've purposely forgotten?
00:23:50What if I can't remember because I don't want to remember?
00:23:54Why would you do that?
00:23:57I don't know.
00:24:01I don't know.
00:24:07Alright Angela, you win.
00:24:10I'll quit playing amateur psychologist and let you fend for yourself.
00:24:19But I'd like to help if I can.
00:24:30I'm sorry.
00:25:00I'm sorry.
00:26:01Oh God, what's that?
00:26:05How are you feeling?
00:26:08I'm terrible. It's so bright.
00:26:11It's just my luck to get stuck with the night, Owl.
00:26:15There's coffee if you want it.
00:26:17After work I'll take you shopping.
00:26:21We'll go to a bar.
00:26:25There's coffee if you want it.
00:26:27After work I'll take you shopping.
00:26:30We'll look into expanding your wardrobe.
00:26:48I promised Talon and Carla I'd go to the movies with them tonight.
00:26:53I'd like you to come along.
00:26:55Who's Talon and Carla?
00:26:57Just some friends. Real film fanatics, but only the black and white kind.
00:27:02Are they married?
00:27:07Just friends, huh?
00:27:09I suppose so.
00:27:12Why are you wearing those?
00:27:14I told you, it's too bright.
00:27:22About last night,
00:27:24with our close living arrangements,
00:27:27I just thought we should keep a perspective on things.
00:27:36I remember you don't like to get too serious.
00:27:41There's nothing wrong with my short-term memory.
00:27:49You know, I tell you, they do not make them like that anymore.
00:27:53Yeah, but is that good or bad?
00:27:56How did you like the movie, Angela?
00:28:00I liked it.
00:28:02That's it? You liked it?
00:28:04What did you want, an essay?
00:28:06No, just something more specific.
00:28:08What exactly did you like?
00:28:10The closing credits.
00:28:13Next week, they're going to show two Lubitsch films.
00:28:16I think you'd enjoy them.
00:28:18Lubitsch Touch, you ever hear of it?
00:28:20No, and with any luck, she won't hear about it tonight.
00:28:23Oh, and I suppose you have something much more intellectually stimulating to talk about.
00:28:26I do.
00:28:28Roger, tell us how you and Angela met.
00:28:30Nothing much to it.
00:28:32I ran over with my car, and later on we started talking.
00:28:34No, really, how?
00:28:36We met in a restaurant.
00:28:39Later on, we started talking.
00:28:40No, really, how?
00:28:42We met in an elevator.
00:28:44Yes, and?
00:28:46And we started talking.
00:28:47Uh-huh. What about?
00:28:48In the elevator or afterwards?
00:28:51Actually, come to think of it, we didn't do much talking afterwards.
00:28:54You idiot. Start with the elevator.
00:28:57And we started talking.
00:28:58I heard this part.
00:29:00About the usual, you know, movies, music, theoretical particle physics.
00:29:04Was Marilyn murdered? Is Elvis still alive?
00:29:06I think I'll try and break Angela instead.
00:29:08So what kind of work do you do?
00:29:10Oh, this and that.
00:29:13Really terribly interesting.
00:29:16I can see what you two have in common.
00:29:18Neither one of you likes to talk about yourselves.
00:29:20Of course, with Roger, it's obvious why.
00:29:22He's just trying to conceal the fact that he's an impossible bore.
00:29:26Is it too late to talk about the Olympics touch?
00:29:29So what happened after the elevator?
00:29:30What are you after, the movie rights?
00:29:32Listen, how am I supposed to grow as a person if I don't ask questions?
00:29:37I'm only interested in finding out how a nice kid like Angela managed to tame such a cruel beast.
00:29:48I don't think Helen likes me.
00:29:52Of course she likes you.
00:29:54It's me she constantly puts down.
00:29:56Yeah, but that's all in fun.
00:29:58Actually, I think the poor girl's jealous of you.
00:30:00She can't imagine how you met a guy one day and you're living with him the next.
00:30:05Especially a guy she thought was unconquerable.
00:30:09That raises an interesting question.
00:30:13What's wrong?
00:30:15It takes a genius.
00:30:18Let me kiss it and make it feel better.
00:30:28Save a little for me.
00:30:40Angela, what's the matter?
00:30:41Let me in.
00:30:42Roger, just leave me alone.
00:30:44I'll be okay.
00:30:48Oh my God.
00:30:49Oh my God.
00:30:54Did I have to break down this door?
00:30:57Oh my God.
00:31:02Angela, you have five seconds to open this door.
00:31:07Oh, just give me a second, I'll be out.
00:31:22Do you mind telling me what that was all about?
00:31:27I just felt nauseous, that's all.
00:31:29I'm okay now.
00:31:32Are you sure?
00:31:36Why wouldn't you let me in?
00:31:41I didn't want you to see me like that.
00:31:45I'm not a pretty sight.
00:31:46You think that matters to me?
00:31:50It might have.
00:31:52Look, Roger, I'm sorry if I scared you.
00:31:59But I'm okay now.
00:32:07I think I'm going to go to bed.
00:32:08If you don't mind, I'm completely exhausted.
00:32:21Good night.
00:32:51Good night.
00:33:21Good night.
00:33:40Honey, I'm home.
00:33:55My God, you look terrible.
00:33:59I'm okay.
00:34:02The hell you are, you're whiter than a ghost.
00:34:09I'll be all right.
00:34:13You keep saying that, but I don't see any evidence to support that.
00:34:18You keep saying that, but I don't see any evidence to support that.
00:34:23Have you been in bed all day?
00:34:26I just caught a bug or something. I'll be fine in the morning.
00:34:34Angela, something's bothering you.
00:34:37You've been upset since last night when we went out with Helen and Carl.
00:34:42What's wrong?
00:34:45Nothing's wrong.
00:34:49Oh, you're just being your usual gloomy self, is that it?
00:34:54Roger, you don't understand.
00:34:56I'd like to.
00:34:59I don't think so.
00:35:03All right.
00:35:08Look, I know I don't have all the answers, but maybe I can help.
00:35:19It's more complicated than that.
00:35:23I don't even know where to begin to explain.
00:35:28You don't have to. Not all at once.
00:35:31Just start somewhere.
00:35:33I don't understand.
00:35:35The thoughts I have about you.
00:35:39Angela, it's perfectly natural for you to have your fantasies.
00:35:45You mean sexual fantasies?
00:35:48Oh, my God.
00:35:50Maybe it's some strange way they are.
00:35:52Well, if they're strange, then that's all the better.
00:35:56Somehow, I don't think you'd find these all that titillating.
00:36:02Well, how do you know? I'm always open to new experiences.
00:36:07Are you sure?
00:36:10What did you have in mind?
00:36:12What did you have in mind?
00:36:15Difficult to explain.
00:36:21I'd better show you.
00:36:33What the hell is this?
00:36:41Go on!
00:36:44Get out!
00:36:48Get out!
00:36:54Who can figure you, Angela?
00:36:57I sure as hell can't.
00:36:59Well, I'm going to go to the office. I've got some work to do.
00:37:20You here, buddy?
00:37:58Um, Roger here?
00:38:05He went back to the office.
00:38:08Is he crazy?
00:38:10Working late while he's got a girl like you waiting for him.
00:38:14You okay?
00:38:16Oh, you're not sick.
00:38:18I'm fine.
00:38:19Someone sent you flowers.
00:38:28They must be for you.
00:38:30Roger's got another girl living here, too.
00:38:36They're beautiful.
00:38:39Hey, well, um, tell Roger I stopped by.
00:38:44Well, you don't have to go just because Roger isn't here.
00:38:49Make yourself a drink.
00:38:53Make me one.
00:38:56Why not?
00:39:14You're not afraid of me, are you, Carl?
00:39:17Afraid of you?
00:39:19Of course not. Don't be stupid.
00:39:22You just must not like me.
00:39:24Of course I like you.
00:39:26I mean, I don't really know you, but I like what I see.
00:39:32Yes, I noticed that the other night.
00:39:38What's that supposed to mean?
00:39:42I saw how you were looking at me, Carl.
00:39:46I saw how you were looking at me, Carl.
00:39:54Okay, so I... I was looking.
00:39:59And wanting.
00:40:04It's okay, Carl.
00:40:07I like you, too.
00:40:16Do you and Roger have a fight?
00:40:20That's what this is about, isn't it?
00:40:22This has nothing to do with Roger.
00:40:25You know, I think he might have a differing opinion.
00:40:28You know Roger. Has he ever put his brand on any girl?
00:40:33No, but, I mean, for Christ's sake, you two are living together.
00:40:37Well, that doesn't mean we can't see other interesting people.
00:40:40I think we better just forget this conversation.
00:40:43I want you, Carl.
00:40:46Oh, God, this is crazy.
00:40:48Because I want you?
00:40:50No, look, Angela.
00:40:52I think that you and Roger had an argument,
00:40:54and now what you really want is just someone to talk to.
00:41:02We'll talk.
00:41:06I gotta go.
00:41:08Um, call me. We'll have lunch.
00:41:11Don't go, Carl.
00:41:15Look at me.
00:41:20I need you.
00:41:28Come to me.
00:41:33Touch me.
00:41:36Love me.
00:41:41Love me.
00:42:11I love you.
00:42:52So what'd you tell Roger?
00:42:54Don't worry about it.
00:42:56Don't worry about it?
00:42:58Roger's my best friend. I...
00:43:00If he finds out about us...
00:43:02He won't find out.
00:43:05So what'd you tell him?
00:43:09He's a sleeper.
00:43:11And even if he does wake up, he'll just think that I've gone back to my room,
00:43:14that I'm giving him his space.
00:43:16You know, I don't understand your relationship with Roger.
00:43:19Let's not talk about Roger, okay?
00:43:27What are we doing?
00:43:29Looking for someone to join our party.
00:43:34I thought it was just gonna be the two of us.
00:43:37Believe me, you really don't want me all to yourself.
00:43:40Turn here.
00:43:50Back up.
00:43:59You want him?
00:44:02You're confusing sex with food.
00:44:05Wait here.
00:44:14You got something?
00:44:16Yeah, what do you think?
00:44:20What the hell for?
00:44:35Come on.
00:44:53I told you to wait for me in the car.
00:45:06Oh, no.
00:45:16Oh, Jesus.
00:45:18Don't worry.
00:45:20You'll get used to it.
00:45:57What are you doing up so early?
00:45:59Just felt like it.
00:46:01Making you breakfast.
00:46:03You don't have to wait on me.
00:46:05Oh, it's okay.
00:46:07I want to.
00:46:09You're my guest, not my housekeeper.
00:46:17Um, I didn't know you take your eggs.
00:46:20I took a chance on Sunset Up.
00:46:22That's fine.
00:46:25What's the matter?
00:46:27Last night must have really agreed with you.
00:46:30Yeah, I do feel a lot better.
00:46:32Must have been one of those 24-hour begs.
00:46:37You're not joining me.
00:46:41Well, um, I don't know.
00:46:44I don't know what to do.
00:46:46I don't know what to do.
00:46:48I don't know what to do.
00:46:50I don't know what to do.
00:46:53Well, um...
00:46:55Maybe I'll have some juice and toast.
00:46:59Uh, I was thinking, Roger.
00:47:04Maybe I should start looking into getting a place of my own.
00:47:07Is that what you want?
00:47:09I don't know. I mean, I feel like I've imposed on you long enough.
00:47:13I mean, I'm sure you weren't planning on having a permanent houseguest.
00:47:17If you think that's best.
00:47:19Who knows how long it'll be before I'm back to 100%.
00:47:24You can't take care of me forever.
00:47:28Well, what'll you do? You'll need a job or some means of support.
00:47:33So I'll get a job.
00:47:35With no form of identification?
00:47:37Won't be easy.
00:47:39Besides, your moving out won't stop me from worrying about you.
00:47:43Well, we could still see each other.
00:47:45If you'd like.
00:47:47For the moment, why don't we just leave things the way they are?
00:48:05Oh my god.
00:48:07I don't know what's wrong with me.
00:48:09I can't keep up. I just don't...
00:48:12I don't have any endurance.
00:48:14You sure don't. One lap and you're ready for the stretcher.
00:48:19New girlfriend?
00:48:22I've heard of hickeys before, but what do you call that?
00:48:25Oh, this.
00:48:27Over-enthusiastic girl.
00:48:29Maybe you ought to think about having your venom sac removed.
00:48:33Yeah, you don't know how right you are.
00:48:37So, um...
00:48:39How's Angela?
00:48:41That's an interesting train of thought.
00:48:44Are you getting serious?
00:48:47Have you ever known me to get serious about any girl?
00:48:50Have I ever known you to let a girl move in and take over your life?
00:48:53It's like I told you before. It's a complicated situation.
00:48:57And are you getting serious?
00:49:00There are various degrees of serious.
00:49:03You know, I wish you would just give me a straight answer.
00:49:05Look, I know you're not the type that likes to kiss and tell,
00:49:08but I'm not just being nosy. I have a reason for asking.
00:49:12Okay, sure.
00:49:14In spite of my usual cynicism, she's getting to me.
00:49:18And something's bothering you.
00:49:29You're right. Something is bothering me.
00:49:34Well, I'm living with a woman I know nothing about.
00:49:37And regardless of how beautiful and sexy she is,
00:49:40sometimes she just acts...
00:49:48You want some advice from a friend?
00:49:55Get her out of your house. Do it tonight.
00:50:38I tried to stay away tonight.
00:50:41Oh, God, how I tried.
00:50:44But I couldn't.
00:50:46I couldn't.
00:50:48It's like you put some sort of evil curse on me.
00:50:53You think I'm evil?
00:50:55Oh, lady, you are the most evil thing I've ever known.
00:50:59Or could possibly ever know.
00:51:01You should get out more often.
00:51:04How can you make jokes?
00:51:06How can you make jokes knowing what you do to people?
00:51:13I tried to tell Roger about you today.
00:51:17What'd you tell him?
00:51:21How can I tell him about you without him knowing about us?
00:51:27If you ever tell Roger anything...
00:51:29Oh, what?
00:51:31If you ever tell Roger anything...
00:51:33Oh, what? What? What are you going to do, kill me?
00:51:36I think you already have.
00:51:41Carl, I'm sorry.
00:51:42Oh, knock it off.
00:51:44Knock it off. You don't have to play up to me.
00:51:46I'm already caught in your little web.
00:51:48I can't do anything about it.
00:51:52So who do you want to pick up?
00:51:55You in the mood for hookers?
00:51:58Let's go somewhere private.
00:52:01Just the two of us.
00:52:04I want to be alone with you.
00:52:19Hi, Helen. What's new?
00:52:21You haven't by any chance heard from Carl this morning?
00:52:24I don't see much of Carl on the weekends.
00:52:27After a five-day week, we're usually pretty sick of each other.
00:52:32Is something wrong?
00:52:34I had a breakfast date with him. He never showed.
00:52:36Well, I wouldn't let that worry you.
00:52:38He probably just slipped his mind.
00:52:40Maybe he got lucky last night and he's trying to turn it into a wild weekend.
00:52:44You're talking about yourself. Carl is more considerate.
00:52:48He's never stood me up.
00:52:50And today's a special occasion.
00:52:53It's my birthday.
00:52:55Oh, happy birthday.
00:52:57He always takes me to breakfast on my birthday.
00:53:00I don't think he'd forget.
00:53:02I even checked with his ex. Nothing.
00:53:05When was the last time you talked to him?
00:53:07Three days ago at work. He remembered then.
00:53:10How was he yesterday?
00:53:15Actually, he looked like shit.
00:53:18Where are you now, Helen?
00:53:21Well, no one should be stood up on their birthday.
00:53:23Maybe he'll accept me as a substitute. Lunch?
00:53:26That's sweet.
00:53:28But I can't get Carl off my mind.
00:53:31I have a bad feeling.
00:53:33Well, then I'll pick you and your bad feeling up at noon.
00:53:42How's Helen?
00:53:45She's concerned about Carl.
00:53:47He didn't show up for their breakfast date.
00:53:52You wouldn't happen to know where he is, would you?
00:53:56Why would I know?
00:54:00He did stop by here a few nights ago when you were at work late.
00:54:04But since you weren't here, he left.
00:54:08I saw him after that.
00:54:31I keep going over the possibilities, but I still can't come up with a reasonable explanation.
00:54:37People do forget.
00:54:39But nobody's seen him today.
00:54:41There's still the wild weekend possibility.
00:54:44So, where's Angela?
00:54:47Three's a crowd.
00:54:50She's not the jealous type?
00:54:52Shall we put her to the test?
00:54:55I doubt if Angela would have any reason to be jealous of me.
00:54:59Actually, I'll tell you something, Helen. If you were available...
00:55:01But I am available, Roger. Carl and I are just good friends.
00:55:11Thanks, Roger, for trying to cheer me up. It helped.
00:55:14Look, try not to worry about Carl. I'm sure he'll turn up.
00:55:20Look, Helen, there's a... I have a question for you.
00:55:26What could a woman be doing out after midnight until nearly morning?
00:55:31You mean Angela?
00:55:35She sneaks out of my bed when she thinks I'm asleep and...
00:55:40Why don't you follow her and see where she's going?
00:55:42Because I'm trying like hell to keep my dignity?
00:55:45Then confront her with it!
00:55:46I would if I thought she'd tell me.
00:55:50Maybe she's... seeing someone.
00:55:54Yeah. That's the obvious answer.
00:55:59Roger, if I can help...
00:56:02I'll take care of it.
00:56:06Look, I'm sorry, Helen. It's...
00:56:08It's not like me to cry on someone's shoulder.
00:56:11I kind of liked it.
00:56:15Listen, I have to go, Roger. Call me if you hear from Carl.
00:56:19Or for any other reason.
00:57:20From your piston
00:57:22I wanna feel it deep inside my system
00:57:25Erase the hood
00:57:27For some action
00:57:29I have a craving for intense satisfaction
00:57:33Don't give me
00:57:35No affection
00:57:37Do what I say or have my complete attention
00:57:49I have a craving for intense satisfaction
00:57:55I feel the warmth
00:57:57From your piston
00:57:59I wanna feel it deep inside my system
00:58:03Don't be giving me
00:58:04No, no affection, no
00:58:06I just want your complete attention, oh
00:58:10Tell me why
00:58:12Why, why, why
00:58:13I don't have to be so shy
00:58:15Why, why, why
00:58:16I don't have to be so shy
00:58:18I just wanna be
00:58:20I just wanna be
00:58:22I just wanna be
00:58:24I just wanna be
00:58:26I just wanna be
00:58:28I just wanna be
00:58:30I just wanna be
00:58:32I just wanna be
00:58:34I just wanna be
00:58:36I just wanna be
00:58:38I just wanna be
00:58:40I just wanna be
00:58:42I just wanna be
00:58:45I just wanna be
00:58:47I just wanna be
00:58:49I just wanna be
00:58:51I just wanna be
00:58:53I just wanna be
00:59:14He's in bed asleep, he can't keep me from seeing him.
00:59:41Roger? Roger?
01:00:54Please, please don't.
01:00:57You don't have to be afraid.
01:01:01You, you killed Carl.
01:01:05And Roger, you're gonna kill him too.
01:01:08No, not Roger.
01:01:12I would never hurt Roger.
01:01:17Because I'm in love with him.
01:01:21I never thought it could happen to me, but it did.
01:01:26That's wonderful.
01:01:28What are you?
01:01:31I never wanted to hurt you, Helen.
01:01:48Are you letting me in or not?
01:01:53Getting a late start today?
01:02:00I was working on something.
01:02:03You look like you haven't slept all night.
01:02:06Is it Carl? Haven't you heard from him yet?
01:02:08You don't have to worry about Carl. Not anymore.
01:02:11Then you have heard from him.
01:02:14Well, I'm glad of that.
01:02:18Unfortunately, there's something else that's bothering the hell out of me.
01:02:22It's Angela.
01:02:24The other night when she was leaving for one of her midnight dates, well, I saw the car she got into.
01:02:30I couldn't see who the driver was, but it looked like Carl's car.
01:02:34I mean, it's too crazy to even consider.
01:02:37Carl and Angela couldn't be...
01:02:41Are you concerned about any of this?
01:02:43I mean, are you interested at all?
01:02:45Of course.
01:02:48Well, last time I saw Carl, he had these strange marks on the side of his neck.
01:02:54Did you see them?
01:02:57Something strange is going on.
01:02:59Either that or I'm losing my mind.
01:03:01I mean, it's Angela. She's the reason I'm going crazy.
01:03:04Either she has a concussion or she's psychologically screwed up.
01:03:07I can't do anything with her and she won't get help.
01:03:10Well, to hell with Angela. Let's talk about something else.
01:03:14You said you were working on something?
01:03:16Nothing important.
01:03:19I see you're still working on the old man.
01:03:28What's with you?
01:03:30Do you have any coffee? I could use some.
01:03:33Roger, don't.
01:03:49What's this?
01:03:53So this is your project?
01:03:56For God's sakes, Helen, don't you go crazy on me too.
01:04:00I couldn't take it.
01:04:02Roger, please trust me. Everything will be all right.
01:04:11I want you to leave now.
01:04:13I have some things to do.
01:04:20Okay, Helen.
01:04:49I love you.
01:05:05Off to somewhere?
01:05:09Don't you look beautiful?
01:05:19You know, you surprised me.
01:05:22What was all that bullshit the other day about the new Angela?
01:05:26Oh, come on.
01:05:27Shut up.
01:05:29Sit down.
01:05:35Now, let's start again.
01:05:38Where are you going?
01:05:41I can't tell you, but I don't want to lie to you either.
01:05:44Why not?
01:05:46You know, at this point, even a lie might be a welcome change.
01:05:51What sort of excuse could you dream up?
01:05:54I'm drawing a complete blank.
01:05:57But I confess, I lack imagination.
01:06:00I'm not cheating on you, okay?
01:06:03Then why so secretive?
01:06:05Did you actually think that you could slip in and out of my bed without my noticing?
01:06:09I'm telling the truth.
01:06:12I'm not cheating on you.
01:06:16Not really.
01:06:18What's that supposed to mean?
01:06:19It means that if you fully understood, you wouldn't think so.
01:06:33I want to understand.
01:06:37You can't.
01:06:40Just let me go, Roger.
01:06:45Just tell me, Angela.
01:06:47Are you seeing someone else?
01:06:54Then that's the truth.
01:06:58All right, yes, but it doesn't mean anything to me.
01:07:00Then why see him?
01:07:01I have to.
01:07:05Oh, God, I told you, I can't explain.
01:07:08You're not making any sense.
01:07:09I can't help it.
01:07:11There is something that I need that I can't get from you.
01:07:15How do you know?
01:07:16Oh, for God's sakes.
01:07:17I could if I wanted to.
01:07:20But believe me, you wouldn't want me to.
01:07:24This whole conversation is making me dizzy.
01:07:28I do not want to play the role of the jealous lover.
01:07:31That's what I'm trying to tell you.
01:07:33You don't have to be jealous.
01:07:37Just trust in me.
01:07:40Look, what I'm doing, I'm doing for us.
01:07:46You don't want me to be like I was, do you?
01:07:52I have to do this.
01:07:56It's the only way we can truly be happy.
01:08:01Christ, you have an original mind.
01:08:05Let me go, please, Roger.
01:08:08I have to.
01:08:15Take your time.
01:08:30Oh, my God.
01:09:00Oh, my God.
01:10:00Oh, my God.
01:10:30Oh, my God.
01:11:00Oh, my God.
01:11:31Oh, my God.
01:11:32Oh, my God.
01:11:33Oh, my God.
01:11:34Oh, my God.
01:11:35Oh, my God.
01:11:36Oh, my God.
01:11:37Oh, my God.
01:11:38Oh, my God.
01:11:39Oh, my God.
01:11:40Oh, my God.
01:11:41Oh, my God.
01:11:42Oh, my God.
01:11:43Oh, my God.
01:11:44Oh, my God.
01:11:45Oh, my God.
01:11:46Oh, my God.
01:11:47Oh, my God.
01:11:48Oh, my God.
01:11:49Oh, my God.
01:11:50Oh, my God.
01:11:51Oh, my God.
01:11:52Oh, my God.
01:11:53Oh, my God.
01:11:54Oh, my God.
01:11:55Oh, my God.
01:11:56Oh, my God.
01:11:57Oh, my God.
01:11:58Oh, my God.
01:11:59Oh, my God.
01:12:00Oh, my God.
01:12:01Oh, my God.
01:12:02Oh, my God.
01:12:03Oh, my God.
01:12:04Oh, my God.
01:12:05Oh, my God.
01:12:06Oh, my God.
01:12:07Oh, my God.
01:12:08Oh, my God.
01:12:09Oh, my God.
01:12:10Oh, my God.
01:12:11Oh, my God.
01:12:12Oh, my God.
01:12:13Oh, my God.
01:12:14Oh, my God.
01:12:15Oh, my God.
01:12:16Oh, my God.
01:12:17Oh, my God.
01:12:18Oh, my God.
01:12:19Oh, my God.
01:12:20Oh, my God.
01:12:21Oh, my God.
01:12:22Oh, my God.
01:12:23Oh, my God.
01:12:24Oh, my God.
01:12:25Oh, my God.
01:12:26Oh, my God.
01:12:27Oh, my God.
01:12:29I'm like any other animal that needs to kill for survival.
01:12:33The people, for Christ's sake.
01:12:35You yourself said I wasn't human.
01:12:38Not human.
01:12:41But you gave a pretty damn good impersonation.
01:12:44I never lied to you, Roger.
01:12:48Not about my feelings.
01:12:51You think we can just pick up from where we were?
01:12:54And pretend like none of this ever happened?
01:12:58Do you intend to use that?
01:13:04So you're gonna kill me now?
01:13:08Helen tried to.
01:13:11But she wasn't fast or strong enough.
01:13:16Are you?
01:13:22I know you must think I'm some creature spawned from hell.
01:13:26But I could never hate you, Roger.
01:13:31What I felt and still feel for you is real.
01:13:37Please believe that.
01:13:40I'd like to think that you felt something for me, too.
01:13:44That you loved me.
01:13:46Angela, it's pointless.
01:13:49Maybe not, Roger.
01:13:52But it doesn't have to end like this.
01:13:56Not if you want to be together.
01:14:06There's only one way we can truly be together.
01:14:12As long as you remain what you are.
01:14:16It can never work.
01:14:19We have to become the same.
01:14:22You must become as I am.
01:14:26Only then can you truly love me.
01:14:31And I you.
01:14:38Come to me.
01:14:49So we're back to that again, are we?
01:14:51I won't fight you, Roger.
01:14:55Just do it quickly.
01:14:58Don't make me suffer.
01:15:06I knew you couldn't do it.
01:15:12It's better this way.
01:15:14It's better this way.
01:15:20Now we can have each other.
01:15:23Completely belong to one another.
01:15:30I love you, Roger.
01:15:33I love you.
01:15:43I love you.
01:16:13I love you.
01:16:33I love you.
01:16:43I love you.
01:17:13I love you.
01:17:14I love you.
01:17:15I love you.
01:17:16I love you.
01:17:17I love you.
01:17:18I love you.
01:17:19I love you.
01:17:20I love you.
01:17:21I love you.
01:17:22I love you.
01:17:23I love you.
01:17:24I love you.
01:17:25I love you.
01:17:26I love you.
01:17:27I love you.
01:17:28I love you.
01:17:29I love you.
01:17:30I love you.
01:17:31I love you.
01:17:32I love you.
01:17:33I love you.
01:17:34I love you.
01:17:35I love you.
01:17:36I love you.
01:17:37I love you.
01:17:38I love you.
01:17:39I love you.
01:17:40I love you.
01:17:41I love you.
01:17:42I love you.
01:17:43I love you.
01:17:44I love you.
01:17:45I love you.
01:17:46I love you.
01:17:47I love you.
01:17:48I love you.
01:17:49I love you.
01:17:50I love you.
01:17:51I love you.
01:17:52I love you.
01:17:53I love you.
01:17:54I love you.
01:17:55I love you.
01:17:56I love you.
01:17:57I love you.
01:17:58I love you.
01:17:59I love you.
01:18:00I love you.
01:18:01I love you.
01:18:02I love you.
01:18:03I love you.
01:18:04I love you.
01:18:05I love you.
01:18:06I love you.
01:18:07I love you.
01:18:08I love you.
01:18:09I love you.
01:18:10I love you.