Married At First Sight NZ

  • yesterday
Married At First Sight NZ


00:00Previously, ten brave singles, signed up to do something extraordinary, and married a
00:18complete stranger.
00:30Throughout their whirlwind journeys, there have been moments of joy, and lots of laughter.
00:47Alongside some heartbreaking revelations.
01:05That proved too much for some.
01:15And left Steph and Piripi, more divided than ever.
01:24Just three couples made it to homestays.
01:30Where meeting their partners nearest and dearest, sparked new romance for some.
01:42And left others with more questions, than answers.
02:00Tonight, the remaining couples, will make a
02:12life-changing decision, whether to recommit, or end their marriage forever.
02:34At the pointy end of this experiment, is the moment when our couple separate, and decide
02:40whether or not, they want to renew their vows, with their partner.
02:45Our couples are now back in their hometowns, back to somewhat normal life.
02:50Reflecting on this crazy experiment, and all that it has been like for them.
02:55The highs, the lows, the fights.
02:58It is really a key part of the whole process, where all of our individuals must think seriously,
03:07about whether they want to take this partnership, into the real world.
03:21Mike is a kind, caring guy.
03:25I think he really wants to help people, and do good in this world.
03:32On the other hand, there's a disconnect there, because I don't have the trust.
03:38Mike tried to push his business, into being part of this experiment.
03:43With the company, and you wanting to negotiate your products into the show, I'm like not
03:49exactly confident that you're here for like a wife.
03:55Why would you do that, if you're coming here to find love?
03:58It's just always sat in the back of my mind, and I've really found it hard to push past
04:03that trust barrier there.
04:06I don't feel a strong sexual urge towards her either.
04:11You're not attracted to me, tell me to my face, instead of saying it to the boys behind
04:15my back.
04:17After meeting Mike's sister, I've come to a realisation that maybe I haven't asked him
04:23all the right questions, for him to let his guard down.
04:26Are you genuinely curious about how he was growing up?
04:31More time would allow us to unpack what's underneath the layers, so I have a bit of
04:37reflecting to do.
04:45This journey's been something that I could never have imagined, it really has been so
04:48intense, it's been a lot more emotional than I thought it would have been.
04:53There was a lot of confusion throughout our relationship.
04:57From day one there has been lack of trust in me, and that's what's really been frustrating
05:02for me, because I am one of the most authentic and open and truthful people that anyone will
05:07ever meet.
05:09I think it's just something that potentially Kara's been dealing with, is mistrust in men
05:14or mistrust in people, and that just got projected on.
05:18I don't know what you're creating here, like what is this?
05:21What is this Mike?
05:22That is my problem.
05:24I've been as real as I can.
05:28I've definitely shown I was here for the right reasons, I went all in.
05:32It's been such a whirlwind, and I don't think I've had a chance to stop and breathe and
05:37integrate what's gone on so far.
05:42Kara's a beautiful woman.
05:44She's very attractive, she looks after herself.
05:49I really respect her and the courage that she did to step into this experiment with me.
05:54Regardless of if we choose to stay together outside of this or not, the growth in each
05:59other is huge.
06:01What decision am I going to make?
06:02What am I going to write in my vows?
06:05It's just going to be a lot of thinking, a lot of breath work, a lot of meditation, and
06:09really decide what it is that I want to do from here.
06:20I wrote leave at the commitment ceremony, but now I've seen pity with his family, and
06:26I can tell that he is a good dad, and it is a great family to bring children into.
06:32You raised a goody?
06:36Is that enough for me to change my mind?
06:41I just feel like very dominant in his company, and I need someone that I can soften with
06:46so that they can see that I'm just human too.
06:49Oh, that's so cute!
06:51If I gave pity more time, I think that he would grow into himself, he would get that
06:55confidence that he needs to take the lead.
06:57Thank you for cooking for me.
06:59That's okay.
07:00And he would be able to give me a little bit more stability and security in our future
07:07But it's how much time, and do I have that time, and I'm also going to grow within that
07:12time, so are we going to eventually get to the same place?
07:15In the back of my mind, I'm thinking, am I just being too hard?
07:20Maybe I am.
07:29Steph's idea about her partner is that she wants them a bit more accomplished.
07:32Because I keep telling pity, I need him to take the lead, and I need him to do this and
07:38My idea is that you're never done growing.
07:41Is there anything that's missing from her side for you?
07:45I guess understanding, you know, I'm not the finished product.
07:49Everyone knows that I'm optimistic.
07:52I enjoy the challenges she gives me.
07:55Who doesn't want to be with someone who challenges them and makes them a better person?
08:00The only thing I'm worried about is I can't challenge her at the moment.
08:03I have my doubts, of course, there's always that guy in the back of here being like, you
08:06know, this isn't going to work.
08:08But I came in here hopefully to find my wife, and I think that she makes me better.
08:24I want this to work with Sam.
08:27She's an amazing person.
08:29I'd be stupid not to see where it can go.
08:32Being on different islands, that's the biggest elephant in the room at the moment.
08:39If you want to make this work, you're going to have to move.
08:43But it's something that I'm really willing to work through.
08:47The whole clan.
08:48Hey, buddy.
08:49Nice to meet you.
08:50After meeting the family, I feel a lot more relaxed about what it would look like in the
08:55outside world.
08:56I'm quietly confident, but in the past I've been confident about things and they've fell
09:02So, yeah, I'm just trying to keep myself grounded.
09:10I am really falling for James.
09:13I mean, who doesn't want someone that just seems to absolutely adore them?
09:19He makes me feel so accepted for being me and everything that I come with.
09:26In the experiment, we were living together in our apartment in Auckland and it was great.
09:30We were able to just fully submerge ourselves together.
09:39But coming out of this bubble and realising you are islands apart, and then obviously
09:46I have the massive commitment of my child.
09:49He will always be my number one priority.
09:52But then a relationship and a long distance relationship also needs a lot of attention
09:58and commitment.
10:00It's a little overwhelming.
10:21I'm feeling a little nervous, actually.
10:24It kind of feels like the wedding day, really.
10:30Kara is a wonderful person.
10:33The very first moment I saw her when she came on her wedding day, she looked beautiful,
10:37tall, big blue eyes.
10:40She had a nice smile.
10:41I just grabbed her hands and said, are you ready for this?
10:43And she said, yeah, like, let's go.
10:46She's got a lot of courage.
10:53If you came through this process and you didn't take things away to be better in a relationship,
10:57then you've kind of missed the boat.
11:00There's definitely going to be change in my life from this.
11:08There's not one time where she and I turn away from things that needed to be faced.
11:14To still be standing here, I think it's a pretty powerful statement.
11:30We've been on a journey.
11:33And it's been an absolute roller coaster ride of emotions.
11:38I have learned a lot of lessons about myself.
11:41I have faced emotions I haven't wanted to face.
11:45But it's given me a lot of clarity in who I am.
11:50Mike is a kind guy.
11:52He clearly cares deeply for the people close to him.
11:56I'm just going to speak my truth and tell them how I feel
12:00and what this journey has looked like for me.
12:04I'm just ready to do this.
12:13She's obviously going to have some things to say.
12:15I've got some things to say.
12:16And we'll just see what happens from there.
12:19How are you darling?
12:21How are you?
12:22You look beautiful.
12:24You look great.
12:26It's reminding me of day one.
12:29Here we go.
12:30Including the weather.
12:31I know.
12:32I thought the same thing when I woke up this morning.
12:33I was like, oh well.
12:34Start and finish how we go.
12:36Maybe an omen.
12:44Mike, what a journey we have been on.
12:48I think back to the wedding day and the sense of calm I felt going into meeting you.
12:53Whilst you weren't my usual type, I knew you had kind eyes, a warm smile
12:58and I was pleasantly surprised you could throw me around.
13:02You had a way with words and I truly felt like I was in safe hands.
13:08As we kicked off our honeymoon, it was fun to unravel all of our similarities.
13:13We had a lot of laughs and some fun dates.
13:16But I quickly found myself losing my voice and your main character energy.
13:20I love that you are unapologetically yourself and express who you are and what you wear.
13:26But when I vowed to keep an open mind, I can't say that I imagined
13:30fur coats, jegging and sparkling sunnies would come out of your wardrobe.
13:35Early in the process, I questioned your reasons for joining this experiment.
13:41And that has always weighed heavy in the back of my mind.
13:47Kicking things off with a lack of trust, only magnified by the fact
13:51that you are a woman, not a man.
13:54You are a woman.
13:56You are a woman.
13:58You are a woman.
14:00You are a woman.
14:02You are a woman.
14:03Lack of trust only magnified other discrepancies throughout this journey for me.
14:14There were times I was made to feel like I was the problem.
14:20And unable to meet you at a level I now realise doesn't exist.
14:24I am disappointed in myself for forgetting my value and how much I bring to the table.
14:33Whilst I admit my lack of trust has hindered my desire
14:37to get to know what is underneath your surface,
14:40I am not sorry that I trusted my gut.
14:43Because when you feel something is wrong, it usually is.
14:48I also believe that we are all made to feel that way.
14:52I also believe that what you present to the cameras
14:55is not always a true reflection of how you feel
14:58and what is going on behind closed doors.
15:04I came into this so willing to compromise for love.
15:07But the compromise here is far too high for this to ever work.
15:15I can hold my head up high knowing I have worn my heart on my sleeve.
15:19I have been honest, I have been raw and I have been real.
15:26I'd like to thank you for the lessons learned.
15:29I wish you nothing but the best in this wonderful journey that is life.
15:36It just won't be with me by your side.
15:43Beautiful words.
15:47What Kara said today is nothing new to things we brought to the couch.
15:51Very truthful.
15:55Her just standing there, unapologetically her and speaking from the heart,
15:58it's all I've ever wanted from the beginning.
16:02If Kara and I stepped out of this together, it would look different.
16:05You know, there'd be a lot less intensity.
16:11I'm feeling confident about standing here and reading my words
16:14regardless of Kara's vows.
16:17Kara, what a winding journey that had so much going on.
16:23We made it right here though and that speaks volumes.
16:29Where do I start?
16:44Two people stepping into this experiment
16:47that takes copious amounts of courage to do what we did
16:50and that will forever be the truth.
16:53We have plenty of similarities but we just see the world in a different way.
16:58It doesn't make either of us right or wrong,
17:01it just makes us beautifully unique.
17:04We had some life memory events happen.
17:07We rode horses on white sand beaches.
17:10We drove a boat.
17:12We went to the beaches.
17:14We drove a beautiful little moat car around the island on a bright sunny day
17:17feeling very free.
17:20It's easy to get hooked on the lows because they felt so intense
17:23especially in the conditions we were in and we did it together.
17:27The challenges we faced we didn't shy away from
17:30nor did we dip out and that's character building right there.
17:38It's unfortunate we didn't find what we came here looking for.
17:41I know we were both hoping for the same outcome but it just didn't happen.
17:50I won't be taking the relationship past this point.
17:53You just aren't my person.
17:59You have shown me a lot about myself and I truly thank you for that.
18:02Your fun, your play and your friendliness.
18:06But I'm heading back home to the land of other positive humans
18:10who are wanting the best for the world and for themselves.
18:14I wish you the best for your life and hope you have a partner
18:17you are wanting someday soon.
18:22F***ing hell it doesn't even waft away honestly.
18:25You spoke from the soul.
18:30The only thing he really had to say was hinting that I was negative
18:34which made me giggle a little bit
18:37and sometimes I can be a pessimist and a little bit negative.
18:44It just goes to show that he lives in a land that is all fairy tales and rainbows
18:49and I was there to face the rain.
18:52Throw him in the air, get out of here.
19:05Throughout this I really put my heart on the line and showed how I felt
19:09and I just don't think I ever got the same.
19:18I'm feeling like there's some closure there.
19:22We both left on amicable terms, we both shared truthfully.
19:27That's the story of our relationship.
19:31She thinks that I was showing up to the camera as different
19:34I mean that's her prerogative to think that but I know who I am
19:37I know my authenticity, I know I show up the same wherever I am
19:40whatever I'm doing and whatever I'm saying so water off a duck's back really.
19:45I'm walking out of this with my head held high
19:48my shoulders back, big smile on my face full of gratitude
19:51there's no bad blood there.
19:57I'm leaving confident in who I am
20:00and happy that I gave this my best shot.
20:04Now that it's over I'm like hell yeah let me go find my man.
20:07Slide on into my DMs if you're above 6 foot, I said 6 foot 2
20:11like ideally 6 foot 4 and above.
20:31Final vows time.
20:33I feel pretty grounded at the moment.
20:36This experiment has been loose.
20:39There was some highs, there was some lows.
20:42There was me crying a lot.
20:44I didn't expect a lot of it.
20:46It has been a journey.
20:48She's a cash for sure.
20:51She calls herself a drill sergeant all the time but she's super kind and lovable.
20:56I think that once her walls come down
20:59she would really create a real genuine bond and loving space.
21:05Thinking back on the journey
21:07like meeting Steph for the first time was a surreal experience.
21:11Getting married to a stranger is like incredible.
21:14We butted heads quite a few times
21:17and we got better every time.
21:20I'm quite playful so I can seem that I'm just here to have fun.
21:25I needed to show her that I was here for serious reasons.
21:28I'm here to find love.
21:30I had to prove to her that I could trust her
21:32and she can trust me.
21:34She created a space where I did feel like I could do that.
21:38Opening up about my past has been real hard.
21:42And looking back
21:45I don't think I would have done that with anyone else but her.
21:50So I'm real lucky to have Steph as my partner during this experiment.
22:00Pitavi is a beautiful man.
22:03He is such a kind and caring person.
22:08That isn't actually as common as you would think.
22:12It's not what you would expect in this world.
22:15I'd struggle to find anyone that doesn't enjoy being in his company.
22:20I miss him when I'm not with him.
22:23But on the other hand
22:25I just am not sure we're at the same stage of our lives.
22:32This is such a hard experiment
22:34because you go into it and you really zoom in
22:36and you pick each other apart.
22:42It's been very tough on her to hold a mirror up.
22:48For a long way through the experiment
22:50I was sitting on the fence.
22:54But once I make my mind up
22:56I really make my mind up.
23:03I feel like
23:05Mitre Citizen is the right one.
23:12Where do we go?
23:21How are you?
23:22This all looks very familiar.
23:23It does, yeah.
23:24Seeing you like this.
23:27I'm ready to see her talk
23:29to reflect on our experience
23:31and see where we're at.
23:35Pitavi, what an experience.
23:39I think embarking on this journey
23:41I don't think either of us knew what to expect.
23:45A laid back, kind man
23:48and a strong, independent woman.
23:51A match made in heaven.
24:00The first few days we bonded over our similarities
24:03our struggles and our hopes
24:05and I can genuinely say you always tried to put me first
24:08which is something I have never really felt.
24:13You are such a soft soul
24:15determined to better yourself.
24:18I can see that you love strongly
24:20and sincerely
24:22and now meeting your family
24:24I can see why.
24:31This whole thing's made me emotional.
24:33Man, it's Jesus.
24:35The nice parts are out of the way now.
24:38I quickly felt like
24:40I was falling into
24:42a dominant role of our relationship.
24:45And on our honeymoon
24:47after learning you applied for FBoy Ireland
24:52I began to question
24:54if you were really here for a marriage.
25:02Bit of a low blow.
25:05We've talked about it
25:07and I thought we worked past that.
25:12Throughout this experience
25:14I have struggled to see a space
25:16in this relationship that allows me to soften.
25:18That allows me to put down
25:20the worries of the world
25:22and be cared for innately.
25:26A relationship to me is about meeting halfway.
25:29It's about compromise
25:31and figuring out how each other tick
25:33so that we can tick better together.
25:37I just don't
25:39think I feel that with you.
25:45After the last commitment ceremony
25:47where I wrote leave
25:49I stuck around for you.
25:53I expected you to check in with me
25:55or at least try to take the lead
25:58but you didn't.
26:02John said on the couch
26:04you need to take the lead
26:06I didn't hear from you.
26:09You didn't say are you OK
26:11that you wrote leave
26:13and now you've got to stay in the experiment
26:15now you're going to meet my mum.
26:18Have you fought for me?
26:22Where's the fire?
26:36I love you as a person
26:42but you are not my person.
26:50Coming into this
26:52you've got to expect
26:54you might not come out of here
26:56with a partner
26:58but I've hit some of the marks
27:00she's set
27:02as just being that person
27:04to lead and challenge you
27:06at the moment
27:08I'm just not that guy right now.
27:12I don't think I would have been able
27:14to live up to any of her expectations
27:16but I tried.
27:20Do you think anyone will ever be able
27:22to hit her marks?
27:24The guy might be out there
27:26but maybe she won't hit his marks
27:28so who knows.
27:34I should probably say mine.
27:40Dear Steph
27:42I wanted to start
27:44by listing the things I love about you
27:46I love that you are passionate
27:48I love that you are driven
27:50I love that you are kind
27:52I love your sense of humour
27:54even the dark side
27:56I love that you push me
27:58to be a better person
28:00and think more in depth
28:02I love that you don't take any crap
28:04throughout this experience
28:06you have done so much for me
28:08you encouraged me to open up
28:10and I was able to show you my good and bad sides
28:16you showed me how to be a better person
28:18and a better partner
28:20and I thank you for that
28:24you once said to me that I had the potential
28:26to be a good partner
28:28and I truly appreciate that
28:31but potential means that
28:33I'm not the right person for you right now
28:39I can honestly say that throughout this experience
28:41I've tried my best to be
28:43able to
28:47each other's
29:01spending time apart made me realise
29:03that maybe love isn't supposed to be like that
29:07I don't want to
29:09be with someone who doesn't consider me their equal
29:11or makes me feel like it
29:15I don't think anyone does
29:19I'll keep trying to be a better version of myself
29:21but for me and my
29:23my kids
29:27so Steph, I want to thank you
29:29I don't think I would have made the leaps forward
29:31that I have without you
29:33and finally, I want you to know that
29:35wherever life takes you
29:37I'll be cheering you on always
29:39and be here for you as your first husband
29:43and friend
29:45and not on, but
29:47I know that you'll make an amazing lover one day
29:49and you are very lovable
29:51thank you
29:53I feel a weight lifted off my shoulders
29:55that we've both mutually agreed
29:57that we
29:59have respect for each other
30:01but we don't want to be together
30:05I 100% gave it a go
30:07with Paddy
30:09I was so open to
30:11every part of it
30:17I feel like I've done everything that I can
30:21It's definitely a hard thing to hear
30:23that he thinks that I don't consider him my equal
30:27but I can't take his truth from him
30:29if that's how he feels, then I respect that
30:33I couldn't give you the experience you wanted
30:35but I'm just going to take the positives out of it
30:37and yeah, I'm really glad I met you
30:41I think your bond grows stronger when you grow together
30:43when you're both trying to build something beautiful
30:47she thinks she's just way ahead of that for me
30:49so hey, all good
30:51no worries, that's you
30:53and I'll just keep on doing me
30:55I feel like this is where I leave
31:07I'm going to spend a lot of time with my kids
31:09spend time with my family
31:11might even try dating again
31:13it's been ages, so I think I need some practice
31:19I've always said coming into this that
31:21if I didn't give it my all
31:23I would probably cringe over a few things
31:25and there's probably a few one-liners
31:27that I will regret
31:29but overall
31:31no, I wouldn't change any of it
31:37meeting her has encouraged me
31:39to have more of a honed in vision
31:41of what you want to do
31:43have more purpose towards that
31:45and towards that goal
31:49I think I'm learning to be a bit more kind to myself
31:51and to my younger self as well
32:07the experiment has been
32:09very intense
32:11and a huge learning curve
32:15it's been very full on, but very worthwhile
32:17for so long I shut myself off
32:19from the world
32:21and didn't want to display feelings
32:23meeting Sam I can trust
32:25that I can open up to someone again
32:27I've never developed
32:29a connection like this so quickly
32:31with anyone before
32:37the biggest challenge is just trying to stay
32:39as close as we have been throughout this experiment
32:41but living on separate islands
32:43I haven't said I love you yet
32:47we've had a bit of a discussion
32:49about where our feelings are
32:51and we're both on the same page
32:53and that we're falling hard for each other
33:03feeling very
33:05excited to see her
33:07but also a bit nervous about
33:09what's to come
33:13I love you
33:23I was so nervous the day I met James
33:25to see who it was that I was going to be
33:27matched with for this experiment
33:31and my vows themselves weren't necessarily
33:33something I was nervous about
33:35because I was reading
33:37these words to a stranger
33:39whereas now these vows are about him
33:41they're about someone
33:43that I really care for
33:47I'm a little nervous to say them
33:55I came into this wanting a partner
33:57I wanted a best friend, I wanted someone to share my life with
34:01I wanted someone that I could
34:03cuddle into at the end of the night
34:05and just feel safe in their arms
34:07and I just feel like all of those things
34:09I get from him
34:15but coming out into the real world
34:17and out of this fairy tale
34:19everything kind of came on top of me
34:21the fact that I'm a parent
34:23and the fact that we're literally islands apart
34:27this is going to take a lot of effort
34:29to work if you want to make it work
34:33it's been very overwhelming
34:35trying to navigate all of that in my head
34:39it would be a huge blow
34:47and I don't know how I would react
34:49if she didn't want to
34:51go forward in the future
34:55I'm just trying to stay real
34:57and in the moment
35:09are you ok?
35:19I'm very confident
35:21with my decision
35:23that I have made today
35:25ready to do this?
35:27your eyes pop in that
35:35as I sit apart from you
35:37I'm nervous now
35:39at the start of this experiment
35:41nervous beyond words
35:43I was curious as I stared into the most beautiful blue eyes
35:45wondering what you would be like
35:47and if you're the person I'd been hoping for
35:49I was nervous to get vulnerable
35:51let my walls down
35:53and unsure whether you'd want me
35:55for all that I come with
35:57but not even 12 hours later
35:59I knew you were someone special
36:01from the second I heard that accent of yours
36:03I felt comforted and at ease
36:05and when I realised that your help was embarrassing
36:07or that made me high maintenance
36:09you reassured me and made me feel so adored
36:11and cared for
36:13when I've cried
36:15you've been there to wipe my tears away
36:17when I'm worried or sad
36:19you haven't shied away from those tough conversations
36:21and every second of every day
36:23you've made me laugh
36:25I will never be able to truly tell you
36:27how proud I am of you
36:29for opening up and sharing the deepest parts of yourself with me
36:31showing us all that men
36:34being open and honest isn't a weakness
36:36but an incredible strength
36:42there has been a big weight on our shoulders
36:44since day one
36:46you live in Christchurch and I live in Auckland
36:50you've said you'd move for me
36:52but is that fair for me to ask
36:58I thought of taking you away from your hometown
37:00has been heavy guilt dragging me down
37:04I'd be asking him to move away
37:06from all his lovely friends I've just met
37:12I would be
37:14putting a massive toll on myself
37:16trying to make a long distance
37:18relationship work
37:22and then there's the fact that I'm a mother
37:26are you really ready to take on
37:28all that comes with dating a woman with a child
37:30am I able to make
37:32this massive commitment
37:36is this fair on me
37:38is this fair on my son
37:54there has been a big weight on our shoulders
37:56since day one
37:58you live in Christchurch and I live in Auckland
38:02I don't want you to end up resenting me
38:04for making you move
38:08and then there's the fact that I'm a mother
38:10are you really ready to take on
38:12all that comes with dating a woman with a child
38:20you keep telling me it will be okay
38:22to take each day as it comes
38:32and that's exactly
38:34what I want to do
38:36see where this could take us
38:38because being around you makes me feel safe
38:42and makes me feel so cared for
38:44and I couldn't imagine being on this journey with anyone else
38:50the more time I spend with you
38:52the more I find myself falling for you
38:54and I want to be there every day
38:56reminding you how beautiful you are
38:58so I'll be keeping this ring
39:00and thank goodness for that
39:02because we all know how hard it was to get it on
39:24I'm feeling a lot more relaxed after she's read her vows
39:26and I think this is a really good chance
39:28for me just to be open and honest with her again
39:30and I think I just need to lay it all out there
39:38I came into this experiment with a lot of fears
39:40but ultimately my sole purpose
39:42was to find my person
39:46I didn't know what to expect
39:48and what sort of stranger I was going to marry
39:50yet here we are standing side by side
39:52after such an unusual journey
39:54the moment I saw you walking down the aisle
39:56is one I'll never forget
40:00your beautiful eyes and stunning smile
40:02made me feel at ease straight away
40:06from that moment on
40:08our marriage went from strength to strength
40:10we had an amazing honeymoon
40:12and I was extremely proud of you
40:14for conquering your fear of the ocean
40:16so thank you for trusting me to help you through that
40:18I didn't expect to meet someone
40:20as genuine and caring as you
40:24I can be vulnerable
40:26and open with you
40:28and no longer afraid to share my feelings with someone
40:32there is one problem that stands in our way
40:34of our happily ever after
40:38and that's distance
40:42the realisation we will both be on different islands
40:44is tough
40:48I've done long distance before
40:50and it didn't end well
40:52it was one of the hardest things I've had to do
40:58yes I will move for you
41:02but not straight away
41:04and I worry that the time in between will be challenging
41:10that said
41:12every moment with you feels special
41:14you make me laugh
41:16you make me smile
41:18and you accept me for who I am
41:22there's no way I'm going to give all that up
41:26you truly are an amazing
41:28strong and independent woman
41:30and a truly wonderful mum
41:32I will give us my all
41:34because I want to make this work in the outside world
41:36I want to continue making memories
41:38with you
41:40I want to build a life together
41:42with you and your son
41:48I love you
41:52and I can't wait
41:54to build a life
41:56with the girl in my dreams
41:58I love you
42:10it's taken a long time
42:12for me to love myself
42:14and a lot of things
42:16I've had to work on to get to that point
42:18and then to hear
42:20someone else tell you
42:22that they love you
42:24it's the best feeling
42:26I really prayed
42:28coming into this
42:30whole experiment
42:32that I was going to find
42:34my person
42:36it's quite scary
42:38to say I love you to someone
42:40because you're fully
42:42opening yourself up to them
42:44to hear her say it back
42:46kind of reassures me
42:48that we're on the same page
42:54on to the next chapter eh?
42:56outside world
43:02I think that both of us
43:04are really wanting to give this
43:06a really good go
43:08and so long as we can both prioritise
43:10our relationship
43:12then yeah I think
43:14anything's possible
43:18so happy to be walking out
43:20with Sam, I couldn't imagine doing this
43:22with anyone else
43:24I feel so good in myself
43:26there's no weight on my shoulders
43:28anymore, I feel like I can go
43:30and enjoy life and I've got
43:32someone to enjoy it with
43:42next time
43:44you have an opportunity
43:46to get any last thoughts
43:48out on the table
43:50the couples face the experts
43:52I don't want to go there
43:54one final time
43:56are you moving in?
44:00secrets are exposed
44:02you were saying stuff
44:04behind her back
44:06it was just school yard bullshit
44:08in an explosive
44:10you know like getting things ready for you
44:12like reading emails properly
44:14and I did not expect her to kick off
44:16holy s***
44:20I actually have a present for you
44:22we had a chat about this
44:24we had a disagreement about this
44:26reunion special
44:28do you still have strong feelings for Steph?
